The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 01, 1907, Page 13, Image 13

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Declares He Believes Legislators Should Follow Dictates
Of Their Own Consciences and Not the Will of
the People In Voting for Senatorial Candidates f
017 READ
Places Between 2 Portland
and SeasidelBehefit By
New Pdstal Baling.
, united States . Senator Charles W.
Fulton on Friday last at Corvallig de
clared himself to be in favor of the
lection of United States -senators by
the direct vote of the people. At the
ame time be declined to place himself
in the position of advocating the "doc
trine that member of the Oregon legls
lature should be bound by the ties of
statement ffo. 1,
The eenator, In hit epeeoh before the
Ail Benton school, fair Friday night,
stated that In his belfef the constitu
tion or the United States should be
so amended that the popular vote would
elect the senatorial representatives In
congress, ne neia, nowever, that un
ill that amendment was adopted the
provisions of statement No. 1 were not
necessarily binding because the federal
?unuruuon simulates that the mem
nf rho fetal llfefe4iiwAfe aHll
r;iose me united urates senators.
Attitude Zs of Zmportaaoe.
This exposition of his attitude is
taken to be of Importance at this time,
owing to the widespread belief that
"Statement No. 1" will be one of the
- leading issues of the senatorial battle
In 1808. Frederick W. Mulkey la one
upiriuii i or ins oince wno is an out
spoken champion of Statement No. 1,
just as his political friend, Senator
Bourne, was before him. W. S. U'Ren,
who may enter the field, is the father
oi me statement, and of course will
cnampion it whether he becomes a can
dldate or not. The attitude of Senator
Fulton shows that the lines will be
closely drawn. That portion of Senator
Fulton a speech dealing with Statement
u. i mna me election or united mates
senators was as follows:
Would Amend Constitution.
"I believe that 'the federal constitu
tion should be so amended as to permit
the election of United States senators
by direct vote of the people. It la true
that we have as nearly as possible, un
der the existing constitution, adopted
that method in Oregon. Still we are
far from that yet, for the legislature
l! J1?1 ,an4 .not simply by an act of
legislation be made to be bound by the
popular vote, although I believe M is
morally certain that the popular choioe
will, as a rule, be chosen by the legis
lature. Some people have said to me:
Inasmuch as you favor election of sena
tors by popular vote, why do you not
Insist on candidates for the legislature
subscribing to statement No. ir My
answer Is that I do not deem It Incum
bent on me to Instruct members of the
legislature as to their duty In that re-
"ard. That is a question which every
candidate must solve for himself. It is
a matter concerning which he must sat-
isiy nis conscience.
Should Made Own Choice.
The rederal constitution provides that
Senators in congress "shall be chosen
y the legislature." To choose means
io laae oy preference one out of sev
eral oiierea; to select." The constltu
tlon of the United States also SDectflcal
ly provides that the "members of the
several state legislatures shall - be
oouna Dy oatn or affirmation to su
Persons residing In town" And cities
between Portland and' Seaside are en
ioylna- for the first time the privilege of
not the law and the lea-lslators are re- reading mail that " leaves" Portland at
quired to cnoose. Take a case. lor iuus- i o'clock p. m., the same evening,
tration where the people declare in I Formerly patrons of the postof floes
favor of a candidate holding . certain these towns did not get their mail
Dolltlcal views.
lature believes such views if , carried went into effect Thursday when a ra;
A member of the legis- untn the next morning. The change
tnto legislatioirtvould be detrimental to way mail clerk was put in charge of
publls interest Would it be possible the mall leaving on the o'clock train,
for him to conscientiously vote to elect Before be was Installed, all mall was
suon a candidate to me senates tsnouia sent in closed pouches and not sorted
he do-eb slmDly because a majority or nmii h nxt mornina-. .
a plurality of the voters have declared Mall forwarded from, points between
In favor of such a candidate? Would I 'Dn.tunH snH tha nnnnt on tha train
tie uui oe violating nis oatn wnicn re-l leaving seaside at a o ciock in tne even-
quires mm to cnoose mat is, seiect jng is sorted ready for forwarding on
such person as he himself deems best the Southern Paclfio train that, leaves
qualified for the position T
1 can well understand that when a
legislator agrees with the political con
victions of the candidate selected by the
people ana knows nothing; against his
competency or moral character which
enouia prevent his election, he can con
scientiously say that the people's choice
is his choice, but Just so long as the
Portland at 11:80. and on the Northern
Paclfio train leaving at iw:ou.
The more important places iiecteu
by the new order are as follows:
pose, warren. Holbrook, Llnnton. Co
lumbia City,, peer island. Keunen. rres-
entt. Mava-er. Qulncv. In arils. Clatska-
nle. Marshland. Westport, . Cliffton,
federal constitution Imposes the duty Knacoa. Svenson. Warrenton, Clatsop
or cnoosing on legislators, just so long ana uearnart.
and returning reaches Portland at id
With Lot Angelo and Eugene
Friends Will Spend Some Weeks
On Upper McKenzle,
will conscientious members decline to
violate their conscientious convictions
by selecting for senator one whom they
Deneve to oe wrong on great runaa
mencai political principles.
A Plain Illustration.
"A legislator, for Instance, who be
neves in the doctrine of protection or
in the sinarle gold standard, or both.
could not be said to have exercised his
choice within the meaning of his oath
of office who should vote to elect a
man-to the senate who was an avowed
free trader or advocate of the free and
unlimited colnare of silver at the ratio
of 16 to 1, simply because such person
had been Indorsed by a plurality or even
a majority of the voters. To do an
would clearly be to- violate his consclen- I (special Dispatch to The Journal.)
tious convictions, and, hence his oath of Eugene, Or., Aug. SI. Champion
viii;t3. 1U1 ilil UBIU IB IU exercise HIS I T -mm-A - - . x
Choice, that la. hi. nreference. James . n ana pany irora
"it win not ao to answer tnat tne re- stmw an "vtnu i ni ia .u
sponstbllity is with the people. When Irene tomorrow and will leave Monday
that IS SO. Well and SOOd. It la not vet for tha huilwttini nf tha smith fnrlr nf
so, for the law requires the legislator the McKenite river, In eastern Lane
to choose and requires him to take an county, where they Will spend two or
on Wl 1 11KL no will ao BO. 1 oareiore. thm waoItm huntlnv an4 flahlnar Jf.
while I expect that as a rule, the choice fries and a few friends were there laet
pf the people will be the choice of the summer and were so struck with the
legislator, you can readily see why I excellence of the sport tbat they de
do not feel sure that it would be proper cided to come again,
for me to insist that candidates shall Besides the champion and his wife
uoscrioB io statement no. i. nave no the party, ao far as known here, will
objections to their so doing. I make De made up of the following persops:
no opposition thereto and offer no ad- T nt.r.n . ,r u w mAni
.uujmi, iu, i uraui H i i- ,n( wire, v. u. Boy and wire, H. to.
wiiwiBire. wuicn ever xanuiu&i. Hopperstead. wife and son. Miss Hon-
uiusi or snouia aetermine tor nimseir. nprMi Hantnn winnH .nd wif Ma.n,
W1U Xlmself Abide by Statement.
larper. Police Commissioner Herbert
port"- it, and such an oath l taken hv
every member of our legislature. Now
I can understand that in some clrcum-
stances a man may conscientiously say,
"The choice of the people will be my
bolce, and I can also understand" how
in other circumstances he may not be
able to conscientiously bind himself to
that extent. His oath is to "support
he constitution of the United Statea"
That , instrument Imposes on him the
uty of "choosing' a senator, fne plain
'Command of the constitution and hence
ihe LBtf.IBr nd "Plt of his oath is tnat
be shall exercise his honest convictions
that he himself shall choose, shall ex
ercise his own judgment, not the judg
ment of some other person or persons.
The Legislator's Oonsolenoe.
"If the constitution permitted the peo
ple to elect, then their vote would, of
course, decide the matter, but such Is
Some people seem to think they see a W. Lewis, Fred Maler. all of Los An
parallel case to statement No. 1 In our geles; Joseph Omeis ef New York city;
mode of selecting; candldatea for presl- State Game Warden J. W. Baker of Cot-
tage Grove, and Alf Walker and Henry
ng candldatea for pre
ara antlralv rilaatmlla
A presidential elector is called unon to W. Stewart of Eugene.
sign no obligation or statement what- C P. Egnew, a noted chef. Is already
ever. By custom he Is under a moral nere and will cook for the party,
obligation to vote for the candidate of The party; will leave Eugene Monday
nis party. The people do not vote for morning in two large rour-norse stages
the presidential candidate, but for the and ' expect to make the trip to their
electors, and regardless or what the camping place on tne south fork in a
popular vote indicates the sentiment of day and a half. Already there haa been
the majority pf the people to be, the sent to the camp a big wagon load of
lector casts nis vote for tne choice supplies weighing 8,000 pounds and an-
or nis party, as i nave said, that may otner supply will be sent ud later.
well be his choice, and hence he Is exe-1 Six miles up the nver from the camp
junuir me iaw, dui were ue, oecause or 1 a ioage win do estaousnea tor me con'
some previous pledge, compelled to vote venlence of those who do not wish to
for the candidate of the opposite party return to camp every night while on
a vanaiuaie sianainjr ior political poi- tneir cnase ror near ana elk.
ciBs 10 wnicn ne is unaiteraoiy opposed.
It could not be fairly affirmed hat he
had. In so doing, exercised, as the law
implies ne Should, his hast luda-mant. Tt
nay d tnougnt Dy some that my posi
viun on mis luniarr ia a. rim t n,
desire to pav the way and appeal to the
teajiBiaiure ror reelection should I fail
to secure the approval of my candidacy
by the voters. I assure you I have no
such thought or purpose. If it shall
nappen mat some other candidate se
( V
Uncle Sam Reduces Cost of
Posting Letters to For
eign Countries.
New Bates Affect All Countries Ex
cept Canada, Mexico, Panama
and Cuba Color of Various
Stickers also Designated.
Commenolng October 1 the new postal
regulations governing mall between
foreign countries will be In' foroe. The
principal change and one that will un
doubtedly prove the moat popular will
be the reduction in postage on letter.
Tha present rate is Ave cents for each
one-half ounce, the new rate will be five
cents for the first ounce and three
cents for each additional ounce.
Tbe new rules were adopted last year
at the Universal Postal convention and
the address of the person for whom they
are Intended, a manufacturer's or trade
mark, numbers of order, prices and in
dications relating to weight, size and
quantity to be disposed of, or those
necessary- to- preolsely-4ndicate the
origin and nature of the merchandise.
Articles Of glass, liquids, oils, fatty
substances, dry powders, as well as
live bees, are admitted to the mails as
"samples" provided they are packed in
a way to prevent all damage to other
articles or tba employes.. .
were signed by all the powers In the
international postal union. The rates
affect all matter mailed In the United
lga countries, with the
all for Canada,
(Sprelal Dlipatch ta The losraaL)
Junction City. Or.. Am. ai The
lcktng of hops will begin here Monday
a few yards and others will start
operations from that date aa late as
r" 4!are' vot or United States September 19. The Peterson yard will
senator than I do at the election to be
held next June. I nromlse vnu nnn that
I will retire from the field and will not
permit my name to be presented to the
legislature ior mat or any other office.
e (United Press by Special Wire.) e
San Francisco. Aug. 81. Sen- e
e tences of one year in the county e
e Jail and 11.000 fines each were e
imposed today upon John A. Ben- 4
e son and H. C. Perrln, convicted e
e of land frauds. 4
4 Much heavier penalties could 4
4 have been Imposed under the 4
e law, but owing to the advanced 4
e) age and poor health of the pris- e
e oners, short Jail terms were 4
given. Many other charges are 4
e pending against Benson.
Men and Mulea Required for Work
in the Mountains.
The mules too, are familiar with tbe fated soots
drill anil lurMrm thai nort. I. - ...... I latea P
" 1.0 ..1 TCI
intelligent manner. They know their
not open for picking- till this later date.
unless wet weatner interreres the crop
will be a large one and the product will
be of fine quality.
Threshlne- ia nearlv ovr. Tha vlM
haa been about up to the average, with
a few heavy crops reported from lso-
respectlve position, and when the load
is lifted they immediately Jump for
ward, so the piece can be placed directly
on . the ground.
Boy Drowned at Bay City.
(Special DlnDitcb to Tha Journal. 1
Tillamook, Or., Aug. SI. El wood WI1-
- The gun used in these batteries hM E waV drowned at bLt , rTvod.v
a range of from 8,500 to 4.000 feet. It 1"Mn8' was crowned at Bay City today,
rires a large shell, but has a lower
mussie velocity man the larger field
pieces. In design the piece Is somewhat
similar to the "screw" gun of the
British army.
ne of the most Interesting organlza-
SSfe Which tnnk nnrt In mananvara at
v-amp lacoma, Washington, or western
troops under General Frederick Funston
was the Eleventh battalion, field ar
tillery. Major C. A. Bennett command
ing. 'rhl. halt. 11 : -1 - . ...
uaivanuii ouuaisira 01 me dcvbu
teenth and Eighteenth batteries, some
times referred to as "Jackass" batteries,
says Leslie s Weekly because of the use
of mules. The battery pieces are trans
ported in sections on the backs of mules,
the ttllns and carrlnm holnr rflM,1
into four parts, making four packs for
the same number of animals.
This enables the batteries to be trans
ported through the most difficult re
gions accessible to troops, and tho guns
can be brought into action In mountain
ous country. In th United States army
these batteries are comparatively new,
but they received their baptism In the
Philippines and have proved their prac
tical value in many skirmishes upon the
cottas and forts of the Moros.
It is surprising how rapidly the mules
are unloaded, the parts of the gun
thrown together and the gunHoaded,
,hIe"J J,nLr4Rdy ? be fired. At a test
of the Eighteenth battery the men ran
the mulea back SO paces, unloaded and
assembled the gun and fired In 45 sec-
onas. i nis was a world s record.
The work requires not only intelligent
but powerful men.. The gun Itself
weigns zsB pounds, and the trail the
same, out m
with ease.
lie men handle the pieces
-at : . . mm. n a wn
tESTOKfcS UlCAa tiftm
- aMsM m w afrwarmw nn
to ItS NATURAL, tuma.
Stop, its falling out, and positive
ly removes Dandruff. Keeps hair
"soft and glossy. ; ' Is not a v aye.
Guaranteed perfectly pure. .
; phiin Hav Soee. Co., Newark, N. J. .
bottle. orvsae) r
" ar-
Private Ambassador of King Dis
covered To Be A Woman.
By A. C, Chase In the Scrap Book.
Lady Mary Wortley Montague Is
credited with having said that "the one
redeeming feature of being a woman is
the fact that you cannot bv anv nn.
slbility, marry one."
It is a strange fact, however, that
there have been instances recorded of
this supposed impossibility. The recent
De Raylan sensation, which startled the
Russian consulate at Chicago, is a case
in poinx.
The story of the Chevalier d Kon i
an historical mystery rivaling that of !
mo jaentuv or tne "Man in: tne Iron
Mask." Tha Chevalier was the French
envoy to England In 1781. He acted as
a private agent of Louis XV, and lived
In London 14 years. He was a hand
some man of rather effeminate appear
ance, and shunned the society of both
women and men.
After a few years it was reported
that the Chevalier d'Eon was really a
woman. Gamblers laid wagers as ,to
whether "he" was a man or a woman.
One of these wagers gave rise to a suit
at law. which was brought before Lord
mansiieifl. tne ramous Judge; and the
scandal thus created citused King Loula
to recall his ambassador and to order
him to assume the 'dress of a woman.
The envoy obeyed. -and was ever after
ward known as Mme. -d'Eon.
A lite of this remarkable personage
was printed some years later, which
stated that she assumed the dress of a
youth in order to secure higher educa
tional opportunities; that she thus en
tered the College Maxarln at Paris, and
afterward became a doctor of law; was
the author of several' learned volumes,
and was introduced bv Prince de Conti
to the king. It was said that King
Louis knew the secret of her sex.
During the French revolution Mme.
d'Eon Went again to England, where she
died in 1810. After her death a sensa
tional story was told to the effect that
Mme. d'Eon was a man, after all. To
this day nobody knows which she was.
She never contracted a marriage In the
character of either sex.
The Teacher.
If we work unon marhle. It will rwr.
Ish; If we work upon brass, time will
errace 11: ir we rear temples, tney will
crumble into dust; but if we work upon
limnuriai Bou is, ir we imoue mem wltn
principles, with the lust fear of Ood
and love of fellow-men, we engrave on
those tablets something which will
brighten all eternity. Daniel Wobster.
States for fore!
exception of mail for Canada. Mexico.
Cuba and the Republle of Panama,
Designate Color of Stamps.
At least part of the postaxe on for
eign mail aave letters must Be prepaid
and that in stamps of the country from
which It is sent. The regulations are
very strict as to the stamps used, even
a-oina- into the color of the various
stamp values. All stamps of tha value
of 6 cents must be In deep blue; of the
value of 2 cents, in red: of the value
of 1 cent, in green.
Following are the postage rates on
the various classes of matter:
For postal cards, single. 1 cents, doa
ble, 4 cents each.
For commercial paper, 5 cents for the
first 10 ounces or less, and 1 cent for
each additional two ounces or fraction
of two ounces. Limits of slse and
welrht tha same aa for "Drlnts." The
packages must not be closed against
For samples of merchandise, 1 cents
for the first four eunoea or less, and 1
cent for each additional two ounces or
fraction of two ounces. Limit of weight
12 ounces: limit of slse. It by 8 by 4
Inches. The packages must not be
closed against Inspection.
For prints or every mna. 1 cent ior
each two ounces or fraction of two
ounces. Limit or weignt, rour pounas
six ounces; limit of size, 18 inches in
any direction, except that when rolled
the Dackaae may measure 80 Inches in
length by four Inches In diameter. The
packages must not be closed against
Postage unon an articles otner tnan
letters must be prepaid at least in part.
Double the amount of the deficient post
age calculated at the above rates is
collectable upon the delivery of articles
upon wnicn postage nas not Deen pre
paid in full.
postage prepaia upon articles ma.uea
on board vessels on the high seas muBt
be by means or postage stamps or me
Kcountry under whose flag the vessel
snils; except mat postage upon article
mailed In a sea postofflce on board 1
transatlantic steamer on a voyage from
the United States can be prepaid only
by means of United States postage
stamps, notwithstanding the steamer
may sail under a foreign flag. Postage
upon articles mailed on board a steamer
wnne tne steamer is in a port or any
country can be prepaid only by means
of postage stamps or that country.
Missent Articles Forwarded.
Articles of every kind addressed to
persons who have changed their resi
dence, are required to be forwarded to
the addressee, rrom place to place.
without additional charge for postage
and if registered without charge of any
additional registry ree. jut. ir ad
dressed originally within the country of
mailing, an article is chargeable on be
1nr fnrwarilpil. with tha flmmint nenea.
sary to fully prepay postage at the rate
applicable to articles addressed to tne
country to which the article is for
warded, and must be paid by the ad
dressee wherever he receives the article;
but no additional fee can be demanded.
Missent articles of every kind are for
warded by the quickest route to their
destination. But articles returned to
senders on account of having been er
roneously addressed become subject to
fresh charaes for postage if remalled
with a corrected address
Samples of merchandise must be
placed in baas, boxes or removable en
velopes, in such manner as to permit
of easy inspection.
They must not have any salable value,
nor bear any manuscript other than the
name and social position or the sender.
' (Special Dispatch te Tbe Jamma!)
Seattle. Aug.. I L -Morose and des
pondsnt as the revolt of an all-night
debauch and broodlngover his losses at
the race track, ft w, Barnes, purser
of the steamship Watson, took car
bolio acid this morning. Ue spent, last
night with a companion and drank
heavUy. Shortly before 10 o'clock he
staggered to the door of the -officers'
room ana, announcing ha had taken tbe
acia, reu unconscious.
(Special Map tea te Tbe Joormal)
Salem, Or- Aur. IL Tbe floral e
hlblt at the Greater Oregon Stat fair
at Salem, September 19-th will ba up
td the s usual excellent V standard, and
thin statement means - a great deal to
lovers of the beautiful in nature. Wil
liam Savage of Corvallls Is superintend
ent of this departments Tbe exhibitors
are provided With a spacious building
adjoining the main pavilion, with glass
sides and, roof and all other conveni
ences, a small fountain has been ln-
atall, In T-V. ..1 . n. m ra
arranged in the most artistic and taste-1
f ui manner possible, and . during fair
week the seene presents a blossoming
labyrinth of color and fragrance. '
The floral displays outside a the
grounds will also be- attractive. ru
large palms have been installed in th
main bed In front of the ravlllon, ami
numerous-other' smaller beds and ben-
containing all varieties of flowers will
Miurn mis square... ,
Metiger Co.,
Jewelers, 848 Wash.
" 1 1 "
She Well geese
ftaat mmA Bark
Has aiaoe a ilia stay of raaba sag harta
b4 l tbat atady dUoorar and Is glrtag
to tba world his wonderful raswdiaa,
Be cearaDtaes to am Catarrm. aatbata,
Lous, Throat. Rbeaaurlaai .Hervoeanasa,
Ncrvoat Debility, fltnaiaeh. LI TOT, Klsaay
Troablaat a ho tort Manhood. rfaate Weak
Mf and All Private t1 .
last gaoalra Froai fabta. Chlaa Isftv Sax
and ftoluW
If Too ranaot call, write for amptMa blast
and circular. Inclose 4 casta la Uatpa.
16SH First it.. Cor. Moniaaa,
Portland. Oraaoa.
riaaaa MaatMS Thla
Old Remedy. iewfom.
Tamat'a Bxwaet at Cabebs end
Oopaiba la I
ThatM and (AoratvAear foe
aonorrboa. la, whitaa, ate. bay
to taka, aoBTanlant to eany. FiKf
mats sBooaaaral aas. Friost!, a
Rowe & Martina. 261 Wash
ington st, Portland, Or. ; or by mall from
The Tarrant Co., 44 Hudson st, New
v y
Saengerfest Owns Spokane.
(Special Dlapatcb to Tha -Journal.)
.Spokane. Wash., Aug. 31. the-North
Pacific saengerfest, which is here in
eighth annual convention, owns the city.
xny are aDout 5.000 in number, ana
most of them' can sing. The Shtrley
stock company gave them the Auditor
ium last night, and the house Was
packed. All the bands in the city are
T10W4 in tha mnlrtr nt tha anAnath'tinif
and when they march in line four
SSr.". tneyreach two miles. The feat
wm ciose tomorrow.
Amour : tha nanrrtoraTln ,tinhl.4
who are to taka tha atumn for tha nam.
ocratio Ucket In Oklahoma this fall are
Congressman Champ Clark of Missouri,
William -J. j. Bryan of Nebraska, Con
gressman Hamlin of Missouri, Senator
Ayior or , Tennessee, Henry T,
Ralney Of Illinois and Charlea A. Tntrn.
formerly member of congress from Mia-
In selecting a physician or specialist, when in need of one, some
consideration and thought should be given to the qualifications, experi
ence and length of time an Institute or medical man has been located
in the city. It stands to reason that an institution that haa stood the
test of time and numbers its cures by the thousands is far superior to
mushroom institutions that spring up in a night, last a few months and
are gone, we nave Deen curing men 27 years and are tne oldest special
ists curing men in Portland.
We Invite those who have deep-seated and ohronlo disorders to call
and be examined. Consultation and examlnatioti Is free, and carries with
1 no oougaooa o engage onr services.
Our offices are equipped with the most modern and scientific mechan
ical devices for the treatment of chronic diseases. Our charges are rea-
soname and in reach of any worklngman. To the weak, rundown and
nervous man no oetter advice can De given tnan this:
ir you persist in going to those wno nave no standing professionally,
HOW CAN YOU EXPECT TO BE CURED? This Institution has built
up its splendid practice more by the free advertising given It by Its
PERFECTLY SATISFIED PATIENTS, who have received the benefit
or us moaern, scientmc and legitimate metnoas, man in any otner way.
If you re not a perfect man come to us. Isn't it worth the little time
It will tnke when you are CERTAIN that you will have the benefit of
HONEST, SINCERE physicians who never attempt to deceive you In any
way 7 v consultation costs you nothing ExuBrr your own time.
87" Tears' Sxperianoe.
Established 87 Tears la Portland.
Consultation Free
Ws Will Treat Any Single Uncompli
cated Ailment for flO.OO.
Absolute Guarantee
No Pay Unless Cured
We cure safely and promptly WEAKNESS, LOST MANHOOD, SPER
DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. n Our feea are fair. Personal attention
given all patients. 3
Write If you cannot call. Our system of home treatment Is always
CERTAIN and most successful.. All correspondence sacredly confiden
tial. .
I HOURS a. in. to t p. m.', Evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, t a. m. to
It noon. -
oomxxm nooars ajtd tajexixi. btxzbts, pobtxts, objssov.
IeiMl Aakyaar
Ckl.aaaa.tar'a !
PlUa la Kcd and J
!. sealed vlih B
Tab bo other. Ba
Drm rial A.k forC'll
vaan kaova aa Baat, Salast, Alwaya Ralfabla
easaa WW
14 eulUcV
lua Rlbboa. V
PILLS, for Sal
Nervo-VHal DebiUly Stricture ;
Specitic Blood Poison Varicocele
The four great destructive mala
dies which" wreck man BCmOTAJU
TJiucriov, ; nraozTzo siiooo
BUjXTT -undermine manhood sad
lower the standard of vital power la
aa lnooncelvably vast army of men.
It Is a deplorable fact, but never
theless true, that the great majority
of all men are compelled to turn
away disappointed and mortlflsd ta
discover that they are but weaTt
llngs, unable to enter the ranks of
the vigotous and sturdy because of
the debilitating effects and vicious
ravages of these ohronlo, treacher
ous afflictions. The importance of
early treatment for these diseases
cannot be too strongly emphasised;
they will never euro themselves, but
on the contrary, ara constantly be
coming more aggravated, and la
time. If neglected, will break down
tbe strongest constitution and fill
your whole future with misery and
Buffering. Many men make the
grave mistake of selecting tho
cheapest treatment obtainable, and
consequently are disappointed In tho
result Skilled servloe Is always
cheaper In the end and much more
satisfactory. Because you have
tried other treatments and hav
been disappointed is no reason why
we should fall. We claim many ad
vantages over the ordinary physi
cian, who lacks the knowledge,
equipment and experience so neces
sary la-speeialty eases. Tears of de
voted study and extenalve experlenoe
In the treatment of MALE DIS
EASES, and our over readiness to
adopt every improved curative,
edenttno discovery, hav enabled us
to evolve unapproachably perfect
methods, for the cure of theee
prevalent, destructive ailments and
their many reflex eomplioatlon.
Onr chief OoasurUnr yhystohta,
WBOBBT TOU OAT.T., graduated
from a leading eaateea snedloaS
OOjlafe XCaceh, 188S, BZTIaOaCa.
MAXQXMSk ia? orrxca. . v
- te was licensed t yisiuUo
medlotne ta Oregtm by ta Vt
Beard of Hedioal Baaanlaer July,
1000. uoursB XAjraura sir
Tost-gi agnate of the Tolytlllnto
of Xew Tork City. -
Kas had aa ezperteae fa th
teeatmen of dlseeee and wak
aeeses of man and aaronlo Us
eases eertending ovo a peaioft ot
nearly a auartar of a atary.-,-i
Onr Methods: QnlckRcsaHs. lasting Cnres, Reasonable Fees
The Oregon Medical Institute
291M Morrison It, near riUh. Portland, Ore. I
OonsuMatlon ana Advloe rree and XBTttwd. Offlo Houxa a. aa, o t v.
m. Sundays 10 to 1 only. Everything Strlotty Oonndeatlal, Beparal
Beoeptloa Booms. X-Kay Examinations Made la All Oases warn Boo as-;
sary. ,
Live All Yoir Ymm
A Perfect Man
The human body is most wonderfully and prfactly oonsrtrueted. Jhpart-ls ballt
eqnal to Its task. Unless ovorburdaned or attacked by disease, bo orrin farters. K4turs
Intended that every man should live an his year a perfect man, 7w man do. Most
men can. - ' .
Ml men make mistakes. " Born make mistake tn youth. Others m mistake
after they have srown to be men. Still others are merely unfortunate. lYaoCloauy all
diseases and disorders are the result or mistaxes or misrortui
The problem of living a prfeot
misfortune have wrought. Then avoid
of mistakes or misfortune,
man Is simple. Undo th lnrory that mistake r
ld bothlive a nature built yon to-llv.
Undoing the Injury
I do not know how many thousands of men I have treated. 1 hav been a roclafl1st
in men's diseases for seventeen yeara During most of these year my preotio aa
1st or its kind upon me raoiiio coasu isurins; mtra r-" f
lly double that of any other aieolallet In the wee treating men' oWse.
t with but few Incurabi casea I have failed to ur la itlU fewer sea
rs I have failed in none. This is because I attempt to our only those
eel confident I oan our, an as my xprionc oaa grown a ots omoora
nine curable and Incurable eases wit
. ku rrnwn and mv matnod Of tTl
The following mention of ailments that coma
ssarily brief. I will gladly explain them furthi
certain methods of treating them to all who
it has been ful
I have met
-. . , . tK. t mmm mmA aa anwrianM haul ai'Uoa T hav
.1.,. a.. ..oi. ami inouraTku auaa with oertaintT. It la also baeaau mr S
of treatment hav been parfeotad.
throuah mistake and mlsfOTtaaa is
er and tell of mr elglnaL soletUKlo
wlU call or writ,
sf It Sx f
tm. vA-nvrm
fataAlna; Ppeul-ftsBh,
I Am Always Willing to Wait for My Te Until a Coy It Effected ?
lto matter In wbt form those functional derang
menta commonly termed "weaknees" may appear, the
causative conditions are. In fully 98 per cent of the
eases, very similar. I hav given the closest poaslble
study to this remarkable prevalent ailment, and find
that in praotioaUy every case of prematureneaa, etc.,
there exfsta at some vital point of the pelvlo system
a atate of chronlo tenderness, inflammation or oongee
tlon. My flret step is a thorough examination to ascer
tain the exaot location and natur of th disorder, after
which, by a system of carefully directed local treat
ment, I restore the affected peurt to its normal con
dition, which promptly results In full and complete re
turn of power. In perhaps lee than S per oerit of the
case do I find general Impoverishment, lack of nervous
energy or any other condition or complication requiring
constitutional treatment. Therefore, I may safely as
sert that not more than one case In fifty can be per
manently benefited by th use of tonics, stimiHanta,
electrical or mehanloal applianoes, and that fully
forty-nine case in 60 will be aggravated by such
methods of treatment .
My cures ar positive, oomplota, thorough and per
manent, because by my method the real and only cause
of the functional weakness Is totally removed. Th
knowledge gained by oioae stuay ana opserj,on in
thousands of case enables me to recognise the exact
requirements and treat accordingly, and In years I
have not failed In a single Instance to accomplish th
desired result
Varicocele affects th veins of the spwmatl cord.
An average of on man In four suffers from this
affliction. The muscular walls-of th veins weaken
and relax, th valves oease to perform their fnnotlone
and leoaF stagnation of th blood ensue The flret
evidence of varicocele Is usually a thickening, dilating,
knotting and twisting of the veins on one or both lde.
moot frequently upon the left side, often aooompanied
by pains In th back, lege, thigha or chest, and a seas
of drasrsina in the groin. Owing to the Impaired Cir-
-eulation, a wasting away f th organa, aooompanied
by partial or sompiete ios ox piw, annual wiumt
exception follows In server csame wbr treatment Is
naarl acted, and adagtotly
fall to hav a damaging InJ
nzlaanoe unon th orsaan
involved as well a upon tn general neaitn. Bxty
1 a aisesss uvat laoreasa in vriry tne longer it is
In all Instance demand a prompt cure, for vrlool
I cure Tmrtooasie wtthm pa aM wlttmrt J.'
raining ue patuaau sran ouiBea. 1 nav sukm eui
two thousand saaes without a single failure or un-
pieaaant result, axy treatment is original ana nas
been dveioDd throe ah seventeen years of cractloeJ
experlenoe. It restores th lost ton and elasticity ?
10 n aaaiaanaii ana anmffa Doou ajuia, wanta
suits In normal oiroulatian and rsetabllshea : th
natural proee f wast and repair throughout the
vital syscam. :4
Btrtotura. Ooatsaeted
rolsoa, Bee-vow &Mltty and
inolude BTydaoosl,
oonaagiou K004
BQea iiTmnts.
Consultation Free
To mea wtao years are btaa ltv4 In phyadoal
Imperfection aa a roanilt f mistake er misfortune,
whoee lrves ar Ie than full and, per tee t llvws sad
who yearn to be th men that natur meant thm
to be, I extend n eanaeal and symahlla offer
consultation and advloe., t My earperleno among men
and in treating men' disease plaoe nt l a poMUo
to b hlpful to you. In ooharulUng m yo will b
aked a teollsh and embarrassing .uetlOTia, All ia
formatton given you will hav , a dirot and vital
b"i,riB,i. "owr 7Pttn at f a onaequenoeT
will tU youro. If treatment la heeded I wlU tell
you it ost and th thano tbat wfll in all nrobabnity
be required to ffpt.a aotnplet cur. If I feel any .
doubt as to my abilltv ta etira vau. I wilt mi
your eas at alL J win not urge my service upon I
tHill if VAM aaSh i eM ft 4a, atal aaa awa.a. .... A A . - - Z
very promts"! make shall b fulflllel If you da
not, you Will b welcome la tha infarnuUm ami mm.
I?!".? v"e4 to sail for further
consultation absolutely free at any Time, f .
- Thos finding it leovnlent or Imposelhl lo atl
In person are at llbrty t writ a full and etr.p!
description f their symptoms, ana their lettr
WT ' prompt and . careful attention, a1 .
uUatloa strioUy oontldontlal. .
vmwm mmm mw 11VDI niw IVfl, ; "
V? v
.i.-..,-j..;j .,..,;, 1 1
3 '