,,. .. ft f,. '''''' ' HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE BSTABUMnB 18iT. XVOOmrOBATBO IMS ' The J. K. GILL CO. Wholesale and Retail Booksellers-Stationers. Publishers THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE Elks Building Portland, Or. -1 . . .A rnbllshsra' Agtnf ud 0nrtl Depository fot ft. School Books for Oregon and Washington 4 Clobe-Wernicke Filing Cabinets and Bookcases. Office Desks, Chairs and Specialties. Keuffel & Lsser Drawing Materials and Instruments. Drug Sundries. School and Public Libraries. Base Ball Goods. Holiday Goods in Season Some Recent Trade Paper Comments: Phone 590 Phone A 1596 DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ii Ll , ' u , ,, , i " ' i rr; - WASHINGTON and TENTH Sts. Northwest School Furniture Co, 244-246 THIRD ST. PORTLAND, OREGON 8Sf5 XT - iif SCHOOL, CHURCH OFFICE, AND BANK FURNITURE OPLRA CHAIRS GLOBES, CHARTS. MAPS, BLACKBOARDS, TOWLR BELLS, Etc., Etc. Ye Oregon Grille A perfectly ven tilated Grille, ser vice unsurpassed. Music every evening- by the Boyal XawailM Xawal hao O roh eatrs. The capacity of this Grille will be trebled Immedi ately. Hotel Oregon Wright-Dickinson Xotol Oo Prov'ra. JjJ "I (i- ivW Preiident Capt. D. T. Tozier Vice-President Otto Schumann Treasurer and Manager A. C. Hoofer Secretary Geo. T. Brooks iraonlaoon liming Co. DIRECTORS Capt. D. T. Tozier, Otto Schumann, A. C. Hoofer, E. House, J. B. Godfrey, Chas. Schmand and Dr. W. G. Stimpson. Treasure PORTLAND, OREGON Mines in Josephine County, in Jump-Off-Joe District, on Jump-Off-Joe Creek, 10 miles northeast of Grants Pass, southern Oregon. A REAL GOLD MINE, SO FAR DEVELOPED THAT ITS WORTH IS POSITIVELY KNOWN. It is not a guess, it is not a surmise, it is not a gamble, it is not a game of chance, it is not a trust-to-luck, not a prospect, but An Absolute Certainty, Tried and Tested with Assayed Ore Averaging Above $25 to Every Ton of Rock We own 14 claims, each 600x1500 feet, covering the identical area crudely but profitably mined in pioneer days in Oregon. In fact our developed property may be said to be a new old one, only requiring new and modern machinery to make it one of THE GREATEST. RICHEST AND BEST GOLD MINING PROPOSITIONS IN WESTERN NORTH AMERICA. Our shaft has been sunk to a depth of 125 feet, and ntir drifts and tunnels arid 750 feet to. the sum total of our development. In our combined properties we have seven or eight well defined ledges, three to four feet in width, and to tap all these we are running a cross-cut tunnel about 2,000 feet in length. This will open up all the different bodies, but it requires money to accomplish this and to enable us to carry out our plans We Have Placed a Block of 50,000 Shares of Our Capi tal Stock Upon the Market at 10 Cents per Share Each of the par value of 25 cents, fully paid up and non-assessable, but after the disposition of this stock no more will be sold at less than par. WE HAVE PICKED ORE FROM THIS MINE THAT ASSAYS $100,000 TO $300,000 TO THE TON. But this is not mentioned to induce purchases of our stock, because we have no knowledge of the extent Of this ore body. But we do know that we have millions of tons of better than $25 ore, easily treated, and that owners of our shares may be assured that there is plenty of this splendid treasure to make each of us rich. All correspondence should be addressed and all checks made payable to The Mountain Treasure Mining Co. Commonwealth Bldg. Portland, Oregon These Pacts Are Important to Your Success in the West : Behnke-Walker Business College was established in 1809. The enrollment from August 1st. 1000, to June 1st, 1907 ten months of the year was ?!4. During this period we had applications from business men for 708 graduates; we placed .'iO'J in good positions. The cost of our equipment for the practical training of students in all lines of business was $l.r,000. A business educator of national icpute stated, after in specting all the business colleges: "In Classifying Schools, I rank yours as one of the Six Leading Business Colleges of the Country" The west is filling up so rapidly it is impossible for us to keep pace with the demands for competent young men and young women. Our graduates bear the stamp of com petency: to be a BEHNKE-WALKER graduate is to carry a passport that admits one to the consideration of the most requiring and responsible firms. For more information, write or call for our new catalogue. We Place You in a Good Position When Competent The J. K. Oill Co. vivify their "TrHde Help rtulletln" by en clolng a letter which for clarity and vim will seldom ho equal ed. It I bright, con tains much valuable store news and offers n ii m e r o us sunjes tlons for displaying and sell Inn goods. The wording and gen eral uplrlt of en terprise which It breathes are suffi cient to Interest any dealer It would be a good thing for dealers to see Just what this enterprising western firm Is dolne American Stationer, New York. The J. K. QUI Co., which Is a Olobe Wernlcke agency In Oregon. Is sending out some very effec tive "O.-W." litera ture, profusely Illus trated with fine half tones, showing "soma 'elnntlc' spring sug gestions." The J. K. GUI Co. Is easily one of the most decidedly pro gressive stationery concerns In the far west, and Its big suc cess has been gained largely beta use of Its careful attention to the little di tails In connection with Its business Ilka that mentioned. Geyer's Stationer, New York. In oommentlng on our "Trade Help Bul letin," Walden's Sta tioner & Printer (New York) practK-ally re- firoduces the entire etter, which speaks volumes of commen dation In Itself. OFFICE APPJ ANCE8 ( Chicago1 says our catalog "a wonderful piece of work. In every way It has earned com mendation, for It la not only well ar ranged and printed, but la priced tight and put up In line shape. We were sur prised at receiving such a large affair, and It shows great care and expense In preparation." The J. K. GILL CO. Portland, Oregon ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN AN ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE ON Xll WORK MARSHALL BROS. PHONE MAIN 2109 Plain, Ornamental and Re-enforced Concrete Construction of Every Character CONCRETE HOLLOW BUILDING BLOCKS EQUAL TO NATURAL STONE IN DE SIGN, finish, durability and STABILITY 629 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Ore. Centra' The Automatic Telephone used by the Home Telephone Company is installed by the Empire Electric Company, a telephone construction company of Toledo, Ohio. The Automatic Telephone enables any subscriber to call any other subscriber's telephone without the intervention of hu man agency. It is sometimes called the "Cussless, Waitless, Out-of-Ordcrless Telephone." It is the foreigner's friend; has no moods; never tires, gossips, visits or listens. There are no "party lines" and the service h not attended with "nerve-racking" bells, "long waits," "lines busy," echoes and "wrong number" blunders. There are no local batteries to deface walls and wood work. The service is absolutely secret. Portland people are delighted with the new up-to-date service, and there is now a waiting list for installation. The "Home" is a Portland enterprise with local stockholders. Portland labor and material constructed the plant, and the Automatic system is connected with all the outside towns by toll lines. Arrange to get the "Comforts of a Home" HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY Corner Park and Burnside L" . .