The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 09, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Harbormaster Speier Ac-
cuses Captain Biggs of
5 ' Violating Ordinance.
(I'nltM Ptru laed Wire.)
Chic no, Sept. . John E. McCaffrey,
onnvlrtarl noatal carrier, keot the prom
lee he mad Judge Iandla at the time
he wm sentenced to one year ror purer
Inc mails and reported at Bridewell to
day with his wit. The authorities re-
fused him admission because ha had no
commitment papera.
Landla granted the prisoner a respite
of sixty days In order to allow him to
car for his family. McCaffrey must
roam free until the judge returns to the
Kumantla. Qer. atr
Oueen Alexandra B:
St. Nicholas, Am. ah Astoria
. . .Linn ton
Harbormaster Times Boat and Finds
: Jler Doing Nearly 14 Knots Wlthtya
Jlonndarfrs of Harbor Where 8
j Miles la Prescribed Limit.
In' swearing out a warrant this morn
. - lng for the arrest of Captain Rlggs of
'-.v';the steamer Telegraph, who Is charged
t - with" speeding In the harbor. Harbor
' , master Epeler shows his determination
i r to make the port regulations respected
vapiain speisr nmta ine leivgrupa
Saturday morning at she was leaving
00 her trip for Astoria and he says the
,' speed greatly exceeded the limit of eight
; J miles. In fact the boat la aaid to
have been making down stream at about
14 knota an hour. Rlggs will have to
," answer for tha apeed of his boat and
.- If found guilty a fine of from 2( to
1100 or a sentence of from 10 to 10
. . days In jail or both fine and Imprls
. onment, awalta him. Captain 8peier
J t tlu baa hla eye on at least two other
boata which disregard the speed regu
. latlona
"Shipping Intereata demand that tha
: speed requirements be observed." aaid
Captain Speier this morning, "and It la
my duty aa harbormaster to aee that
' protection Is given. Thla Is not tha
' i first time that rules bava been dis
obeyed, but It will probably ba tha
- .J' TBTverf- maalarnat"ipiaJrrin ffili"
v harbor will be arrested and punished.
Unless stringent meaaures are taken,
' , ownere will hesitate to send their ves
. aala here. Furthermore, I shall see that
tne united states waranipa. tnat visit
Portland do not leave the harbor at tha
rate of apeed the destroyer Paul Jonea
',- maintained Last spring. .
-"Considerable damage was done tha
, llrter Numantla laat year by the awell
from tha Jones and tha channel waa
' also affected. The city will aee that
; tha shipping la protected.'
.Linn ton
Oak atreet
Alblna dock
, Astoria
, Astoria
"' Local Weather . Will Soon Receive
!(' J',. Tipa From Ocean.
' District Forecaster Edward A. Beals
? received Information thla morning which
frlvea him hopes of . being In position
o - furnish exact data soon concerning
the weather on tbe ocean and to keep
'- tha publlo poated on winds and waves
off the coast. Mr. Beala expecta to have
, dally reports from vessels at sea and it
will aid him greatly In foretelling
'' weather conditions here, since most of
, tha storms spring up on the ocean and
' drift in , without much warning.
The welcome information waa con
veyed In a letter from Arthur A. Isben,
' Pacific coast manager for the Massle
r Wlroltss Telea-raoh comnany. which has
.. Just closed contracts to Install apparatus
- on a number of steamers plying out of
C thla and other Pacific coaat porta. The
; letter aaya In part:
- "Within the next 00 daya I expect to
have tha following ships equipped with
.... wireless and by the aid of them I ought
to be able to furnish dally reports from
an points or tne coast rrom Han Diego
to Tatooah. The tug Fearless and tha
8t. Louis. Fr. bk.. Pacific Coaat bunkera
Compeer. Am. sen Rainier
Strathness. Br. aa. .Portland Lumber Co.
North Star, Am. tug Astoria
Americana, Am. ach Vancouver
Gardiner City. Am. bktn Drydock
Alice McDonald. Am. ach Astoria
Col de VllUbola MurlaL Fr. bk.. Astoria
Honoipu, Am, sch Westport
Oliver J. Olsen, Am. ss... Tongue point
J. B. Btetson, Am. atr. .. .Tongue Point
Eva, German ss Alaska dock
Berlin, Am. sh Alblna
Caaco. Am. atr Mayger'a
Noma City, Am. atr..
Northland, Am. atr..
Costa Rica, Am. atr.
Breakwater, Am. as..
Kalomo, Br. aa
Qlendala, Am. ach...
Wrestler, Am. bknt..
Wallacut, Am. barge
amber Carriers Ba BWute.
Thomaa L. Wand, Am. atr. San Francisco
Coaster, Am. atr Ban Franclaoo
duals M. Plummer, Am. ach. . .Quaymas
waap, Am. atr nan rancieco
Lettltla, Am. ach San Francisco
Acnle M. Campbell, Am. ach
San Francisco
Olendale. Am. sch San Francisco
Mabel dale. Am. ach San Francisco
Andy Ifahoney. Am. ach... San Francisco
Cascade, Am. atr. .8an Francisco
Salvador, Am. ach San Franciaco
W. F. Oarms, Am. ach Ban Pedro
Virginia. Am. ach Port Los Angels
Ba Boata With Cement and GHmeraL
uccleuch, Br. ah ..Hamburg
renn. Fr. bk Hull
Europe, Br. bk....... Antwerp
Oenevleve Mollnoa, Fr. bk London
Rena Kervller, Fr. ah Hamburg
Laennec, Fr. ah ....Swansea
L-PtiletT" Fr. "Ml n n t-. i rn-.-t Lameon
Martha Roux, Fr. bk Hamburg
Mosamblque, Br. bk Newcastle, E.
Samoa. Br. bk Shields
Thiers, Fr. ah Newcaatle. E.
Marcchael Turrene, Fr. bk. . .Hamburg
Villa de Mulhouse. Fr. bk Antwerp
Ouethary, Fr. bk Antwerp
Pterri XvOtl, ft. pic Antwerp
Walden Abbey. Br. ah Antwerp
oienessiin. nr. sn Antwer
Versailles. Fr. bk
General de Bolsdeffre, Fr.
Alblna I discussing the probable outcome of tha
Da t tie.
Tha flrtt ripple of excitement came
when It waa discovered that counterfeit
tlcketa were being aold outside tha
grounda. It was said that a well known
follower of the game was responsible
for tha fraud.
Fully l.ouo of tnese tlcketa are aaid
to have been disposed of.
Gana, accompanied by his handsome
mulatto wife, entered the grounda at
1:16 and waa given a hand. Tha cham
pion, escorted ry his handlers, repaired
to tha clubhouse in the oenter-rieid cor
ner to prepare himself for hla entry
Into the ring.
According to Wlllua Brltt, Jimmy la
still at hla home.
There la more than a liberal sprink
ling of women In the audience. Many
of them occupied aeata close to the
Do You Feel Chilly, Then
Feverish and Ache all Over?
Foal Worn-out, Blue and Tires r Have Yon
a Fresh Cold, With Frequent Hacking
Couch? Sensation of Soreness
la tbe Cheat or Back?
The colored brothera ate largely In
(For farther news of fight, aee regu
lar city adittoa, page 8.)
Faulty Pavement Throws
Three Animals and Truck
in a Heap.
bk. .London
I , U , . AWIIUUI,
General de Negrler, Fr. bk London
Harare, rr, dk
Villa de Dijon. Fr. bk
Alice Marie. Fr. bk
Eugene Rergartne, Fr.
h. Haekneia, ur. dk
Arotio Stream. Br. sh..
Crown of India. Br. bk
Cornll Bart Fr. bk
Jules Gommes. Fr. hk...
Edward Detallle, Fr. bk.
Coal Ships Ba Bonte.
bk Antwerp
. . .Antwerp
. . .Antwerp
The tug Fearless and
steamships win then
v equipped with the apparatus: Presi-
'. dent, aovernor.City of Pueblo, Queen.
' Lawton, Geo. W. Elder, Roanoke and
i- Iroquola."
jww I. . mm, nww mwhw v Maai.n
'4- 'City of Panama, San Fr Sept 1J
r,;r rawi!r, my
: .' R. D. Inman, San- Franciaco, ,. .Sept. 15
t Roanoke, San Pedro and way.'. .Sept, it
I Arabia, orient Sept 17
Coata Rica. San Francisco. Sept It
. i Johan Poulaen, San Franciaco. .Sept. 25
..,' . Nlcomedla. orient Oct. 1
- Aleela, orient Oct 2
' fliuniBUH. orient ucl zu
. . M If II I I iiinin UJ illDUL
ureakwater, uooa ar sept 9
l Johan Poulsen, San Francisco. . .Sept 10
, i i- KoanoKe, aan fearo and way.. . .sept lz
t- f AlUance, Coos Bay Sept 14
lv I ' ttoanndo: Seattle Rnt 1 K
Jf O. W. Elder, San Pedro and way .Sept It
r ! Arflbf&, orient Sept. 26
. f ; Klcomedta. orient Nov. 2
( Numantla, orient Nov. SO.
Vaieisiaalfl lea Sa4
, j- Tola, Br. ah Elevator dock
T ualgoner, tir, ah Columbia -No. a
Bee, Am. sch .', , . Willamette J. & a. Wks
i i. on way uasue, ar. dk. .oiumoia xvo. 2
t 1 Slam, Gr. ah ..... . .Portland Lumber Co.
tl King Cyrus, Am. ach..... Astoria
peuian. Am. sen Astoria
Vlncennes. Fr. bk Columbia No. 1
North King, Am. tug Astoria
Antelope. Am. sen Foot of Lincoln
Belen. Fr. bk Newcastle, A.
Claverdon, Br. sh Newcaatle, A.
Wlllscott Am. bk Newcastle, A.
Port Patrick. Br. sh Newcaatle, A.
St Mlrren. Br. ah Newcastle, A.
Crillon, Fr. bk Newcastle, A.
Ardencralg. Br, bk Newoastle, A.
Eugene Schneider, Fr. bk. Newcastle, A.
Buff on, Fr. bk Newcastle, A.
Castle Rock, Br. sh Sydney, A.
Redhlll, Br. ss Newcaatle, A.
KnlKht TemDlar. Br. ss. . Newcastle. A.
Tymeric, Br. str Newcastle, A.
Henry Vlllard, Am. str. . .Newcaatle, A.
Thordls, Nor. str Morovan, Japan
Homeward Bound, Am. bk. Newcastle. A.
Emily Reed, Am. sh., .Newcaatle, Aua.
Ancalos, Br. sh Newcastle, A.
Brlseux, Fr. bk Newoastle, A.
Tramp Steamers Ba Boata.
Elsa. Nor. ss San Franciaco
African Monarch, Br. as Japan
Inveran, Br. aa Port Loa Angeles
Terndene, Br. str San Franciaco
Terje Vlken, Nor. as San Franelsoo
au.ii.ibi uuiiiwiii, nur, Ni.itiDUl B r I
Barkaton, Br. as San Franlcsco I Why
vu BMamera sue.
Atlss. Am. str Ban nilarn
Maverick. Am. ss San Francisco L. bun,lnif 0
i m at to T. creamery building
Gael, Fr. bk
Turgot. Fr. bk
Mlltonburn, Br. bk
Six firemen "Otr track Wo. f.- wht?h
waa racing to the Haaelwood Creamery
fire, narrowly escaped serloua injury
and possible death thle morning when
all three of the truck's horsee were
thrown to the ground after stepping
in a hole in the pavement at Fifth and
Alder atreete. The middle horae which
fell firat waa painfuly cut on the
flanka where it had alid along the
asphaltum. The heavy fire apparatus
waa Jammed with terrlflcorce agalnat
the curb and crowded hard upon the
animals aa they were ahoved along the
had surface. All of the firemen kept
their seats expecting momentarily to be
thrown into the air.
The heavv triulc hniV alackeneA tin aa
It croaaed Morrlaon atreet, and then with
the way clear the big horses were given
a free rein and raced rapidly towards
the heavy cloud of smoke at Third, and
Hoyt Just aa Alder street was reached
me middle horse stepped Into a hole a
couple of feet square and several inches
aeep which decorates the pavement at
that point and was thrown to the street.
In falling the animal tripped tha other
two norses ana an tnree were skidded
in iront or tne neavy cart.
Little time was lost In vettin the
animals on their feet again. The broken
narnesa waa patcnea and the faithful
Don't let tout ease run Into bronchitis.
or some other obstinate and dangerous
malady. The very best medicine to take
In such a case is in-. Pierce's uoiden Med
ical Discovery. Made without alcohol or
dangerous drugs, It contain that rare
combination of native medicinal root
that will allay a cough (Iron It out, aa It
were), restore the circulation, asslat the
appetite ana digestion, ana consequently
restore tone to the entire system. That
Is the reason people look happy onoe
more alter taking it iney reel una living,
because their liver is active, the blood
in their arteries Is full of that llfe-glvlng
quality rich, red blood. The blood in
turn feeds the nervea. . '
Nervousness and neuralgia are only the
Indication that tbe nervea are not fed on
Invigorating blood. This "Medical Dis
covery" of Dr. Pierce la nature's own
restorer. It tones up the organism and
Invigorates Its functions, furnishing to
the body one of Its necessary constituent
principles of which It is in need.
This preparation Is of pleasant taste,
agrees perfectly with rebellious and sen
sitive stomachs, and Is extremely effeo
tlve In restoring; tone and vigor to the
entire system. It cures troubles of the
stomach and at the same time the blood
r o-ivan such a toning up as to
throw off a aold. On very food reason
why It restores the health of run-down,
pale and emaciated people Is because It
first throws out tha polsona through tbe
liver and kidneys. It then begins. Its
reconstructive work in building up peau
and making good, rich, red blood. -I
have been a sufferer from Indigestion
foreome thirty years, at V - " j
Ttf. Jdallaoax. of CUrclevlUa. W. Ve e d
have used medicine from several of our cat
physicians, which gave e only a little tern- j
borar raliat Thar said I oonld never be
worst spall that I ever had. I ufferedwith
that I could neither work nor sleep, and my
weight went down from one hundred and
As Im awit. t wn irmnthf' tima
concluded that I would try Doctor Flene s
nlaety-nve pounds to one hundred and suty
ma 10 auoui
nitAmA thmt.
Golden Medical Discovery. By the .time tbe
flrtt bottle was gone. I felt some reiiet rpom
e sufferli
covery.' am truly thankful tor the great
rM nrin u mntlnura until I had
four bottles of 'Golden Medical Dta--r
T im trnlf thankful for the great
twtn.At whirh T hi received from TOUf
madlclne. and caa cordially recommend It
to others. ,
It Stands Alone 5Wr. ae
greuiouwa uui
also aa tha onlv medicine for stomach.
liver and blood disorders, which ab
U CAM4 1 1 am a as tbe best ai-
U 5ldllU5 A1UIIC ye meal
cine, tne diikcii
Most everyone li earnlng some money, and all
are saving or spending It ' By saving you acquire
the first principles of thrift and success. A snug
ban-account will aid you greatly in your struggle
against unlooked-for misfortunes. You cannot make
the start too soon.
We place no restrictions. on the amount neces
sary to open a savings or 'check account
Your patronage will be appreciated.
of which take their patients fully Into
their confidence and tell them exactly
what they are taking. This Dr. Pierce
can afford to do, because his "Golden
Medical Discovebt" is made of such
Inarredients and after a working formula
tnat has tnousanas 01 cures to its creait,
placing its menu above criticism.
At AIama Nature's
II JldllUa H1UHC cure for many
chronic dis
eases and Its Ingredients are : Golden
Seal root Queen's root Stone root Black
Cherrybark, Bloodroot Mandrake root,
ana chemically pure glycerine.
VMlM 4trmt nnt nn nM r P V
"V Pierce, ever ae years ago. and
although saKch imitated, have asver been
qua lad. Made of concentrated and refined
medicinal principles, extracted from native
American plants and roots, therefore purely
vegetaoie ana perrecuy nermieas. una little
V elm ror a stomachic, or stomach and bowel
regulator, three tlnj granules tor a cathartic.
Sayings and
J. Frank Watson President
R. L. Durham Vice-President
W. H. Fear Secretary
S. C. Catching Assistant Secretary
O. W. T MueUhaupt. . . . . ; . . . ... ;. . .. .Cashier
horses again daehed towards the burn
ing Duilding, the middle horse bleed
ing freely from the wound cut in hla
. A similar accident occurred half an
nour later while hose No. 1 waa racing
up mn si roe 1 on us way to the
barns for coal. On the corner opposite
ma uone vi me accident 10 truck No.
2, the two horses on the hose cart
irippea aa iney turned east on Aider.
ttoih sua along tbe pavement a din
tance or a dosen yards, tearing the
nean irom ineir siaes.
ti: I mW.-JL7 . II r"-y I
f v.W la....1Xa 1 1 mi. 'TV. Am iBtLPvT I
h . 1 wim tBav as. w 1 mma xrrri 1 . n1 m 1 1
M W -t. Mt AiAT I I mrm'. II 1 F Ut3 I 1
I ' I m .flltay 1 1 at. 73" as.. II f 1 I ! I
: 1 r ir utpy
' 1 b ar it r 1 ijBu4i
1'.. a . mt ir miv 1 s a is
.Si- I . SsF II RJiaV--n I I
S Bill -. , II IHrnarT 1 I
-y: i i u w.ta im i
S,:, I :- - S2a
MiU-Conetrnctlon Edifices
Should Not Be Erected.
"The burning of the new Haaelwood
a tnia mornlno- ahnvi
the fallacy of tha noaition tnkiin hv ihm
T . A , Cnn4 I I i lT... . . , 4
ouiivi i mum urcniiecia wnen opposing ins pass-
.PUgOt Bound I tit Of tha building nrillnmi. .
.Banta Ronlli Unm. in q..i..j rZ. .v.r."
8uTvnrFrh,bk.Bf-. 'flanffi ?L.?-5S 11
S.JwV 'if ' -H2 L ?n w. onrofafeai
sivaava . a. aaa a-cia X' a LVDH AT mil din' lhfi. sk laara
Btrathgryfe. Br. ah. Callao h. . " '1
Caator, Br. ah Valparaiso -re nracticallv UZn.f r. 'ruc"u
xxoemi, rr. dk ..Seattle -whan tha h,.iM7n
before tha Aitnu T nnntwnt.ii .k. 4ii
MARINE NOTES I constructed buildings should not ba al-
I lowed within the lire limits.
Astoria Or- Sept. . Condition of the MS?.." c?!Pom, on.. bht of four
oar it i i m.. obaourea: wind aouth. I r"""T ."". wiw raw
five mllea: weather, dense for. !" "! oraer to get tbe ordinance
. . . r . . l rnrnnrn rna aaiimaii
Tides at ABtona toaay: ign water . "v "L r.
i .a . a a .n o i I The Permit lor tha Haaelwnnd hulM.
Low water 7:60 a. m.. .8 foot: 8:09 d. n w" tfte tt one that waa lsaued
m., l.i feet. ior ln" type or atructure, after the
Astoria, Or., Sept. 8. Arrived down xour-atory ordinance went Into effect,
during the night and aalled at 5:40 a. f called the attention of tha building
m. steamer . Exceisiar. for Ban Fran- "i,w"'f lu " iaci mai n waa vio-
flmfn T.eft nn at a m TTrann'h harlr I latlve Of the new law. but aa a faunria.
Col. De VUlebois Mareull and barkentine t,0 permit had been Issued prior to
Wrestler. Arrived down at 1:25 and lh l". taking effect, the Inspector de
salted at i:zo p. m. steamer Alliance, ua mai mey were enutiea to a per
for Coos 3a v. Sailed at 1 n m mlt for the main structure.
Steamer J. B. Stetson, for San Pedro. We have always been too lenient In
Arrived down at i:ao and sailed at 2:10 jroruana in rramintr our Dulldlna- laws.
p, m. Schooner Roderick Dhu in tow of I and must hereafter insist on an ap
tug Defiance, for San Franciaco. proach to fireproof construction within
roini ijodos, eepi. e. fasgeu me nre limits,
Steamer Santa Rita, from Harford, for
Sydney. Sent. 9. Arrived German
bark Tellua, from Portland.
With a view to catering to tourist
travel along the Columbia river and
developing the interest of the traveling
publlo in the magnificent acenery ' of
thla famous stream, a plan la being
formed to establish small but modern
tourist hotels. Mrs. Jennie Madden,
who manages the Oneonta, a family
hotel at 187 Seventeenth street, Port
land, haa had plans drawn for a hand
some bungalow to be erected as a tour
ist hotel at Cascade Locks.
This point Is one of the most beauti
ful on the river and Is the junction
where boats running on the river firat I
meet west-bound tralna of the O. R. ft
N. Co. Travelers coming or going can
stop here and enjoy the outdoor life
and resume their journey by boat or
train. It la believed that similar ho
tels at Celilo Kalis, Multnomah Falls
and other Interesting placea along tha
river would In time attract a large
touriat business.
At present the traveler can only pass
over this historic route by train and
see whntever he may be able to catch
in glimpses of the rapidly passing scen
ery. Nearly everyone who travels by
train through the great gorge la aelzed
wlth the longing to get off and devote
a day or more to enjoying tne viewa.
Mrs. Samuel Johnston Seeks
Divorce From Man Who
Used His Fists.
Dr. Samuel W. Johnston, who became
Intoxicated tnd failed to appear in the
circuit court Saturday to stand trial on
a charge of wife beating, waa sued for
a divorce thia morning by his wife, Mrs.
Minnie E. Johnston, who charges that
about four months after their marriage
Johnaton began a systematic course of
abuse of her.
Mra Johnston allegea that her hus
band falsely accused her of infidelity.
failed to support her and drank ao much
tnat ne naa to De removed to a aanl
United Coast Press Leased Wire.
San Franclaoo, Sept. . The
gray wavea of the aea have
given up one more mute but ap
pealing meaaage from a victim
of the Columbia horror. Today
A. Mlgmore of 1266 Forty-alxth
avenue, flan Franciaco, found a
bottle on the Ude-awept beach
about a mile aouth of the ruin
of the Cliff House. In It waa a
paper. Curious to know it con
tents he broke the botUe and the
following note waa revealed. It
was the laat despairing cry of a
drowning man.
"Lost, Columbia, on raft Tell
mother, at 872 K. street, St.
Word haa been aeht eaat to
that addreaa.
tarlum for treatment.
it la alleged, while the;
In May, 1907,
v were at dinner
at tne Sarirent hotel with a friend John
aton began calling hla wife vile names
and she left the table and went to her
room, wnere ane was followed by John
aton. It waa then that the beating for
which Johnston was arrested is alleged
to have occurred.
Mrs. Johnston had to seek refuge In
another room and was left to pay the
hotel bill, she says. During nearly all
of her married life she lived at her
mother's home, and Johnaton alao made
hie homo there. It is alleged, until Mrs.
Johnston's mother refused to allow- him
to enter the house. Mra. Johnston asks
that her maiden name, Alnsworth, be
restored to her. They were married in
June, io
(Continued from Page One!)
: .V .Itere it variety of the
' new. ahapes in aoft felt. All
: . th new blocks every face
: - can ba flattered.
For the Derby, the experi
' mental forms to just feel
vof the taste of the public.
V, That shape that meets the
: approval of the masses will
t become tbe winter style.
"The City of New York."
Another of those comadv drama
heavily on himself and has advised hla presenting at tha Star theatre was
rriena m the east ty wire to have a given ysateraay. "The City of New
bet down on him, In discussing the L"r n.B. r2n?5 company playa the
flrht h. .oM- T .n -IT","-.."'"" " sou OI mil
" Y JI ucuo" mor th" ordinarily
wv uiiii, iiiiiuii lie uicjjr uiu WIlOil I uutii
they met In thla city last month, there
is no reason in the world why I ahould
not make a still better showing with.
orui. i Deiieve i am me pest au-
New Dill at tbe Grand.
"The Phrenoloarlst" la th htiAiln.
act thia WUli at lh riratsA T. 1-
around 133-pound man In the world. I played by Murphy and Wlllard. one of
rt Q Ait e P I m All 9m I ft np Xj Kief 1 . i S T rm ma laLkn V. . l . . . .
uuuua aim i." uiiti, iiu am ui. utjoi h ii u w ii UK e ic ii teams in vau-
"lB ,rr !,,ucn punian-toevme, ai joiaon, who waa such a hit
Hicui o.b i nn. jsriit hub laiKea a i last weeK, naa been retained owinc ta
B6od deal about the wonderful hndv nr.i ,J-f w..r'if al.w i..?...
v.1- u. CZI - uiicera,
U'l "II IIIB liailUD .V II J 1IT i"J tuiijr, IIV
n. 11.', 1 n n hi.
in u a l real, ijib lie. uiiviuiruicu uuu 1 . .
that Is the only chance I want" nl Cknjpany Opening.
i i i u . i. i i . - """uui uiamu r oriy'
?ALiXlZl--Z."um B""io lo Nine," which is always a favorite of
teF of cnditionV-lV iV the opinion of atoK comPan7 will o iSTenttaSt
Jli " i u' l" wine,- which is always a favorite of
fighting game. theatregoers. It pictures life aa it ex-
ngside. i-lght fana anxloua to aee isWd in the dava of th Snii
great Britf-aana lightweight Jnill ",lUr th! othw B 5j fh. . wT.
n to gather about Recreation Park ritLi other play that haa -been
The Beaver Hat
? Hon better4ew 10 good
for 4)3.00 ,
CuaUuhaPicp '
ICS and 1C3 Third SU-,
the fighting game.
beaan to rath
long before noon, and the line waiting
for the bleacher box-office to onen waa
at least half a mile long.
in the arena mechanics were etui at
work on the ring and aeata. Outside
the right-field fenoe of the baaeball
grounds the windows of adjoining rest
dences look down upon the rlnar. but to
keep the occupants In these housea from
having a free view of the flaht Pro
moter GleaHon had several , circus polee
erected, between which were strung
grest strips of canvaa, shutting off all
possible view. ;.- - --- 1
While the workmen ware tightening
me ropes on me ring, wen aeng mana
ger for Qans, jumped on the platform
and objected to Its aire. According to
Sellg, Brltt and Oans agreed, at Brltt'e
suggestion, to box in an 18-foot ring.
Sellg found, however, that the ring
measured 24 feet each way. He, of
cpu rse ..raised , a. howl. and. tnaleted ibit
Ifil ale be eut down to 18 feet or
there would be no fight.
Brltt was obstinate, but finally agreed
to tosa a coin, the winner to name the
dimennlona. Sellg won.
At abOttt one O'clack tha trfrtoA hann
to ' pour in. Boon after that time . the
Louis James at Heilig Tonight.
The favorite actor Lm.i. ,,,
present Shakespeare's comedy, "The
Comedy of Errors." at the Hifi the
atre, Fourteenth and ' Washington
streete, tonight Tuesday and Wednes
day nights. "The Merry Wivea of
Windaor," will be the bill Thursday,
Friday and Saturday nights with a
apeoial price matinee Saturday. Seats
are now jelling for entire engagement
at box-office the theatre. "
The Bohemian Girl" Tonight.
- Thla evening the Californlana will
give a grand revival of the . undying
opera, 'The Bohemian Girt" In all
the range of light operas there" is noi
(united rrera Jjaiea wire.) a
Oyeter Bay N. T.. Sept. 8. President
Roosevelt personally congratulated
every member of the American rifle
team which won the Palma trophy at
tne international snoot recently in ut
trtwa. He shook hands with each man.
and then In a speech expressed hla
pleasure over tne victory.
(United PreM by Special Leased Wire.)
Barmouth, Wales, Sept 9. After a
night's wandering on the bleak moun-
tain biurh, jseriiaru oiiaw loauueu ui
gelly today, and his arrival was Imme
diately telegraphed to hla home and the
searching parties were called In. His
disappearance had excited the whole
countryside, and hundreds were search
ing for him.
Sour Stomach
f n.ii diiHHrti ftml IimI llka a nawinan. I hAva
Mn a nltnr from dyipspila and soar aton tab
or tb 9t two Trt. I hT been taking modi.
una ana otnor araco. pal coaia ana no ronoi only
or khnrk tlmo. I will moommooa Ouoorota to
taf frlondi iho only hins for Indigotdoa and
r tomob and to koep tho bowel i la good aoa-
on. 1 ner art rtry moo to ,
Hurry Stacklaf, fiat
iaask Chaak. Fa.
Today and tomorrow will be the laat
days of discount on weat aide gaa bllla
knows -sns
provocative of good humor as
GhirardellTs Cocoa. Its delic
ious fragrance and sustaining
goodness fill the most exact
ing guest with generous Im
pulses. The best thing too
for Ms own
breakfast Is
W. E lAlffiEIL & CO.
$50 CASH
Offered by the East Bide BnaU
a ess Man's oiub tow the beet
or short oatoh pfcreee
to be adopted by the olub
lOcoiid 15c
We Merchants of
the East Side Make
the Drain on
Your Parse Light.
Anarantood to aura ot roar Bion.y back.
Surliag Remedy Co., Chicago er N.T.
.u-itmi. . . 4V. .,--. j t riMmi, tmmwihi rmuiiiin. gong, pp.
uiu uuoi 13 1 i nn nnn.rr 1 1 r ui.i tv i in . .a k
, , , , . . -" ' " ; HOI.I U1U..U. u kh gr w.ipv, wn, -vy. .
music lovers him x ne uoneinian Oirl. ' : aold ia balk. Too gamine Ublot itempn
10m ii.ari, airecior oi me Callfornlans,
promises a- atrictly first-class rendi
tion or '"lhe ohemlan Oirl" at th mmu iau aawea
Marquam. eata ore selling for all AnKUAb OAlXf ICH IVtlLLIUII BwAa.a
carformances. Including tha -itiutln. i , . .
bleachers and grandstand were about "aturoay ana sunoay. - ,
one-third full. Th
crowd was alow to arrive, contenting I Today and tomorrow will be the laat
itself with standing on tbe outside and - days oi discount An weat side gas bllla
The Grand Finale of Our Great
Is now In lull swing. Wednesday morning ws will bezin to assart our well-earned position aa
the leading east side department store in onr new and elegantly equipped premises at East
Morrison street and Union avenue, where two floors will be devoted to tha display of tha lat
est fall stocks. Ttyere remain at our present store varied lots of merchandise from all depart
ments absolutely broken as to assortment in styles, sizes, patterns, etc., which must ba disposed,
of without removal. -
Onr Removal Sale Prices Jnstiiy Yonr Final Visit
To our old store at Grand avenue and East Alder street to assist us In the clearing out of the
goods left on our hands. We have alwaya aimed to satisfy our patrons and succeeded in doing
so. We have every reason to believe 'that this,
The Final Wind-Up Will Satisfy Yon
As to prices, quality of merchandise and fair measure offered you on each and every bargain you
will purchase. There are many opportunities left for you to pick and choose. The assortment
may De minimized, but here and there you .may find just the very thing you have been looking
for, at , .
Prices You Could Not 1 Expect Ordinarily
Thus we are ushering out the era of the old storethe store possessing the reputation of talc
and honest dealing at all times. - - a -
Thus We Shall Usher in the Era of the New Store
The store deservlngr your continued patronage, because of the reputation with which W. H.
Markell & Co. will endow tha modern, new store. -which is nracticallv In readiness for tha TN
dspuy our new taereaaitdise"
We Will Move Wc MiBt Move This Week
But we want to move as little as possible even of -recently arrived goods, so as to have all. the
room possible for our new stock, and prices are marked accordingly.
'''' , :.ljXX4U'i,tss:;- J'-VZir'- '.iv?Sv: ; . .-';v'l'-