The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 09, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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    J w
Industrial Exposition Will
, v lie Opened Tomorrow in
' Southern Oregon.
IV " "
a solid
story to
Governor Chamberlain of Oregon and
' ' GoTernor Mead of Washington are
Among the Speaker Who are on
the Program.
- tqpeelal Pluwtrt to TIM joentl)
J Grants Pass, Or., Sept. . Arrange
V nenta are now complete and everything
..In readiness for the fifth annual con
; vention of the Oregon Irrigation conven
tlon, which mttti tn conjunction with
..' the Roame River Industrial fair ia this
.' elty beginning tomorrow, September 10,
and closing on the evening of Septem
ber IS. The people of Grants Pass hare
' j spared no effort or expense to make the
convention and fair a (rand suceee.
Not only Grants Pass, but every town
' and settlement In Josephine, as well as
f the towns of Jackson county, are unlt
l: Ing In the effort to make this ths banner
4 event la southern Oregon history. Be-
-,. vi i mwwtm ihhumiiu ytuuii ui 1110
," Immediate vicinity who will attend
titers will, be several hundred vlaitors
t and delegatea f rom other parts of the
state and from other states.
No leas than eight officials high in
. rank and from several dnpartmsnte In
' Washington will be present, aeveral of
'' whom avlll deliver addreaaea. Among
, those will be Mr. Nwll of the reclama
tion ewrvlr and Mr, Fpi.ofte forestry
Service. Other speakers will be Gover-
nor Memo 01 wasningron, joaqi
.MUJer of Oakland. California, and Tom
i Richardson and George H. Hlmea of
' Portland. The Oregon Agricultural col-
.: legs wui do represented on the program
or i Dree or its
f - There will be
poultry show and a baby ahow, with
t liberal prises for ths winners in each.
There will be a dally auction and amuse
:X tnents of various aorta The following
Is the program for the three days:
Tuesday, September 11 I a m.. bal-
loon ascension: 10 a m., address of
- welcome by Hon. II. D. Norton, re-
sponse; 11 a. m organisation of irriga
te tlon convention; S p. m., addreaa on
Irrigation; 4:10 p. m., baby show; S
p. m., automobile parade; I p. m.,
. addreaaea in opera houae.
, Prises will be awarded in the baby
snow ana automobile paraae.
tier 11 v a m.,
m.. addreaaea; 1
t p. tn., aquatic Sportsboat racea, canoe
: races, canoe maneuvering conteat, high
i dive, swimming races; p. m., addreaaea
and discussions.
Prlaes will be swarded In all aquatic
Thursday, September II. 9 a. m
alarm box (I and turned la ths call for
assistance. Before the current had
roused the big bell lata action the
flames were shooting through ths roof
ana rrom ever wmaow or tns nearly
construe tea Duiiomg. manmg
wall of flame from the. second
the roof and high abova.
' Xea Save Barrow Bssapa.
' When the fire started there were It
men employed on the building, many of
them being on the roof at the time the
alarm waa given By those below. The
men on the second floor hurled them-
aelvea through the windows to safety,
but those above that were driven above
by the upeweeplng flamea Walter
Welch, one of the first to escape, ruahed
to where a holat rope was danailna from
me top of the building and, selling the
lower end, drew it out and. awav from
the names ahooting through the aecond
story wlndowa Calling to those who
had not yet made their eacape he dipped
the rope in while the men arrabbed it
and slid down to safety through the
fire. Hardly had the laat man reached
the ground before the fierce heat burned
the rope away. Three men Robert
Aioora, j nomae Forat and Charlea Reed
inane their eacape down the rope from
me imra noor.
Chrla Salmose, a foreman employed
oy me general contracting nrm, waa at
work on one of the upper floore at the
time of the alarm and for a time was
inougnt to nave Derlehed In the flamea
Later it waa learned that he had Jumped
from one of the wlndowa and escaped
wnnoui injury.
Taylor when, he Jumped waa picked
up by a man named Hlmondaon and
placed tn the patrol wagon by Patrol'
man Oruber, who hurrted him to the
Good Samaritan hospital. The Injured
man was revived at the hospital.
After the first alarm had been turned
In from boa CI. two calls were sent
from box 146 and special calls were sent
for engines 6 and 7. Engines 1. 8, 4,
6, , 7 and 9 responded to the alarms,
while trucka 1 and 4. chemical com
panies 1 and 1 and hose companlea 1
and z were also called out
OoaepUeatloaa Arise.
Ths Haaelwood building was a mas
sive struct -j re and had been planned by I
Architect Richard J. Martin. It was of
mill conatructlon with extra heavy
Receiver of Oregon Savings
Bank Unable to Set Hate
of Completing Work.
A lease on the quartera occupied by
the Oregon .Trust & Savlnga bank la
among valuable assets held by ths bank.
The lease has 14 years more to run.
The bank s rental for the corner la $760
per month.
Receiver T. C Devlin, who la handling
the work of ferreting out all ths busi
ness COmDllratlons and settling tha af.
fairs of tne bank without accepting the
volunteered asaietance of the bank of
ficers, will name no probable date for
making his report to the court. He glvea
no assurance that the report win be
ready thla week. He said:
"1 shall not make any promlaea aa to
when this report will be ready. Ths
work in connection with II Is ao much
larger than I expected that f am not
able to make any forecast aa to the
oaie or us completion, no many papera
have to be dealt with and ao much time
consumed in atralanten ln sut mat
ters by mall that the time lost Is be
yond computing, and new matters ra-
uulrlng more time are coming up every
Women Avoid
(Continued from Page One.)
Ing. "public opinion la Vancouver ha
tes me so aroused nvar tha iiun... i
wilii r . 1 1 . n. w w . . . - "-. i.
beams and timber. The main work was ?I.rJmiimLV,0,Lth"t syndicate of
lu I n K An .. ..u . I. I I . . .
" vj ,ii" Hviami m nna cum
leading Instructors.
fine stock ahow.
pany. Under ordinary eireumataneea II
would appear that the loss following the
urn wuuiu iau upon tne contractors.
alnce they had not yet completed the
building or turned it over to the ownera.
A complication has arisen, however.
rrom tne lact mat tne Haaelwood com
pany had taken personal charge of the
eokf storage -Insulation work where the
Tire started, which raises the point as
to wnetner tne tiaseiwood company will
nut p uirecuy accountable ror tne aam
age done by the fire. The building waa
to nave neen occupied October l.
Kadderly'a Transfer company suffered
smaii toss wnen.tne emners nurned
a hole In the roof of their building at
110 Third atreet Fires alao started at
Wednesday. September
stock parade; 10 a.
the southeast and southwest corners of
rnird and Oliaaa atreeta but were put
out Derore causing much damage. Em
ployea in the ehong snd bulldlnra aur
rounding the Haaelwood structure wcr
at wore: soon after the fire started wt?h
lines or nose which they kept turnej
on tne buildings to prevent a spread
or tne namea
Wadhams at Kerr Bros.' and the Un
ion Meat company's buildings, al'untnd
serosa the street from the Haaolwood
structure, were aaved because o! the
direction or the wind and the energptic
manner in which employee kept pour
ing water on them. Despite the efforts
of the amateur fire fighters, the In
tense heat and flying aparka atarted
many an Incipient blase, while windows
were cracked and melted.
Thoasands Tlew Tire.
Thoueands of neraons stood about, tn-
jtereated spectators of the fire. The
terminal yards of the North Pacific Ter
(Continued from rage One.)
structlon of their
building at Spokane.
recently finished
ine second ana
' stock parade, awarding of premiums mlnal company afforded an excellent
all exhibits; 10:30 a. m., stock sak-; place from which to view the fire.
'.. S p. -m., baneball game at A. A. C. .Curious men, womea and boye stood
grounds, Medford vs. Oranta Pass. Jabout waiting for the unexpected to
C On Thursday evening there will be ajhnppen. Falling beama and burning tlm
f pilnstrel show at the opera house. jbera cauaed them to gasp and raise
tneir voicea In excited shouts' aa ifhey
craned forward to the dend lines in
efforts to ascertain whether any of the
firemen atandlng close about and In the
burning building were Injured. i
Rumora of accidents and of man
burned to death flew from mouth to
mouth furnishing food for gossip- to
the crowd. For a long time It was
Druitea aoout that one of the employee
had been unable to eacape from the
Are. Persistently and with Increaalng
grmpnic aescnption tne curious ones
told the story of how the man had
been seen rushing about seeking to
escape, until the contractora ascertained
that all had been aaved. Taylor alone
oein injured.
When the fact became known that no
Uvea had been lost in the fire, the
spectators commenced speculating on
the probability of injury to the firemen,
who heaitated at no risk to enter the
ouuqing to atop tne names. Commenda
tions of the brave manner in which the
men stood close to the fire fiend and
literally engaged in a hand-to-hand fight
with the demon were heard from every
nun n-n v,niei unve uampoen en
tered the burning bulldin with a hanri
ful of men holding a hose, the spectators
fairly held their breath at the temerity
Although the clothing, of the fire
fighters was soaked with water, which
also filled their boots and ran dripping
from their bodies, the firemen always
welcomed the men who came around
with a bucket of drinking water. Soaked
aa they were, their handa and facaa
Boarding-house keenera who i
Whca " wototA snffaring from
female trouble It told that aa oper
ation la seceaaarj, it, of court,;
frighten her.
Tha rerr thought of the hospital,
the operating table and the kalfe
strikes terror to her heart.
It 1 quite true ttat these troub
les may reach a stags where an ope
ration la the only resource, but a
great many womea have been eared
by Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable
Compound after aa operation has
been decided upon as the onlr eure.
The strongest and most grateful
statements poasible to make oome from women who by taking
Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
made from native roots and herbs, have escaped Serious operations, as
evidenced by Miss Rose Moore's ease, of SO? W. Mth St.. X. V. She w rites :-
Dear Mrs. Plnkham:-"Lydia . Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has
cured me of the very worst form of female trouble and I wish to express
to you my deepest gratitude. I suffered Intensely for two years so that
I was unable to attend to my duties and was a burden to my family. I
doctored and doctored with only temporary relief and constantly objecting
to aa operation which I was advised to Undergo. I decided to try Lydia
E. Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound; it cured me of the terrible trouble
and I am bow la better health than I have been for many years."
This and other such cases should encourage every woman to try Ly
dia E, Pinkhams Vegetable Compound before she submits to an operation.
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to
promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. From the
symptoms given, the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest
way oi recovery aaviaea.
Marvelous Bargains Reedy
At 3 KM Toesdp
Every lip Advertised on
Sunday (or Monday Business
nan gone Into the business of encourag
ing immigrstlon from Jspan snd Hono
lulu to the United States sent Its repre
sentative, a Mr. Chlllingsworth. from
Honolulu to Vancouver and Victoria to.
look into tha matter. xrtr ha h
over the ground carefully he announced
that his company would Import no more
Japanese from Hawaii, he putting it on
Ihe grounds that the drat venture had
not been a financial aucceea
Honey 9u Baek.
"Thla svndlcata. it mmwm
n?p r 5? wh0. f ,n n steamer,
the Indiana Sis a head ao that they
might Comply with the Inmlmtlna.nH
and quarantine lawa. Aa soon aa they
Wr" J".nd cr courae this money waa
repaid to the syndicate. The dominion
.roini aeciaen to cancel the syn
catCs Charter becauaa nf tha
antagoniara to the Japanese, and this
was dona The boardlng-houae keepers
then put In a claim far n aaa Cik
waa settled for f 2 JOO."
Under tha irHi, . . ...
iBd Jspan. according to Mr4
Mlnto. the numher nf i,n..... .V
come Into the dominion Ts limited to a
certain number each ..r Tki.
u.l-Ti 'Zu 1 S. . th Jspaneae In
ir.r7 ie largest part of the
immiarrants eama mm w
i!ieri..n,lp out .th situation from thi
e nil-J a Danes e nnlm n r ,
Oeneraf Nossa 'V "i.o" V..
ZTin& r,,h 8,7 Alfred "Lauwer and
S . a , ' ' VMfwiii I1SM9 VrwTTl Ufr
f ected yet. Nosse declared . that ho
ronis una wnn tne western view of that the d
the Immigration problem and would do the quarter
all in bis 'power tO lnfluenra hi. the Thlrrl ti
wished th cnMJ"ns
Object So
"Some time aaro
iiimnTrnn nunnnr
lilll lo tKu bflUUut
riesbyterian Association
Elects Its Officers For
Ensuing Year.
the oriental evrln-
ormed in Vancouver."
bn league we
rSit mntt' ,llh svowed Pur
pose of restricting Japanese and
Chinese Immigration Into Cinada Later
.! third floora were being lined throughout,
celling, walls and underfoot with a new
composition known aa "Sheet Cork In-
aulation." Thla is compoaed of ground
, cork mixed with liquid asphalt and
4 nresaed into brlcka or sheets some three
Inches or so In thickness. These sheets
. or bricks are cemented upon the floors,
walls and ceilings and are then covered
with either cement, pitch or asphalt,
making the finishing coat and produo
, 4lng a wall almost absolute in Its non
, conductabillty of either heat or cold.
The task of putting thla highly in-
flammable coating upon the two floors
, of the new building waa a particular
, one. being the aocond attempt to be
: made in the northwest,
i Tha Haaelwood company had taken
.r the task of fitting u? the cold storage
rooms upon ita own ahouldera and had
Imported William Bach, who had done
t the Spokane work to supervise the taak.
Bach whs at work at the heating appa
, ratus at the time the fire atarted.
According to the etory of Bach and
others s small bit of the heated eephalt
beina uaed to line the Insulation mam
, dropped in dipping it from the melting
vat and. coming In contact with the
flame of the coaloll heater, sprang Into
a blaze.
. With a roar tha whole second floor
uuim imo name and Derore the men
above knew what had happened their
, means of escape had been cut off by
v a sweeping wall of flame. Bach saw
what had happened and he ruahed to
September 26 Hat Been
Set as tht Date for
Opening Sale
Located on the Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul railway in Idaho, to be sold
at .public auction.
The opening aale of lots in St Joe
will take place at Spokane, Waahlng
: ton, Thursday, September 26.
The town of St Joe la located on
the Pacific coast extension of the Mil
waukee road in Kootenai county, Idaho,
vu m du nver, u mi lea southeast
ef Coeur d'Alene, in one of the finest
. agricultural and timber lands of Idaho.
A new lumber mill Just atarted on
, the townalte at the present time em
, ploys 80 men. Another mill now
Under construction which will have!
double She capacity of the one now in
. operatii will be completed by January
1 A r&mtnir mill with a Muni). -
" JJ,00 fetSk per day will soon be built
and a large paper mill la contemplated
on this site.
NO lots will be sold before our open
- Ing sale; everybody will have an equal
,'t ensnce io get a onoice location.
, Thls town will afford excellent op-
portanities Xor every branch of bual
neaa v .
Sals will commence at ths hour of
7 p. m. sharp, in the Klar temple, near
the postofUoe, Spokane. Wasb,
Moderate prices will be placed on
these lots and purchasers will be re-
. iuta.o.. Ud.Yar chotca Kasv terms
. given, kj' s.. a -.i-trf " -
' Tor further Information write or ap
Hy to Western Townalte company of
Washington. :
jh km " . aujvnwn, , ' .
' Oeneral Townalte and Land Agent,
l -4luTWtia Biag., ppoaane,, or ,eo
parched from the terrific heat that set
lire 10 leiearapn notes hundreds of feet
Oampben Worked WslL
Chief Campbell and hts men stayed
within th building until the- timbers
fell down from the upper stories
tnrougn tne rurnace or roaring flames
narrowly missing the men as they
iruca me uuunnaj ai ineir reet. liugi
showers of sparks and clouds of amnk
would rise from the crash that tnUnvriA
the fall of the timbera but the firemen
rougnt on witnout regard to their own
Forced for a time to vacate the struc
ture tn men toest up their fight from
tne outside, where they played water
irom iu unes or nose into the mass of
flames. Strong as were some of the
currents wnicn played upon the fire,
they were feeble in comparison with
the seething, struggling flames that
seemed almost animate in their efforts
to destroy tne structure.
Bricks that had been subject to the
intense neat cracKea ana crumbled and
felf crashing down from the force of
the streams turned upon the steaming
wans, wracaa appeared in tne two-root
brick walls and everybody waited to
see whether they would so weaken th
structure as to bring it tumbling down
upon the men who were trying to save
it. bo naaiy weasenea was the north
wall, where Chief Campbell and his
men stood mounted in the second and
third story windows, It will have to
be torn down.
W. HrfBrackett. superintendent of con
struction, stood about wa toning th de
vastating fire clean out the interior of
tne DuuaiDf and remarked that but for
tne heavy oeama which had been uaed
In the construction the walls would
have fallen. He said the beams were
16x20 inches, and aaved the owners a
total loss because ef their strength.
Chief Caropbell Stated that the north
wall would haY to b torn down be
cause of Its weakened condition. At th
northwest oorner a large crack opened
I uf, siiu at auuunr piaue ugat 'OOUlu o
Been tnrougn in wail.
n5Jtu w "oiisne in VIotorU
h ,M"n'-isJs were forwarded
IV1. 'f"1 ov,nment asking It to
nfaW1 ,mat,eJ and efforts ware
made to call aa International n....
tlon to discuss tha auaatin.
f. --v.. vi j in i n
At the meeting of the Presbyterian
Ministerial association held this morn
ing the following officers were elected
for the- ensuing year: President, Rev.
B. E. 8. Ely; vice-prealdent Rev. O. E.
Blair; secretary and treasurer. Rev. D.
A. Thompson.
The session waa occupied mainly with
reminiscences or the vacation time, Kev.
A. J. Montgomery telling of hla expe
rience of climbing Mount Jefferson, Rev.
J. E. Snyder telling of his deer hunting,
Rev. William Hiram Foulkea apeaklng
of his eastern trip and bringing greet
ing from Rev. Edgar P. Hill of Chi
cago. Rev. D. A. Thompson told of a
bicycle trip through the Yellowstone
national park.
Hev. A. J. Montgomery announced
that the dedication and celebration of
centennial will be. held in
Presbyterian church next Sun
day, with a sermon by Rev. J. F. Ghorm
ley, .who was its first pastor, and a pop
ular meeting Tuesday. September n,
which commemorates the exact date of
the organisation of the church.
The dedication of the Vernon church
will take place September 22 at 3
i o'clock. The Portland number of the
Viotorla Interior, which is now in preparation,
do issued anout uctoDer 15.
Damage Suit Against Port
land Railway Company is
Because she failed to appear In the I
circuit court this morning to testify, the
suit for 18,000 damages brought by
Emma Sheman against the Portland
Railway company wa dismissed when
It was called for trial. Mlsa Sheman'a
attorney said that ahe had been living
with her parents in Polk county alnce
the accident, and waa faillnsr mentallv
and waa either unable or unwiillnsr to
appear and Unify at the trial.
ine coi
ber, 1906
he complaint .charged that In Oete-
eman left a atreet
"it waa
first started
when the trouble
1 1 1 n. , tti hut nr v n a tamh.
... . - - f v. nm irm
. " noi biod over In Rrttlah
Athena Schools Open Next Week.
iBaaelsl Dispsteb to The Joeraal.)
Athena. Or.. Sept. t. Athena public
schools will onen Monday. September
at many of the Japanese i ! The following teachers have been
w l nvi1 uuuna- ior tne states to
work on th rallroada and on Japanese
smuggle them over th line"
aJL Ml,nt0 ,d th,t ther was no
danger of war over the situation "that
h- TiV.m,Ltb,n: that would have to
be handled by th dominion govern
ment and there would be no opportunity
for hasty action. The eit vlJ
f.2rtrVriwe.veT' w5ula Ooubtless be
r-"'.1 v." 1 ,,,unr oy tn Doardlng
ntfVLVLl nd n,erchsnt who hid
(Continued from Page On)
(Pacific Coast Press Leased Wire!)
San Francisco, Sept. 8. Left to die
by hi assassin, whose identity are un-
Knewa. Aiosrt Miner, a cement worker,
85 year of age, waa found unconscious,
suffering from a fractured skull late
iasi mgni. tit a iea several hours later
at tne central ismergencf hospital.
Last of Special Hates.
September 11, it and II will be the
iai uppununuy to paronas excursion
ticket to eaatern point - at special
rates. If you want a comfortable trip
travel TU the Canadian Pacific Make
your reserve tlona now.
wS,"iBw ? try Blnger
A-.D"'n ana jonn ti. Hall
may keeo htm in Pnri .. .1.1- r.
VS'V to pro-.-ecuTth';
fnS fra.c r;0,rafter8 u much Stronger
?hLU likely he may even turn over
siwctw wawcB. wuiiTn nsa mmr nisi haaa
trvlr, D-l-.-f uu
Another subject beside lanA t,mA
cases that is expected to be discussed
will be a plan to retain Brlatol In office.
The DrosDect of Rriatni'a . ,
Ss.r.- " instigation or senator
Fulton and Rnnrn vlli K. . i"
$rlJ."?lZPa,i.on. the oases!
" "" u i reurea it is not eon
sidered probable that Heney will-turn
... ...omjt uuva to tne uregon man.
Today and tomorrow will be th last
i uiavount on wear aid gas bills.
, Pal ted Press Leased Wire.)
Berlin. Sent. ) Mara hn inn nnn
mr - wm v eiasssraa IVViVVV
soldier are engaged In th annual army
. y kI . v L lno npn' n tne field in
Mraiun J1UUBO. X IS
with their regiments.
engaged ror the enaulng term:
Homer L. Watta, principal; James H.
E. Scott, aaalatant principal; Mlsa Gib
bons, Mrs. H. I. Watts, Miss Carrie
Sharp and Miss Engdahl.
Today and tomorrow will bs the laat
days of discount on west side gas bills.
car at Thirteenth and Montgomery
streets, and the platform gate wa left
open on the aide of the car next the
oiner iraca. ene stepped down on that
aide, it is alleged, and was struck by
a car going In the oopoalte direction nn
Will Be on the Counters for
Thousands that go unmentioned will be added,
making Tuesday's sale the ; ,
Most Stupendous and Im
portant Bargain Event
Chronicled at Any
Time During 1907!
All salespeople and store helpers
will report for duty at 8 a. m. sharp.
the other
track and dragged about to
(Soedsl Disnateh ta Tha Tnarnal
Astoria,; Or., Sept . .-Artlcles ; df
Incorporation of the Siualaw Invest-
ment company nave" neen filed by E.
Z Ferguson, C, B. Hlswlns and F.' L.
Warren, J with capital stock fixed St
jdu.uuv.. Tin oomoanr nas ' niimhaaani
8,000 acres of timber land on- tha
law river containing many million feet
or stanaing timoar. Tne following men
have been elected offlcera: J. T. Roaa
g resident; O. W. Warren, vice-president;
!. Z. Ferguson, secretary; J. E. HIs-
ina, treasurer. uenjamln Sweet of
risconsin is aiao a memner at tha
ooara or airectors.
Today and tomorrow will be tha laat
aay 01 aiscount on west side gas billa
Cor. Yamhill and Third Streets, through to Second.
Sale of Watches
Including: all the world's best makes and in the
standard case. A choice of any size, either in
ladies' of gentlemen's watch, open or hunting
Warranted for 25 Years
We want to prove the fact that we can and do
sell the same and better watches for less money
on credit than any other Portland jewelry store,
whether they be a cash or credit house.
Watches Included In This Sale
Elgin Boss
Waltham Wnrlrtt Faheys
Hamilton rK Crescent
Hampden Dueber
An unrestricted choice at the sale
five sons are
Potter Schedule for Eemaln-
der of Season.
Steamer Pottar viii ..n i
street dock Tueadav. RMmW in a
a. m.; Thursday, September 12, t a. in.:
Saturday. Sentemhap ia 11 - nL'
fnVon tes.krt p' "i Wash
price of
Only $5 Down and 50c a Week.
I. Gevurtz & Sons
The Best $3.00 Hat in the World
Fall Styles Now Ready
Accidents will happen, but th
lamuie seep Dr. Thomas'
. nr.uiun, i - .;. i ieciric tjji jor sucn emergenciea. i
Townslt Auotlonaar. dues th pain and feis ti hurts.
It sub-
(V,?.lt$ Flmt esd Wire.)
Norfolk. V Rant a Tk. ...
" f Red men of th Unitdtats met
i2dvJnoA.rm?ry hil,nd will continue
to nXt Saturday. n nin v..
from all state and territories, and It
Is estimated that full nnn m.J.
of th order r In the city.
Today and tomorrow will b th laat
days of discount on weat aid gas billa
(United Press Leased wlral
Chicago, Sept 9 it la officially de-
hibu uy vum vsiaRTapner tnat tn 600
operators employed by brokers and
newspaper on leased wires will b
caiiea out ioey say tnat in no event
will ina union oreaa II contraotS.
Potter Schedule for Remain
der of Season.
Steamer Potter wilt sail : from 1 ash
street dock Tuesday, September 10, I
a. m. Thuraday. fieDtember 12. a. m
Saturday, September 14, 11 a. m. Tlric.
eta at city ticket of flea. Thlr mya
Best Makes Properly fitted
Moderate Prices
7th and
Wash. Sis.
7th and
Wash! St&
- Mm m
'The Addition Vfg:
tHE trees alone, to
say nothing of ths
other charms, art
Imply malting all who visit Irving-ton Park enthusiastic
Beside, it U an investment that is bound to make big money
for , tne lucky ones who are buying now, Secure your Jot don't
delay another day. Prices and terms are easy. The first step U
half the battle. ; -v.:-V:V : .-
Albrta ear to East Twenty-seventh go three blocks north . to
luiungswonn avenue. Agent V. JS. Schwan pn grounds ilrthe
time. -" -.- . . . .
MAIN 5298.
' ' Leaf.
t ()
7 "V,
.3. i