' h ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL ' PORTLAND, : WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 4, 10071' R1TT SAYS HE I'OUEII PLAY HI FOOTBALL RALLY NEWS OF THE SPORTING WORLD n ii in i mm mi.ii n.amf "JH.n Mn'n.ii i . .ni eii.ejmiuu.iii i m i. inlin MIWS fv ismm. L , . ' ' i- " - ? ' w ' , , v, ILL' BEAT GAflS j'( ....... . i .'J-, w '' TENNIS TOORHEY II" NEXT WEDNESDAY '. . .'.. ... Declares nis Own Timcli lias Improved and That Cans' Is Overrated. ' KELSON ALMOST HAD - HIM AT GOLDFIELD Hearst rnglllstlc ' Expert Gossip About Coming Lightweight Battle. Moving Pictures Pay Better Now. ; ' adaWrhaa Do the Real Fights, i Fair Jacket Wielders 'in Close Matches Fight in Men's Doubles. By C. B. Van Loan. m Oans-Brltt fight will not lack the customary commercial flavor which accompanies all championship battles nowadays. . It will bs a daylight fight, which means mors moving slctures, and unless the photographers fall for the first time, the country will soon be curried for stray halves and quarters, and from Maine to Oklahoma the spjrts will have a chance to see how It hap. 'pened and ouarrrel about !t after ' ward: 1 j' Ten yenrs ago, at Carson city, the . moving picture machine was introduced to the lighting game and thiy have been keeping company ever elnce. A good set of films of an Important fight means a fortune tor the triple alliance which divides the profits. . On the day of the Nelson-Brttt fight at eolma the fog was hatiglBA - low and there wae no sun. The trouble over the selection of the rofere,i de layed the fight for more than an hour. during which time Nelson stayed out side the enclosure. Jimmy Coffrothr the promoter of ihe project, eat oa the edge of the ring and looked out over the grat Cfivrf. Rumors that there would b no right created consternation in rBHs row. vnd one of the reporters, looking up f, Coffroth, remarked: Money la Uis Mot ores. "Tou seem worried. Jim. Is ther any thing in this story about N0U11 r4fimig to let Nelson fisht?" Coffroth grinned. "I am worried, but lt'i not about their fighting. They'll fignt all rlKlit enough. It's this fog that (rcaris me. If we get good films of this fight today, I've got something bigger than forty fights." liaif an hour later Nelson mss hooted Into tho ring and the picture mon hm turning tneir cranKs. Tin law. aia not lift but the pictures were perfect Mid Coffroth and the Britts "got something bigger than forty fights. Nolin roia out for $6,000 and is still watting for me money. , With the ehanre of a wlnntn film nl ways In view, It Is certain that the fromoters and the fighters will cm Inue to insert the moving picture clause in their articles or agreement. The premier pugilist or today Is a d'js Iness man and whatever else he may lacK, he is never without his Keon ap preciation of a dollar. What Would John &. Say? What wpuld old John L. Sullivan have aid if they had asked him to caper for the moving pictures T John was one fighter who loved his art for its own sake and he would not have stayel his mighty right for all the moving pic ture privileges in Christendom. But the fighter of the present day la. as Jack O'Brien once remarJcad, "a com mercial man." Coming! Coming! Marvelous Moving Pictures of the Battle of the Century. But, after all. there Is one good thing about the moving pictures of a battle. A man can see anything that his little heart desires and after the film has been rolled, he can talk as much as the next man. A number of eastern critics who wero from 3,000 to S.000 miles awuv ftom GoMfield on that memorable afternoon last f September, looked at the moving pictures and saw plainly that Nelson gave Oans a terrible beating. Odd, Isn't it? September 9th is not very far off and the surprising thing about the approach ing contest is the great number ef biltt supporters. Jimmy is stronger in his home town than ever before. Ol course, the Nelson fight made him a popular idol and the unmerciful beat In which he gave the Durable One may ha ye con cinved some of the western pports that Brltt could win from Oans. James began to talk about heating f ' A f i T ''Stj&'Fv hi-' But two men's matches wars played In the Irvington club tournament yester day, most of the day being given over to contests between women players. , These developed a number of . close matchea With the end of today's games, the women's, ss well as ths men's events, will bs well on toward the finals. The men's doublet promise to develop pretty fight In the last several matches, especially In the upper half. Two lower class teams wr nut nut of the play yesterday and there are pui wx teams now left In ths event four of them being, perhaps, the fastest rour in tne tourney. In the unner (iOSS and McAlDln. Kwlnr and Hordm&n and Wilder and Andrews will make the ngni to get into the finals, while the three teams remaining In thj Invir half are mrner ani Hour, Cawston and Scott and McKemle and Frohman. , Wilder and Andrews and Ewlng and Herdman each won vesterda.v. but onlv at-inn ena or mree sets. Kennetn McAipin and W. W. Benham favs Wilder and Andrews a hard run. he handicap was owe 30 1-6 a.nd the 1 older players were overcareful and lost the first set, -S. Tlwy were behind at J-4 In the second set, but managed to pull out of the hole and win, 7-6. The third set they capturnd easily. J. Wesley Ladd and Kats nlsved a 1 whirlwind game at the start and took a set from the old stars, Ewlng and Herdman. Their opponents managed to get the next two. however, and the match. Yesterday's oauaary. Men's douETsg. open hawdluae .Wilder and Andrews (owe iO) beat K. McAipin and W. W. Benham (owe 8-6) 8-. 7-6. 6-1. Ewtno-and Herdman (owe 40) beat tiais ana ua.aa towe i- i-e. bs. I pects to juixea aoiiDies, open nanaicap Missjti uoss ana woir Deat Mr. and Mrs. Har Will Open Rugby Season at Stanford Athletic News of College. I rlgan by default. ( Ldi Joe Oans. Oans soon after the Goldflelfl fight. In the story of that fight which he wrote for a newspaper. Brltt compared the men to a pair of apple-women and said tnat after the tenth round there was really no fight at all. You who saw the moving ntotures In the east the pictures which were run through the machines at least three times fasier than when they were made got tho Impression that It was a pretty fast ngni at an times, it you naa neia n. your watches on some of the rounjs UtllllcN you would have been surprised. As a matter of fact, It was a very slow fight after the tenth round. The affair degenerated into a hugging match and COAST LEAGUE BALL IS AGAIN WITH US Six Days a Week Until Last Sunday in September. BUT. V. 3. GKXXBT. Psychological Healing , Mr. Green will lecture on "ThexHls tory of His Experience In Rational) Dl ' vlne Healing" and "The Relation of the Subconscious Mind to Physical Heal ing," September 7 and 14, at 8 p. m In the Auditorium Hall, 208 Third street, Portland, Or. Admission free. Grateful Words Milwaukie, Or.', Aug. 20, 1907t I was troubled with constipation for twelve years and used drugs nearly avery day to overcome it My husband and daughter had been healed by Mr. Green's treatments; I also took a course, and since that nearly a year now I have not bad' to drug myself; my bowels are regular. His treatments axe so beneficial in a spiritual way. . I heartily recommend his work. Beaverton, Or., Aug. 28) HOT. w spring my eyes gave ms so much Ie that I did not dare to read or the only flashes of fighting came when Oans shook himself loose and lashed out with his right hand. These flashes were few and far between and James Kdward, at the ringside, grew sarcastic. He said that one good man ought to be able to whip them both in the same ring, and knowing James lor the hu- fireme egotist. It is not hard to guess he one good man he had reference to. How Brltt Plfftufea. Here Is the line of talk which James Edward has been peddling since the Nelson fight: "I am hitting harder than ever, and If i nit uans in the stomach he is going to feel It. There's a lot of talk about Uans' terrific wallop. Did he show it at Goldfleid? Billy Nolan expected that Uans would floor Nelson several times In the opening rounds. I know that he said that much to some of his friends. Did Gans score a knockdown in the entire fight? Not on your life! He never came near It. During the first ten rounds Gans hit Nelson at will copped him with every punch in the catalogue on tne jaw, under tne ear, over the heart, in the stomach arid Nel son never hit the mat once. Gans was fast enough and strong enough for the first ten rounds, but he didn't put Nelson down. Now, at Colma I nailed Nelson on the nose and mouth with my ngni nana, ana ne went aown as ll ne had been hit with an ax. It was in the third round, and I believe that If I haa caught Bat on the point of the chin Instead of three inches higher up he would have stayed down. "Don't tell me that Gans wasn't tired after the tenth round In Goldfleid. He was as tired as a man could at end UttTl keep moving, but his ring general ship came to his rescue and he made Nelson do what work was ijne. Why, once or twice. Nelson shovert Gani inio the angle on the ropes and Gans actual ly sat aown yes, sir, sat down and rested for as much as seven or eight seconus: Bars Oans Is Eas-Bsen. "Now, I'm not looking or trying to give the Impression that I underesti mate this man Gans. He haa been the greatest Tighter of the day no ques tlon about that But he has been sev enteen years In this game -ind he can't possibly be as good as he v.4s a few years ago. I think that tha Goldfio'd fight took more out of him than lie can ever get back by hard training, and If he doesn't hit me any harder than he hit Nelson at Goldfleid. ond ,f he tires after the tenth round as he did at uoianeia ties mine! "For two years I've been tellin nee pie that I could lick Bat!Ui Nelwn. They gave me the laugh. Now I'm giv ing them the lautrh. for I'm th r.niv man who ever licked Nelson until hn couldn't flyht back. I can aav '1 told you so." I'm going to keep on moving it aiLer me uans nirm. hh'h srnt tn ha a better man than he was at Goldfleid to beat me, and it's a cir.ch that flsjht didn't help him any. I contend that my two-year lay orr nas uencn e,i m and made me stronger and faster than ever. jyiy rsieison ngnt ornvos It, and The first four Texas league teams what 1 11 do to Gans will be a-plon;y, have been traveling along recently with Coast League baseball will be resumed at Athletic park tomorrow afternoon. Oakland will line up against Portland in the opening game. The Oaks will stay over another week and the home team will remain until September 29, which will be the final day of the sea son on the local grounds. The season does not close until October 27, but the Beavers will spend the last four weeks In the south. McCredle and his hired man ira nlv. lnar a irame at Medford this afternoon with a picked nine from southern Ore- iron. Pernoll. who was until a few months as:o. a favorite amateur twlrlr of southern Oregon, is scheduled to pitch for Portland. fernoll was worked often while In the south, but did not do as well u ha did on the local diamond. Hartman and Klnsella pitched good ball while away, but miserable support prevented them from winning games. Durtncr their trln south tha Innala played 14 games, lost 11. tied for one and won two, which shows very def initely their class. Thfl Mr-Prarilaa have bought two new players from the South Atlantic leae-ue. Raffartv and Johnson, who are expected to report here within the next week. Unless they prove themselves stars of the first magnitude at once, it will ha nn tn Credle to hustle. Good players aro more easily trotten at tne and of a ana- son than at the beginning. Moreover, next year, the Portland fans will not be so charitable as they have been this. MINOR LEAGUE XOTES. ies' doubles. ODen handlcan Mrs. iNortnruD ami Ma camDbell (acretch) Ibeat Miss Moore and Mrs. Judge (owe 15) e-l. 6-2. Mrs. Cook and Miss Lead better (owe-89 beet Miss Oatlln and Miss uoss (receive 3-6; 6-0, 8-4. L,aaiea singles, cluo cnamDlonshlD Miss Goss beat Miss Lamherson, 6-0, 8-0. Mrs. Northnm beat Mrs. Judaa. 1 6-1. 8-8. 6-1. Miss Fording beat Miss Fox. 6-6. 7-6. Ladles singles, open handicap Miss Leadbetter (owe 16 8-6) beat Miss Moore (owe 16) 6-1, 6-2. Today's Schedule. 10 a. m. Miss Fox (owe 80) vs. Mrs. Northrup (owe 16 3-6). 11 a. m. Miss Moore (owe 16) vs. Mrs. Judge (owe 16). - 2 p. m. Mrs. Northrup and Campbell, er, vs. Miss Fox and Miss Fording (ows 15 3-6). 4 p. m. Goss and McAipin vs. Ewlng and Herdman: Miss Goss and Wolf (scratch) vs. Mrs. Judge and Scott (owe i-e ; miss roramg vs. miss Leadbetter. 6 p. m. Shives (owe 16 3-6) vs. Turn er (owe 80 4-6); Goss vs. Wilder. (Special Dispatch te Tbe Joaraal.) Stanford University, CaJ., Sept. 4. A big rally will bs held tn Enclna hall on September 11, and, football practice will begin at ones. Rugby Is to bs ths gams and Coaches Lanagan and Presley are reported full of new Ideas obtained during their trip through New Zealand and Australia. Games have been arranged with ths University of Nevada and several rugby teams of San Franolsoo. The Vancouver slavers will also bs brought south and Santa Clara has de clared her Intention of playing the new game, on account of ins death of player in the old nmt laat season. This laat addition to the "ruabv col- legos" will be offset bv the withdrawal of Pomona, .who has decided in favor or the old game after giving both a trial. . Dr. Jordan, who was In Aus Iralli M.la atimmi. I- -,..r .H,k.,.l..,u over rugby, and believes more than ever mat it is a splendid game lor Amen can universities. Stott. Chalmers. Molfino and Cheada have not returned to oollece and Co. nant. one of the strongest men on the ubstltuta squad last year, will not re turn. There are elarht veterans back. leaving seven places on the team. The veterans are: Forwards, Pember- ton, xnorpe, noerner (captain) ana Min turn. Scrum. Holman. wins: Owen. nan; remon, run back; Edwards, cen tsr. Stanford field hss been widened nearly 100 feet In preparation for this season a training, drafts naa been aown nd a heavy turf will areet the candl dates Instead of the sawdust of past Ksaxa Dad Moulton hSi an7l6TniewJ-l!r--n tentlon of having men sign up for fall training In track work. By this he ex ec t a to put the sauad in fine condi- ion and also get a line on new material. Laist year there was no fall training, but Moulton now conMders such work very essential to putting the men in the best possible shape for the big meet. At ths first meeting of the executive committee, which will, be called in a few days, the question of hiring a row ing coach will come up. Murphy has written that he must have a year's con tract. Ths student body la in fsvor of retaining Murphy at any price, but those who have control of the treas ury say Stanford cannot stand a sfte&dv drain for boating. Graduate Manager Sales will tender his resignation to ths committee In a few days. Edwards, varsity football and track man, and Knupp are candidates for the position. AMERICAN LEAGUE. CENTKALIA WILL HAVE EACE MEET NEXT WEEK ("pedal BUpatcb to Tba Journal.) Centralis, Wash., Sept. 4. The West ern Livestock and Agriculture associa tion will conduct one of the largest race meetings that was ever held In this part of the state, at ths Centralis Driving park. September 11. 12 and 18, Horses have been entered from Butte, Victoria, B. C, Portland, Spokane, Walla Walla, Seattle, Tacoma,. Olympla, Mon tesano, Niies and central la. The own ers of numerous running horses f com the Meadows track, Seattle, have signi fied their Intention of entering ths run ning races. Expert race men say Centralla has the best half-mile track in the state, and this fact Is attracting much atten tion among horsemen, who think they can make some record time at this meet. The Are chiefs from Canada and ths western-, states will also be In ses sion. Elaborate programs are being prepared by both associations, which will make this by far the greatest local event of the season. At Cleveland St. Louts 11. Dave. i ana u. At Chicago Detroit . Chicago 6. At New Tork Boston 8-5. New York Z-10. At Philadelphia PhlladelDhla 1K-9. wasningcon s-i. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At St. Louis Chicago 6, St. Louis 0. At Pittsburg Cinclnatl 4, Pitts burg z. At New Tork New Tork 2-0. Brook lyn 0-1. Nots ths announcements at all . other spe cialists and medical Institutes and you will see how littls they say about their treatment for Kan's Weaknesses and how lightly they pass over ths subject. Yet one mma out Of avsry four has a vital weakness which constantly drains his power, and that man must continually foros '' TATtOB, himself along in his everyday path sf IMn:' "C Specialist. There is no real Joy or happiness that la not marred by his ever-present feeling that hs Is not as other man. Now to such msn 1 offer hop. X not only hold out a helping hand to lift them up, but X org tbenj sr neatly to accept my aid. I can gain thslr confldenes frota lbs first s amlnation by locating; ths seat of their trouble exactly, and oaa alwajw entirely ooovlnos them of ths logical effect of tny tremtment wbsa I sob plain Its action. I never charge for this szaastnatloa r consultation. . "Weakness" Means Just This That there is some functional derangement, tho direct rssult of to flammatlon, enlargement or excessive sensitiveness of tho proa tats gland, brought on by early dissipation or resulting from Improperly treated con tracted disorder. This condition eannot possibly be removed by Internal medicines, and any tonie system of treatment that stimulates tho ac tivity of the function can but result in aggravating the real ailment. This Is a scientlAo truth I havs ascertained sftsr a careful and sclenting study and upon which my own original system of treatment Is based, I employ neither tonics, stimulants nor electric Delta I treat by local ai red methods exclusively, and my sueesss In ourtng even thooo eases that others have failed to temporarily relieve with their tonics Is conclusive evidence that my method Is tho only posslbls meant of a oomplstsv radi cal and permanent cure. . A Guarantee Worth Something I do not ears what yonr expert encs has) been with other treatments, what guarantesa yen hare, and what promises wars unfulfilled In - tho Uiast, as unsuccessful, unscientific treatments sad unreliable concerns aro n..na. way a reflection upon honest, trustworthy bnslness methods lived up to in this city by m for twenty ysirst Hiaoo aa oetofcllshaa reguu-. tlon, and my guarantee means that my patients are Indisputably Insured of success In their case. There Is all the difference la tho world between a guarantee of this kind and the promise of those mushroom concerns which srs continually falling In buslnsso. I rspeat my straightforward, squars proposition to wait for my fee until ths cure Is offsctsd. YAXXCOOBXB, BnlCATOBJiaTBX tOR TXOOB, OMUIO WZAS- BXSS, COVTBAOTBB OIIOISIBI, aTTmXCTUmzg, KTOCma .B&OOO POXSOir and FIXES I also treat and euro promptly and thoroughly, r V EXAMINATION FREE I offer not only FREB Consultation and Advice, but of every ease that comes to ms I will make a Careful Examination and' Diagnosis without charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expect opinion about his trouble, ' If you cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart My offices aro open all day from tarn, to' 8 p. m. and Sundays from 10 to 1. 6e DOCTOR TAYLOR co. 1? - 1 : lr '' 2Z4& Morrison St., Corntr Second PORTLAND, OR. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. At Aberdeen Seattle 8, Aberdeen 1. f The Lynchburg team of the Virginia league has got out of last place and moved up pretty close to the leaders. Always Buy T&itiwr Collar 1 "TMCV DON'T ORACK 0 QUICK" I I Have "Uaeoord" eyelet buttonholes. lgt y Eaay to button. Strong to sold, mf 010. P. 101 a C I SUkara J I Tho Newark (Ohio) team Is leadinir ino j. ana r. league ana iooks to be sure winner. a a Pitcher Tate Cromley. the former In dianapolis winner, has been released by mm "v The Memphis team won four of the six games In the last Memphis-Atlanta series. a a The Williamsport team has the Trl State league pennant packed in a box. a Los Angeles still holds the lead In tne i'actnc coast league race, with Oak land and San Francisco following close, a In "Scratch McGulro the McKees- port club has one of the crackeriack pitcners or tne r. o. M. league. a a Several South Atlantic leaarue mm nates are after President Charlie Bov- er's scalp. Umpire Mace is spoken of as a possible successor to Mr Boyer. DOCTORS THAT CAN CURE MEN In selecting a physician or specialist, when In need of one, some consideration and thought should be given to the qualifications, experi ence and length of time an institute or medical man has been located In the city. It stands to reason that an institution that has stood the test of time and numbers Its cures by the thousands Is far superior to mushroom Institutions that spring up In a night, last a few months and ars gone. We have been curing- men 27 years and ars ths oldest special ists curing men In Portland. We Invite those who have deep-sea ted and ehronlo disorders to sail and bs examined. Consultation and examination la free, and carries wlta It no obligation to engage oox aerrloss. ,,. . Our offices ars equipped with ths most modern and oelentlflo mechan ical devices for ths treatment of ehronlo diseases. Our charges are rea sonable and in reach of any worklngman. To tho weak, rundown and nervous man no bettor advice can bo given than this: I SEEK KELT WlOSXH XT ZS OBXTATJaT TO BB TOOTT9. 4 :f If you persist in going to those who havs no standing professionally, HOW CAN YOU EXPECT TO BE CURED? This institution haa built up its splendid practice more by the free advertising given It by its PERFECTLY SATISFIED PATIENTS, who havs received tho benefit of its modern, sclent lft o and legitimate methods, than in any other way." If you are not a perfect man oome to us. Isn't It worth ths little time It will take when you are CERTAIN that you will have the benefit ot HONEST. SINCERE physicians who nsvsr attempt to deceive you In asx way? , a consultation costs you nothing EXCEPT your owa time. Judges at State Fair. (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.)' Snnbina Wiih Rant 9 rtooert cosgrove or tne interstate fair has selected the followUig Judges for the races that will be held during the ir.li . i-resiuing judge, rrea &.- Mui h oil and; associate Judges, Charles D. Jefferles and D. B. Stewart: superin tendent of the speed department and cierg or tne course, Robert Leighton; timer and paddock Judge, John C. Dlnue; starter, H.. E. Woods. but 30 points separating them. Austin has bepn leading, with Ban - Antonhi. nouston ana jjanas at tne latcn-gtring. The Freeport (Illinois) team looks like a cinch for the Wisconsin league pennant. It Is the only team In the league outside of the state of Wiscon sin. Pitcher Fairbanks of Albany recently snut out tne cnampion scranton team of the New York State league in both games or a oouoie-neaoer. tsiVb ew at all: I would aret such fearful headaches that I was sick all ovsr. I asked Mr. Green to treat me, and I got help right away. At the end of two' weeks - time my eyes were perfectly wall .and strons and now -I can read -or SHEEPSHEAD BAY RESULTS. "" Si furlong Roseben won. Firestone second, King Cole tblnd; time, 1:14. One mils Dolan won, Voorhees sec ond; 'time, 1:48 1-6 (two starters). Si furlongs, ths Partflldge Johnnie Blake . won. Caatlewood second. Dennlea Stafford third; time, 1:13 1-6. ' Ons and ons eighth miles, the, Dol phin Monfort won. Smiling Tom sec ond, Kllalos third; time, 1:67. - Ons -and one sixteenth miles, handi-cap--Wonborne won, Tony Bonero sec ond, Lodd Lavat third; time, 1:47. ; LABOR DA JT FIGHTS. and other drug habits are positively cured by HABITINA. For ny podermio or internal use. Sample sent to any drug habitue by EVon maiL Regular pnee 82.00 per bottle at yourdrnggistor by mail in plain wrapper. Delta Cttemlcatl Co.. SL Louie, Mo, Tor sale by Skidmore Drug Co UX TUii St.. rortlaad, OresoB. . V A Law of the Land i known as the Bottling in Bond Act, pro-, vldes n the public with a certain method of distinguishing: REAL whiskey M I..U t A I i, i ru in auui ici aicu ui impure n. i JSSSa48naaWrlfMl)aa- mma m 2 m . m VrOSi ian'.'w WllldMCS.f "Over the! neckoi each hot tie of MY r- , 7 VPIE! PURE FOOD ' witt b4 IrntUn aWttlaa tn OaaS raa Staa apea vtilck Mm Oavar. y mttt haa kaS srhNaa tbe asset Aaa. Straactb aaa OaaatMv at ti - thekattle. This fireaa S4as ia aaly IseeS aa whlakav tkat haa haaa ax. 1 1 UaS aaSar tka street saoanrlalea ef II. S. latcraal MmwrnmrnM mm Wbee to aasS at a atlnwlaat, SiisaaS fluaay Break, Saraaaa tsea vaa m I f 8DWW that yea era gattlag sera, natural wbbkey, SUUIIes, ajwS tea ajUewos ts lbs seas aM keatexay way. BLUMAUER ft HOCH, Portland, Oregon, Distributors, OUR FEE $tom Bstabllaaed ST Toan ta Voattami. Consultation Free Wo WUl Treat Amy Blngls ITaooasBlla eaA AUaasat foa flOJMuZl rt Tsars' Experience. Absolute Guarantee JSo Pay Unless Cured We cure safely and promptly WEAKNESS, LOST MANHOOD, 8PER MATORRHOKA. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON IN ALL STAOES,.VARI- COCELK, HYDROCELE, GONORRHOEA. OLEEtTOR ANT OF THE) DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. Our fees are fair. Personal attsnUoo, given all patients. ' , .... A; Write If you cannot call. Our system of homo treatment Is alwavs CERTAIN and most successful. All correspondence sacredly confiden tial. HOURS 8 12 noon. a. m. to ( p. nx; Evfnings, T to I; Sundays, a ra,(tO I ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL COBWEB SECOITD A1TD TAXBOXi BTBlTfiT8, VOBTKAJTO, 0X2009. DISPENSARY PorsianrJcrvoEssonco RESTORES V1T1L1TI Hire eared thaaaaads d. cases ef,- Nerrooa Debility end losomola, Tbey clear tbe bra la, atrenftbea tbe circulation, make digaatiaa perfect and Impart a magoetle f W WW blo.u talaa aaa4eaaee topped permanaatly. ; f LOO per box. baxes. (narahtead to cure or refund money, IS. alalled aealed. . Book . tf . reraiaa Wed. Oa., ass BATH POWDER A Perfumed Ijuzury (or the BalL sh Softens Hard Water. Better than PwhnWL 2 5 halKa, ' ' RICE POWDER VJ Best To2et powder Antiseptfcally pure.. Relieve sunburn and ; chafing Best for sw all day without any distress. His . "-Toun-; Ito'-''Taksdn' imit-Vttr topped permanaatly. ; L00 per box. boxes, i flsTJw OS. u LS'rSSiL Cl asaTl " T rriwsni i irsnisn treatments were a great blessing to ms Muktain at Goldfleid; decision In seven- marafctead to cure or refund uosey, 84. Mailed Aft-iii T!rs JIS5v. abj, - ii7 I ; . . . ; rT : - in giving me a better understanding of teenth . round. . v, aaaled.. Book rrw ferelaa Wed. Oa., ass A -CAW r- -- O MAILED BY U$. ; " w' - ACAN'J . . . e rr at A " ,w i las practical value of God's love. ' Charles Neary beat Eddie Tancel at Ak St, Philadelphia. Sold is PorUaad eair 1 if . tf si 1 1 ai Is si d-iil 1-feT-ia Jlfa- fj I M i" V1 -1 'e Ifll JIciIaI iKVU i ' ' ; r .-JLU. BRANDT. ' iMUwaukoo; decision In 10 fons..y; ?.A kw: WoosWsitv.aartiv Ce, T J 1 1 T- " 1 M " lu 1 ' 1 f? I w I a a.J J JUli lVII.aU' 1 IHE RIAN WOO - lOVESrJONEY ; Always buys at tho store whsre be bas to spend tbs least for tho best values, . ..Tnat la why tbs economical always buy V their HARDWARE AND TOOLS at this store. We alwaya bsvs the latest an.t Jbest that Is made and sell at the lowest prlcsa. , s AVERY & C 48 Ttlrd SL LU Tlzt t C a JOURNAli WANT ADS PA' r -