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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1907)
thb'toWgom . .-'V. Fl. Jcud Agents for Dnttcrick Patterns,- Colombia YarosrOstcnndbr rJattrcs:cs. Pen-ins' Gloves Octobc? Dclirlcctor r.'ov on Sch ft W t 4 5000 Pairs WbWnV H i V- f 1- u f 4 J i y . : wr- ' IP II : . f ' V 1 I i 1 1 I S-4 r ' Late st P ashions T Portland's leading y Cloak and Suit Store ' 1 Offers, for tomorrow, the season's first great special tale of 'women V new fall tailored suits -78 of them, made up to our special -, orders by one of the best known maker in the landStyles and materials the very lat-T est that dame fashion demands These gar ments made up in medium and three-quarter length coats, semi-fitting and dpuble-breast-ed effectsAlso single-breasted, tight-fitting jackets in broadcloths and fancy striped mannish-materials 'Black, navy blue, gar net, purple, red stripes, green stripes, brown .stripes-tWcll made and finished throughout and a perfect fit guaranteed Tailored suits that will strongly appeal to women , who want the newest style garments at a price never before known on fashionable apparel of equal quality All sixes Only 75' of them Other stores call them ' $40 vals. Choice $ 19.45 rf--'1 ' See Fifth Street Window Display. ? MEIER. a FRANK'S 920th FRJDAY SURPRISE SOOSilfiPetticoatslacICoIors $9:00lMid $10.00 Vals. $5.85 For tomorrow' 920tb Friday Surprise $$.U, bat bt pur fahtpfii Petticoat ar- fains will attract ft great crowd of buyer t0, the; leedftd UoprJ srmetit Act,"l etticoatt made of a superior quality taffeta silk, with silk dust ruffle; assorted pleating, witli tucks: and niching; black, tan, pink, lavender, red, gra green, brown, champagne and Mlue; well made and finished; perfect fitting. Of See'the'Fiftii street window displays Mail orders carefully and promptly filled. Meier. Frank's 930th Friday Surprise 2Q0Q Pretty New Waists .'V? Mil Vafaes to $2 at 65c 14 tOOO new, pretty Shirtwaists at an exceptionally Sale A very large line of , white, lawns, white swiss, checks and plaids Tailored effects with tucks or fancy trimmed, with, yokes of Valen ciennes lace,-also allover embroidery fronts But ton front or back, long or short sleeves A large assortment of new desirable waists in all sizes Regular values up to $2.00 Take your pick at. each These rare splendid -waists for morning house wear-; or even with wool jacket suits Take ad vantage of this great bargain Second Floor. miEK ritANK'SiMOth FRIDAY surpbise Brass Candlesticks 37c-Toilet Sets $1.99 Tonorrow's 920th Friday Surprise Sales in Basement Store, at these low prices: Special'iot'300' Brass Candlesticks, complete with shade, holder and can- J g . die; very neat and pretty for any home; special tomorrow" only, complete. , 100 Toilet Sets, 6 pieces; decorated semi-porcelain, in blue, pink and ;i5 t QQ gray;'handsome colorings and special values, at this. low price, set, 1 Tomorrow $4.00 Gloves at $2.39 Pair Tomorrow 53.00 Chamois at $1 .751Pair In Portland greatest Glove Store, a very special offering of women's fine Kid Gloves in full 16-button -lengths; black, white, tans ,' and browns, mous que taires. styles ; every' pair 1 fully , guaran teed to give the best of satisfaction in every particular; every pair" perfect and fitted to the haad. , All . CO lO sires, reg.,$4 values, pair .'. 1&0y0 1.000 pairs of high grade Chamois Gloves, elbow length; in white and nat ural color; two-clasp mousquetaire style, . cool on the hand; all 'sizes, best reg ular $3.00 values, at, spe cial, theypair.-. . .Tr.. rr.T. 01.75 Everyone $14 vaWe.'yotir choice,; today! t-tirio v. Tv..- T.i il .L. imported fcatnexs. seiectea stocic ot tne.nignest grade, iuu iv tncnes long; colors . are blacki' white, brbwn, campigne, "right blue-and pink; Ostrich Plumes will be the popular hat trimrning this fall and winter; No womaa can. afford to pass by thi extraordinary bargain;' - The'best . regular $14 values;.jioice OA today for this special- low firiee, each.. r.i-.oii.'v. i'4VAVy'' Values to $h25 'M. 39c T For tomorrow's 920th Friday Surprfse Sale we announce out -great annual September distribution bf women's sample Hosiery. at a small fraction of its real value 8,000 pairs in the lot The greatest values. the largest and the best assort ment you ever selected f rom Plain and-fancy effects, including plaids, circular- and' vertical stripes, . polka dots, ' embroide'red ' Insteps, also plain black silk lisles gauze lisles, lace lisles in allover' and boot effects A wonderful assortment of new and pretty hosiery to please every individual taste Hosiery of style and qual- ity in rail sizes Every .woman haviny hosiery , needs to supply should profit by the splendid sav ing offered by -this great sale Values up to $1.23 pair Buy all you want tomorrow,' pair 29 c: See Fifth street window display Mail orders will be carefully filled 5000 Pairs of Men's Hose For tonior row's 920th purchase of .women's high-class - chiffon automobile Beautiful styles in grand assortment, three yards long, in the following colors I 1 L'.. ! ' l . . 1.1 I Diue, wane, pimc, gray, nvy, puit in pretty plain and fancy borders ; stripes All new high-class- merchandise Auto veils that ind ready sale at prices up . to $7.50 fl each Buy all you, want of them tomorrow while rk they last at this exceptionally low price of, each ir -lMMEPi also - satin 'Z: MS- See Fifth street window display Mail orders will 'be promptly filled. Just the .veil you want for autoing,: driving, and,, windy weather wear Take advantage The best 'veil bargain we ever offered Values to $1.00t 29c Tomorrow's grfat Surprise. Sale of. 5,000 pairs men's Hosiery is of the greatest importance to economical buyers an immense sample line from America's larg est and most refutable importing house. Beautiful styles in plain and fancy col ored lisles; silk platted and -mercerized novelties, in all the finest imported hose, in the newest designs and colorings; blue, gray, tan, black combinations, OQ clocks and embroidered' effects; values up to $1.00, on sale at,'the pair.;...W See the Fifth street window display. Mail orders promptly and carefully filled. , .; .MEIER & FRANK'S 930th FRIDAY SURPRISE Women's $22.50 White Oxfords $119 In the shoe store for tomorrow's 920th Friday Surprise: Sale,, a great "bargain in womenV white ' Oxfords', suitable for pafty and house wear thisTwinter; 1,000 pairs in the lot this season's very best, styles, of Superior quality white canvas white covered heels or leather Cuban heels; plain or 'tipped toes'; hand-turn or r'.miion aolea. - Rlueh'er. lace or Gibson -rjumo it vies: Come. in all .-' V f j sizes. Regular $2.00 and $20 values, on sale at, special, the pair... J$ 1 1 7 Meier Frank's 920th Friday Surprise 1 0,000 Yards of High-Class IUbbons 25c Value 1 2c Yard The Greatest Ribbon Bargain of the sea- son is announced for tomorrow's v20th Friday Surprise Sale A very advantag eous purchase of 10,000 yards of wide ribbons at a low price permits us to offer 25c values at 12c a yard Beautiful qual ity, full 3 inches wide, fancy dresdens, warp prints, and plain colored heavy all silk taffetas-VThc fancies are in very, at tractive designs and colorings, the plain taffetas in pink, blue, white, black, red. navy and brown Ribbons for dress trim- ming, hair ties, fancy work, etc. Best 25c quality Buy all you want tomorrow at' this very , See 5th-St. window display low price of, per yard 12c MEIER '(B. FRANK'S 930th ' FRIDAY SURPRISE 18c Velbur Flaniiel Snovflake Flannels 23c Yd. Two great 'flannel bargams for tomorrow's 920th Friday Surprise. Sale as follows: 3,000 yards of Velonr Flannels, for sacques, kimonos, etc., in flowered-patterns and stripes. Best styles and colorings; large assortment to choose ffom. 1 The best regular 18c values, on sale at this special low price, the yard. 1 avC 3,000 yards of new Snowflake Flannels, in' all the very, bestrcOk)ring's for " waists,-misses' and children's dresses; handsome, effects; 35c values, yd.' 4JC Meier (Sir Frank's 920th Friday Surprise .: jj-J : . : - : : : - : Three Lots-50c, 69 c, 89cDdz. Sale ' extraordinary of handsome new Valenciennes 'Laces for tomorrow's 920th Friday Surprise Sale 5,000 doaenT the entire stock . of one of New York's largest and best importing houses 3 immense 16& All marvelous values L6T 1 Round thread val lacesJ hnd 'inH sertions, 1 to 4 inches wide, beautiful de signs Values up to $4.50 per dozen yards, on sale tomorrow only at, per dozen, 89 LOT 2 Round thread and French, val laces and insertions to 2 inches wide Values to $2.00 dozen yards at 69 dozen LOT 3 French and round thread val laces and insertions x to 1 Y inches wide Very best designs iri large assortment Values up to S& per dozen yards -at 50 Vals Up to $1.3 at 30c Doz. Yds. Vali. Up to $2,00 at 69c Doz. Yds. Vals. Up to $4.30 at 69c Doz. Yds. See Fifth street window display Mail orders will be carefully filled. ' I MEIER a FRANK'S 920th FRIDAY SURPRISE 4000 Pcsl Women 'I2r5c Neckwear 5c Ea, Sensational '-cleanup of Vomen's'Neckweartomorow 4,000"pieces, in all good .desirable styles, itncjuding stiff collars, turnover collars, 'stocks,' bows, crpats, etc. A great clean-up of all odds and endsiof seasonable and staple neckwear, tonake room for the immense shipments of new mefchandise arriving every day; ' IT. 25c values ; ' buy all you want at this low ; price, each take ) advantage. , J C Meier (D Frank's 920th Friday Surprise 2000 Prs. Long Silk Gloves k Km Mv,-. i ia- Sly yt- In Portland's Big Glove Store for tomorrow's 920th Friday Surprise Sale, we offer another great special lot of women's long silk gloves at a ridiculously! low price per pair All standard grades of heavy -silk, -double finger tips, 12, 14 arid 16 buttpn lengths, in black, white, brown, ? red, 'pink,: tans, etc.,. in sizes ,'5 to 7 Gloves suitable for street or 1 evening ..wear Values ranging from .41.50 to $2 atpairrBuyaU is v ,., you want tomorrow at j . 1' . ; , 'this low price- bf, per pair - Vi' - - . , See the' Fifth Istreet' window display Meier & Franks 93(ftK Fnday ttirise HrV.i 'rift I " f Regular $3.00 and $30 Oxfords. ' Tomorrow: ' only, ybur choice at the exceptionally lowlprige of,' per pair, ' Wbmehs standard, footwear at a price below manufacturing, cost is the shoe store ; offering, for tomorrow's i 020th Friday. Surprise Sale The assortment ' ' includes all the - very best lasts and kaersFihe; black yicliod patent! , colt and gunmetal leathers In- light ; weight'and extension welt solesf patent j ; or plain leather tips Medium, military . .. or. vuoan neeis jomcner, lace, -eyetet r tiesButon and side-lace styles-All sizesandv widths ft 11 Mail Orders Carefully FUled " .. .- ' ' ' , 1