;; ,TIIH OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, w TUESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER ', 10. -1S07; inns PROVOKE fD)AMFD)mD)rm:'CC a m RACE RIOTS iFiim Laborer at Grays Har- ii I i i i " ";;. i r a x v ;,'. -H: i - ii r i x ;m i mm m itais er' m w m m m i" -m. m m m mm . m .. m m 1 - r-nt -m m m . - m m .. '. ,.... -7 m ll ll ll ll l f.si f.s-' ll ill i .-.x l: 'v l l l .-l ll lvl l l ': I I II Sll' I I !' V,' I l;VVi'V- II I I 11 II I I 1 f II I I t i. - x 1 ; .. I I I , I f I I I 1 1 I '' , ' I I ll''f , lf II I ' I I 11 I I 1 . II I I I I IX a" M 1 r l' 1 Ml - box jSays He Was As ' saultcd by Hindus. ; , ?r (SimcUI Dtapetcn to Tse Joarnsl.) ' " Absrdesn, Wuh., Sept 10.- Ths flrt v Volaih to occur batwsen whit and Hindu labor at Grays Harbor took plaos Sun-A- day afternoon it Wtit'i mill, Junotlon , 'City, a suburb of this placa. Quits a :' number of Hindu have been brought In ' .who hav shanties near the mill, and when extra help la needed they are ' Vsedr , 4 ., , On Sunday aoms SO men were at work , 4a the yarda when the trouble occurred i in wuicn AiDart ftHeinoerg. a rinn, w hit a the back with a piece of lumber by a Hind a. His story is mat ne was driving a team and had a load of heavy -' lumber on his wagon. He game to a Harrow place In the road and asked one ' of the Hindus to nein mm turn arouna. The Hindu threatsned him with a block 4f wood.' Steinberg then told him to ,: get out of the way, when, ha says, the man called him a rile nama and hit , Mm across the mouth with the back of , Jils hand. ' ' He thea droTS on and unloaded and when s came back to the plaoa the , Hindus were waiting for him. One of . them, not the original one, asked him .what was the matter with bis friend. 1 Steinberg replied that there was noth ing the .matter, but If ha the second .one talked to him liks the first one did, be would treat him the same way, ' upon wnicn nuniDer two siruca mm i across the back with a piece of lumbar. ' Steinberg was taken to a hospital and t tba two Hindus, named Jevo and Oo- lamea. wre arrested, A, J. West put up ball for them this liernoon ana inev were atiowea vo go tack to work. Their trial will ba held . in a 'day or. two. Mr. West told tba . chief of polics that the whlta men had . ben aggravating the Hindus for soma time and that thara had baea bad blood . Jbctween them. . . , FOR PEIIDLETOII Railroad Commission Says , Run of Biggs Local Shall . Extend to Pendleton. . (SptcUl Dispatch to The Joarast) ... . SsJenv'Orv Sept 10. Tha railway ' commission yesterday orders that trains Nos. 1 and I of tha O. R.-A N. shall In future ha ooeratad dally between Pen- - oMeton and Portland Instead of only to I . and from Biggs, at Heretofore; mat an .trains provide sufficient equipment fori reasonable accommodation of passen- ' gers, and that theas-trains stop at ait I Ktntinrm between ."Pendleton and Port-1 . land, that ars now' regular stopping-1 ' places. V ' 1 ' v '. The commission specified further that train No, 7 shall axart westward tn the ' morning aniL..Ni;.l. aastward in ths . Aveninc - ' . The schedule shall ba arranged so that ' U points -pn tha Columbia & Southern, f Condon. ao4 Heppner branches shall make connection with .both, trains, . t Tha loooipanr. 'Will have.1 JIT day In 'fWMcn to' comply, 'inis aecision' is me Vcsult of hearings held at Pendleton June 4, and at Portland June 14, ..Tha railway commission nas aiao or . dered a stub train to be established be i tween Roseburg and Portland when . aver No. 12 la mora than two hours late. 'This case was taken up on tha commls ' felon's own motion. The new train is re 'quired to make all stops usually made rv No. is on scneouie time, eouinern ) Pacific will have 20 days to comply. iioSEBURG ROAD ; TO BOHEMIA MINES ' (Bpedal Dispatch to The Joarual.) , 'Bohemia, Or Sept 10. Judge Wona- . cott. Surveyor Roberts and Road Ylaw- ?ars Dixon and Weber have been here! 1 from Roseburg for the purpose At a . J veylng a county road from Roseburg up the utnpqua ana tnence to tjonemia. '' i The judge was anthuslastic over the ' . mroleet. A road is needed badly by tha Snlning camp and undoubtedly soon will ' Je built These men csma over the - ' .route some 40 miles with pack anl- K mais ana tnougn tne trip was K rougn 3 rone they found It an enjoyable one. t This road will make competition In - ' 'the supply trade for the -mines, ba , tween the two towns of Roseburg and Cottage Grova Cottage Grove haa here tofore - enjoyed all tha trade from Bc- - , Jiemia. -' ', ' ' - Tha new owners of tha Sunrise mine ,' re now busy building a road from' tha : jnaln Champion Creek road- to their ' i property on Adams mountain.- The dis j tance is four miles and the grade Is an f ven one. After this Is dons thsy will . tcomc.ence work on the tunnels. Mln A rs are very scarcer It Is hard to get . "work of any kind done. In fact on ac u i count of scarcity of labor.- X Ed. Jenks and Ben Curry have taken the contract to run a tunnel In- the Oglesby-Talklnirton property. Work JwflJ be resumed at once and probably continue inrouf?n tne winter. t . ', Lewis Hartley has taken the contract (to do development work on the Great Eastern property and Is now on tha , ground. These holdings are three miles , south of Bohemia mountain and the . management has some very fine ore ex-' posed. Work on this property will last - -t Until winter is on and probably .longer. i WPARLl LIIfE SOON TA TT? TT flPT?T? A TTAV ' ; ' ' i (SpeoUl Dlnpttch to Tts Journal.) V Ltwlston, Ida., Sept. 10. Announce j tnent made to the effect that the Ore- 1 on Railroad & Navigation company Intends to open a pa?nenger train serv- ; Jce over Its new Riparia-Lewiston line s October 1, came as a surprise to the . ; people of this city, who have watched ' j, the work on the Clearwater railroad ? bridge with tha. notion that it would ;. .4ifca Impossible to open the line until the t t bridge is completed two months hence. M -The plan of the railroad company Is r to finish laying its rails to the north --approach of the bridge, and to start ; trains from Portland to Lewlston by : ; the first of the month. Passengers on r fliMA itrvlna will rsBi.fi V. . . -t, i pieans of the ftrry. ' Lid WUrBe Bolted. V" " (8peeiI Plupstch to Tb JHmil.) - Aberdeen, Wash., Sept. 1 ((.'Informa tion from reliable sources is no the ef fect that all of the dance halls will ba , closed within tha next two weeks. It is aatd that tha owners of tha places have 4 been notified and nave been given this I tim to close up their affairs. ' f , jur owes or MYinrrxoir ' Is worth' pound '-'of euro. There are many poor sufferars, consumptives who are hopeless of getting well who, if they had taken cars of themselves, would now be wall.- A cough Is the f foundstlon of consumption, - Ballard's ' j a.. Mi flvMin wilt rlt-tt f t Aruiffh. T, S- ,, i Great .f'alls. Montana, T havft- usea itauara s - iors- I I ' I t II t I 11 I III 111 I I I I II I k. 1 II I I Forced Oat of Oar Warehouse, and at a time when we most need space. At any other time of the year we could have moved with very little trouble but now with our warehouse full of the purchases made by our Mr. Powers while in the market we are "up against it" We have spent the last 10 days in trying to find a suitable place to store these goods but have not succeeded. KITCHEN TREASURES We have just purchased the bankrupt stock of the Donner Manufacturing Company of Sell wood and have on hand 110 full-size Kitchen Treasures, which we will sell as long as they last at $2.35 IliffL wJ$ immm I fits' XI 4 KM.' WD BJUNOt mm . . PortlawL Oretfoa. Ih'Powr ruraitur Co., Port land, ortg on. ' 0ntlmen t rr la"t o" ymrfot roooit Utm , wo'iro'ollljwd to adrloo you that 'it will t lmpotalblo'for'of to rtntw your lea on wsrohoaio at Froat nd Salmon Sta., which xplrts 3opt. 5th. Rowing to.thtr.arranft ntnta nadof or. thlt" property. Thla amat bo final. arytruly poura. THE C Per . H. II1Y CO. HAS Now ; Is Your Opportunity to furnish your home at a great saving, and at the same time secure the latest cre-v ations from the best factories in the world; It ;s not odds and ends that we arc selling at such great reduc tions, but a warehouse full of brand new patternsiust received from the market Never tfefore have such Drices been quoted in Portland. Come in and be convinced. Terms on specials are strictly cash. I,alAWFET feJgt.J.- IN Select quartered oak, exactly like cut; finished golden or weathered; regular value $36. Forced Sale Price $2350 IRON BEDS 385 . Iron Beds, exact ly like cut; full three quarter size; regular value $3.50. T he Forced Sale Price $1.85 56 Iron Beds, regular $ 4.50 values, now $ 3.00 32 Iron Beds, regular $ 5.50 values, now $ 3.75 16 Iron Beds, regular $ 8.00 values, now $ 5.25 '21 Iron Beds, regular $12.50 values, now $ 8.75 14 Iron Beds, regular $15.00 values, now $10.50 ' 3 YUM YUM SPRINGS Tust like picture; 2-plv weave; three rows of coil springs in center, supported by five heavy cables; regular $3.50 values. Forced Sale Price $1.98 This large Arm Rocker ' s " With cobbler leather - seat ; $3.50 value. Forced Sale Price $1.95 FURNISH YOUR HOME ON OUR EASY PAYRiENT PLAN 17 Princess Dressers, oak, mahog any or birdseye maple, $30.00 Values: jw $21.75 15 Dressers, oak, mahogany, or birdseye maple, $33.50 values; .iow 824.00 10 Dressers, oak, mahogan; br birdeseye maple, $40.00 values; now Mq.w 4 Dressers, oak and mahogany, q:68.50 values; now. .... .843.50 2 Dressers, oak and mahogany, $85.00 values; now. . . . ..854.00 TURKISH LEATHER ROCKERS A roomy Rocker, in genuine leather; onl" best oil-tempered steel springs used in its construction ; regular $45 value. Forced Sale Price $19.75 i fells JEWEL ' WSSi RAN6E Has ' $1-00 ' Week Why Pay Retail Prices When You Can Buy Goods at Less Than Wholesale MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED DRESSER THIS DRESSER is made of thoroughly seasoned mate rial, has shaped top and top drawers, .oval trench bevel mirror and, finished golden; regular $12.00 value. Forced : i Sale Price $8.95 IDAHO LOGGING CAMPS CLOSE iSpscUl Dlasstcs to Ttas JqsrsL) '. Moscow, Ida., Sept 10. It Is said that fully 800 men working lit the woods for ths Potlatch Lumber company havs been laid off recently - Thess men wsrs scat tered among ths various camps from Harvard to BovUl. Tha company Is also reported to be selling; off many of its horses, although the best and heaviest teams, are bed rig- reserved. Wages of ths woodsmen have been reduced to a point where many of thsm would have quit sny way. 1 But two camps are In opera tion now, although eight have been until recentljr.-i - -A..---:.,-. . , TDis reaucuon in Torce is siiriouisa T which.lt li said will be adopted by company in tne ran or spring. hound fvrup tnfmy family for years to two causes a lessening of ths ds my children never suffer witU coughs." f mand for plumber 4n the past,' and a 4oU br aU druggist jprpbaWtBOs o;mthodg,B: logjrtnfc y tna It is said donkey engines will be substituted for horsss . wherever practicable, which will reduce the number of men required to do ths necessary work. PIONEER. DIES AT EUGENE (Special Dispstch to Tna Joorntl.) - Eugene. Or Bept. 10. J.0. Hamp ton, aa early Oregon plonaef.Ldled in this city yesterday from apoplexy after ft Greek's Illness. Be was 87 years old, having, been born In Missouri, from Which state he came across e plains to Oregon in IS48, settling in Tsmhill county, From '"there he removed tb tjiika countv and retnained. where he I yrf snagsd la ths .stock business until about three years sko, when he sold' out and came , to Lane county to live with his nephew, Horace Hampton. They removed to Baker City about year ago, and a few months ago Mr. Hampton again came back to Lane county. He was never married. He leaves two brothers, W. W and J. L. Hampton of Paisley. . Lake county, and a sister. Mrs. Eliza jfuggs of Burns, Harney county, besides many otner rela tives In different parts of Oregon. The Hampton Bros., merchants and bankers, of Eugene, are his nephews. , - MALHEUR COUNTS . ; WINS PARDEE CUP . (SpecJsl DlipStco. is TBS JoonuL) ; Ontario, Or Sept 10. E. X Frase has received a telegram from ' Mayor Lacknv of this city, who has chares of ths Malheur county exhibits at ths NaJ tlonal Irrigation Congress, stating that this county had been awarded ths Gov ernor Faroes silver cup and a 1200 cash prise. The exhibit was prepared and sent at the expense of the ouslnssa men of Ontario. , Oentralia Schools Open. (Sprltl.. Dltth to Ths JTosrnal.) Centralia, Wash., Sept. 10. The Cen tralia schools opened ' yesterday with an enrollment of 1,600. Many of the pupils have not yet returned from ths hopfields. It is thought that within Touad at Xst, f ' J, A, Harmon of Llsemore, West Va says! f'At last I have found the perfect pill that never disappoints me; and for ths benefit of others afflicted with torpid liver and chronic constipation, will, sayr Take- Dr.- King's New Lifs Pills." Guaranteed satisfactory. ' S6c at B4 Cross Pharmacy. . . , ', two or three weeks the enrollment will greatly Increase. . Tha high-schol enrollment Is 180, with ths prospects of more in a few weeks. A commercial course has been added. This year ths board has smploysd a football coach, and a orack team Is ex pected. Forty-seven boys turned out at football practice last nignu Today will be ths last day of ols-count-onr-west side gas bills. ARRESTED ON SERIOUS "lOBBEfiY CSH91 ' 8oeiil Dtopstek Is .." Issrssirrn 1 Astoria; Or., Sept 19. C 'A.- Brown has been areatsd at Clatskanle, charged with ths larceny of ft boat wnd net be longing to tha Warren Paoki&a; oom- pany. Ths boat and net were stolen irura me r isiier croa, company uock August 12, and were valued ' at $600. Brown was arraigned in the Justice court yesterday afternoon and pleaded not guilty. Hs was committed to the county Jail In. default of S500 ball to appear Wednesday for preliminary wc- minannn. - - When arrested Brown had ths boat and net In his possession, whloh were secured oy tne officers. Brown" some orte gava him 10 ao taks When Brown's scow Was examinfw 3hl,ch ... jwas JncMredtuUia-ifesd: Wallace Island, over ll.Don.worih . wmiywib,- tuur . rnicnorB, caoiss, ents, awnings. , musical instruments and other:"; articles r of various-' kinds wars . Today will b tha' last day of -discount on west side gas .bills. Ualms thtrw.o 4. j. t t t - - ' l 'M . , x