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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1907)
v THE' OREGON DAILY JOURNAi; PORTLAND.!-MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 9, .1907. AFTER VOTE OF SOUTH chub Eagle Valley Hallway to Be v Constructed by Eastern i Capitalists Will Tap the : Richest Mining Country In Eastern Oregon. ; Lieuteniant-GoTernor of New York Will Combat Eoose-' Telt's Choice. . (Spial piipttck to Tba JournsL) . Baker City, Or., Bept- it la now almost a certainty that the railroad from Bakar City to Eaele and Pin val lya will ba built, and that conat ruction work will commence within a short time. '' v 'f'''"'.- W. L, Vinson of this city haa spent t of hla tlma during- tha paat thraa 'our years in lntarestinr the- people la this city In tha projected road. Only a few . weeka aao Mr. Vinson returned from the east, where he scent the paat winter endeavoring; to . mterest the financiers who had control -of large funds in the proposed road. -He succeed ed in Impressing; the good points of tba project upon a ayndlcate of capitalists wno aent a representative out nere 10 ' T look over the Held and report to tnem. -" The undertaking -looked very eeod to iii-tha, representative and upon. hla report , ma syndicate autnorisea mm o sjr t t thaf they would build the road upon tha tr condition that the people of Baker City and those who would be benefited by t the new road should raise f 100,000 In . : subscriptions to the stock. A meeting; of the Cltlsens' league and ' , tne uusmsss Men s association was nsii '. Thursdav evenlnor in the city hall an It was unanimously decided to accept the proposition. A committee of fifteen was ehoaen to call upon tha business . men and tha property owners to secure subscriptions to the capital stock. By Friday afternoon more than half or the necessary stock nad been auDScrmea ana it is thought that it will not take long; to secure suoscriptions to tne remain der. The -stock has a car value of 1100 a share and is placed on the market at ,80 per. fchare. one-rirtn or tne price or tne atoca is payaDie upon utmina one-fifth when tha flrat five miles WANTS NOMINATION - 0F THE PEM0CEATS Easterner Believes He Can .Win Of 'flee When President Tries to Cnufi Tafi Down i Throats of Common People. '. ': ' ' road have been completed, one-fifth . when the first ten mllea have been com pleted. one-fifth when twenty-five miles are completed, and tba remainder upon the completion of the entire road. stake Big; Dapoatt. Ag a guarantee of good faith tha ayn dlcate. baa deposited $25,000 in one of the local banking houses and will begin the immediate construction of the road as aoon as the people here subscribe the stipulated amount of capital stock. There la no doubt in the mind of any one who Is familiar with the conditions . that the road will be a paying proposi tion froia the very first The country through which this road will pass Is some of the most produc tive in eaatern Oregon. After travers ing Powder valley for a few miles from Baker City the road will go Into the hills, tapping lower Powder valley and copper and gold mines in the Sparta district. The road will afford an out let for the ores of tha rich copper mines that are now being developed In the rich mineral section east of Baker City. The road will then proceed eaat and will aecure a heavy tonnage from the hllla which in onvarnt with millions of feet of fine timber. It haa been lm-1 possible to place this timber upon the market because of the lack of transpor tation facilities, i The producta of Eagle valley will alao be placed upon tne market If thla road la built from Baker City. Thla valley is one of the most fertile and produc tive In Oregon. It la a veritable garden spot and produces fruits and vegetables in wonderful abundance. The surround ing hills are covered with cattle that could be fattened and shipped directly to the large markets. Bloa Mining District. Beyond Eagle valley is Pine valley, which la larger and equally as pro ductive aa Eagle valley. At the head of Pine valley in the Cornucopia moun tains are some of the richest mine in Oregon. Thousands of tons of ore are now awaiting shipment to the smelters to have the gold refined from the rock with which It Is mixed. Many of the rich mines of this section have 'not been developed because of the lack , of transportation facilities. With the com ing of the new road there will be an era of development in the mines of east ern Oregon such as haa nsver been known before. Development work is now being done' in many of the mines In the Seven Devils country of Oregon in anticipation of the building of the road down Snake river. The' road which will run from j Baker City will pass through a richer mineral country than that reached by tne snake river road and will be the outlet for a much larger amount of ore. With the building of the road to the Seven Devils country la the promise of the syndicate that a smelter .will be orected in Baker City. If this smelter la erected it win add greatly to the prosperity af Baker City and will be the cause of great activities In tha min- (Ualted Press ,: Uased Wire.) Washington, . Sept.: t, There Is a great deal of interest manifested here among Republican politicians as to tha character of speeches the president will make on bis southern tour. He Is sched uled to makg five talks, and It Is known that ha put a great deal of hla tlma in on them at Oyster Bay thla summer. Whether the apeeches will be academic, crwhat might be oalled polltlcaX ia what a good many people with . Wall atreet oonnectlone would Ilka to know. Aa yet. no on, not even tha ublqultoue Loeb, haa aa inkling aa to what tha nresldent has an hla mind. .-- , The politicians who have been oppos ing Tart nave juat awaaenea ta tne not that the president seriously Intends to j force his nomination on tha party. There will be Sl delegates in tha next Republican national convention, and IT will be enough to nominate. The south will furnish III of these delegates In the shape of federal officeholders. The delegates from tha terrltorlea, SI In number, will be of the same etrlpe, I west oi tne Mississippi tnere win ia something like 1st delegates, every one of them a Roosevelt man. With this aggregation all the president will have to do is nress tne outton, ana tne con vention will do the rest. At this time it looks as If Taft waa aa good aa nom-1 mated. It la suspected that ona reason why the president la going to make theaa rive soeecnea is to nave, in soma zasn- lon, the way to this result The pro ceeding is a little nign nanaea, even for a Roosevelt, and needs a little soft ening. The Democrats In tha south are alive to what la going; on. and they intend to line uo this time behind a live candi date. It ia expected that when Presi dent Rooaeveit visits tne aoutn lieuten ant Governor Lewis Stuyveeant C hau ler of New York state will also be there. Governor Cbanler haa been In vited to make a Southern -trio by some or tne most influential Democrats in the south. Since the candidacy of C hau ler for the nresidency haa been an nounced tha Democratic leaders in the south,, who have been at the capital. nave taxen very xinaiy to it. unaniers zatner came rrora a moat distinguished southern family. He mar ried the daughter of John Jacob Astor, and made his home in New York, where he won rame as a lawyer. In thia aense tne soutnerners look noon Chanler as one Of their own. They feel that thla Is. not tha time to I ask the Democratlo convention to name a man wno uvea in tne aoutn zor presi dent, so, In rallying to the aupport of Chanler,-they) are doing tne next beat tning. -r ' '. y. s- Chanler will not, disappoint hla aouth- ern audiences. He has a pleasing per sonality, stands over six feet and fa a I fiery orator when he geta a going, Hla visit to tha aoutn will etand e In vivid contrast to the 'one made by lng section east of here. . Within the last year two copper prop erties, practically undeveloped, have been sold for $400,000. There are manv other properties that are Just as rich ine ones mentioned, dui as yet (.hey e not ooen iuiiy explored and no elonment work. done. These nronnr. ties will be Investigated at once and development work started alnce the new road will afford an outlet for the ore. Garfield Real Estate Moves. Oarfteld, Wash., Sept. . C. H. Walk er of Sallna, Kansas, has juat purchased the Ledbetter brick building on Call-; fornla street from the Garfield Land .company lor a consideration of 11,600 lar. waaicx nas purchased ISO acres of land west of Garfield for which ha paid ,uu or mo an acre. Senator David Bennett Hill of New York on bis memorable hunt for aou th em delegatea a doxon yeara ago. Hill waa cold and calculating, and never for a moment could, he get away from the business that took him south. Chanler . is a rood mixer. - He la aa chivalrous aa a Bayard, and while he I will keep hla eye open for anything- that "la doing politically, he can be relied upon to measure up to the requirements demanded of a southern gentleman. It is predicted here that when Gover nor Chanler gets through - with tha south he will have the - delegates of every state that goes to - make up the "Bona aoutn" witn mm. The candidacy of Chanler haa given the Democrats a waking up. It has brousht all the flsrhtinr men in the nar- ty to the front, and they now talk hope fully of winning. - Of course the fact that Chanler la a millionaire may . have aomethlng to do with that. Politicians are known to be much mora eager for battle when they see the shadow of the "long green" even In the distance. Be this as it may. Chanler ia a, force in the Democratlo party, and will continue to grow rrom now on. ESTHER MITCHELL STILL B ASYLUM Woman Who Claimed to be Notor ious Holy Roller Proved to be Im poster. FAMILY FOOD. Crisp, Toothsome and Beq Hires TXp Cooking. A little boy down In North Carolina ( asksd hla mother to write an account of V how Grape-Nuta food had helped their -- immuy. - . : :. . She aaya Grape-Nuts was first brought . ; to her attention on a visit to Charlotte, where aha visited tha mayor of that olty ; who was using tha food by the advice . Of hla physician. She aaya: ' "They derive ao much good from it ' that tney never paaa a , using- it While I waa thi v food regularly. I ; gained . about 16 . pounds and felt go wen that when-1 rc turned home I began ualng Grape-Nut In our family regularly., My uiue ia-mouuiB-oia oaDy anoni r after being weaned waa very 111 wit dyspepsia and teething. She was alck v nine weeka and we tried everything. ; She became ao emaciated that it waa m n civ Bums iv .uBv hvi viio unj m opy tnougnt urgea me to iry urape u.s soaked In a little warm milk. "Well, it worked like a charm and aha ' began taxing it reguiariy ana improve ..ment set In at once. She lanow getting , well and round amV fat as fast as poaal- . pie on wrape-muis.-. .' ---, i '-..-, ..,., .. - "Sometime ago several of tha family - were stricken with La . Grippe . at - the same time, and during the worat stagea ; we coma not reiisn anytning -in the shape of food but Grape-Nuta and pranxes, everything else nauseated us. "we ait appreciate wnat yo food has done for -our famlly.""There's a Reason. - Read rue," u pa The Road to ,WeU- (Special Dispatch te Tbs Journal.) Aberdeen, Wash., Sept That the woman claiming to be Esther Mitchell of Holy Roller notoriety, who waa ar rested by the police here last Thursday night, la an impoator has been shown by tha receipt of a message from the superintendent of tha asylum at Stella eoom, aaylng that Esther Mitchell is atill there. A woman by tha name of, Esther Mitchell Is wanted by the authorities at Tacoma, and It ia thought that this woman may be tha one. She told a f iauaibie story and resembles very much he one whose name ,she bear. The police here were completely deceived for a time, una woman nas again diaap peared. CONDEMNATION SUITS INVOLVE BITER BED (Spteud Dtia.tch te Tne JearaaL) Boise, Idaho, Sept 9. Suits . Involv ing title to lands Ineiudln g a part of tha river bed of the Snake and of tha Sho shone falls have Just been filed In the United Statea court - The cases were taken in a cange of venue from the counties of Lincoln and Twin Falls. The great Shoshone A Twin Falls water Power company la the plaintiff and Ex-United Statea Senator W. A, Clarke at al. def endanta. . .The power - company Is- aeeklng to have the land condemned. Thla courae la taken by the eomoanv in furthar. ance of tta power plant and Irrigation project !....... The big hotel there la included In tha tract of land Involved In tha aults. N. M. Rulck la attorney for- the de fendants and S. H. Haya for tha plain tiff a. , , ..n- BRYAN WHVLHSIT CALDWELL "WEDNESDAY ' (Special Dlipateb to , The . Joorail) Boise. Idaho. Sent - .'-Cltlsens : at uaiaweii win invite wiinam J. Eryan to that city when ha visits Boise Wednes day and should ha accent will rend him a rousing reception. If he atonaJ it vxawni na vui come on to nnnn over the Boise A Interurban railway, accompanied by tha Caldwell band anrf pomnltte of c1U9dji fxoot that placa. UrMW-' -5l00l Suite. ";:M;z ': W ''c - ' AW ' -' :' :'VV' ' fx Y-iVv ' ' ' j t '",;V- J I ;;:7 'I L. 111 ' 4S . Iff XMZfJ m:c. Wc arc ready with the LARGEST and MOST COM- y PLLTL STOCK of BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS ever shown in this City take time this week and visit our JUVLNILL DEPARTMENT, the handsomest and most comfortable -shopping place in Portland-:-If you do not find more suits on our tables than any other store wc will not ask you to purchase. u . They are all NEW and FRESH this season's choicest patterns It is amost needless to say they are MODESTLY PRICED. - 00 $2.50-to-$-l-5 So that the Joys may start off for school ON TIME we will GIVE AWAY with each School Suit AN INGER- SOLL NICKEL WATCH guaranteed for one year. Every requisite for School Wear, except Shoes, in our store. SALESMEN WANTED IN ALL DEPARTMENTS BEN SELLING LEADING CLOTHIER SOTS) We bought two producing gold properties of SIX claims each and consolidated them into ON t DONT MISS THE, ELECTRIC COOKING DISPLAY We Are Selling Stock in Producing Gold Mines pyp qqq Not in prospects or "hopc-to-be's." But our mines are not producinr as they should. .We have owned them but a tew months, and our predecessors worked with the pick, shovel and wheelbarrow. We must get out of that old-fashioned, slothful rut. We have a mountain of rich ore, but the rock la worthless to us unless we ret it out Then this rock is susceptible of treatment by the cyanide process cheaper method by $8 to $12 per ton than by smelting. WE MUST HAVE A CYANIDE PLANT, WE MUST ENLARGE OUR STAMP MILL, AND WE MUST BUILD AN AERIAL TRAMWAY TO CONVEY OUR ORE TO THE STAMPS. We are now selling shares of stock to raise money to make these additions to our plant. When. this is accomplished no more shares will be disposed of. And in addition to our PRODUCING gold mines WE HAVE ACQUIRED FOURTEEN "COPPER CLAIMS. COVERING NEARLY THREE MILES OF A COPPER LEDGE. We . have consolidated these also with our gold mines, and each share of stock covers both our gold and copper holdings. These mines are located in Siskiyou county, California,' just over the border line of southern Oregon, and only 390 miles from the city of Portland. The fare by rail is only $12.60. and passengers leaving Portland at 7:45 p. m. will reach their destination between 4 and 5 next after noon WE BELIEVE OUR FIFTY-CENT SHARES OF TODAY WILL SELL AT FIVE DOLLARS - WITHIN A YEAR. But within a few days our stock will be 75 cents per share. It is worth more than that today. We ought to sell at par now, but to quickly raise the funds to make the improvements necessary to our equipment we are willing to make the sacrifice. We are willing that others should have a share in our prosperity that the treasure we possess in northern California should enrich and gladden others equally with ourselves. EVERY GREAT MINE IN AMERICA HAS BEEN DEVELOPED BY A COMBINATION OF INVESTORS. In turn scores of these mines have made their owners these small investors rich, large numbers, of the millionaires of these days dating the begin ning of their prosperity to the time they invested, their meager savings in mining stocks. GREAT WEALTH ACQUIRED FROM MINING INVESTMENTS. Here are 18 instances of the accumulation of mon ster wealth through mining ventures. We could name 18,000 similar instances and not exhaust the list. The "millionaires of the mines" are found on every hand. In fact, the gold mine, the silver mine ' and the copper mine is the short cut to opulence. No man can ever acquire very much wealth on an ordinary salary. We have shown in our advertise ments that a man working at $10 per day, every working day of the year, would earn less than $32, 000 in 10 years. ' t See the Electric Kitchenette and Sample the Dainties Cooked by Electric Current Robert F. Scott of the First National Bank, Portland, Invested $150 in and Cleaned Up $105,000 in Two Years. We offer such an opportunity to all readers of this advertisement today. Will you embrace it? for a moment this list of names. Every one of trie following made their wealth in gold mines: Ponder W. R. Hearst Estate CP. Huntington. . .. Leland Stanford Tames O. Fair Marcus Daly .. Senator Clark .. ; Charles Crocker Peter Donahue . .$40,000,000 .35,000,000 . 25,000,000 . 25,000,000 . 25,000,000 . 25,000,000 . 22,000,000 .20.000,000 20,000,000 Claus Spreckels . Sharon Estate .1 . , Mark Hopkins .. Thomas F. Walsh W. S. Strarton John W. Mackay . James G. Flood .. William S. O'Brien Lick Estate $20,000,000 .20,000,000 21,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 TELEPHONES: MAIN 8115, A-1857 THE CHAMPION: GROUP MNING:C01FANY 'r " 206-207-208 Couch Bldg. end Washlagton Sts, : Portland, (JreS Cut out and mail this coupon to us today The Champion Group"Mining Co, Couch Bldg, Fourth and 'Washington Sts Portland, Or.t Gentlemen Please mail me, without cost to merdseripttvebeklet relating-to-yetiF-Champion Group Mining Properties, and oblige, - Street and No...". '.." 1 Town . . . . , ;!. I . . . v Stat a . . . . ; ... Electric Chafing Dishes Electric Coffee Percolators Electric Broilers ElectricTea Kettles Electric Toasters Electric Ovens Electric Flat Irons Electric Radiators a Everything for the Household If yon do It yourself It wffl be right, Standing over a hot fire vV Is nncomfortable and onhealthM ELECTRIC BROILING is entirely different There is no heat except where it is needed . ' , J The Electric BrcUcr asiMblcs von todpttyoarscll Safe VvYAy Erf"24 Can be connected to r the electric circuit by any capable wireman Ask tht Attendant EJcctric Heating and Cooking Devices Are Also on Exhibition at the Company's Supply De partment, 147-149 Seventh Street. ' PHONB MAIN 6688 FOR INFORMATION it. Portland Railway, Lfc.:: a riid P 6 w e r Co mp r. n : 1i ! FIRST AND ALDSn STS'.r.TTZr.