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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1907)
v v-.iv'-r-'.- : Tins OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. AUGUST SO, 1307. . r 4;i i . u i i t. THE JOURNAL ' AM tHDtPiSDESt K1W8PAPE. ' ft't,' tfte,. .PvblUhtt PpblUh ! Try rrantnf iept tnnaay) . evry Untidy Btornln. at The Journal Build in. fUls, apa kanhui streeta. rarlUnO. Or. ataad at rtia (tttofflc. at rertlana, Or., fcr traaaUaaiosi Utiuagb tka Bells u MOoal-cUa luatta. ' TELEPB0N8 HAW TJT8. , All eWartawnts reached r tbla number. "II tha operator tba AapartOMOt , fvm iuL rOEIO!t ADVIBTISISa BEPRESKNTATIVH VrMlaad-ftanjaniln Rpci1 AflTcrtUinf Af"T. giUDawlPh Batldlnf. 25 Fifth aMaaa. Kw Xark; Tribes Bulldln, CMcate. nbaniptloa Tarma br mall to an 43r ' m U Uoitad tUtoa, Canada or ataxic ' -, . DAILY. . raar..r...,.S.OO I On. Boot -80 ,' ' ".-' v. . WNDAT. . On ,..,.... M.50 I On month 9 DAILY AND SUNDAY. . - Ooa aa 7.n 1 On nwnth. I -88 Tha peculiarity of ill tem . : per la that It 1b the rice of tha virtuous. Henry Drum ; mond. 7 WHY LET RAILROADS RATES? FIX r HE proposed advance In lumber rates from the northwest states may, If put In effect, be more far reaching In Its conse quences than either carriers or ship pers anticipate. The underlying principle Is of great Import. It Is not whether rates on lumber or any other commodity shall be advanced, but whether In this day of combina tion such a tremendous power fraught with such possibilities can be safely left in the hands of a few traffic officials, responsible to no one save their Immediate superiors. It can never be conceded for one moment that a railroad can gradu . ' ate Its charges on the basis of the prosperity of a community. Reason ' able compensation, remunerative rates are all It is entitled to. Any s - other theory would enable the rail road to divert at any time to Its own treasury a share of the profits of successful Industries or occupations. r To countenance such a power is Im possible. There seems to be a wide differ ence of opinion between the manu facturer and the carrier as to the result on the lumber industry of the proposed advance. On the one hand the manufacturer asserts that it will be actually destructive, carrying In Its train not only partial ruin to the, lumber trade, but a corresponding effect on all lines of business; that no rational reason has ever been given as a Justification for the ad vance; and that the motive actuat ing It la either retaliation or to dl-yz-rert a larger - portion of the profits ' of the lumber industries into the treasuries of the carriers; neither , of which is Justifiable. On the other band the carrier asserts It needs Increased revenue, that the lumber . rates are too low and they must be . equalized.' f . In event the shipments continue - there is no question but what an ad ditlonal tax of from five to ten mil lion dollars will be collected In freights from somebody. On th i other hand if shipments are not , made and the mills close, in some sections there will be commercial stagnation. Such an alternative from such cause ought not to be possible in a Civilized community. The Interstate commerce commis sion now has power to pass on the reasonableness of rates after they are put in effect and to substitute rates for periods not exceeding two years if such rates are found unreas onable. Why would It not be far better to pass on changes in advance rather than wait until the damage is done and then attempt to award repara tion? The public at large are di rectly interested in these questions. Here we have a proposed advance involving the welfare of one of our greatest Industries, which is made effective by the edict of three or four traffic managers. It Is doubt ful if it la wise in the light of mod era conditions to vest such a power In the bands of any one man or set of men. It would be far safer, vhere such changes are proposed, to first submit them to the commission where all parties in Interest could be heard and where not only the carriers and the shippers, but also the public's rights would be con served. There Is nothing unreasonable or revolutionary in this suggestion. The system proposed has been In force in Canada for a number of years and the results have been good. then be "revised by ; It friends," without any definite specifications as to how its 'friends' will re vise it. .' ' ' In the first place, such a promise Is not to be trusted, because it has been made, by Inference at least, before, and not kept. Nor, if the "friends of the tariff," Cannon, Payne, Dalzell, Aldrlch, TCnox, and other leaders, are to revise it, will the revision be what the people want at all? The "friends of the tariff" means the highest protectionists and the friends of the trusts; one might as well set a gang of noted robbers to guard his money. Nor do we think that Mr. Taffs cautious and tentative advocacy of tariff revision will suit these Re publicans. They want the tariff re vised next year, when there is plenty of time and a good opportunity to do it. and they, want tariff revision BDt by the friends, but by the oppo nents of the present tariff. They want a revision that will cut off the immense gratuities given to the trusts and that will relieve the com mon people from the burden of pay ing these gratuities; and they want a bill of particulars In advance as to what the tariff's "friends" propose to do. The Republican party la closely approaching the time when it can not fool a big majority of the Ameri can people any longer on this mat ter, and when It must tell them just what It proposes to do and make them know if such a thing is pos sible that it will keep faith with them. Mr. Taft will not ride far toward the' presidency on his Co- unworthy as this secret accuser makes them out to be; and that it is a wrongi disloyal and injurious thing thus to portray our schools, and lead people of other places to suppose that they are far inferior to those of other cities. In fact, such is not the case. Who Is this self-constituted cen sor? What does he know? What, if any, are his private motives? Why is he ashamed or afraid to step out into the light and show himself? So the Oregonlan's misstatements abont the flogging of the prisoner, Albrecht, were supplied by Mr. P. H. D'Arcy of Salem, who signed them "Observer." Mr. D'Arcy, It will be remembered, is for reasons affecting himself personally, a blttor enemy of Governor Chamberlain, whom though Democrat, he opposed In the last 'election, facts well known to the Oregonlan. The story was manifest ly worked up and published for the purpose of bringing discredit on the administration, the chaplain perhaps being relied upon not to contradict It because he la opposed to flogging under any circumstances. But he being an honest, truthful man, told the truth, and so the Oregonlan's false story was effectually contra dicted. But its purpose In printing the communication of "Observer" la i clear enough. lumbus speech. ANOTHER PORTLAND TRACTION. AT- T HE required amount of stock In the livestock Bhow and country club having been subscribed, the success of the enterprise seems assured. This association, it is believed, will be of great advan tage and value to Portland and all the tributary region. The livestock Industry Is one of the most Impor tant in this region and an annual show will help greatly to stimulate the production of better stock. Ore gon is already becoming noted for the excellence of various kinds of It has been agreed among some congressional and administrative leaders to Introduce in the next con gress a bill providing for an In crease of 10 per cent In the salary of lieutenant general, 15 per cent Increase for majors and brigade gen erals, 20 per cent for colonels, lieu tenant colonels and majors, 25 per cent Increase for captains and lieu tenants and 30 per cent Increase for non-commissioned officers and pri vates, and it Is believed that such a bill can be passed. We think it ought to be, especially on account of the larger pay provided for pri vates and minor officers. If their services are worth having, they ought to be better paid. '. ' . . v. V.' Omali Lhane , . ., Don't lat tha food cranks spoil your HlfUVLUf. ' a a ,- Portland should show up large at the Anuria rcK&ua, a a August almost gone, but maybe some mora summer comma. a a Hlp maka tha atata fair the greatest success u nas ever Deen. a Call all vtaltora' attention to the best cuy water in tne country. ' a The messenger boy ought to be quite gooa dhbodcui pisyers Dy mis time. a Don't worry the poor returned vaca tioners wita queationa; let them rest up. Shaw aaya he Is not an alarmist. No body care a what he la. He couldn't alarm an Oregon sheep. A Cheyenne man waited CO years to marry me gin ne lovea; men perhaps aid to himself: "What's the use?" The Creek Indians get 12,000,000 a year for their oil lands. They reapeot their ancestors very much for settling on the creek. a Secretary Root, who has been train ing under Muldoon tor a While, has gone to rail on the president. But we don't believe Root Is In Teddy's class. Chicago people who have died since April l are to be taxed on the property they left Just the same; but they don't euro, and won't make any kick about It That poor old New York stock mar ket ffm to be ailing somehow nearly all the time. It ought to make less fuss about It and not keep annoying busy people. The cheapest way to dress Is to put your ciotnes on yourseir. saye an ex change. But who Is trying to dress by putting his or her clothes on someone else? A New Jersey man refused to run for the legislature because his wife wouldn't let him. There la a woman who has a due regard for her husband's honor and reputation. A Massachusetts farmer has Invented an automobile that churns milk. If he had It out here In Portland It would take only a few pounds of the butter produced to pay for his automobile. A Portuguese editor has been fined 250,000 rets. But a rein la only equal to a mill, the fine being 8260. Rocke feller has been looking over Judge Land Is' decision to see If he didn't say 29,400,000 rels. LIVES OF HUNDREDS JEOPARDIZED. DURING MAD RACE OF RUNAWAY A team of horses belonging te the Paolflo Pottery company ran away on Alder street this morning and, after plunging through dense crowds of people came to an abrupt atop when the wagon toppled over at the rest sta tion of the street car company on Al der street between Second and Third streets, without causing any other dam age than breaking the pole of the wagon. The horses were standing In front of the Alder street entrance of Meier & Frank's store, when ona of tha hnraea slipped and fell on the wagon tongue, breaking it. Greatly frightened the horaea gathered themselves for a plunge through the closely packed wagona and i teams standing in front of the tore. The driver, unable to gather the flying reins. Jumped to save himself. - At each leap the wagon upon the haunches of the horses and already frightened by the accident, they became erased by the blows. Renn Third street they narrowly m seed the persona passing there. A street car turning the corner was soraped by me careening wagon. . In front of the street car station was a pile of rubbish which the wagon struck, causing it to turn on its sldo. The horses were thrown to the pave- m An examination showed the extent of v.. a -tn ha & hrnken wacon HIV unuwn" v . . ' , tongue and a alight cut on the fg Of one or me norsea. NEW ORDINANCE WILL PROVIDE BULLJtUN WATER AT CITY DOCKS Bull Run water for the city docks will be the burden of an ordinance soon to be drafted by the city attorney. At the present time the docks along the waterrront are noi conneciea wun mu city mains and the water used lor drinking purposes by those employed on tha Waterrront is taken rrom me river and the water tanks of vessels which may be In course of loading or unloading at the docks. Outarolna vessels are compelled to stock up with water Vrdm the river before commencing their voyages and as a result the ratio of typhoid among those working either on the vessels or the docks is very nign. In order to remedy this condition an ordinance will shortly be drafted ny the city attorney making U unlawful for the docks to be supplied with any water other than that supplied through the city mains. TIME FOR THAT DOG OF YOURS TO WEAR A NEW BRASS TAG Mrs. Hamm, who lives out near Ockley Green, Is to be congratulated and commended for besting a night highwayman, and forgiven for not being able to hold him, as she tried livestock. hnrs. cattle, sheen and ! to do, till help came. It is useless, goats, and this reputation can be greatly enhanced, and Oregon can become celebrated as the best stock raising state In the union, and this association, it Is hoped, will help to bring about this result. The club designs to construct elab orate and up-to-date accommodations on Its fine, large tract of ground north of Mount Tabor, and make it a place of many legitimate attrac tions, and one of the most popular visiting and recreation places of the city. It Is to be hoped the plans will be successfully carried out, and the Institution made one of Portland's valuable assets. however, to commend her example to other women, for not many of them are "not afraid of anything," even a highwayman in the dark. o rcgon SiJcligLts A new brick bank building is to be erected In Springfield. There are openings in Canyonvllle for a good miller, a hotel and a livery stable. Cove has a big crop of apples thl.i year, eastern buyers giving $1 to 11.26 a box. If you own a dog which admits of be ing over 4 months old. It's up to you to step into the license department at the city hall and give up three big round dollars or five big round dollars as the sex of your canine la determined. Licence Clerk Pierce this morning finished making- out the dog license blanks for 1908, some 2,000 of them being provided. The new tax becomes collective next Monday morning. Last year the city's revenue from dog licenses reached a total of 16,692, 1,67 male dogs and 13S females being listed on the rolls. This year the license offlclaU expect to collect taxes on 1,800 males and zoo females. Male dogs are licensed at 13 a head and females at t a head. It is estimated that there are J, 600 dogs in Portland over the age of 4 months and amenable to tax, but tt has been found almost Impossible to collect In the resi dential districts. PLAN 0 irJSTAI I IIFI'J nflMPHIV iikii uuiiii nil i Highland Fire Departny WillBeEeadyforSejrvice September First. , It is expected the engine company will be Installed at the Highland house September 1, which will give that - Vi cinity much improved fire proteotlon. As soon as Ute'nev company is installed.- U' entertainment and reception Will be tendered the members by the. Northeastern improvement association. The firemen will ne nanqueiea, me mayor and several councilman have been asked to speak and a general Jolli fication will be in order. lit Is not definitely known when the reception will be held, as Chief Camp bell has not yet notified President Oeorge B Frank of the association, when the company will be completely installed. New companies have already been In stalled at bast Twenty-eighth and East Qllaan streets, on Powell street In Brooklyn, and Mllwaukle avenue in Sell wood. Highland has been provided with a chemical engine for some time, but the growth In that district has demand ed better faculties for fighting fire. Difficulty in getting horses has delayed the manning of this companr. which was to have been Installed aboiKtUyrust Other improvements in the fire st? Ice on the east side are to be made at once. Including the remodeling of the Muitnoman street nouse ana the instal lation at Wood lawn of the chemical re placed by the engine at Highland. Im- Frovementa will proceed as fast as unds for them are available. A generous appropriation for the east side service was made last winter and by the time these funds are expended the protection afforded in many parte of the east side will be greatly im proved. However, residents on the east side still have hopes of a better service when more water and hydrants are provided. BUBBLE RUNNERS AND COUNCIL WILL DEBATE BAKER SPEED LAW A ii trim oblllata and the city council committee to regulate the running of automobiles in the city will meet next Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock In the city hall to dlscuaa the Baker ordinance. No changea or modifications have been in h nHtHnal ordinance aa Intro- It requires 41 teachers to carry on the , du.ed by Councilman Baker and none i will be until the conference. Prlnevllle's new creamery is now In operation, and has a capacity of 1,200 pounds of butter a day. Vaughn's resolution school work In Sherman county and up to last week there was a vacancy of. Just 20 teachers. Back about 16 miles from Irrlgon !n the wheat belt, lots of $16 land has this year produced 30 and 40 bushels of wheat, says the Irrigator. The Automobile club will be repre sented by a large delegation of owners and Irlvers and the matter will be thoroughly threshed out It Is expecte-t that an equitable measure can be pro vided from the meeting and one which will give satisfaction To both machine drivers and pedeatr'ane. The recent ride given the council by the club will tend to make matters more Intelligently discussed. TOOK MONEY AND LEFT hi mm sack Seaside Postoffice Robbers Made Clean . Sweep of Valuables at Kesort. Pendleton Tribune: Salem la having all sorts of a time over Its reenforced concrete, but what Snlem nreds Is some WHO IS HE? A REPUBLICANS AND '4 TARIFF. THE HKTHER Mr. Fairbanks, Mr. Cannon, and other states men who are "friends" of the tariff know it or not. w ' think, that tnere is a growing de mand that will become insistent and make, itself heard in the next na tional 1 contention, among Bepubli 'yana, for a ' revision of the tariff. tAnd we d noi think that this great .end increasing number of voters rM bo satisfied to put off tariff re Vision for two or three' years, nor a mere promise that it will, PORTLAND contemporary is publishing a series of articles attacking the public schools of this city, and finding fault of many kinds with the teachers from the city superintendent down. Ac cording to this unknown and masked critic, the public schools of Portland are about the worst in the country, and a disgrace to the city and state, and the teachers are mostly Incom petent and otherwise unworthy. Now, If these are facts. It is cer tainly very Important that the school board should take radical action, and bring about a greati&nd urgently necessary change. But who Is It that Is making these wholesale charges? Articles like these are of value or otherwise, in public estimation chiefly in proportion to the charac ter, ability and experience of their author. It is very easy for some one to make a long string of such gen eral accusations and yet know but little of the public schools. He may be a chronic kicker, or some one with a private grievance or grudge If he is a man whose individuality will give weight and influence to his articles, why does he not sign his name to them, and accept the re sponsibility of them? A newspaper article may be true notwithstanding the anonymity of the writer; a thing is not made true by name signed to it; but such at tacks, if Justified, would be cor rectly valued a good deal more qulck- and easily if the public were In formed who was writing them, bo that he could be looked over and sized up. The public has 'Ittle confidence in the anonymous critic, and will pay little heed to him. It ia gener-j ally suspected that he must have some private reason for bruiting his screeds, which renders him an in competent or unfair critic. The Journal thinks the public schools of Portland could be and should be improved; that they have fallen too much into rut and routine, and are weighted with some barna cles; but it does not believe that they deserve to be represented as bo far behind the times and ao utterly Councilman in relation to a subsurface conduit enforcement to its paving efforts opens -up a very important suDjeci, and his Dlan contemplates a thof ough and systematic consideration of It, which It deserves. The city must begin working in earnest on the problem of placing overhead wires underground, and keeping new wires beneath the surface. Some of the children In Hubbard and vicinity, are making wages by gather ing and marketing evergreen blackber ries, of which there are large quantities In this section. CANADIAN PACIFIC Two boys aged 11 years were out shooting at a target up the Willam ette valley, when they Quarreled and one of them shot and killed the other. Quite a natural and proper consequence of putting guns in the hands of children. Now a good many of the strike breakers are on strike. If this keeps up, the telegraph companies might as well shut up shop, or conclude to pay decent wages. Preparations are being made for celebrating Labor Day more emphat lcally than ever before, and every body should help the good cause along. Delegates to the next Roosevelt (sometimes called Republican) na tional convention: Senator Jona than Bourne Jr., Dr. H. W. Coe. Yes, clean up the water front, but don't neglect to observe that a lot of other places need cleaning up, too. The present council shows signs of being a great Improvement over its predecessor. Letters from tke People Not a Reputable Method. Portland. Aug. 29. To the Editor of The Journal Permit me space to deny a statement made by one Hamilton, rep resenting himself to be a first-class life Insurance solicitor. I have been in the life Insurance business for 36 years and have represented the Travel ers Insurance company 26 years in the city of Portland. I have had under me at different times as high as 40 first class men and thla is the first time that I ever knew or heard of such soliciting tricks as Mr. Hamilton speaks of. I herewith auote the entire Daraeranh that appeared In your paper on the even ing of August 28. whereas Mr. Hamilton in his confession of wrong doing states that it is an old trick: "It Is an old trick when maklnar a canvass, for a good agent to sign the name or some prominent person to a note Just to show to another business man. In every instance where such notes are made the shrewd canvasser always destroys them, knowing that thev have only been used as a blind." His confession denies him the rljrht of the title, "good agent." Such a trick as 'be speaks of would not be tolerated one minute among the Ufa insurance profession. This old trick that he speaks of, waa bl own trick, and aa a life insurance loiicuur uiu general manager The Lebanon paper mill la having a big wood conveyor built from the canal to near the mill. It will be 970 feet long and 50 feet high and will give room for 20,000 cords of wood. Grebs Bros, are going Into the poultry raisin on a large scale. There Is room for the largest poultry ranch on the coast, and It would besides be an object lesson that would be worth a great deal to Oregon. A farmer on Wild Horse creek, near Pendleton, has a two-acre "patch" of plum bushes which will easily yield this year 2.000 bushels of plums. Every bush In the patch was grown from cut tings or roots brought by Mr. f erguson years ago from Johnson county, Mis souri. Over on the Warmsprlngs reserva tion about 85 tons of hay were har vested off a six-acre alfalfa field In the first two crops. Another crop will be harvested. Increasing the yield to prob ably 4S tons off the six-scre tract this year. The hay Is worth 110 per ton. Alhnnr Herald: Reports from the different parts of this section as to what harm, If any, was done by the re cent rain, seems to show that the pre cipitation resulted In much benefit rather than Injury to the growing crops. Prunes and hops especially it is said experienced little harm. A Roseburg man rose at 5 a. m. and lit a lamp, which he left burning on a table while he did some chores. Near It was some milk, and the family cat desiring a little lacteal fluid breakfast, tipped over the lamp and the house was destroyed. Don't blame the cat; the man should stay In bed till daylight. Burns Times-Herald: What other country under the sun could produce to matoes, corn, string bnans, cucumbers. etc.. In defiance of the frost7 A former Oklahoma man has said that one could frow watermelons in a snow bank In he Harnev country and blest ' if we don't believe It. TO ENTER PORTLAND Officials Claim Eoad Is First to Be Eun Well Between Boundary and Spokane. This Date In History. 1483 Louis XI of France die. Born July 8. 1428. 1600 Marquis de Feuquleres assumed office as viceroy of New Franca 1755 Stonington. Connecticut, at tacked by the British.. 1781 French fleet arrived In Chesa peake bay to help the Americans. 1782 Preliminary treaty between England and the United States signed 1813 Creek Indians massacred de fenders of Fort Mins, in Alabama. 185G Sir John Ross, Arctlo navi gator, died. 1862 First train run on the Under ground railway in London. 1881 Over 200 lives lots in the wreck of the Teuton, bound from Capetown to Natal. 1902 Violent eruption of Mount Pclee. 1906 Oreat reception In New York In honor of William J. Bryan on his return from a trip around the world. for 36 years, I do protest, and knowing as I do the entire insurance profession in and around tha city of Portland, I can safely say that we have not got such tricksters as Mr. Hamilton speak p. 0. & CAUJON Republicans for Chamberlain. From the I'endleton East Oregonlan. Judge Lowell admits that he voted for Governor Chamberlain because he thought the Interests of the state de manded that act upon bis part as a Republican. Thousands of other conscientious iie publlcans did the same thing, not only once, but twice in Oregon and the same men. doubtless, who had the interest of the state at heart in former cam paign will support Chamberlain for United States senator should ho run next year. For does not the Interests - of the state demand rrren in accord with Pres ident Roosevelt and his policies of feform, now more than ever before? s this a tlrne to send Fulton back to rebuke the president and multiply the opposition to him la Oregon? Canadian Pacific officials continue to assert they will operate a passenger service Into Portland, making this city the Pacific coaat terminal In the United States. They explain that the failure to run a complete passenger and freight train service with Canadian Pa cific equipment, into Portland as an nounced some months ago Is due to the comDanv'e desire to first get its line running wellNbetween the boundary and Rnnkn no. After severan days' visit in Portland Rnhtrt Kerr, eeneral traffic manager. C E. E. Ussher atnd E. J. Coyle, both of the passenger -department in the Pacific northwest, will return north tonight. Mr KfiXJ-elUd that by the first of the yea'r'the company will endeavor to run a through passenger service. In con junction with the O. R. & N. line from Spokane to Portland. He said tho ar rangement will mean a passenger and sleeping car of the Canadian Pacific at tached to the O. R. & N.'s Spokane flyer, enabling Portland passengers to go di rect via Canadian Pacific from the At lantic to the Pacific seaboard, with but one change, which may be made at either of two gateways to the east at St. Paul for Chicago, or Sault Ste. Marie to tha Canadian east and New England. WESTERN RESOUKCES FEATURE OF MAGAZINE With the September Pacific Monthly, magazine readers have an excellent op portunity to regale themselves with well-written stories on western re fiction and a multitude of sub jects well calculated to arouse deep In terest In the Pacific coast. In the latest number is the second In stallment of "The Way of the Land Transgressors," by Lute Pease, in which he carries the reader further Into the Intricacies of the machines built up to defraud the government out of Its pub lic doman. A story of great Interest is "Copper; The Slogan of Southeastern Alaska,'1 by Don Steffa, in which the craze which has swept the northern country Is described in a tensely inter esting manner that carries the reader with the same xeal to the conclusion of the story that characterlxes the miners In their strenuous, persistent hunt for wealthv Conner deooslts. Other Interesting stories are "The Forest Festivals of Bohemia," by Por ter Garnett, and "The upiirt in an Francisco," by Arno Dosch. All arti cles are well Illustrated, including the one on "Western Affairs at Washing ton," In which matters concerning the west in federal affairs Is well han dled by Ira E. Bennett. OTDCCTPilDO HIIOTIIf oinmuHi.0! IT IIIUOIIIUI EXCEED SPEED LIBIT folice Orders Will Compel Observance of 12 Mile an Hour Ordinance. COLLIES WILL SHOW AT THE STATE FAIR (Special DUpatch to Tha Journal.) Salem, Or., Aug. So. One of the fea tures of the Scotch collie exhibit at the Greater Oregon state fair. Septem ber 16-21, at Salem, will be practical demonstrations of the value of thesa dogs in sheep herding. A prise will be srlven to the best tralhed collie to be shown at work with a band of sheen on the grounds. This contest should prove interesting to all lovers of dogs, since the sagacity and intelligence of the collie Is shown to tne highest de gree In the management of, a number of sheep. Similar exhibitions are great events In the hills and sheep-raising districts of Scotland. By the Issuance of an order last even ing requiring all members of the po lice department strictly to enforce the law relative to streetcars exceeding 11 miles an hour within the citv limits. Chief Grltzmacher has taken the first step toward compelling the Portland Railway, Light & Power company to cease the reckless running of cars through the public streets. The order, which came aa the result of Instructions from Mayor Lane, Is the direct result of the killing of Fred J. Rooney by an "S car last Tuesday night at Third and Main streets. So many lives have been sacrificed during the past year owing to the high rate of speed maintained by the cars In all sections of the city that the authori ties are determined to force the rail way company to have motormen exer cise more care In the handling of their cars. The chief's order, which Is addressed to the captains of the three reliefs. Is as follows: "Instruct the officers of your respec tive commands to stop all streetcars from speeding on the streets of this city In excess of the speed limit per mitted by ordinance (12 miles per hour). Arrest all motormen wherever found speeding their cars beyond this limit. It should not be a difficult matter for officers to distinguish and verify to be tween the speed rate of 12 miles per hour as granted by ordinance, and 20 miles per hour as is claimed they are going on most streets. Some drastic measures must be taken in this direc tion in order to stop the wholesale maiming and killing of people by the streetcars of this city." The coroner has announced that. In view or tne testimony or eye witnesses, that Fred J. Rooney, the Spanish-American war veteran, who was struck and fa tally injured by a Third street car, was Intoxicated at the time of the accident and stepped directly in the path of the vemcie, no inquest win be held. Postoffice Inspector O. C. Riches haa returned from Seaside where he made an investigation of the robbery of the Sostofflce which occurred at the resort aturday night. Mr. Riches has no clue to the robbers, whom he believes to bo experts by the manner In which they ODened the safe containing the S600 In money and 7S In stamps which made up their loot. According to the Inspector the men drilled a hole into the front plate of the safe and forced the bar connecting the combination and handle that operates the bolts from Its place, allowing the thieves entrance Into the safe without using powder, In addition to the money and stamps the men stole a number of registered letters, one known to contain 85. They placed their booty in a mall sack and retired to a shack near the depot where they sorted out the money and valuables they wished to keep, placed the rest in the mall sack and threw it Into a clump of bushes, afterward making their es cape. The absence of matches and candles la taken aa evidence that the men carried a small electric flashlight which they used to light their way. Because of the manner in which the men operated and the success attending their work at Seaside, it is believed they are two in number and experienced in their craft Local government offi cials believe they will conduct a seriea of postoffice robberies In Oregon and Washington unless they are apprehended. TO PAVE TEN MORE BLOCKS OF EUGENE (8ocial Dlipatch to Tba Jonrotl.) Eugene, Or., Aug. SO. The city coun cil Is advertising for bids for paving ten more blocks of Eugene's streets In addition to the seven that are now be ing paved by the Warren Construction company. The streets to he paved un der the proposed new contract are as follows: Seventh street from Olive to Oak, two blocks: Eighth street from . Carnelton to Hlarh. five blocks, anrt Ninth street from Olive to Pearl, three blocks. The work of paving Willam ette street, which Is now in progress, will be completed within two weekx It is probable that some of the other streets mentioned in the proposed new contract will be Improved before the fall rains set In, but It will be impossi ble to complete them all. Bids on either of the following materials are Invited by the council: Bituminous macadam. bltbullthlc and asphalt.: ALBANY MERCHANTS - X ROBBED CIRCUS DAY (BmcUI Dispatch to The JoumW Albany. Or., Aug. 80. Ellis & Son of Building Permits. Russell & Blyth, lyth, two-story store, Stark and Oak. 82.000: Moyer Clothing company, repairs store, Sixth between Stark Third between Stark and Oak, 81,600: J personal; Rev. E. Nelson Alien and family re turned today from a month's vacation at Canon beach. He will be in his pulpit at Hawthorne park Presbyterian church Sunday mornlnc and evening. Williams, Ing, Halsey between East Twenty eighth and East Twenty-ninth, 8360; M. Margulis, repairs office and store, 260 First street. 860; C. W. Clanton. two story dwelling, East Sixth and Rigglns, 83,000; Mrs. A. J. Gulss, two-story dwelling. East Seventeenth between East Washington and East Alder, 83.650; W. R. Griffith, garasre. Lovelov between Eighteenth and Nineteenth, 8400: E. L. Cooper, one and a half atorv dwelling, Burrage between Milton and Holman. 81.600; A. Cestelll. two-storv dwelling, 747 Northrup between Twenty second and Twenty-third, 81.700; J. Dannells, repairs laundry. Grand and Salmon, 840; Minerva Rees, barn. Me llnda near Linden. 8150; J. W. Hick man, one-story dwelling. MIssIssIddI and Blandena, 81.800; Fred -Ruff, re- galrs dwelling. East Seventh between eech and Failing, tl'OO; G. W. Guess, shop, East Fifteenth between Mildred and Surman, 8160; H. Pflclderer, one story dwelling, Grand between Alberta and Maegly, 81,400; M. Damen, one story dwelling, Oxford between Ethel and East Ninth. 81.600: D. Williams, reoalra saloon. Fourth between Couch and Davis, 8260. TRUSTED EMPLOYE ACCUSED OF THEFT Baker eity, Or., Aug. 80. Clarence Hunsacker, who haa been employed aa night cook at Wright Brothers' chop house, has been arrested charged with the theft of 860 from a drawer in the cash register. The theft was committed some time Saturday night. Hunsaker comes from a well-known and highly respected family, and had tha full confi dence of bla employers. this city, retail grocers, were robbed of over 8100 In cash yesterday during the parade of the Ringllng circus. An lm mense throng Was In the city during the dav and when the time for the parade arrived the principal streets were crowded beyond their capacity. As the parade was passing the store of Ellis & Son someone entered the store, evi dently from the rear, and took the money. The proprietors were out on the streets watching the pageant and on returning to their business found that they had been relieved of all tha money in the till. No trace of the robbers has been found. "An East Side Bank for East Side People." Paying by Check IS THE Simplest and most exact way, and the check as soon as cashed affords the best possible receipt. The Commercial Savings Bank XJTOTT AMD wnUAXS ATE. Solicits your commercial and also your SAVINGS ACCOUNT, on which 4 ner cent Interest wall be nairf. Younr wage-earners in n a salaries may ava themselves of this department, as only 81.00 Is required to open a savings account Oeorge W, Bates. . , .President J. 0. Blrrel .-;... ... .. .Cashier TV