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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1907)
V- 7 .i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, i PORTLAND,' THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 12. 1807. ' WILL CUT- DOWII . m ELECTIOII'BILLS I : THE LINE i Give JThcm .Help ,nnt Many Portland People, Will City Voting In Future Will L ;;:;!Bc :IIapplcivv.: Hare to Ba Done Less Expensively. Throw Out the fclfo Uae" ' Tho kidneys need help. - They're . ovrworked-caa't get poison filtered out. of the blood. They're fatting . waxse every minute. Will you help themT Doen's Kidney mia have brought :l. That reform methods will be lntro . duced la oomlng ett election la a. ' Sured by the cltr oounolL That body I thousands of kidney suffsrrs baok yesterday waa eomcelled to swallow a from the rente of deapalr. ' fitter -pui la ordering the payment, of ..Will cure any form of kidney trouble, leotion bllla that were coneldered ex- W." Jenkins of 411 East Mill street, orbltant. One particularly dlaarreeable Portland. Oregon, ears: T hare no oo- dose waa the printing- account, discus. " v"al Ion of which brought out the fact that ago la reoommendlnt Dean's 100,000 more ballots were ordered than Kidney Pills, for alnoe that time other were used by the entire count In the members of our family have found .fclLiJ?.!1!.-??- J?" Qually beneficial results In treating 1 f wi kivu l 11 w wusavaa -.isaa-a, a Si lava v yu . . a a . . 'used ballots three feet high were re- k,lMr complaint Before using Dean's Posing in the engine-room of the city Kidney Pills I suffered with aeute at hall ready to be burned. tacks of backache and a derangement VrtRorrrAo action of th. kldn.ys. and dull whose twe acoounts reached a total of dragging pains made It difficult for me :76. councilman Vaughn asserted that I to attend to my work. As the result 'J.iKl7.w-uJ?.JFi,7.?.-tllS-ot s,n tWs fine remedy I hare been I "wga represented by ex-Counctlman I m uwj uav"v I 1 Si'Y-i I ache for over three years, and there. lWF .Swn t0 rct thlLt " was impos- fore feel great confidence- In c .--- -siuia ie oomnieie me new senerai ouua-1 ... , i. 'In. Arillllru ul4 that tutrtlna . mnuiu", vuvui w recom ' it wblob applies to the height of struc tures was ordered referred to the spe cial com mine, rne new measure 11m. its to three stories all buildings not of Steel, reenroroed concrete or brick with metal lathing throughout' Bulldlpgs of ,?ne last named construction may be 'erected five stories. ' City Engineer Taylor submitted plans ' and specifications for the new Union -avenue steel bridge across Sullivan kulch, under the Menefee resolution. ;The structure will be 40S feet long. OouDle-tracaea. ana will cost The Belmont street . paving flght was "Carried Into the olty attorney's office to determine tne legality or certain aiK- tiaturea on the petition for bltullthlc pavement If more than half of the ! Property Is legally represented bltullthlc 'pavement wlu m iaic on tne inorougn (fare. ' Councilman Baker introduced a more liberal ordinance in the council yesler dsv resrulatlna the olartna of chono- ' graphs, electric pianos and like instru ments In the city limits. It allows uch musloal devices to be played until 11, o'clock lnetead of 10, at' night and tney can be operated in saioons, which is eiricuy proniDicea ac present. '. The oounoll unanimously voted to adopt the liquor license committee's re-' port preventing me aaie 01 liquor in restaurants after 1 o clock In the morn- 'lag. For sale by all dealers. Price 10 cents. Foster-KUbura Co., Buffalo, New York, sols agents) for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no outer.- LITTLE SPAHKS FB0M M0T0BD0M PR0VEf.1T CLUB GETS UP ON ITS EAR Adopts Kesdlution Demand ing Abatement of South Portland Nuisances. Because of the alleged unclean prac tices f Italian gardeners In South Portland and the closing up of a part f Of Virginia; street by ona.of.th4 gardens, ;he South End Improve'meht ylub met last night and adopted a drastic reso lution demanding that the street be pened through the garden and that the several nuisances complained of be 'abated. For some time complaint has been made that school children were com pelled to walk by a round-about way. through mud. to reach the school house because Virginia street remained closed. A committee was (appointed last night 4.0 formulate a plan to have this street opened. Relative to the Italian garden nul sance- th following resolution- was adopted: ; . "We, the South End Improvement club, hereby protest against the .prac tices or the tenants or tne Italian gardens of piling noxious fertilisers on the open around and of burning rubbish and foul waste too near the residences of South Portland residents, we de clare this to be a menace to the health of the community nnd a damage to the property in bouth fortiana ana ruiton. - It was also resolved to ask the city 'council to take the proper steps to abate these nuisances. The club has a large membership and proposes to carry on an active cam paign for the betterment of its terri tory. The regular meeting night is the second Wednesday or every month. WELLS-FABGO MAKES GBATIFYING EEP0BT (Special DUpatcb to The JoerniL) Boston, Sept 11. Wells, Fargo & Company ' report on operations for the year ending July 31 as follows: Increase. .$22,984,425 $4,261,390 . 1M66.403 8,428.313 . 8,368,022 823,077 . . 645,882 426,865 . 4,813,904 1,248,942 as already averred To frequenoy of serious accidents In France has led to the formation of a society for protection against the abuses of automoblllng. It will not obleot to 'touring and real sport but will endeavor to secure the enactment of more rigid speed laws and of laws allowing persons Injured by automo- oiies to recover damages zrom motorists. Farmers throuchout Connecticut who have amused themeelves the past two summers by passing special ordinances tow a meeunse limiting tne speea 01 automobiles, and then have spent their aunaays tying in wait 10 eaten tne vio lators of their lawa have lost their Jobs, for the state law provides that Dorougna and towns cannot iix tne speed limit Ensllsh Insurance companies and the new-workmen's compensation act have riven a distinction to the chauffeur br charging him a higher price for his In surance policy than Is charged toe do mestic servant As the chauffeur, in case of accident Is likely to sue his em ployer for damages, roost employers, to avoia responsiDimy, insure tneir cnaui-feurs. The Lone Island railroad will share with the proposed Automobile Owners' association of Long Island the expense of posting conspicuous signs to warn, motorists that they are approaching railroad crossings at grade. Eventual ly, at a cost of over $3,600,000. a part of which the state of New York will pay. the railroad will abolish all grade-crossings, On its -first severe lonr-dlstanoe tetrt otie of fhe new Union Pacific all-steel motor, cars followed the fast Overland Limited, as a second section, more than 160 miles. In a third of this distance the motor car gained on the limited to such an extent that the car was held at a block signal six minutes. The newest type, of these cars la SB feet long and seats 75 persons. , A storage battery will lose Its strength If left for any long period of time. If it is desired to put a battery away and sun retain tne charge, the laiea snouia oe removed rrom tne THE ,RECORD CARPET SALES ENTHUSE GINGER INTO CARPET ;BUYING Furniture Vaiues Consigned to Sacrifice W'-5 t A 4-Hole ' Range with Reservoir $2250 Ths September Furniture' Record is beint; broken into small bits. No furniture house In the northwest "ever handled the volume of business that has swept through our doors since September I, la like amount of time. Surely, there was never before offered such a frand opportunity to the furniture-buying public, and every saving price is in reference to furniture of the best creation -furniture that has been designed and built by experts and finally stamped with the "Gevurtg motto: The, best that can possibly be" -the quality accepted in the best furnished homes as being highly satisfactory. 'Regular 40c Coffee andTeapots 20c e . Buffets in Every Different Style A Sals Offering Reduction Considering the fact that our regular prices are less than others ask, and that our stock is by far the larg est in. town, this sale means much, both in range of .election and in point of saving. Our stock includes in line of variety every style, .from the richly plain weathered pieces to the most elaborate leaded glass and rirp wood Buffets. There is every possible ap pointment offered, making this a most necessary part of the furnishings of the well-equipped dining-room. Our elaborate stock of Sideboards, Tables and Dining Chairs offered at material reductions. " 1 1 ) 'A i ; lHHMIII 4 V 4 1 DEPARTMENT ON THIRD FLOOR plat -1 "9" Oros earnings. Total expenses. Net earnings. . . Other Income... :Total net . . , 1 . . Net earnings as already ualed 53.92 per cent on the eanttal stock, as compared -with 88.31 per cent tne previous year, me company s con tracts now cover 47,619 miles of rail road In the United States and Mexico; stage. Inland steamer and ocean steam ship mileage totals 8.691 miles, making a grana iotai or oe.siu, an increase ror ..the year of 1.625 miles. The company has 4,842 agencies, an Increase of 804, and J.3,357 employes, with correspond ents In all quarters of tbe globe. Francis Smith Seeks Divorce. (Speclol Dlipatcn to The Jearaal, that her husband had repeatedly slappec Pendleton, r., Sept. 12. Complaining lat her husband had repeatedly slanned , her In the fact, called her vile names ,and once threatened to kill her, Fran ces M. Smith has started divorce pro ceedings against Marlon H. Smith. The suit was filed yesterday, and accord ing to i..e complaint the domestic trou bles of the Smiths "began a few days rafter they were married In December. 1906. itl Id and nunc up In a cool, dry Dlaoe. Thar will then suffer no deterioration. no maiier now long iney do leit un used. It seems surprising that neither Franoe nor England has appreciated the value of meeting, the demand for medium-priced machines. They have de voted their energies slmost exclusively 10 manuraciunng ine most expensive type of care, and for this reason it is not surprising that England has turned to America to meet this want. There Is a great field abroad for runabouts, and English makers are beginning to wake up to this fact and are preparing to supplv this demand. While rew if any of the expensive American cars are exported, statistics show that there Is a e-eneral Increase in the number of American runabouts exported. II I V i fl 7 BjMsW. 01 ro J Mr I y 2 Big Chair Specials $6.00 Reception Chair $3.25 $2.75 Dining Chair - - $1.55 What so adds to the finished appear ance of the reception hall or parlor as one or two right pretty chairs? The chairs like cut are in solid weathered oak, built extra heavy, and with a pro nounced "quality" air. The price, $6, is small in comparison to the real value. Now the Record rt OZ, Sale price ULu How often, when company is in to dine, the hostess is compelled to drag a parlor or library chair up to the dining table. Such a state of affairs is always embarrassing. Now that we are offering high-grade dining chairs at about half price, there need be no shortage when guests arrive. Solid oak, cane-seated dining chairs, the regular $2.75 values, Record Sale a OJ.OO Phenomenal Carpet Selling Savings of a Pronounced Character Portland will be well carpeted this fall. Carpet impressions will climb high and' boost in their climb a large number of Portland homes. The Record, Sale ii,, playing: havoc with our immense stock of Carpets. We are offering now, the two, greatest carpet values ever presented. All of our best gjrade Tapestry Brussels carpets that present a highly-attractive assortment in pattern and coloring' Not one ia this vast lot ever sold under $1JS per yard. The Record M no Sale price ..plUO Now comes the flower of Carpet creation. Carpets that will arouse enthusiasm' br their striking beauty and fine qualities; all Wilton Velvets, Extra Wilton . Velvets, Axminsteri and Extra Axminsters, both floral and oriental designs,, that . are marked $1.85, $2.00 and $2.25; now cut to the Record Sale price, j ii -per yard v . Carpet Department, 2d floor. All Carpets Sewed, Laid and Lined Free. - ; Magnificent Pedestal Dining Table :v The Best $25.00 Value in Town." Record Sale Price $19.65 Tables are highly finished, in quartered oak; are of solid, massive build, and present; an appearance much to the liking of every -good faste. Department on third floor. price. Department on Third Floor. Arabian Net Curtains ; Exquisite Draping and Decorative Materials at Less Than Half Price Thirty-inch Art Silks, Oriental effects, all regular $1.00 values, yard 45e Regular 60c yard Derby Cloth, 50 inches wide; yard.. 33e The famous Bobelin Art Drapery; regular 50c value, yard $2.50 Arabian Net Curtains; per pair , 07V $3.75 Novelty Lace Curtains; per pair S1.75 DEPARTMENT ON SECOND FLOOR The Great Record Sale The Only Furniture Sale Worth While AS" TO CRITICISJr OF BALL PLAYERS "Baseball players, like actors, are al ways in tbe grlare of the spot light,1 said Fielder Jones, the great leader of the White 8ox, not so long ago. "What would be said of a man on the Btaare wno wouia stop on me street and threaten a dramatlo crltloT Or a slnver. comedian or tragedian, who put up the silly excuse that he couldn't go on with ms act Decause some one had criticised his worKt "And yet there are ball nlaver who go all to pieces If nubile attention Is called to their brain blunders. I wouldn't have such a player on my team If lie would work for nothing and nay his own boad and travellnr nntnaM a player who revels In praise and files off the handle when his mistakes are pointed out Isn't worth the room nA occupies on the bench. "une reason why the White Sox won the pennant last year waa that Ana Chicago critic was fearless enough to call attentlbn to the misdeeds of some of our playera. "Tnere are men on our payroll who wanted to whip this crltle. lthn-h they knew that he spoke the absolute truth. There were two or three who gave signs of going to pieces. But they finally listened to reason. " rBovs.' I aald. 'this writer la wnrw. Ing for hla paper, and not for the club. It la his duty to let the public know wnat is going on. He nas simply noint ed out our mistakes. Let s correct The Quality Pals "Eclipse' Range and Heater I. GEVURTZ m SONS ON YAMHILL A Perfect $60.00 Sewing Machine For $25.00 MM 0 Aim The Best Scotfrfag Soap Made A Scouring Soap A Metal Polish A Glass Cleaner , mr,l a-n nut and win that flag.' "Everybody knowa the result The men who had been criticised the most severly came back and played the best ball. All cutting up off the field was abandoned and we played ball together m 4.1 a. st ..k.el1 V. n ha rrtls1 ' m championship won. ' A BUNCH OF DOPE ON AMERICAN LEAGUERS George Mnllin baa been the willing boy among pucners, Duicing mio o games. f O'Leary. Cobb and Rossman have been In every game played by the Ti gers. Nlr Clarke has been in 84. Billy Sul llvan In 87 and Charley Schmidt In 83 games. Isbell was the heavy hitter of the Sox brigade, leading In double and triples. ' Bradley leada the league In sacrifice hits with 41 ana iick in stolen bases with 38. Oldrlna has averaged almost one etol en base in every three games, having 46 in 83 games. ' The Naps have fared worse In extra base swats againsi tne uecroit pitchers than any Others. . Claud Rossman has made 18 doubles, 8 triples and 21 Sacrifice hits, besides swiping 18 bases. HarryDavls leads In home runs with seven. Flick In triples with 18 and La jole in doubles with 28. . Cantlllon'a crowds are the bandits right when It comes to stealing bases. They have pnfered over 150 to date, Cleveland's outfielders have stolen mf)re bases, 77 in all.- than any other bynoh of American league gardeners. WHEN HORSES ARE SCARED DRIVER SOOTHES THEM WITH KIND WORDS There Is a driver of an Ice wagon that stops In the morning. In front of the Imperial hotel who Is preparing for himself a place In glory, or who may bave ambitions looking toward a permanent home In a dime museum. Probably at night he has gorgeous dreams of a spieler standing outside a gaily decorated tent where cabalistic symbols of mystery are painted about a group of horses being tamed by a man, a tent with the flaps bearing in flaring letters the sign: "wonas ureatest wonder! A FreaK of Nature! Most Patient and Humane Man In the World! A Father of a New Theory that Horses May Be Led! Very Rare Outside of Museum! Species Al most Extinct!" The Inside horse of the driver's wagon was startled yesterday by .an ap proaching car and tried to escape It by mounting the pavement walk. The driver did not undertake to beat the horse baok into Its senses and back on the street, till it should become a mass of quivering flesh, an eyesore to human spectators with no right to Interfere, and an eloquent witness to his own brutality nnd stupidity. This driver was different, and standing by the off horse, he extended his hand and coaxed the horse off the walk and Into a state of quiet. "Doesn't like cars muoh. does her waa the conductor's comment as he watcnea with a curious, almost un believing expression. "That's the finest team in town," the driver answered, slapping their sides airecuonateiy, and putting his head to lucril uuava. Anil the nassensrars lnnlrt n nnd muea approvingly though wonderlngly Mexican DWELLERS AT FAIR GROUNDS TACKLE THE DOG PROBLEM (SimcU! DlDtcta to Tbe Jon nul. ) Salem, Sept 12. The camping ground at the state fair will be a town of many hundred inhabitants and Superintendent Albert Toiler Intends to treat It as anch. Council, city reoorder. police Judge and an the machinery used In governing Exactly 88 men have participated In games under the Washington standard to date. And the season Is not over. ''," - . .. Cobb and- Jones are the only two Ti gers to lead Rossman in stealing bases, the former having 30 and Davy 25 to his . credit, v. . The' Athletics have made II horns runs, Boston 18, New York 12, Cleve land, St. Louis and Washington 8, De troit 8, and the world's champions 8. -:: , , . . ,.;. ... ; Cy Toung has been yanked from ths box leas than any other American league pitcher this season. Only twice has the derrick been used on the vet eran, against St. xxuis and phlla delphla. . .. v jut OTOCB or nxTX9Txon Is worth a pound of cure. There, are many poor, suirerers. onsvmpuves who are hopeless of getting well who, if they naa taxen care or themselves, wouM now be well. A cough Is the foundation of consumption. Ballard's Horehound Syrup will cure-that cough. Mrs. 8 . Great Falls, Montana, writes: "I -have. used. Ballard's Hore-. hound Syrup In my family for, years my children, never suffer With coughs," Bold br all drugglsta. . r- -y r; Tf I cities will be there, elections will be held on Monday, and meetings will be held In the city hall, which Is a tent on the roof of Superintendent Toxler'e cabin. The 10 streets of the camping grounds will be the wards and an alderman will be elected from each. Equal suffrage will prevail, every man. woman and child on the grounds havinc a vote, and dogs If the measure meets popular favor, but cata and parrote strictly uaneu. "What business will be taken up first?'' was asked Mr. Tosler after ha nad outlined hla plans for the city. Dogs, probably," was the answer. "How to take care of them has always been a live Issue on the grounds. Five years ago nine of them were shot dur ing Mir week- We'll try 4 wake some arrangement to divide up the work of watching the tents so the people that have dogs will take a share as well aa the ones that have not." "How about -the mayor?" was ths next question.'. "What about hlmr un, ce il not be elective." waa the answer. "He happens to- be getting up the election and he ia afraid he'll oaa bis. Job.- i, ; " . .. Mustang Liniment Goes qulokly to th vary oora of the disease ana steps the most deep-sat, xomelatlng pains almost Instantly. Mexican Mustang Liniment Oures every allssaal of Mos) or Boast that a good, hoaost Llajlsjiont oan Nona Ittttsri Mono so goosla COFFEE . Receipt for it: Buy Schil ling's Best and grind it your self.. V . 'fy -''' C- Tour grooer. returns' your-money tf you oa't Ilk it;, we pay him. O. 'Ttrk.nomlnatit Iit the TJann-h- licana of Oklahoma, for ,Ueutnant-gor HOTEL MOORE orar iu m tia. CIAT80P BUCK. tXASXDI. OKXOOir. Tbe CUff Eeaie ef Ofegea - .-,. , Dlreet -ea the beach, everlmkmr the ocmui. on hii saiaa ana serf Satnnm. Recreation Pl- ft , tUhtof. ' Sua sarlora. elactrie llf hU.- fireplace sad raraace bant, riae walks aad artvee. See foeas a speelaltr Rates, $2.50 and $3.00 per day BPK&Att' BATBS BT TBB ,WX . , . 0411 A MOOBB. nsa. LOGKSLEY hall SEASIDE, OIUTCON Spend your vacation at Seaside and st delightful Lecksley HaU. More at trac tive than ever before. Aceornmodailo- of the highest order. One hundred - gani outaiae rooms; private daihsj c , trio lights; :.ot and cold water. Annex overlooking the Paelflo en 1 i lightfulTy situated cottages. Ouisiao vazaxvassed. Ba T ' peotaltj'. , .j . T- A rrrrw, T A. C ernor, is a native or jk. years ago wns pum..i!ii(r t Cherokee tnp. H i ganizfre of t:.o F til. limit lerrlmrv en-i l lineal ad liiui, 1 c f7