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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1907)
i ' ' ' ! . K ri" if i i ssbbbsbb" ' " '. . TODAY HOP QUALITY SHOWS BETTER THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTliAND, ' MONDAY EVENING," SEPTEMBER : 0, 1907. . 13 Everyone U Picking: Their IIops B cause , of the Promise of the Short Sellers that Prices Would Pay. r -v 14o Ibi old ducks, llo ' lb! soiinr. laucxa, no id.; gees, old, svioo 10., iururi. liDiia id. lor oia. lauiiw, $1.60 dot.: pigeons, 1.2f dm; dressed poultry. lOtHO tr id. miner. ' ' - Hope, Wool ad VMM. HOPS .-. 1107 croD Choice. TOMt prim to choice. 7c: ordinary. 4 a to per wool hot cup valley, lotjuej eastern uregon, iicpzio. MU1-1A1K New 11107 II ( JIHO. SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 1520o .Latfist ifp.nnm 1 From the J'i " wool 4oc; medium, wool , Iviiio mob: inn wool. Vnio Sotr Satvia TmnmvA I tawxjw Pritn Yards Say Some Improve -Others Much Wore, 'rime, per II and grease, 2lHo. UiHTlU BAHKr 70 per lb. 1, 71 Oil' each, lb, SHOo; No. Latest market features: Hop quality better than expected. Street condition alarms street; Several car a bananas overripe. Two cars grapea cause a glut Km and Tionltrv In rood shape. Butter supplies accumulate again. Cheese market is H cent tower. Oreen peaches are not wanted. Potatoes in a leaky condition. No meats to supply the trade. Smite and Teg-stable. POTATOES Fane. Bl.O0al.2S sell Ins: buying, white. iOciail per sack: sweets, I14PI0 ID. . ONIONS Jobbing price Or 00: buvlnr. Sl.fiO: erarilo. , la Der la FRESH FRUITS Oranges, I4.50 4.7t: bananas, (o lb: lemons. 14.00 7. SO per box: limes, Mexican. 14.00 per 100; pineapples, fl.SSol.OO dosen; (rapes. tciiii,: peacnea, eotMOo: . canta- oupes, 101. IS; plums, SOOlOo; water nelone. lUo; cultivated blackber- Renorts received from the nop fields . . ....v... . swV show V be'uer -ra'tr thaVh.. ! . VABycS-Trnlpnew. lOej? the yard, whfch were thought to be ft (MJ1?"' Sfis"' & eiW. -s ion;' 4ososr rTor"t "V" r..1"".hV.Vki per lb; cauliflower, 0eWu.aoa; wit. i. ....hl (T.V.iiiS f"t ! norseraaisn, bo id: articnoKes, quality will be omwbt b'.fSt, 2 USttVlo dos; rreen onions, isc per dos; over the first estimates. H?wver. DelY t0 lb; hothouae let- r..t man v or int varaa are uuurvr i . . i , 7. w w..u..... 11 w - - - I luuw, uuai vuvuiumiit uvuiuum aw man expeciea a as 1 J6o dos; radishes, ISo doaen bunches: f,'"PLPjckeiv.thf 2SFLZmZZP'k H? b; green corn. 10LI( wuijr mi. aac; ceiery, 760. uauai range In prloe. It now t ran-1 w- spires that the pick will be mucn Orooerles, sTute, Bto. I Tti a n e at ail; . .MmJt greater than at nrat nipicnu, i n . "VH" i.77' ' ""'v;"""T talk of a shorUge elsewhere and Pb. .0Tg; bjrry, .i7k; dry ywulaied. able high prlcea causing many or I 8.7Hs Star I6.77V4; conf. Av IS.I7. to nick' than would have been the xtra A. .l.fTft: folden, O. k.fTMj.P t"r.ucc:.:fuUy " P ' W KiWi'l&;;-rlf Varreu! iso;'boxe trap ao successruuy. ... 60o advance on sack basis. "Mnh Inn minv hnna will be DlCkCd I ... . . thl. r ..oK" .ays AfcKlnley Mitchell who has luat returned from a trip up Q?0.l"r."-; the valle. "Molt every-one -ts ptdtlng - mow 1 fa st e- reie, at thla time and this will likely cause) COJTEE Package brands, flS.HO a further depreaaton in prices." 1 11.(1. According to Mr. Mitchell his yards 8ALTV Coarse Half ground. 100s, are much better than first ollvsd lia.eo per ton: 60s, ii.o; tawe, aairy the quality being the beat in years. 80s, $17.60; 100s,; baJea, $1 j(f; Dealers are playing a waiting game Imported Uverpool, SOs. $110.00; 100s, In the market at this time; no late 11..00: JiVf. 1 "r ,n sales being reported. They are not s and 10s $4.S0S.SO: Uvsirool lump so anxious to do bualneaa as'they were rock. $20.66 per ton; 60-lb rock. $11.00; a week ago when they believed that 1Mb. $1 0. only a small fraction of the hope (Above prices apply to aaies or less would be gathered. Eastern and Euro- than car lota. Car lots- at special prices pean markets are unusually quiet for subject to xiuctualions.) this time of year but it Is reported . R1CE Imperial Japan. No. 1. to; No. Dunmeas is oemgi . BEANS Small white. $-.10: large white. IS. 80; pink, $3.66; bayou. $3.0; I.lmitH R IA r M.Ytfin run N I Complain on Street Condition. NUTS Peanuts. Jumbo. I Mo pei While Front street dealers are very Virginia, 7 Ho per lb; roasted. 10c per anxious to have that thoroughfare lm- lb; Japanese, 66Hc: roaatecY 77H nr.d ih.v im in irmi over the per lb; walnuts. California. lOo per lo action of the Portland General Electric PIn """i i PT id: nicaory nuts, company in tearing up the east side iu '','u- "r? 1 liininV, of the street while the west side was J, 'bi .flnyu.5eCan 1820 being prepared for the new pavement. PM. almonds, l2mc LI Esroot IS OFF GRADE HOGS LOB TODAY DROP III PRICE WheAt 3Iarket in Chicago Value is Cut 25 to, 50c Today Sustains a Loss With Foreign Slump. I Good Hogs Wanted at Top Lambs Better LOCAL LIVESTOCK RUN. CHICAOO WHEAT VALUES. aTortfewMt Crop W oaths. Western Oregon and Western Washington Fair tonight: Tues day fair: cooler exoept near 4 coast; northerly winds. 4 Eaatern Oregon. Eaatern Waah 4 ington and Idaho Fair and 4j warmer tonight and Tuesday. Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. IIS 110 214 100 IS til 14 100 Today .... Week ago., zear ago Previous year Portland Union Stockyarda, Sept 9. Just why the hog producers of Oregon will year after year peralat in shipping a proauot to market before it is ready Is a mystery to the livestock trade. At thla time of year It haa been the cus tom of late to force stocks and China fat hogs on the market when they were not wanted. At this time of year mere is scarcely arty call for stockers and Sept Deo. May EE:MMi IS 81 that considerable done quietly in Mew xork ny uermans iiZ,hZl aX,.fi - hi t. n .nnnt f tt,. 1. rrloa mtnrltm rt I BEANS Small white on accou offered at there, To make matters more uncomfortable for the commission trade, this Is the Keats, Fish nd Provisions. FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs, height of the fruit season ana the fancy, IHo per lb; large, lata per it veaj. extra, Sftc per 10; oratnary, lane street is in such a condition that great I veaL extra. 84c per lb; ordinary, 8c trouble la experienced In receiving and per lb; poor, 7o per lb; mutton, hlnnin I rancv 8 9c oer lb. florin hams io in u inn lea Der .D The araDe market Is glutted worse ii to 1 A the. lsun ner lb: II to 10 lbs. or two more cars rrora i.:aiirornia. Bun- jb; picnics, llc per id; cottage roil, unes 01 grapes were never so pienii iso per id; regular snort cieara, un ful in thla market and Drlces are thero- smoked. 12o per lb: smoked 12o per lb fore ruling down toward the bottom, clear backs, unsmoked, 12c; smoked, llo Some as low as 60 cents a crate. per jd: union Dutts, io to u ids, un Peach market is showing a very wide smoaea, lao per id. smpicea. no per jd vvr lit penta for good price range today owing to the mlxod clear bellies, unsmoked.- 11 Uc per 1 quality. Price ranges from SO to 80 moked 114 per lb; shoulders. 12 FfSe'J 'caw. of 'banana, arrived In LOCAL iRJJKetUe leafTlOs. llo ihfPli'lJAiahl !. oV lb; 60-lb tin., ijgo , , . i rtissi irr Inoreaelng the complaint commission f"r ' " "ra u" K row haaad aaainst the banana trust 1., 6"' .110 Pr ' compound, 1(1 .i. . : tt. i iiitc Dor id. the trade has borne its troubles with o nir lb- hLibui o oer ib- s riDed ZSSP&IXEV bisriBo per fbf ca'tflsh. He fcK one is afraid of the trust. Cheass Market Is Sow I per lb; herrlnga, 6c per lb; soles, 6c A lower ranae of values is todav P" 'bI shrimps 12o per lb: perch 0 shown in tne cneese market, un flats the trade is offering supplies at II and 16 V4 centa a pound, a reduction of H cent from former flgurea. Sup piles at Tillamook are still too great for demand as stocks must be shipped to this city entirely because It Is the hlghtest market on the coast. Creamery butter is weak for outside brands and none are charging more than SZtt cents a pound today. Bud plies are greatly Increased and some are talking of cutting another gash in values despite the fact that the market is advancing botn in tne south and east. Egg market is so firm that most any price asked is oDtamea tnese days, very small supplies of strictly fresh local stocks tne cause. Chicken market remains with an ex cellent tone, prices being maintained at Saturday s riaures. Dressed meats of all kinds were never in smaller supplv than at this time. Prices in consequence are a fraction higher for strictly fancy goods. Chittim bark market Is quite active both in the east and on the coast Some buying at higher values. Front street prices: drain. Floor aa Feed. - GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, lo. Urge lots: small lots, I Ha WHEAT New Club. 22c: red Rus sian, 79c; blueetem, 84c; valley, 82c CORN Whole, $; cracked, $80 ton. BARLEY New Feed. $22.B0 28.00 per ton; rolled, $24.6026.60; brewing, 123.80(924.00 RYE 11.66 per cwt .OATS New Proueers nrice Ttfn 1 white. 124.00 per ton; gray, $28.00. FLOUR Eastern Oregon patents, $4.80; straights, $4.25; exports, $8.90; valley, $4.8004.40; graham, s, $8.76; wnoie wneat,; rye, bus, &.b bales. IS.oo. MILLSTUFFS Bran, $17.00 per ton middlings, $26.00: shorts, country, $20 city, i!; cnop, io.uup ji.uu. HAY Producer's price Tlmoth Willamette valley, fancy. 116.00(817.0 ordinary, $12.00014.00; eastern Oregon, 11800: mixed. $10.00010.60: clover. $8.0008.00; grain, $8.00010.00; cheat $10.00311.0U. Batter, Eggs and Poultry. BUTTER FAT F. o. b, Portland- Sweet cream, 83 He; sour, 31 He BUTTER City creamery, 86o seconds, 82Hc; eastern, 82e; state fancy. 32 He; seconds, . 82 He; store, Oregon, ayic EGOS Extra fancy, candlsd, 270 27Hc: eastern, 26026c. CHEESE New Full cream, flats, 16l6Hc Pr lb.; Young Americans, 17 c per id. eastern, UMiC POULTRY Mixed chicken 120 13 He ID.: rancy nens, lane id.; roosters. old, 1 lOo lb; fryers, 14c; broilers. per lb; tomcod, 7c per lb; lobsters, llo er id; iresn mackerel, no per id: craw tah. 25c per dosen; sturgeon. 12 Ho per d: Dlack bass. 20c Der id: sliver smalt. 7o per lb; frosen shad, 6o per lb; black coa, 7o per id. -y OYSTERS Shoalwater bar. ner ral. Ion, $2.60; per 100-lb sack, $6.00; Olym- ?ia. per gal on, 12.16; per lis-ib sack, 8.0006.60; Eagle, canned, 60c can; $7 dosen; eastern In shell, $1.75 per nun- area. CLAMS Hardshell, per box, $1.40; razor clams, $2.00 per box; lOo per dos. Faints, Goal OIL Etc ROPE Pure Manila, 16 c; standard, llic: sisal, lie. COAL Ou- Pearl or Astral Cses, liHo per gai water wnite, iron ddis, 14o per ga!; wooden. 17c Der gal; head light, 170 deg., cases, 21Ho per gal. GASOLINE 86 deg., cases, 24 Ho per gal; Iron bbls, 18c per gaL BENZINE 63deg.. cases, 26o per gal; iron bbls, ISo per gaL TUKruNTiisjs in cases, no per gai; EGGS SUPPLIES ARE SMALLEST IN STREET "Eggs were never so scarce as 4 at this time. The market Is in 4 the best possible shape and all shipments now command , the top figures. Local eggs are always better than those from the east nd it is noteworthy that they, a) always command tha best price. 4 "Potatoes should be fully .ma- 4 tured befora shipping," Decausa"" 4 4iof the very hot weather. A 4 large amount of stock Is now a . arrlvln in leaky condition. a thus spoiling the market and a perhaps bringing down prices on 4 tha," good produot" J. P. . Bu- a ehanan of Buchanan-Behrens Co. I aMylAn VKIi 611 rat wrwuii w; i vwu vi cb-a. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 7Xe per lb; 600-lb lots. 80 per lb; less lots, 8Vic. WIRE NAILS Present baais at $3.1$ per keg. Little Damage Reported. (Special Dlapitch to The Jonrnal.) Garfield. Wash.. Sept. 9. W. Hay- fleld of Farmlngton was In Garfield yes terday. Mr. Hayfleld said: "There has been no damage to wheat to speak of In the Farmlngton district by the rain. TVa tfvsitsa Im sniMa InaraMMSia w nnlnral mo vev( m duiiiv a ttat uxiiioo, aid i.vivicu and occasionally a shock of damaged or rotten oats Is found, but the cases ara rare. The Farmlngton district pro duced a bio- cron thin season nnd thara is but very little land for Bain Mr. Hayfleld owns nearlv 1.000 acres 01 iana in tne aisinct ana at S7o bushel for his crop of wheat lust hnr- vested and sold, he realises net from the land $30 an acre. He does not know what he could Invest his money in ana in axe a greater rate or interest He is, like many other conservative business men, buying Instead of selling janu. mr, nayneia is me pioneer mer chant of Farmlngton. and believes there is a great future before the Palouse country. Sept IBept 7. Loss. 1106. 1 feeders but shippers persist In send' tnem to market Just the same. Oood Xogs la Demand. For first-class finished hogs a good Chleaa-o. Sent . Althouah tha wheat I demand la now ruling in the local yards. m , viK.. Receipts of this character are small market started strong and at higher ,nd fh b.,t tuff r-adU plok1 prices today's trading was bearish. Up by packera at $6.7607. However. Longs ware principal sellers on the for stockers and feeders there is prao- Livarflool decline. Jloally no call and the price Is down Ldvsrpooi aeciina, 1. t fo fh- .w fh. BPa Th government OrOD flgurea to be taken China fata ara down tha aama given out . tomorrow at an hour earlier I .mount and for the aame reason. than usual will make tha first approxl- t don't known why they send such mate after the harvest astlmata of the ituff to market" says President Daugh wheat croD of the United States) for I tr. it tn ii at an 1107. From a difference of about II I . t tk. limits 1 1 L vfiwogu u.Ltvui v , auu nw 1 nlQQ, cember wheat before tha winding up wrv ra watta. S . U . . V- 1lA..ld.t AH Ik... I waa a dUfaxaaaa-of but lltUe over S ,an,h'5!C05ni1-,f t,mLtun.fa'h??? . h. i.. i..t I In the yafds last week and the wheat is leas a burdaa than It was. Tha P"P?V 'SLSJSi wide difference previously pravalUng wwt Tha market is steadier and v.. . k. . a,,! tka irto.l I is holding welL Lambs are about 2S elevator situation, which now seems In oen "P i,,iW. J? t. a fair way of speedy settlement .Sl,t, i" , t Z."J1- ' A great deal or wneat wouia un- ...v.. ... .ubtedlv have bean carried by mis- " "0 head of eatUa arrived In as cellaneoua Investors except for tha fact compared witn 100 a week ago, is a the warehousing people ware In doubt yr ago and 80 two years ago. Meanwhile tha stimulating effort of a ,WJUtati were easy, little Uberal and healthy milling demand Official yard prices: and a more than ordinary largo and ""T-" "l " sustained export demand has helped J.00: stockers and feeders, 6.00l.26; cash wheat In all directions and al- China fats $6.00. "wed the holders to grip their hold- , Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers, Ings with a tighter hand. The east is -:00,i be!J -cow! nnd hlf. rather low In supplies and is calling 100; bulla. $1.7602.00. very loudly In the shape of aoma stiff Sheep Beat wethere. $4.60; mixed, bidding. Froat reports were general from Man ltoba. Official grain range $4; lambs, $4.6006.00. HOGS LOSE 10 CENTS. Open. High. WHEAT. Sept. Dec. May Sept Dec. May Sept. Oct. Jan. Sept Oct. Jan. Sept Oct. Jan. Sept Dec. May oo2 io'$ 0SH 107K 1 10S CORN. Low. IS 91 1064 Close. Eastern Market are Weaker With a Larger Run Today. v Chicago, Sept f. Official mn IS 91 KB 105 12 61 60 C2HB 11 61H 60H 0S 12 62 61 1HA MESS PORK. 1660 1660 1660 1660 1666 1566 1566 1665 1616 1686 1675 158SA LARD. SIS 897 897 897B 907 910 106 910A 877 882 876 , 880A SHORT RIBS. 855 156 866 8S6A 860 865 867 816 816 815 812 816 OATS. 66H 66H SIH 63H 63 68 1 Sift tl 64H 64 ES 6JHA Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago 7.000 20,000 28,000 I Kansas City 4.000 1.600 16.000 Omaha 8,600 9.000 16.000 Hogs Market is 10c lower; left over from Saturday. 1.S00: receipts a year ago ware 13.000: mixed. 6.868.47 heavy, i5.sooti.iih; rougn, s.50S&. lights, f6.spe.6ZH. L at tie Market 100 lower. Sheep Market ateady. ADVANCEilN FREIGHT COSTSf iS , WHEAT GROWERS MUCH MONEY There was nothing doing In tha local heat market today. Millers have purchased so liberally of lata that they ara now taking a breath ing spall and will find Just where they A nraminent miller says: "Growers ara themselves to. blame for tha great increase- in freight rates. Tney nave put up the prioe on themselves by too liberal ailing all at once, thus forcing buyers to pay them a smaller aum for tneir supplies man wouia tha case if they need better. Tha week onens with a lull In roe flour market There is nothing doing In an oriental way. bub tha market la held lust as firm aa aver. Locally there remains a good trade for old grade. Oata and barley ara steady and firm, with business not very liberal. Grow ers ara not offering rreeiy. GRAND R0NDE APPLES SOLD TO KANSAS CITY (Special Dlapatrh ta Tke JoeraaL) La Grande, Or., Sept f. A contract for tha aale of mora than 10,000 boxes of Grande Ronda apples at $1.40 per box haa been concluded between E. Z. Carbine of Grande Ronda valley and C. O. Walker of Kansas City. This means approximately 110 carloads. Ben Davis and Gano varletlea constitute the principal varieties. Nearly $100,000 will om reeaisvu n vjiu una saio. V. S. Government Bouda. New York. Sept 9. Government bond Twos, registered do coupon . . . . Throes, registered Bid. 104 106 101 i ni UU CUUUI1 . . . . . . Threes, small bonds ....101 Dla Columbia. 8-I6S 11IH Fours, registered, new..liH do coupon 1Z6 Twos, Panama .104 Philippine Fours io Asked. 106H 106 H 10$ 10$ 111 121 101' estimated by the warehouse men that there, will be 700,000 bushels of wheat delivered in Athena thla year. At 70s per bushel this means nearly half a muiion aoiiars. Boston Copper Market, Bld.l AUoues 43 Atlantic II Butte Cool a.. 19 Cal. A Hecla.700A Daly West... 14H Old Dom..... 28 Parrot 14 H uuincy 87 Mohawk . .... 18 Old Colony... 1H Shannon II Trinity 164 Nlpplaatng .. 7 Tamarack ... 7$ United Utah Winona Arcadian .... Bingham . . . ICal. St Arls.. Centennial . . Cop. Range . Mass. Victoria .... Wolverine . . Royal U. S. Mine... Helvenia Bid. . 6$ . 42 . ill4 ,141 . U ' 4H 6H 140A 16 , 40 1 Portland Bank Statement. Clearings today ao year ago ., Gain today Balances today , do year ago . . ..$1,290,424.80 ,. 1.220.484.02 ..$ 49,960.71 110.162 69 17S.238.93 New York Cotton Market. January ..1246 panruary . Ji March ....1261 April May .....1264 September.! 170 October ..1226 November. 11 II December.. 1242 Open. High. Low. 1147 lit 1268 im 1270 1216 1218 1242 1212 1110 1224 iiio 1142 1200 1110 120S 8ept I. 1114 1101 1206 1207 7 1227 1?6 it 111 1166 1171 1210 1216 1229 Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, Sept. . Official prices: Sept Dec. Mar. Sept Oct , AT. Open. Close. Sept 7. Loss. ..78 8Hd 7S o a 78 sjka ..Ts HHd 7s lOHd 7s lld ..8s 7s 11 Hd Ss ftd CORN. ..6s 6d 6a 6Hd 6s IHd ..6s ld Ss IHd 6s 6Hd Big Make of Cheese, (aerial Dlapateh ta Th JoeraaL) Tillamook, Or., Sept I. The Nehalvm laaaa factory will manufacture this season something over 80.000 pounds of oheesa. Tha average price received will be 14 cents per pound. There are about 26 patrons. Many of these, however, ara small producers. Most Wheat Is Sold. fSoectal Dispatch to The Jonrnat.) Athena. Or.. Sept 9. Practically all tha harvesting In the vicinity of Athena la completed, and much of the wheat about nere nas Deen soio, inougn mucn Is being held for higher prlcea It Is (e No Mistake la BEARISH n o r III STOCK 1U8KET (Leased Wire Ovarbeck A Cooke Co.) New York. Sept s. Sentiment was bearish among floor traders today, but I value changes were smalL With tha exception of a few leaders, like Union Pacific, the market waa generally down fraction at the close. Some short covering neld the latter head above water. Call loans were quite erratlo. onen- ing at 4 per cent and arolna- to 6 Deri cent later in me session. Official New York range: DESCRIPTION. Talk of Dollar Wheat. (Boeelal Dispatch to The Journal.) Spokane, Wash., flept 9. W. R. Cun- mngnam. a Kitzvme warehouseman, said today mat tne farmers of tha wea should not be disappointed, becauae the gram would be worth fi Derore tha 1908 cron came In - Mr. Cunnine-ham haa just returned from Chicago and other points and asserts that wheat there is selling for $1 and 11.26. He claims the easterners say - western farmers ara wrong to sea so cheap. Mr. cunninar- ham nlmself owns 6.000 acres of land and expects to market 20,000 bushels of wneat. Grain is on the move here in lare-a quantities, it is estimatea mat rrom 26 to 40 cars are going out every day, Twenty-seven went yesterday. Much grain is also being stored here for mill use, Hiuestem is selllnar at 70 oanta aiiu b 9 CQHll. Don't Stop for Sunday. loeclal Dispatch to The Journil.) Spokane. Waah.. Sept 9. Farmers In this vicinity have been harvesting be- and with slow progress. After each shower the grain falls more and more, andlt Is difficult to save It and much will be a total loss. They are navtna no attention to Sunday, working when ever weather; Derm Its. The around is In axonllent condition for fall sowing, and soma farmers are getting ready. t New York-London Silver. New York. Sept 9. Bar Silver, ISHe. New yorR, Sept I London, SI 9rld. , ; . LlvernooL Sent ' . -Cotton futures closed to 7 point lower. . 71 41 100 87 47H 166 128 i09H Amal. Cop. Co. . Am. Car & F., o do preferred . Am. Cot Oil. o. Am. Loco., com Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelt, com. ao preferred . Ana. Mining Co Atchison, com. do preferred . & O.. com. . . Brooklyn R. T. . Can. Pao., com . . Central L., com ao prererred . & G. W., com , M. St St. P.. & N.. com... Chesa. & Ohio. . Col. Fuel & I. o Col. Southern o. , do 2d pref . . , do 1st pref. . . Del. & Hudson.. D. & R. G. c do preferred . . Erie c do 2d pref . . . do 1st pref. . . Great Northern p ill. cent. L. & N Manhattan Ry.. Mex. Cent Ry. M., k. & T. o.. do preferred . Distillers Ore Lands Missouri Pao... National Lead. N. Y. Central.. N. Y., O. & West! N. ft West, o.. North Am. . , . . . North. Pac, c. Pac. M. 8. Co.. Penn. Ry P. G , L. ft a Co. P. Steel Car. c. do preferred.. Keaamg, c... do 1st ofd.. R. L ft S., c... do preferred Rock Island, o S. L. ft S. F 1 p. St r, a S. W.. e. fit Li. & O. VV.. p. Sou. Pac c. . . . . Sou. Pac, p. . . . . Sou. Ry., com..'.. Sou. Ry.. pfd.... Tex. A Pao. . . . . . T.. St. L ft W. c. T.. St. L. ft W. p. un. r"ac. com. U. S. Rub., com U. S. Rub., ofd.. U. 8. Steel Co., c U. S. Steel Co.. p. wanasn. com.,,. W. U. Tel. Wis. Cen.. Bfd.f. , Call money closed H xotai aaies lor toaay, 24 24 24 86 fj 11 II 128 93.. IIH 2 101 101 46 88 100 100 45 87 43 66 II 7BS 62 106 33 i 28 20 S8 17 129 i09H 61 128 120 ss 29 Consult a live, wide-awake specialist about your case one who haa ex perience, skill and ability, one who can give you the best treatment to be had on tha Pacific coast, regardless of prloe. We cure men, and have cured mora cases of weakness and special ailments of men than any other specialists In Portland. If you do not know what the trouble Is, oonsult us free of charge and find out Seek Help Where It Is Certain to Be Found This Institution has built up Its splendid praotlce mora by tha free advertising given it by Its PERFECTLY SATISFIED PATIENTSv who have received the benefit of Its modern, scientlflo and legitimate methods than In any other way. If you are not a perfect man coma to us. Isn't it worth the little time It will take when you ara CERTAIN that you will have the benefit of HONEST, SINCERE physicians who never attempt to deoelve you in any way? A consulta tion costs you nothing EXCEPT your own time. OUR FEE $10.00 Established ST Years la ForUand. Consultation Free Wa Will Treat Any Single UaoompU-1 caxea Aliment rot fia.00. Absolute Guarantee ISo Pay Unless Cured Oregon Hay for Alaska. (Special Dispatch ta The Journal. 1 Athena, Or.. Sept . Great quantities vi n uo ii roomy nay are neing brought down from the Weston mountains, and Is being sold In bales to the Preston- r-arion Mining company for from $11 to $11 per ton. Thla hav la loaded on cars and ahipped to Seattle and Ta coma, much of whiqh is shipped from ttBdanU. Ko Oas. : : Ko Ceb. We Challenge tlic-Vcr!J We will forfeit $1,000 to any charttaM Inatltutlon for any dentist who can com pete with us In crown and brldice ' or teeth without plates. Pay no fanrv fees an til you have aonsuUed ua our continued sucoeas la our many off!." Is due to tha uniform high-grade wm dona by year of experienced operator. Tha prices quoted below are absolute! r the beat opportunity to get your mon ey"a worth which has ever baen offered. We use nothing but tha best materials. rrpTH tooth, bestgold its, s.. White Big Pear Shlpmenta. Union. Or., Sep., I. Peaxs ara being shipped out from here in large quanti ties, Messrs. Will Wright and W. J. T.owlU?r. be,n" th Principal ahippera. Mr. Wright estimates that there will be at least 2.000 bases nt naara Mniu ynion irom tms years crop. ims inciuaes winter peara 17 Tears' Bxperlenoe. ly and promptly WEAKNESS, LOST MANHOOD. SPER MATORRHOEA, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON IN ALL STAGES, VARI- We cure safely 1114 COCELE. HYDROCELE, GONORRHOEA. GLEET, OR ANY OF THE DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. Personal attention given all patients. In selecting a physician or specialist, when In need of one, some consideration and thought should be given to the qualifications, experi ence and length of time an institute or medical man haa been located in the city. It stands, to reason that an Institution that has stood the test of time and numbers Its cures by the thousands is far superior to mushroom Institutions that spring up In a night, last a few months and are gone. We have been curing men 27 years and ara tha oldest spe cialists curing men In Portland. 1 WS Invito those who have deep-seated and chronic disorders to call and be examined. Consultation and examination la free, and carries with It ao obligation to engage our sarvlosa. Our offices are equipped with the most modern and scientlflo me chanical devices for the treatment of chronic diseases. Our charges are reasonable and in reach of any working-man. Write If you cannot call. Our system of homo treatment is always CERTAIN and moat successful. All correspondence sacredly confidential. HOURS 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Evenings, 7 to $;80; Sundaya, 9 a. m. to 12 noon. in ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY OOSSTXB SSCOirn AJT0 TalllXXL BTBBBTB, FOBT&AJTD, OUOOX er cent 00 shsrea Today and tomorrow will be tha last day of dlseaunt oa wat aid (as bUla S3 0 BATH. SOWDEft . "I c RLCCPOWDER A Perfumfj lfryf Batla. I Best Toilet poyt&t. Aa&xpSatiy ajoneni nara. water. Denes i s Dure. KeJieres mhura and , Jhaii Perfume. 25 batU AN AT ALL STORE r 01 HAILED BY US. chafing. Best foe bab7. 7s A trH up. Antwerp Wheat Market. Antwerp, Bept 9. Wheat closed Uo Today and tomorrow will be tha last uss oi aiscount on west side gas bills. TAFT WILL VISIT GRAYS HARBOR (Special Dispetea to The JoeraaL) Aberdeen. Wash.. Sent. nraat in. terest Is being taken in tha visit nt Secretary Taft to thla section tomorrow. The entire harbor country will be out to receive him. A reception will be given It Is hoped to hear him. him In the Grand theatre, at which time F2U0SS WIU, gXFTXiaxa Hi live Fillings ......60 Flattanm rUUaga ftl.H Oold aad FUtln am Alloy Finings 1.2 ,1 Oold Fillings K2.0A to IS.Oo . . White ZMgaa Orowa.. ... ..ftS.OO uoia crowas, ben aaa extra neavy Bridra Work, per Best Bather Flats. a wma. , , an.iMi AlBmlaam-Llaed FUte . . -H10 to gin a Dinoing guarantee given wita aa work for 10 years. , ., - TBOBTABU TAFOB Used onlv bv ns for FACTUM BXTBAOTZOX of teeth S0c Chicago Dental Parlors W W r.. alvM. ..J W.aMutM ' sna. Tha largest snd best equipped dental establishment In the northwest Sev enteen offices in the United Statea See that you are in the right office. Open Sunday I to 2. , ' y Lady In attendance. What Is a Weak ian? No man Is stronger than his weakest part Few . . . DR. TAYLOR mn nava nsfar4 atsann4ti "T" v ""'Hw' The Leading SpecUHst If I were asked to point out a man in full and perfect strength X would not look for one with the largest muscles, the strongest frame, nor the ablest in physical endurance. It is true that strength of the muscles, cords and sinews must be built upon the foundation of A 1..-. V.. & ,L. - .t t J -. . . a gwu viiuuj, uui vn me omcr nana n is most easily unaerminea when the vitality is impaired. I would rather choose a man that I knew had true vigor, that I knew had undergone no early dissipation, that had no spermatorrhoea, varicocele or hydrocele, and who was hot' suiienng irom any latent aiaease sucn as contracted disorders and contagious blood poison. Men who are free and clean from disease and weaknesses of this special nature have Detter vim, more energy; ana vitality, ana wno accompusn most in every lieia ot endeavor. Weakness Wrecks Men's Lives Many a youth of splendid promise has failed because of some weakness the nature of which made him delay seeking medical aid until it had become serious, and greatly injured his life's opportuni ties. I have seen thousands of these cases, and have heard the story .1 : tt ii . - ... ... oi tncir suiicnng. usuaiiy mere is a iso a History ot incompetent treatment by family doctors, patent medicines, electric belts, and un pnncipiea mcaicat institutes ana so-cauea specialists. Gejk the Best Treatment First I have been treating Men, and men only, for nearly 25 years. I have an established reputation in Portland, which I hold a a nrirel asset I undertake only curable cases, and when I promise a cure I I guarantee it, and my business standing and bank references assure -1 the patient that my guarantee is absolutely binding. I do not think i can snow petter laitn in my acuity and methods than my unqualified oner uu paucms to PAY WHEN CURED MY FEE in Simple Disorders $io Why Pay More to Others of Less Ex perience and Skill? Weakness Functional weakness in men Is In reality a comparatively simple ailment, and la but a symptom of local disorder, a state of chronic in flammation of the prostate gland. No stimulating treatment, whether internal or locally applied, can do more than excite a temporary ac-trlvlty.- By my system of local treatment I restore absolutely normal conditions throughout the organs involved, which promptly results In complete and permanent restoration of strength and vigor. This treatment la original with me, and is the only radical and certain cure yet devised. Varicocele . Varicocele ta relaxation, knotting and twisting of tha most vital blood vessels ot the -organic eye tem. It stagnates the local circu lation and Interferes with tha cro- eesses of waste and repair. Neglect brings derangement of functions and injury to tha general health.' Moat physicians reaort to surgical i cure varicocele situnnt mum. tlon, pain or detention from busi ness. My cures are absolutely permanent and no III effects what- evcr can iuuow my treatment Contracted Dteeaeeia . I have reduced the time reaulred for curing contracted disorder auuui une nail. ims IS an lm-. portant achievement. It replaces danger with safety. It forestalla -ehronle complications. It removes the Infection and Inflammation be-' fore that vital eenter, tha proa- iaie giana, can become Involved.; To many men it means tha differ ence between perfect health and a iiietimo r misery and functional weakness, r Mr " method - la mine alone. My treatment is original. In aome features it resembles the ordinary, in us enter essentials tt is aiiierent. i in results h ts en tirely different It is safe, prompt anu tuorougn. . . .- .- - , Tha above -together with Organle Weakness, Nerve Debilitation, Lost Vigor, Specific Blood Poison, Stric ture, Piles and Reflex Aliments, constitute my specialty and ara tha only disease f treat operations and hoapital treatment t , EXAMINATION FREU , ' s I offer-not only FREE Consultation and Advice, hut of every easa that cornea te me 1 will make a Careful examination end l-iain!a without charge. No allina- man ahnuM nealsct thia ODDOrtunitr lo ant export opinion about hie trouble. ii you cannot call, write foe Diagnosis mart, mt orncea are op' all day from U m.(to p. and Sundays from 19 to 1. me DOCTOR TAYLOR B34H Korrlao gl. Cra , eooad. FC-ITtlFP. -S8r. CO.