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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1907)
,(:: 4 V r -f ;K.v-A'; J : r ; i; .,, -V THE : OREGON V DAILY- JOURNAL, PORTLAND. "MONDAY. EVENING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1807. "T1 ' ' " i- J .? i i "?TrT!!?g!SBS!rTTg J. .I- i ' i ' i i i .- - ... i., ,i,ti..... "" ! ' ' . ' 0000' Pieces Womeia's Fme at SfitemlbegvSalQ of Greailmij Half f Cpgiilar: fm& $5.00 $1.50 to $20.00 Undersldrts at Half Regular Prices $ 1 .50 to $ 12.00 Gowns ot Half Regular Prices to $7.50 Drawers at Half Regular Prices $2 to $600 Corset Covers at Half Regular Prices Tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock the doort swing open on the greatest tale of Muslin Underwear In the store's history Not the . - 1 V. M t 1 J..t-- 1 ! 1 . J . . . mm J.HMKaltMfl Ammri Tvtfmm greatest in quantity but by tar the greatest in vaiuc--JKcauy pncnomcnai pargama in me pigncat K"uc unucimuiuu. r- duces This immense lot of 30,000 garments purchased by our underwear buyer four weeks ago while on her semi-annual trip to the leading manufacturers in the New England statesMuslin Underwear made by a manufacturer whose product you've been buying liere for many years, with the greatest satisfactionThe materials, trimmings and make are beyond all criticismUnder- of attractive style and superior quality All new, clean, fresh merchandise, made by experiencca neip unacr uw must niu mnAMnn Underwear barrains that will appeal with great force to the best buyers in the community The sale starts Tues day morning at 8 o'clock and continues through the week Extra salespeople and cashiers insure prompt service to all who wish . . . ... . t I 1 ... f 1 m. I mm m. mm J -l. M WmX I Yt At tU1 til ArTrtrtl Itl I. to Share in these matchless OtienngS rian TO PC ncro origin ana cany tgrnonow monuug u tiic ui - rr ties. Mail orders promptly and carefully filled SEE FIFTH STREET WINDOW WHITE PETTICOATS $5 TO $20 VALUES HALF REG. PRICES 5,000 high-class novelty long white Underskirts, made of fine lawns and cambrics, with extra wide flounces of embroidery; also, flounces of lac and embroidery inser tion and clusters of fine tucks, headings and ribbons; all new, pretty styles in a great assortment; white Pet ticoats selling regularly at prices ranging from $6.00 to $20 a garment; your choice while they last at, Half Reg. Price See Sth st window display. 1 000 $ 1 4 Ostrich Plumes $6.98 Black, White and Colors Offered In the Millinery department tomorrow morning another sen sational offering of magnificent new ostrich plumes at less than one half their value 1,000 of them in the lot, every one $1100 value Your choice Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at $6.98. each. These plumes are all the finest im ported feathers, selected stock of the highest grade, full 19 inches long Colors are black, white, brown, champagne, light blue and pink Ostrich plumes will be the popular hat trim ming this fall and winter No woman AO can afford to pass by this extraordinary bargain V M $14.00 values Choice at this low price See Fifth Street Window Display All Mail Orders Carefully Filled. $2 Linen Scarfs for 57c Each In the Art Departments-Third floor, special lot of Hemstitched Linen Squares and Scarfs, all linen, 30x30-inch, 36x36-inch, 18x45-inch and 18x54-inch; goodff assortment; values up to $2 each, on sale at this special price, each w Broken line of fancy Squares, Scarfs, Centerpieces, Doilies, Bags, etc.; values ranging from 25c up to $5; at this special price, each ONE HALF PRICE Special lot of stamped and tinted Linen Centers,-2Sc and 35c values, at, each 10 Fancy Scrim Pillow Ruffles, that will wash; 44 yard pieces; 75c values, at..45 MUSLIN DRAWERS 1 .SO-$?.5Q VALUES HALF REG. PRICES 5,000 women's fine cambric and nainsook Drawers, trimmed in very fine laces, nd embroidery edgings, clusters of tucks, beading and ribbon; made wide umbrella style; also great number of tho wide "Vassar" Drawers, which answer for short skirt as well as drawers; all new, dainty styles; values ranging from $1.50 to $7.50 a pair; your choice at. half regular prices. Take advantage. Half Reg. Price WOMEN'S GOWNS $1.50 TO $13 VALS. HALF REG. PRICES 5,000 women's cambric and nainsook Nightgowns, low, round and square necks; high, V and round neck styles; open and closed fronts, long, short sleeves; full widths and lengths; a great variety pretty styles, trimmed in fine embroideries and lace edgings, insertions, medallions, headings and rib bons; $1.50 to $12.00 values, on sale at one half the regu lar prices. Half Reg. Price Take advantage; 2d floor. $3 - $6 Corset Coven $3.30-$ 13.50 Chemise HALF REG. PRICES 3,000 women's fine nainsook and cambric Corset Covers, trimmed in fine embroderies and lace edgings, tucks and insertion; full fronts; great assortment of pretty styles, (2.00 to $6.00 values-aV-- Half Reg. Price Women's nainsook and cam bric Chemise and combina tion garments, trimmed in fine laces and embroideries, clusters of tucks and inser tion; plain and trimmed skirts $2.50 to $13.50 values, Half Reg. Price 75c Taffeta Silks Reduced to 59c All Colors and Splendid Values In the silk department for tomorrow, Wed nesday and Thursday 10,000 yards of fine quality taffeta silk to be sold at a very low price Taffeta silk of superior weight and strength A quality other stores ask you to pay 85c or $1 the yard for The colors in clude pink, light blue, reseda, white, navy, nfle, grays, brown and garnet Good width. Our best 75c quality Buy all you want at this special low W Qf price, the yard All Mail Orders Will Be Carefully Pilled. Si! , i i ii i 1 75c Chiffon Veilings 26c Yard 50c French Ribbons 35c Yard Tomorrow an exceptional offering of 1,000 yard, of beautiful quaJlty chiffon veil ing full regular width. In black, white and all the leading .hades, solid colors and haded effect.; values up to 75c the yard; your choice at thl unusually low price, the yard. (Mall order, promptly filled.) 26c B00O yards of heavy all silk French Falll. Ribbons, full .ix Inches wide; Ju.t th. Ribbon you want for making- the big bow. for fluffy ruffle hats; black, white, brown, navy, green, red, blue, Nile, lilac, etc.; beat 60o value, for, the yard 354 $2 Dress Nets Reduced to $1.1 9 75c Embroideries on Sale at 35c a Yard 13c Torchon Laces Only 5c the Yard uality; $2.00 $1.29 1,000 yardi of 45-inch Drew Nets, in white, cream and ecru; splendid quality; $2.00 value, for a few dayi only at, this low aale price, yard .... 2,000 yardi of white and cream embroidered Net for waiating; very pretty styles, 45 inch; value to $1.50 yard; choice QO. at, the yard , -FtJl 3,000 yards of Swiss and cambric Embroi dery Edging and Insertion; English eyelet and blindwork designs; widths from 2 to 10 inches; values up to 75c; your XL choice, at this low price, yard.... j9Jw 10,000 yards machine-made Torchon Lace and Insertion, 1 to 4-inch; values to tt 12c yard, at this low price, yard . . . w White and cream net top Laces for dress trimmings, on sale at the following prices: 35c values, yd.,19 60c values, yd..38 $1.00 values, yd. 60a $1.25 values, yd.8T Best regular $1.50 values, on sale at f 1.05 The new Laces now ready for your choos ing. Largest and handsomest collection ever shown in the city. $1 and $1.35 Plaid Dress Goods at 79c Plaid Dress Materials are to be ail the rage this fall and winter, and, as usual, our big Dress Goods store announces a timely offering of 5,000 yards of the best Eng lish, French and German Novelty Wool Plaid Dress Goods, in an endless variety of colorings and combinations, including materials for waists, shirtwaist suits, skirts, misses' and children's dresses and coats; regular $1.00 and $1.25 fQ values; your choice at this special low price, the yard take advantage... -V Sale Rogers " 1 847" Silverware GREAT BARGAINS IN N1CKELWARE "1847" Tablespoons, plain 1 Q or fancy patt'rns, set of 6. V7. 1 3r "1847" Dessert Spoons, set of 6. f 1.94 "1847" Teaspoons, set of 6.... f 1.08 "1847" Medium Forks, set of 6..2.1 "1847 Salad Forks, set of 6...82.5T "1847" Oyster Forks, set of 6...81.TT "1847" Coffee Spoons, set of 6. 81.27 "1847" Orange Spoons, set of 6. .8 1.69 Gravy Ladles, on sale at, each..T9 Pie Servers, special at, each.. f 1.64 elly Spoons at this low price, ea M errv bpoons at this special price v Cold Meat orks, on sale at, each V4? Sugar Shells, specially priced at. .39 Cream Ladles, on sale at, special.. S9 Butter Knives at this sp'l. price. .42 No. 7 Nickel Tea Kettles, for, ea. 9 No. 8 Nickel Teakettles for, ea. f 1.13 Nickel Teapots, ea., 99c 61c, 87c, 79f) 4 Sizes Nickel Coffee Pots at follows $1.00 values, 79 $1.10 value 87 $1.15 values, 91 $1.25 values. 09 Town TopicsJ THE JOURNAL AT RESORTS Subscriber, can hav. Th. Journal de livered at th. regular rate, at th. fol lowing resort, by notifying the gnt" mt thm various nlace. mentioned. Sub scription, by niil ar. payable U ad vance: OREGON IlKSORTS. Oearhart Park .P. J. Struck Hot Lake Hot Lak. SsnlUrim - Se.eid.7-i i , , . s i .. .Lwl. Co. WllhOlt Spring. F. W. McLeraa WASHINGTON RESORTS. Carson Spring Boyd Son and Mineral Springs riot.l Cascade Spring.. Thorny Collin. Spring. C. T. Belch.r Hwaco Lotti. Cohen Long Beach v'.'"."!.,. Marshall St Pott.ngar and O. A. Smith Nahcotta H. J. Brown Ocean Park Matthew. Thedford Seaview Frank BS. Strauhal The Breaker. Th. Breaker. Hot.l TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS. . . . . "Th. Comedy of Errors." , , , "Th. Serenade "A Texas Ranger" , . ."Th. Woman in the Case" Vaudeville ."Jess of th. Bar-Z Ranch" ..."Th. City of New York" O. W. P. car. TheJJeilig. iirTipire. . . . Grand Lyric - Star....... . The Oak... . - AFTERNOON AMUSEMENTS. ' Athletic Park Baseball, doubleheader. t . Portland va. Oakland. 3 p. m. Tx. asd Mrs,;wnbur F. Craila. who hav. been touring, th. orient Studying 'th. opium traffic, will r.turn to Port land this week. Cr. Craft, la th. su perintendent of the International Re form Association bureau, with head quarters in Washington, D. C, and will reach Portland Saturday. He will speak at the First Presbyterian church next Sunday on the opium traffic. After leaving Portland Dr. and Mrs. Crafts will lecture through the east on their way to Washington. Waiting your turn at th. barber's Is valuable time wasted and counts up in a year. Life is short at the most, so make the most of it. Qo to Albert Berni, the druggist, 233 Washington street, and sret one or his guaranteed shaving outfits. Save time and money besides enjoying- the pleasure ana ear Isfactlon that goes to the man that shave, himself. Th. Portland Auction company an nounce in today's issu. that there will be an auction of the furnishings of the residence at 124 Davi. street between Sixth and Seventh streets. The furni ture is new and of splendid selection. Wednesday, September 11, at 10 a. m. sharp, is the hour set for the sale. It 1. In everybody', mouth. Children Just lov. tt It 1. th. talk of tho town. It make. th. weak strong. Everybody la talking about it. It is ooa enougn tor ui nniw xuiuse. V'hatT Of course. "Golden Grata Granules" th. 100 per cent pur. cereal coffe.. usea oniy Deiween auun 01 ft s. m and and i p. m. It must b. used for sprinkling streets. If 1 contrary to tbeee rules, or waste- Water through hose for sprinkling yards or sidewalks or washing porches or window, must b. paid for in advance and used only between tn. hour, of S ana not used fuJly. it will b chut off. Th. Dosition of assistant pastor of th. First r Presbyterian church, whloh ha. been vacant .inc. th. resignation of Rev. D. H. Hare, ha. been filled by the" selection of William H. Phelps," B. A- of Iowa. - Mr. PhelD. is a graduate of Pw collftg. and has eomplete4 on. year of kia theoretical coutm. H. comes of a ministerial family, his father k.inir nna nf th trnn' nreactiers Of the middle west and formerly presiden of Poe college. Mr. Phelp. comes high ly recommended. For liquor, phon. th. Family Liquor Store. J. B. Keny, successor to uasweil & Kelly. 854 Morrison street, corner Park. Both phones Pacific, Main 28, and Home. A-2802. Steamer Jesse Harkms. for Camas, Washoua-al and way landings, daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. Today is Oregon City day at "Golden Grain Granules" booth, where it is served to thirsty mouth, free of charge. Navajo Indian blanket a. 111 Sixths st Alaska Indian oasxeis, in emn st. Eastman kodaks. Ill Sixth street. $,50 buy. a fractional lot on carllne, with house renting for $25 a month. In quire of Sengstak. dc Lyman, 80 Fifth street . School .hoes that wear and fit well at Rosenthal's. Beat values in school shoe, at Rosenthal's. Woman'. Exchange, 188 Tenth atreet, lunch 11:80 to 8; business men', lunch. Acme Oil Co. .ell safety coal oil and fin. ga.oline. Phon. East 788; B-1007. Diamonds, Watcnes Beck's, 80S Alder D. Ctiambers. optician, 129 Seventh, Berger -.igps tit Tamhlll phon" ' Bark Tenia for rheumatism. ' Ice. For !c call Main 284 or A-824S. Delivery company, 2B1 Stark st lee Todav and tomorrow will - bo. th. last day of discount on west aid. gas bill enlarge rar COURSE OF STUDY Departments Will Permit Greater Scope of Work During Coming Year. In addition to classifying th. stand ing of students In the high and ele mentary' schools of Portland, th. course ol study, wnicn nas jusi Deen received from the printer, shows that th. vari ous department, have been enlarged to permit or doing more emcient work mis year. Important changes hav. been made in the sewing, musio and manual training branches of th. school cur riculum. When school open. Monday morning. September 16. the pupil, will commence on work which 1. calculated better to fit them for their future calling, wheth er it be at home, in business, In th. professions or in th. fields. Th. course of study cite, that man ual training, or constructive work, i. not merely a hand training, but is a valuable aid In developing and balanc ing the intellectual side of the child, broadening his field of activities and jnakm a his Work " In Th. school room more real and essential. Workshop practice causes a quicken tng of tho sense, of observation and thus th. eye i. more closely related to th. hand: tho hand, being systematically trained, become, a servant to th. mind. Habits of neatness, accuracy and con centration are engendered by manual training a. in few.-, other : course ' of study. To. various lessons in wood work ar. designed t. sustain th. in terest of th. pupil and are susceptible to such modifications as will be re quired to stimulate and develop the creative faculties and the sens, of form. Th. voice, the manual says, la one of the most valuable of the child's pos sessions and it is th. province of the school authorities to see that the glfe is not abused. Loud, harsh tones, strained throat muscles, low pitch in the primary grades and careless assignment to parts In th. upper grade, and high school will be eliminated wherever they occur. Tones need not be loud to be full of life; they need hot be soft to be sweet; they must b. buoyant and float ing to b. attractive. In thi. depart ment of th. school work considerable changes will be mad. to include a greater rang, than, ever before at tempted. . Sewing is - considered . a necessary, equipment for a practical - and accom plished education for women, as u teaches form, color and accuracy of hand and mind, and it will be the func tion of th. school people to develop this faculty of th. girl pupil to a greater degree than carried out heretofore. An other department which tie board is thinking of adopting, but which is not referred to In th. course of study, is itnmatlc science. A matoritr of the board member, favor this branch of sohool work and It will probably be adopted at a future meeting. Beaver Creek Copper. O. H. Poor, agent for the Champion Group Mining company of Portland, which owns and are developing a group of 11 promising gold quarts claim, on Humbug creek, ha. bonded from W. D. Dorset t th Beaver Creep copper group, consisting Of 14 claim, in Oak Bar dis trict about seven mile, southeast of th. famous Blue Ledge copper mine. The property covers about thro. mile, of a copper ledge, and is in th. sam. mineral belt as the Blu. Ledge. j The., claim, hav. one of the finest surface showing, of any copper body in the county. The cropping of th. ledge shew, from 60 to 200 feet In. width. Th. group contains 880 . acres, and is surrounded by a large bod of timber i as fin. as there Is In the county. Th. surrounding timber land has been taken up by outside parties. uarreison springs are only a half mile from Bea ver creek, and fine water power can b. had. The contract provides for a two-year working bond, and the consideration is fixed at 845.000. The Champion Group Mining company under the present management have been advertising th. mining resources of Siskiyou county very extensively for several months past in connection with their own group on Humbug, and they can be de pended upon to push development of their new copper property just purchased. The comany recently started tunnel No. 4 on their Humbug group which will tap the ledge at 800 feet This tunnel will b. used for a tram grade to the mill, and at the same time open th. mine to great advantage. 1 r8?' F.W. Baltes and Company invite your inquiries; for Firnt and Oak"! Singer and Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines tt 131 Morrison, Hirqiuatlf; V USB A NIC OL A . King of Coflcei 6 on and two Fount tint ' The Allen Preparatory School Fit. for eastern and western colleges and scientific schools. Sov.nth year be gins September 1, i7.. . For catalogues address Th. Allen Pre paratory SchooL Telephone aat 4SSI. Offlc. hours, 8--12. -,. rhoa. lalJl 1S3S, MODERN FRWTERY Commercial Printing nt !l ff .' 10 Xussel SlOg., 4U and j : nr .:il TXACXIB OT VIGZTX A .: i . t vmiv TinnLi; - PUPIL op : 334 Pine M. J r