The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 02, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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    '. y, J.
CONDUCTORS cobalt cup is
Eleren Are Dismissed on the
- Oregon Water Power Di
i vision as Result of Numer
1 ous Complaints Sent in to
the Main Office.
E2sren of the tMiu conductor of
the Oregon Water Power division of the
Portland Railway, Light A Power com
pany were dismissed from the aervloe
the first of the present month aa the
result of long continued complaints
""wWcKTiaotieeH flowing Into 'the offices)
- . of the general manager.
' General Manager F. I. Fuller would
' fnot discuss the matter this morning,
though atatlng that 11 men had bean
' dismissed. He stated that he aa an of
fleer of the company could not discuss
f i the matter one way or the other.
V It la believed, however, that the com
pany was forced to take such draatlo
... action because of abuses on the O. W.
..P. division of long standing. It Is a
notorious fact that for a long period of
time aome of the conductors have been
t growing Insolent and entrelsa both of
id of the company aa we)
'where the conductors started their cars
; j while women and In many Instances
mothers, with Infants in their arms
were climbing to the running boards of
open cars, not having been given Urn
,to And a seat In the cars.
On the Oregon City Una passengers
nave been hustled on and Off the car
and when remonstrance was made at
trie lacn or courtesy shown the con
ductors have often become so Insolent
In bearing that men riding on the car
have been compelled to make forcible
'tiujectlun to the treatment aucoided.
: 'i
j Development of Silver Dis
trict Eetarded By High
Freight Rates.
(Jooraal pedal Berrlee.)
Washington, Sept. 1, Consul Wake
field of Ortllla, Canada, says the devel
opment of Cobalt camp as a stiver dis
trict has been exceedingly rapid. In
1905 and 106 a tremendous amount of
prospecting and development work was
done, and the vast value of shipments
placed Cobalt In Its position as one of
the world's rich silver districts.
In 1804 there were four shipping
mines, the output being ISO tons of
ore, valued at $116,218. In 1806 there
were additional mines which shipped
ore, Ui total output amounting to 4.H4
tons, valued at 11.468,624. In 1906
many other properties sent out ore
shipments totaling 6.129 tons, valued at
(S.600,000. The actual production of the
camp was much greater, as large quan
HHes' f ere -were stared on - several
properties. Most of the ore is shipped
to the smelters near New York. Ore
which in any other camp would be con
sidered high rrade is thrown in dumrje l
at Cobalt on account of the high freight
rates to the smelters.
a. .
Bank Failures Impossible If
People Who Toiied Could
Invest Savings.
Last night at Alieky hall, under the
auspices of the Socialists of Portland,
F. M. McHenry, chairman of the de
positors' oommlttee of the late Oregon
Trust & Savings bank, delivered an
entertaining and instructive lecture on
"Present Hanking Methods, Their De
fects and the Remedy." Mr. McHenry
reviewed the history of modern banking
from Its inception in Amsterdam to the
present time in our city. He eald In
part that the defect in the system was
owing to the credulity and ignorance Of
the depositors, mostly working men and
'It la not the bankers' money or capi
ta that goes Into the bank and from
the bank into tne channels or trade.
said the speaker, "but your money, the
workers' money. Men and women who
. ... ' H l V y '
have lbs. Ability, menial and physical
I to
ability to invest It aalely.
to acquire money do not seem
the ablllt
The House of
Highest Quality
the banker
o have
accepts de-
District Attorney Holds that
Girl Cannot Be Kemoved
From Steilacoom.
IValuables Had Been Packed
1 in Trunks Preparatory to
Moving and Forgotten.
The reported theft of silverware said
to have been stolen from the apartment
-of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Smith at the
-;?IIU proves to have been without foun
- cation In fact. It transpires today that
Mrs. Smith packed the silverware with
-'Othsr properly in arranging her apart
. rnents before roina- to the coul
and when she returned was unable to
- find It. She reported to the police that
, It had been stolen, but on moving to the
Smiths' new home at 780 Hoyt street
the silverware was found where It had
. .been placed In one of their trunks.
Mrs. Smith refused to discuss the
.matter this morning further than to
t give out the following statement:
' "The story of the lost silverware is
t an Injustice to Mrs. Hill and all those
connected with her establishment. I
have loat no silverware, nor do I pos
sess any! quantity of financial value."
Mrs. Hill was indignant at the report
that theft had been committed at the
(Joerail Special Bervlee.)
Seattle, Sept I. Esther Mitchell, who
shot and killed her brother, George
Mitchell. urmg'Krng strr Tfnjwrenger
station In July, 1906, within a week
after the man had been discharged by
a Jury In the superior court for killing
Frani Edmond Creffleld, the high prleet
of the Holy Rollers, will In all probabil
ity not go to the penitentiary ward for
the criminally Insane.
Following the killing of her brother
the Mitchell woman was adjudged In
sane and sont to the state asylum at
Steilacoom. where she Is now.
There is no controversy between the
state and the friends and counsel of
the woman that she committed a crim
inal aot, but it was long before the
statute was enacted that provided for
the keeping of the criminally Insane at
the penitentiary at Walla Walla.
The new law does not in plain words
explain itself as to "criminally Insane,"
but Prosecuting Attorney Kenneth
Mackintosh and other lawyers who have
gon carefully into the statute declare
that It is only the convicted insane that
can be removed to the penitentiary
"I do not think, under the statutes,
that I can put Esther Mitchell In the
penitentiary, said the prosecuting at
torney yesterday. "Under the present
glans of the of floe, she will remain at
tellacoom. .We construe the law as ap
plying only to those who have been
acquitted of felonrea by reason of In
sanity, aa In the Chester Thompson
George Mitchell's cuss Tor. killing
posits, puts it In the vaults and guards
It with a shotgun. On the contrary,
they take it In through one window and
pass it out through another to some
contractor, speculator or promoter to
put the depositor to work to keep him
and her at work. And all the time
working for the banker.
The speaker instanced the sale of
The Line of
Highest Merit
telephone bonds good security no doubt
but putting a double burden on the wage
earner and depositor by selling them
Hill house, as it appears that there had
been none. Mrs. Smith was so firmly
convinced her silverware had been
stolen that she visited a pawnshop last
week to Identify silverware believed by
the police to have 'been stolen.
With those weird and mysterious
rites so dear to the celestial heart, the
local lodge, of the Chee Kung Tong, bet
i ter known as the Chinese Free Masons,
r celebrated the birthday of Hung Tsu.
. aa Illustrious warrior and tutelary
deity of the organisation, who went to
his eternal rest about two centuries
Hung Tbu was the father of the re
form movement in China nearly 20O
; years ago, and founded the Chee Kung
Tong as a sort of Chinese Tammanv
club, although of recent years the tong
has been classed as a beneflolary or
. ganlxation.
The festivities started yesterday f-
"lernoon with a dinner at a local Chi
nese restaurant after which there was
a bis dow wow" In the lass hmtas
Following the religious ceremonies an
'ether banquet was held at midnight,
which lasted until the early hours.
Oasene does not shrink or Injure fab
ric, fibre, color, skin.
Creffleld was that the Holy Holler lead
er ruined Ksmer. Maud Creffleld,
widow of Creffleld. was charged by the
state with Instigating the murder of
George Mitchell. The Creffleld woman
committed suicide in the county jail
last winter.
Seduced Bates to Astoria.
For the benefit of those wishing to
attend the meeting of the Norwegian
Singing Society held at Astoria, August
31-September 1, t, and the 13th an
nual Astoria regatta, September 2, 8,
4, the Astoria & Columbia Klver rail
road names a round trip from Portland
of S2. Tickets on sale August 30-81,
September 1, 2, 8, , returning expire
September 6.
below par with a lot of stock thrown
In as bait, compelling the user eventu
ally to pay interest on bonds and stocks.
He spoke of President Moore as one of
the model bankers of this or any other
city. He naa Dean intimately aoquainted
with him for a number of years and
spoke in the highest terms of bis hon
esty, ability and uprightness.
what defect there was or Is. Is not
owing to Mr. Moore, Mr. Morris or the
bank directorate, but to the system
under which banking Is done. He had
reason to believe that most of the de
positors would be paid in full, he him
self having no fears on that aooount.
The discussion which followed the ad
dress rotrgTit cur. a strong "BntirnBrt
favorable to government postal savings
banks. William Vandergoot describing
the system now in vogue In Holland.
where the depositor has with him his
bank book, where deposits are entered
and withdrawals noted. A very simple
and effective method and so popular
with the people that they would not
under any circumstances consider Its
"You can" said Mr. Vandergoot. "with
your bank book go Into any part of Hoi-
land and depslt or withdraw your de
posit with aa little labor as you now
mail letters or packages."
Definite Guarantee
Easiest Terms of
And-a Saving of
On every piano told, from the
prices of other dealers.
Men Who Took Striking
Messenger Boys' Places
Can Remain at $40.
(Special Dispatch to Tht Journal.)
Klamath Falls, Or.. Sept. 2. The
new town of Dorrls, on the California
Northeastern railway, which .is build
ing Into the Klamath basin, is to have
a bank. Klamath capital will finance
the institution. Of the five directors
three will be citixens of Uorrts. The
fromoters are Charles E. Warden and
red Meehase of this city, both of
whom are organizers and present offi
cers of the American Bank & Trust Co.
of this place. A fine two-story build
ing will be erected immediately, and In
the Interval office room has been se
cured In the store of George Otto. Dor
rls is experiencing a steady, healthy
growth, and will be a town of consider
able importance. The Bank of Dorris
will serve a great section of country
and will doubtless grow into a large and
sound institution with th e develonmnt
of tb country.
(Special Dispatch' to The Journal.)
Pendleton, Or., Sept 2. II. M. Cock
burn of Milton has been recommended
by the district fair commissioners as a
suitable man for the governor to ap
point to succeed Judge tJartman as a
member of the board. A resolution en
dorsing Mr. f.'oekburn for the honor has
oeen paeaea by tne board of directors.
No more It-a-day men are wanted at
the 'Weatsm Union Telegraph company's
headquarters In this olty. filnoe the
telegraphers' and messengers' strike the
company, hard put because of need of
men, has been paying $3 a day for mes
sengers. But the 33 a day men have
been notified that henceforth It is to be
340 a month to take or leave as they
Most of the messengers are able
bodied men, who went in aa strike
breakers when the boys left, attracted
by the good money offered. Many of
them left permanent positions in order
to secure the better pay, believing that
once in the employ of the telegraph
company they would be kept They
have been given the privilege of stay
ing if they wish, but at something less
than half the money they first received.
Some of the boys who first went out
are back at work, but only a few of
them, and the company, it Is said, will
try to employ men as mesengers as
long as It can get them to stay on the
It matters not which make
you may select, or when you
may buy, you're always sure
that you have secured increased
quality, at decreased cost, at
Piano, Or ran and Talking Ma
chine Headquarters of the
Pacific Coast
353 Washington Street
Corner of Park.
40 Stores California to Alaska
A meeting of the stockholders In the
Portland Rose Festival society will be
held tomorrow night In the rooms of
the Board of Trade in the Chamber of
Commerce building. The meeting is
called for the purpose of perfecting the
incorporation of the association and
electing a set of directors, sufficient
stock having been subscribed to per
mit of forming the corporation. Fol
lowing the stockholders meeting the
Labor Day Celebration
AT 130 O'OXiOCX.
Kingston's Shoot-th-Chutes
In a Sheet of Flame! A fiery
slid for life from Chutes
tower, 1B0 feet high, plunging,
suspended by his teeth, down
a eoo-foot cable, climaxing the
deatb-courtlng feat by diving Ft
into the lake 9:10 o'clock. f
Prize Masquerade O
nr in bio junk. ml
Magnificent illumination. Aug- 5?
mented music. Best of order, -ft
All fancy skaters attending. eKf
Admission for All Day's Brents, -
10 Cents. 2
Cars First and Alder. J?
newly elected directors will oraanlze
by electing a full complement of offi
cers to serve during the ensuing year.
Idaho's Tax Valuation
(SptcUl Dltpateh to The Journal.)
Moscow, Ida., Sept. 2. The total as
sessed valuation of property in Idaho,
as finally approved by the state board
of equalization, is $97,441,446.65. Ada
county's assessment is the highest, $11,
082.1S2.20. Then follow Shoshone, $10.
242,0114.68; Nez Perce, $ 10,065, 81 H. 10 ;
Canyon, $5,896,691.86; Latah, 15,692
287.62. The revenue to be raised for
state purpoaes this year Is $600,000, or
$150,000 more than last year.
Mustang Liniment
6ms qulokly to the
very oops of tho
disease and stops
the most deepsat,
exoruelatlng sains
Imest Instantly.
IV )
We Present Those
Tall and Winter
Styles which
distinguish themselves
from the usual
in their
superiority of
fabric, workmanship
and clothes.
''i.,' . i ' '(
; " t
" 'l ,
' ;
- Jy t.
A Dollar
Sold on Easy Payments and
You Wear the Jewelry
While Paying for It
Society Wards Recaptured.
Archie Keers. aired IS. and hi. rm.
' .1 LH.D..DU I. V L-M i n ! 1 1 MI ,1 rHf'inrR I . . "w -
The resolution will be taken to Portland 1 flle'nJrew Kyan. aged 15r were taken
by Judge Hartman himself, and deliv-I L7n?,h"rs?, h,y PoI,ceran at J,n ,TTnon
ered to the g-overnor, along with his own
resignation as one or the third district
commissioners. The commissioners we
now making elaborate preparallons for
the fair, which will be held the last
week In September.
station yesterday while skirmishing
hdoui trying to Doard a blind baggage.
The two youths ran away from the
Boys' ftnd Girls' Aid society and were
taken back there.
Mustang Liniment
Stvle can be found in sev
eral different makes of cloth
ing. Price does not always
prove that clothes have qual
ity and style.
Our aim is to select clothes
that have high quality, accur
ate Style and to sell them at
the rig ht price.
If this interests you, here
are goods you'll appreciate.
Men's Fall Suits
T 910.00 to $30.00.
166 and, 16a Third Su
; " Mohawk BIdg, ,
(Jonml Special Berrien. I
Philadelphia, Sept 2. Wllmer IX
Higbee, a veteran Western Union opera
tor, died In the Western Union office
Thursday night under the strain due to
overwork. When the operators went
out Higbee stuck to his key. Thursday
night he fell from his chair. The man
ager ran to him. As the manager
grasped hlrn to raise him up. Higbee,
using the index finger of his right hand
on the back or the manager's hand,
tapped out In the Morse code:
l am dying. Apoplexy. My third
stroke. Good bye.''
Alice Carter was arrested yesterday
afternoon by Detective Price on a war
rant charging her with larceny, issued
upon complaint of Albert- Franke of
Rainier. The complainant alleges that,e valuable gold watch.
According to Miss Carter, Franke pur
chased the timepiece for her In a local
feyntrr twer 'A (JOffmt-ensued soma
time later but she declares ihnt nn rta.
mand was made on her for the watch !
i?.f oli court the accused Is
out oa 100 cash boil. . ?' n "
Wlnema Is Afloat Again.
J KInmath Falls. Or., 8ept. t. The
i steamer Wlnema of Upper Klamath
lake. I once more afloat and on her
regular trfDS. The boat nnk th eariv
i part of August In a violent storm but I
I la not much the worse for the accident.
A big excursion In being planned to
celebrate the resuming of steamboat
navigation on the uyper lake.
From the Louisville Courier-Journal.
Since he knows nothing about the
business, John D. Rockefeller must ad
mlt that be Is shamefully overpaid.
Oars every ailment
of Han er Beast
that a good, honest
Liniment ean ours.
None better,
Mono so good.
You miss one of the pleas
ures of the table unless
you have crisp,
. JleM.J:33W--Road to , .WeUxiUs." .
In pkgs.
"There's a Reason
(Special rUptcb to" Tit Jooroil.)
Klamath Falls, Or., Sept. 2. The
mayor and city council tf KJamath Falls
are at last of one mind, after a deadlock
lasting for months, on account of the
council refusing to confirm the mayor's
appointments. At the last meeting all
nominees were confirmed. C. C. Low
was appointed city -marshal Instead of
W. J. Broderick, whom the council had
hitherto refused to oonfirm. a. w
oione, rormeriy wnn tne federal re
ciamatlon service, was appointed city
Something Need Painting ?
No matter what it is, you can get
the right paint for it at your nearest
dealer's under the name
a mark that makes it easy to paint, enamel,
stain or varnish anything, new or old.
Let us send you a copy of the only com
plete paint guide ever printed, "The Selection
and Use of Paints and Finishes." if your dealer
cannot supply you with the " Aeme Quality "
kind, we will.
i7a nm stbjbbt, foxtkajto.
I Trie I IriuHl
For Remainder
Of Season
Monday, Sept. 2 10 :30 a. m.
Tuesday, Sept. 3 11:80 a.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 4. . .12 ;30 p. tn.
Thursday, Sept. 5.... 6:00a.m.
Saturday, Sept. 7 1:30 p.m.
Tickets at City Ticket Office,
Third and Washington streets.
Oeneral Passenger Ageat,
' A Board m a; end Ey
School for Tounf Men and
Preparation for eol
leses, u. 8. Military and
fJaval Academies. Ac
credited to Stanford.
Berkeley, Cornell, Am
herst and all State Uni
versities and Arrleultural
Colleges. Manual, train
ins;. Business course.
The principal has had t
years experience In fort
land, ftomfartahla ouar-
1 ters. Best environments.
Make reservations now.
For Illustrated catalog
and other literature ad
dress J. W. HILL, U.D..
Principal and Proprietor.
. (Special Dispateb to Tfce Journal.)
Moscow, Idaho, Sept 2. Olen Gordon,
wanted In Okanogan county, Washing
ton, for horsestealing, lies in the Latah
county Jail. Gordon was one of a
threshing crew on the Little Potlatch,
and was sewins; sacks. He is accused of
stealing a team about two months ago
' ' Harsh nhvsles reant. wlrn th.
! bowelg, cause chronio constipation.
: Doan's Regulets operate easily, tone the
stomach, cure constiDatlon. tEo. Aalr
your rggit tot them, ,.7 ;
It Is estimated by Secretary H. M.
Williamson of the state board of horti
culture that Willamette valley growers
reeelved $125,000 more for their oherry
crop this year than last, all due to the
demand from Washington canneries.
More than 1100,000 was paid to the
? rowers by Washington buyers and less
hen 125,000 by local canneries.
The Oregon Bartlett near cron has
gone In a similar manner. California
canners have purchased practically (he
enure crop in wregon, paying Tor It
prices three times as high as was of
fered early In the season by Oregon can
neriee. The pear crop will amount to a
great deal-more than the eherry crop.
Prune drying wag eommenced. )at i
week and this week will see that In.
oustry in run swing. The prune yield
1r..1l amitA .1.1a. I . . ...
""T '.T1 n ff ua me quali
ty better Chan usual! Prices also have
remained favorable.
Inspectors are planning the approach7
frig spraying campaign which wUl be
gin the middle or latter part of Octo
ber, An effort will e made to get
order iS reach every tree Tn the etate
before spring. Laws regarding market,
ng of pest-ridden fruit will be vigor-
r.i, i ,mmmmmmmmmmwmmil'hmmmmm
flscated- and the wnrlr nf
m.lrlnr rr wj":rAr"?H?
lusly etiforMd next summer without re
Wd" for buyer of produoer. M if,
asted fruit wherever found will be coft-
Dr. Sanderson's Compound
Savin and Cotton Root Pills.
The -best and onlv rnii.Ki
remedy for DELAYED PER-
lODS. Cur the mrt.h.iV--,.
v" in a iv aays. Frio
er oox, mailed In plain wrapper.
per box, mi
Price !
per. Sold
rywhere. Arfrfr... t
- V
ill Tlrtt f UTortlMd, On.
i -