to THE OREGON SUNDAY! JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1907. II GOLDEN WEDDING OF PIONEERS I f I . : , ; 1 IBOPICill FRUIT FOR COLORADO Hawaii Sees Opportunity for Juicy Profits in Island (Jroun IMnoapplos. nowor Utlon her haa not bnfora had a breakdown of any nature sine bain iut in.mree yearn tru nu iiui waa re paired In two day. Tho Grande Kanda 1 1 W ...j n ' nlan 1.' Rail T ' I. electrloian. wlilon, wlUi ua four ta tlona, aupplla all of tha Oranda Ronda valley, la one of the few llffht and pow er planta on the Pacific count owned by local capital, iia uon inunn, ai me head of Mill crook canyon, hna a 300 K. W. General Kleetrlc company frenwrator. and the water bavin a fall of 900 feet makes It the fourth hlgheat head In the Pacific northwest. ESTEB RESIGNS AS EXECUTIVE OF ECHO Dcnvrr, Sf-pl. 7 Denver will be made (8poU DUpiteh to The Jonrml.) tho illHt rilutliiR point for Hawaiian I Echo. Or., Sept. 7. L. A. Esteb, who plneum'!''' for the western wtntes, If j has been mayor of the town of Echo the plans of J. K. UlttKlns, hortlcul- 1 for eeveral years past, handed Jn his turlat for the government experiment j resignation at the last meeting of the atatlon at Hawaii are carried Into ei-j council at this place, the same to take effect at once. The mayor's health Is not of the best, and his business duties are too numerous to properly handle the duties of the mayor's office, conse quently his resignation. It has not been learned who will be appointed to fill the vacancy. I'ect. He Is urrunKlng with uie local commission men to handle tho Ha waiian product, and the Indications are that sew nil carloads of the Juicy fruit can he handled with profit to both the iMMiwr commission man and the Ha waiian srowc r. 'I'o .show how the fruit will keep on Its lon: journey, .Mr. HlKglns shipped i two ('-s of it to (ieoiKe H. Knlf ton. ; rt 1 1 in t iri W17VT Trt lti(i," l.arimci hlr.ct, and one crate to; JJllO Id Alt V TjIN I 1U Sei-retaty .l irm -i !i. Youni? or the Colo rado Commercial association. The Hawaiian pineapples shipped here hv Mi 1 1 iKKltia- are tile best seen ion the li.iner market. They are larger tlian the Cuban pineapples, are Juicier anil in every wuv superior to the brand that Denver ordinarily receives. When larger shipments arrive It Is safe to say that they will meet with the favor of I i n verites. and lew of them will j find their way to outside points. riant for tha alavatioM ot A cabinet offl car other than a, ouraUrw of atata, to the highest nonor jn tse gut oj , toe peOpl. Auction Said BY J. T. WILSON, AUCTIONEER. ' ' Monday, Wednesday,1 Friday iu a. m. eacn day, xu rirst street. Our anles for tho three days oomorl4 a varied assortment of modern housi furnishings, complete parlor and dinlnf room ftttlngs, select high-grade carpet! rugs and linoleum, bedroom and kltchef ssaay, rnday k ay, at salesroom Pi K. Belmont Income and Qrand ave. Borne SIZE UP THE WORLD USED VIOLENT MEANS Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Wimberly of RoseburR and their children. The children, named from lert to right, are: Mlaa Elva Wimberly, Portland; Mrs. C. L. Clevenger, Grants Tass; L. Wlmberly and Elmer E. Wlmberly, Roscburg, and Ira Wlmberly, Drain. (Special nixpttrh to The Journal.) Roaeburg, Or, Sept. 7 - Mr. and Mrs. Jaonb AV'lniberJy jf tlU city celebrated their golden wedding September 3 They were married DO years ago In the log , cabin of Andy Chapman on the Kast ; I T'mpqua river by Fletcher Koyal of tlie , Methodist church, then of Wilbur, Ore- . gon. Mr. Wlmberly crossed the plains In 1846, driving an ox team from Mls " i aourl. He located In the Waldo hills ?: "' near Salem, and when the great exclte- i ment over the discovery of gold In ' , California spread over the country ho drove the ox team to San Francisco In IMS, and sold the wagon and team for $1,000. After a year In the mines he t-ftme bark to urinn -in mh-h) v. sel. Jiy reason of n storm at sea he wus fl days from San Francisco to l'ortland. At that time San Francisco was only a tent town and i'ortland had hut very few houses In 1852 he took up a homestead In Douglas county and lived there until 11S7, when he moved to Kosehurg and has resided here ever since. Mr. Wlmberly Is now 77 years obi and Mrs. Wlmberlv 6!l Mrs. Wlmberlv. then Miss Marks, crossed the plains by ox team from 1111 nols in 1850. at Her family locuted Salem. Mi, Wlmbnrlv fought In the volun teer regiment In the Cay use war, and also In the Rogue Kiver Indian war. He has been In very poor health for the past three years, and Is now able to sit up only a portion of the day In his chair, Mrs. Wlmberly has very good health. They have live children, Miss Elva Wim berly of Portland, Mrs. C I.. Clevenger of Grants Pass, I,. Wlmberly and Klmer TO SECURE AN AUTO James Mlzner, a well-known young man of Mitchell, Oregon, was arrested last night by Detective John Price at Fifth and Washington streets on a charge of carrying a concealed weapon. Home time ago Mlzner purchased an automobile from O. Kuedy of 141 Kb venth streei. upon whleh be paid a deposit of J300. Discovering that a mortgage find been plrtcrd on the unto for oei Jti'M), Mlzner decided to secure the retuin of Ills money. Accompanied by It. Hume of mil Kast Seventh street North, the chauffeur for Kuedy and the owner of the car, Mlzner made a trip to the east side last night. When Kuedy stopped nt the home of his attorney at Seventeenth and East (Special Dtspateb to The Jonrml.) Spokane. Wash., Sept. 7. Robert, the long lost eon of Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Hlg ghtis, has been, found. He left June 12 and has visited the Hawaiian Islands and traveled extensively elsewhere. He was at San Francisco when found by the police. He Is only 12 years old, and ran away from home "Just to see what the world was like." Madison. Monroe and J. Q. Adams found the cabinet a stepping stone to the presidency, but this political trstory has never repeated Itself. It Is Interest ing to note In the same connection that Secretary Taft. Secretary Cortelyou and ex-Secretary Shaw will find no prece- Special Buys 81 5,000 Fractional lot with building, near 1st and Madlaon. A location with a great future. S12S.OOO Corner, 10x100, near B. Mor rison and water, jrine ror warcnouee or manufacture. SIO.OOO Corner, 60x100, across from Marshall wells' diocks, norm jrort land. Easy terms. , S7000 50x100, block and a half from furnlshlnga, hangings, ourtalna arl araperies, pictures ana wall decoration! dishes, ranges, stoves, utensils, gt mages, itiunary equipments ana ai necessary housekeeping requisites. Special Grocery Sale Tuesday, September 10, at sales room, 208 First street, at II a. m. Mammoth stock cf Groceries and Provisions. Oris inal cost $3,300. Stock comprises all the choice bran of staple and fancy grocerlea. Plent of goods for all buyers. We- will M itemize stock. The ordinary housewlf! knows what a comnlete arocerv stool comprises. Smart buyers should knot 60 per cent merchandising these hlglf priced days is better than! per cent III tereat. This select stock toeke closet out on this date at auction sariw I Thursdav's Mt On the premises, Sixtt street, at 10 a. m., betweea Stark and Oak HKKOO Beautiful new home. E. Madl son iiawtnorne i-arn. nave tenant will rent $40 month. Worth more money. F. A. NORTIIRIP sis couch BtrrLpiiro, rourth Hear Wash. Fhona Mala 7646. Twenty-Fifth and Oregon 8-Room lioute Price $3150 Terms $500 down, balance easy monthly payments. Lot 50x100 and 8-room house in fine condition being just newly papered and painted throughout. The house is now va cant. You can go through it, as the back door is open. See it. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St., 392 E. Burnside St. V,1 .,..Bn. f nn"i U . V" ' . ' V- ' Davis, to consult the latter about the huwuui k in" 1 1 a n mi- r1gttrr ft" altr berty-nT Drain. STABBING IN NORTH E JO JAP RESTAURANT Austrian deceives a Cut in His Back About Nine Indies Lone:. In a quarrel with some Japanese over being ordered out of a Japanese res ; taurant and saloon at 64 North First : street, John Supt, an Austrian, was - stabbed In the back last night. Supt . received a deep cut on the left side of the bark about 9 Inches long. He was , taken to the Good Samaritan hospital for care. He will recover. George Jaklle, an Austrian, who was with Supt, was arrested on the charge of carrying concealed weapons. -On .him was found a knife with a long blade, such as commonly used by hunters. The two Austrlans said they had gone into the Japanese restaurant. where Americans, are not wanted, and were ordered out. They objected to going, and were attached by the Japs, accord ing to Jaklle. The proprietor of the place where the stabbing occurred and a nurnbei of other Japanese were taken to the sta tion tiy Detectives VaiiKhn and Hillyer who were assigned to the case. I'. Tliu bai. who was In the place when the stabbing occurred, was arrested and booked on a charge of drunkennem pending a further Investigation. All the other Japanese were allowed to go free. SAYS KIYOSHIMA STOLE HIS WIFE M. Klyoshlma and Shizu Takagl were arrested yesterday afternoon In a room In the old Paris house by Constable Iou Wagner on a warrant charging them with a statutory crime. Tho complain ant In the case la O. Iwakawa of San Francisco, who alleges that Klyoshlma eloped with his wife, Shlsu, last Novem ber. The woman Is extremely pretty and 24 years of age. Acocrdlng to Iwakawa they were mar ried In Honolulu five years ago and lived happily until Klyoshlma put In an appearance. The accused man main tains t hat the complaining witness Is a blackmailer and announces his Inten tion of fighting the case to the high est tribunal. In default of $750 ball apiece the couple were locked up in the city prison. ORGANIZED LABOR TO OUST PUBLIC PRINTER Stillings Charged With Un just Reduction of Wages and Law Violation. "grrr thnt Mlzner drew a revoler and ordered Hulnie to drive the machine to town. The chauffeur Jumped from the machine and took to I Fils heels with the result that Mlzner J fired a shot In the air to stop him. Hastening to police headquarters I Hulnie notified Detective I'rlca of the matter and the arrest followed. Mlz ner was released on deposit of $50 cash ball and Judge Strode will hear the case ; Monday morning PEOPLE OF ALBANY SUSPECT HARRDIAN (United Preai Leaaed Wire ) Washington, Bept. 7. Organized labor has begun a fight to force Public Prin ter Btillings out of office The current Issue of the Trade Union ists, the Central Labor Union s ornan, today editorially charges him with un just reduction of wages, violation 'if the eight-hour law, and civil service and vindicative suspensions, dismissal of faithful employes and creating Intoler able conditions. They Think He Is In the Game to Obstruct Welch Franchise for Rival Traction Line. The first labor Journal published In Alaska appeared at Nome last month, and Is entitled the "Nome Industrial Worker." It la n four-naee tveoku- representing the Western Federation of tni matter to the bitter end (Special Iilspateb te Tha Journal. ) Albany, Or.. September 7. Additional I interest has been added to the fight -being waged by the city council to an- nul the franchise of the Albany Street j Hallway company. After Instructing' the city attorney to proceed against the : old company to have the original fran- j ehlse declared forfeited, Joseph Hlrsch- berger of Independence appears on the scene and declares that he Is the owner of the franchise and that he will fight FAIR WARNING TO THE PUBLIC Miners. papsi MiiajiaOTi.WJW.pieswiBSi lana mm 1,1 """ w- "- . p.i . .. aaasi) iMsaiiM - - - -------- -iiimi ni i aiaiiam i m as i aUi Most of the citizens of Albany feel that Hir.echberg Is not the owner and that he is acting under orders from some outside party interested In valley franchises. Some Intimate that the hand of Harrlman Is seen In the move ment and that It Is a plan on his part to thus frustrate the plans of the elec tric line being constructed from Port land southward through the valley, i fearing the competition that will en sue. Not even the parties in Albany acting in behalf of the old company were aware of the ownership and transfer as claimed by the new owner and his ap pearance and defl comes as a thunder clap out of a clear sky. Considering the present status of affairs a large i proportion of the citizens tavor the granting of a franchise to the new com pany. ALL SAY KXESS INVITED HIS DOOM (Special Dispatch to Tba Journal.) Lewlston, Idaho, Sept. 7. That Jack Kness came to his death from the ef fects of gunshot wounds Inflicted by F. K. McBrlde Is the verdict returned by tho coroner s Jury Impanelled at Yollmer to Investigate the shooting In McBrlde's saloon Monday night. Further than to Indicate that the shootlnjr was done in seir-aerense, me jury made no recommendations. All witnesses testi fied that Knesa fired the first shot, and apparently picked the quarrel. It Is the general belief that McBrlde will be cleared. This Elegant Modern Kitchen Cabinet EXACTLY LIKE ABOVE CUT, SPECIAL THIS WEEK AT ONLY 814.75 SAME CABINET WITH ZINC TOP, AT ONLY $16.00 pis Cabinet is modeled exactly after the expensive kind that sell at the "Furniture Trust stores at from $40.00 to $75.00. It is just as serviceable, neat, strong and roomy as the expensive kind. I-inished in light natural or golden color. You cannot afford to be with out one at this price. $1.00 down and $1.00 a week vill secure one of these Cabinets for you REMEMBER THAT WE ARE NOT IN THE FURNITURE TRUST and therefore can save you big money on Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Ranges and other house furnishings. PATRONIZE THE STORE THAT IS FIGHTING THE FURNITURE TRUST. INDIANS IN IDAHO MURDERING ELK (Special Dispatch to Tba Journal.) I-ewlston, Ida., Sept. 7. A report has reached Lewlston that Indians are slaughtering elk In the Orogrande and Washington creek districts in violation of the law, which prohibits the hunting or killing of these animals prior to Sep tember 15, and restricts each hunter to one elk during the open season. The Indians have established a hunting camp and the old men of the tribe say that many elk have been killed and that the hunters are observing no limit on the number per man. Green Fr Building INDEPENDENT FURNITURE CO. CASH OH CREDIT 104-166 FIRST STREET Between Washington and Stark Sts. COURT IS HEARING HERMIST0N FIGHT (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Pendleton, Or.. Sept. 7. Judge H. J. i Bean in the circuit court yesterday I overruled the defendant's demurrer In I the quo warranto proceedings in which J. R. Means and F. B. Swayze are rival claimants for the position of council man at Hermlston. The answer of Swayze must now ba filed and on trial the ballot box will be opened and the court will determine who was legally elected. LIGHTNING'S TRICK WITH POWER PLANT (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Cove, Or., Sept. 7. Reports from the electric etorm of Thursday evening show nothing so serious as that of last Sunday afternoon, when the light and power station at this place failed to work, leaving the town and Union In darkness all that night, unless the dis appointment from the destruction of tha system of lightning resistors at Hot Lake is considered aalde from cash val- h9 Grande Rood aleotrio light and Shares of the Champion Group Mining Company Goes to 75c in a Few Days THE STORY BRIEFLY TOLD The following terse telegram, received from our expert miner in the field in Siskiyou county, California, that great mineral section of the Golden State, fully explains itself: Yreka, Cal., Sept. 2, 1907. Champion Group Mining Co., 207 Couch Bldg., Portland, Ore. Have just secured-Beaver Creek group, consisting of 280 acres. I consider this a valuable addition to your hold ings; should make a large producer of copper. O. H. POOR. 6:18 p. m, WHAT THE LOCAL PAPERS SAY OF IT The Siskiyou County News, published at Yreka, the bustling city only seven miles from our gold mines, speaking of this transaction, remarks: O. H. Poor, agent for the Champion Group Mining company of Portland, owns and Is developing a group of 12 promising gold quartz claims on Hum bug creek, has bonded from W. P. Pog gett and others the Beaver creek cop per group, consisting of 14 claims in Oak Bar district, about seven miles southeast of the famous Blue Ledge copper mine. The property covers about three miles of a copper ledge and Is In the same mineral belt as the Blue Ledge. These claims have one of the rlnest surface showings of any cop per body In the county. Tha cropping of the ledge shows from BO to 200 feet In width. The irroup contains 280 acres and is surrounded by a large body oil timber as fine as there is In the coun ty. Gnrretson springs are only half a mile from Beaver creek, and fine water power can be had. A PRESENT TO EVERY SHAREHOLDER Forty-five thousand dollars is the price of this copper buy, and the management of THE CHAMPION GROUP presents it to the stockholders, old and new, of that splendid mining corporation, but within a few days SHARES WHICH ARE NOW SELLING AT 50c WILL BE RAISED TO 75c EACH THE CHAMPION GROUP ARE GOLD MINES. They are producing now, and we are selling only shares enough to enable us to enlarge their producing capacity, that we may not be compelled to wait the slow process of ex pansion by digging the gold out of the earth by the primitive methods of our predecessors. OUR STOCK OUGHT TO BE AT PAR TODAY It is worth it. We are confident that it will sell at $5 the share within a year. It will be 50 cents this week, and the next pop is to 75 cents. GET YOUR STOCK NOW-DON'T WAIT I Cuf Out and Mail This Coupon to Us Today The Champion Group Mining Co., Conch Building, Fourth and Washington streets, Portland, Or.: Gentlemen: Please mail me, withrrnt cost to me, descrip tive booklet relating to your Champion Group Mining properties, and oblige. Name Street and No Town State TELEPHONES: MAIN 8115; A-1857 asCHAMPION GROUP MINING COMPANY 206-207-208 Couch Bldg. Fourth and Washington Sts. Portland, Oregon g Churchill, we will sell without reserv tho furnishings of 25 rooms of flrad class furniture, carpets, bedding, ttil The housekeeping suites are furnlsne In modern iron beds and sanltar couches, wardrobes, select oak an cherry dressers and commodes: fin l carpets and rugs throughout the house) pictures, lace curtains and hanging parlor settees, easy chairs and rockers toijet ware. l he bed linen comprise the best grade sheets, pillow slips anl I bed spreads, splendid pillows, 300 towels! I comforts and blankets. The usual furl rushing in tn Kitmeng comprise eoo stoves, dishes, utensils, kitchen treasl ures, tables, chairs, linoleum, all tol gether. This sale affords a choice lo of substantial housekeeping effects t rooms of desirable furnishings to b sold at public auction on the day men tlonea. N. B. Be discreet and advlsa wltf us If you have anything you wlah t conmt trrtfl ruly cash. We bu anything salable. cT'hones Main l(2tl Note. We have on aale at our sales rooms four flrst-elass pianos, four th latest Dayton computing scales, six as sorted sizes coffee mills, Bowser olj tanks, Paylon cheese cutters, counters showcases and other store fixtures, etd J. I. WILSOJf, Auctioneer. S. L. N. Gilnian AUCTIONEER SPECIAL AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture Tomorrow, Monday, Sept. 9th At 10 o clock a. m., on premises residence No. 35 East Third St north, corner of East Couch. Sale includes all the new furnishings of the dwelling. Sale 10 a. m. S. L. N. G. .MAN, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES On Tuesday Next at Baker's Auction House CORNER ALDER AND PARK STS. w .hull -ll n select lot of FURNI TUIiE AXMIN8TER and BRUSSELS Carpets removed to our salesrooms ioi convenience of sale. Including solid quartered oak PEDESTAL DINING TARIX verv eleirant BUFFET and CHINA CABINET to match, oak Side board Dlninir Chairs. Oil Paintings, Ft RASH and IRON BEDS, elastic felt! and other Mattresses, goose feather! PILLOWS, separate DRESSERS, ComH modes, Chlffonleres, Child's Iron Crib with 811k Floss Mattress, Parlor rook ers. Center Tables. Lounges. Oak Book case. Hall Tree, ebony WaJl Cabinet MORRIS ROCKER. Costly Baby Buggy Ladv's Wheel (Cleveland), Steel Range, Kitchen Cabinet, Granlteware, Freeser, Babv Jumper, Laundry Basket, Ke friirerator and other effects: also If nearly new Axmlnter, Brussels and In grain Carpets. Sale Tuesday alt) o'clock. The above goods canvKc ln- . , . .1 . specteo tomorrow imouuay;. ON THURSDAY We shall have several consignments ot household goods to dispose of at Auc tion Sale at 10 o'clock. BAKER ft SON, Auctioneers. Offloe and Salesrooms 862-4 Alder St Both Phones. PRELIMINARY NOTICE Of Auction on SeDtember 18 at resi dence of 13 rooms. Full particulars Baker ft Son, Auctioneer. JONESMORE THE NEW ADDITION. Sidewalks, graded streets, Bull Ran water. Public school. Lots 50x100 feet, f 350 to f 500. Your own terms. Take Montavilla car. See Agent at tract. GEO. D. SCHALK Phone Main 392 A 2392. 264 Stark St SPECIAL SNAPS KAn n- not,,, . . , ,ixb 2 blocks from Grand ave. and MorY IIOMH1 11113 1UI aicll 11.11 WI1 IS, 1 IU f warebouse. JUll.OOO For a nice lot on Grand are. 820,000 For a fins 14 block 10 block from postofflce, good for store or apartment houses. Look at them and convlneo yourself that they are cheaper than anything else around. , , F.FUCHS, 221 1-2 Morrison Street