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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1907)
.THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL- PORTLAND. -THURSDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 12, 1100. 13 i Other Classified Ad lSeffiyiIi'H MAIUtUGE LICENSES. V Horace R. Oalther, Natchea, Mlas, sjj Marguerite George U Hoffman, 483 w. Park at, jjo; uerta m Jelea. is, , ' i;v tieri-uuriey, tzv xaooma ave., s 47 Caroline Settlemlre. IL . Pcder pederson, SI N. . ttb at. Inrahnrr Hrbv IT. . " Pater C. Anderson. 'III B. Main at, II; Grace L. Sutherland, 17.. . j 'Elmer L. Engllah, 211 Holladay ve., II; EmmaXlnke, 11. .;, .', Clarenoe W. Crlmmlns, 8j flora Sunn, 87,"- - A . " W. W. Webster. 141 E. Iltn at, II Alma K. Atterbury, II.- , H. O. Shearer. St Johns, ' Or- II Belle- Manderson. 41. Weddina- Card. W. O. Smith A Co. Washington bldg., corner 4 th and Wash inston sts. .'! Weddings card the beat 100 for $5 Alvln S. Hawk. 144 Id at Tonsets & Co., florists, for flowera of all kind, Clarke 111 4th at Eros.. Florists- Fine flowera nd "0Ti designs. ii Morrlaon at Full dreaa aulta for rent all slsea. v.,' . M urea un iwr rvui, wi ii TTnlque Tailoring Co., 101 Stark at ' 1 V "i 11 " ' B1RTII3 !RtNMTitamlM. T. to Mr. and Mn ? William Hlren. 181 Bavler street daushter. orOHB-September 7. to Ma and Mra. , Shelly C. Orubb, 410 Fourth atreet a son. - . -ORbSETTE September I, to Mr. and ;. Mra. Julius urosette, oa roint. Washington, a, dauchter. ZISCK Sentember 6. to Mr. and Mra. . WilUam Zlnclt, ll7 MUwaukle avenue. aon. liOAO--Sfiptember 11, to Mr, and Mra : O. F. Hoaay l4 Gleifwood atreet, daughter. . , HOUQHNER Aujuet 10, to Mr. and Mra. John F. Houghnsr, daughter. LIT NDSTKOM September I, to Mr. and Mra K. o. Lundstrom. a aon. noi.KIinOK September 4. to Dr. and jrrrr Miinara vr. iieifrpo. in-aw. ahall atreet. a dauanter. iimsctl Sentember I. to Mr. and Mra. Max I. Hlrech, II North Twenty-first street, a aon. ftmnnu OutMih., Mm m.nA Mrs Edwin J. Clouch, Arlington, Oregon, a aon. , , hmtth September 11. to Mr. and Mra. Walter J. Smith, 440 Davenport atreet ft aon. ' 'BENJAMIN Septemer I, to Mr. and : Mra. J. Benjamin, 190 Market atreet STLVESTERf-September 9, to Mr. and Mra. Rudolph .A. Sylvester, 171 East Ninth atreet. a gen. DEATHS KENT Sentember I. A. C. vKent at Spokane, Wash.; senility. FROST September , Elmer W. Froet k iun in mnnthi and 4 daya. &t aood Samaritan hospital; carcinoma of liver. . .. WRIGHT September 10, James Wright, " aged yeara, l win rr chronic diarrhoea. ... ' , l tmvit.T u Hentamher 11. Jamea II. Linvllla, aged 29 yeara, Clatskanle; Aniil at v ACKERMAN September I, Benjantln Aelcerman. aa'ed 66 years. 11 months ml si ria.vs- Vancouver. Wash.: cancer ot face and neck. SMITH, FLORIST, 160 Meier & Frank a. BTH Main 7215. THOMSON The funeral services of Lilias Thomaon will be held at Fln Jey'a chapel Friday September II. at 10 a. ro. Friends Invited. Interment at Xone Fir cemetery. DIETRICH In this city, September 12. , at 637 Boaeiawn aye., maxim jjioi Hch. aged 71 years. The funeral serv ices will be held at Flnley's chapel at '2 p. m. Friday. Friends Invited. Inter ment Columbia cemetery. LOST AND FOUND LOST A GOLD BRACELET. HAND carved, black enamel, Wednesday evening, somewhere In downtown dis trict or Pekin restaurant. Return to Journal office and receive very liberal reward. LOST $36 IN GOLD, SOMB SMALL change. In North Portland. Liberal rewardZli returned to Journal office, or 717 Kerby St.. Lower Alblna. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED IMMEDIATELY. 16 TO 20 goo laborers at the Portland Lin- aeed Oil Works, North Portland. ASSISTANT PHARMACIST. CALL 403, the Dekum. B6td WANTED AT 6. P. RTIMMELtN A Sons, 126 2d St., near Washington. FOR SAI.E T.KAL ESTATE ' Havo you heard of Clemsonf If not, do not fall to look It vp, as you will be surprised to know bow cheaply choice lots oanMe had. We are selling lots 40 zeet frontage, 2 and I blocks from the carllne as low as 1110 each, and on easy monthly payments. If you buy evera4 ioib, special price given. ou do not have to wait for Improvements they are there now. Come and see us. A pleasure to show the lots. . - CLARKE-CLEMSON-BLUMAXJER CO t-ovf yuutiii mug. - WILL SACRIFICE FOR filfiH 6 lota at Penmsula sUtion, St Johns carllne, 00: 1 lot on K. Main at. In Sunnyslde. $460) lots at Woodstock, 1600. . C. E. Tuggle, 411 Chamber of A 6-ROOM COTTAGE. SUBURBAN; i acre under cultivation: near carllne; i.owg. urmi. AaareiK r'-ZB, jyurnai, TIMBER TWELVE MILLION FEET OF TEL low fir In Douglas county, Or., con venient to railroad 1.000,000 feet of i if in eastern Clackamas county, or.. (,uw; investigate. ciarke-cierason Blumauer Co,, 101-101 Couch bldg. HOMESTEADS. 10 rood homesteads, brush lands, aasv ciearea; au in a Duncn; plenty, or tim ber handy for building and fuel; no Ir rigation scheme: location fee 1100; In rtlea of 6, 171. Eldreds Realty Co. tn at., Vancouver, wash. TIMBER RELINQUISHMENT FOft sale; must sell at once. 602 Lumber niKcnange niag. rnone Mam 477. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PIANOS FOR RENT AND BOLD ON Installments. H. SInshelmer. 72 Id st 40 REED-FRENCH PIANO CERTIFl- cate for lid. Z-26, Journal. . - FOR SALE AND EXCUANOib. RANCH. LEVEL, 100-ACRB WHEAT sood soil, all' cultivated, lares house. barn and sheds, splendid well of pure water, mill and tank, land fenced, 2H miles from railroad town In Morrow county, Or.; want Improved Portland roperiy up to ana pay casn au erenoe. ' Do you want to locate In Portland? We have the lota and will consider yOur trade for aome of them. Write us or call and let us know what you have to oner. - . H aorea near city, ail cultivated, 2 acres in berries, house, barn, we ee4,tk44irlca.. l5.6O0Waflte.fc Mental property in roruanu. Two-story 8-room residence and one lot In Montavilla, 12,100, mortgage 1600; trade eauttr ror land or iota. CLARKE-CLE M SON-BLUM A UER CO, 01-IU2 uoucn mag. EXCHANGE FOB FRUiT RANCH lit Oregon, a so-acre grain farm in Al berta: 200 acres cultivated; balance can be plowed; good bufldlngs: well and windmill; all fenced; H miles to R. R. town; a first-class proposition. Ad- ress h-zo, journal. DARROl'J SPEAKS ! on uiiiomsn ' li': aassssaaMBBBSwNasassasMB ) Large Crowds Meet Moyer ; and Barrow and Hold ' ' Big: Demonstration. - (Sprcfai Dliptc to The JosraaLI Spokane,- Wash,, . Sept 11. When Clarence Darrow ' and . Charles Moyer reached Mullln yesterday they ware ac corded . a clamorous reception. They were met at the train, and 100' people marohed In parade In . their honor. At the Auditorium 1,600 people assembled to hear the speakers. ; Moyer spoke first thanking the people or coeur a Aiene xor ineir euppun in the defense of Fetlbone, Adams, Hay wood and himself. Mr. Darrow In his address said: . . . "The formation of unions had only been following the lead of tha employer, which had been directed toward the for mation of trusts. "The present Industrial system la one Jreat grab for wealth, but I believe tne ay of atrlkes has passed, for the sim ple reaaon that the price of wages can not be raised aa fast as tha price of living.'! The solution of the problem, aooord- lay In the ballot box. and ho advised the people against voting for the Dem ocrats or Republicans simply because thlf fathers rild. Me attacked the Judi ciary system of tha United States, and warned the people agalnat voting for judges who enjoined them and sent them to Jail without trial.' TRIAL OF D0BCAS HAMBLETON SET I AHEEST -; OF JAMES WANTED TO TRADE CITT PROP- erty for acreage near Portland. The Curtlss Co., 109 Ablngton bldg. ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO. GUTTERING, RE- pairing ana general joDDing. j. ixaiL 2 Jefferson st. Paclflo 1424. REAL ESTATE. THOMPSON tatt buyln I4S A OGDEN- Mississippi -REAL Es tate, insurance, loana. See us before a. Wood lawn 202. ave. Pbone W. OGILBEE. REAL ESTATE AND loans: established 1881. 146 H 1st, room 11. SPHINX AGENCr. DEALERS IW real estate and rentals, iosh stark st Main 6164. FOR FARMS OF EVERT DE8CRIP- tlon. W. W. Espey. 819 Commercial bldg. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER ST. Phone Main .710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils; baggage, trade checks; brsss signs snd plates. STREET PAVING. ("pedal Dlapateh to The fesreaL) Baker City. Or.. Sept 12. The case Of the state against Dorcaa Hambleton has been set for September 19. Mrs. Hambleton will be tried for her life, as she Is accused of killing her husband. She admits doing the shooting but Claims tht-tt -was--dene U selLdefaaaa, as he struck her and threatened bodily Injury. No one aaw the ahootlng and only circumstantial evidence can be Introduced against her. Attorney Charles F. Hyde hae been in the vi cinity where the shooting occurred se curing evidence to show that Hamble ton had abused and misireacea ner ana had at previous times inflicted bodily Injury. FARMERS BUILD THEIR OWN ROAD (Soeciil Dispatch to The Journal.) Spokane. Wash., Sept 12. The farm ers around Republic, Washington, have started a 80-mile road, which will run from upper Tunk creek to Republic via Eneas valley. The work Is very diffi cult on account or tne amount or grad ing, and 60 teams and 120 men have been employed to do the work. See the ahow at the "Nickelodion," 120 Sixth street this week. See the "Golden Grain Granules," most beauti ful ad thrown on the curtain. ' rFor It hours the frrvhnat lamas John was Hinder arrest,' but is now out on bail. It was 'taken in' last night by Deputy Sheriff- Harry Bulger on a warrant Issued from the circuit court Not being able to take tha boat to Jail. Deputy Sheriff Sam Wagner was left In custody of the boat until it was 'balled out' this morning." From Tha Journal, September T,"J ; , Deputy Wagner got a warrant And, of words, let out a torrent Because It said. "Arrest A. Boat"; "I've heard 'em called a 'dopey crank,1 Said he. "or else a 'bloom In' tank.' But never heard Just make a note ui m pooser caiiea A. tfoai. - 'Tva arrested 'many a hag, . Many a Weary-WUlle wag, And everything that boose will tote; But I've got a kick a oomln' If I must round town go roamln', Look In, for a wheezy bloat. ' Which Is tagged 'James John A Boat' " "Surely thla must be a lolly. But I'll Just Jump on the trolley. And go t' St Johns, where all things float; Mayr there I'll rind the snooser, Gee, but he must be a booser. And carry with him an Iron throat To get such a tank he's tabbed A Boat, HARAHAN REPLIES TO CHARGES OF ENEMY Frees Leased ipt) II. President Hara. Wire.) (United 1 New Torkv Sept! 8tuyveaant Fish's charges weaTead at tha meeting of tha direct ors tot the Illinois Central this morning. It was announced that no further action would ba taken, the Inference being that Harahan mad a satisfactory explana tion to the board. T Metager A Cow opticians, 841 Wash. At St Johns he 'gan to And got on a mighty hustle. to rustle, place And searched tha town Then he thought they must hara hid him. When a wag said. Just to kid him, "At tha ferry, when it'll float There you'll, find 'Jamea John A Boat' " And ha arave his eyes a rub. Stood gasing at that floating tub. The words ha said I'll not quota, Now In this there was no guyln'. For noon Ita walls a drrln . Thara in Dig black letters wrote. was, -jamea jonn. upon a ooai. Tva arrested all. by Jinks, From gay congressmen to "Chinks, Or kinky cowboy 'thout his coat" And so then and there be nailed It Though t wasn't leaking, still hailed it. 'And we W and e-rt froat Bo enda the arrest o Janus John A Boat Ben Bolt they NEW HEALTH BOARD PREPARES TO FIGHT (Pidflc Coait Pren Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Sept. 12. Ths nsw health board appointed last Saturday by Mayor Taylor neia regular meeting yesterday at the board of headquarters. ur. wiuiam ita first at the health Ophuls was elected president The new A will V. m va It., m mat AVArv Amm M t uum u win . n- . . . ...uv. . v. j j ... i 4:80 to discuss the city's present sanl- tary condition. ITS n I RESTORES GRAY HAIR to Its NATURAL COLOR. Stops its falling out, and positive ly remove "Dandruff. Keeps hair soft and glotif. Is not a dye, Guaranteed perfectly pure. Phllo Hay Spec Co., Newark, N. J. , 50o. bottUe, all drugtalata a BMtfe a Ut aad la that CGeeVo The WaU-Xaewa BeUahle CHINESE Beet aad 2bb DOCTOR stady ef root a4 harha, tsdf 4iaeerer4 aad to slrUa te tha world hie wondorfal naedlae. MO MIKCUIT, FOI0WS OS SBUftS VSKS HE CUSBi WITHOUT OPEaATIOH, OB WITHOVT TBB AID OF A KBITX flt-mintei Mi 'tnf stsrre Lenf. Throat, Bhesmarlsa .NertoeffMae, Mervooe DrWlitr. Btnaaaefe. liver. RMaa TrnehlMt ahw Last Manhood, FtsMUe Weak aaa and an Private Plwaara. A SURE CANCER CURE r. 0 aad BaiuUa ir too iti ArrLtCTOD. nort-r oblaz. DELAY! ABB DANOIBOUS. If res MBBot ceU. arrlte to arBDtASi hlaah and elralar. Isekee 4 teste Is taupe. CONSULTATION FREE TBB C. OIB WO CHIBMB MED1C1BJ 00. MIH Tint St., Cor. Menieea, VartlaaA. Oranau riaaae Maattos Thb I HE . State of Oregon has fully approved tthe Judicial and Con. tract Bonds issued by the Union Guarantee Association of Port land, : and has made t them ' compulsory, if ' e. A - J present(ij npon any court, juage, municipality, corporation or body. This Association has the business integrity of twenty-two well-known Portland business men, whose names inspire the utmost confi dence. It has a paid-up cash-capital jt $100,000 of Oregon money. It parallels every advantage, secur ity and facility offered by the oldest outside companies. Oregon people ought to takeout bonds in an Oregon bonding company. Plate Glass, Steam Boiler, Liability and Accident Insurance; Indemnity iionas. Union Guarantee Association Marqvam Bldg., Portland, Oregon TRANSPORTATION. awwatnwiBBaiafBiaBBBE. mr vlj? MHSjiflksnRpw "" WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street pavlnar. sidewalks and cross ings. 114 Lumber Exchange. HE BARBER ASPHALT PA VINO CO. of Portland. Office 666 Worcester blk. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO.. SOLE AOBNTS for Herring-Hall-Marvln safes and Manganese Hteel Hare co.'s bank safes; 80 second-hand fireproof safes and bank safes, very cheap. Sea them or write s. si Tth st. DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Large lines carried. Lock-outs opened. Jacka lalla. metal furniture. Both pnonea J. H. Davis. 6 d- HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED GIRL TO WORK IN CON fectionery store. Inquire Sd and Yamhill. OFFICE QIRL CALL' 214 ALJSKt bldg.. 3d and Morrison GIRLS; WANTED I 65 Front, corner GOOD Davis. WAGES. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. NIGHT WATCHMAN. CAN HANDLE steam boilers; absolutely trustworthy. W. 8. P 66 N. Park. WANTED TO RENT SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE. lockouts opened, automobiles and ma chinery repaired. Columbia Gas Engine ol ears worm, zit za. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES OF EVERY DE8CRIP- tlon; bank, bar and store fixtures tnaae to order. Tne xutke Manufac turing Co.. Portland. R. H. BIRDS ALL. DESIGNER Winter Lumber Co. ..-IT. W 7 Hamilton bldg. TRANSFER AND HAULING OLSEN-ROB TRANSFER CO., Henry Roe. W. A. Cleland. F. P. Sheascreen. General transfer and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed and shipped. 209 Oak st Phone Main 647, Pacific 1061. Home A-2247. BE- WANTED TO RENT A I OR t-ROOM cottage with good yard, near carllne. pnnna a-sh,4. FOR REfTT FLATS SIX-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT, FURNI tura for sale; no children. 426 4th st BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS CHANCE. 11,000 buys a good grocery and meat market on urand ave., near Clay at.; rent 140, with t-year lease; location is fine; present owner is doing a soien did business, but poor health compela him to sell out; will , sell at invoice; this is no raxe. 12.600 buys a good hardware,1 stoves, tinware, paints, etc.; rent 40, 4 years' lease, splendid location; can show a good business; selling at Invoice. WASHINGTON & OREGON REALTY CUMAN r, f 108 2d st NEWSPAPER WILL SELL jpA ble nartv half interest, either me chanical or editorial end; fine plknt and neia. Aaaresa n.-DU2, juurnai. BIG BARGAIN GROCEjtY STORE and livlne: rooms: aood corner: cheaD rent; worth 11.000; on account of sick ness; i860 taxes it. Aaaress b-jd Tn.....l I BEST RETAIL bPEING iW " ClTY: nets 156 per wee&j ' no experience re quired; easy work,; short hours; owner must leave on account ct mora im portant bustnesiv in east; 11,100 cash. Address X-26 Journal. -WANTED--HELIABLE PERSON TS travel and act aa. manager for thla state whoUsaling a, strictly first-class article; permanent position to right party. ).JK-6Q7, journal. r R SALE REAL ESTATE SNAP B-ROOM HOUSE AND I LOTS: , iiamant InrsrA r.hlrkn tatA and 1 r j " WO.WWMIV..1 -' - s - ay - 4iilwaAtetonnus9& t fence, fine location, only 11,600; 1300 nmYi naiance 111 oer monin or. iijuo with an 1800 cash payment. :- i fine lots on Kerby st, 90x100 feet: v fine view, beat location, Wily 11,000, if ; s taken t once; - . ' Fine g-room house elose to the Mount - Scott carllne; cement foundation, ce ? ment walks and wired for electricity, "'"only 11,800; terms. -. .r . ;t : ' KEY8TONE REALTY CO.. yr :ii4ill Allsky Wo-aT. PaclfiOvlllS. -i:. C O. PICKOFFICE II 1ST ST.. tween Star!: and Oak sts.; phone 696. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious brick ware house with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. PENINSULAR EXPRESS Sc BAGGAGE Transfer, 147 Alder st Phone Main 1171. OREGON TRANSFER CO, 114 N. 6TH. Main 61. Heavy hauling and storage. Independent baggage a trans- fer Co. Storage. 224 Stark. Main 407. Jamestown Exposition LOW RATES SEFTXMBBB 11, lfl, IS. Chicago and return, 171.60. St Louis and return, 167.60. St Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Supe rior, Winnipeg and Port Arthur and r turn, $60. 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 For tickets, sleeping car reservations and additional Information, call on or address H. DICKSON, C P. ac T. A. iaa tkxso st, foxtxasd, oa. Telephones: Main 680. Home A-I2II. Oregon State Fair Salem, Ore., Sept. 16-21 Inclusive PORTLAND DAY Thursday, Sept. 19th $1.00 Round trip $1.00 $5,000.00 Pacing Race for 2.-09 Class Horses on Portland Day, the Largest Purse Ever Given in the Northwest. Big Livestock Show and Parade W. H. DOWNING, Pres. F. A. WELCH, Sec. f TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILT COMB, montn. owel Supply Co. brush. BOan. II tvr month PnrtlanJ Lunary xowei Bun Couch sts. Phone 410. Sth and TYPEWRITERS. NEW AND IND HAND, ALL MAKES. rented, repaired, sold.- P. D. C. Co., Ill Stark. Tel. 1407. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER AGENCY, phone Main 7962, Raleigh bldg., Port land, Or. See the new model No. S Oli ver, before buying a typewriter. Oliver typewriters sold and rented. WHOLESALE JOBBERS M. A. GUN8T & CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND, OREGON. EVERDING FARRELL. PRODUCE -and commission merchants, 140 Front COOS BAY Weekly Freight and Passenger Service of the Pine Steamship Breakwater Leaves POBTXA1TD every Monday, SiOO p. m., from Oak-street Book, lor EMPIRE NORTH BEND AND MARSHFIDLD Freight Received Till 4 p. m. on Day oi sailing. - From Portland, let-class. 110.00; aa-oiass,, incluaing ksrta and meals. Inquire City Ticket Office. Third and waamngion sis., or vax-sireei uoca. POXTTAjn AJTP PTTOBT fOV3TS BOUTS S. S. "Redondo" Sailing from Couch street dock, Port land for Seattle, Tacoma, Everett and Belllngham, September 18 at 6 p. m. FREIGHT Connecting at Seattle for Nome, Qolofninln. St. Michael. Chena and Fair- banka with steamers Pleiades, Hyadea, Lyra, Mackinaw, Ohio. Schubach & Hamilton. General Agents, seame, wasn. F. P. Baumgartner, Agent, Portland, Couch street dock. Phones: Main 861; Home A41lt- manufacturers and commission 4 th arm Oak sts. st. Portlsr.d. Or. Phone Main 179. OREGON FURNITURE MaNUFAC. turina Co. Manufacturers of furni ture for the trade. Portland. Or, WADHAM- A CO.. WHOLESALE GRO- oers. mercha- ts. FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND special orders, t Kuvensicy a rural- tare (aotory, 107 Front at. ALLEN A LEWIS, COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davla sts., Portland. Or. ' WH6LE8ALE CROCKERY AND alasawara. Frael. Heaele ft Co.. Port- LEWIS-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY ' Co.. Barbers' SuDDilee. Barbers Fur niture. Barbers' Chairs. 10th & Morrison. Ho! For Astoria FastSteamerTel Daily (except Thursdays). Leaves Aldei street dock 7 a. m. Sundays 8 a. m. f 1 round trip. FKOXB KAlaf 06&. VOKTK FAOZFXO STBAXSKZF CO.'S STBAMSKXPS - . Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 p. m. Tlckst office 111 Third , near Alder. Colcfmbla River- Ocenery . KxatTLATOB Llgl ITliJBU. Which?,'- ', ".H.'.-'-' Daily eerrtee Detwesa Pertlaad i Tee JiFronV the Philadelnhla Press. , ?1XJL?a3mr J2LJ! "IfhJu teel chilly." said Jie. as thevl h-Zt 2a iZZXZ nZuZits ZZZX?. strolled, "remember I have your Bhawl I tlooa tot oatfita and llreatock. here OA my arm." ."You might PUt,lt. -Dock foot ef Alder eu rSjrtland; ' f ef around m, aha said demurely. .l V v court sU Xha Dalles, Pbaae Msla Ui, rertlaaa. Make No iistake Consult a live, wide-awake' specialist about your case one who has ex perience, skill and ability, one who can give you the bestj treatment to be had on the Pacific coast, regardless of price. We cure men, and have cured more cases of weakness and special ailments of men than any other specialists in Portland. If you do not know what the trouble is, consult us free of charge and find out Seek Help Where It Is Certain to Be Found This Institution has built up its splendid practice more by the free advertising given it by its PERFECTLY SATISFIED PATIENTS, who have received tha benefit of its modern, scientific and legitimate methods than in any other way. If you are not a perfect man come to us. Isn't it worth the little time it will take when you are CERTAIN thut you will have the benefit of HONEST, SINCERE physiclana who never attempt to deceive you In any way 7 A consulta tion costs you nothing EXCEPT your own time. OUR FEE $10.00 Bstabllshed IT Tears tn Portland. Consultation Free ws Will Treat Any Single Vnoompli- eatea Aliment ror flO.00. Absolute Guarantee No Pay Unless Cured We cure safely and promptly WEAKNESS. LOST MANHOOD, SPER MATORRHOEA, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON IN ALL STAGES. VARI- DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. Personal attention given all patients. 87 Tears' Xlxperienoe. Tn eelectinar a chvslclan or specialist, when In need of one. some consideration and thought should be given to the qualifications, experi- ce and length of time an institute or meaicai man naa Deen locatea In the city.' It stands to reason that an institution that has stood the test of time and numbers Its cures by the thousands is far superior to mushroom Institutions that spring up In a night,- last a few months and r rnna. ... w have been cur in i men 17 rears and are the oldest spe cialists curing men in Portland. . k wa invite those who have deep-seated and ehroule disorders to call and be examined. Oonsnltatlon aad examination, la . free, aad carries with It bo obligation to eagajra our servioes. Oh offices are eoutcDed with the moat modern and scientific me chanical devices for the treatment of chronic diseases., Ouf charges are reasonable and in - reacn or any woraingman. Write If you cannot call. - Our avatem of home treatment Is always CERTAIN and most successful. All correspondence sacredly confidential. huukh s a. m. to o p. m, i i veilings, t vo e;au; Bunaaya, a. in. 10 11 noon. . 45a; :. ST. L MEDICAL AND ;SURQI6A1L OOBVXB SXCOVD AJTO TAJOCXU rTEZBTS, POmTLAJTB, OXZOOV. . OUIS DISPENSARY Scott's Sanlal-Pepsm Capsoles A POSITIVE CURE ForlBfleusjeHoa erOstorrhol the Bleedarane DiaaaaW KM. oloklr as41 seiawes'tlr tba vorat eaaaa el sjaaiaerasasi sbs aiiawe, se aiaiur of tw TKE SANTU.-PEPSI1 CtX BelloiearUiae, OUa. Ult y AU DrartMs, I I- M 5if OR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Savin and Cotton Root Pills. The best and only reliable remedy for DELATED PER IODS. Cure the mast obstin ate cases in I to 10 daya. Price II per box, mailed In plain wrapper. Sold bjr druggists everywhere. Address T. 3. PIERCE. Ill First iL Portland, Or. is the , neir way of j uzjini perfect paints,J ' VemilAtMh-peWy feet ytWtXk jwyfi' JJ ACME fL?T hm ' "r J alwajra 9 et . 7 tha right f z '" mtdtrUlm&ct g tha name . f 0 ACHEQVAimr JK Let as erad yoa a copy of EfT tha aaw text book. 'The Selectioa aad Cee ef if-- w aaa rnunca.- mm oa A Paints It yoar aeareet dealer caaset soppiy yea wita ine QaaUly6 kladwfwUL NEW ERA PAINT & VARNISD CO. 17f rmt Sweet, Fertlaad, ii lavaiavrtae Every t7cfn:n titatarsJUd and theald hoe . SDaat ue wriilrTnl MAKVU Whirling Spray . pew Taawai "I! Moat COOTMIAnl, Itriim U ii. -1 iav loan not sorely tha rata eoaapa a - tbeeai itat eUwr, bet aaad aiajae for fllnaaeted book ' aiJ.a. IISM full santaalara aad dlrantiona In. valuable to larilaa. MISVKIi rOk. m. arM jtv vouk. , WOOSAAO, CLAUta CO. AITS IAffX43ATII msi vw a mtvMMMm , What Is a ' Weak Man? No man !g stronger than his weakest part Few men have perfect strength. DR. TAYLOR ;t The Leading Specialist If I were asked to point out a man In full and perfect strength I would not look for one with the largest muscles, the strongest frame, nor the ablest in physical endurance. It is true that strength of the muscles, cords and sinews must be built upon the foundation of a good vitality, but on the. other hand it is most easily undermined when the vitality is impaired. I would rather choose a man that I knew had true vigor, that I knew had undergone no early dissipation, that had no spermatorrhoea, varicocele or hydrocele, and who wai not suffering from any latent disease such as contracted disorders and contagious blood poison. Men who are free and clean from disease and weaknesses of this special nature have better vim, more energy and vitality, and who accomplish most in every field of endeavor- Weakness Wrecks Men's Lives'; -V Many a youth of splendid promise has failed because of some weakness the nature of which made him delay seeking medical aid until it had become serious, and greatly injured his life's opportuni ties. I have seen thousands of these cases, and have heard the story of their, suffering. Usually there is also a history of incompetent treatment by family doctors, patent medicines, electric belts, and un principled medical institutes and so-called "specialists," - Get the Best Treatment First . I have been treating Men, and men only, for nearly 25 years. ' t have an established reputation in Portland, which I hold as a priceless asset. I undertake only curable cases, and when I promise a cure I guarantee it, and my business standing and bank references assure the patient that my guarantee is absolutely binding. I do not think I can show better faith in my ability and methods than my unqualified oner ij paucuis iv h. PAY WHEN CURED MY FEE in Simple Disorders 3 1 o Weakness Functional weakness in men is in reality a comparatively simple ailment, and la but a symptom of local disorder, a state of chronlo in flammation of the prostate gland. No stimulating treatment, whether internal or locally applied, can do more than excite a temporary ao trivity. By my system of local treatment I restore absolutely normal conditions throughout the organs Involved, which promptly results In complete and permanent restoration of strength and vigor. This treatment is original with me, nd is the only radical and certain cure yet devised. Varicocele Varicocele is relaxation, knotting and twisting of the most vital blood vessels or the organio sys tem. It stagnates the local circu lation and Interferes with the pro cesses of waste and repair. Neglect brings derangement of functions and injury to the general health. Moat Dhyalclana resort to surgical operations and hospital treatment. Why Pay More) to Other of Less Ex perience and Skill? I eura Varicocele without 'opera tion, pain or detention from bust nesst My cures are absolutely permanent and no ill effects what ever can follow my treatment . Contracted DIeeae I hava reduced tha time required for curlng contracted disorders about one half. This la an im portant achievement. It replaeea UfU anger with ,aafety. It forestalls cnrunia complications, - it removes the Infection and inflammation be fore that vital center, the pros tate gland, can -become involved, To many men it means the differ ence between perfect, health and a lifetime of misery and functional wakneaev t My , method ,? la mine alone, r My treatment la original. In some features it resembles ths ordinary. In Its chief essentials it i? .a .reeulta it is en- aWougl v ' rompt The above together with Orgenle Weakness, Nerve Jjebllltatlon, Lost Vigor, Specific Blood poison, Strte tura, 4 Piles and Reflex Ailments, constitute my specialty and are the only diseases X treat. EXAMINATION FREE2 I offer not only that comes to me I FREE! Consultation and Advice, hut f v- without charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity t expert opinion aoout iis irouoie. . , , , ix you cannot cau, write xor diagnosis vnaru any oxrices are t all day from a. av, to I p. m and Sundays from 19 to 1. Sc DOGTOR TAYLOI B34H Xorrtaos ft, Corati econd. FOaTUUTD, : . - - 1 ' t , .