THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER ' '6,' 1907, Poi mlariWarits FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. j85x!00;Near Washington St. V Beat uptown hotel or apartment houae ltt In Portland; cannot b beat for lo- Ication and price: easy terma; have plana ; f for a building if put on thla property will net owner 17 per cent on lnveat- .1 meni; (12.000 will buy thla If takn oon; xor particular can on -.. W. J. DAT CO.. 168 Stark at., room 14. GONIG BACK EAST: NEW 4-ROOM 10x81 houa. 12x14 woodhouee and two fine lota 10x108 for $650; 1400 7 down. Thomaaon ft Bailey, 121 Cham. f , ner or commerce. - ' I I HAVE 4 NEW MODERN HOUSES; 1 ' . "muit aellr part caah; alao aome fine iota; beat part of city. Bee T. J. Byrnes, 246J4Morrlson at., room 12. i.3oo W6 bLockS for! hAW , thorne aye. car., new 6-room houae In ,' Hawthorn addition, lot (0x100; houae J wen built; dark oak interior nnian; a little heautv! 1S0A cash down: balance mommy payment. e j. vtr. mdibh V Co 6th and Washington st. iNVEafORT 1 muat realise at once on aome of my property. ' Hera ar. aome bargains for a tew a aye: ? 100x100 eomer at Unlveraity Park; (Moo; 1460 cash; balance montmy. 100x100 at Bt Johns, near car. 8800. 100x100, Rlvervlew; :' good modern houae, cloae to center of city of St - Johna; a,S00; terma. B-603, Journal. it acres cmm ud. all ctjl: ttvated; houae, fruit trees, fine eprlng, nice lawn, 20 minute to city; weat aide; (3,000; term. t acre, all cultivated, 4 minute walk to atatlon; good new plaatered houae: fruit treea, ahrubbery, etc.; aplendld home for the money; 11.600; terma. w. J.Day & Co. 868v Btark at., room 24. Bfd BARGAIN. ti.UO Elegant 4-room houae, strlotly modern, light fixture, tinted wall, beautiful Interior flnlah, polished floora, 8 full Iota, 60x100 each, on carllne, nice lawn, fruit and berries, small barn; the beat buy in the city. $660 caah, balance to eult Call Saturday. DIAMOND REALTY CO, 267 Alder, room 10. Popul arWants DORSES, VEHICLES, IIARNES9 FOR SALETEAM OF WORK horse.. Call at onoo. J4I Mlaalaalppi ? t t,nt v , v. j. -A Jt are. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rate to bualneaa house. "6th and Hawthorn. Eaat 71. . . FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE Popular Wants PERSONAL 1 ELECTRIC VAPOR , BATHS, MASSAGE, electricity. 146H 6th St., room i. ATTORNEYS. OT11ATH IPTVrW JV TTf1EFl iTTOft ney at la w, 4 Mulkey bid, corner Id and Morrison ata , i AUTOMOBILES. iinwiHn m. COVET. A--nt Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobilea, Cadlllao and Knox. Temporary, location Club Oarage. 16th and Alder ata ASSAYERS. TO EXCHANGE 600 SHARES OF Oregon Dental Supply stock, for real eatate. Addrea N-od?, Journal. TO EXCHANGE A FINE IMPROVED farm for Portland residence nronartv. ! No agents. ., For particular 'address, riaon at. pox junction- v;uy, ur. CREAOE ON CAR LINE FOR GOOD lot or Iota on an at atria tint nv. t J . bub. iv-Bui, journal. - WILLI A PROEBSTEL, MININO BN alneera, metallurgist and aasayers. t04H Waahlngton at GARVlN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Assay umn, w FOR 8ALEMI3C3LLANEOU8 tlMMMMItlMtlMIMIIMIMtttttftft (10,000 WORTH OF NEW AND GOOD aa new furniture. Stoves, nnna. haHa bedding, carpet, lineolema, etc., eta we can give tne Deal variety or eecond band goods for houae furnlahing In the city. Partiea wanting furniture will av t and cent by coming to ua. We want your trade and will treat you white. Square dealing. $2 let. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE MURE cure for rheumatiara. Sold by all arUgglSlB. FREd F6ft' BVERrbODy-RlMd ' 1TP Main 4280 or call 211 H Front at We buy and aell furniture, clothing or any old thing. FOR BUTCHERS'? SUPPLIES. 8. BIRKBN WALD CO S0f-I0i JBV erett at, largest butcher aupply houae on the coast wnie ior catalogue. Dekv(m, ll-llt let at, carrlea a full Una and c .iplete assort ment at lowest market price . BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM, 10J-111 ID t Blank book manufactured: agenta for Jones' Improved Loose-Lent ledger; see the now Eureka leaf, the beat on the market - Popular Wants CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS COME NOW REDUCED RATES FOR ... A FEW DAza UALX, Melfii CARPET CLEANING. SALE ONE HOTEL Inquire 2T1 lat at FOR SALE CHEAP VIOLIN. RANGE. ROOM FOR SALE FARMS. 160 ACRES; 60 IN CULTIVATION J . . good house: and birn, eto.j family or. chard and berrlelf 80 acrerf mora aaay to clear: all Ideal fruit ana rarm iana; 40 sub irrigated bottom; oak, pine and fir to make 2.000 cord wood; t mile all down haul to R. R. and town; mile outside range fine for hog, cattle and poultry; three horses and harneaa; bug gy, aprlng wagon and lumber wagon. 1100 Jersey cow and heifer; 20 noga, fullblood poultry; farm implements; household and kitchen furniture com plete; all goea in; aplendtt) water at door; no malaria In milea; dally mall; Rogue River valley country, Jackson Co., Oregon; flneat climate on earth; finest fruit land In state; price 18,600. Address Quick. Box 17. Woodvllle, Ore. 8. 28 N. 26th at. SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES, NEW and second-hand. Jaa. T. Marahall Mfg. Co., 28? Couch at. FOR SALE CHEAP; ONE MOTOR cycle In first-class shape. Inquire at No. 8 N FOR Union ave. SALE FURNITURE 400 ACRES. 80 CULTIVATED; FAM lly orchard, near Portland; 6-room house, 2 barns, 1 mlie river front, 8,000, 000 feet saw timber, 80 acres timber suitable for ties and piling; price 812,000, half cash, balance long time 6 per cent. Commonwealth Trust Co.. 6th and Ankeny. ATTENTION 160 HOME SEEKERS acres; 4S well cleared: 12 acres slashed and burned; large orchard; all kinds fruits; large houae, bsrn out houses; fine water; near achool; good out range; a nne home; price 88,600; terms given. Write or calf J. B. Hunt- lngton. Kelso, Wash AND chickens at 41 V. Morrison at. clean. Washed' rags for wiping purposM, r The Overall --Laundry and nuppiy JQ pnone neiiwooq bb FOR SALE 1 FIREBOX BOILER, 15 H. P- B 184 E Morrison, Phone E. 3814. FOR SALE A LOT OF WYANDOTTE , chickens; alao household furniture; owner leaving city. Inquire James C Miller, 796 Vancouver ave. PERSONAL. ACREAGE NEAR PORTLAND, ON creek, near carllne; tracts to auit pur chaser, 8125 iper acre, easy terma. Corn monwealth Trust Co.. 6th and Ankeny. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FIVS5 acres improved land, part in berries, half mile from carllne and city limits, at MonUvllla: also homestead relin quishment 4 miles from Lyle, Waah., as good fruit land as Hood River valley. Inquire of owner, 611 Meridian at, Mon- talvlln rr, A flNAP GOOD RANCH OF ilO , aorea for sale cheap. Inquire of UowVer, 497 E. 87th at Take W.-R. car to winter or m. ivtn at., nouse-zvu reel nfrth. TIMBER, THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY Br. Mary lane Formerly with the X-R-dlum Medical Institute, haa severed all connection with that institution and can now be found with the Dr. Mary Lane Institute Where ahe will be pleaaed to see any of her old patlenta. DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHIL dren a specialty; suffering women will do well to consult me; consultation free; correspondence solicited. Rooms 6 to 14. Grand Theatre bldg. Phone Main 2928. Correspondence confidential. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest iiant on coaat; coring ana Harding ate.; phone Eaat 280; carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; steam and compressed air process; renovating mattresses anl T earners a specially. 16YCB BROS.. PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric Cleaning works; carpets c.eaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phon Main 2672 and A-267Z 379 urant St. CLEANING AND DYEING. fllTHEB rLlUNED AND PRESSED. 81 per month. Unique Tailoring Co. 20 Btark at , ARPETfl rL, WV tVW JVfcft . - CARPj dyed a specialty. 605 Jorteraqn Main 2612. " at COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLABWOOD COj, 865 Front at, successors to Ful ton Wood Co. Fir, oak. a lab wood, ooal Tel. Main 1936, FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF 6LAB wood call Main 4875. Oak, ash. fir and coal. Portland Wood & Coal Co., 16th and Savier ata. WESTERN FEED 4V FUEL CO. blacksmith coals, coke, House and charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST 7. Wood and Coal. 181 East Water t DELIVERY PHONE FOR QUICK Oregon Fuel Co.. 881 Alder- CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. THE CELEBRATED CLAIRVOYANT AND TRANCE MEDIUM TELLS YOUR NAME, AGE, OCCUPATION WITH OUT ASKING A SINGLE QUESTION, SO CAN THE FUTURE BE FORE- XUW .- ,.(.;,v- ; Reallalng that thl olty ha been over run with pretendera. under the gulao or paimiatrv ana aniritnai mediumaniD and that many of the beat cltlsena of thla city would b only too anxious to isii a gooa raeaium ir xney were iirat aasured of eatlef action; therefore he agree to. glv each caller' name in full or tell them anything they wlah to know. I thla not honeetyT Could any- ining d rairerT Thla la not dona to catch business or the riffraff, but to ahow thoee who hay money to Dnd where to so for renaoi tnrormation. xne best cltlsena hay oome thoae who have never visited v medium be fore. WhyT Because Z Intelligently unravel their troubles. I aaa all. I tell all, and never ask on solitary question, but you must coma to me falrralnded and honest or I cannot help you; the very nature of my profession admit Of nd chajlenre contest Be naselve and I will tell your. Inmost soul, what is your name, your business, what you nan aarit .nil h nrnanant. A on In. crease of business; who your employer ana now you rat with him. wno your employes are and who are boneat or aisnonest with you. I give th names of those who love you, who are true, and those who are false. I locate missing persons, papers, and furnish evidence. I give the names of your rivals, enemies, and friend. I do find out what causes your bad luck, and remove spells, - hindrances, stum bling block and hurts. I stop evil habits, vice, and your enemies' designs. About marriage, I tell you the one who la sincere, and who is simply fool ing you. I can and do effect reconcilia tions, reunite the separated and cause happy marriages? You who are now lq sorrow, can't you look back and see now how all of It might have been avoided by proper information aa to who was secretly doing you harm; per bapa It is not too lata Coma and see me and I will help you frustrate your enemies, rival, or tne effort to ruin your business. -It you a going to aonsult a medium, why not see the bestT I am a specialist in mental lmpresaions; every person re spects me becauae of my sincerity. I can describe the place you searched for niaaen treasure ana ten you wnat you may exDect about it: locate ooal. min eral, oil or gaa on land miles away. If you are the Interested party and will come and ae me canaiaiy ana let me fall In sympathy with your mind. I wonder If you consider my terms fair, square and honest, if ao consult me at once. Houre dally, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday 2 to 6 p. m. 2ltt MORRISON, Corner 5tb st. Room 8. Phone Main 7246. READ THIS, THEN TAKE IT TO PopulaByants v V , EDUCATIONAL BEHNKJE-WALKER BUSINESS LEGE. Elks' Building. COL- Portland, Oregon. Chartler shorthand and Bliss book keeping' as taught In the Behnke-Walker Will lead you to success. Faots 737 calls for help and placed 111 since Aug. 1, 1808. Will place you when compe- tent Enroll now. . BE A PAlVXt'E" SECRETARY. Holmes Business college, st Washing ton and 10th ata.. Portland, Oregon, has raised Its commercial courses to the standard of a university training. The private secretary course may be had either day or night Do not decide upon a achool until you have written for in formation. Open every day and evenln g. OREGON COLLEGE OF ORATOR"? has opened for the fall term; the only school In the northwest conferring de- rrees in expression and oratory. Office 14 Buchanan bldr. L. L. Matthews. LL. B., teacher, ROSE ClTY BUSINESS COLLEGE Eleaant new quarters on 6th street near postoffice. Pitman shorthand by court reporter; 80 to 40 per cent saved on exnensea W. W. Williams. M. B.. rnn. L. BRONSON SALMON'S STUDIO OP4 ahorthand and typewriting; run course in 18 weeks; open all summer: established 1888. MUner bldg.. Park and Morrison. PopularWants Popular W c '?i't?r? BANKS UNITED BTATES NATIONAL BANK OF 'PORTLAND. OREGON . , Northwaat Corner Third 4 Strata. a M- H ... 7tnwU!t" General Banking Bualneaa, DRAFTS -ISJur -"coUeoUoua All CUlee of th United Stat and Europe, Honjkonf and Manila. t,oui msae on jravorable Terms. Vice-Preside Favorable Term,-" ' - '"' W SCTIMr',r"t .........J. a AINSWORTH J CMblr.....k......JU.'v7. S'j uf Went, R. LEA BARNES AeaUstaflt tWer...,..,,W, A iv Assistant Cashier .A. M. W..1QHT'- . . 12.' - a . v' .. wMished 1858- J. w. I'"'.'', T ADD TILTON, BANKERS Portland. Oregon, r . , L M. LADD.. C. .ADP-.T viTr.EPARTMFNT. ., an bh c i uenerai uanxing Busin. . -i7 i, i tirna dwpo"1"- Savings book laaued on aavlnga depoalta Interest paid on tima r . HanCHANTS' t KATIONAL BANK Portland, OMron.' ; V i ' .ea.rrss1dent St AHYTWS0.N;.f.C;b5.r fJXS!. Transact, a 001.," Available to All Parts of the World. Collection Specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA Established 1884. Head Offli" "'jj Capital paid up 84,000,000 I Surplua and undivided ?'? I". "i, 'I General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. LMj w Deposits; SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Account may be opened I of la wa r ward. Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Bulldinir.if WM. R. MACRBA Manager J. T. BPRTCH AELL.... Ass t Manager FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland, Or. Oldest National Bank on pfllfloCont CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. 11.500.000.00. DEPOSITS. IH.OOO.OOO.M A. L. MILLS TVaatdant I W. fl ALVORD Assistant C" " w. NKWKIRK.. SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY academy, Portland, IV. write ror cat aiogue OREGON EXPERT COLLEGE. COM monwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny sts., telearaDhv. typewriting. Spanish, Eng- llah, penmanship; day and evenmga. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. a? t -m A T au rr 1 BT iDtr IT JU. la fTAJJOn VVJ. 144 d aw a. aa Eneotffo and Qa Fixtures and Buppliea, Mantel. Tiling. Orates and Doairons. neera, contractors, repairers. ncina l.t.. annnllaa ! fat Mf Htairk. Main 669. R. H.Tata, Mgr. 6th st Contractors, electrlo supplies, motors and dynamos w Install light nq power piajus. M0RRIS6M ELectWC CO.-ili B. Morrison st Fixture, wiring, re- palrlng. Eaat 8118. FAIRBANKS. MORSE MOTORS AND dynamoa. A. C and D. C lat and Stark ata GASOLINE ENGINES. Nemo Nagranzi 60 ACRES; SMALL HOUSE; acren fenced and Dart in aliaira 2,000,000 feet fine pine saw timber and wood timber to make 2,000 cords wood; large creek through place; fine dam and perpetual water; a shingle- and ?lanlng mill In full operation driven by urblne wheels; an ideal place for saw mill; 10,000,000 feet of good pine tim ber adjoining this place; , 8 miles . to R. R.. down haul; Jackson Co.. Oregon; all goes for 86,600; Ita a snap; the water right is worth it; don't mias thla. Ad dreaa E. H. B. Taylor & Co., Wood- vllle, Oregon. LOOKING FOR TIMBERT W offer you every advantage through our system of expert examination which enables you to determine the suit ability of a tract without spending tlmo or money. If our areneral report lndl cates that we -have what you want our stlmatea by two snd a half acres are saslly verified. TRY "THE LACEY WAY JAMES D. LACEY ft CO., lit Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 607 Lumber Exchange. Seattle. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD to timber buyers only; w have a few choice tract for, sale which we own. Have detailed estimates by forties. G. F Sanbourn A Co.. 401-2-1 Buchanan hldg. a TIMBER LANDS. Intending purchaser desiring to be located upon lands with heavy timber in the land grant of the Oregon California railroad In aouthern Oregon can secure the same by acting quickly. Locatl- foes Including all necessary at torney's fees are reasonable. Addreaa J. E. Verdln, Granta Pass. Or. FOR SALE 400 ACRES OF TIMBER, 6,000,000 feet saw timber and cedar for millions of shingles. Sawmill 15,000 capacity, planer, blacksmith tools chains, etc., all for 27,000; 11 miles of Bonanza, Or., the metropolis of the up- ?er Irrigation project More adjoining lmber land if wanted. Address Bald Butta sawmill. Bonanza, Klamath Co., Or. FDR FARM The original and only Dr. Mary Lane Lady physician, with the old established X Radium Medical Institute and Sanitarium For years is still at the old stand. Br. Mary Laic Late superintendent of Chicago Wo men's Hospital, treats diseases of wo men and children exclusively; ladles needing immediate assistance will con sult their beat Interests by communicat ing with me; no fee for consultation; correspondence absolutely confidential; maternity cases given special atten tion. Respectable arrangements made for the adoption of infants. The finest equipped sanitarium In the northwest Office. 263 Alder corner 8d. Portland, Qr. Phones Main 2796. Home A-2796. JOHN A. MELTON. 804 4TH ST. OF flce and Btora fixtures built and re modeled; showcases and counters. Phone Main 1787. STORE 17 H. MELTON OFF1C turea; general Jobbing. Phone Main 8190. 67 lat at CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill, Room 830 Fleldner bldg. Both phones, CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS CONSULT THE BEST IT WILL PROVE CHEAPE8T IN THE END. Free Test Free Test Take thla advertisement to Dillard ft ND TIMBER LAND SEE layton, Roseburg, Or. 10 SPLENDID TIMBER CLAIMS NEAR railroad and water with- 8,000,000 to 6,000,000 feet each; also 6 homesteads; 3600 buy claim worth 35.000 when .proved up; 'others all prices.' The Coast Realty Co., 226 H Morrison at Phones Main 1668. A-4150. WANtED-TEN M6riS Pe6pLB td Dr. PMlipp T. Ball Specialist in nervous and chronic dis eases of men, women and children; piles cured painlessly and promptly; constipation, rheumatism, paralysis, goi ter, etc., cured by natural methods; elec trlo and medicated baths. 608 6th at, cor. Sherman. Both phones. THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE Ladles and gentlemen, if you are in trouble about the condition of your health, do not fall to consult me. I can convince , you that I can help you by natural methods. Consultation and ex amination free. Dr. Isabella Mackte, 360H Morrison at. Room 10.- Phone Main 7820 or A-1644. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Sexln Pilla cure all weakness; 31 a box. for 86; full guarantee. -Addreaa or call J. G. Clemenaon, druggist, Port land, or. MOLES. WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. No charge to talk it over. Mra M. D. Hill, room 830 Filed ner bide. Phon Paolno 186. FEMALE FIGS 626 FOR ALL E. Belmont Phone BALM OF diseases. East 4034. PRIVATE HOSPITAL, HOME FOH unfortunate girls; good care. 8 MU ner bldg. : LADY'S BARBER SHOP NOW OPEN at 54 4th at; will teach 2 respectable ladies the trade, DR. BING CHOONG, IMPORTER CHI nese rdbt medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain cur for all diseases. 191 2d st, between Yamhill and Taylor. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 60c Ladles' skirts pressed, 60a. Gil bert 106 H Sixth st, next to Quelle. Phone Main 2088. DR. MARY KRAMER, MIDWIFE: home for patients; treatment for all blood diseases; examination tree. 861 Mississippi ave. Eaat 6643 803 WASHINGTON ST. We will give you a test of his won derful CLAIRVOYANT POWERS by telling you your name In full, free of charge, and give you advice, before you decide to have a reading, and then if you think he has the power t0 read your past, present ana iuiure inu, ie win give you his wonderful Deep Psychic $5 Reading for $1 This week only. He tells you who you are, where you come from, how many members there are In your family, what your occupation is and what It should be; what your ailments are, how to cure them; where you wiu De most success ful, and why: what your health will be all through life; how much wealth you will possess, if anyi who It is that causes you trouble, and how to over come it; if your mine contains ore. and to what extent; how to control those you love and admire; where your loat ones are; what you should Invest In to be successful. In ract, no matter what you wish to know or wish to do, he will accomplish it for you or charge nothing. Hours; 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Opposite Olds, Wortman ft King. the areatest nalmlat clairvoyant and re ceive the moat wonderful free test that was ever given. He tells more In five minutes than others do In a life time. There are few persons but who at some time or other have not wished that they might know what the future haa In store for them to have guidance In some business matter; to learn as to what locality Is most favorable for their business; to foresee If a Journey should be taken, or perhaps to know If the one upon whom their affection Is cen tered will say "Yes" or "No." Make no mistake when you undertake anything of Importance. Get his advice first. Hundreds of others have been put on the road to fortune by him, so why not you? He rives truthful revelations on all love affairs, troubles, marriages, and. by proper advice restores lost affections, reunites the separated, aettlea lovers' quarrels, tells you when and whom you will marry and how to win the man or woman you love and hdw to make your husband or wife be true to you, and how to overpower all your epemles; gives full secret how to control and charm any one you love or meet; you are told how to avoid weakness; warned against all treacherous friends; locates burled treasure, mines, old estates, lost friends, etc. As a test in his readings, he will tell the name of his callers, what day, the month and the year you were born In. your mother's maiden name, and your most Important ques tion. P. S. Ladles and gentlemen can call on Mr. Naganxl without the least fear of unpleasant aurroundings or having their confidence betrayed. Can be consulted personally only at his private office, 341 H Morrison at, corner or seventh. Stationary and marine; electrlo equlp menta; launchea; acoeaaorles; wholesale and retail: enaine repairing. Releraon Machinery Co., 183-4-6 Morrlaon at Sheffield marine" engines, any rropeller. Falrbaika, Morse ft Co and Stark sts. HARDWARE. WINDOW mad to Co., 74 th. DOOR Portland SCREENS Hardware . .rresiaeni I w. J. Ai.runu.... 7 . - raahle ....Cashier ) a T. STEVENS. .8cond Ass't Caamr TRUST COMPANIES. . : V ' PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Th Oldeat Trust Cwnpanrl Oregon. RESOURCES OVER 3140 0,000. General Banking. twe ago 0 or Interest on check accounts (even hundreds) on dally 1"eM1Ln,i . SJr. Llt."r" of crolt exchange on all part of the ,w,?rtdl.1VJar 1609 counts. Time certificates. 1 to 4 per cent; snort-call special eerttflcat, io"" or over, 2U to 4 ner rant flail tXr Rook of "ILLUSTRATIONS."-' l" i .S5uth""t Comer Third and Oak Sts. Phone Private Exchange t- B. LEE PAGET. . . President I H. L. PITTOCK , . V l oi - .....Secretary J. O. twa A.-tstsnt SECURITT SAVINGS ft TRUST CO. 26 Morrison Btr PrA1?.,V Tnu Transacts a General Banking Business. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT eat allowed on Time and Savtnga Accounts. Acts a Truatj ? JPr1 nd Letters of Credit Available on All Parts of &-2;i.dd.1,t C. F. ADAMS President L. A. LEWIS Flrt V0?!., A. L. MILLS. . .Second Vice-President R. C. JUBITZ ' .Botarr, GEO. E. RUSSELL.... Aaalatant Sacretarr ' TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST COMPANY S40 Waahlngton Street :,V 1 MORTGAGE LOANS ON Portland Real Eetate at Ljwut BWa, Title Insured. Abstracts Furnished. X THORBTJRN ROSS President I JNO. E. AITCHISOH......" OEORflE H. HILL. . . .Vice-President I T. T. BURKHART i.. .Treasurer BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. ' . ? : TfwORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerce Building. f ,v. . ' Municipal, Railroad and Publlo Pervlee Corporation Bond. OWNINO-H6PKINS C6MPANY Established 1893 BROKERS. - ' STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin, i Prtvnt Wtre. - .BOOM CrtAMBCR-OF-COMMERCg.-phona ?Tn1n T' Overbeck & Ccoke Company! couS GRAIN, PROVISIONS. COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS. . WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. , Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. - .. 1 ' GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD., HOTELS. THE BELLEVTJB, EUROPEAN PLAN. 4th and Salmon. HOTEL Portland. Am. plan, 23, 36 Jay.' BELVEDERE, European; 4th and Alder? INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 844 Sherlock bldg. LEAVING PORTLAND. Shasta Express Cottage Grove Passenger . California Express San Francisco Express WEST SIDE. Cnrvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger . . . Forest Grove Passenger . . Southern Pacific. 8:15 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 7:48 p. ro. 11:30 p. m. 7:00 a. m. 4:10 p. m. 11:00 a. m. l;2r p. m. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Oregon Express T:2S a. m. Cottage Grove Pasaenger.. 11:80 a. m. Shasta Express , ( 7:80 p. m. Portland Express ..11:30 p. in. WEST SIDB. i Corvallts Passenger ...... 1:85 P m. Sheridan Pasaenger .....10:30 m. Forest Grove Passenger ... 8:00 a. nu Forest Grove Passenger . 1:60 p. tn. Northern Pacific. Tncoma and Seattle Exp..,. 8:80 a. m. North Coast Chicago Llm. 8:00 p. m. Fuget Sound Limited 4:20 p. m. Overland Express 11:46 p. nv North Coast Limited f i00 . ro. Portland Expreaa ........ 4:11 p. m. Overland Express ......,, 8:11 p. m. Puget Sonn.1 Limited .....10:65 p. tn. JAS.' Mcf. WOOD, EMPLOYERS' LI A blllty and 4ndlvidual accident security bonds of all kinds. Phone 47. 302 Mo Kay bldg. LAND SCRIP. WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL klnda. including approved foreat re serve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed. timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. 'The Portland," Portland MONEY TO LOAN MONEY MONEY MONEY SALARY PROF. ALEXANDRO. Nature's Doctor and Herberllat San Francisco's Favorite Medium. Free! FOR ONE WEEK MORE. CHRONIC, NERVOUS AND SPECIAL diseases of me- and women cured by modorn scientific methoda; electrlo treat ment for diseases of the prostata; con sultation free. Dr. w. I. Howard. Jom monwealth bid.. 6tn at., cor, fine, party for homeateada and ioln our timber claims. Ill Allskv bldr. HAVE SEVERAL TRACTS OF GOOD timner wnicn i wouia axe to contract with responsible party to aaw Into lum ber, or would enter Into partnership with experienced mlllman and cut It out, i-ioren Be ward, Vancouver. Waah, CAN LOCATE YOU ON A GOOD TIM- ber claim. 221 Morrison st.. Telephone Paclfio 630. room 8, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records; Stelnway (and other) piano. Sherman, Clay ft Co, 6th and. Morrison sts.. opp. postoffic; WAN TO BUtf A PfANOt Save 60 per cent by buying a credit slip on Reed-French Piano Co.; call at 66 6 th st., 2d floor, room 8. Phon A-.8680. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK v FOR SALE CHEAP, 4. FRESH COWS. Raster's Place. Lent. j , -- FIVE HEAD OF COWS, 2 FAMILY jersey ana i young neirera part jar- VgkX.PjmsP,wlwooq, 428 aey, HORSES. VEHICLES. HARNESS. , HARNESS AND SADDLERY, KELLER rinrness go, hi, TURKISH BATHS, 800 OREGONIAN bldg.: ladles days, genuemen night. Mam moil. . SMktXaXJ.n swno, wawAm i1! j . els, atcj German, English, Frencnr Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all klnda. Schtnala Co., 229 First st MANICURING, BATH AND MASSAGE. competent attendant. ner Waahlngton. 110 H 4 th. cor- MPS - RWfiPK. aHADUATE MAS aeuse: cabinet both, salt glow, alcohol rub, cream massage; references. 282 Park st. Pacific 2611. , THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE HAS engaged the services of Mia English, lectropath. Room 10, 860 H Morrlaon st Phone Main 7320 or A-l4. HOLDKN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure oure for rheumatism. Bold by all druggists, LADIK3 DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills are the only ure rehiedy for delayed periods; by mail 1 8 per box. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st A, ' REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealskin garments redyed and remod eled expert fitter: estimate given; low est prices i open evenings. 563 wash lngton. Phone Main 7308. - v VASHTL VAPOR AND TUB MADAM bath, massage, cniropoay. t- I ' 20m 3d BJJY-JL-te3mmNISHED "JSOOMING louse and have your rent free. Call 1 E. 8th st YOUNG .r, SCIENTIFIC" U FOR SALE A TEAM. HARNESS AND waa-on. lnaulre III Division. Phon ; Buwooa y Phone East 2370. MASSEUSE, nd electrical, alcoholic, medloated an genuine tub baths- 41 Raleigh, bldg, 6th and Washington. ', MI88 MARCELLA LB ROY, 89i4 At! ; 7 . 1. dr st. room. 4, inassag and bathA BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE. On Of my CONSULTATION READ-INpS. Th above CONSULTATION READING will be Glveil Free to every peraon who cornea prepared to taae one or mv ceieoratea is.ou fsr- chopalmo Readings for only 31.00) to all who bring thia paper ad. This is strictly a matter of business on your part, to call at my office and become familiar with my SPIRITUAL and SCIENTIFIC work. A bint to the wis is sufficient. Prof. E Kblmo Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; .ADVISER OF BUSI NESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE: whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away; reunites the separated; gives se cret powers to control others; no dif ference how cloae or how far away, you can always obtain your desired results Tells you Just hojnr, where and when to Invest your money to obtain the best possible results. If you are sick, mel ancholy, disheartened or dlscouraaed. DO NOT GIVE UP IN DESPAIR; come and receive spiritual advice that win help you to receive HEALTH. WEALTH AND HAfriWJtSB. I will do all others advertise to do, and a great deal more. Office, No. 8 and 4. Grand Theatre bldg. 352 1-2 Washington Phone Main 1267. Psychlo Palmist and Business Clair voyant. The only spiritual gipsy me dium on the coast Tells at a glance your troubles, both physically and men tally; consult this medium in all mat ters of business and luck with be with you. In love, matrimony and dlvoroes this medium haa no equal. If your heart la overburdened through the lost loved onea in death or desertion, don't hesitate; you will be well repaid; in all business pertatnlna to MINES or stocks a dollar spent for consultation will save and perhaps remunerate you a thousand fold. If your loved one is away from ?ou or you have no one to love you or or any cause pertaining to your per sonal happiness, don't fail to have a gypsy luck charm with you. Readlnga made from the imprints of bands; by mall. 31. One $1 reading this week, 60c. APARTMENTS 1 AND 2. HRS. 10 A. M. TO 9 P. M. 209 Clay st Between 1st and Front. the door. No sign at MRS. PALMER, Palmist and psychologist, lecturer and writer Thia marvelous woman haa read the lives of thousands of men and women In all walks of life. She will read yours with unerring sight 29 N. 8d St.. Portland Or. MAY ANDREWS, CARD READER. AT 825 Main st.. 25c. Phone Main 7648. DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. C. E. BROWN. D. C M. DOG8 and horse hospital. 108 N. 6th st (Main 4086), W. M. MILLAR, V. S1., VETERINARIAN 26 N. 8th st Office 827 Flanders. Phone Main 7846. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL ror norses ana dogs. rnone Main its. 289 GUean st a F. VETERINARY CdLLEGE OPENS October 1. For catalogue aDDlv to Dr Charles Keane. president 1818 Market St., Han a ranclseo. MONEY MONET MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. GET 210 TO 3100. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER "A nHOT.UTELY NO SECURITY." LOWEST RATES EASIESTPA YMEN TS A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU. REMEMBER, IF TOU WORK. WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. STATE SECURITY CO.. 704 DEKUM BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WED AND SATURDAY TILL 8 P. M. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY TO XOAN On Improved city property or for bund ing purposes, for from 1 to 10 year time, wfth privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years. Loans ap proved from plana and money advanced aa building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. . . FRED H. . STRONG, Financial Agent. 143 Stark ttfe W. fi. ward, Lawyer, notary. Alisky bldg.; estate and general busi ness solicited: all charges moderate; mortaaae loans 33,000, or less sums to suit: small mortaraares a specialty MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. chattel mortgagee enrtty; notea bought Fen ton bldr. DON'T WORRY 310 TO 3100 LOANED salaried people, witn or witnoui se curity. Crescent Loan Co.. 42 Mo- nawir rin. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ON 6AL ariea. Insurance policies, pianos, fur niture, warehouse receipt, etc : anv de serving peraon may secure a liberal ad- paying ay wawy natallments NEW ERA LOAN ft MORTGAGE COM FAN I, . 106 Ablngton Bldg. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. v " . ' Spokane Flyer f:09 a. . CM.. Kan. City A Port. Ex.. :48 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:20 p. m. Local Passenger . t:45 p. m. Local Passenger 8:00 a Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:80 a Spokane Flyer 7:00 p. Kan. City ft Chi. Exp 7:40 p, m, m. m. m. Astoria and Seaside Exp... Astoria & Seaside Express Seaside Special Saturday only. All Astoria & Columbia River. Astoria ft Port. Passenger. 12:10 p. Portland Cxpreas .........10:00 p. daily. - '. . I ' ' ' 8:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. 8:10 P. tn. other trains m. m. LEATHER AND FINDINGS cuibi t. MASTinc ft CO- FRONT and Oak ata.. leather and akin of verv deacriDtlon for all purpoeee; sole and tap cuttera; findings, MONUMENTS NEU ft KINGSLEY, 268 1ST ST. Portland'a1 leading marble and granite works. MUSICAL. ... . wmT IM r'ili WTTT TRflM bone, clarinet Profeaaor E. A. Smith, 264 12th st Main 4703, MACHINERY. THE H. C. ALBEE CO. SECOND hand machinery. aawmUla etc 848 Grand ave. Paul. 100 ist ST. a com A. J plete line eawmlll engines and bollera. machinery! also OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. or neraonal se. C. W. Pallett. 304 UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE 148 Sd at., near Alder, establiahed 1870; old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, diamonds, jewelry and sealskins. Prophetess! ! Consult Viola Marahfleld, trance me dium, clairvoyant, psycnlc, palmist; greateBt adviser, pas, preseni, iuiure; marriage, love, business, health, Jour nnva mlnlnar work, land locations, law- suite. Investments; tells everything; name datea, Important information, re unite th separated, reatorea loat love, removes , avlf Influence, break weak hablta, impart a personal. magnetism, de velop others. 268 Vt Morrison st, th cosmos. Madame Luckey . Gives electrlo baths and vibratory treat ment: also aclentlflo massage; uses th celebrated French past. for removing wrlnkl 148 Front, si Mala SOIL- DANCING. WESTERN ACADEMY DANCING aohool, F. 8. carter, prln.; 5 assistants, including laoy; oiasa mod., Thurs., gat. eve.; ladles' claas Thurs. afternoon; cnuoren oai. aiternoon; cor. za and Mor rlson. t PROF. RINGLER. DANCING MASTER; private lessona daily. Rlngler Hall, urano anq is. Morrison. East 6070. DRESSMAKING. Dressmaking Shirtwaist suite a specialty. (60 Washington. Phon Main 8747. Mrs. Burton E. Cobb. MADAMANGELES 342 FIFTH. PA MRS. " VAUGHAN. DRESSMAKING.' good work. 891 H EL Burnelda Phone East (217. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE ft IRON WORKS 3d and Kvrtt ata,, Pbona Mala atea. MONEY AbVANCED SALARIED PEO plo and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 60 principal cities; sav yourself money by getting our terms first TOLMAN, 228 Ablngton Bldg. 106 H 3d st. m6neY LoAned to Salaried Peo- p Just on your own nam; don't borrow until you see me; my eyetem is the best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and another employes; business strictly confidential F. A. Newton, 611 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington. CASH ON HANt FOrt PURCHAStl money, mortgages, bonds for deeds or contracts of salt- on real estate, either country or city property. H. E. Noble, Commercial blk,. 2d and Washington. WILL LOAN 33.000, 6 PER CENT. ON real estate. Farrlngton, 313 Fenton bldg. QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES. S. W. King, 45 Washington bldg. Main S100. MONEY TO LOAN" ON ALL KlNPfl DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, 8PB clallat on nervous, acute and chronle diseases, Of floe 117 Fenton bldg. Phon Paolno llo. DR.' R. B. NORTHRUP, 416-16-17 DE- kum bldg., 8d and Washington sta Phone Main 249. Examination irea PRINTING OGILBEE BROS., blllheada. sta 146 hi 1st st. PRINTERS CARDS. Phona Main 1868. PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. DOANE GIVES BEST E8TIMATB for satisfactory work. 286 Yamhill. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. E. BEACH ft CO., THE PIONEER Paint Co. Window glasa and glaslng. 135 1st st. Phone 1834. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS MISS' L. B. MAY. 603 8 WETLAND Copying deeda and abatracta apec'lty. PLUMBERS- FOX ft CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS, o.i Q k.i vrln and flulman. Oraon phone Main 2001. bONERBERO ft RADEMACHER RB- moved to wo. sua nurnaiae my. REAL ESTATE THDMPflnN ft OGDEN REAL EH tate, insurance, loana. tee ua Deiore buvlna. 4S Mississippi ava. Phone Woodfawn 203. W. OGILBEE. REAL ESTATE AND loans; established 1883. 145 1st. room ll. SPHINX AGENCY DEALERS IN" real eetate and rentaia. iud ntars at Ma'.n 6164. For farms of eveSy descrip SAFES PORTLAND SAFE CO, SOU0 AGENTS for Herrlng-Hall-Marvln safe and Manganese Steel Safe Co.' bank safes; 80 second-hand fireproof safes and bank safes, very cheap. Sea them or writ us. 92 7th st. SAFES DIEBOLD MANGANESE Larae line carried. Lock-outs ODansd. Jacka, Jails, metal furniture. ' Botn phones. J. E. Davis, (( Id. - SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES ; OF EVERT DESCRIP tlon; bank, bar and stora fixture mad to order. Th Lutke Manufac turing Ca. Portland. . R. H. BIRDSALL. DESIGNER :' Winter Lumber Co, T Hamilton dg. STREET PAVTNG WARREN CO. CONSTRUCTIOfT atreei navinsr. aidewaiaa ana anu. mgs. sit number Kxehange. THE BARBER ASPHALTPAVlNa CO." of Portland. Office 666 Worcester blk. TYPEWRITERS. NEW AND 2ND HAND, ALL MAKES, rented, repaired, sold, P. D. C Co.. 281 Stark, Tel. 1407. . TRANSFER AND HAULING OLSEN-ROB TRANSFER CO- , Henry Roe. W. A. Cleland. ir. v. Bneascreen. General transfer and storaa-e: saf.a.. pianos and furniture moved, packed and ahlDoed. 209 Oak st Paclfio Main 6.4 7 Paciflo 1061. Home A-2347. C. O. PICK OFFICE 88 1ST "SiT't tween Star:: and Oak sta: ohon gad Pianos and fumitur moved and packed for shipping: commodious brick warn. house with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay eta. !- - , - - PENINSULAR E3CPRESi A BAfldAGLj Tranafer, 847 Alder st Phon Main S1T1. OREGON TRANSFER C64 Hi M. (tlC Main (9. Heavy hauling and atora. Independent baggaGH f rIn t rer co. Btoraga 324 Btark. Main 4T. TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB: brush, soap. 31 ner month. . Portlun.i Laundrv ft Towal Sunnly Ca... Bth an.i Couch sta Phon 410. i tlon. bldg. W. W. Espey. 319 Commercial of aeouritv. William Washington bldg. Holl, room 9, Charleson ft Co., CommerclaL Phone Pacific 1196. MONEY TO LOAN; LARGE LOANS specialty; also Duuaing loans: iowhi rates: fire Insurance. 813 Falling bldg. William G. Beck, , . bONT BORROW MONEY ON SALARY until you see Button Credit Ca 612 Dekum bldg. LOAN ON IMPROVED MONEY TO LOAN ON IM oity property or for building pur poses. Columb'a Lire Trust yo xi Lumber Exchange bldg. A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY in ioan ui. i ueaum or chattel, bide-. liOWL.n iiB.006 to "loan at 6 cent on Portland real estate, short or long Uma. ! Salomon 4k Co., 288 Stark. I per RUBBER STAMPS P. C. STAMP WORKS, 249 ALDER ST. Phone Main 710. Rubber stamp, seals, stencils; baggage, trad checks; press signs anq piates. RESTAURANTS. GO TO THE BUSY BEE FOR DELI catetisens. Home cooking., 424 Waah" lngton st. ROOFING RE. TIM TJI-VMTTHjri fllTWTTT) "TX?n S airing and general jobbing. J, LoalL Jefferson st Paclfio 1434. 21 SIGNS AND SHQW CARDS FOSTER ft KLEIRER IGN8J. W have built un the laraest slcn business In th city by first-class work and keenlnr our nromlsea Our rrltws are right 1U and Everett ata Phone jeixcnangaae -eiGNS THAf ATRACttt-POR'l,. land Sign Co St? Stark. Padfla Ha.' WHOLESALE JOBBERS - M."1 A GUNST ft CO' - DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND, OREGON. EVERblNG A FARRELL. . pRObUCiJ and commission merchanta, 140 Ftout at, Portland, Or. Phona Main 1T9. OREGON FURNITURE ManUFac" turlng Cov Manufacturer of furni ture for the trade. Portland,- Or. - ? WADHAM'' ft CO., WH6l-ESAtE Sr6-" cers, manufacturer and commlaaion mercha-ta. 4th and Oak at, - FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND apecial order. L. Ruvenaky'g furnl ture factory, 807 Front at. ALLEN ft LEWIS, COMMISSION AND produce merchant. Front and Davlx at.. Portland. Or. r ' WttOLESALlBi' Oi6tittttif ATiT glass ware. - PraaL Herele ft Co- Port land, Or. - LEWIS-STENGEft BARBERS' SUl 1 1.7 Co., Barbers" Sit ppHes.Harbars' J ur nlture. Barbara Chalra 10th ft Morrison . Tacoma Mining Man In Luck. - (S,cUI Dlnparrh T6 Joaraal ) Helena, Mont, Spt (.An nnusun ' rich strike has been made by a 'i u man In the Mooklnablrd mine. In Yn spring gulch, south of thla city. a. Thorn was tha original locatar of t mrooertv which he sold, only to t -r chase It ttndcr lease and bond, ar,.i he has -encountered a three-foot v Of practically solid lead and cot ;, r . Th Rev; "Wnitftin Howar r rector of St Paul's Methodist I church. Loulsvlilo, Ky., ha h to tha reotorahln of St i aui m MaasacauMtta. ", . .1