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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1907)
1;- -.13, , ;THE 1 OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL; I PORTLAND,' ; .THURSDAY , EVENING - SEPTEMBER i2, 1007. fO DAY'S MARKETS Fruit Supplies of All Kinds I Greajter This Year Than Ever; in tli6 Front Street MarketsPrices Hold, Too. v SCARCE Bit : FM1IIIE RESULTS Even for -This ' Time of year-rBig: Sizes Some. ) Front street features: v '" Veal scarcity worst In yeara . Salmon '. not . In - beat iluwt, f-iallway pMobM trt In market. '.. Kk sell at various pricea Poultry demand la very atlftV " ' Hop trade Is "exceedingly mall , Iooal wheat and flour quiet. Home offer rise for; barley. Fancy tomatoes bring' more. , Orape supplies go -begglng. . , " On dealer holda back closing. CHEESE! New Pull cream, flats. lltfKHo per lb.; loung , Americans, 17c per lb ; eastern, 17c POULTRY Mixed chickens.' 12e lb; fancy hena. 8Hyl4o in; roosters, old. ion lb: frvera 14c: - broilers, lb; turkeya. 11 (ftp lie lb forvold; squabs. $2.60 doa; pigeons, $1.25 dos; dressed poultry, loitio per jo. nignsr. Hops. Wool aad SUdss. HOPS l07 crop .Choice. 7i$c prime to choice, 7c; ordinary, 4 Jo per WOOL 1907 ' cllp-VaUy, ffn-rvnllna RrtnrTM Than "Ever J-Dound. Wu1TuwlfJuw uuu r ' WOOL 1907 cllD-Vlloy. tOflllc: astern uregon, isnyzia , ' MUHA1K NC 190T Zlf Zl& SHEEPSKINS Shearing. l810c each: short wool. 15 too t medium, wool, 60 C 7 So each; long; woof, 760 1 each. TALLOW Prima, oer lb. No. t and grease, tffllKa CHITTIM BARK I 07c I Teal goarclty Worst Is Tsars. . tt has , been many a year, perhaps, sines the veal trad of Portland was- ao famished as at this time. The reason for the great scarcity of supplies Is ex plainable to some extent by the great cress of farm work all through tha local territory. At this period of ths year beets, Traits and Vegetable. ing; buying, white, 80c $1 pes saok; sweets.2020 lb. . ? ONIONS Jobbing price Oregon, It: buyinr. tl.60&1.76: sarHc to nor 10. APPLES New. 21.060 3.00. FRESH . FRUITS Oranres. 21.660 4.76; bananas, So lb; lemons, $$.0697.60 per box; limns, Mexican, 4.00 per 100; pineapples, fi.26ips.00 doien; grapes, &0c&il.26; - Concords, 12e; peaches, ivtiiSvc: cantaloupe. 21.254iil.60; plums. uervo; watermelons, iw, craoapnies, L1.26 per box; Bartlett pears, 1 1.2 6 J 60 per box; eaaabas. 1.60 dos, ... .. VEGETABLES Turnips, new, 90c 0 11.00 sack; carrots, 7lctf$l per sack; ll.eo per sack: parsnips, $i.oot I1.S6; ' cabbage, lo lb; tomatoes, Ore- f on, - 40 60c; brans, jmic; green, iSo per lb; cauliflower, 80 c $1.25 dos; peas, 6c; horseradish, 8o lb: artichokes, 66&76a dos; green onions, 16c per dos; bell peppers, br&o per lb; hothouse let tuce. II box; cucumbers, hothouse, 16 026o dos; radishes. 16c doeen bunches; arooerles, Mat, Xto, SUnAn -OibW li llUi nowdared. ... . . l.7; nerry, i.7YVs; ory grsnuiatea. m weighing 160 to J6.77i Star, 16.07 ; conf. A. 15.77: n more. A veal Is A $5.27; golden O. $5.17: D -class In ths, torsi yeUown 02i Vet granulate:. 2J.67; i veal supplies are generally short In the Portland market, but stocks tbie aeaaon lire especially scant. Veal Is very Jlke ly coming to Portland about as fsst as It usually does at this time ef year, but this season mora meat than ever is needed, because of the great Increase In tha cnnulatlon of this territory. A feature that, tends to hold back thai eggplant," 12 H lb; grea corn, 76o values ef lata arrivals of veal Is the sack, celery, I7el.fl0. heavy weight of recent .shipments to this market At least four out of flvs veal that come her are very lari sizes, soms of tbem 200 pounds,- and even not considered flrst-c market If it weighs mors than . 110 pounds. From that weight down 'to 80 pounds, arrivals are considered the proper slse, and these always bring top figures If of good quality. But a few of the larger meat buyers are abla to handle the larger sixes and they are generally able to buy these supplies at their own figure. . , . y. Balway IHm&ss am: U atajrksi. Vv Quits a large' hipment . of - 8aJ way reaches was shown on the local market today. Supplies were generally green, 1ut were lq nne -condition. Most " of them-will be put into storage for future 'sise." - fc. --" ,--.;-- ' Small peaches are the burden of the HOG LIKE! 25 COPPER STOCK CENTS LOWER HIT VERY HARD Best Stuff Put Back to $6.50 Amalgamated Drops 314 to $6.75 oh Account of Points on Eeport That ? Shipment of Stock StuftV Mine Will Shut Down. LOCAL LIVESTOCK RUN. linn. Cattle. Sheen. loamy ii zzo Week ago 16 J 62 Year aso . . Previous year ... 27 l 212 Portland Union Stock varda. Sent. 11. -mere was weakness in ail lines of live stock today due to the Indifferent atti tude of the packers. The weakness is more arms rent in hoars than - in other lines. This latter condition Is due at Jm n"r,Jr to tne ract mat local i Mport of the fallurs of a largs indus i!lArZiKlmJlU1J?u't 1 trylnK to un' trial concern and the curtailing of cop- willing market. Today's drop of 26a in U. 8. STOCK MARKET LOSSES. do pfd. 1 L, & N Ma Pac. 1 Nut. Lead 1 N, P. Js Penn Js Reading 2 S. ' P, ., )s U. P. ..,...,1)4 Amalgamated ..2)4 Car 4 Foun. ... Smelter, com... 4 Anaconda 2H Brooklyn BU Paul 1 C. AO. 1 O. North, pret.l Steel. IK (Leased Wire Overbeck A Cooks Co.) WaU Street. New York, Sept. 12 Tho beat atuff la ths outcome and If stock stuff continues to corns It will llkelv causs a further concession In ths price: Cottle and sheen, while dull' wars unchanged today at ths former range. ' A year ago on this Hate all lines were rather dull and easy with ths tons of sheep rather shakV. Official yard prices: ' HoKS Best eastern Orea-on. til RAM 1.76; stockers and feeders. 14.00 i. f- China fata, 26.00. Cattle Best eastern Orearon atoara 12.660 4.00: best cows and heifers, 12.76 2.000: bulla, $1.76 2.00. Sheep Best wethers, 14.50; mixed, 14.00; Iambs. $4.60 6.00. production by a shutdown of the algamated mines In the Butts dls- iriarkst sharply I per Am trlct forced ths stock lower today. - Industrials were the chief sufferers,' but rail shares were likewise bumped. Tha success of ths bond sales did not Influence sentiment The weakness in copper, caused by ths unsettled condi tion of the metal, .precipitated liquida tion In Amalgamated and. Anaconda. In London. American stocks were strong, IK to 1 point higher. Consols were firmer there and tho Bank of Eng land rate remained unchanged. Official stock range: 17c, 8. pick JExt. 7o, T. Rose so. Col. fat Ext 4eA, Coldfleld Con. 67.60, Dla- monaneia Triangle ivo. X , v COMSTOCK, Ophlr $1.28, Mexican 62c, Oould 4 Curry 28o, Con. Virginia 79c, Savage mHalo A Noreross $1. Yellow Jacket 6, . Belcher 21c, Confidence $1A, warn Mevsda 410, i ' i BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 6c, Bullf. M, X llo, Mont Built 8c, L. Harris 2o, Amethyst 21o, Gold Bar (OcA, Stelnway 6c, Denver Bur, Anx. foA, Bonnie Clare 40. Mayfl. Cons. 2l0v Monty. Ohio Ext 6o. O. Scepter So, Monty. Mt llo A, Homeetake uons, sso, xanKss uiri ica. isiugget so, inunp uons, (40, piortn star soa, tmn- set oca. ." TONOPAHS. . Ton, Nov. til, Mont Ton. 22.20. Ton. Ext ILtOA, MaoNamara. 120, Midway 76c, Ton. Belmont 23.12 H, Ton. No. Star llo, Ohio Ton. 2a, West End Cons. 77o, Resouo 12a, Ton. A Calif. 4o, Golden Anchor 12c. Jim Butler 83a. Ton. Cssh toy so, xon. Horn 40, Bost Ton. jooa. Monarch Pitts. Ex. (o, Mont Mid. Ext a. vtoiaen brawn so. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons. IKo. Manh. M Cou f& Ci. Wedge to. Seyler Hump 6e, Dexter 12c A, L. Joe 1 4c A, Crescent $0, Combination 2o. Orannr 22e. Muatanr zOa. Little Orey 16c A. Cowboy 80, Orig. Manh. OcA, Bronoho 80, Jump. . Jack 14c, Pinenut 7c, Buffalo 60 A,. S. Dog 10c, Y. Horss 2o, Tnrilnn rmmn 9m - VARIOUS DISTRICTS Falrv. Sliver Klnr lOcA. Falrr. Easla 1.40, wevaaa HUla B.zk, Pittsburg 11. ver reax Eagle's Nest 1 Alice of Wonder 6cA. 'hi. No. 8tr Wondsr 6cA, 220, Ruby Wonder 26oA. barrels, 10c; Jialf barrels, 26o; boxes, 60o advance on sack basis. ' (Above prices are 20 day not cash quotations.) ' HONEY $2.10 pef , crato. , ' COFFEE Packags brands, ' $16,880 16.(2. . ....-I- SALT) Coarse Half 1 ground. ' 100a, ill.o par ton: 60s, lli.oo; table, dair 60s. 217.60: . 100s. 217.26: bales, $2.26 Imoorted Llvoroool. 60s. 220.00: 100s. iii.oo: 4s iii.oo: extra n 6s and 10s, $4.606.60 rocK.izo.60 100s, $10 60 CattJe Again Rule Slow. Chicago, Sept 12. Official run DESCRIPTION. - Ktnrs. - Cattle. -flhsmr. Chicago 18,000 0.600. 18,000 Kansas tnty... s.soo. 8.000 ' 8,000 Omaha 8,000 6,000 2,000 Hoss are steady: left over from vaa. teiday 6,200. Receipts a year ago were 18.000. Mixed, $5.86.66; heavy. $.00 JY0 ' roun .; ngnt, f.io0 ' cittle Slow. . Sheep Steady. WHEAT MARKET HAS a mm rise n barrel: tm. 1VB. f i0V V V.VVi AAA V3k tW 1UUJU 20.60 per ton; 60-lb rock, $11.00; tfuan rav lnta Par lnr at anaolal nriomm commumoa muit ineae unym. rncnm ra-iaUDject 10 liuciuauons. mum imperial japan, Ma l, c; ino, lved are not - satisfactory ' to elthsr the buyer, seller or producer. - Fancy : stock Is rather scarce and for this rea i non top values are very easily xnaln- 'taineov . , v., . -r- Sweet potatoes show awtna to the unusually fine Quality. Ordinary potatoes are holding rather .well for well-matured - shipments, but green stock is rather hard to movs at janv llaTira.. -: "' ; Onion market shows - considerable I shortage. Shipping orders have in many i Instances been out In half during the ' rat 48 hours on account of tho scarcity. Prices,- beyond being stifler, are un- ichanged. 1 Fancy tomatoes are bringing more 'money In . tho Front street markets Good stock Is selling at 60c, with some jots at sua . Hincuy inncy in soms in stances brings a iraction more. . (Above prices apply ts sales of less 10 c; New Orleans, 2. 646 Ajsx, 6c: Creole. ic atiuusa tfmaii 2..80: bayou. white. .iui& o.uu. uui&i ad.uu. a heavy -, sals I umas,; Mexican reas, itto. Virginia, 7 Ho per lb; roast 10; Japanese, bOHcj per lb: walnuts. Calir head, 7o; lari $w NUTS Peanuts, Jumbo, thio per 10; roaateo, iuo per roaated. 7 07 Ho ornla, 10a per lo; pine nuts. 14 16c per lb: hickory nuts. loo per lb; Bra ill nuts, io per lb; rn- berts, 16o per lb: fancy pecans, 1820o per lb; almonds, 11921 Via Meats, 2lsh and Provisions. FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs, fansy, 8Ho per lb; large. 78o per lb; veaL extra. SVaOOc per lb; ordinary, 8o id; mutton, r. lb: poor, f7o per :y. evo per id. HAMS, BACON. ETC-Portland pack, Grape supplies - aro so heavy along ?4 to If lbs, 16HO. per lb .(Front street that : prices snow (local) 16 c; hamr. 10 to 12 lbs. lb! 16H( m rtte m ins wi aitai i v omniroii i i t . , 12o per lb; smoked, 12o per-lb;luav ... bellies, nnsmoked. litis per lb: I ' Uc.Der .b: IS Ho 20 lbs, wider!1 Ho; breakfast bacon, ltH12o per range for the same auallty than haa i: pionica, iic per id; cottage rou, : i. ai. i lao oer ioi reruiar snori cieara un cbar.nle are In srood demand around moked, 12o per lb; smoked 12o. per lb; o a pound today.",. l"0) i - 2roaltry 2smasta 2 Tory aTtUtV - I smoked, I Tn. - rn m 1 Mitil ttiaaa I Clear fdays along Front street and any fowl okd J'Jfp?I-iSi.,7ft1i.' 11 H ithat weari feather wUl find an eager lJAVicEtfuiltt iu jpurehaaer at the prices auoted. Even 11P7Ihrle'tU'- SSmaU springs will find a good welcome. bb'. 6?tei0 reereil iiV Sio pe? Although the demand for hens and ducks fbe.r i"' fi "ivcomDounl 10a s greatest Call for the Utter in most ia'xtc Ber ffi compouno. los. pronounoeo from tn Chinese. , y TISH Rock cod. to per lb: flounders. icgssar scarcer .again ajong sjom 8o . per lb;, halibut. 6o per lb; striped street but two or three dealers along I bass, 16o psr lb; catfish, llo psr lb; sal- u i mon. iresn uoiumDia cninooa. so nerr 4 Showsra OaUsd Off Again. Western Oregon and Westsrn 4 Washington Probably fair to- 4 night and Friday, except show 4 ors near coast; westerly winds. 4 Eastern Oregon ; and Eastern Washington Fair tonight and 4 Friday. 4 Idaho Shower ' tonight or Friday; cooler tonight and oool 4 sr southeast portion Friday. 4 ' CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. Sept 12 Sept 11 Gain. 1908. 4 SZ 1U V 97J4A lhi 72 102H 1 76 H 984 104 4B the street having any auppltes of lc4!i ranch stock at all. For strictly fresh mon. fresh lb; silvers. 7o I per lb; soies, so tisrrln, per per per , lb; perch, (c .local eaga the price is 28o a dosen to-Uo oer lb: Klnr. with anme nhtalnlns' a fractional I ahrltnna. tin advance In extreme eases. On account I per lb; tomcod, 7a per lb; lobsters, iso of the shortage of home stock eastern Pr lb: fresh mackerel, 8a per lb: craw gg aro moving very freely. . . v fi"ut,,55. ?r Aolni "turfnA PfT iu, uii&ck. imaa, ivo ynv ju, euver ainojL, 7o ner lb frozen shad. En nap lb: hlack 1 am wining to sell largs blocks of I cod. TUo ner lb. Albany butter at 80o a pound In order! OYSTERS Shoal water bay, per gal- ( Leased Wire Overbeck A Cook CoJ Chicago, Sept 12. The wheat market opened slightly up, despite Initial Liver pool cables. The latter Improvement on the other aide and the agresslve buy ing of short who sold yesterday sent the market IU to ihi o up at the close. To some extent the rally was due to reports of further damage in the Canad ian northwest frost repfcrts coming from that section. The nrlmarv reeetnta were 1 Ann bushels, compared with 822.000 bushels a year ago. This was a bearish fea ture. Argentine shipments aro esti mated at 400,000 bushels. Ths Iowa state crop bulletin says tho nights ars unseasonable and cool but there was sufficient warmth bv day to promote the riDenlnar nf tha This statement was made lion, $2.60; per 100-lb sack, $5.00; Olym-lcrop, though the process is slower than ito clean op." Ibv Tom JTarrell of Everdlnr A Farrell I Pi a. ner Jthia moraine-, and show the weaknessl $6.00 6.501 Eagle, canned. 60c can 'into which tho local butter market has dosen; eastern In shell, $1.76 per hun- orjteo. Tno Albany is consioeroa oneinrea. Of the fancy out-of-town brand and this! CLAMS Hardshell, per box, $2.40; rasor uanu, si.vv per box; io psr aos. ralmts, Ooal OU, 23to. gal'on, $2.25; per 116-lb Back, I may be desired in view of Its general 0; Eagle, canned, 60c can; 27 I backward condition. (concession In pries 1 very great Other Handler ox outsiae product are wuung n malTA iAtiMifltnni 9tA f:1tv ,N,m. . j. . r . . . , lu , Z s v l xwx-iu run miniiiM, iko, vuuiuara, i amy ;they aro not badly overloaded as yet: I COAL OIi I i 2Xop Trade Zs Baooedlngly Small. 1 Official range: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Sept ........ 93 VI B4U 911 Dec 97H 99 C 97 AmL Cppoer:Co. Am. c- a b c. do preferred Am. Cot Oil, o Am. Loco., o. . Am. Sugar, c. Am. Smelt, o . . do preferred . Ana Mia, Co.. Atchison, o. . . . do preferred. Bal. A Ohio, o. Brooklyn R. T.. Can. Pao.. e... Cent Leath., c. ao preferred. Chi. A O. W;, o. M. A St P... ChL A N. W.. o. Chesapeake A O Colo. F. A I., o. do 2d pfd.,,, do 1st nfd.... Del. A Hudson. D. R. G., o... do preferred. Erie, o do preferred . Gt North., pfd. Illinois Cent.. Louia A Nash.. Max. Cent. Ry. M. K. A T.. o.. DistlUers Oregon Lands . . , Virginia Chem., Ma Paclflo National Lead . N. Y. Central... N. Y, O. A W... N. A W., a , do pfd North Am Nor. Paclflo. a.. Pac M. 8. Co.... Penn. Ry P. G , L. 4 C. Co, f. Nteei car, c do pfd........ Reading, o do 2 pfd do 1st pfd.... R. 1. A S., o . , . do pfd.'. Rock. Is., o do nfd... 8. L. A 8. F..2pf. ao let pra... lit. U i B. W, ft do pfd.. Sa Pacific, o. ... do pfd So. Railway, o... do pfd Tex. & Paclflo.. T.. 8. L. A W, a do pfd Union Pacific, c. U. 8, Rubber, c. do pfd U. 8. Bteel Co, c-i do pfd....,..,.. Wabash, o..... ., do pfd W. U. Telegraph. 1 U5,- 91 47K 16U lVi a a S . 144 III 6 168 24 6 2144 7H 1214, 70H 60 106H 70S 96 90 hi 44 144). 18 1201 87 29 I 143H H LADRONE CHIEFS TO DIE FOR BRIGANDAGE Governor-General Smith Re fuses to Intercede for Black Rascals. ' (United Frees Leased wtra);anerJ Smith ha refused to Intercede ln the esses of Macarle Sakay and Julian Devaga, , sentenced to die tomorrow. The condemned men are Lad rone chiefs snd have confessed to brlsrandaa-a Tha Filipinos are demanding a light sen tence. ,wnu me jtmenoana aemand the extreme penalty. ' - - NEW COMPANIES FILE THEIR STATE PAPERS New Railroad Company From Idaho to Batta, Montana, Record It Incorporation. REDUCEDRATES . 1 - 1 i w TO THE) ' . - -' , OREGON STATE FAIR The Oregon R.R.4&; Navigation Co. '.', ' ANn Tina ;".. -v.:'.'.' '4. ,, I . Southern Pacific Company. ,y.r. zones tm OaUBaos ;;,.' . , FrDin All Points In Oregon on the Basis f FARE AND A THIRD For the Round Trip ! 1 $ TICKETS ON SALE O. R. A N.. September 12. 14. 17 and 19. Final return limit September 88. O. R. AV7, ticket must b validated Ai 'or return by Southern Paclflo Agent at Salem or at Fair Grounds. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO., September ' 16 l 17, 18 .19. 29 anA 11. Final return limit September it. , - ,,. .' .; : , ; -Aw.,' Remember, Thursday-, Sept. PORTILANd DAY AT TMM TAXM. . : . . " .' - A Fin Protrram and Qrand Tlmt Round Trip Tickets From Portland 19 ,1 V;':i ina iim $ i.6o Call at City Ticket Office, Third and Washington or any agent In Oregon for further information. WM. MoMURRAY. anM P , lOBTXJUn, ORXOOsT. street. Portland, Agont 23 76 Z0 126 zt .118 119 B7 . I 87 18 97f 91 e 8 38 38 20l 19( Aim 20 20 20 109 16 11 92 Article of incorporation of five now concerns have been filed In the office of tho county clerk, among them a rail road and a laundry. Ths Bitter Root Railway company was incorporated. by W. W. Cotton, C. G. Sutherland, and H. F. Conner, to build a road from Lapwal Junction, Idaho, to Butte, Montana, about 260 mllee. Capital stock, 8260,000. Articles of Incorporation of tho State Laundry company were filed by Fred C King. D. Van Zante and John Van Kanta Capital stock. 226.000. W. J. Forreatsr. A. B. MacClellan and M. B. Meacham filed article of Incor poration of ths Box Canyon Coal com pany. Capital stock, 310.000. Ths Covey-Wallace-Preston Motor company was incorporated by H. M. VT . Covey, D. Wallace and D. H. Pros- ton. Capital stock. 260.000. A. J. Enderlln. Frances G ITIrhv anl Nelson G. Freeman filed articles of In corporation of tho International Post card company. Capital stock, 36,000. WORK IS PROGRESSING ON 000S BAY ROAD EowlatesEasI SEPTEMBER 11-12-0 LAST OPPORTUNITY Final dates of sale this season for the special round trip tickets to the east Secure berth reservations at once., NORTHERN ?ACIFIC RAILWAY Call on or address A D. CHARLTON A. O. P. A. 255 Morrison St Portland, Or. Lb Pearl or Aatral Cases, I For thia time of roar the hen 'trade 'of Oregon has never been so small as i today. h-Practically, no business is re ported and dealer say they hav not ' oven received Inquiries regarding the local trade. Dealers aro therefor sit- :tlng back and watching; the pick before I wooden bbN. 93c per raL keeping their clients In the east WIRH NAILS Present basis psr keg. (making any further move. They keeping their clients In the east advised ?a to conditions. , Tho fact that mold baa appeared in every hop-producing section in the -woria tnis season, and that thoktrade of each district does not t hesitate to say so, sTXows the local deal lr that truth-telling is perhaps the i i beat policy after all. J Front street prloes: .i 7- ! 4ralv Xlou and &, ORAIN BAGS Calcutta, 9a. large lots; small lots, 9 o. whisaj.' New jiud, zo; red Rus sian, ?o; blues tern, 84c; valley, 82c. : ss-r Tin 1 . . A . .1 a . a . r vunn nirom mnL iov ion. i era will nick, n BARLET Now Feed, 22.508! 23.60 fruit on board tl J08 106 103 CORN. 19o per gal; water white. Iron bbls, Sept. ........ 61 62 14o ner arai: wooden. 17c rer iral : iioad-llec. 69 69 light. 170 deg cases. 21o per gaL May 60 603 GASOLINE 86 deg., cases, 24 o perl OATS. Bl, iron duu, in vr tu. . o..t r Iron bbls, 28o per gal. TURPENTINE In cases, 9o per gal; WHITE LEAD Ton lot, 7c per lb; 8 Sep IXeo. May a... . ... 600-lb lots 8c per lb; less lots, 8c. at per ton; rolled, $24.60 26.60; brewing, ,28.6024.0O,! RTEJ $1.65 per cwt. . OATS New Proucers' price No. 1 .white, $200 per ton; gray, $23.00. FLOUR . Eastern Oregon patents, $4.80; straights, $4.26: exports, $3.90; .valley,: $4.304.40; graham, s. $3.76; whole wheat, $4.00; .rye, 60s, $5.60; bales, 28.00. MILLSTUFFS Bran, $17.00 per ton; middlings, $25.00: shorts, country, $20; city, ii; cnop, iih.uvvpzl.vv. HAT 'Producer price Timothy, : Willamette valley, fancy, $16.00917.00; ordinary, $12.00014.00; eastern Oregon, f K.vv; mixea. xo.vvwiu.; . oiover, $8.0009.00: grain. $8.0010.00; cheat, $10.00 91L00. ' -.. ' - v . .. ' . -':',: Batter, Srrs .and Poultry. ' BTJTTKR FAT F. o. b. Portland 1 Sweet cream, 8c; sour, 81c. i BUTTER City creamery, . 86e; ' seconds, 22 c; eastern, 32 o; state fancy, 3c; seooada, aojsic: store, Oregon, 22e. , - 003 Extra fancy, candled, 28c; j eastern, 2627o. v ' ... 1 11 i , , IVERY LIMITED CALL : SHOW FOR APPLES Pnrchaso Fruit Orchards. (Special Diapateh ts Tie JeanuL) Garfield. Wash., Sept, 12. M. T. Jackson, one of the big fruit buyer of the Palouso country, was In Garfield and purchased 20 carloads of apple for shipment east at an early data Mr. Jackson while hero also purchased ths following orchards from which ths own ers will pick, pack and deliver their oard . the cars at 66 eants a box:-Th o. W. Nre orchard of 2.000. boxes, Frank Hellinger' two orchards of 8,000 boxes, William HeUlnger's orchard of 1,000 boxes, Mra Drew's orchard of 1,000 boxes, and M. Byrnes orcnara or ouu Doxes. mr. jaexson lert for Palouse and Fallon, whese he will purchase all - the valuable orchards of the district, i Sept . Oct ... Jan. Sept, .. Oct. ,. Jan. . . 62" 13 MESS PORK. .Sept. t. OCt. !... Jan. ... . . 1666 1686 1682 1686 LARD. .., 903 902 .. 912 912 .. 880 882 SHORT RIBS. .. 857 867 ' .., 866 867 .. 817 817 1566 1680 902 907 877 855 86V 812 Close. 94 104 5 B 68 66B 64 B 1660B 1565 1686 902 912B 880 855 865 817 .Call money. 2 oer cent. Total sales for day, 980,600 share. Boston Copper Market. Bid price: Royal 13 Shannon 10 Tamarack , . ..' 68 7jRltr A J Boston, Sept. 12, Adventure 2 Allouea .... 30 Arcadian . 4 Calumet ..600 Centeninal . .19 Cop. Range. 67' Daly West. 13 Elm River.. Franklin .- 8 Green Can. 9 Mass. ..... 3 Mohawk ... 60 Nevada Con 9 N. Butte... 47 Old Domln.. 28 Osceola .... 90 A Parrot .... 13 Qulncy .... 81 Utah SO Victoria , 4 Winona ..... 6 Wolverine ...112 U. a Mining . 87 Sup. A Pitt.. 104 Butte Con. .. 15 Cat A Aria .108 . Black Mt ... 4 Eagles 2 East Butte fi Nippisslng .. . 7 apex 8 New, York Cotton Market. Wheat Grades No. 1. , (Special Dlapatcb to The Journal.) Garfield, Wash., Sept 13. L. M. Locks, ono of Garfield's thrifty farm ers, was In from his big ranch today and in conversation said: "It will take at least zv Clays yet to finish up the bl Palouse harvest. I have Just flniahe threshing 310 acres of wb section, tl I have sold 66 and 70 was of the 40 fold and Red Russian va rieties. i snail begin threshing my oats at once.- I have 800 acre of oats which will make not less than 60 Dusneis an acre, so far, there has been no damage by the rain. My wheat was out in all the rains and when I brought ii to un warenouse it .graded mo. 1. United State Government Bonds. Newrrork, Sept 12, Government Liverpool Grain Market. . Liverpool, Sept. 12. Official price: WHEAT. ' . Open. Close. Sept. 11. Gain. Sept 76d 7s6d fs 6 d d Dec....7a8d 7s8d 7s8d d March.,.. 7s 9 d 7s9d 7a9 d d CORN. Sept 6s6 d 6s5Tld KsKTtA ... Oct 6s6d 6s6d 6s5d PROFITS IN CENTRAL 5 OREGON FRUIT FARMS 3pdl DUpmtct to The JoaraaL) Plinevllle, Or., Sept 11 A trip to'the ranch of William Boegll, which Is situ- Jan. .. Feb. March April May ., Sept Oct. Open' Hlgl ,...lJ08 1211 Nov. Dec. 1216 ...1217 ....1220 1223 ... 1 ......1200 '.'.'.'.'.'1204 1210 1217 1220 1226 1205 1203 ;h. Low. 1179 94 Sent- 12. 11. 11 1190 1220 1198 1167 1187 1204 1175 1189 1193 1196 1203 1205 1171 1181 1183 1186 1203 1808 1218 1217 1221 1181 1191 Ilka 1197 (United Press Leased Wtra.) San Francisco. Sent 12 Work Is proceeding rapidly on tha Southern Pa clflo extension from Drain to Coos Bay. It Is expected that great progress will be msde this fail so that tno ling will be finished next year. 11 Per Cent Net Business property. East Side,' income $46 per month. Got full particulars at the office. Ctat Bust. Call This Afternoon. WALDO F. -STEWART 211 Commercial Block. I CURB DISEASES OF MBJN Those who bar been disappointed by aheap ad anakmed specialists are earnestly requested to lnveatigats my method , waion, nad nr aone in tho betta- m m an ,i m MiAM. i.l.a Bug, woma nav sevea inem suns, pain, worry and moaey a vvauTu jus assui,vTa mmb AaaxzaTw uuaVB. Ooaonrhooa, yphills, Blood Polsoa, Bkia 2lsoe, sores, VU' ,. .oers, Stricture, Varloocele, SrydrooeiaL jforroa Seollne, Wsakass jrlles or Chroalo Sis eases of1, ths - MUnm and rrostata .. -. - - ;(r : .-. ' I charge for cures only; nothing for failure. Investigate and learn that my word Is good. Twenty-five years of suc cessful practice and thousands of cures justify this aaser tlon. Call or writ SB. X. X mmca, 181 Tint au, Portlaad, Ox. PRICES'OF NEVADA SHARES IN FRISCO (Leased Wire Overbook A Cooke Co.) San Francisco, Sept. 12. Official bid prices t GOLDFIELD DISTRICT. Sandstorm' 46c, Mohawk $15.50, Co lumbia Mountain 48c, Jumbo Ext $1.67, Vernal 130, Pennsylvania ScA, Kendall 13c, Booth 46c, Blue Bull 33c, 110 MMi of Wheat on my Med about 80 miles north of this place ?t2 lSmilBmAKniiiJSl hat yielded mo 10 E88 huahaia lt . . , , . Adams 18c, Silver Pick 15c, May Queen .Id a Tart o mr - wheat T net at on the Crooked river, reveals to very 12c. Nev. Boy 7c, B. B. Ext. (To, Blue 0 cents a bushel The wheat on tho possibilities of central Oregon 1 OcA, Dixie- $c, Hlbernia 9cA, St ' T havo never . . before seen such a small demand for apples a at this time. The call la very limited and then only for, ext ra fancy ' f our-t ler Graven--. steins. A large number, of th 4 rrower make tho mistake of , : c hipping their Gravenstelns too rl; o and the result Is that when t!ir ar kept for a short Urn ttry deteriorate very much , In aviaUty." John ICoskey of Me--Ewen A Kosky. , . . t-'vV -? bonds; ' -: Bid. Twos, registered .,,....106 do coupon ....4.,. ...106 Threes, registered .103 dO-eOUPOn-i- -. : jrstr .109 Threes, email bond Dla Columbia, 8-66s. .. .113 Fours, registered,, new.. 126 do couDon 12B& Twos, Panama ..........104 v huippin Fours ....... 109 Asked. 105 106 101 103 126 126 108 I New York-London Silver. New Tork. Sept. 12. Bar silver, 630; London, :ld.i. x. . , 4V44V4 0444444 I closed j to 9 point lower. lJfyljrcrpoci CoWm Lower. Liverpool, Sept. 1 2. Cotton futures as a fruit-growing section. Th ranch Lone Star 21o. Great Wonder ScA. Pot; is job w un waters eage and In a 'aicn uc. Jro ivc, Kendall MUxt. 2ic, gorge over 1,000 feet from the level of) Sandstorm Ext. 4c, Mayne 6c, Atlanta the grain-growing section of Crook 1 48c Great Bend 63c, Empire 12c Red county. I Top Ext. 25c, Florence 34.25, G. Daisy Although mere are but about 12 acres t1- VomDlne Tactions a.uD. ureal In the body that is in bearing orchard, en -annex o, ureal ' Bond Ext IZO, fruit all irlnrta i. B. B. Bonanza 6c Cracknrlack ., 1 9e. quantiuea. Including grapes of the finest NiVMohawk U. varieties ana otner Kinds that are pntn. I v"i uv. monlv elaaaad as tromVal fnit. ljOU 1JU1 . This orchard three years ago pro- aucea over Dusneis or winter -ap- It ITtnrn T-n i nTT-rnn inn pies, all of which were readily marketed LARGE PEACHES ARE at ftl n Hiiahal.fn tha IamI . ... I i - Tho value of thofruits marketed this year wUl exceed $4,000 and doea. not include vegetable, of which Mr, Boegll raises an abundance. Considering the fact that this ranch was purchased but two years aaro at ao- roxlmateJy $10,000, the profit on-thia lnd of an investment are apparent T. Tiger 2 lo, Grandma BRINGING A PREMIUM . ' Portland Bank Statement.': Clearing ; today . , .... . Clearing year . ago , , . ... - Gain toda 're ..$1,614,904.92 .. 1,068,662.81 "Large-slsed peaches are rath er scarce along Front street and . for this -Class ' of teek the f price 1 very good today. There, remain too great a supply of small stock and thia results of course In a rather low range of values v for them." Levy A day ."t . '. Ll. . V . X 6 ft 9 K 1 4 7 Balances today lKnoii Balances -year ago ...... is 5742.6 . SplegL, . . ; y -lbS . 'c, " soy-nBst : ll OmtiJmnt st..r-------- c UlK'' " ; offererf f?5e",''t tnin Cheo. J cWca.w . . ' J ' ;i4t , ." UuJZ? b?a r of . - L I II 'MH Da -TCIISlVe f ' WVVPa. vte. . if .11 1. - - Y"wc or th. i: p ook :rs. ' i r- ..... ;. -N, 1 ' ; .. a ... .v.-..:v ... ..U':.-. ' J -V ' " .;!-':'- ' :.---r:-"y -rr. I' I - - y -v. --;--v i v ;.y;- e'-va.i,y;y 'fH:?v .yyy ,vy.y .y f i - 1 ' v- i II