THE ; OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY . EVENING, SEPTEMBER . 3, 1007. TO BE TIIE BEST FIGHT FOR FAT FRUIT DISPLAY LIL COHTRACTS Grants Pass PeoplePromise North Bank Bacing to Get This and They Bar None. ' Business From Its Har- ' , riman Rival. THEIR PAIR TO OPEN SEPTEMBER TENTH HOPES TO SHORTEN . TIME MANY HOURS Irrigation Convention And Industrial I Meaiwhile narrimaa Has Two Mil- Exhibit In Conjunction -Most PJs- ' ' tiniruished -Authorities Will De liver Addresses. . .. v v , . lion to Spend Improving O. R. & N. in Attempt to Shape Up Ahead of Hill Road's Completion, GOOD SENSE r, IN THE USE -Of MEDICINE How Prepared Household Rem edies May Be Intelligently Employed and Proof of What One of Them Has ;AcconipHshed.' . ... (Special Dlapatcn to TM Journal.) (Special Dlapatch to Tns Journal.) i uranvs rass, ur. oopv. a. iany , ooa Kivsr, sept I. According to half , hundred, people, including the contractors and railroad men who claim yarlous. oommlttees appointed by the to be' In touch with railroad develon ' county court, commercial club and men ts along- the Columbia river; a great 'ladies' auxiliary, besides a large crew oil effort Is being made by the north bank carpenters and. expert .worltmen. are road to finish its line to Portland be ; busy making preparations for the irri- fore the O. R. A N. can put trains in , cation, convention and . industrial fair operation over the improvements which . thajawill be held in Grants Pass. Sep- It is maklnar in Its line. Th Hill marl fiber 10. 11 and 11. a larre ravine has been erected in the center of the : town, near the 'depot, in which the fruit, mineral and forestry exhibit will be. held,- and large store room Is be ing fitted up by the ladles for a dls- JlMSh rill endeavor to arrant nrnfltahla through eastern mall oontraots from its I rival on the other side of the river. It PlS Claimed that bv rut tin a Anmn tha ume Between. BnoKsne - and - Portland Dlav of art work and exhibits bulldlnar la arranged play booths all around Us four sides; painting. The nged with dis- from 16 hours to eight or 10 hours, the new road can save time tn landing mail in Portland from Chlcaao. ,Bv mililn. connection at St. Paul with the fast Hm. mere is an open court in tn center, I uea man trains that run to that cit witn - annxing rountam ana pottea irom-vnicago ana Dringin mail thrnn. to Portland by way of Spokane, it is said the new Hill line can put on a faster service and take the contract away from the lines operated by the Harrlman system. It Is stated in this connection that trial runs will be made to decide which road Can DUt In nnaratlnn th. nnlw nui summer ana mat ootn lines are putting forth the areateet effort drlnklnor plants. The whole la belnar decorated who everareena and nowers. The display of fruit will be made from both Josephine and Jackson coun ties, and the aoDle growers of the fa mous Rogue river valley will make it the finest ever seen in the state not even excepting that of the Lewis and Clark fair. . Two long arches have been built over Sixth street. These ara ' being deco rated with evercreens and bunting, and ..JJLwliJuixlilbJts.J brilliantly IfghtedTThe whole cltywllT De in nonaay attire. Among ine nmuso- of various sorts, also a dally ascension and parachute Jump by the local aeronaut, Ralph Berry. There will also be an automobile show. Speakers of Hit Distinction. imnnai that mra following: Joaquin Miller, who will give whlch the new road runs for 30 miles, an address on 'The Undiscovered Ore posslbls to haVe everything In readiness for It J0Jawai JTrifffetsXarA TWO million dnllara la bains' nnin ment feature, wll be race, and contest- "'." fV ? X ! bauoon I K7 7i, . J, , : .ul iiiuiuvviiieiu xinisnea De- parade and horse naving tne imprc fore the north bank road can be sot in operation. Aocordlna to a statement muda hv an attorney for the north bank road Sal urday before the aaaesanra of Rira. speakers ustea are tne I uniy, vvaaningion, tnrougn 61ve wnicn tne new roaa runs Tor 20 miles. re-1 its officials consider It to be 76 oer Ron:" George H. Hlmes or portiana. ""' t'" - xni auicement was Oregon of the Past:" H. W. Scott of brought out by the fact that the road Portland, "Oregon of the Future;" Tom naa n. assessed as being 0 per cent Richardson of Portland. "The Oregon completed, figuring on this statement Known to the Business Man;" Professor .?'" correct contractors say it will Kerr of Oregon Agricultural college, sun taxe six'montns to finish the road "Th Firmer an ml nca r inn lr. jamaa : " Kt umisiiun. Wlthycombe of Oregon Agricultural col- The warfare carried on for many lege, "Irrigation In Rogue River Val- "J0"" "alnt the north bank road by ley;' Professor I F. Dryden. "Poultry tne Harrlman system under the guise of Raising." E. L Smith of Hood River -"iumDia vaney, wnne abandoned wUl give an address on apple growing oyorder of the oourts. Is said to be In general and of his observations of "J"1 manifesting luelf whereever the the luslnes. at Hood River. B. H. .Shep- ?ld.,f?d.I1"e" an opportunity or ad- pard of Hood River will speak of co- vnKe PP'n away from It. Through operation among fruit men. A. J. Ma- th.e Innumerable channels used by every son of Hood River will speak on "Ap- i2aL?yBtem nd employes pie Growing Without Irrigation." Oth- J".J b'" b4"uKht t0 bar er sDeakers will be C A. Malbouef of Prevent If possible the transporting of the Southern Pacific. Mrs. Clara Waldo "" trairic oi tne u. ti. & N. a.i.m j,m r n. wataon of Aah- scross tne river to its hurflllr vawter or Mearora. There are soma who will not entsloy a doctor' under any- circumstances 'land others who ara-us that we should not so much as take a simple cough mixture! without calling on a meaicat practitioner to prescribe it.,- As usual th truth lies between . the two extremes and common sense Is all that Is required to find It. safe zamiiy remedies, tried by time and proved val uable by experience, will always have their place In the household and there are constantly occurring instance, in which they may be properly and Intell! s-entlv used. A rood tonic, safe tor usi without a doctor's prescription, with tonic, safe tor use complete directions for taking, such as Dr. Williams7 Pink Pills, will often save money, time and suffering. If vou feel run down, either throagh overworn, worry, or some great strain on the bodily forces, you cannot ao bet ter than to use Dr. wiuiams pinx Pills. Mrs. Nellie Mead of S67 Bedford street Johnatown. Pa., savs "After the birth or my baby i aia not get very strong, but grew weaker, if anything, as time went on. ' Any little excitement or work, even going up stairs, made me tired out and short of breath. My digestion was poor and I didn't get hungry. If I forced myself to eat. tne gas on my stomach ais tressed me terribly. I Was pale "and nervous snd was often troubled with dltsy headaches and palpitation of the heart, "I lost Interest in life and became melancholy. The medicines I took for over a year didn't help me, so I began to use Dr. Williams' pina puis, sooner than I had hoped, I noticed a little benefit and oontinued the treatment until well. My complexion became healthy and blood pure. My appetite easse, haek. dlgestlaa wasi gooL-aJd rradually my nerves grew strong. I elt better and stronger in every way." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or sent postpaid, on re ceipt of price, 60 cents per box, six boxes for 11.60, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. T. WlEHELM IS BETTER TIPPER THAN KUR0KI Ulng rival. land and W. I A delegation or representatives, Dotn from the city and county, will attend the national irrigation congress at Sao ramento this week and will make an effort to get a large majority of the delegates to the congress to stop off at Grant's Pass for the Oregon convention. UNUSUAL DISPLAY ATTORNEYS FOF TRIAL OF ADAMS OF FOWLS AT FAIR At Trial Next Week Darjow, Miller and Wourms to Defend. Poultry of All Descriptions, of the Finest Incubator Demonstra -Pigeon Races. tion- (Special Dispatch to Tne Journal.) Salem, Or., Sept." S.--The poultry ex- Illit fc i lie i u iui . uviii vim inn ( i - .... v& j . i , imiv aiiivovi September 16-21. .at Salem promise, , to wSrWfort'rftro! (Special Dispatch to Tne JoarntL, Wallace. Ida., Sept 8. Clarence Dar row of Chicago, accompanied by Charles H. Moyer. president of the Western Federation of Miners, and Attorney Fred Miller of Spokane, have arrived excel all orevlous sttempts along this wad Tvinr win line, and lovers or the feathered tribe next week. The last trial resulted in an on the Pacific coast are looking forward evenly divided Jury. Adams will be defended by Darrow. probably commence to' the show with keen anticipation. H. C. Schellhous of Portland Is superin tendent of this division. The poultry building has been turned half-way around to conform with the new system of walks and exhibit, for this year's fair. An annex will be built especially for Incubator and poultry supply displays and office room. In ad dition, the, coops will be rearranged ana painted, ana tne interior or building thoroughly renovated. Miller and John H. Wourms of Wallace. E. F. Richardson of Denver will have nothing to do with the case. " The state will be represented by Henry H. Knight, Prosecuting Attorney Walter H. Hanson and James E. Ovde. all of Wallace. It Is not yet known whether James H. Hawley of Boise will cooperate with the attorneys for the the state. It is considered extremely probable in Japanese Nobleman and Warrior Left Hundreds to the Bad bjr Swedish Prince. how (United Press Leased Wire.) New York, Sept 8. This Is Swede and Jap grade tips: Prince WUhelm. General Kurokl. il00 Head waiters 860 20 Walter. ,10 6 and 810 Bellboy. 85 iS and 810...., HaUboy. 6 60 Chambermaid. 810 100 Carrlagemen 810 all records for tipping at the Hotel As tor when he packed tip last night and started for Boston. He and his aids topped by a couple of hundred dollars the high-water mark of liberality set by General Kurokl and his entourage when they were st the Astor two months ago, and the servants of the hotel voted the distinguished Japanese soldier' and those In his party the "best ever." The day Baron Kuroai left he divided 8508 In tics' among the hotel em nlovea who had served lilm In anv ca pacity, and 8600 more was given by his cnier or stair zrom tne traveling tuna allowed tne oaron oy tne Japanese gov ernment SALMON WILL REACH ITS RECORD PRICE (United Press Leased Wire.) New York, Sept. 8. The Tribune say. rn- not equal the increasing the er srlce of canned salmon will be higr Among the dozens of exhibitors who this district that a change of venue to have already applied for entry blanks, Mosoow. Idaho, will be asked, but this Warren Cooper of Tacoma Is a protni- will be vigorously fought by the at- nent breeder, -as is James Wilder of rneys ror tne an. North Yakima, who will send a big ex hlblt of Cochins and buff Leghorns. Harry collier of Tacoma will gather a large Washington' exhibit from the smaller breeders of the state, which will contain from 160 to 200 birds. In the vicinity of Salem, John Jefferson, Mrs. J. A. Blake, H. S. Poisal,- Sam Caato and numerous others will be represented. he pigeon exhibit will be made a speQe feature of the 1907 show. The coops far the pigeons will be found in tne center or tne building. The port land Pigeon club will be a chle'f factor in this department. The Homer pigeon races, to be started at the fair grounds and ended at Portland, which will be contested dally, are an attractive fea ture to the pigeon fanciers. Besides the regular chicken breeds and the pigeons, there will be special classes for game fowls, bantams, tur keys, geese, ducks and pheasants. The Petaluma Incubator company and the Glendale Incubator company, iwo California concerns, have applied for space. They propose to have machines In operation In the poultry building, demonstrating the artificial raising of the chicks. in all its stages, PHILIPPINES VETERAN DEAD AT EUGENE (Soaclal DlipateB to Tne Journal. 1 Eugene, Or., Sept. J. Arthur Hanna, a well-known Eugene tailor and a vet eran of the Spanish-American war, hav ing been a member of Company C, Sec ond Oregon volunteers, m tne Philip pines In 188-9, was buried here yes terday afternoon, having died in the insane asylum at Salem, to which Insti tution he was committed over two years ago. His Insanity was caused by : ill haith contracted in the islands. . He was born 80 years ago In Canada. His mother and several brothers and sis ters live there. ' ,; ACCIDENT TO MAN ":i 1 ON LAUNCH TRIP Mover's visit to the district has no significance and he will leave In a day or two. ' Metsger sells diamonds at 10 per cent profit 841. Wash, st Seven-Jewel Elgin watch. 18 else, 80 year case. 89.75. MeUger's, 842 Wash. nrlc this year, because the supply will eoual the increasing demand. The resent situation Is said to be unprece- ented. The Columbia river pack is short more than 60 per cent, there has been almost an entire failure of the sockeye catch on Puget sound, and the British Columbia and Alaska red salmon suddIv ts at least 600.000 cases short of last year s pacx. wnen taxen in con nection with the almost entire depletion of stock, this mesns there has not been sufficient salmon packed this season to supply the world's normal requirements, and before the 1908 pack Is available prices win be higher tnan ever in tne history of tne salmon industry. PROMINENT PEOPLE TO WED AT ONTARIO (SdmUI DliDnfeh to TO Journal.) Ontario, Or., Sept 3. Two prominent ?'oung people of this city will be united n marriage at th home of the bride's BRE'R B'AR IS GIVEN CHASE .OF HIS LIFE (S c!al PUpatcb to The Journal.) ntlon Cltv. Or... Sent. 8., Lewis e and a companion arrived here yes- ,ni,T III lliwir Ruuiura iouuvii iiuiu Portland. Frye sustained quite a pain ful accident bV the rlcochette of a piece of a bullet that had been fired at a BteelralLAhrt strupk .him just Ahoye. the left eye. While not dangerous, the wound is very annoying and baa caused the upper part of his face to swell to large proportions. - Th men propose to go On to tbe bead of navigation. ' (Special Diapatco to The Journal.) Hood River, Or., Sept. 8. A large, brown bear was seen wandering along the public highway in the open country between the Frankton schoolhouse and Belmont church, a short distance west of this city, Friday evening, and a lad named Eby went In pursuit on horse back. He gave it a hard race for a quarter of a mile, when it run through a barbed-wire fence and Eby went to hunt for a gun. While he was hunting a.gun Messrs. Downing and Taylor took tne trail of the bear and chased it through the orchards and fields and across fences for almost two miles Into a strln of woods, where they lost It. They had no dogs and could not find any to trail the hear and It got away en tirely. Several women and children saw the bear and were considerably frightened. It Is supposed that the bear had been in some or tne orcnaras eating appies, Mr. Holeman of Hood River, Who keeps a few bear dogs, was phoned to come snd help capture the bear, but the i.ogs were not at hand and he could not come. He sent for his dogs the next day and went out on the hunt of the bear, but failed to strike Its trail where It was fresh enough for the dogs to follow. - v - -.; narents. county coroner ana Mrs. j. .. Farley. In this city this evening at 8 o'clock, when Frank W. Mogan wl to the altar Miss Lulu Farley. 111 lead The ceremony will be witnessed by about 80 invited friends and relatives. Sarsd Xsr Son's Ufa. The happiest mother In the little town Of Ava., Mo., Is Mrs. 8. Ruppee. She writes:.' ''One year ago my son was down with such serious lung trouble that our physician was unable to help him; when by jour druggist's advice I began giving him Dr. King's New Dis covery, and I soon noticed improve ment I kept this treatment up for a few-weeks when he was perfectly well. He ' has worked steadily since at carpenter1 work. Dr. King's New .Dis covery saved his life." Guaranteed best cough and cold remedy by Red Cros Pharmacy. SOo and 81.00. Trial bottle . ip Eastern Excursions. September 11. 12 and 18 are the dates. Choice of routes. Stopovers going and returning. Fast train service. Superb equipment. Grandest scenery in the world. Canadian Pacific is the road. For rates and full particulars call on or address F. R. JohnswO. A. P. D., Portland, Oregon. Notion Specials Straw Cuffs, for Tiop-picker use, ( Special, the , , C pair... ,.IC Nail and Hand Brrfshes, ex tra fine lot , Regular QC value 75c each; special .JJC Violet Talcum Powder, fin cat quality. Regular value 15c a can. Special, the QA can... ,.k..'. OC Pompeiian Massage Cream, regular value SOc a jarOC- Special, the jar l00C Toilet Paper in rolls. Best quality. Regular value 1ft -Sc. Special, 3 rolls.... 1UC MAIL ORDERS HAVE PROMPT A TTENTtOH : "" 1 1 .. "! 11 1 1 .." 1 . . "". ." . . . ..." '. 1 riFTHVVMSHtWGTdr'SIYTrf 1 MM STREETS MERODE UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEM Selling at Special Prices All This Week Buy "Now r A five-day sale of the best line of Underwear for women and children made or sold in America. Me rode hand-finished underwear is well known for its splendid wearing qualities, for the perfect finish and fit of every garment that leaves the factory. This special advance display and sale should add many hundred new names to the "Merode list," the roll of women who know and wear the best that's to be had in underwear for women and children. (A IT '('It': i MY V 7. - Women's "Merode" Vests, Pants and Cor set Covers, fine'ribbed cotton, hand- J ij finished, medium weight, each flJ)C Heavy weight, special... 59f Women's "Merode" Vests and Pants, su perior Sea Island cotton, in cream or white; special Women's "Merode" Vests and Pants, silk and cotton mixed, in white only ; A f 19 special tDla AJ 68c cotton : will not shrink : in gray tp l 1) and white, special tDlelsJ Women's "Merode" Vests and Pants, in silk and wool mixed, or fine all wool, white; each Dl I D Children's "Merode" Union Suits, cotton merino and woof, 75 to ?1.50, according to size. Women's "Merode" Union Suits, finest cot ton, medium weights, suit 90. (V j Heavy weights, special, each.'... 11-J Women's "Merode" Union Suits, Qf part wool, in white; suit, special. .M)) Women's "Merods" Union Suits, Cashmere wool, ingray or wool suit; A Q special f. J) l.tjU Women's "Merode" Union SuitsSilk and wool mixed or all wool; white or 1t gray; suit OLiJ -Women'sj; wooi anu coiiuii iuiAcu , uiau auiiiq sua. anu i perior cotton fleeced, all sizes; spe- Jf cial 3f. Misses' sizes, special 'taJC Children's "Merode" Vests and Pants, oart wool, in white or gray, sizes 1 to 4, each, special 64. Sizes 5 to 6, each, n special. . UOC m In the Muslinwear Aisle WOMEN'S KNEE PETTICOATS, of plain blue, pink or white, or pink and blue striped flannelette; deep flounce, with four rows of hemstitching or two rows of large tucks. Regular price 65c; A(k special at it WOMEN'S KNEE PETTICOATS, of dainty striped outing flannel; 84c deep flounce, with hemstitching. cial at CHILDREN'S DRESSES of white lawn, linen and duck, in sailor, Russian and fancy. These dresses are the balance of last week's sale, but there is still a Regular price $1.00; spe- BEGIN XMAS FANCY WORK NOW To introduce packages containing materials with floss and patterns for finishing same. bhirtwaists in assorted designs all sizes to select from. They are slicrhtlv mussed and soiled, but one washing will make them as fresh as when they came from the factory, -For rapid selling we marked them as follows: Regular price. Special Lot 1, $1.00 to $ 375 78a Lot 2, $4.00 to $ 8.25 8J3.19 Lot 3, $9.50 to $17.50 4.6T These dresses cannot be "ex changed or returned. iarre sMnrtmrnt of 'stvles andT material fine lawn or drawn pat r : : . w.. I . 1 r t? l terns, material line rrcuun liam sook; stamped for French em broidery. Regular price, complete, 85c and $1.00; special INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S SUMMER HATS Our entire line of infants' and children's summer Hats and Bonnets, from the plain to the most artistic and 2?Haf Price 90c Table Damask 69c Linen Table Damask, bleached, 62 inches wide, new pat- terns, onowarop, xviornmg uiory and roppy. Special, . the yard '. Sample Tablecloths, slightly soiled 2x2 2x3 yards, special, yards, special. 3.00 3.60 Bath Towels, white or cream colors, extra heavy and large, regular value 40c. 0 Special OuC Fine Huck Towels, white or colored border, large size; regular value 25c. XQr Special, each IOC Crochet Bedspreads, ; good quality, Marseilles patterns ; -regular value $1.25, A r AA' Special, each ...... JJ) X U U New Outing Flannels, hun dreds of pieces, best "qualities in outing flannels ; stripes, i plaids, checks and plain col-, ors. The softest, warmest and most durable flannels can be' found in our large stock.' Prices, the yard, "'8c, - f "r 10c, 11c and ..1&2C Ask to See Our New Waisting Flannels Prices HOc a Yard Up to $1.25 ORIENTAL RUGS IN A GREAT SALE . , . . ... A Stirring Special Sale of our Artistic Oriental Floor Coverings in large and small sizes. Small and me dium sized rugs or very large ones that will carpet a good sized room. This assortment contains some of . the finest gems of the weavers' art, creations that the d eft workers of the realms of the Shah and Sultan toiled over sometimes for years. Rugs that are rare triumphs of artistic blendings of several colors or pleasing contrasts, and of masterly skill in the weaving of intricate designs. An assortment that will appeal to the rug connoissieur with irresistible force. They are ornaments to any home. It is a double investment to buy an Oriental rug, for it is increasing in value whil e you are getting the use of it and have thi satisfaction -of owning it. The collection contains some of the finest specimens of Kirmenshahs, Sarouks, Tabriz, Bok haras, Khivas, Baloochistans, Daghestans, Shirvans, Mossouls, Kazaks, Bergamos, Anatolias and Kiskil lens. Make this your opportunity, for our entire stock of Oriental rugs is reduced in price. "'We mention. here a few sample reductions : $16.50 Values for $50.00 Values tor $m.oo. $m.50 $21.00 Values for $100.00 Values for $18.00 $86.00 $55.00 Values for $150.00 Values for $ 30.00 $128.00 And Ml Intermediate Prices at the Same Percentage of Reduction Vhy Wo Coll It Guaranteed fttlJj ill I ( J Under the tC-Sl Ol food and w Lrun lzD ; DRUGS ACT J 11 1 Ir'. Serial No. 6768.. jJf UJSLatfti- (in fpnnn a nl LsimJ UMuv Because we go to Bohemia eTery year and personally "elect our supply of Hops from the Best Hop Producing ' Districts of that little country, which grows the finest quality of Hops In all the world. And becaose Bohemians of the AmopiGQia AMD IlllWHIIII) '' J ,i V J ' Stand promotes Health and Good Cheer; Stimulates the uean ana urain means uooa rellowship Without Excess and no ueaaacne in tne . jaiorning. fl. B. C. St.Lpuis Bohemian, tiTho American Droning Co., Sf . Lc, BQTHCH1LD BROTHERS, Distributers, . 20 end 26 risrt'i First Clrcrt, Pert':.-! CsttJmd Qty Urwmmry la ZL Lcz:.T ' 1 - ' 1-