I 1 THE OREGON ; SUNDAY - JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 8; 1907. SATEEN PETTICOATS Full mercerized Sateen JPetticoats, having deep flounce, finished with two small ruffles, half-inch strap bands and (MIA fagoting. Extra value for Monday D 1 1 U LAWN KIMONOS 75c values for 48c. These Kimonos are made from fine lawns in large floral designs and polka dots; also all white. Closing out price . . . NEW FALL AND WINTER MER CHANDISE IN ASSORTMENTS GREAT AKTB YARIOHJS MONDAY TUESDAY 48 c The Economy list for tomorrow and Tuesday is especially diverse and varied. The goods we offer are all seasonable and desira ble. You can easily see and understand by scanning the prices ...1 a. I Ml . 'r -i i . r .i a. a-M 3. a.- IC C rpi. 1 1 ii. . i1 . i i r t t . wnai Dcncms win accrue to you 11 you taKC aavantage 01 tnesc siamiiig icuutuuns wc oner iur mis saie. inc vaiucs on mis page are tne Dest ever piacea oetore the puDiic. it is our amDiuon to serve the people well, to satisfy them in every way. The success of this store shows us that our efforts are not in vain. Wit h our great purchasing power we procure great price concessions. Our methods of giving our customers the benefit of all underprice purchases make it possible for them to save money. Every one of our many departments is complete in every detail. Large stocks, plenty ot room, good light, polite salespeople, emcient delivery ana a determination on an sides to maKe Duymg mutually advantageous. EXCEEDING GOOD VALUES IN Stunning Models in Fall Coats Knit Underwear and Hosiery FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Beautiful Coats are shown in this first display of the new fall arrivals. Roberts Bros.' reputation for highest quality at low est prices is more than sustained. An Indication of the Values to Be Secured in These Beautiful New Garments LOOSE BACK BROADCLOTH COATS 50-inch, satin lined. plain or braid trimmed, at $10.50, $12.50, $15 and $16.50 TIGHT-FITTING TAN COVERT and black broadcloth Coats 52-inch, splendid quality, style the best. Priced at $12.50, $16.50 and $18.50 FULL LENGTH COATS In plain and fancy cheviots and light weight kerseys, at $6.50, $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00 BOX COATS Of fine quality broadcloth, 27 inches long, in black or navy blue, at. ....... t, .-.$5.50, $6.50 and $7.50 CHILDREN'S COATS In plain kersevs and fancy cloths, in sizes 6 to 14 years $3.50, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.50 COATS FOR CHILDREN In sizes 2 to 5 years, in all the wanted materials, such as plush, velvet, astrakhan and plain twill flannels. Priced at $1.1X1, $iS.DU, $..aU, $4.90 and $5.50 New Fall Skirts The correct fall weights are here. Every worthy kind of hosiery and under wear. More kinds good kinds are here this season than ever before. Ask to see these specials Monday and judge the stock by them New Fall Suits We are showing more than 200 brand new high class Tailored Suits in the latest fall models and materials. This store is now, more than ever, headquarters for women's popular price wearing apparel. New Tailored Fall Suits 910.50 By all odds the prettiest suits we ever saw at the price. They are made of plain broad cloths and cheviots; also fine English tweeds, checks, stripes and plaids; the styles show fitted, semi-fitted or loose coats . J . .m . i . 11.1 1 . . n all lengths; the skirts nave an tne laiesi style touches. Extra special d"A ?A value at J1 t7JU New Tailored Fall Suits $25 A fine showing of stunning suits at this pop ular price; they come in plain and fancy broadcloths, English cheviots; in plain and stripe effects, military styles and other braid trimmed effects, plain tailored models in all ength coat. Best suits we everrfP AA had to sell at D&SUU 25c $3.50 Exceptional Values in New Fall Suits at $12.50 and $15.00 We are now showing a very extensive line of the new Fall Skirts in Panama, serge and fancy suitings. Priced at dJ PA $10.50, $5.50, $4.50 and . OJ.jU SPECIAL MONDAY ONLY 100 Skirts of plaid and stripe Panama, made with plaits and folds; worth $3.50. Ar - Monday bargain ),J Waists for Early Fall PRETTY NEW WAISTS of mohair with richlv embroidered front at $2.75, $2.50 and White Lawn Waists at 75c Special for tomorrow (Monday), entire stock of White Lawn Waists, worth $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. Choice of 15 styles at BEAUTIFUL SHOWING OF SILK WAISTS in black and colors, new fall styles. Priced at $6.50, $5.50, $4.50 and $1.75 75c Women's Fleeced Cotton Underwear 40c GRADE 25 Wom en's fall weight Cotton Un derwear, slightly fleece lined, colors gray and peeler, all sizes, vests and pants; regular 40c grade. On sale Monday. . Hosiery for the Little Folks THE KIND THAT WEARS Regular 35c Value 19 Children's fine ribbed black silk I. isle Stockings, made of the highest grade yarns, all sizes; regular 35c in Monday only LisK, Women's Fall Weight Stockings Regular 25c Value 15f Women s fall weight ribbed Cotton Hose, made with seamless foot, extra good quality ; sold the world round for 25c. Monday spe- 1 cial at Women's Fall Underwear $3.00 Union Suits Monday for $1.50 Women's fine gray ribbed Combination Suits, made from fine Australian wool; but ton down front style, nicely silk trimmed neck and front ; extra good value at $3.00. On sale Monday only at Special ?ff0"S8 Shoe Department The wonderful success of our big economy Shoe Department in the basement is not due to chance, but is determined by fixed and correct principles of merchandising management, We rigidly exclude all inferior, trashy, "made just to sell" shoes from our stocks. We transact business on an enormous scale and the vast quantities of Shoes handled enable us to secure from manufacturers unusual price advantages, which we invariably share with our patrons. The following items will be found in our Basement Shoe Department: MONDAY WILL BE THE LAST DAY TO BUY Misses' Oxfords, Values to $1.50, 50c Final clearance sale of Misses' Oxfords, IS nobby styles to choose from, made with light ami heavy soles, in both lace and Rlucher cut, all sizes up to 2; regular $1.2") and $1.50 grades; wonderful values at this ridiculously low CA price, only DUC Men's Oxfords Reduced We think we have reached the lowest record in Oxford sell ing' this season in this splendid sale for tomorrow. Our en tire $3.50 line of Men's Oxfords, in all the best leathers, black vici, patent colt and tan vici ; all new tip-to-date Art gfi styles; excellent values, regular price; special, a paiiaJU Women's Oxfords, Values to $2.50, 80c A most extraordinary offering Women's Oxfords, all this season's styles in the best leathers', with light, medium and heavy soles, medium and low heels, odds and ends, not all sizes in each style, but all sizes m the lot; every pair fully guaranteed, regu lar $2.00 and $2.50 grades; all to go at one price, while they last, pair at only. 80c value. $1.50 Gloves, Art Goods and Notions Especially Attractive Values for MONDAY and TUESDAY 85c BOX PAPER, 25 The famous Eaton Hurlburt Paper. A great variety of linen paper to choose from ; paper and envelopes to match, all at one price ; regular ooc vaiues. See window display. Special Mon day and Tuesday 75c KID BELTS 49 New Kid and Leather Belts for the fall wear, in all the desired shades, as black, brown, tan, blue, red and white; good values at 75c Special Monday and Tuesday 50c COMBS 29 Special offering in Combs. Shell and Amber Back and Side Combs; regular 50c. Special Mon day and Tuesday RENAISSANCE SCARFS $1.19 Re naissance Scarfs, V2 yards long, good qual ity linen; regular prices $2.50 and $1.50. Special Monday and Tuesday, each 25c d and all the i, blue, 49c ng in d Side 29c Re d qual R1 50 $1.19 RENAISSANCE SQUARES AND CEN TERPIECES, 24 inch ; regular price $1.00 to $1.50. Special Monday and Tuesday, each RENAISSANCE SQUARES, 18 inch ; reg ular 75c values. Special Monday yQ and Tuesday, each IC 89c Outing Flannel Night Gowns NEW FALL GLOVES 2-Clasp Kid Gloves, black and colors, at 1.00f 91.25 and 91.75 12 and 16-Button Length Kid Gloves at 92.95 and 93.50 16-Button Length Milanese Silk Gloves Special $1.50 a Welcome News 6i New Silks News of new silks in striking designs, dependable qualities always, the sorts of silks that have made this the popular silk store of the city. The best efforts of the men who man the looms of the greatest silk mills in the world are to be seen here. From this magnifi cent stock you can be pleased in pattern, coloring and price. These specials for Monday TWO GREAT SPECIALS IN Black Taffeta Silk25c Saved on Every Yard MONDAY, AND MONDAY ONLY We will place on sale our regular $2 quality 36 inch Sterling Silk, the best taffeta silk made, every yard fully guaranteed. On sale tomorrow only at MfD STIRLING SILK TAFFETA Beautiful Swiss finish, full 36 inches wide, every yard -fully guaranteed ; regular $1.75 Ai p grade. Un sale Monday only at.tPlaJU Xew Silks in Persian and Printed Warps y very special arrangement we are now lowing an unsurpassed assortment of new Persian and Printed Warp Silks, finest of the new silks, in magnificent designs; col ors and patterns too numerous to mention. By far the best values ever shown in the city At $1 $1.25 and $1.50 New Plaid Silks I f y ff 19-inch double warp Louis senes, rich, beautiful and at tractive, guaranteed qualitv, all pure silk. comes in all the new fall colorings in com binations of navy, brown, green, red, etc., extra good quality at this price. , New Scotch Plaids At Si 00 20"inch Scotch piaids. W jn aj tne p0pUar clans, handsome rich colorings, good heavy plia ble taffeta silk, unequaled value at this price. Messaline Taffetas CI Oft 20-inch extra heavy All AU Messaline-finished Taf fetas, in an extensive showing of elaborate and striking combinations in all the new shades, very moderately priced. Children's Gaps New Fall Tarns and Yachting Caps for boys and girls. Special values in all wool serge Tarns, all colors, at DUC Made from good quality outing flannel, in neat blue and pink stripes, full length and generous width. Special Q Monday DOC MONDAY'S AND TUESDAY'S Bargains in MEN'S WEAR The following items are but an index to the many special values to be found in our popular men's section. A little time will be well spent here tomorrow and Tuesday MEN'S $1.00 NIGHT GOWNS, 79 Special sale men's high grade M u s 1 i n Gowns, made from extra good quality muslin, trimmed with fancy red, blue or white braid, V neck; our regular selling price $1.00. Special sale price Monday and Tuesday, each HC MEN'S 15c HANDKERCHIEFS, 10 Special sale men's plain white Kerchiefs, hemstitched and made from fine cross barred and corded cambric; regular 5c values. Special Sale Price Mon- day and Tuesday, each 1UC MEN'S 75c SHIRTS, 55 Special sale men's Negligee Shirts with turndown col lars, extra well made and cut full size, com mon assorted patterns, medium and dark :olors; extra value at regular selling price. Special Monday and Tuesday BOYS' $1.50 SWEATERS, 70 Special sale boys' worsted Jersey Sweaters, made with two fold collar, come in plain colors and large range of fancy stripes,1 values to $1.50. Special Sale Price Monday and -Tuesday NewCott'n Goods FOR FALL WEAR. Tumbling in daily these new cotton goods. We never gathered with such a lavish hand before. The assortment surpasses in scope that of any previous season. See these tomorrow if you are interested: NEW SHIRTINGS, full standard width, good, dependable quality, dark styles in navy and black; large assortment of stripes, figures and dots, recommended for durability; specially lO' priced, per yard 1&2C NEW CHEVIOTS, full 32 inches wide, one of the most reliable shirtings made; absolutely fast colorings in a great assortment of styles, ex cellent wearing quality; specially priced, 1 per yard ltJC SILK GINGHAMS, in a full line of the best styles for fall wear; plaids and checks in all the new color combinations, beautifully tmished fabrics, as rich as silk; specially priced, per yard NEW FLANNELETTES, full 34 inches wide, dozens of pretty patterns to select from in at tractive colorings, suitable for wrappers, hnuse dresses, kimonos, etc.; specially priced, per yard NEW FLANNELETTES, excellent wearing quality; all pretty, new styles in the best color ings; an unlimited assortment to select 1 A from; specially priced, per yard 1UC NEW CHALLIES, full 30 inches wide, dainty and attractive, wool finished effects in figures, flowers and oriental designs, in light, medium and dark colors, suitable for dresses, kimonos, wrap pers, draperies and comfort coverings; A extra good value at, per yard 1UC NEW PERCALES, full 36 inches wide, best wearing quality, absolutely fast odors, large as sortment ot new patterns to clioose rroin in me diuin and dark shades; specially priced per vard DRESS GINGHAMS, best standard make, all wanted shades in plain colors; also an extensive showing in fancy, medium and dark 101 styles; specially priced, per yard 12C VELOUR FLANNELS, in a great variety of medium, dark and light colors; in flowers, fig ures, stripes, butterflies and oriental styles; specially priced, per yard 25c 18c 15c t t t t A GREAT MONDAY SALE OF MATERIALS Prices at Half and Less t DAINTY WAISTING ? Tomorrow we place on tale in the center aisle a great underprice purchase of dainty, new Waisting materials, including wide -t Embroideries, All-over Embroideries, Em- broidered Nets, Brussels Nets, Filet Nets '. and Floral Nets, in a great assortment of -( new desirable patterns. Just the materials wanted for nobby winter waists. Extraor- '.t dinary value at the following prices: -( 18-Inch Embroideries, regular $1.25 inds at 15c 24-Inch Allover Embroideries, worth $1.50 to $2.00, at 46-Inch Filet Nets, regular $1.75 grade at 46-Inch Floral Net, regular $1.95 grade 46-Inch Spot Net, regular $1.25 grade 38-Inch Brussels Net, regular 75c grade 18-Inch Baby Irish Net, best $2.00 grade CORSET COVERS Fine Nainsook Corset Covers, handsomely trimmed with laces, embroideries and ribbon; worth up to Mc. Spec'l. . CtOC 43c 48c I 95c! 98c! 69c! 48c! 63c ! MUSLIN DRAWERS 50c Ciood fiualitv Muslin Drawers, trimmed yvith fine wide embroidery. Extra values at 55c 79c THE NEWEST DRESS GOODS IN A MOST COMPLETE SHOWING. The predominating feature of this Dress Goods stock is the vastness of the assortment There is not a taste that cannot be suited, because the variety embraces every stylish weave, every fashionable coloring. Here are a few of these new Dress Goods beauties New Browns. New Navy Blues We are now showing over a hundred dis tinct weaves in this popular color, all mod erately priced. Ninety-six different weaves, comprising all the new shades of brown, at prices you'll be pleased to pay. Popular New Reds Eighty-seven new fall weaves in this ever popular color. You are sure to find anything you wish from this great showing. I rices a little less than the same qualities cost elsewhere. Novelty Waisting-s at 50c, 75c 85c and $1.00 At these prices we are showing an unlim ited assortment in all wool and silk and wool fabrics for fall and winter Waists, new plaids, neat stripes, exclusive designs as well as plain colors in all the new shades, correct in weaves and prices. Novelty Suiting's A Ql AA 42 and 43-inch French illiUVNovety Suitings, in all the new ombre effects in the popular shades of brown, navy, green, red, etc. ; finest of all wool and silk and wool fabrics; regular $1.50 grades. Specially priced for Monday and Tues- AA day at Ol.UU French Challies Af KAa 27-inch All Wool French v w w Challies, in cream, light brown, tan, navy and light blue ground with dots, rings, rose buds, stripes, etc., in all colors, made of the purest of wool, abso lutely fast colors, guaranteed to wash; un equaled value at this price. Novelty Broadcloths At $1.50 56"inch A11 wol Nov- elty Broadcloth, in stripes, checks and broken plaids, . new ombre effects, in shades pi brown, navy, green, red, etc. ; regular $2 grader Jjpedal fy priced for Monday arid" Tues- J A day at V? OlDU