1;; ; 1 r the . Oregon . daily ., journal, ; Portland, Tuesday , evenino. September l:io i$07. .ITSn h it-' ' Joiiraal Want M Cost bit: little Appear: BatlyXBcforc- L a . aaa - . , , ..... 1 ',' 1 '.' 1 ' " 1 i " i' 1 FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. FOR SALE FARMS PERSONAL. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. ; LUABT KBALTT. CO.. '! ' Iftft.ACTJ JJ! riU 'ItHA IfAPriiAN ;.V' I v - A . .. , in ... , " ; . " I ' "wvuuui iicuiih will MI xin. 21 w . i""-1 waw ana dubi- i lou-acre wrm adjoining Monmouth. ts broksrs. . Main 111 8 1 A-4160. Juat .m-ndid anil ni.i.f "P'otalf : ,,f ; t v. I anything: nearly new 8 room houaa anil THE ORIGINAL ,. AND ONLT , Dr. Man lane IR. RinirirfJWAT.r a. nr lAi.ana r ratt at, largest "butoh.r supply houaa on in, nn. wnu ror catalogue. b'JTchers4 StyppHES-ADOLPH A. Dekvm. 111-11$ lat at. oarrlaa A full all prices. fa Partner for rail eatata office: 1100. a good chance to get a atart with a live i man in' a grouna-rioor ornoa. and aaay tyma; the beat farm Darrein in wnoie wuiamette valley. ZIMMERMAN VAUOHAN, FOR 6AL1& 80 ACRES, rrom Banka. Wiahlm barn and other outbull and aprlna-a; orchard of over 00 treea Dr. Mary Lane Institute Where aha will be pleaaed to aee mar of her old patlanta. DIBKABK3 OF WOMEN AND CHII- OARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. Half caah. bttra atrlntl mod. .if icin- T V. Jk.;iT;. TV... - - I .. - ruii rn 7-room houa7 VmJ IiTl 1 1 mow kViTi.T.iTK f "JiP.?.1? v. .11 -..-rr.i ""n" ; Jr' aaaortmem at ww.at blocka from eariini.orh Vv.r ij.To: in m.h.r;" .V ' "' ' "T. "r: ..T--g-.y";"rf I prw v iV.i " li. , 1 "'in iiuHn, . iuii ii ina numDtr 01 found ' with tha i,uu-an caan, Duye nna roorn-int-houae of 14 room a; beat value oa r nai ror tne mqney. - 460 buys 10 houaekeeolna room a. l,(00-part caah. 17 .roomai othra OHN A. MELTON, 104 4TH BT-OF-flce a .id atora flzturea built and re moaeiea; ahowcaaea and eountera. flnVSS V DWBABM OF WOMSN and CHib. phone Main 1787 .lnrton Co. Houae, free J oorraapondenoe aolloltad. wlSLf? Vr SJ5 Jobbing. T lat at uUdlngai good well Rooma ( to 14. Phone Main 10 T A t..a. i at MrA I au a. vi uivviaiiiieju ami ui i iiaa Aw jr. a anttp at 11,000, rarucuiara inquire va a -intra at. . i'none fanino itta. i havk ;usf ' RETURNEb fr6m "A Deraonal examination of aeveral farma In Yamhill county and find that I am In a poaltlon to ahow you aome of the dbi Daraaine aver ozrerea in zarm lands. If you want to buy. let me tell w. , 11,600 buys half Interest In gTooery. iio caan aany, MOO Half cash, light office bualneaa doing several hundred dollars per month; no experience needed beyond aimty to aeep ' piain aocounts. 1600 buys timber elalm. worth 15,000. on rv. n. ana river: oniy i mues away. inuu nest small reetaurant in city. Grand Theatre bldg. - ' Phone Main ins. Correapondence confidential. .- . The original and only CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS t 1500 securel buetneas that made $10.- rou about some of them. George ooo in paet I years; other opportunities I orner, au waanington at. Dr. Mary Lane Lady physician, with the old established X. nadium Meaioai lnsuiuie avna t - Banitarlum- . For yaars Is still at the old stand. ..Dr. Mary Lane Lata superintendent of Chloaga Wo- Free! FOR ONE WEEK MORE, BRING THI8 AD AND RECEIVE ABSQLUTELT FREE. One of my CONSULTATION READINGS. 1 . I ' Ar- REALTY CO.. - Ts?4SjtfBJv jtOHMorrlaon txM,ln.16- A-10. .. i ?Kffi & FVR BAI-J: REAL ESTATE. , are wei improvea ana wui pay xor r- " izz; .on.ultatloni .Tmrtim: wu, ra. . tssas mw& u bo inem:. ajper.acre; gooa urma rV p..r.i.'.Vr;.M. mid, l"-?M I mJ ceiepraiea ia Turner, oh waanington at. Aere and Half Aore Traeta. We make a Bpeclalty of acre-tracts with water mains laid and navmenta of only 10' oaah and 110 per ' month; a much better purchase for a home or lnveatrnent tban iota. A. C. ChurohllL UO. Id at sparkmaN A Co. Hi MiLWAL'kiB I too st, offer ror aala a or 10 flrat-claaa modern homes. We will stake our repu tation as real eatata dealers that each and every one of these Is apargaln; Tha above CONSULTATION READING will be Given Free TIMBER. nLZKhi !ZLn3!S2Ztm m.a. of mr celebrated t 00 Pay BaVoXnb!?f fiSaSS flf $1M 1 a ..ni.rii,m 4 h north wL I "J wnQ "ng una paper a a. fl.. m T,rr nw ui uiv im twrxain. I wwui hm mivuia viwpi aa.iv good nelghbora: fine view; good loca- dam and perpetual water; a ahlnrle and ACRES; SMALL HOUSE; I aerea fenced and nart In alfalfa; 1,000.000 feet fine pine saw Umbjsr and wood timber to make 2,000 corda wood; large creek through place; tlon. for tha nulrjrxwl aanltarium In the northweat Offlra flit AlHav onrn.f til Portland. I or. Phones Main 176. Home A-i7a. Dr. Philip T. Ball Speotallat In nervoua and chronic dis eases of men, women and children; piles cured palnleaaly and promptly; This Is striotly a matter of bualneaa on your part to call at my office and mar with my SPIRITUAL a nini to tne beoome fam and SCIENTIFIC work. wui la aufflclent ttona; 1 and t blocka of car; lt-mlnute planing mill In full operation driven by conatlpatlon, rheumatlam, paralyala. gol pviriuvi uuu a- wi. uuv cm m worn Mnm i v a --- -i -7 f v --r- - . . . 1 vnvint nf thai ar waukle'st Bparkman A Co. tnUU 10,000.000 feet of good pine tlm- trio and medic.f.d bath.. 0J tth at. jogan tt baro. FOR BALEAT . COST TOTBUILDT nXE?lmXm1?Zl An bH "Yr iT UtTri- whom you will ngurea prooucea to prove it; e-room I ;7, r-r, r.nn. iiV. k. .;i.. u i . i. tM on. you love, houAs. flrst-claaa. modern In every re- i.".?.0.! f'it8.0.?' li'.f .V'.,r.t;r L and gentlemen, f you are In mway; r,u'iea the soeot and auaranteed: B. lith. between '5. "J" uV"l.ulmu.T I "? aooui ine conaiuon 01 wur ,Nt nowera to armi a. n. a. i yior at o- weoo- i neaitri. do not rail to oonauii me. 1 can i - w , villa, urego Halaev and W. Idler streets: on one car Urn aad ana block. front another. sold on tune or ror oaan. s. iu uoum, atore phonea EJast OS; B-ls(2; realdence phone fiaat 711. I HAVE BUYERS WAifiNd F6R t and t-room nouaaa. rrom 11.100 to LOOKING FOR TIMBER f We offer you every advantage through , oar system of expert examinations which enables von to determine the suit. ability of a tract without apendlng time 11,000: Hat your property with me at I or money, u our general report lndl once If rou want a QUlok aale. A. 8. 1 catee that we have what you want our Draper, l4Stt Washington at. rooms 1 1 ..timat.a by two and a half acres are ally verified. JAMES D. LACET A CO., TRT -THB LACET WAT." and 4, corner Tth. be WIse. InveST IM A 1.0004 rooma. 7(1 E. Ith. 1.600 B rooms, 765 E. Ith. 1.660 I rooms. Til E. Ith. 14604 rooms, Mallory and Mason. 1.400 U. block South Portland. All new and modern, owner, 101 4th. Tel Main 1900 or Paolflo tilt. LESS THAN COST-NEW" l-ROOM" houae; two blocka from oars. X-604, JournaL KLAMATri FALLS. l500 FdR t ACRES adjoining olty. government Irrigated. SeUtyTTrt oonfp'antobiJg" tlMBfeR LANbd .BOUGHT AtD SOLD atn ana Biarx. . -" - . iProf. E Khlmo Greateat living astral dead-trance clatr- ADVISER OF BUBI- AFFAIRS OF LIFE: marry, how to control even tnnugn ml Ha eeparated: rlvea ee- control otnera; no dlr- amlnatlon free. Dr. Iaabella Mackle, t ' , mnn.' tn 0hi.m th. K..t ,M,rri' iVii R0m 19' VI poaalble reaulta If you are alck, mel Mala 7310 or A-1144. I I..i,i. n, . i r. a DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; DO NOT GIVE UP IN DESPAIR; come Sexlne Pllla our au weaknesa; ll aland receive aolrltual advice that will box. I for 15: full guarantee. Address helo vou to receive HEALTH. WEALTH or call J. a Clemenson, druggist Fort AND HAPPINESS. land. Or. I I will do all others advertise to do. I M0LK8. WRiNKLES.' SUPERFLUOUS I and a great deal more. Itt Chamber of Commerce, Portland. sot LumPer Exchange, Beattlo. FOR SALE 400 ACRES OF TIMBER. 1,000,000 feet saw timber and oedar for millions of shingles. Sawmill 16,000 capacity, planer, blacksmith tools, chains, eta, all for 17,000; 11 miles of Bonanaa, Or., the metropolla of the up- hair removed. No charge to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. Hill. room, no ruea- ner bldir. Phone Pacific llfc BALM OF JUGS FOR ALL EMaLi. dla.aaea IS! B. Belmont Fbona Eftat 4014. TOU PAIVAtti bodPlTAL. 6kIS unfortunate girls; good care. ner Diag. Mll- ?imbe7,frntd0nifPrw.nCt-d diSS-BalS LADY'S BARBER SHOP N6W OPfeN n,?t?2 -iiii R?r?i v-uETtV r at 84 will teach 1 reapectable Butte sawmill, Bonanaa, Klamath Co., Iad)e the trawe or. - t . . . . i i i neae root medicines; aella Chlneee tea, . j ..... . .,, jt i in a A w n nun kj w. I ALni.. -.1. ' l i i ovriain vur, hit .i umvamvm, . ma or In- gPT gMWT ttUup-p ni aVviM witiA bert 106V. Sixth ot, next to Quell irraoaeo. Tne - - . . . : ..-..rr,..r- Fhnn Main ions Bpanton ft, I . 6.000V000 feTt each "al-o". 1700 a BAKUAiN i iv TAM.KN huon; t00 buys claim worth I6.J00 a m to. m m xp i-'.- u - - j BtIt-o Tin trborii iratl r. V-rf Vxf i it I what locality is moat ravorai Ankenv carllne: nloe lawn. This Is a hfds;. 6O0. Ladlea' aklrts presaed, 60a OH- business, to rore-.ee ir a jou Ym. MART KRAMER. MIDWIFE; home for patients; treatment for all blood dlaeaaea: examination free. 861 MtsalaslDDt ave. Eaat 6641. CHRONIC, NERVOUS AND SPECIAL dlaeaaea of men and women oured by modorn aclentino roeinoae; electric ireai- 6.000.000 feet each; alao 6 homesteads; tann hiiva .lnlm wrtrth IK 3li1 vrian house and I lota, necessary outbuild-1 nmvi ,.r- nth.rm .11 r.r Th. fnni Ings.; 11 fruit trees (variety), berrlea Realty Co!, 126 V4 Morrison' st. Phonea (vaneiT).' 1 corua wooa in aneu. iv m. n nil a. nun SMI TO. :SSS? r and timber LANb see Metager st,. wo. , owner w. ti. jNeaL ,v"f rvT""' .,, mnt for dlaeaaea of the prostate: con- 16 ACREfl GOOD LAND, MtLES S. E. WE HAVE A FEW GOOD TIMBER tuition' fr Dr. W 1. Howard!'c5m- from Morrison st. brldae: house, barn. I . '"""""7. " orohard. Price O. HAVti. SOME CHOICE .PROPERTY to sou in hi. jonns ana au parte or tha city. Terms on lots and nouses. Bee i st. bridge; house, barn, , 'atlono In tyn Oregon; pajrty monwealth bldg.. Ith St.. cor. Pine. 11.000. B-608, JournaL iKM lday. 407 Buchanan bldg. U ffig B1T Mnvn ma RSETTR B. ItlU Morriaon at., room 1 4 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Office. Nos. I and 4. Grand Theatre bldg. 352 1-2 Washington Phone Main 1267. READ THIS. THEN TAKE IT TO Nemo Na?anzi the greateat palmist clairvoyant and re ceive the moat wonderful free teat that waa ever given. He telle more tn five minutea than othera do in a life time. There are fsw persons but who at aome time or other have not wished that they might know what the future has In store for them to have guidance tn some business matter; to learn aa to favorable for their rney ahould be taken, or perhapa to know If the one upon whom their affection la can tered will say "Yes" or "No." Make no mistake when you undertake anything of Importance. Get hia advice ftrat. Hundreds of others have been put on the road to fortune by him, so why not youT He gives truthful revelations on all love affairs, troublea, raarrlagea, and, by proper advice restores loat affections, reunites the separated, aettlee lovers quarrels, tells you when and whom you will marry and how to win the man or woman you love and now to maxe your me n 111 Stark St. TWO 7-R66M MdDERN ri6UfiS IN - City View park; terms or caan; a snap if taken at ones. Call at 486 Leo ave. Bellwood car. TO LEASE CORNER LOT FOR TERM of years on 10th st: fine apartment or flats location. E-606, Journal. Modern1 B-room1 cottage 6N E. 16th st for $1,800; 120 a month; give reference-and no first payment n.o.s aary. The Bpanton Co., 170 Stark at CHEAP LOTS 110 NOT HALF lots, but lots 40x116 and 20-foot al lnva: rood car aorvlce! noaltlvelr tha heat lots xor tne money, a sare in- ONE FRESH JERSEY COW, VICTOR TALKING MACHINES. AND records: uteinwav cana otneri tiianoa. Sherman, Clay & Co Ith and Morriaon sts.. opp. poatoffloe- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OR TRADE SOUND. young, good horses, good workers. also mares to Dreed, reasonable time given, or will trade for lota 1004 Mil waukle ave. Take Bellwood car to Gratton's Grove. GERMAN BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NOV-1 Bu". iL 0 , r 7 n-n.- els, eta: German. English. French. mw to oPfr all your enemies; Spanish. Swedish and Italian diction- f" "7 H." l??1. ' 1 kui.. .11 I charm any one you love or meet: vou Bchmale Co., 12 First st MRS O. DRESSMAKTJfQ. MADAME ANGELES 1 4 1 FIFTH. PA elfle III. EDUCATIONAL BEHNKE-WALKEK BUSINESS COL- ' " ElksBulldlng. Portland. Oregon, Chartler shorthand and Bliss book keeping as taught in the Behnke-Walker 1. 101. Will place you when com p.- will lead you to success. Facta 717 calls for help and placed!, Ill slnoe Aug. tent Enroll now. bbi a private secretary. nUllllW 1.' UMHH , mi J . UIU,- ton and 10th sts.. Portland. Oregon, has ralaad Ita commercial eouraea to the atandard of a university training. The private secretary course may va naa either dav or nlaht Do not decide upon a school until you have written ror in formation. Open every day and evening. OREGON COLLEGE OF ORATORY has opened for the fall term; the only aAhooI In tha northwest eonferrlnar de grees tn expression and oratory. Of floe 614 Buchanan bldg. . I 1 Matthews, LL. B., teacher, KOBE CITT BUHINUDB UOUiJUUHJ. Elegant new quarters on 8th street near postofftce. Pitman shorthand oy court reporter; 10 to 40 per oent aavea on TMT W' TXT T a m. . ,1 U M L BRONd6M- aLmon s stUD'io 6F aherthand and tvD.wrltlna: full wuih in Am otwvbb, ufvu WLAA PUIIIUI.1 i eaubliahed 1815. Mliner bldg.. Park and worn. on. SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY academy, Portland, C. write lor eat- aiorue. OREGON EXPERT- COLLEGE. COM monwealth bldg., Ith and Ankeny eta., telegraphy, typewriting, Spanish, Eng- nsn. pwnmanahip; day and evenings, MRS. WALTER W. BRUCE. GRADU ate of Ott School of Expreaalon, Chi cago; dramatic reader, teacher or ex preaalon.. studio 411 E. Asn. tsi. to. 4111. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. at. J. WALSH CO.. Ill STARK ST.. priectrQ and Gas Fixtures and Supplies, Mantels, Tiling. Orate andDogUoh"- PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. EMat- neers. eontractors. repairers, olectne wiring, supplies. 14 1st. oor. star a. Main III. R. H.Tate. Mgr. WESTERN ELfcCTRlC WCftKfl. li th st Contractors, electrte supplies, motors and ' dynamos; ws Install light and power plants. M6RRISON- ELECTRIC CO.-li EL Morriaon st Fixtures, wiring, re- patrtng. Eaat ills. FAIRBANKS. MORSE MOTORS AND dynamos. A. C and D. C 1st and Btark ats. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE IRON WORKS Id and Everett sta. Fhone Main too: HARDWARE. WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS made to order. Portland Hard Co.. 74 Ith. HOTELS. THB BKLLEVUE, EUROPEAN PLAN, 4th and Halm on. HOTEL Portland. Am. plan, 11, 16 day. BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Alder. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 144 Sherlock Diag. BROCK. OR ADTTATHI MAS seuse; cabinet both, srilt glow, alcohol FOR SALE CHEAP, 4 FRESH COWS. Raster s Place. Lenta. FRESH COW FOR 18th St "SATE Til eT vestment Terms, 15 down, 8 per month. J. J. Oader, corner Grand ava and East Ankeny. f (6 XI 1 COM- 10th st Ins in next month. Phone East 6606. THREE FRESH COWS FOR SALe- ALBERT BRAD- wick, Mt Tabor Heights, one block WMt MaaanhiiHAtta hldr. ,R5i! 2LLfi?.brlr 2tV FRESH COW FOR SALE, f 40 E. lltH. FilleyPark Lota 180 and ud. Easy payments, Streets graded, water mains laid, 6o fare. I and 6-room cottages for sale on easy terms. Room 4X7 number ex change bldg. Second and Stark sts. Phnn. Villi till NEW MODERN 8-ROOM COTTAGE. HORSES, convenient to stores, school and car llnea inquire 1091 E.. 7th st N. BT OWNER NEW MODERN, 7-r56sJ and 8-room houses, Holladay Park ad dition. Lots for sale. Phone East 2482 R. B. Rice. 600 Wasco at. 11.000 BARGAIN A 6-ROOM HOUSE, Good milkers. 1668 11th Umatilla, Bellwood. GOOD FAMILY COW. st, near nearly new. painted; water In house and yard; lot eoxizu, xenced; cnicicen lot. house and shed In rear; good loca tion; owner going to California. Hood and Stearns St., Woodstock. M. D. Lute. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, $2,000; 1200 cash. 126 monthly. Fhone East 675 BrttOOM COTTAGE, . LOT 66 FRONT, 100 back, 100 deep. In Stevens' addi tion. Price $1,160; $160 cash, balance Ike- rent, uait nz Maoison at. ROOM MODERN HOUSE, NEAR U car line; streets Improved, sewer and gas; lot 60x100; location oan't be beat; pries $2,100 ; no agents. 20 Tay for at SEE MtLLSiR ABOU'f TA REfll- dence lot in AiDena; easy terms. 268 K Washington at., room 12. NEW 7-ROOM THOROUGHLY MOD- ern house, fine location, cheap. Owner 82 B. 2811 a I sm FOR SALE FARMS 160 ACRES; 60 IN CULTIVATION; good house and barn, etc.; family or chard and berries; 10 acres more easy to clear; all ideal fruit and farm land: 40 sub irrigated bottom; oak, pine and fir to make 1,000 cords wood; t miles all down haul to R. R. and town; miles outside range fine for hogs, cattle and poultry; three horses and harness; bug gy, spring wagon ana jumoer wagon; $100 Jersey cow and heifer; 20 hogs, fullblood poultry; farm Implements; household and kitchen furniture' com- Slete; all goes in; splendid water at oor; no malaria in miles; daily mall; Rogue River vaiiey country, Jackson Co, Oregon; finest climate on earth; finest fruit land In state; price $3,600. Address Quick, Box 17, Woodvllle. Ore. VEHICLES, HARNESS. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rates to business houses. Ith and Hawthorne. East 71. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. KELLER Harness Co.. 41 N. Ith st LARGE YOUNG HORSE. INQUIRE 416 E. 8th st. S. FOR SALE ONE SPRING WAGON, with cover, reasonable. 926 Front st B. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE rub, cream massage; reDerencea. nrir at. Kacir e anil. THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE HAS enaraaed the services of Miss English, electropath. Room 10, 260V4 Morrison st Phone Main 7SZ0 or A-1644. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATtC CURB Sure cure for rheumatism. Bold by all druggists. LAblES DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills are the only euro remedy for delayed penoda; by mall $1 per box. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealskin garments redyed and remod eled; expert fitter; estimates given: low est prices; open evenings. 661 Wash ington. Phone Main 7808. MADAM1 VA8HTL VAPOR AND TUB baths, massage, chiropody. 201 ft 3d at klSS MARCeLLA LE ROY. 291H AL- der st, room 4. massage ana Datns. ELECTRIC VAPOR BATHS, MASSAGE electricity. 146 H etn at., room a, WK WANT HONORABLE LADIES and gentlemen to Join our club; ladles free: only respectable people need apply. The'So-lal Acquaintance club, Mrs. Gray, 11 E. 8th st, cor. Washington. 9 to 7, minqays i to l. TO EXCHANGE A FINE IMPROVED farm for Portland residence property. No agents. For particulars address. Lock pox 5, Junction City. Or. LOT 60x100, 1-ROOM HOUSE AND sited; also cellar, city water, garden and itarn; 1 block from car line; trade XVI .TTVI& a.a CUIU Will. AUU1 CO! owner, Ferd Hart man, St. Johns. In- terested parties only need apply. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$12$ $10,000 WORTH OF NEW AND GOOD as new furniture. Stoves, ranves. beds. bedding, carpets, llneolems, etc, etc. We can give the best variety of second hand goods for house furnishing tn the city. Parties wanting furniture will save $ and cents by coming to us. We want your trade and will treat vou white. Square dealing. 282 1st. $m2miiii$im.iMmiiiiii$$i$$$ Your Opportunity 5 acres In the famous Hood River apple belt will make you independent; a few more of these at $200; $20 down and $10 Pr month.' You will never have this chance again as they will all be sold in a short time. Write or fail A. L. DUNDAS, 225 Lumber Ex.. id and Stark, Portland. U ACRES, BEST OF SOIL, la MILE from O. W. P, S miles east of city; unP?r cultivation; o per acre, one jpTTad cash, uoromonweaiia. iruat wo., otliand Ankeny. A0 HOME SEEKERS ATTENTION 110 -ars;.5,,. well clear ed;jl acres slashed and burned! large orchard; ail kinds fruits; . large house, barn, out houses; fine water; near school; good out range; a fine home; prloe $2,600; terms given. Writ or call J. 8. Hunt Ington. Kelso, Wash. . . - GOOD 110-ACRE ' FARM, , CHEAP; good improvements, , nicely ' situated. ! T. Forcler, Woodburn ave, ' R. F. D. No, 1, , . . 'hV. :V.-;:2.;:-. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE SURE euro ror rneumatism. oid or all druggista , FREE FOR EVERYBODY RlWd UP Main 4290 or call 213 H Front st We buy and sell furniture, clothing or any old thing. FOR TURKISH BATHS. 800 OREGONIAN bldg.: ladles days, gentlemen nights. Main 1958. A REFINED, WELL , EDUCATED . nA MmHna-loM l.lt.r. to write for business people, or society persons: correspondence absolutely con fidentlaL Address X-507, Journal. MISS ETHEL WARD'S MANICURING and chiropody parlors, in suite is, 161 H Morrison st. MRS OBROCK. MASSEUSE, CABINET 28 glov Park. Pacifio 2611; erences. 1.0741 LADIES! DR. LA FRANCO'S COM pound: safe, speedy regulator; 25 cents, druggists or mall; booklet free. Dr. LA FTanco. rnuaaeipnia. I'a. are told how to avoid weakneaa: warned against all treacherous friends; locates burled treasure, mines, old estates, lost friends, etc. As a test In his readings, he will tell the name of hla callers, what day, the month and the year you were born In. your mother's maiden name, and your most Important quea- uon. P. S. Ladlea and gentlemen can vail on Mr. Nagansl without the least fear of unpleasant surroundings or having their confidence betrayed, can be consulted personally only at his private office. gllft Morrison St., corner or neventn. IAS. Met WOOD, EMPLOYERS' LIa bllitv and Individual accident security bonds of all klnda Phone 47, 102 Mo Kay bldg. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MAST1CK ft CO.. FRONT and Oak sts.. leather and skins of every description for all purposes; sols and tap cuttera; findings. Madame Luckey Gives eleotrlo baths and vibratory treat ments; also scientific massage; uses the celebrated French paste for removing wrinkles, iiih jrront st Main ion. MAY ANDREWS, CARD READER, AT 226 Main St., 26c. Phone Main 7648. COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST 8LABWOOO Col65 Front at. successors to Ful ton Wood Co. Fir. oak, slab wood. coaj. Tel. Main 1986. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF HLaB wood call Main 4876. Oak, ash. fir and coal. Port lend Wood ft Coal Co.. llth and Savler ita WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coals, eoke. charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1 018. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. B. JONES ft CO, Wood and Coal. 181 East Water st For quick delivery phone Oregon Fuel Co.. 884 Alder- MONEY TO LOAN BANKS. -1 TTNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK ftF PORTLAND. OREQON. II Northwest Corner Third anl O-k Streets. ' 7; Transacts General Banking Bualneaa DRAFTS ISSUED Available 1i. All Cities of the United States and Europe, Honikong and Manila.. Collection.' made on Favorable Terms. " I ...J. a AINSWORTH Cashier.,. ........ W. BCHMtf R. LEA BARNES I Assistant Cashier. . .....W,X UuLi Asstetant Cashier.. A. M. wr.lGHT . ' President... LADD ft TILTON, BANKERS Portland, Oregon, - Established. 186a. W. M. LADD. - C E. LADD..- 3. W, LADD Traneact a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARnfKNT. psvings books laaued on savings d.poalts. Intereat paid oa time depoa'ta. FERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK Portland. Oregoa All ii FRANK WATSON.. President I R. L. DURHAM... Vi'.' R. W. HOTT. President I R. L. DURHAM; ;;. VtoaPresldeni , .Cashier GEORGE W. HOTT. .Assistant Caahtet fit r n . ..v...-, i .... a , ..I-,.. r..wl.. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued Available to All Parts of the World. Collections m .floeo.1 THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA Established 1884. Haed Offleo, Ban FnrtaeA. Capital paid up 14,000,000 I Surplus snd undivided profits $1MM7S, General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Interest on 'Timer Dsposlta SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may bs opened of f 10 and l ward. Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Building. v WM. R. MACREA Manager J. T. BURTCHABLL. .Aas't Managef FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland, Or. Oldest National Bank pa Pacifio Ooasl CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,500,000.00. DEPOSITS, 114,00000.00 I ; L. MILLS . PrHinmt i w r. at.vort. ...lAsslstknt OasWe J. W. NEWK1RK.I . . . .Cashier I W. C. ALVORD....iAse1tat " I B. F. STEVENS. , Second Aset Ckahier TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT OF OREGON The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $2,40 0,000. General Banking. Two oanl Interest on check accounts (even hundreds) on dally balances of $101 or over. Letters of credit snd exchange on all parts of ths world. Saving o- oounta Time certificates. I to 4 per cent; short-call special certificates.- 1609 . or over, lu to 4 per eent Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS. . . . Southeast Corner Third and Oak Sta Phone Private Exchatjga BKNJ. I. COHEN President I H. U.PITTOCK Tics-President. R LEB PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA. .Assistant Secretary SECURITY SAVINGS ft TRUST CO.--16I Morrison Street, Portland. Oregon. Tranaaots a General Banking Buerneaa. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Ink jet allowed on Time and 8avlnga Aocounts.- Acta aa Trustee fov Batatas. Drafts snd Lsttsrs of Credit Available on All Parts of the World. C. F. ADAMS President L. A LEWIS. ... .First Vios-Presldent t A. L MILLS... Second Vice-President R. C. JUBITJ!.. ,....Seratary GEO. B. RUB8ELL Aaalatant Secretary - . TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST COMPANT 14 Waahington Street. v-' V r MORTOAOB I5ANS ON Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rates. . ,m . litis Insured. Abstracts Furnished. ' 1 T J. THORBURN ROSS President I JNO. E. AITCHISON. .. .. .. .Sscretsrf t GEORGE H. HILL....VIce-Preald.nt T. T. BURKHART.. ,.Treasure. . BONIwi 'ANBiNESTtENTS. :": 'r - - I, h-it -i -L-Liilq : J. . ORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Commerce Building. M W..l.l. Ti -1 M mm.M VmbW1jbv t .Atx aMeswAaaklMfai YtFarleVal m u ii ici ti( rv unmu imi or u unv on i wi i"js amn s-m-q --.(. DOWNINO-H0PK1N8 COMPANY EaUbllahed 1892 BROKERS. .-- ,- -, -a STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin, 'V Private Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phono Main IT.? Overbeck & Cooke Companyl SSSS. GRAIN. PROVISIONS. COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Bervtoe. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. .1 V'' LEAVING PORTLAND. Shasta Expreas Cottage Grove Paaaenger California Expreaa San Francisco Express Southern Pacific ARRIVING PORTLAND;! m.' 8:11 a. m. 4:16 p. m. 11;20 p. m. WEST BIDE. Corvallls Paaaenger T:00 a. m. Sheridan Paaaenger 4:10 p. m. Forest Grove Paaaenger ...11:00 a. m. Forest Grove Paaweng.r ... 6:30 p. m. Oregon Express t.. ....... T:ll a.' Cottage Grove Passenger.. 1 1:20 a. Hnaata express Portland Express WEST SIDE. Corvallls Paaaenger Sheridan Passenger 10:20 Forest Grove Paaaenger .,.-8:09 a. m.. Forest Prove Pass.nger ...'1:60 p. m.j 2:80 n m.' 11:20 p. m. 5:68 p. m. Northern Pacific. Tacoma and Seattle Exp.... 8:80 a. m. North Coast A Chicago Lim. 2:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 4:10 p. m. Overland Expreas 11:46 p. tn. Overland Expreas 1:15 p. nur yuget Bounq limited lo:ta p. North Coaat Limited ..... 7:00 Portland Express .4:11 , Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. Local Passenger ., 8 00 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:80 a. m. Spokane Flyer T;?$ m' Kan. City ft Chi. Exp 7:40 p. m. Spokane Flyer ..j. ....... IsOO a. m. CM., Kan. City ft Port Ex.. 9:41 a. jiw Chicago-Portland Speoial ..1:10 p. v Local Paaaenger .......... 5:45 p. m. ' Aatorla and Seaside Exp.. . Astoria ft Seaside Express Seaside Special ........ Saturday only. All Astoria St Columbia River. Aatorla ft Port Passenger. ltilO p. Portland Express ..11:00 p. 8:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 8:10 D. m. other trains dally. p. JO. MONET MONET MONEY MONET MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONET MONET SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. GET 110 TO 1100. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER -ARHOI.UTELY NO BECURITT. LOWEST RATES EA6IE8TPAYMENTS A CALL WlLiti UUPf V lIMIJig iuu. REMEMBER, IF fOU WORK. WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. STATE OECURITT CO, 704 DEKCM BLDG. worms I A. M. TO 4 P. M. WED AND SATURDAT TILL 8 P. M. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONET MONET MONEY MONEY CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO Largest Dlant on coast: Lorlnar and Harding ata: phone East 180: carpet. cleaned, rent ted, sewed and laid; st.am and compressed air process; renovating mattresses and feathers a specialty. LADIES! ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Chlchesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 years known aa beat, safest Always ' reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pllla are sold by druggists everywhere. GENTLEMAN OF 25 WOULD LIKE to meet lady of neat appearance and aome means: obJeot amusement Ad dress 8-607, JournaL SALE ONE HOTEL Inquire 871 let st -VIOLIN. Range: ROOM1 FOR SALE CHEAP' 8, 28 IS. Bth St . SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES. NEW and second-hand. Jan. T. Marshall Mfg. Co., 289 Couch st for baLe cheap. One motor cycle In first-class shape, inquire at o. a w. union a vol GENTLEMAN OF 30 WOULD LIKE to meet lady of corresponding are: object matrimony. Address V-607, Jour- naL i AM A. STRANGER N THB (MT. would like to meet a man of means to help and assist my ramiiy. V. M. box 607, Journal. JOYCE BROS.. PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric Cleaning works; carpets ceaned and laid, both ary ana, com prnsaed air cleaning; carpet refitting our apaciajty; worx guaranteed, mono Main zasz- and A-ZS72 270 Grant st CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSBD. II per month. Unique Tailoring Co., lot Stark st H. W. TURNER, DYER CARPETS dyed a specialty. Main 1513. 606 Jefferson st CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill, Room 180 Fleldner bldg. Both phonea ATTORNEYS. PIOOOTT. FINCH ft BIGGER. ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg.. corner 2d and Morriaon Sta AUTOMOBILES. CLEAN, WASHED RAGS FOR WtPING The Overall Laundry and purposes. Supply Co., phone Bellwood 86. FOR SALE- 1 FIREBOX BOILER, it H, P B 114 K Morrison. Phone E. S814. certificate. Phone FOR. SALE ONE 40 AND OnS JS6 need-French piano credit c Inquire 999 Belmont st, city, uaat .us or u-1406. A NO. 7HEMINGTON TYPEWRITER. lmostTrr ehip- If gold at one, m qulre at Hotel Cascade, N. Ith st FOR BALE-SHEAP. ILMOSt NttW gas rasae auid water heater. T-608. Journal. FOR BALE-lFtRK'ITURE, AT 48i. E. Morrison st. - -THOROUGHBRED SCO'TCH' COLUb pup; male, 7 months old. 0 E. Ith. st to. Phona East 1IL :. ,. . . ,; .. . HOWARD M. COVET, rent Pierce Great Arrow, Looomobfles, CadlUao an J Knox Temporary location Club Garage. 16th and Alder sta ASSAYERS. WELLS ft PROEBSTEL. MINING EN- gl neers, metallurgist and asaayers, 104 H Washington at. OARVIN cVaNIDB EXtRACtlON" CO. and Montana Aaaay Offloe. neon at. 181 Mor- I SP"I1 Dt. WELLS ft PROEBSTEL, MINING! EN-- gineera and aasayera; dstsrmtnations of goods and mineral waters. ', 204 H Waahington st. Main 7806. - BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS ft KILHAM, 109-111 ID : st Blank books manufactured: agents for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; sea the now Eurskm leaf, the best on th DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. C. E. BROWN. D. C. M. DOGS and horse hospital. 108 N. Ith at (Main 4086). . W. M. MILLAR. V. 8.. VETERINARIAN. 21 N. 8th st Office 827 Flanders, Phone Main 7846. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL for horses and dogs. 189 GUisan at Phone Main 1484. S, F. VETERJtNARf COLLEGE OPENS' October l. For catalogue apply to Dr. Charles Keane president, 1818 Market st, San Francisco. MONEY TO LOAN On Imnraved eltv nropertv or for build Ing purposes, for from I to 10 years time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two J ear a Loans ap oroved from plana and money advanced as building progresses; mrusii uun nn end reDIaced. FRLI ri. ViKunu, iinaoc i Ani I4Z utara st. W. S. WARD. LAWYER. NOTARY a li lev hide estate and general Dual nan aoiicitaa: ail cnaraes moaerate mortgage loans $3,000. or less sums to suit; small mortgages a epeciauy. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. or personal se C. W. PaUett. 304 chattel mortgages -urlty; notes bought Fenton bldg. OON'T WORRT $10 TO $100 LOANED with or without se- Loan Co. 428 Mo- aalarled People. curlty. Crescent hawk bldg. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS 6TJ IaT arles, insurance policies, pianos, fur niture, warehouse receipts, eto.: any de serving person may secure a liberal ad vance, repaying ty easy weekly or monthly installments, NEW ERA LOAN ft MORTGAGE COM. PANT. 105 Abtngton Bldg. UNCLE METERS' LOAN OFFICE, 148 id st. near Alder, established 1870: old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, diamonds, jewelry ana skins. DANCING. WESTERN ACADEMT DANCING tf a a.-, .-i. rr i DtJIlUUte -,0. V4r--t, 9 aMVlVlAniaVf Including: lady; class Mon., Thurs., Sat. children fiat, afternoon; oor. 2d and Mor- I 1SUI1. PROF. RINGLER, DANCING MASTER; private lessons daily. Rlngler Hall Orarrd and B. Morriaon. East' 8670. " GASOLINE ENGINES, . Stationary and marine; . electrte equip menta: launchea: accessories: wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Reiersoa Machinery Co., 182-4-6 Morrison st SHEFFIELD Marine EnOIKes. ANT proneller. Falrbaika.. Moras ft Co. lat and, BUrk sta, v .. .- MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO ple and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; ornc.s in su principal cities-, save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN, ZZ8 ADMgtOn BWg. i08U 8d st Die Just on vour own name: don't borrow until you see mo; my system I. the heat tar railroad men. clerks. bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employes; business strictly connaeoiioi, F. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg., 18. Wimhlnarton CASH Onhand fOr pUrChasu! money, mortgages, bonda for deeds or contracts of sale on real-estate, either country or city property, ti. a moDie, Commercial blk.. 2d and Washington. WILL LOAN $1,000, 6 PER CENT. ON real .stats. Farrmgton, sis anion QUICK LOANS OK ALL SElOeJRlTlEB. S. W. King. 46 Washington bldg. Main S100. MONEY TO LOaN On aLL klNbS or security, wtltiam won, room . Washington bid-. ' mOney'-t LOAW In isoo to $&. Charleson at Co. commercial, rn OSoT bona Pacific 1194, DQN-t BORROW JliONEf 01 SALAKT -"tintil Hntton Credit Ca 511 Dofcum bldg. kONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED -city property or for building ' pur poses. Columbia Life ft Trust Co. 114 Lumber Exchange bldg. A or lda. LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY or chattel. , The Loan Co- 410 Dekum LAND SCRIP. WANTED AND FOR HAI.1D .A kinds, including approv.u inv serve scrip ror surveyea, uu"u' V, timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. "The rortianui-ort-nu MUSICAL. -- . . VTAT TWJ rflRNNrT TKI M . : ".vr a c " iVk Done, eiarinet. rroii - fKi itfh at Main 4701. PROfessOr T. fe LAWaoiJ .14 liTil at, near Morriaon, Main 4613. Piano lessons, 60a MACHINERY. THB H. C A LB KB CO. SECOND hand machinery, sawmills, eta 141 ftrand AVA T 'i Mffl. 100 1ST ST. A COm- nimim Una aawmill machinery; also englnaa and bollera. m MONUMENTS NEU ft KINOSLET. Ill 1ST ST. Portland's leading marble and granite works. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. ro T.IT.T.lTRirT.I.in PATTERSON. 8PE -i.iiat nn luraniiA acute and ehronle diseases. Office 117 Fenton bldg. Phone Facino H9V. DR. R. B. NORTHRUf, 415-11-17 DE- kum bide. Id Phone Main 149. AA AV - a ww - - and Washington sta. Examination rrea. PRINTING OGILBEB BROS, billheads, eta 145 H 1st at. PRINTERS CA RD9, Phone Main isos. PAINTING AND PAPERING. . A- DOANB GIVES BEST ESTIMATE for satisfactory worn. bq lamim- PATNTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH ft CO.. THB j-ionisj; Paint CO. Window giaaa mjia aia-iuS. 185 1st st Phone 1334. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS MISS L. B. MAY. 602 BWETAJSU Copying deeds ana aPBtrci tywi ivy, PLUMBERS A CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS. 281 2d, bet Main ana uaiiuon. FOX Oregon .hnn. Mln 2001. " . DONNERBERG ft RADEMACHER KE moved to WO. ournaiu- u RESTAURANTS. no to THB BUSY BEE FOR DELI. catcsaens. Home cooking. 484 Wash ington at ROOFING TIN ROOFING, GUTTERING. RE- pairing ana general Jobbing. J. SjOsII, 212 Jetrereon st racuic iz REAL ESTATE THOMPSON ' ft OODEN REAL Es tate, insurance, wans. Bee us berore buying. 148 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn W. OOILBEfl, REAL ESfATB AND 1 Bo. 14ft . 1st, establlabed 1 room 11, SPHINX AoKNCx. - bEALfcRB IN real estate and rentals. - A0I U Btark st Main 1114. -v-.,. .. tOR . FARMS OF EVER bfesCRlP. lion, bldg. W. W. Kapay, 8li Commercial STREET PAYING WARREN CONSTRUCTION COl 8treet paving, sidewalke and e ro sa in gs. 114 Lumber Exchange. - HE.BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CiX of Portland. Office 155 Worceater biic BUBBEB STAMPS P. C STAMP WORKS, 141 ALDER ST. Phone Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils; baggage, trada checks:' brass signs and plates. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS , f FOSTER ft KLEISBR SIGNS. We have built up the largest 'ilgti bualneaa In the olty by first-class work and keeping our promises. Our price are right 6th and Everett sta. "Phono' Exchange 66. ' "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT' POR r land Sign Co.. 187 Stark. Pacifio 1691. 8AFES PORTLAND SAFB CO- SOLE AGENTS for Herring-Hall-Marvin eafea and Manganese Steel Safe Co.'s bank safea 10 second-hand fireproof safes and bank: safes, very cheap. Sao them or write us. 91 7th st DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES'' Lara-e lines carried. Lock-outa ooened. Jacks, laila metal . furniture. Botl . phonea J. E. Davis. II Id. -Tt. , , j SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES OF EVERT DESCRIP-' tlon; bank, bar- and store fixture made to order. The Lutke Manufao- turlng Co.. Portland. 4- . R. H. BIRDSALL. DESldlJERj AOfMt winter tumoar 1 Mimilton bidg. TRANSFER AND HAULING OLS EN-ROB TRANSFER CO.. , Henry Roe, . W. A. Claland. f. p. sneaaoreen. . riannral irtxnmtt. an.4 f rn.. m. Dlanos and furniture moved nackad mrA shipped. 209 Oak at Phone Mala 147. racmc 1001. horii a-2247. C O. PICKOFFICE '88 1ST ST - BE tween Starh and. Oak ata: nhon toa Planoa and furniture moved and packed for shiopinr: eommodioua rirtrk . house with separate Iron rooms.' Front 1 and Clay sts. . . PENINSULAR EXPRESS" A BA0(3A01iJ Transfer. 147 Alder st Phone Main t 81T1. ' - -J ' . j , OREGON TRANSFER CO, "lli H 6T1L" Main 69. Heavy hauling and storage. iNDEPENDEji BAOdAGE ft TRANST rer uo. storage. 824 Stark. Main 407. TOWEL SUPPLY - CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COM n. brush, soap, $1 per month. ; Portland Laundrv & Towel finnrJv (7n e.h Couoh sta Phono 4ld.? " TYPEWRITERS. - 1 NEWAND 1ND HAND. ALL MAKES. ..:".l."u "oio. f. J. U Co..' 181 Stark. Tel. 1407. ' , THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER AGENCY. phone Main T963, Raleigh bldg.. Port-, ...t w . ovw .JIW MVW niuu.i XIV, V Vll- fi uvivr Duying a typewriter, viiv.r typowriters sold and rented. ; WHOLESALE JOBBERS M. A. OUNST ft CO- DISTRIBUTORS OF ' FINE CIGARS ORN. EVERDiNd ft FARRt'LL, pRbbticlS and eommtsmoD marehanta, 140 Front St. Portland. Or. ' Phone Main 1T9.: OREGON FURNITURE MA NU FaTC turlns? Co. Manufaeturers er rural- ture for the trade. Portland. Or. ears, -maiiinfsoturers and coBiuiliim.T merohata 4th andoit srs. FURNifUKB"'MANt;FAC'J V h I i A , soeclal orders, 1 Burtnisi juh.i. ture factftry, 207 Fr't ft - ILLEN ftXEWlXt'OM ii J. .-I '-' 1' A . produce merrnania, aivm 41: ata . Port Inii, V, Wi-OLESALE CROCK K 1. rlassware. rram, tieuim t 1 1, 1 la nl. Or. 1 -" LEH-J5-6T;, C..-- J. i - : i , , .-