The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 10, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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t, .iiuch ; Favorable
f deceived Concerning An
? V nivcrsaiy Number.
Yrsona JFrom 'All TValka of Life
Congratulate Taper Upon Com-
pk-tenna of Jta Mammoth Edition
1 '. :
I- -l.k.l.-. , , M .
f . I imirRui7 nuuij, rwif linn.
UODimentl a? advertisement fir th city. ,,
a jvfi3Huii-4 muat, ainu it la
rine number. I am proud when such a
tmnr occur In th city of Portland.
William Woodard of Woodard. Clark
A Co. I think it la pretty fine, a credit!
10 tne town ana a credit to the paper.
William W. Roblnsdn of Robinson A
Ca It la tha biaaest thin I ever saw
Immense. never aaw anything Ilka
Oeoraa E. Halt, aflvertlsinr jnanaaer I
or TUU.a uibbs it la tha finest thl
in newspaper work that I hare aver
seen. The arrant ement la all that could
De aesirea: m cuta and tha art work
fine. .-' . , ...
Frank P. Olbb of Tull ft aibbo It la
tha flneat edition of the kind I aver
aaw. Certainly It will do Portland and
g,r - y. . Oregon all kind of good. It la a cracker
Portrarinz Orrffon and Portland. I Jac Tn" Journal deserve all klnda of
y.: wr"nu, prate. Really I can't say enough - In
'" ' , i I prals-of tha apeclal edition.
Srrom tvarjr aid aom neat favorabl
andcpthuslaaUo comment ea tha apo
, lal anniversary edltipn Of The Journal
whic,a wa published Sunday, and tha
reception accorded, to it haa been moat
gratifying. Thousand of ' eoplaa . are
being sold and the paper will go. to all
tart' Of the United fitate advertising
, tha faaourcea and- tha. development of
Portland . and Oregon., Many . baalnaa
. " and' professional man liar mad it a
point to step Into tb of f lc to congrat-
vulat The Journal on it signal aucceaa
i aad ' already , lettara .. of ' approval and
, congratulation bar hgun coming In.
' 'v. Following ar ' a fw xpralona of
- opinion copcernlng th publication from
1 tnea prominent, la public , and . businesa
- affair; ; , v.... '. v
:v rtn Ad tot City.
',' Jullua Meier, fit Meier Frank Th
edition la a very fin publication and
r aomething every Portlander ahould b
proud of. I bar aent many oople t6
; Ahd of Any Other.
Prank Aothanhttif nt tha . funAiit I
Clothing Co. It la rery good; the beat
I have aaen for many a day. A great
cere. 1 1 to in journal, a oanay.
Qrant Phealey of th Columbia wool
en Mill Co. It 1 fin. Splendid. Th
beat I have rer ten, I
Morris If arka of tha. Marks Shoe Co. I
ft la grand. It waa a .great surprls!
to m a great aurprla from th stand
point of other-Portland apeclal number
It ahowa th great growth of Port-!
land and la an. artistic aa well aa a J
neway lean. , ,
It. U. Orar It la almoly eleaant. It I
la far ahead of any ather apeclal edi
tion I bar seen and I bar aeen a great
many apectai diuoaa. I aara remarked
ita excellence.
Walt of xafonaatioa.
O. EL Reed of Til Multnomah atrL
trrltee Th Journal aa folio wa: I
MAnr ioekiag over and reading tn
Eat for contentment
Eat for good nature.
; Both are the result of physical
it-, health.
; The most nutritious food made
from flour is 1 -.
Oneeda Biscuit
"Every bite a mouthful of energy
0 in dust and
iV moisten Proof backaees. "':
' M at " "
; f
Bed Springs dtid Mattress Complete - $5.25 ;
Record Furniture Sales
There 1s" not today,' nor hai there ever been Port..''
land furniture house making tuch drastic price reduc
tions as are now general at the home of I. Gevurtx
& Sons. vThcbeautv of these sales is the fact that
they pertain to merchandise, of the highest caste. In
tomorrow's papers we will quote some of the prices
that prove the positive superiority of this sale over
all other, furniture attempts in the northwcst-proof
that is intended to convince-furniture that will sub
stantiate every convincing statement.
--j Record
Sunday edition of Th Journal or Sep
tember t, I wish ta commend and thank
th men who are raponalbl for Ita pro
duction. Back la Illlnota, I would bav
glrea much for tb Information
talned in it.
my friend In tb aat, aa It la a f(na
aarruacmnt ror tna cur ana state.
Aolph AVttlfe, -af LlpwaaJt'oU - 4
Cev Jour apeclal edition la a magnify
' Icent plec of work that veryone may
' be proud ot am proud of Ita xcel-
y. Philip Oerurt. of I. Oevurti A Bona
. . It la one of th beat edition I. bar ever
. a An and 1a a credit-1 Portland. - Tb
Journal should b congratulated for not
allowing 'mercenary condition to color
r meir-wora. it certainly coat taouaanaa
,rof dollar to put out auch aa edition
. ana ine journal la to b commanded
. . for Ita public spirit In pnding their
- none o ior id good or roruana .
' ' roaUaad Froad XL ,
r r. W. Baltea, of F. W. Baltea St Co.
' It la a aplendld adrertlaement for the
, whol of Oregon, not only in th mattar
. it oftera, but In th manner of publica
tion. It ahowa what w can do and that
w ar up with th reet of th world.
. i. W. P. Olda, of Olda. Wortman A King
I think it a vry creditable thing for
Portland, it la on or tn alceat printed
I traveled .eo mllea for
Only a small portion of th Informa
tion ana others ar ooina tn same now.
I have nevar seen a newaoaoer that
ejaald thl- edttoaEl-l certainly a
wonder. I am only ona in thouaanaa
that will agree with m and say tha
aam thin. No cltlien of Portland
ahould nlii It and th chance to fur
nish th Information it alrea to friends
In th oaatr at so small a cost.
Th folio win a tetter waa recelvM
from McMlnnvUle, Oregon, signed by
tnr citlsens of Tarn hill county:
"We as clUaena-of TamhUl county
want t eonrratulata you on th won
derful Sunday laau of 110 pages, ba
llerina that It never ba been eaualed
la th United State. , It will do more
rood to Oreron than all tb other ad
vert lain g combined. Can't get one to
day for a dollar apiece. Succeaa to The
Journal la th wlah of th citliens of
TamhlU county."
JTO all StotlaUo. )
City Treasurer J. A. Wr!ln I re
in era ber what a furor th 40-pag
paper pnniea oy ine ximea-uemocrat
at niw orieans za yeara ago 'created.
Best Makes I Properly Fitted
Moderate Prices
7th end
7th and
supplements I bar aeen for any sort of I nd I can't help but b
in ion pagea or in
' paper anywhere in th country, and
' Portland may indeed be proud t It
Ben Selling It is a wonderful piece
: or worn; a, creau to tn people, in city
. and the etate.
Dr. J. W. H1U of Bin Military Acad-
, rmy iou may. say uywing nice you
like about-that edition and you can't
. exaggerate it It la a beautiful pleca of
, work, a credit to th publisher and to
, th community and will 4e of laatina
, benefit. It I th beat thing I've seen
. i to send to friend to give taetn a fair
. ia oi our city.
Impressed with
journal's annl-
reraary aumbar. Th Journal deserves
the comDllmenta of Portland anil tha
enure atat or Oregon for It enter
prise. I har sent a number of copies
to relatives in the east, but, by tb way,
I haven't finished reading my own, it
is so comprehensive. j
Chief of police Oritimacher The
Journal' anniversary number haa th
tru rlna to. It and la m. iwt nllin
rpr aarertiaing th country
villi iBiauaiicai. naiM.nfe.i
th column of this number
iii mnur jar
wintry. a laj-ged "4
H. J. F1ahr of Fisher. Thoraon. A Co. artiol, 4 Urened by splendid lUostxa-
1 IJiav Just returned from tha as and .:1"' "i . . '
i . hare not yet seen it but I have heard I Mayw;'IaaJM Journal deserves a
f 1 many good comments on It from rry
i. ia wnicn ar rery grauiying.
'.: Saowa Tha Jonraal' Orowth.
, County Auditor Brandea It la the
, biggest thing I ever saw in th way of
' a newspaper. . I waa much surprised
, when I saw it, aa Z had no Idea that The
; Journal would get out so large a paper.
It certainly is a rery fin edition, a very
; trreuiiauie vroauouon, ana snows tnat
, ine journal nas made a
, since it was first surt
-a so. : " - -'
County Judge Webster It I a groat
1 .v paper, on that tell very well th re-
source of our great state. . .
Jicung "one juag rv. tstroae it
a great growth
ted . II v , years
rot of thanks from' Portland nA
Oreaon for the dlatlnetlnn nt rlvlnv
them th areatest nanr nnhtUhaui wul
of the Rock lr. I commend Th Journal
for ita originality and Its patriotism.
Worthy Highest Fraia.
Secretary McPherson of th Civil
Servic Commission The Journal la all
right It has made a wonderful growth
In tha past flv years and ita anniver
sary edition I on that eommnnrt. tha
HYouJre JKLiar" She Screams
vWftness Testifies
Against Her.
highest praise.
fir Chief Campbell Always an brig
instor, - I am not surprised at th won-
uonui aupiay mad oy The Journal. A
vi m pmpmr containing no pages
of real lira news 1 a souvenir to be
waa a v.rv flna a It Inn and tha oltv I Preserreo.
and atat ahould be proud of it It la a I Superintendent Rla-ler of the
compliment to the prosperity and good I achools I like the way The Journal
iDriiv ana anon i -uwi - u&e inn way- tdi jnnrnai iai.
taste of the dcodI of the Oreron coun-1 covered the Orea-on field. Praoi2ii
try that tberi support a paper that gets every , phase of every activity in tho
out uch dftlona , , , state la Intelligibly and interestingly
ra. ihoti oimmona, juairon at uuy i pwrirayea. i am preserving my codv of
Prison I boue-ht elaht copies of the
edition to send eaat That apeak for
w. E. Klernan, Capitalist Th news-
he anniversary edition.
J . - . I
;viiy juiKineer uayior ood, very
good indeed. Evervbodr In nnn
A.iwk ..A . 1 . . .
i t "-" -."- uuni iu Krrp ma numoer as a
P"P?r thermometer shows Th Journal aouvenlr and everybody should send at
?h wr.e l0 Wrm numbr' ast one copy to' rilatlv or friend
C T A den, Clerk to Inspector of Po- nalVsnaeial .u u. JOUr-
s Bruin Ar swell edlUon-J-wlthout " "?!raIL j
vuiy wzxiciaia appzand Tt.
' number I
Superintendent Robinson of th coun-
iy scnoois Her is an enterprlslni
spirit an exhibition of patriotism tha'
nouio d rewarded. Mr lndoraAtnnat
nould be rewarded.
of Th Journal is th number of CO
i liars inuim a ui east.
- doubt th. finest anniversary
t ever puonsnea on in coast
, .. . Many lent Saat,
rairoiman Ben Peterson Th Jour-
nal'a special edition waa all right I'm
going to aend it to relative la th
east :
I J E. VrVlf Mntnrhnat Wnthnalaar
Hats off to The Journal for Hs mag-nouh for Th
uuiwoi anniversary numoer. Motnlnx oi
SO belDS to build un a nnmmunltv aa an
''A up-to-dat newspaper, and when It affort to show th world what Oregon
-comes to real, live, twentieth-century has in ator. I compliment Th Jour-
1 Journalism The Journal wins easily. naL
) ahn5hKn Luclan Hicks Oregonlana . Dr. Esther Pohl, city health ofcr
aaivusvA UV VI IIUII tj I LI1B Hill nrnrlHa HIBa I 1 IIKVM nRVfTT MMin ftlliriri B A-afltahlA aa.a
i.uui'iuver uruoer ,
i at
Plumbing Inspector Hey I can't ear
Journal's special edition.
a several cnnlan aarav
Harbormaster Bpeler It is a splendid
-Never saw
per anywhere
rersary edition.
Journal' annl-
lublishers have
torah?5rU"VliA Oregon
and expect that when they sea th City Auditor Barbur I applaud the
wS?waTd .V ,oZf 0reKoa tber c anniversary special of Th RuSll It
J.J. Pltaa-erald. nr., . i" .u" na PPr I nar
,,nr,roiiii ""YT"" r read.
jm paui; acnieve-
Inspector of Pollc Patrick Bruin
The Journal ha always demonstrated
it upenority over all competitors in
nviuiwCTi, Dt me anniversary num.
S5rwp?v" the JPr In the front rank
with the great eastern publications.
Credit to Town and But.
William B. Roberta of Roberta Bros.
School Shoes. '
Best values, at Rosenthal's.
aaaaaaMaaaaBaaaaBaais '
(Continued from Pag Ona) .
Excitement at th trial- of Milton
Prlbbl on th charge of non-support of
his wif was furnished in th county
court yesterday afternoon by Mrs, T.
Toomey. of 85 . Bell wood street, when
Detective H. H. Hawley took the wit
ness stand. Mrs. Toomey is Prlbble's
mother-in-law. and waa at th trial aa
a witness on Dehalf of ber daughter.
As an officer, Hawley said he had had
previous experience witn Mrs. Toomey,
and when aaked whether h considered
Mrs. Toomey s theories of rearing chil
dren proper, Hawley replied that he did
not, and adding that Mrs. Toomey had
been unable to rear her own children
properly. '
"Vmir'a a Ita" AtrlaA Utvm Tnlm.,
humping up. "Tou have no right to say
roe Bfflwrcr
Creditors, of Butte Creek
Pine Company Bring Ac
tion in Court.
Alleging that officers of the Butte
Creek Sugar. Pine aompany of Medferd
had transferred portions of th com
pany's property to certain creditors
after th company was insolvent other
creditors, composed of the Medford Fur-
d I
e Un
Statea district court this morning ask
nltur company, E. E. Deltrichn
petition in the
United i
Ff ice WaM Ghal-,
; (Full Description of Advertised Articles in Tomorrow's Papers)
$3.00 Oak Chairs - - $L57 ca. (two for $3,15)
4-Hole Steel
Range . . . . .
(Limited 2 to a Customer)
Lace Curtains, $2.50
value, pair.
Wool Top Mattress,
$4.50 value..
Iron Beds, regular.
$3.25 value
Lace Curtains, $3.75
value, pair.
$1.35 Brussels Car
pets, yard
$ 1 .75
Extra 2 -ply Wire
Spring, $2.75 value..
$2.25 Velvet and Ax
minster Carpets, yd.
Never in the history of the furniture northwest have such prices
been quoted prices that throw dark shadows over every other Port
land furniture sale attempt and throw in the face of all competing
furniture forces a sweeping challenge.
The .Great "Eclipse" Steel Range
I. Gevurtz
that th Butt Falls comoany
aujuaaea a Dan a ru pi.
Ing I
he petition seta forth that th com
pany waa incorporated to carry on a
general lumber buainess with B. H.
Harris its president and F. W.
Streets Ita secretary, Th Medford
Furniture company alleges th lumber
company owes it 1112.60, while Daltrich
Hamilton nas
a bill of 110$ for livery hlr against th
iumoer company.
u u. .. . t iiw . . m .. . .u na r i , . s . " . . 1
that." adding -much mor in a ton of Cla,n" f ? A0'. .oor.
vole that attracted the attention of a
Th bailiff admonished Mra. Toomv to I A55?0iln 1?. th petition, the Butt
be calmed, and sh only subsided when I ,2"ar..rln"- company nas been in
Judc Webster reminded her that the
sheriff has an office at the other end
of the corridor, and that unless she re
frained irom disturbing th court a I
messenger would be sent for her.
Prlbbl was ordered (to pay his wife
tsu a montn.
T. 3. Spauer, th burly longshoreman,
who brutally beit Dennis Sullivan; a
74-yeatrold resident of Montavilla, last
Sunday morning In th latter" orchard,
waa found guilty of assault and bat
tery today by Judge Strode and sen
tenced to 15 day on th rockplla The
court, in paaslng sentence, declared that
th assault wa entirely, unwarranted
and vicious and should call fofat least
a SO days' sentence. In view of th
fact, however, that the defendant has a
wife and flv small children, Judge
Stroda believed that half that period
would be sufficient punishment
Today will be the last day of dis
count on west side gas bills.
Metsger sells diamonds at It per cent
profit 141 Wash, at
tram, and conaeduently did not reach
Portland until Monday moaning. He
supped irora ine train on toe east aide
ana cam to tn notei, tnua .missing Mr.
Bristol who had gone to th depot to
meet him.
According to th Information at th
xeaerai ouuaing Mr. weney . and Mr.
Bristol will reach Portland by tomor-
row una wui men set aown in land
cases upon tha docket in such- order
as Mr. Heney may determine upon after
mo mres-siuea conierence. tt Will
men leave ror van ranciaco, yr -
Judre uilbert Is exnartad 4n . TVtf.
iana riaay or Saturday, his term clo.
ing in Seatt(a on Thursday, Ho will
leave for San Franlaco on Monday or
urauy next, wner n WtU D W tOUCh
Our guarantee . of
purity ' . together . with
unequaled record of cures
should convince anyone that
the Bitter s , is an ideal
medicine In cases of HearK
ache, r Sou r '"RT Vng s ,
Cramps Djrspepsia, v Indi
gestion, Costiveness, Female
Ills or Malaria, Fever; and
Agie. Try it.
With Mr. Hanev.
It is contended at tha ferlaral hnlM.
ing that th land cases are scheduled
to b resumed tn the. Immediate future
but it la stated that no definjt date
uowrmineg, unui atter tn con-
ferenc hetween Judg Gilbert V Mr.
vm wuu Mil, JOliaVlrUi . 4
Articles Of lncornnratlnn f.r th. Tl
?A..RAllra(1. c?TmPany, . an auxiliary
of the O. H. A N. company, were re
newed todar bv tha nV .
" u wunty. xn. company is
capitalised for 1200.000. and its cor
f " " PUiio a railroad from
Lewiaton Into Montana " Th lln will
Bltimately b ballt, it la said, and becom
a part of tlj a R A N. system, con
nectina with th Tiaa a.n.nn
llfi rlrst,plann4 n4 incorporated In
Mrs." . ' ;-. (-;".. s'-i, ,r t, "
Northern Paciflc, No. 1. due at
7 o'clock, arrived at 8:65.
Southern Pacific, No. J, du at
7:25, arrived In two sections at
8:25 and 9:25.
O. B, A N., No. 8, du at 8
o'clock, arrived on time.
O. R. A N.. No. 5. du at :45,
arrived at 10:51.
Astoria & Columbia, No, 21,
due at 12:10, arrived on time.
All of th trains that arrived
lata were overland train du In
Portland with government mail.
Only two train were on tlm.
th on from Spokane and th
other from Astoria.
Supreme Court .Idjounui,
(BpecUl Dlipateb to The Jowatl.)
naiem. ur.. BeDl. ID. Tha annrama
court met yesterday and adjourned until
in urut juonaay in uotoner.
Solvent for four months and owaa rinhta
amounting to 3,74.8, which tha pe
titioners allege cannot be paid because
of th low stag of finances in the
lumber company's treaaury. Another
allegation in the petition is that th
company transferred th property to1
certain preierred creditor.
Instructors Elected by the
Board for Various City
Teachers to fill th vacancies In th
city school were elected last night as
follows: Chaster A. Shepherd, principal
Creston school; Herbert R. Dewart, prin
cipal r unon sonooi; jaatnieen Mont
senat fourth grade, Chapman; Mra M.
Metcalf. Qlenoo school: Miss Ida M.
Pike, first grade, Highland; Miss Palsy
New and Novel
EW 1L L 1 Y
.Why Brown On Gome en rao.
When a woman can get rid of brow
atches on her face v by changlpg her
Mansfield, third grade, Holladay; Miss
Emma Dobey, fifth grade, Lents; Miss
EUa Camenter. third arrada. Mount Tt.
Dor; miss Kutn crysier, sixth grade.
Brooklyn; Mis. Mary Kan and Miss
Kditn Aiderson, ueweiiyn school; Miss
Ruby Ooelat - SeUwood school: Misa
trances Meyers, second, Harrison; Miss
8. BeaU. fifth. Thomnson: Miss Rvelvn I
Irving, second grade, Woodstock; Miss
uetia uooper, tnira grao. woodiawn:
Miss 8. M. Lewln. eia-hth arrnda. Hnl.
man; Oeorge Butcher, manual training
Miss Ada Bechtel, Instructor In hot.
who. car for their comnlexlona to knuw I reaianed and th board tranafarrail ria
. A lady In Michigan Cltv that
coffee caused the brown patches on her
face by flrat giving her stomach trouble.
una ner nervea out of order,
result Waa ahown in h com
Maud Ken worthy to the position.
Miss Mary ison. nublia librarii
Dr. T. L. Ellott were present and secured
duo qui cuiie ana oegan using IOS
tUm FOOd Coffee and in laaa than a
montn tn Stomach troubla Jiaantinu.rar1
and- wfthln two months her complexion
uiearau miu is now one and rosy.
fih. TM altm tvn man . 11fu,AAV)a
Indiana. Who have both haan tmr.rnvail
in neaun oy leaving oir cone and tak
ing : liu ita Plac Postum Food Cof f ,
also a husband and wife of tha aam
mace, wno war in poor health ana our
tetriL rWim afmyiaph trviiiKlA trt. u .,,.ti
permission to atabllsh a branch of th
udiio imrary in - tn pasement Of tha
at Bid il an acnooL The use of tha
room wui temporary.
Elmmr W. ' Frost On - of tha haa
aiiown snowmen on in ooaat, will be
burled at Iona Ftp rem far w .minrma
fereifrom atomach troubla, "They uult SLitaS liinMnuXli
eoffotaad After using Postum. a afiort 5 Wa.HlSSSS.SJ
ii at. .i -a. - . " aiBniBi. ur. utobk wbk connMtiui wiri
theatrical and musical publication. He
a fact aa nature could rebuild.
en .give tn names or a number of
other persons who have been helped by
leaving on juum no taxing Jrp
"WW -JOf i
waa interested in a large estate in the
east but refused to acceda to mfi
conditions demanded of him and never
recBivvu oia sjiara, : . . , ,
It 1 a af pronpaftion that . tf an
coffee user has stomach or nervous
trouble, or bad complexion, h or she
can aet rid or tns trouoi oy dlscon
tlnuluff inffaa ana taking T,bfnm ut
Coffee. It is asy enough to prove thT?B'S' ANTISEPTIC
tru in or- tma oy making .-trial.-Read! '. -o
Arriving Daily at '
, Never before in tne history of our business have we
been able to offer such exceptional beauty at such
reasonable prices.
Owing to the fact that we are buying for our two big
stores, this season's gathering is larger and more varied
than ever anctis unquestionably far superior to any in
this locality.
Just a Few of Our New Things
Plain and Fancy Bracelets. ........$2.00 Up -
'Handsome ComM
Beautiful Belt Buckles... ,$1.50 Up
,. .-'".vPretty'Collar Pins .... . . . SOc Up 'C. '-'l
, .,. ' '-NewCPurses; '
trutn or- tma oy making trial. -Bead
Cat, goratohes, Bruises, Sealed hr
"in ioviikolu ma!nw n"
Druggists refund money if DR. POR-
latalnaprlara. 1 Utggf-; til WtahT
;i : CouncU Bluffs, low TWO BIG STORES Portland, Oregon