The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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I -:. W; ?S!iBf myT5 T ' TA nin vrt n.m.r' tKx tiSi t a t
V. ' 8. fackera, , . . ,
44 ...
fsbtlibad trr vanlnc Pt Snndin n4
, awy nanaay Brtiln at 'In journal tnura-
!(, rxtxk ana Xambill streets. PortUBd, Or.
table condition the trend of popu
latlon to the cities quickly stop?
The high prices that, within
few months, have come to tho
farmer, he has had as a consumer to
meet and stem for 30 years
Throughout that long period he has
EntmrA a t4t MitkM. and frr tar
tnotmiaUoa utnwcb the biu u Meoad-daM been the prey of combinations, cor'
porauons ana trusts, ua nas naa to
All AcMrtBMts reasbad by tblt sambar.
U the tutite tb ttpirtmnt roa want.
roiEioN dvebtisimo BEPBE8ENTATI vs die, on every spool of thread, on
pay a tariff tax and a trust price on
every nail he bought, on every nee
Yraaland-Benlamtn Bnarfal Admrtlriiif Afn"7,
Brauirlck BuUdlnf. 223 riftb aTanoa, Haw
ior Trlbaa Building, Chicago.
SobaerlBttoa Tnw br mU to any addraas
b Ua Unltad BUtM, Canada or Uu
..... ...SS.flO j On Booth.
Bun DAI.
M ..12. AO I Om month...
ST.60 On month...
...I .16
Ah, but a man's reach
should exceed his grasp,
"""Or what's a heaven forf
every foot of Iron pipe, on every hoe,
on 'every screw, on every pound of
sugar, on every pound of coffee and
tea, on every plow, harrow tooth
pitchfork, pane of glass, paper of
tacks,i harvester, wagon, mower
.1 m I binder. In fact on practically every
thing he bought. Everywhere he
turned, and on practically every
article consumed, he has been com
pelled to pay a tribute, first to the
tariff, and second, to the trusts that
used the tariff to monopolize com
modi ties and fix their own prices for
articles produced. Whenever he has
bought a hat, a suit of clothes, a pair
of suspenders, a tin spoon, or even
HE whole northwest Is tremen
dously concerned In the move-1 a coffin, he has had to pay the tariff
ment for placing the Celllojand trust barons whatever price they
(- V., project on a continuing con-l asked, while selling his own products
'tract . basis. It is not the project at whatever price the buyer chose to
'of a. state, but of an empire. It give. That Is why he never grows
deeply, concerns Idaho, It concerns rich his earnings are taken from
' Washington, and It concerns Oregon. I him and given to tariff overlords.
In all, there is congestion of freight, I That Is why farms do not pay as
shortage of cars, Inadequate ap- well bb other industries, and that. In
'pllances for, moving products, and turn, Is why boys desert the farm
constant cry for relief. The rail- and go to cities.
roads have been appealed to. -their
Officials and owners have been en- SENATOR FULTON'S SCRUPLES
; treated, threatened and commanded,
convenience, delays, annoyance and pool, Ohio, a city of 25,000 people
Injury to the public and a busy com; and 53 saloons, has gone dry. Liquor
merce have to suffer1 In consequence selling is prohibited Or rendered dlf-
mako nennla loner fnr th tlearanhs I ficult In most of Indiana.. T fM "tn,
.v n. 1 1 v.v., .... I ' - From the Examiner.
' I " , TM theory on wnicn private owmf
are never raised but often lowered, very soon certainly, but perhaps, ship of pubiio utilities l defended is.
and where employes are ever at their after awhile, ... ... .1 that a thing- la always very much better
posts of duty, and never dream of
Small Change
Letters from tte Peojjle
newed at the school fair at
Corvallls bis protest recently
entered before the State Teaoh-
aBBOclatlon at Salem
done when It la done ror individual
freed, than when It Is done for the gen
eral welfare.
Strangely enough, many persons act
ually believe' that there I something
In thia i! pa notwithstanding daily.
hourly, multiform and incontestable ev
idence to the contrary.
Thus, ror inatance, ine mreoi car
eervlcea In thia city are administered
for the benefit of individual greed. It
is Impossible for any one to maintain
that these services are better than they
A Sign of Prosperity,
Cornelius, Or., Aug. II.- To the Editor
of The Journal I see by the papers
that Rev. John.D. Rockefeller has been
offered 7 per eept for sums of $1,000.
000 to $3,000,000 with the best of se-
.,.(,,, - .a . . . I i. nci t move c vii en aic n i ......
curity, and he usesthls, as argument would be If administered for the gen-
mai iimes are getting Harder and a eral welfare, because under no conceiv-
against panto Is at hand lame circumatances coma tney oe ww
maklnc the common schools a mere Now- common man. who hasn't thr .rv'io. ma rnttn Nothinir done
trainlnr croiind far higher instltn- ,i?,wl e?ou 'rota -the, people to bo for the general welfare could possibly
training ground ror nigner msuiu- ablo to turn th, hole Arctfo regions be so badly done. No human ingen-
There Is unques- n lC9 trust, would think that auch ulty could make them worse man mey
I oilers were a. alim f n,nura.u v.. I or a Th.i i annfant tn avurv. nmon
11 J I l Wl l.l I yv-ysun,. AUV,.. ...... .. '
uuucu uierii. m uio puniLiuu. we nave nuucea tnat in new countries compelled to use them.
This is one illustration open to an
men's observations. Here is another:
Thn avfriira hunk, nt New York are
It that If Tn An . rt A A nu I AnBi-aln anlalv fn, trta hnAf1t fit the
university training. Thev are better i "undoubted Securitv' an A I n tnr I ilannatfnrl thoroln Thov are not Stock
nMnlroii iif. nrir nrhn tho I ,few millions U Is because they know companies, like other banks; they pay
I" ..uuu wngn in InvMt thai mnnau a b u tn I nn rilvldanila ovrn tn tholr npnosliors
havo If It la aaaantlallT a lima nrhon I bring In a much blfiranr nnr nnt Tha I thev make no nroflta for anybody elae.
.', . . . oountry is full of chances to make Most of their officers must serve wlth-
the college bred young man has a money on the square. When Milt Van out salary, and some of them perform
norne oougnt an old mare on time for thus gratuitously an immense amount
u. una in two wadhi waa nfr.r.,1 iinn
petitor in the race for life's honors forfher'K,h could easily afford 7 per
?.ent on his $50. The same with Frank
BKimpoie, who bought an 80-acte tract
in liis wnnni nnrtn er ts aaa mvsA.
But stubborn facta stand in the 1 months doubled his money.
way of making college training unl- flnancT but I d? kn'ow "this, that
versal. Equally stubborn facts J. uV" wouia tsae noid of the
i v., v banking business of this oountry and
make It clear that while the percen- make a certificate of deposit as safe as
a. jiumumca oraer, an tn ola stockings
uupea merit in uiu uosiuun. we nave noucea that In new countries
may hope for our young men and jM
women to receive a full college or JP'fE8" 9 lways highest. And I take
A T.KSSflM r Kl JrVI SA VI iNIliA DAIMVlj I w . " ' 1
- 1 , i i ti, i-ni 1 SS 'I'al TT eawakaaar mmm. Tr,Al M -j,
tor ail: ,r ; u rr;"-
or labor. Ths legal resmouon. are . Now tbi timt to SWMr ofa (0in
bank in New York can reap any ad- - i
vantage from the bank's operation now ao yoa like, oysters f; TST "R"
In New York the savings banks are montba nav. begua"
purely mutual and have no purpose ex- . v''.K'Vk'v:"
cept to assist the thrift of wage-earners Of course you are aoine- down tn tata
In the big doings at Astoria. . - T '
Waaaalra t laa WianW VSaaTrTsl I i .
since one of them falledr - lost a "....'C . T V.iiJk. TV' "regon
dollar for a depositor. The savings "'JiT trom 'Byroad haven't auto- l.r.r,.ll. n Uaw Tar afaa a ra. I .v.w-.
A man who has to button his wife's
waist is liable to say things, but not
out loud, behind her back. "
a a , ,
Mr. Harriman must have observed
that there waa nui a atralk .
, - . T " w V, WVU11 .
try up there without a railroad. .. , .
xne extent to which one's trnnaar.
per capita, ine largest in ino umuu,
and this immense trust la admlnlatered
with wonderful skill and fidelity bk men
that derive not a cent for manacinff if.
Most of the New York savings banks
pay 4 per cent a year to their deposi
tors. None less than 14 per ceni.
In San Francisco. Chicago. Minneapo
lis and other western cities the savings
hanka are incomorated Companies. OP-
era ted for individual greed and not for are turn uP Is nS TndlcatlSn of eith,;
thA nril wal farm lv.i.-u vcl va v, v.uvr
In the.rcitres the savings banks pay . -unv -
but little more than S per cent a year . . ,.
to their depositors, and In thirty, years we do not believe that Senator Ful-
there have Tbeen more savings bank fall- R?""1?" on tem"nt 'M WU1
ures in Chicago alone than Tn the whole strengthen him among the people,
state of New York. ,
These are f aots and not theories. The There Is no danger of Jim Ham Lewis
Idea that nothing can be well done, being corrupted by the vices of Parlsi
unless it is done for the aggrandisement he has lived In both Seattle an rw '
of some band of Wall street speculators, oago. . .
aeoma nn nnalvala tn he mere lunaCV. I
On the contrary, 'the general rule Is What seems to be needed 'in
fare Is better done than what is aone 1 pretenaer ana their followers to kill
for private greed.
another off.
Precept and Practice
, but they boldly confess themselves
powerless to meet the transportation
, demands. In order that they may
more promptly handle the rest of
ENATOR FULTON will not ad
vise candidates for the legis
lature to subscribe to state-j
ment No. 1, because, he says,
By Wex Jones.
Professor Horscar' Twiggs of the
Standard university lecturing on "The
Ethics of the Home1
TTrnm tha aarllaa riawn nt hlatnrv.
tags is increasing, only a small num. , The ontrv "SoS id TKS","?! from the dW of th. an. families m
ber comparatively pass beyond the 1 11 bnk and there would be no short- the tree tops, the male has been the
I 1KB 01 tflnnAV Tn n Inial naaa Bult Ya I
common schools. Eiehtean million countrlea Ilka Final. K, '"''i" head of the home. The male was head
v.,no. nanni. in hi. ,nniF. o,a. t P0",?'flc . bank nobody thinks or of the tree dwelling, the male was head
,UU.,B imnKinir a noie in the thatch in kun hi. .1--
.v- , a xu h-nnV; In B, ,...r i.4. " " ," l"B
me tniui-BLiuuB. prucesa. vji wie nura- lv-l.""tn V, band and father Is-cr should be the
1 . r, n r. n A n j . . . I , . . --r T ....v.ciDa anu ln li. u..
oer i.uuu.uuu are in colleges or uni- cnuca me contents into a bank for the
vnraltlna and 17 000 000 In th inm. lo Py auoas and drakes with,
venules ana ir,uuu,uuu in me com and yoa-none the wiser-tin the Tnati
mnr, linnli nt I Via 17 nnA AAA a.I. COmesT
. . . ' ..' . . For "business" people the Amert-
2 per cent pass beypnd the eighth cans are the biggest fools this side of
ernAc. uba Dm, when It comes to banking.
Braae- They will chuck their money over a
tv, t.,- -i ban.k counter without a aign of se-
uo ,buCo ui i.-6 Bis- curity except a slip of paper, and free
nlficance. They emnhaslze to a or '"'""if wnue it an "honest farmer"
Tk. mlm ...... I - . . .
Atr t-h itt 1 .u ii.V aoout arnvea;
Youn Flower Wizard hhre:g'oawll,lhib.' .I-
Prom the New York World.
At 4 years of age Allen W. Hlxon
of Worcester, Massachusetts, Is an ex
pert gardener and has taken three
prices In horticultural exhibits.
The boy haa been from his birth In
an atmosphere of gardening. Hla
grandfather la Adln A. Hlxon, secretary
of the Worcester County Horticultural
society, and he was so delighted with
cave family and today the hus-1 the little fellow's busy planting of twigs
.v,. f., .h,.M hfh. and bits of green for . "play garden-
that he decided to give him a real gar
den. It Is 75 feet long and 3 feet wide
and is laid out between two of his
the toslness. they have Wised rates .her they shall obey the will of nIghly lmift)rtant degree the fact that J" mortggneUSndndkind7 of '.uty
na Day a oig interest.
Talk about confidence OUT twanrtArh
Inhere ceni?lry AmerJan banking system in
on certain products to a prohibitory the people or not lB matter r con' the common schools must be- a com
, degree, Meantime, fields, pastures,
forests, Orchards and mines in this
vast kingdom of production are
yielding an Increasing aggregate of
products that cannot be moved to
, market, and a paralysis of Industry
Bttd loss of usufruct Is consequent.
, r The power of man to provide by
', means of railroads, the appliances
for relieving the situation has sim
ply been outgrown
build . ' railroad track , cannot be
science with each of them; but he
argues that they should not so bind
themselves because they are sworn
to support the constitution of thej
United States, which provides that
members of the legislature and not
the people shall "choose" the sen-
s tors.
pleted system In themselves
the process should be such and only
such as will to the greatest extent
round out and best fit the pupil for
life work. It is all the education
he is to receive, and it should be
made sternly practical and wholly
without reference to colleges, uni
TLe Play
They all have voices and know bow
to use them. They all recognise that
ngm opera requires some degree of
dramatic ability and ao nrnraail tn nnr
TrriAV J.. -A A . L . A I ... ... ..... I . . . ...
wiiu uuo respect, to me senator, versities or anything else but the "re into their lines and movements.
this seems a quibble. The constltu- comlnB strursle with the stern reali- Thev u' work well together conscien
a, x j. u. il.i il . , I . . .... ... . . . I tlouslv anrl tharanr nrMn.. .
Enoneh iron to 1 oe Ul Proviuo lutLl ine ie87 ties or are mat must do encountered , n," ' , w, Tv
I a a m. a x A t a a a a I "D " Vi a lliaill Ul alfl.1 III 1 1 II V
isiacure snau not cnoose me same as soon as the schoolroom is Dasaed. tk.
" uiauoBouioui jiilb proviaou Heal,
i digged from tne earth or turned out man that tne PePle ot a Btate nave This much should be done for the new and tasteful costumes which every
t at? the rolling mills Enough labor already chosen. For many years ef- great unnumbered mass whose Urn- member of the company wears, wen
lay dti- tt--were I0 nBTe en maae to una a way ited means or bent of mind deny ni
1 available Mnnot be obtftiriad. Knmiirh t0 elect senators by direct vote of them the advantages of a college caiifomian. hih n-n
tjars cannot be supplied by the coun- the PeP an1 ye conform to the training. . The comparative few who ment of six weeks of light opera at
try and enough locomotives could c 1 n: y are t0 nter colle8 nalls can flnd B4rquam last nl"nt w-h that old
not be obtained to haul them, if the been found the senator picks a qulb- ways by and by for such training "m?fr.rl!a Herbert ftnd Bmith-
- i Lii si m ii mi . - i i . . ... . i " - ----
l cars were at hand. It is a sDecti
ftnarWdidT admira-we11 in0WB- 18 the oie judge of the 0f those whose hope of life Is solely Portland has certainly brought back
itiOn were It not distressing.
f Meantime there is one and only
one direction in which relief from
' the strained situation Is obtainable,
jlf the railroads cannot be made the
means of raising this blockade on
products in a prostrated Industry,
the , Columbia jjver can. Once
opened to navigation it Is capable
of moving promptly to market every
product of this vast inland empire.
IWlth that magnificent highway once
freed from obstructions to naviga
tion the commerce of half a contl-
qualiflcatlons of Its members, and dependent on such education as the hiVtavV?!1 hJSrt T'hli TV ma'
It never rejects a member honestly I common schools and the little red tne memories of the patrons and friends
chosen by a legislature. It certainly schoolhouse afford. Governor Cham- This isP not the nninim, i.
would not begin by disputing the berlain's contention has infinite !;ted n"ividuai but it is by token of
n,..lllnolnn V Vm I J . . . . "v-
iiuaiiuvawuu ul a ocuawi iuuocu u cuuiuiua neuso uuu intelligence ubck p'uae given jast nignt, tne united vor
the leelslatur beraiian hn had hsen Lf It an1 a wl'o nh1ln 1nta.rf win dlc.1 of a standlng room house which
r . "... naa pacKea into the time-honored play
first cliosen by the people.
I be served If his suggestions are to
be adopted in Oregon.
A southern minister argues that
cremation Is unchristian, and for
a Bible warrant for his position cites
the case of Joseph whose "bones
were carried back to the land of his
But was Joseph a "Chrls
And isn't this a very slim
house to see whether or not Mr. Karl
wouia make goon his word.
And he diL The old war horse of
the Boston lans said when he flrat tnlri
Portland of his new company. The Cal
lfornlans, that he had picked them in
dividually as they came to him, for
voice, dramatic ability and agreeable
personal appearance. He frankly told
that the majority of the personnel were
young upon the stage, but he contended
that what they lacked in experience
they made up in qualification and nat
ural talent
Last night the people who had come
to test this tale went away satisfied.
They found the songs and the voices to
sing them. The found the interpre
tation and the team work to make the
voices have their full effect.
The People of Portland seem to have
OBODY EVER SAW the post-
office employes of the United
States on a strike. Nobody
ftVfir RAW thn amnlnvai In Iha ,ii
a v tt. i I " -"o ittiuer.
. . . railway mall service on a strike. No- tian"?
.t . . ... body ever saw the letter-carriers of foundation for the arsrument?
rna nnrrnwciHr na an van rnravap I I . o
' the conntrv nn n atrlt a NnhnH u I u v. i a. o.j j .1
fh mmamanf fnr hnrrvlno- If lnt uuuy ueiuugs lu juu, uu la were-
" pver saw the amnlnvai In ihn rural a j .v..ia v
v- n.iii. 1 l a--- . iuro oacieu anu biiuuiu uu piacea in
delivery service on a strike. It the tomb." 8ava this nreacher. Rnt cl?Jr?
unaer a continuing contract, ana se- . , . v.-.- ... . ' h"0''" iiciurt-n ui jusi eucn productions
'-..ifi-.-t : .. .. wmmon anowieage mat ine SSI- how is the "tomb" any more serenaders. Therefore the Call-
ar.a in oil . .. ... . . .. iornians, it they hold to the standard
. ... 6U.c.UUicui eu-1 sacrea," except from custom, tnan a set last night, are assured of nightly
terpnses are low. rney are belaw tnrn.r-ai And rfAoan' ih. hnHv u. bupp" wn1-? lDey Biav "ere and of an
the salaries paid for equal service flnDear in the tomb, onlv more slow, turn again.
I I ' ' - I T.Ian ....J . 1. .1 . .
under nrivate rnntrol Vot thaia ,. v, a. .v.l " .U1I'" an unrair
, JVf Bnu more uisaKreeauiy io me act, to attempt to Dlfk out anv sneclal
aiHrt In vnra haa hnan f,,i, ', SOWBm-m operatives neuner smite thought? We are raising no obJec-K?nToeT," p,r"c" a.r i".6""
' "v- -a Vt TV. , . . .. . ""v:"." 0 RUUU.
i on uvd. 1 iic 1U1B.I I nn In hnrfa 1 r nann a nrafai- that I HarrT I a Rhman la tnn woll tun..
...uu ' vu. .u., . v w . . . w l ' . v. . . b.. V I . ' '1
mall carriers brave country roads I . a, 1 .... v... 5ee? Praise now. As the Duke of
1 wttj ui uioyuoma, ui iucu umu, uui Bant crux he pleased the audience
curing in two or three years what
otherwise may take a dozen years,
fs made by the present transporta
tion crisis a plan of paramount and
t ; allrnorthwest importance. No prop
ruler In his household. A man excels In
culture, In physical force, in brains and
ooay powar. jia snpyiq m matters per-
g to the noma De tne ruling rorce-
the wife should obey him in all things
A man who Is "bossed" to use the
lansruafc-e of the day by his wife Is,
as our wonderrul president naa antiy
said, a mollycoddle. He is a weakling
and should be chloroformed out of
world in which he la useless.
What Is man?
Man Is the worker, the fighter, the
writer. Man moves the wheels of com
merce and keeps tne breweries wonting
overtime. Where would tne looacco in
dustry of the country be without man?
Where would the strong words of the
language be heard were it not for man?
What would become or tne national
game of poker If man became extinct?
And woman!
What does she amount to?
She sits .at home and .wonders what
has become or tne money.
If a wife does not do as her husband
commands, he should ("Knock her block
off!" from a student In the rear) er,
yes, as some one suggests, he should
''knock her block off!" (Prolonged
cheering and cries of "That s the sturr.
Twiggsy!" "Hand It to the sklrtB!''
"No wedding bells for me! etc.)
Virtue and so overwhelming in its
ealntary possibilities. If the com
ity for only $70 per month, but
never strike. On these and other
lines of the government mail service
the public depends and it never de
pends in vain. The millions and mjl- decayed bones.
Hons of letters and newspaper mall
dashing here and there, backward
and forward about the country, are
faithfully and correctly handled with
disposition of the body after its ten
ant has departed. It Is not the dead
I find wlntpr stnrmfl fiirnlah on1 fln1 I . .. .
mercial bodies, senators, contrress- 7. ' . . " " we .can see no reason m religion or
. L. . , tneir own teams ana vehicles, and piRfiwhere for onnoHln a riiffrnt
'men. governors, mavnrs and nannta ' eisewnere ior opposing a auierem
b u 1 t . . .. render Bervlce of unsurpassed fidel
VI iu tiuuio iiuwiveal uu QUI unite
. In petitioning congress for the relief
that a continuing contract and the
Jhurrying forward of the Celilo proj
ct will afford It should be time for
the moon to darken and the
refuse to shine.
both with his own droll and natural
humor and with his songs. He fills
in good shape the role of the chlof
comedian ana makes fun wherever he is
Robert Hosea, who formerly sang in s
New York choir, made a most decided
hit as Alvarndn. Tfp hnn a va,ltin.
Doay mat. is sacrea, ana ii it were, as smooth and full as heart could wish
ana only needed one song to win his
It would be equally sacred whether
a nanaiui 01 asses or a residuum of
he result that letters speeding from
TT IS A BTKANGE, weird spectacle rJew Yorfc 10 Portland seldom veer
. to see criticism and complaint more than a few hours from the time
hurled editorially at Oregon they are due between the two points
at ... I
farmers Decause their products Whatever may be the influence
re high-priced. True enough, milk that causes it, the state of comity
at S 1-3 cents quart in Portland between the government and its em
makes the consumer wince a bit. So ployes challenges admiration. It ln-
3ceJ butter at 40 odd cents a pound, voluntarily turns attention to the
eggs at 23 cents a dozen, and other present telegraph strike and sets the
products of the farm to match. But mind to wondering if it were not
are .these prices a reason to bully better ihal the operators were em
and browbeat. the farmer? Dloyed. not s by nrlvate enternriae.
-With 80,000,000 people in thia but by the government. It Is a ques-;
country -dependent for a livelihood tion well worthy of Intelligent in
vestigation. It is pure nonsense
that, under a vast growth in popu
lation and' commercial activity, tele
graph tolls should have advanced 25
to 40 per cent between great eastesa
cities. It is the climax of the ab
surd that, with streams of gold pour
ing with accelerated flow into the
coffers of the telegraph companies,
that telegraphers should be so in
adequately paid that thejr are driven
to strike ior higher wages. The in-
According to the Iron Trade Re
view, there is a regular movement
of pig iron in moderate lots to this
Richie Ling has already won laurels
with his tenor songs and last night
in ine iasi acc wun nis love song
aaaen new leaves 10 tne circlet. Leroy
Jepson as Colombo, he of the horns and
the atomizer, helped the duke tiekle
the laughter of the audience whenever
ne came down tne stage.
tsiancne Auoert, tne soprano, has a
voice as clear and sweet as a bell and
on farms and .farming, is it not time
; for farm products to take a step up
ward? Has anybody ever heard of
a farmer who became a millionaire
at farmiug? Has any man who has
spent his life at farming on the
usual small scale ever become worth
, more than a few. thousand dollars?
j If , he couM earn more, and the cap
1 tains of Industry ; and high ' finance
eira less, would not this b a better
country, and would Ho( that rcgret-
country from Great Britain, notwith- used it delightfully in the rendition of
tni t, a,. a . "Andalusia" and many other bits of
""u,us i a iuu, nucu- melody. Lucille Saunders, the contralto
ever domestic conditions approach of tn5 c?mpany, as Dolores, had many
. , . . " opportunities to win applause and nevar
tnose wnicn nave prevanea tnrougn railed to ao so.
tv, ., tv4 It was something of a disappointment
imo. ui iuc van. ,coi, uiai 10, wo that Miss Barnette, Elliott Beamer. the
suppose, when the pig trust raises "a8t F- Waelder, and the others
. , who have been announced as possessed
the price so high that British fur-1 of especial talents were not given more
""V-VJ" wuw- themselves, but the remaining six
nental ore, and then carry it over weeks will yield the chance,
o nnn ,na t . Frni first tp last the Californlans
3,000 miles to this country, and pay were a most ffetMded success and the
orrerings promised ror tne coming six
weeks of melody will be looked forward
to with anticipation. Next week they
will present "The Bohemian Girl."
ttp to the "Malefactors."
From the New York Journal of Com
Spokesmen for the rich "malefactors"
were bitter In their criticism of the
president yesterday. "Where is his
proof?" Is their slogan. Many people
11111m ine iape is proor enougn mat
the wealthiest cliques in Wall street
have connived at a slump In values.
Bad feeling has not yet cleared
away, bnt It is Inconceivable that the
securities markets of the world will be
Indefinitely wrecked by working at
cross purposes. President Roosevelt
has defined his stand, and no one doubts
for a moment that he has the courage
10 aoiue Dy 11. ii is ior corporate man
agers to make up their minds to con
form to the law. Until they do there
can be no abiding peace or prosperity.
Prosperity built on fraud, is no pro
perlty, : v-.,-' .1
the duty on it, and still undersell
the trust. The "pig" can be pro
duced In this country about as cheap
ly as in England. Evidently the pig
iron duty must be revised upwards,
Whether the amount of liquors
consumed Is decreasing or not, pro
hibition is certainly making strong
headway, especially in the south. No
liquor is legally sold In 94 of the
119 counties of the "Bourbon" state
of Kentucky. Down in wild and
woolly Texas 154 counties have abol
ished the liquor traffic within their
borders, Georgia has Just passed a
Btate prohibition law. East Liver-
Mrs. Horscar Twiggs addressing the
Toung Women's Heading club:
Yes. my dear girls, the old-school
woman is a rragrant memory. ine
fresh, self-assertive girl of today should
be frowned upon by all well-meaning
ran't vnii see the wife of our grand
mother's days meeting every whim of
her adoring husband; keeping ner nouee
In order; a true neipmeei 10 ner nus-
band and devoid of any idiotic notions
of eauallty wltn man. er cnuoren
were hroiirnt ud 10 warn xne narrow
ath, and she dldn t spare tne roa
hrousrh any of the mollycoddle and
weaklinr notions that prevail about chil
dren today. As our beloved president
says, she didn't flinch, but spanked
them hard. The Ideal home Is one
where the husband is head, the wife de
voted to household duties, and the chil
dren obedient. (Murmured expressions
of dissent from the young women.)
At the home of the Horscar Twiggs
H. T. How is It I can't get anything
but steak? We've had steak for din
ner six nights in succession.
Mrs. T. I wish you wouldn't use that
tone. Horscar. To hear you one would
think you were addressing a member of
your class in ethics or whatyoumaycall-
H. T. I may have been a little hasty.
dear I nfan I was hasty, very hasty,
my love now, don't look at me like
that. I lust asked because I wondered
if vou liked steak so much. I would
like it every night, if possible.
Mrs. T. You shall have It every
night. The reason we have It so often
can t rememDer tne name or anything
else when the butcher comes round.
Baby T. Yaa! Yaa! Mommer, pop's
hurtln me finger!
Mrs. T. What Is the matter with you,
ou big brute to hurt an Innocent llt
le child! -
H. T. My dear, I was only trying to
prevent him from taking my watch. He
must not have that.
Baby T. Yaa! Yaa-aa!
Mrs. T. Give him the watch at once,
nurscar, ur wo anaii nave no peace.
H. T. There' now he's gone and
dropped it In the gravy! I'll slap him
for that (rising from his chair); 111 see
who's boss In my house.
Mrs. T. Horscar Twiggs, sit down
at once.
H. T. Yes, dear, I was only
Baby T. Yaa! Yaa! Yaa-aa!
H. T. Put that child out of the room
or i 11
Mrs. T. You'll what? I'm sick of
your domineering ways (taking him by
shoulder). I'd like to (shake) give you
(shake) a good (shake) thrashing
fathar'a a-ardnna.
The plowing" waVflsne by tits-father-,
but the boy managed the rest himself.
He turned over the earth and then sol
emnly dropping his rake made a de
mand on his grandfather for "some of
that stuff that smells bad." This de
scription waa readily recognized as fer
tiliser; a pall of the stuff was given
to him and he worked It Into the soil.
Then he proceeded with his planting.
Last summer he raised tomato plants,
five hills of beans, two hills of summer
squash, five hills of corn, two of mel
ons, five of potatoes and three of cucumbers.
As soon as the weeds began to show
their heads Allen declared war on them.
Day after day he pulled them up, and
wnen the season was well advanced
his garden put his father's to shame.
Insects and bugs he attacked also and
every morning he carefully went ovaer
his plants, killing the little things that
were eating them. In this task his two-
year-old brother Stanley volunteered
At his first exhibition he won the
first prize. At his second he won 11.60
for a collection of vegetables. His last
rise was from an exhibition In Boston,
le never allows any one to arrange his
exhibition for him at these shows. Be
fore he sends his beans he washes ev
ery one carefully until It shines.
He loves his garden and what It nro-
duces and no money will tempt him to
part witn nis "crops." At nis last ex
hibition he was much disturbed because
a woman orrered to buy nis collection
of corn. Sweeping it Into his arms, ho
Indignantly told her that it was all go
ing back home again and he didn't
want any money. He Is generous in
sending samples of his produce to his
rncnas ana neignnors, out ne has a
horror of letting his "exons" , late
strange hands.
The little boy is planning to enlarge
his garden next spring and raise an
even larger variety of vegetables.
"When you have l.OOo.ono n Km.
begins a Missouri editor. Well, when
we do we will read the raat nt hi.
a a
Perhaps because Secretarr Kmi ...
weakening on soma of the president's
policies Roosevelt sent him tn
doon's ranch.
a a
The president called the "Pilgrims"
the 'Puritans" In his Provlnoetown
speech, and now. perhaps, the man that
wrote it Is looking for another Job.
Miss Tarbell savs Rockefaiiar iak.
the collective sense. But he makes up
for This by an kbnnrmal development of -the
collecting' sense.
a a
Atlanta Journal: The senator from
Oregon is a Bourns from which no
traveler returneth without anm i..
about a third term.
' a a
If Admiral Bob Evans brings all
those battleships around all right he
will deserve as much credit as If he had
won a battle with them.
a a
The Louisville Courier-Journal haa
been burned out. We have always
feared Colonel Watterson's hot edl-
lonua wouia ao miscnier.
a a
A Wisconsin man whose wages had
just been raised (2 a week dropped
dead. Employers should be careful
about springing such shocking sur
prises. a a
Perhaps If Bit -Governor Taylor were
offered Immunity and $1,000,000 or so
he might consent to go back to Ken
tucky. He Is probably wise to stop
away, unless he wishes to tempt Goe
bel's fate.
The Los Angeles Times says port
land has been nJaylng some great base
ball, 'though losing. But looking at the
score, what Immense ball the other
teams must have played.
Oregon Si'deligkta
A Drain house was sold by Jths sher
iff for 18.80. -a
a i
"Salem is preparing to pave." says
the Statesman. Seems as If we have
heard that before.
Eppy Grams
Br George V. Hobart.
(Copyright, 1907, br Amerlcan-Journal-Eximlner)
Ven a man marriages for monev and
oniy gets a meai ticxet dot is retribu
tion, yes!
A Baker
yield of a
to It.
county man estimates the
new kind of oats at 200
acre, but he hasn't sworn
"Track Reaches Looking Glass," Is a
headline in an exchange. It may get
so stuck on Itself there that it won't
go any further.
. a
A has a fig tree six
I feet In helghr and well loaded with a
second crop of figs. The first orop
ripened some time ago and waa or good
Scio News: Jack Bllveu is reported
to have undertaken a battle with a
A goot fellow Is a man dot spends S'uZgoai'n tne 8?me nner that goats
money on us wltou d glflng us a chance .-'""V neeuiess , say jacs. was
Yen two vlmmens get a sudden attack
of palpitation of der tongue, der result
is gossip, ain a itr
Dlt yon efer know a voman dot could
fiass a looking glass mirror mitould glf
ng It a qvick, short rubber, vot?
knocked out in the first round.
Malheur county sent a large display
to Sacramento for the Irrigation con
gress, and will attempt to prove to
people facts that the nattves of that
county have long known.
The beauty of the fruit situation In
The Dalles is that you don't have to go
outside of the city limits to find the
best fruit, much of it being raised right
here In town, says the Chronicle,
Newberg Enterprise: More sales of
Flatterv is somedlna- vlr-h v. .... t Improved and unimproved property were
disguise our vords ven ve vas telling a a the first three days of this week
luckler man dot ve envy him ha? we"? mBd.? ln the v?? tow.n
1 during the entire year, yet there Is
Der meaning of poetical license vas a no bom a1"-. on.1 the ordinary number
TOmin OOl Veigns Z19 nounrla lin1 I alanaf"1 "'"' " "
to refuse to SDend monev on him. aln'd
Mooslc is der eggescuse vich some
mmens make for der numose of beat.
lng der face off a piano, doan'd it?
Vun style of blue blood la a rich
young man dot Is ashamed to trace his
money back to a grandfather In Har
butcher pttzness, yes?
Efery desire vas born In a man egg-
scent der desire to mind our nwn nit.
ness, vich is an ackvlred taste.
From the Dally Thought
In deciding the divorce case of Twiggs
vs. Twiggs, Judge Dingbat spun a coin
yesterday to determine who should ha
the custody of the child.
A Maiden's Love.
By Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
(In Charles H. Brown's "musical satire,
"The Beauty Trust")
Oh. Love is a maiden's first dream
As she drifts out of Little-Girl Bav
To Womanhood's Islands; that seem
So far on Life's Ocean away,
She thinks not of dangers in store.
bhe broods not of trouble and care.
She dreams but of love on the shore.
And wonders what mien he will wear.
Oh, Love is a maiden's first right.
And seek not that right to ormose.
For why is she fair to the sight;
And why is her mouth like the roue'
Oh, argue not Vainly with fate;'
The answer can only be this:
Her beauty was meant for her mate,
iter ups were tnus lasnioneu to kiss.
Old love, bold love, worse than vain your
Cold love is sold love, but not by maids
line me.
Love's bliss is youth's kiss, dotards can
not give,
Youth's love Is truth's love, and for love
I live)
tne return or ueorge w ingrieio, wr Doy
raised here, who went to Nevada with
out a cent and came back a few days
ago riding in an automobile and worth
manv millions of dollars, a little nor.
vorld mlt nuddings In his pockets, und lon of which he Is scattering around
to der name of Birdie.
Pin mortey depends on der voman.
Borne use It for clothespins, udders use
ii ior uiamond pins, und dare It is!
Efn der rich man comes into dls
vunu mn nuoaings in his pockets, und on o
nn he goei ould of his vorld somebody freely,
fights for der pockets, aln'd It? I
' Humor of Animals.
From-the Captain Magazine.
Even a toad laughs when he has
swallowed a large beetle and It begins
to walk about Inside.- It does tickle so!
Ducks laugh most when they come out
of water. The ground feels so funny
under their feet that they cannot help
themselves; but they have much more
humor than fowls at any time. A duck
is born with a twinkle la his eye and a
smile, at the and of bis tail. Tragedy
does not suit him so well one cannot
baW,,gll or very dignified with a
waddle for a walk, v .
A yomaif has to haf a sveet disposi
tion to be able to vear a tight shoe und
a loose smile at der same time, yes?
Per George V. Hobart.
This Date ln History.
t. TJPf1.80' chul- 'ounded hy
Pedro de ValdivlR.
1609 Henry Hudson arrived ln New
York bay.
ibso Cromwell defeated the Scots at
1761 Man, .1.1. - . .
In Great Britain.
1763 Detroit relieved frnm aAlov. n
uiu mus.
1852 Brevet colonel Robert K Ta
mucie superintendent or tne west Point
Military academy.
1876Flre at St. Hvaninthe. Onahan
ucBLruyeu ouv nouses.
1879 Massacre of British residents
at tjanui.
18D1 German government removed I
the prohibition of the Importation of!
American porn.
Newberg Graphic: . If the nreaant
low prices for hops result in driving
? rowers out of Newberg to raising more
ruits and berries and milking more
cows, it will be to their gain ln the
future rather than a loss. In the run
of years there Is hardly any crop grown
that bears such a per cent of uncer
tainty with relation to profit and loss
as does the hop crop.
Old Sweet Springs.
. From the Travel Magaslne
In the mountains of West Vlrdglnla,
which are not as well known to the
country at large as tney deserve to be,
are many lonely spots, that are summer
resortf as well as beautiful resting
places In spring and fall. Old Sweet
Springs Is such a place. It i far above
sea level, ana tnere has been a hotel
there ever lno i 7 til. George -and Mar
tha Washington spent the summer of
rim, mere, uia mere Jerome Honan&rto
met Elisabeth Patterson. There, too.
Is still standing the "Lewis cottam.'
said to have been the first house erect
ed west of the Alleghanles. There la
a goir coarse at Old Sweet . Springs,
which la aald to be very fine; anyway,
there Is a mint patch by the brook. The
springs themselves are believed tn
nearly everything, Including dandruff!
Without vouching for this latter faat,
dubtless If you tslav golf cvan a
Without a hat, they wW help yowv
"An East Side Bank for East Side
May be secured and kept with lit
tle trouble, and will result In
many benefits to the owner. If
you have no bank account,
The Commercial
Savings Bank
Will be glad to have you open one!
. CaPBCKUO ACCOtrXTf and also
sarnros aoootjvts solicited.
Interest at 4 per cent, compound
ed semi-annually
counts i rum fi.vv up.
Oeorre W. Bates,'.,'.... President
J. S.Blrrel.. ............. Cashier
1J a a.