The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 12, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    . . . . ;
t iv , )
. . if
re Tendered Mammoth Re-
option .by Citizens of
; v 'Klamath Country. '
(Bneclal Dtipatch to, Tbs : JtarosL) '
. Klamath Falls, Ou Sept. Xi The
excursion from Sacramento Immediately
following the Irrigation corisress,' ar
rived In Klamath Fall Ust Monday.
Their were a day late on acoount of a
mail wrecK on tne tor a out in aeiay
f av them an opportunity to take In the
rip to the Klamath hot springs, where
they spent the night The excursion la
not large but mnkfts tin In quality what
It lacka In quantity.
Part of the Klamath delegation to the
Irrigation congreaa accompanied the
party and they are still talking in wnls
pera aa they used ' their volcea stren
uously "boosting" Klamath during the
congress. The people of the county
nave greeted me excursionists ana ineir
own delegation very : enthusiastically,
and tbey appreciate the good work done
at Sacramento and wish the Impression
to last In the case of those who have
come up to see and prove. -
tesosy tne excursionists were ariven
uxh the valley to the town of Mer-
11L and were entertained at the Henley
. ranch by J. IX Carroll. Wednesday they
were the guests of D. W. Murphy, proj
ect engineer ox the Kiaiaatn project,
and were shown over the government
works. Today they have been tendered
a trip on tne upper Kivmatn taae. -The
people of the county feel very
?roud of the trophies' brought home by
he delegates, and only wish they had
maae a larger a ispiay. .'
(Continued from Page One.)
here encouraging me to put htm where
ha belongs, which 1 purpose doing.
I have manv of vou know, been
auoeeaafiil in hualneai hary-JflUidll
afford to owe this man a dollar? To,
. : show further the depth of his depravity,
he caused to be .typewritten many cop
i leg of my commitment and sent them
to our friends in this city and else
" where, not neglecting my own folks in
' toe old country. ' Can you think of any-
thing more mallctouaT
. In conclusion I would state I am not
. the only one he has threatened to ex
' pose for soma real or fancied event In
. . the Uvea of the recioient of. these let
ters, for the district attorney has in his I
possession, others. I am through nowf
wun interviews. li results aeiermine.
Friends, you will never know the
' amount of nerve, courage call It what
. you mar that made me prosecute tnls
, man, wno lor years nas Deen a mans
' nant cancer eatlnsr out our Uvea. Now
that I have laid bare the one stain on
nname, and with the frlenda I hope
ave, I shall continue to again live
. down tms Dlot. with the help and con
' fctant companlonahip of one who la the
, peer 01 any woman, i snow i win.
A Bold Step.
, To overcome the irell-grounded ' and
reasonable objections of tho more InW
Ugent to the use of secret, medicinal torn
Kands, Dr.. B. Y. Pierce, of Buffalo, K
,some time ago, decided to make a boK.
departure from the usual course pursuot
by the makers of put-up medicines for do
nestle use, an,so has published broad
east and openrf to the whole world, a tvlh
and eomptete list of all the Ingredient?
entering inWthe epmpocttlon of his wldelr
celebrated fcjwiiGMSes, Thus he has Uke'
his numerous mtrans and patients Jnt-
hli f ullOnMe nee. ,. Thus too lie has r
movedAlamedicices from among secrc
noatrmrof doubtful merits, and marir
thevaLfiemedici of Known Composttivn.
Vr thlaJjoldJleaDr. vrt hag shor.
tnat Bji iy nt't airaia, guoioct tnem K,
Not only does the wrapper of every bottle
or vr. fierce's uoiaon tieaicai uiacovery. the
smous medicine for weak stomach, torpid i
iver orbllioiuneas and ail catarrhal diseases I
woerever locateo, nave pnnteo upon it, m
plain Enolith, a full and complete list of all
the Ingredients comDoslng It. but a small I
book has been compiled ' from nuraeroi(
standard medical work, of all the different
schools of practice, containing very numer
ous extracts from tho writings of leading
practitioner ormeaieine. enaorsing n tut
Mnmgt$i pomkcis urmt, eacn ana every mgre
dlent contained In Dr. Pierce's medicines
One of these little books wUl be mailed free
to any one sending address on postal card ot
by letter, to Dt, K. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. V..
and requesting; the same, From this little
book It will be learned that Dr. Pierce's med
icines coo tain no alcohol, narcotics, mineral !
agents or other poisonous ex Injurious ageatt
and that they are mads from native, medici
nal roots of great valuei also that some of
Kis moss valuable ingredients contained m
r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for weak,
nervous, over-worked, "run-down. nervous
and debilitated women, were employed, long
years ago, by the Indians for similar ailments
affecting their sauswa In fact, one of tba
most valuable medicinal plants entering lnte
tba composition of vr. fierce' jravonte pre
scription wss known to the Indians a
Squaw-Weed." Our knowledge of the use
Of not a few of our most valuable native, me
dicinal plants wss gained from the Indians
a made no br improved and exact xro
cesses, the aFsorlt Prescription " Is a most
efficient remecy for regulating all the wom
anly functions, correcting aispiacementa, a
prolapsus, an teversion and retorverstor
overcoming painful period, toning np tl
nerves and bringing shoot a serfect state
Jtfch 4Wa.!J!!Ldeeler . J
Pbjrsiclan Ontllncs Defense In Extor
tion Case ad Grows Sarcastic.
(United Preaa Leased Wirs.)
Los Angeles, Cal.. Bept 12. J. Whyte
Evans, against whom a suit has been
filed in the superior court on behalf of
five Los Angeles newspapers to recover
11,169 due for advertising furnished
' two years ago, has left his customary
hotels In Los Angeles and Ocean Park
?nd a process-server haa been . unable
o either find nlm or learn what has
i J become of the financier. Upon prefer-
j ring criminal marges sgainat jur. o. j.
Owens, the former president of the
.' United Railways of Portland announced
tnat ne would remain in ixs Angeles
,1 until the case had been disposed of.
The process-server believes Evans is
now speeding toward Portland.
The criminal prosecution of Owens
by Evans, which is based upon alleged
extortionate letters, Is snswered by
, Owens with a bale of epistles.
- A telegram from Evans to Owens
. reada:
"Thank Ood. Letter received. May
you live a thousand years."
' The doctor had been 111, but was re
covering. The letters which the doctor will offer
. In evidence to refute Evans' charges
' that he tthe doctor) had held over him
threats to expose the Dromoter's San
'Quentln record should money not be
forthcoming extend over a period of
, several years.. Some were written from
St Louis In 1902 and 180J, where and
at which time Evans was president of
' the Bonlta Water company. The doctor
- was then In Chicago. Later ones were
: directed from Ocean Park, and the last
uof the considerable number which
Owens will use in his defense was sent
jAta from Portland. Oregon. A St.
Louis letter saluting Dr. Owens as "My
. Dear Doc" and dealing with the affairs
. of the water company closes as fol
lows: "Doc, you purchase for yourself a
, nice dressing case as a Christmas pres
ent and charsre It to me." .
"I purchased the suitcase," says the
doctor, "but so far I am out for his
present' to me, as he has never handed
-, me tne price pr the article."
At the time Dr. , Owens was In Chi
eago, Mrs. Evans . (before that Mrs.
Owens) was also there, hence Evans
i wrote tnem rrom Bt.. jjouis:
, "I must quit writing, for the reason
that a charming; girl Is waiting on me
' .to take her, to. dinner.. Always your
menu, dim.
: In the early part of 1905 Evans was
- in ruinre, , uaiirornia. Absence evi
dently had ' made the henrta nt hnth
mmseir sna wire, Mrs. Minns Hance
" w." " - '" Bvn ftyuusr, iui U9 wrote
lnna joins me In love to vou. with
a i . m . , ...
-aote vi iuyo, dim.
About the date Evans received the
nrst letter now in evidence as material
for one of the extortion charges pre
ferred against the doctor, he wrote from
Portland an affectionate epistle, with
the. salutation, "My dear doc," and clos
ing witn, "Witn best wishes, yours sin
cerely, Jim," .
"These show," said the doctor, "how
ne loved ma w-no could resist suoh an
affectionate nature?"
E. Wt Moore Brought Baxk
to Los Angeles to An
swer Charge of Theft.
iJ, Whyte Evans . Says His Advertls
; log Bills Have 'Been Paid.
. Alleged dellnqtent,, advertising bills
. against Mr. Evans in Los Angeles are
' said by him to be misrepresentations,
and he asserts that he does not owe a
1 dollar to anybody Jn Lob Angeles, or
r-Ocenn ParK. The Ocean Park Even-
Ing?. Journal, the only paper In that
oitl ft printed a week ago an editorlalJ
in t fwnicn - strongly supported Mr.
' Evjis and exonerated him from blame
J inffhe Owens trouble. ' ,
'i owe no -man or company of men
.In Los Angeles a dollar,"-" said . M".
Evans today when shown the - Los
-' jtngeles dispatches. "If I do, and they
are now looking" for me to bring suft,
' why did they : not say the word while
' I was In Los Angeles: for two weeks.
'. Do vou suppose- that' with all the nul.
' llclty that wasTgiven my affairs there I
.. . uurins H" nicy cuuiu nut nave 4
xouna me iG sTve tneir papers r
1 '"When-I left Los' Angeles i for' Psrt-
' land I- left word at the Alexandria
hotel that anyone who wanted to see
me would find me at home In Portland.
-i1t Jmre aVe any delinquent advertising
s jwia, ana ao not, tnere are,
Xfhey are-against corporations of which
' not in any manner personal taT'tns.
Mr, ' Evans in conducting his Port-
j land business is . an extensive .adver
f . tlser, and among the newspapers here
his record for prompt payment is, good.
aTH : r. . . :..
The: last .Wisconsin legislature deel-.
" sitlon to decide by popular vote whether
. they will hive a state printing plant of
their own, snt the printers sre aotlve
, la behalf of the new slan. ; , ' . K-s-1 .
(PadHo Ooast Prtat Leased Wirt.)
Los Angelea Cel., Sept II. E. W.
Moore, a Jeweler salesman for a Los
Angeles firm, captured on" the Mexican
border after a long chase, was brought
to Los Angeles last night Moore Is
charged with stealing 10,000 worth of
diamonds ana jewelry rrom the com
pany. Part of the Jewelry, amounting
to t,vuv, was recovered.
(Special- Dlapatch to The Journal.)
Walla Walla, Wash., Sept 12. Con
siderable surprise was occasioned in do-I
litical circles late yesterday afternoon
wnen it was announced that warden i
Klncald of the state penitentiary had re
signed to become assistant sunerlntend.
ent or Jim Jtim s norm bans: road. war
den Klncald confirmed the rumor, say-
ids mai ne simpiy maae tne onange to
setter ms position imanciaiiv. nia ne
salary being 1800 per month. Mr. Kln
cald is an old railroad man, having
started as a wiper, then being promoted I
to fireman and later to engineer.
Klncald was appointed warden of the
penitentiary a year ago and has proven
one of the most efficient officials ever
at tne neaa ot tne institution. Numer
ous rerorms and improvements have
been effected during his administration.
uonsiaeraoiex . speculation is eelng in
dulged In as to who will be Klncald's
(Special Dispatch to Tba Journal.)
u u u Awvn, , eta..., otiuv. A - . 1U.
Black Diamond Shingle Mill company'
piant. wnicn was destroyed Dy tne nood
last November, is now rebuilt and com- I
pleted. The mill has been ready for
work for a week or more, but on ao
count of considerable difficulty In ob
taining filers and knot-sawera, did not
commence operations until yesterday. I
About 1.100 cords of bolta are now In
the boom at this place and a drive of cords rrom tne xouue river is ex
pected about October 20. The capacity
of the mill is from SO.000 to 66,000
per day. it employs 13 men. and the.
monthly payroll Is a little better than
$1,000. 7 Every equipment and appliance
in and about the plant Is new and up-to-date
and the buildings are illuminated
by electricity, rurntshed by the com
pany's own electric plant which Is run
in connection wltn tne mill. ,
(Specter Dispatch to The JsarsaL)
Castle 'Rock, Wash., Sept 12. The
works of the St Helens. Oregon, Mill &
Power company at Spirit Lake Is being
rapidly pushed forward. A good part
of the ditchinr is done and th non
stock. Is completed. .The crews have
made a good showing for their three
months' hard work. -The
opposing forces, under the' leader
ship of Dr. R. W. Coe oMTbrtland. have
constructed a temporary dam above ,the4
Hi. Helens, Oregon, mui & rower com
pany's flume, and have shut off for the
time water supply. Tne latter
company -nas, however, secured the gov
eminent rights to the water' power of
the Spirit lane waters. Tne company's
sawmui is rapidly nearing completion.'
To Advertise Union, County.'
(Special Dl patch to Hi Journal.! '
T.a Grande. Or.. Sept. 18. The Grand
Ronde Boosters' ' club has Just Issued
a four-page illustrated newspaper de
scriptive of Union county. One of these
editions wia be handed to every person
visiting the exhibition hall from the
trains, i ne illustrations cover practi
cally every line of lndustry In the
county. In addition to the original 10,
000, over 4,000 additional copies have
been ' supscriDea Dy several individual
real' estate firms,, making in all 16,000
s , . Try well-made .
10 days, In place of coffee, and
. you'll know. "
i , . t 'i mmmm '
.! '"There's a Raori"
October Delineator 15c, ; La Vida; Nemo, Smart Set C. B. a la Spirite, M. Be Corsets
fern,; , -. wr-. . ; mih W
Extra Stecial--rriday Only-Lxtra Special
These Magnificent ; Ostrich Plumes
which are to be sold Friday at the uh
heard of low price of $3.19 are the most
remarkable values ever offered - by ithis
or any other Portland store. They were
ordered from a New York importer
eight months agojust before the sharp
advance in Ostrich Plumes to nearly
double former prices the, reason for
this extraordinary sale. Each plume is
of selected male stock, ranging from 15
to 19 inches long, with full head tips and
perfect throughout Every one of the
' new colors is represented, also black and
white. Regular $6.00 val- (ti
ues, for Friday Sale. . . . .TjkP J iX "
See Window Display.
One thousand Silk Petticoats
Regular $8.00 Value $4.87
Special for Friday Bargain Day we offer 1,000 Silk Petticoats,
made of a superb extra heavy taffeta silk, in black, navy, green,
champagne, red, light gray and changeable browns. Each gar
ment is made extra full, with a deep tucked flounce and ruffle with J
a fancy beading and a durable mercerized under ruffle to protect
the sillu In every way a
superb Petticoat, made
to sell regularly for $3.
For Friday
Sale, only P0 .
Mall and phone
order filled. None
tent on approval.
See window. , ; ,
Your attention r la .
invited to the su
perb . display of
New- Suits, New
Skirts, New
Waists. " New
' "CoeAev New Petti.
etc No
to show
75c Wool Waistings 25c
Only about 250 yards of these pretty wool Walatlnn.
food designs, very seasonable- now. Regular 75c values;
odd pieces to closed out Friday Bargain OKf
1 19 V IT ' ..........l..s...aa.aeeeeseseeeeeee ww w
50c Scarfs and Squares 25c
Hemstitched Scarfs and Squares, with fancy drawn work;
Squares 30x30 Inches; Scarfs 18x50 Inches. Very pretty
effects; regular 50c values, special for Friday
Bargain Day at CtOl
e . . . . . - ,.
35c Brocade Waistirtg 19C
These White Brocaded Waistings wOl be much' used for
fall and winter wear. Neat designs, soft .finish.-,; f Q
Regular 35c values, Friday sale ............... .....IsC,
35c Womens Black
Cotton "Onyx" Hos
iery 25c Pair
100 dozen pairsof the famout "Onyx" brand Women's
black cotton Stockings, the beat stocking of its kind in
America, and the best value at its regular price of 85c.
For Friday Sale we offer these 35c values
for the first time at
Four Thousand Yards
? 35c to 75c Vals.
17c per Yard
Friday only, while It lasts, we" offer
4,000 yards of Tuxedo Veiling, in
round and square mesh, all perfect
and new veiling, no old patterns.
Colors black, white, red, brown,
black and white, navy, gray, etc
Regular 35c to 75c values, 17
Fridayryard 1C
5-inch Taffeta Ribbon
Reg. 30c Vals. 17c Yd.
Friday' we offer 7,000 yards of 5-inch
Taffeta Ribbon, good heavy quality,
in all colors. Sold everywhere at 30c
a yard. Special for Friday Ys
Barsrain Da? at 1 1 C
Lmbr'dered Turnovers
Reg. 39c Values at 21c
Prettiest white embroidered Women's
Turnover Collars, in a variety of new
and desirable desiorns: resruiar JVC,
values, for Friday 21 C
Women's Handk'chicfs
Regular 20c Values 12c
100 dozen Women's Handkerchiefs in
the smart crossbar effects, hem
stitched and embroidered with all
initials; regular 20c 19'
values, at A&2C
50c Rubber Gloves 39c
$0c Rubber Olovee, for housework, sr-
den and asneral use, lQr
75c-$1.25 New Kid Belts at 50c
$1.25 "Huffy Ruffles" Belts 75c
New white, brown and black Kid Belts, with new back buckles;
75c, $1.00 and $1.25 values, all on sale at one K(li
low price sJUC
The very latest' "Fluffy Ruffles" Belts m tan, brown, green, If
white and black; $1.15 values, special tor VSs
Friday sale -..J...................... liJC
New Tailor made ' Leather -Belts, all new colors, brown, green,
tan and black; regular 75c and $1.00 values on Crt
Friday sale at ,i........v........ iWC
all eolors
11.00 I -at. roufttsin Srrtnae.
three hard rubber plpss
1-6L Hot Water Bottles, soft.
piiaoie ruooer, special
i-at FounUln Brrlnae. three
hard rubber pipes
Le Febre's Toilet Water. 4-os.
1 5c Cosmo Buttermilk Soap, ii.
I boxes (or ,m.j-
So Castile Soap, oake, only ....Set
Be Fairy Soap, cake, only.... ,34
.Violet. Witch Has. Turkish Bath and
Glycerins Boep, . (fir
Great Friday Bargain Sale ; of .
Bohemian Gold Glassware
Sample Line at Half Price ' v'
We sucured the sample line of genuine imported Bohe-,
mian Cold Glassware from one of the biggest importers,
in this country at a price that enables us to offer the
choicest sample designs at about half price.
Reg. $1.50 Stand Nappies Friday at. ...... ,78c"
Reg. $1.75 Stand Comports Friday at ,.78C
Reg. $2.00 Salted Almond Bowls for ... f ,.,..98c
Keg. $2.00 Candy Cdmports Friday at. . ... . .98c
Reg. $2.00 Handle Nappies Friday at . . .98c
Reg. $2.25 Nappies, colored and gold de
signs at j ....$1.23
Reg. $2.50 and $3.00 Relish Dishes at ... . .$1.48
Reg. $3.00 Bowls, with footing, for $1.48
Reg. $3.50 Comports, Friday Sale at . . . . . $1.78
Reg. $3.00 7-inch Comports, Friday Sale. . .$1.48
Reg. $3.50 Bowls, beautiful designs, at.... $1.98;
Reg. $6.00 Bowls, exquisite conceptions, at. $3.78
Reg. $7.50 Bowls, exquisite conceptions, at .$4.48
Reg. $6.00 Creamer and Sugar, Friday at: $3.48
Reg. $7.00 10-inch Nappies, Friday'at. .. . .$3.98
Reg. $17.50 Bowls, richest patterns, at. . . . .$9.78
Reg. $3.00 Sherbet Cup and Saucer for. , . . .$2.00 ,
Many other pretty pieces at prices that will certainly tempt you !
to lay them aside for gifts. ' ? v ' :
dosen cakes
$1.75-$2;00 Bags and Purses $1.00
$2.00-$2.25 Leather Bags $1.25
Special for Friday Bargain
Day we offer ISO new Car
riage, Vanity, Xangton and
back strap Ladies' Bags and
Purses,' in brown, green,' tan
and black; regular $1.75. and
$2.00 values on . . Cl AA
sale at t . . . . i , . . . . .U II
St Regis, Carriage, Fluffy
Ruffles and Vanity Bags,' in
brown, black and tan leather.
great variety -ot designs to
select from; " regular $2.00
and 22i vadues J 215
Vanity' Bags," fitted with puff
and mirror; regular $1X0 and
$1.25 vilttS7ttTtT?J"r
sale Friday, at . . . . . i . ..UOC
H e a d q iia r ter s i or
isa Bolro PerSniratlon Powder ...Its'
lOo Borated Talcum Powder, can...4e
J 5o Swansdown Face Powder, box..$
too and ISe French Tooth Brushes. 10e
Men's Underwear 73c
100 dozen Men's medium weight a-ray
merino Undershirts and - Drawers;
shirts are finished' with ribbed skirts
and silk fronts; drawers made with
extra staying and- self bands: 65 per
cent wool and a great
bargain at 4..... fvC
New Art Pillow Tops
Regular 39c, 50c Val. 29c
An entirely new line of Pillow Tops
for simple ' outlining or couching;
regular 39c values, ; 0Q
special at . . ; , ; . ,; .,. . . . : ewC
$1.00; $1.25 Hat Pins 68c
35ct 50c Hat Pins 23c
A special lot of the latest novelties
in jet, enameled and rolled gold Hat
Pins, some set with pretty . jewels,
Some plain,' all the best styles; worth'
regularly $1.00 and $1.25; ; CO
Friday sale .'. . . . -. . . . "Oy .
Sterling silver, Jet," enamel, stone Hat
i.sDsMei lfai JN haA assail sif -srlsatVs
iut aw v yivij fitsu ssfcjuvaa sass
food long ones that will hold the
at: well; regular 35c and ' 09,
50c, values 4ir.,ittOQ
New goods now on display' bt every
department, r New Dres Qooda, Newt
SQkv New MHUnery, New Coats and
Suits, New Gloves New Laces, etc
Ramsdell Inverted Gas Light
$1.75 Val. Complete $1.25
700 famous Ramsdell inverted Gas Lights. The best light
made; throws all the light down, white and brilliant; made
to sell for $1.75, but we offer the light complete ' Ai nr
for only , ....... OleaW
ar .
'' i?.;v'',.. IHtflf . j'
T .fiAf 'v.''r';i'"''.'i.'j,':
75c Lindsay Gas
1,000 complete 175-candle power
incandescent Gas Lights, com
plete with globe, mantel and
"Lindsay" burner." Every light
guaranteed. Regular 76c values,
It "J.. ..... 48c
20c, 25c
A special lot of 2,000 good man-
tels, will fit all lights. We reserve
the right to limit the number to
eacn customer at tne stan- n g
of. JLUC
ling low price
$1.25 Women's Underwear 05c
Special for Friday .'only, 20 dozen. Women's fine qu-.::ty
lxl r ribbed jnerino underwear, both, white and r -L
These goods are fully 75 per cent wool and are epkn i: "
'finished. Always sold for.$1.25; special fi
for Friday
1 1