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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1907)
V , THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY,; EVENING, SEPTEMBER 9,' 1907, ; Ahribuncement Partially Covering theBest of the RecorEairifSffles afi'-Geyiirte" SOc ' ' Today we have been closed. Closed to business, but thoughtful in the preparation of values fortomorrow. Every part of the house :.. :yGO'-S i pm Tt? A "DT?T?TT?Q has been carefully gone over, and we have chosen our most : inviting specials from such articles as we believe will be most in T aVT? nrip'p a TTvTQ 1 lJivAr'UKIlb demand right now, the time when most people are changing and altering their household effects, and adding new pieces for the V A" 'at.-'21CYard)" ' i ; .v -' r -HVvcomfort and commodity of the winter season. . .. r ;:'v-at 97c Pail" r .. : , ... ..,) ' . ' v.,. i .'y .'..' 'a .' ' ;i 'A .-L' v" 1 1 1 .. 1 --'--; j : ;'.'.-' . ,K v.''-''..'" , "" . i " 1 1 m . ' , , 1 11 " i m i SPECIALS THAT SHOULD APPEAL TO EVERY SAVING INSTINCT I ' ' I ' ' ' ' 11 ' L 111 ' 1 I I I i 1 , In the Department of Drap 5 Pi c I w I I J enes Department on 2nd Floor Cur tains iSess Than Half Regular Price Thirty-seven pairs Arabian net curtains (No. 4004) full three yard length and regular width. Lurtains that, are very rea sonably priced at $2.50. Marked for quisite patterns ; priced regularly at 97c pr. Twenty pairs novelty curtains. Marie Antoinette edge, ex- CP 1 nc. For.Tuesday's Record sali J) 1 J IJi DRAPING AND DECORATIVE MATERIALS at Less Than Half ' Draping and decorative materials at less than half. 'Thirty-inch Art Silks in beautiful Oriental patterns; ten materials: similar inlexture, but different in design. All Tpteces Tcgtrtarljrpriced atl yard ; Tues- A - j day s Record 6ale price TJ y VJ. Fifty-inch standard, quality derby cloth; regular 60c value. Reduced for Tuesday's QQr "xrr selling, to OOC THE FAMOUS GOBELIN ART DISPLAY In all shadfes, 36 inches wide; attractive patterns; especially de sirable for boudoirs. All SOc values; in 01- yJ these new fall draperies . iJL rCl. Sacrifice Digs Into the Regul V alues oi Carpets D. NOTE -Mr. Clarenc - Wheeler, the energetic manager of our modern Carpet Department, wiahea to extend every possible courtesy and Erompt attention that can e given in the filling and completing of orders. Carpet display window, First and Yamhill. Cash or Credit ri 1J-U ivy" t f-1 lartment on 2nd Floor . Two carpet prices, including many values, offering a large amount of saving to the shrewd buyer. -.. All of our very highest grade i8-wire ; Tapestry Brussels carpets the same ' in appearance and pattern as shown in the : body Brussels that youpay from $1.85 to $2 a yard for. We offer an unlimited choice of designs at the exceptional Tues day Record sale price of . . .$1.08 a yard . All of our finest and most exclusive de signs, patterned in the very richest color combinations and Oriental effects. Wilton Velvets, ex- , tra Wilton Velvets, Ax- TOkstejsc2flra.AHnkC rters. Values at $1.83, : $2 and $2.25. Tuesday Record sale price) 91.44. yard. . All carprts may be ' had with or without border. Sewed, laid and lined free of charge. $25.00 DiningTable $17.95 In the solid quartered Oak pedestal table in the finer grain and finish. A table that could not be sold by any other Portland furniture house under"$25, unless they lost money on the" sale. Money losses do not lessen'our determination to double our September business. Now we offer this exquisite $25 table during Tuesday's record sale at $17.95 1 i j The Lowest Prices Ever Quoted on High Grade Furniture We are right now underselling every furniture house in the northwest. We are giving better values than is possible for any other house to offer. Read these few prices which are merely examples of the tremendous furniture reduc tions in all lines. '$9.00 Parlor Chairs $4.75 $5.50 Parlor Stands $3.75 $25.00 Buffets $18.75 $6.00 Pedestals $4.00 $16.50 Parlor Cabinets ..$12.00 Five-Piece $35.00 Parlor Suit. .$22.50 FULL SETS DINING, FURNISHING, BEDROOM SUITS AND PARLOR PIECES, AT THE GREATEST OF SAVING 1 ' ?- . v . ; - -So , -www 7 ' jpfr m -v-. ,v jtej JjO Basement Department Special 35c China Cups lOcea. These are in the Japanese design fine thin pieces both, decorative and useful. They are the regular size tea cups dainty and pretty. All our 35c values, for the Tuesday record sale, lOcea. Generous reductions on all our fine china dinner and tea sets. Full line of crockery and cooking utensils. , , Every Piece of Furniture is Now Offered at the Lowest Possible Price Quotations "Eclipse" Ranges, Eclipse" Heaters, .Gevurtz "Special" Sewing Machines.' FIRST SECOND ON YAMHILL L GEVURTZ SONS -A FIRST SECOND ON YAMHILL Mail orders carefully studied and accurately r filled. V', PDCOUAF untonfli (HERS I C II L ON WORK OF FAIR Grounds Allotted and Build ings PlannedQueen ContestRates. ; (Bpaclil Ditpatcb to Tb JonrotL) Oreiham, Or'., Sept 9. The Oreeham Commercial and Development -league met at the town hall Saturday night. President D. 8. Johnson stated the ob ject of the meeting to be the . election of oommitteea to act In conjunction : with the Multnomah county and grange : were elected an executive committee. ' In perfecting plans, arranging and rrading the grpunds and erecting build' ngp and tents for the fair. Mayor J. M. Short, Lewie Shattuck. B. W. Emery, " Theodore Brugger - and' ft; - R Carlson i were elected on executive committee. This committee la to appoint-Ave sub' committees of three members each, one of whom, the chairman, shall be a mem ber of the executive committee. 7 Dr. A. ThomDson. H. E. Davis and Lewis Shattuck presented plans, for the location of the buildings, concessions decided to use all ' the grounds offered by Dr. Thompson, the Baptist church ana me grange, consisting or aoout iv seres lying north and west of the O. W. P. Jepot,. bounded by the O. W. P. tract on tne soutn. Main street on tne east, Powell street on the north and the pub lie school and cemetery on the west Johnson creek runs through this tract, which offers the finest advantages for a big exhibit' of any site in east Mult- nomaa.. ' Bondings nd Bates, It was decided to erect a teranorarv building 40x100 feet for the agricultural exniDiis. a snea oi bu or mnr arajia Tar stock and numerous large tenta. for ma chinery, the pure food show and the and nthftr nvhlhlta Tha resham grange hall will be used for poultry Gresham r: the art exhibit Trafflo Manao-er W P. Mulchav nf thn Portland Railway, Light & Power com- iany nas promised suincient electric ight to insure ' serf ect illumination of the . grounds and, buildinss. His com pany will also give a one-way fare on passengers and stock and will run cars every hour up to a late hour each, day during the fair. ' The voting contest on the election of the' aueen of the carnival is In full swing all over the county. Among the Gresham girls receiving- the larswat number gf votes to date are Miss Mary snatiucK,. miss laicy Metgger attd Miss Florence Stafford. Bt. Johns. Monta vlHa,, Mount Scott, .the east and west siaes or Portland will eanh hava nan. dictates. A number of. business men have promised -to give the 6-cent vote for aueen of the carnival on each tl cash purchase in their stores. This will give a big Impetus to the queen BOISE PREPARES TO WELCOME COMMONER Everything In Readiness for Eeception of William Jennings Bryan. and the horticultural exhibit. It was Contest and win Insure a big vote. ( , THB, POLICYHOLDERS' COMPANY . ; "PURELY OREGON" BEST; FOR AN OREGONIAN . .DOME OFFICE COR. SIXTH AND ANKENY STREETS, P02TLA.ND " ;A. I MILLS, " , , . I SAMUEL, .CLARENCE S. SAMUEL, . . t President . . General Manteer. -' -' - A.sistant Manaarer. (Bpaelal Ditpatcb to Tli 7oamaX) Boise, Ida. Sept 9. Everything is In readiness, for the big Bryan meeting here next Wednesday evening. The Short Line and the lnterurban lines have all "granted reduced rates and without doubt the meeting will be the largest ever held In Idaho. Reports from nearby towns are to the effect that people are coming to Boise by the mousanas 10 near me areai jNBDras kan. . Mr. Bryan will be accompanied by Mrs. Bryan and she will be entertained by the Demeeratlo ladles of . this city. a puono reception win oe tenaerea tne aisunguisnea visitors at the commer cial club rooms during their stav her Mr. Bryan will speak at the Riverside pars: pavilion in tne evening. TEACHERS -SELECTED BY EUGENE BOARD (gneeUI Dlipateh to Tbe foaroaLI ; Eusene. Or.. Sent . At a metina- of the Eugene school board yesterday, Miss Maude Gallogly of this citv was chosen as one of the high school teach ers and Mrs. L. R. Alderman, wife of the city superintendent, as teacher of art School opens ' on . Monday, Sep tember 28. but as the - annual count v teaohara4astltut bealns.on . that .lata 1 aiso, ine regular classes wilt not begla till Thursday, September 1,6. - - . Stops Itching Instantly. Cures piles, eesema, salt- rheum, tetter. Itch, hives. herpes, scabies Doan's Ointment. Atl W. A. CHeland. the attomer. has' ra. I turned, to 2-1 Si Chamber of Commerce. ELECTRIC LI DOWN WILLAMETTE VALLEY Eugene System to Be Ex tended to Tap Salem Portland Road. (Special Dispatch Tbe totmUt Eugene, Or., Sept. 9. The Eugene & Eastern Railway company, which la building an electric line between Eugene and Springfield and intends to extend it on up the McKenile valley, today started a gang of surveyors north, from here to make the preliminary survey for a line between Eugene and Albany and Salem and eventually on down the val ley to Portland. A. weicn. . vice-presiaent ana general manager of the company, has recently secured a franchise for tijjp line through Salem and the Albany council will prob ably aet faveraWy within a few days on his application for a franchise to build through that city. Mr. Welch and other officials or tne company. were at. Junction City today to interview the nuHuaxsraiBsrafiBSSBm Home Decorating Is (not a difficult matter when you use KOR-E-LAC THE ORIENTAL WOOD FINISH A combination of most durable Var nish and Stains for Interior Wood Work, Floors, Furniture, etc. THE BIG PAINT STORE Fisher, Thorsen & Co. g FRONT A1ND MORRISON STS. 5 m EBBBl!aBSIlSaEaZraN3EEIBEraaaBBEKBBBBEafiEai;EBESlia 2 ' LMlL -- CASTOR IA : Tor IoiuLta and CUldrea, : Tha Kind YoiHaie Always Bssgfet Bears ill ' 81gnatorof -TEA- Is there a better way to keep the family longer sX table, to" keep ittbgether?. A Schilllnj & Company San Franciaca city . council.. tn obtain a - f ranhls through there. - It was announced here today that cars will be running between Eugene ana apringrieia witnm so days xrom date, the work now being rushed. The bridge across the Willamette, the con tract for which has been let to L. N. Roney of this City, will not be com pleted this winter, but the concrete piers will probably be put up before a rise in tha river prevents further work. The cost of the bridge will be (30,000. ItjUll b wooden structure of the Howe true design and will be substantial enough to hold up the eleo trio cars that will be operated over the jine. -J- ' Work on the oar- barns and Mpair shop in the eastern part of Eugene will begin Monday, a half block or land for that purpose having just been , bought rrom m. svarrerud. . , Aster Show at la Grande. ' " (Bpctnl Dtspateh to TM JoornaL) . La. . Crande. - Or.. Sent, a. Elaborate plans are under way for aa Aster show, to be held at La Orande Wednesdar. Asters -rm all parts of Grande Ronde valley will be plaoed on exhibition and prises will be offered for the best dis plays. ; f; JSMr.:S,h.. 'i MexicatT Mustang Liniment Goes qulokl y to tha veryeoreef the) disease and atapa the meat deep -aet, exoruolatlng palna Imest Instantly. Mexican; MustangLiniment , Ouraa avary allmeri f Man r Beast that a flood, honest . Liniment aaa aora None better, , Men a flood. 11 rMU,. Know How to Day Paint? ; It's easy now, bo cause tha beat kinds of paints, enamela, ataina, yarnishea,' are aold under the name of ACTJE QUALITY, a mark that slgnlfiea ; the Perfect Paint ' for Krerr Pnrpose. ;' If your nearest dealer cannotsuppljr . yott with the MActne QBaUty!klodwawill, J Aak for a copy of. the new textbook, Tha Selcefloa and Tst aj ralntf and HiiJsf. 172 Firs! L.rcr:::