The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 02, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Store Closed All Day TbdayNew Fall Merchandise 'Arriving in Every DepartmcntScnd for Copy of Our New 1 907&8 Catdont:
IFcormw at Phe Meier (1MK-i$tein
Mff 5jQtk: "Anniversary Sale" Bargains Continue, in All Departmeiigs
Great Special Values in Lace
Curtains and Curtain Mate
rials-Elevator to 3d Floor
1000 pairs of ecru Notting
ham Lace Curtains at very spe
cial prices; plain and figured
centers with floral borders; also
inserting effects; all are 50 ins.
wide by 3 yds. long; special at:
$2.25 Curtains, at, pair.. $1.45
$2.50 Curtains, at, pair.. $1.05
$3.00 Curtains, at, pair.. $2.35
200 pairs of French Net Cur
tains in white and ecru, Cluny
or Renaissance edges; 45 and
50 inches wide, 2li and 3 yds.
long; best $3.50- G ZLff
$3.75 values, pair 4eeU
A special lot" of French and
Scotch Madras, light and dark
grounds, with floral and ori
ental patterns, suitable for any
room; all popular colorings
and designs, on sale at, yard:
?? 1'50 values, yard..l . OO
Best $1.75 values, yard.. $ 1.25
Best quality white French Net, for curtains, panels and bed sets; very
best quality double-thread net, great value, on sale at these prices:
54-in., 65c val 48 72-in., 90c val, 75 108-in., $1.25 val, yd, 08
German Casement, fast colors, ecru jrrounds, .witrt.artL.aiid iL,Q,
"cralfs acsigns; blue,"" green and" yellow, 501ns,"wide, $1 qual. O-C
Reg. $45.00 to $75.00 Tailored Suits for Half Price
Great special lot of women's Tailored Suits, the remaining spring and summer stock of high-grade gar
ments, many of which are desirable for fall wear. Good assortment and attractive 1L Dm?
styles;- best regular $45 to $75 Suits, your choice at one-half the regular prices ICC
Women's Eton and Pony Suits, in gray checks, plaids and stripes; splendid styles for rainy- Cff fi
weather wear; all good, up-to-date garments; best regular values to $20, on sale for OJ
Woman's Tajlored Suits in checks, stripes, plaids and mixtures; grays, tans and browns, in Eton, cutaway;
semi and tight-fitting jacket styles; all new, up-to-date apparel, best styles, all sizes, wonderful values.
Handbags, Purses, Belts, Etc., Etc.
500 small Handbags, suitable for women, misses and children; walrus
leather, moire-lined, and fitted with coin purse; regular 85c fQ
and $1 values, on sale at this low price take advantage J rC
300 women's large size Handbags, in seal and walrus leather; leather
lined, strap handles, fitted with coin purse; best regular $1.50 QO
and $175 values, on sale at this remarkably low price, each 70C
25,000 Dozen Valenciennes
Laces at Very Low Prices
25,000 dozen French
round-tbread Val. Laces
and Insertion; prettiest
patterns; great assort
ment, wonderful values at
the following low prices:
Reg. 10c vals., doz 7
Reg. I2yic vals., doz 84
Reg. 20c vals., doz.. 15
Reg. 25c vals., doz.. 17
Reg. 50c vals., doz.. 38
Mail orders filled.
Great three-days' sale of
real Cluny and Torchon
Laces, on .sale at, yard:
25c values, the yard.. 18
35c values, the yard.. 28
50c values, the yard.. 38
75c values, the yard.. 59
Real Irish Crochet
Edges, Insertions and Ap
pliques; grand reductions:
$2.50 values, yard.. $1.08
$4.50 values, yard.. $3.65
$5.00 values, yard.. $3.05
Closing out small lots of Princess Laces and Bands, at these orices:
Values to $3.50 at. yard, $1.08 Values to $5.00 at. vard. 82.08
3000 yards of Swiss and Cambric Embroidery and Insertion, 1 f Q
to IV inches wide; Dest patterns; values to 45c for, yard.. A UW
3000 yards of Swiss and Batiste Embroidery and Insertion. 2 to 15
inches wide; designs especially suited for women's petti-
coats; beautiful assortment; best regular $1.25 values, for TPVC
5000 Yards of New Plaid Silks
Sixty Styles Clans and Novelties
$ 1 .25 and $ 1 .50 Values 89c Yard
A sensational offering of beautiful new
plaid silks for ,fivc days of the greatest
silk bargains you ever had the opportu
nity to share in 5,000 yards secured
from one of the largest mills in the land
at a great concession from regular prices.
60 styles of magnificent new Clan and
Novelty Plaids in the newest and most
attractive' colorings and eombtnattona for
Waists, Suits, Petticoats, Trimming Pur
poses, etc. Every yard in the lot perfect
and of superior grade A style and qual
ity silk sold regularly at $1.25 and $1.60
the yard Plaids are going to be very
stylish for fall and winter wear The
wise woman will at once antic
ipate her needs, per yard.
See the Fifth Street Window Display.
Mail Orders Will Be Carefully Filled.
Our Annual September Sale
of Blankets and Comforters
Timely Offerings in warm Bed Coverings Blankets and Com
forters of best grade at saving prices Anticipate winter needs
500 pairs of 11-4 white Wool
Blankets, with pink and
blue borders; a grade of
blankets other stores ask
you $7 a pair for; our best
$6.50 values, pair... f 5.00
Extra large all-wool white
Blankets, size 78x84 ins.;
fancy borders, full weight;
' magnificent blankets in
every way; our regular $9
values, on sale for f 8.00
500 pairs of light gray Wool
Blankets with colored bor
ders; regular $6 values, on
sale at Tow price. ..$4.45
All grades and styles of
Blankets at the very low
est prices take advantage.
1000 full sire silkoline-cover-ed
Comforters, white 1am
inattd cotton filling; hand
some designs and color
ings; best values. . .f 1.60
500 silkoline-covered Comforters, downaline filling; light
flOlUff J. J?f St ..pattern
'Ostermoor" Mattresses, Springs, Pillow Fourth floor.
S3. 15
25c Box Paper 1 5c
2000 boxes of fine Stationery, ruled and unruled;
best quality linen paper; envelopes to match;
marvelous value at this special low 1
price, per box; best regular 25c value 1 JC
Orders taken for engraving cards, invitations,
announcements, etc., at the very lowest prices.
Odds and ends of Hatpins, popular patterns, in
large assortment; values ranging from 25c 1-.
to $2.50; your choice at exactly one-half ?
Children's sterling silver Bracelets, very CQ
pretty styles and great value, at, each J7C,
Swastika Watch Fobs, blue, red and GCQs
green enamel; great value at, each JirC
See our magnificent new line of Back and Side
Combs, plain and mounted styles, in endless va
riety; by far the largest and best display in the
city. Send for a copy of our new fall catalogue.
Drug, Stationery Bargains
Vinlet Witch Hard for the toilet and after
shaving; great special value at, per bottle 1 evC
Celluloid Combs, coarse and fine and all coarse
teeth; shell color only; best regular 50c
values, on sale at this special price, each J JC
Eastman's Perfumes, all odors, put up in 1 Qr
fancy bottles and pretty boxes; special at 1 JC
Coke's famous Dandruff Cure, regular 50c IQ
size bottle, on sale at this, low price, each eW7C
"Sanitol" Face Cream, softens the skin, 1 Q.
makes the complexion clear; special at I r C
"4711" Perfumes, triple extracts, in all 1 Q
odors; great special value at, per ounce 1 C
School Pencil Tablets, ruled and unruled; tf
great special value, at this low price, each Jw
Tally Cards, large variety of new and pretty
designs; good quality, great value, at, dozen CJC
"500" Score Cards, on sale at, special, dozen.... 8
3000 Pieces Semi-Vitreous China
Closing out sale of stock patterns of American Semi-Vitreous Por
celain China, all pieces at wonderfully low prices; pretty decorations
and colorings, at the following specially low prices Basement store:
5-in. Plates, $1.35 val., doz. 81.02
6-in. Plates, $1.65 val., doz. f 1.24
Teacups and Saucers, 1 Lf
$2.25 values, doz... V 1 .U7
4-in. Sauce Dishes, 90c value. 684J
9- in. Meat Platters, 30c val.. 23
10- in. Meat Platters. 50c val. 384
12-in. Meat Platters, 75c val.5T
Soup Plates, $1.90 values, on sale
at this low price, dozen. S1.43
Creamers, special for, each.. 23$
100-piece Dinner Sets, at.. f 8.40
for Peninsular Stoves and Steel
Ranges; largest and best line on the market; in the Basement store.
7- in. Plates, $1.90 val., doz. f 1.43
8- in. Plates, $2.25 val., doz. f 1.60
7- in. oval Vegetable Dih...23
8- in. oval Vegetable Dish... 38
8-in covered Vegetable Dish. 90s
Individual Butters, 65c values, on
sale at this sol. price, doz. 40
pc. Dinner bets for, set. fo.ww
We are sole Portland agents
Agents for But terick Patterns
73c Pace Veilings at 10c
For tomorrow and Wednesday, 10,000 yards of
Tuxedo Mesh Face Veilings, in black, white,
green, brown, blue, red, etc.; plain and fancy
meshes, small chenille dots, full width, all new
goods; values to 75c yard; a great spe-
cial purchase enables us to offer lot at.1''
50c-$ 1 Fancy Ribbons 33c
Sale extraordinary of 1,000 yards of high-grade plain
and fancy Ribbons, Ayi to 6 inches wide, including
French faille ribbons, print warp ribbons, Dresden
ribbons, polka dots, checked ribbons, striped ribbons;
etc., for dress trimmings, fancy work, sashes, girdles,
etc.; wonderful array of patterns and color
ings; values 50c to $1.00 the yard, at KjC
52.50, $3 Shoes and Oxfords $ 1 Pr.
Tomorrow and Wednesday,
two more days of phenom
enal Shoe selling Great two
days' clean-up of Women's
and Misses' Shoes and Ox
fords, $2, $2.50, $3 values at
$1 air Women's Shoes in
Kid and Patent Leather with
light and heavy soles, Cuban
or military heels Misses'
Shoes in heavy Dongola
stock with good, heavy soles
and low heels and patent
tips All desirable
footwear, per pair.
. rown Topics
Subscribers can have The Journal de
livered at the regular rates at the fol
lowing resorts by notifying the ugents
at the various places mentioned. Sub
scriptions by mall are payable in ad
Oearhart Park P. J. Struck
Hot Lake Hot Lake Sanitarium
Seaside Lewis Co.
Wllholt Springs F. W. McLeran
Carson Springs
Boyd & Son and Mineral Springs Hotel
Cascade Springs. Thomas Moffett
Collins Springs C. T. Belcher
llwaco Louis Cohan
Long Beach
Marshall & Pottsnger and O. A. Smith
Nahcotta H. J. Brown
Ocean Park Matthews Thedford
Sea view Frank K. Btrauaal
Tin Breakers.- The Breakers Hotel
ernoon. Rooney was killed by a trollev
car Tuesday night. General Owen Sum
mers and many members of the Second
Oregon attended the funeral. The pall
bearers were: C. E. Baty, C. R. Nichol
son, W. A. Shoemaker, Roy A. Newby, J.
Hoeye and Charles Cochrane. Comnanv
B. Third infantry. Oregon National
Guard, furnished the following firing
squad: Sergeant I. Smith. W. F. Har
ris, E. Welsendengen, W. A. Clark,
George Willey. W. F. Ackley, E. T.
Luthey and W. F. Paugherty.
Temperance Is making remarkable
strides in Korea, according to Miss Lucy
Broad of England, who told her audi
ence In the Calvary Baptist church yes
terday morning of her work In the mis
sion fields. In the country of 15,000,000
people the Christians have about 100.000
converts. She declared that the Koreans
are especially desirous of learning the
cnrisuan teachings, and all the mission
ary meetings are crowded. Miss Broad
will speak at several churches this week
on behalf or the w. C. T. U.
waukle adjoining the site of the shingle
mill, paying $4,000 for it. The company
will proceed at once to erect a sawmlil
on the site. The new enterprise will
give employment to a large number of
men. The firm now has 400 feet of
water frontage.
The Heilig.The Georgia Negro Minstrels
Marquam , ire (serenade
Baker "The Liars'
Grand Vaudeville
Lyric "Jess or the Bar-Z Ranch
Star "Driven From Home
The Oaks O. W. P. cars
Rev. Mrs. Clara Gilliam Ksson. who
wan recently elected assistant pastor
r ... pA,i-u. jSvonue Alhlna Christian
church, arrived from Ashland Saturday
. ,ioi' ..u.K. sine Decame ac
quainted with the members of the con
gregation yesterday during the servloo.
Mrs. Esson is a graduate of the Eugeno
Divinity school and has had consider
able eulerience in religious work. 8 tie
wasffdalned to preach June 1, 1801,
axatrever since June, 18(9, has been
resident of the Sunday school depart-
lnent of the Christian church in Ore
gon. - For the nast year aha was Daator
.-of tha Ashland Christian church. - Rev.
,F. Elmo Robinson la pastor of tha Rod
ney Avenue church.
A Military rttea wert accorded the body
of Fred. Rooney, a lata privata la tha
Second Oregon regiment, at the funeral
held from Flnlay'a chapel yesterday aft-
104 prises will be given free to the
104 persons who guess the nearest num
ber of attendance to the Grocer's Pure
Food show, old Exposition building.
September 2 to September 14: $5 in
U. S. gold coin, 3 cases Golden Grain
Granules Cereal coffee and 100 pack
ages (orders on grocers.) Write your
guess to John Blaauw, 12 Front street.
Portland Oregon, or register at Golden
Grain Granules booth at the show,
where this 100 per cent pure cer-sal
coffee Is served free.
Henry Timm, a pioneer musician and
band leader of this city, died yesterday
morning at his. home at 662 Third
street. He was born in Holsteln, Ger
many, In 1825, participated In the Hol-atein-Dentnark
war In 1847-48 and came
to America In I860. He arrived In Port
land In 1876 and pursued his musical
work until about eiaht vears aeo. He
pis aurvlyed by a wife, a son. Peter
iimm, ana a daughter, Mrs. Anna
Roslnskl. of Woods, Oregon.
Officials of the Boys' and Girls' Aid
society are seeking Archie Eggers, age
If, and Andre Ryan, age 15, who ran
away Saturday night from the receiving
home of the society at Bast Twenty
ninth and Hoyt streets. Eggers' left
arm ia Injured. He has light hair and
blue eyes, and wore black overalls, slip
pers and a black soft hat. Ryan also
has light hair and blua eyes, and wore
blue bib overalls and a black soft hat
The'Dennla Jb Davla Shingle company
of Mil waukle , ha nnntiui a. Miwk
of tround.on th nrer front at MU-
Water through hose for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks or washing porches
or windows must be paid for In advance
and used only between tne hours of S
and H a. m., and i and 9 p. m. It must
not be used for sprinkling streets. If
used contrary to these rules, or waste
tuHy, It will be shut off.
Patrons of the Mllwaukle carllne have
been refused 6-cent fare by the Port
land Railway, Light & Power company.
No rate has been fixed for a hearing
before the state railroad commission.
antes & Trust company, 240-244 Wash
ington street, corner of Second.
D. Chambers, optician, 12 Seventh.
Berger signs 284 Yamhill phone.
Bark Tonlo for rheumatism.
Charles Gransman was elected a dele
gate to the International League of Bar
tenders' convention at Toledo, Ohio,' Oc
tober 14, at the meeting of the Portland
local yesterday afternoon.
Stockholders of the Cooperative
Wood comnany will meet tonight in the
rooms of the association at the Ab
injtton building. There are now 212
For liquors phone the Family Liquor
Store. J. E. Kelly, successor to Caswell
& Kelly, 354 Morrison street, corner
Park. Both phones Pacific, Main 28.
and Home, A-2802.
Do It now. Order your Welch An
thracite coal. Delivery October and
November. Independent Coal company,
successors to Holmes Coal & Ice com
pany. Excursion to Astoria Regatta. Steam
er Telegraph leaves 7 a. m. Tickets,
round trip, $2.00. Good from Aug. 80th
to Sept. 7th. Alder street dock.
Steamer Jesse Harking, for Camaa,
Waahougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at 2 p. m.
Navajo Indian bianketa, II! Sixth at.
Alaska Indian baskets. Ill Sixth St.
Eastman kodaks, 111 Sixth street.
Woman's Exchange, 123 Tenth street,
lannh 11:10 to 3; business men's lunch.
Acme Oil Co. sell safety coal oil and
fine gasoline. Phone East 78; B-1007.
Diamonds; Watches Beck's, 70S Alder
-Offices for Rant. A few choIc kf.
floea for rent. 'Applr to The Title Ouar-
10 a. m. Miss Fox and Cawston vs.
Mrs. Northrup and Fisher; Miss Stever
vs. Miss Moore; Frohman and McKen
zie vs. Alexander and Warlnner; Miss
Lamberson vs. Miss Campbell; Miss
f ording and Hnlves vs. Mr. and Mrs.
2 n. m. Rosenfleld vs. Goss; Wilder
vs. Benham; Miss Goss and Wolf vs.
winner of Fording and Shlves-Harrlgan
and Harrlgan match; Miss Leadbetter
and K. McAlpin vs. winner Cawston and
Fox-Northrup and Fisher match.
3 p. m. PeSchwInt vs. winner Goss
Rosenfeld; Edgar vs. Andrews.
4 p. m. Matches in men's consolation
5 p. m. Starr and Starr vs. Rohr and
Preferred Stook CanneoV Qoods.
Allen A Iwls" Best Brand.
F.W. Baltes
and Company
invite your
inquiries for
Main 165
Home A1165
First and Oak
The option taken last May by the
Western Cooperage Company on 17 acres
near St. Johns and adjoining the site of
the Port of Portland drydock, was closed
during the past week, the Cooperage
company taking over tne land. The of
ficials of the company have been trying
for some time past to aecure a small
tract of river frontage from the Port
of Portland, a long lease on which has
at last been secured, the Port officials
declining to sell the holdings on any
terins!" -....-.-i- Wulurn CooDer-
age company decline to state when they
will out in a p ant in Portland, but
admitP?hat the site was purchased I with
that ena in view, i iu "VVi' hi. .
valuable tract of cottonwood t . imber on
the lower JoiumDia, wmwii ".",-,
llzed in supplying its Portland plant
WlT'neUsale of the 1 Tacre tract waa ne
gotiated through the realty brokerage
firm Of E. M. Jackson and company.
The Bralnard Cubs went to Eugene
yesterday and played the Eugene Colts,
champions of the Willamette Valley
league, defeating them by a score, of 5
to 2.
Heavy hitting won the game for the
Portland club. Cass Campbell of Port
land pitched a good game for Eugene,
but the Cubs found him for 12 hits.
Kotteman of the Cubs was very effective
and tne colts were able to land on him
safely but three times. Kotteman struck
out 11 men, while Campbell fanned 14.
Manager Smith reports that the senti
ment is strong in the valley for an ex
tension of the Trl-Clty league in that
direction meat year, to take In the towna
of Salem, Eugene and Albany.
Lamed Is National Champion.
William- A. Larnod won tha national
tennis championship at Newport last
week, defeating Robert Leroy, the In
tercollegiate champion, in straight sets.
6-2. 6-2. 6-4. This makes the third time
Larned has won the national honor.
William J. Clothier, the holder of the
title defaulted owing to an injury to his
'Slid For Life" at Oakt.
This evening's program at the Oaks
in celebration of Labor day will be one
of the most Interesting that has ever
been witnessed in this city. A apes
tacular feature will be Harry Klnga
tons daring "Slide for Life. Envel
oped In a sheet of flames he will alldo
down the 600-foot cable from the top
of the tower to the lagoon.
For ice call Main 234 or A-S24B.
Delivery company, 151 Stark at
Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas' Bc
lectrlo OH. Cures toothache, earache,
sore throat - Heals cuts, bruises, scalds.
Stops any vain, '
Farwell Concert
Of the Great Soloist
Fred Butler
Assisted by Waldemar Llnd, vio
linist; Mrs. Sylvia McGuire,
The White Temple
poptoa pic. bo cxirrs.
Tickets on sale Woodnrd, Claras
Co.. Fourth and Washington ;
Wlngate s, 40T Morrison st.
Wo Students. , jto Gas. mo Oooataa,
We Challenge the World
We will forfeit 11,000 to any charitable,)
Institution for any dentist who can com
pete with us In crown and bridge work''
or teeth without plates. Pay no facer
feea until you have consulted us. Our
continued success In our many offices
Is due to the uniform high-grade work
done by years of experienced operators.
The prices quoted below are absolutely
the best opportunity to get your mon"
ey's worth which has ever been offered.
We use nothing but the best materials
w u
tmxotb nrm tmnaii in
liver rattan SO
ruiwua riuufi
Gold ruling 2.nnT& &
b. st. wait Jbo-aa crow S5.00
Gold Crowns, best aaiu, carte
nn "ijw soevo, sestfoia ma.V
- Jeasser aiaie, wins
WB , , . . ,...1
Alnsaiaam-xanea riate ...1 to ilk
A binding; guarantee Uvea with all
work for 10 years.
Chicago Dental Parlors
W. Oor. 1st. as WiMn"o tW
The largest and best aautpped dental
establishment In the north weet. 8ev.
en teen offices in the Pnited States,
s that you are in the rignt woe.
Open Sunday S to J, ,
Lady in attaadanca ' j ,
Singer end
Solving rc"
- 833 iron; k. .