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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1907)
, v a. , . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,, FRIDAY - EVENING, AUGUST . 30. : 1907. TLETT PEAR PRICE A- RECORD River Growers Thrill ith Jteturn&rFrom Sale. . P5AR ORCHARDS HAVE GOLD 3IINES BEATEN t .Bargain Huntora In Rogu River Valley Think Orchards That Have More Than Doubled In Value In Year Are Still Cheap. reek (Special DUpetcb to The Journal.) Medford. Or., Aug. 80. Interest In news from the pear shipments from the Rogue River valley thla aeaaon la aa keen aa war news excttea It la a treat gamble aa to who will get the highest price and even the staple Bartlett peara are now getting to t he-top notch. Re- turnsjfcelved today from a car of Med- irtletts ahlpped from- the Bear orchards ahow that all former prices for this variety have been eclipsed. The car averaged $4.80 per dox ana me net' price I. o. t. Mediora , was 88.51, the highest In the history of the local trade. As the orchards In bearln yielded a full crop It ta evl ' dent alreadv that new records will have to be established for ylelda per acre and after thla aeaaon no other fruit aectlon on this coast or elsewhere will be In It at alt with the Medford district. The Bear Creek orchards, by the way, have sent forward about 15 cara of Bartletta and It Is apparent that an average of more than 83 per box will be obtained for the entire crop. It waa a sight for the gods to see the fruit J hanging on the treei before the fath ering season came on, and aa less than 10 per cent of the peara aet In the valley are now In bearing the future of the Industry la aasured. The Oore orchard, two miles aouth of Medford. which last year gave re turna of over 89.000 In aalea from 12 acres or Bartletta and Newtown applea, will thla aeaaon suroass Ita own rec ord, the aeven acres of Bartletta having gBBBgg? yielded .six cara and the present his! T over f,uu Inc. j . y trloaa luirinlM vlaM a from thla portion of thla famoua bold- Snaa lutm In yoarlaf Xa. J Medford people, by the way, have been greatly amused at the effort of a rival town, nearly 80 miles distant, to ateal we glory of tne uore orcnara. n l well known that Wcflrora is the geo graphical center or tna rogue River valley and the- center as well of the leaning rruit aisinci oi mi norcnwest. The eondltlona existing, in connection with Judicious advertising of resources throughout the east has attracted more homeseekers to Medford this summer than came in aunng tne summer months of the Ave years previous and they are the "heavy boya'r of the middle weat ana nortnwest wno are coming now. and every dayA investors are pouring ineir casn into ine vaney, picking up the snaoa and half develoned orchards and It Is evident that the pie will have to be, carved time and again If all are to be satisfied who are coming when the voionisi raiesgo into erred. TOdaV the Streets nrrhnrrf mM n William Budge of Grand Forks, South Dakota, a prominent dtlsen of that iaie, ootn politically and in a financial way. and It la renortad that ha la hut lorerunner or a host of men In ma section WHO are tired nf tha nna teat With Dakota, winter Tka nrlu "i mo oirveia orcnara. oougnt By ur. Page less than one year ago for $100 per aore. waa 822B ntr inn fur tha entire 100 acres. This is but one Inatanca ett dnna wmcn couia De CUM hn nnh..4. and orchard lands have advanced In value more than 100 per cent In the iaai two years in the Medford district , . . ... V ..... s inniniTinriinTn lit iflhilMlllJl.Al.A IllllMUlll lUlliu i u AT SACRAMENTO Reduced Rates to Astoria. For the benefit of thorn wiahlna- n na me niaeiing or me Norwegian Hinging Society held at Astoria. August i-rwpiemonr i, i, ana tne nth an- uai Astoria regatta, September 2, , the Astoria A Columbia Rlvar ra road namea a round trip from Portland of 81. Tickets on sal a Ausuat September 1, J, 8, 4, returning expire ELKS ORGANIZE AT CENTRALIA BOIT BB BLUB and lose sll Interest when help Is within reach. Herblne will make that liver perform Its duttea properly. J. B. Vaughn, Elba, Ala., wrltea: "Being a constant sufferer from constipation and a dlaordered liver, I have found Herblne to be the best medicine, for theae trou bles, on the market I have used it constantly. I believe It to be the best medicine of its kind, and I wish sll sufferers from these troubles to know the good Herblne has done me. Sold by all druggists. I (Bpedil Dlipatea to To Journal.) Centralis, Wash., Aug. 80. A charter has been granted an organisation of the Benevolent and Protective Ordnr of Elks In this city. The lnatallatlon will be held September 7. Large delegations from Seattle, Tacoma, Olyrapia and other nearby citlea will be on hand to assist In the work. The charter has 60 signers and is composed of the best bualneaa men In the city. E. R. Inger aoll. district deputy, from Seattle will have charge of the ceremonlea. Im mediately after the Installation cere monies, a nig banquet wljl be given at the Centralla, hotel. Fifteenth National Congress Will Be Held In Cali- forniaCity. OREGON GOVERNOR TO DELIVER ADDRESS Vice-President Fairbanks lias Prom ised to Be Present Next Monday and Many Notable Will Attend Sessions. EDISOX'S NERVES ARE SHATTERED BY STRAIN (Journal Special Berrlce.) Akron, Ohio, Auir. 30. Thomas A. Edison came here today suffering from a nervous breakdown. He went to the home of his wlfe'a mother, Mra. Louts A. Miller. Local physicians are at tending. Visitors, even friends of vears' standing, are not admitted. (Joonul Special 9twUm. Sacramento. Cal., Aug. 80. The open ing day of the flfteeenth National Irri gation congress, which convenes In this city beginning next Monday, will bo a memorable event In the history of Cali fornia. The great feature of the pro gram will be the speech of Vice-Presi dent Fairbanks. Mr. Fairbanka is In tensely Interested In the work and pur poses of the congress. He never ap pears to better advantage as a plat form speaker of great force and keen loglo than when discussing the problems to which the lrrlgatrbn congreas ad- dresses Itself. The presence and par ticipation of the vlce-prbsldent at the opening proceedings of the coming ses sion adds distinct interest and Impor tance to the occasion. Mr. Fairbanks' speech will be a notable effort. Among the addresses of response by visiting delegations will be those of several governor of states. It Is ex pected that at least six governors will be present and take part In thla feature of the Inauguration of the great con vention. One of the moat Important speeches of the opening day will be that of Hon. George E. Chamberlain, gov ernor of Oregon. Oovernor Chamber lain Is president of the 'National Irri gation congress. Both by reason of his position and his eminent qualifications as a public speaker and one thoroughly familiar with every phaae of the irri gation movement, his address will be among the most valuable and significant deliverances of the convention. The Immense attendance of promi nent and Influential men from every aectlon of the United States will make the opening of the con'entlon one of the most notable eventa In the line of na tional conventions. When it Is remem bered that all delegates to the congress are obliged to bear their own expenses without hope of subserving any private end or ambition, the high character of the men and the disinterestedness of their motives are apparent It aerves alao to differentiate this from other na- NO STUDENTS NO GAS w Til NO COCAINE, We wifl forfeit $1,000 to any charitable institution for any dentist who can com pete with us in crown and bridgework or teeth without plates. Pay no fancy fees un til you have consulted us. Our continued success in our many offices is due to the uniform high grade work done by years of experienced operators. The prices quoted below are absolutelyNthe best opportunity to get your money's worth which has ever been offered. We use nothing but the best materials. PRICES UNTIL SLPT1LMB1LR 15th Silver Fillings K. 5O4? Platinum Fillings 91.00 Gold and Platinum Alloy Fillings $1.25 Gold Fillings $2.00 to $5.00 S. S. White Logan Ccown ...$5.00 Gold Crowns, best 22k. extra heavy $5.00 TEETH.. Bridgework, per tooth, best gold...... $5.00 Best Rubber Plate, S. S. White teeth. -.$8.00 Aluminum-lined Plate $10 to $15 A binding guarantee given with zil '9jk for 10 years. VEGETABLE VAPOR Used only by us for PAINLESS EXTRACTION of teeth.. 50 Read What Mrs. Jessie Level Says: I had 12 teeth extracted by the use of Vegetable Vapor, absolutely painless the most pleasing effect and highly recommend the method. Yours truly, Lafett, Oregon. MRS. JESSIE LEVEL. NLRVOUS PLOPLL And those afflicted with heart weakness can now have their teeth extracted and filled without the least pain whatever. CHICAGO ID) Northwest Corner of Sixth and Washington Streets 7 4' The largest and best equipped Dental Establishment in the Northwest. Seventeen offices in the United States. See that you are in the right office. Open Sunday 9 to 2. LADY IN ATTENDANCE tional conventlona of a similar kind. A great feature of the opening day program will be the rendition of the '"Irrigation Ode," a composition of unique merit, by the great Mormon tabernacle choir of 200 trained volcea. The crowds, the prominence of leading participants, the big scale on which everything is planned, will make Mon day next one of the greatest daya In the annala of the Oolden state. Adrentlst at Centralla. (Special DUpatch te Tba JoaraaL) Centralla, Wash.. Aug. JO Centralla la to be the meeting place of the Seventh Day Adventlata from all over the state. There will be a flvei days' session and It Is estimated that fully 100 delegates will participate. They will be here from Spokane, Walla Walla, the sound cities and Grays Harbor points. It will be an enthusiastic meeting and largely at tended. The meetings will be held In a large tent in the aouth part of town. Preferred Irtoek Canned- Ooada. Allen Lewis' Best Brand. After a heavy meal take a couple of Doan'a Reguleta, and give your stomach, liver and bowele the help they will need. Reguleta bring easy, regular passages of the bowels. :lr 1 CLOTHINQ J ' I If LADIES' 16c fast black Stockings. 20c Lace Hose at 25o Lisle Hose at 76c Corsets at tl.00 Corsets at $1.60 Corsets at......... 11.00 Muslin Skirts at... $1 50 Muslin Skirts at. . . tl.SO Muslin Drawera at. ?1.00 Muslin Drawers at. . 6c Muslin Drawers it .. 50c Muslin Drawers at . . $1.50 Muslin Gowns at $1.00 Muslin Oowns at ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . .... I '... f I..... .... V .74 .10 .in I 6 ,48 25 m SALE AT ATUROAY THE LAST DAY SHOES 1 MEN! SHOES ! HOES POB MXW BB WISH, BUT BOW. Tou could hardly believe that such Shoes as the renowned Robert Johnson (k Rand Men'a Shoes could be cut to such ridiculous figures, but as we said be fore, we, not tne Boston Store, are doing the price making ana we re doing it with a sole object in view to sell. $2.50 Shoes, odds and ends, 600 palra, Men's Work ing 8hoes ft -50 $3.00 Men's Dress Shoes, assorted leathers. . 39 14.00 vlcl kid dull top Dress Shoes S1.95 BOTH' STOUT. lOLIS, DXTBABU SHOES These are of strong, good wearing box calf and vie! kid, and Robert Johnson & Rand, who made tnem, know wnat should go Into boya shoes. $1.75 Boys' Shoes, sizes 14 to 2 754 2.Z5 Hoys- Mnoes, sizes to z $2.50 Boys' Shoes, slses iV, to 2 Kl.lfl $3.00 Boys' Shoes, sises 8H to 2 $1.50 $1.76 Boys' Shoes, -lies 2 to bV, XI. OO 1.9S nova" snoes. nixes j to 6 K $2.25 Boys' Shoes, sixes 2 to 6 ft 12.60 Boys' Shoes, slses 2 to 5 SR $3.00 Boys' Shoes, slses 3 to Shi HI2.00 OBTOSBBS', LOOOEBS ABD TBAKSTEBS SHOES. The same great brand, men; you know them. Bead: $3.60 low top heavy Booming Shoes 92.65 14.50 6-Inch ton Cruisers' Shoes $6.00 6-lnch top Cruisers' Shoes 93.25 $4.5 10-inch top Cruisers' Shoes It3,25 $4.25 6-Inch top Loggers' Shoes 93. OO $6.00 -lnch top Loggers' Shoes $6.00 10-lnch top Loggers' Shoes 93.95 b?5 $7.60 12-Inch top Loggers' Shoes 9-1 75c Men's Slippers 39 12. go Men s Koraeo Slippers 95 $3.00 Men's Oxfords 91.39 $4.00 Men's Oxfords 91.85 THE SAX.YAOB FBXCES IB THE MEN'S FURNISHINGS DEFT Men's 25c E. A W. Collars at let Men's 15c Canvas Oloves at 5k Men's 25c Boston Garters at 1B4 Men's $1.26 Silk Mercerized Underwear at 4Ss Mn's 85c Jersey Ribbed Underwear at 19t Men's $2.00 Wool Underwear at 98c Men's $2.00 fine wool, ribbed, brown and gray Underwear 91.19 Men's ISo black ind tan Hose at ?e Men's $1.00 Flannel Shirts at 48 Men'a $1.26 white Mohair Shirts at 65c Men's $1.00 black Sateen Shirts at 7o Hop Pickers' made of Panama straw Hats at..l9e Men's 31.00 Work Oloves at 4S Men's $2.00 blue Flannel Shirts at 95c Men's $1.60 blue Flannel Shirts at T9c Men's $1.00 Golf Shirts at 4V Men's 75c Underwear at 39c Men's heavy fleece lined, wool Underwear, $1.00 value, at Kftat Men's 60c Silk Hose at I9J Men's 12.00 silk Shirts at 854, Men's $3.00 Trousers at 91.35 SUITCASES 12 Leather Suit Case at 95c. 18 Leather Suit Cases at... .Bl.ftS 15 Leather Suit Cases at ; .....S2.4R Boys' $5 Worsted Suits, double-breasted, at.. 92.45 Men'a $4 Oxford Shoes, patent leather, at.,., 91,75 Yes, at Ten o'Clock Saturday Night rm through I'm sorry, too, for the store has been packed and Jammed with eager buyers for the last three weeks, yet there Is so much on hand that I hardly know how to dispose of It. Wish I had another week or two, but I haven't. Next week I leave for Califor nia, and then your rare chance will be gone. Will you meet me Sat- uroay ror ine last time tms season ? I can't begin to tell you all I have In mind to do for you. But I'm telling you a few things here. Other bargains ? Yes, and hundreds I We haven't had time to look and prepare fully, but the "Jig Is up," and we must stop. The only disappointed folks In Portland are those who haven't been ln" on this stunt. Good-bye, then but come In Saturday It will be great. Yours ever cordially, DAVID LION, Manager The Pacific Coast Salvage Company Selling the Stock of "The Boston Store," First and Salmon SHOES! LADIES! SHOES! 1VA9ZES' WHITE CABTAS OZTOBDS. Here are soma of tae Bobert Johnson ft Band Shoes. $2.60 welt and turn sole Canvas Oxfords ....91.19 $2.00 turn and welt sole Canvas Oxfords 95c $1.60 turn and weit sole Canvas Oxfords 59C $1.76 Misses' welt sole Canvas Oxfords 65e $1.20 Misses' welt and turn sole Canvas OxfordsiKOc $1.40 Misses' welt snd turn sole Canvas Oxfords.69at aVASZES TOTB XiEATKEB SHOES. Also the Bobert Johnson Band Brand. $4.00 vlcl kid and, gunmetal turn and welt sole Shoes ..92.39 $3.00 patent leather dull top welt sole shoes. 9 1.1 9 $2.60 vlcl kid Shoes, with turn soles 91.00 $3.60 two button patent leather Shoes 91.45 $2.60 low heel vicl kid comfort Shoes -91.85 KISSES' TOTE SHOES ABB OXTOBSS. If 70a made the prices yourself jou wouldn't make them any lower than these. $1.66 vlcl kid Oxfords, sizes 2 to 11 79e $2.00 vlcl kid Oxfords, sizes 2 to 11 fiSa $2.25 vicl kid Oxfords, sizes 2 to 11 91.19 Ji.zs vicl kid Shoes, turn and welt soles fK4 i.iu pa,i. learner, turn ana well sole snoes. $2.26 vlcl kid Dress Shoes, turn soles $2.26 vicl kid Dress Shoes, welt soles INDIES' A8SOBTES OXTOBDS. Xore of Bobert Johnson ft Band's Shoes cnt Terr unut or dollars and cents. $3.60 patent kid Oxfords, turn and welt soles. $3.00 patent kid Oxfords, turn soles $2.46 patent kid Oxfords, welt soles $2.60 gunmetal welt sole Oxfords $2.25 vlcl kid welt sole Oxfords io.uu uver 2D airierent styles, all sizes, in l patent leather, etc., $2.60 to $3.00 8hoe 95c m to tba 11:28 MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING The best cloth, the newest stvles. the lowest prices. The Salvage Sale means something in this uepurimeni. cxceueni doming at tne price Or rags. Men's wool, worsted and homespun Two-Piece Suits, :n uk'ii ana memum snaaes; an sizes up to 40 In this lot; not a suit worth less than $7.50 CI OK and up to $10; free choice at Men's line of $10 til-wool Dress and Business Suits, In single and double-breasted, in worsted and cheviots in light and dark effects, all 9 A QK sizes; choose at Men's $18 to $25 Suits; in fact, choice of the house, with the exception of the new fall roods that have just arrived; In all colors. In all styles CO Kf and In all sizes, only VZFJt Men's $1.50 Khaki Outing; Pants at 91.15 Men's $4.00 best quality Corduroy Pants at.. 91. 85 Men's $2.00 Work Pants at 95 Men'a $3.00 all-wool Dress Pants at 91.39 Men's 14.00 all-wool Dress Pants at 91.75 Boys' 32.60 double-breasted School Suit, new f- Boys' $3 and $4 all-wool double-breasted blacks and fancy checks and mixtures; choice at 91.75 Boyc' 36c Knee Pants, well made, at Oe Boya' $5. 36 and 37.60 Lonar Panta Sulta at..S2.5tK Boys' $1.50 wool mixed Suits at 49C Youths' Long; Pants. 14 to 20 years: 310 values at only 94,35 . We sell any single article in the house for less money than the Boston Store paid In bulk. A Terrific Slaughter In WOMEN'S DRESSES, SKIRTS, WAISTS, ETC. Tour free, unrestricted choice of any Ladles' Shirt Waist in the house. The values are from 31.50 to $5. See them buy them. You never again will duplicate this offer On sale at 48c Ladles' $10 Pongee Coats at 92.98 Laldes' $6 Pongee Coats, box style, tomorrow at only mi as Ladies' $12 8ilk Bolero Coats, all lace ' trimmed, at only ajo 0 TAlilfta' lift Pnftt. nAn ,. nil i ! " '.T ..1 a llned, choice at 4 as 135 Point d Esprit Dresses 99 98 Misses' $5 Red Golf Coats at .... 91.95 Sailor Suits, $10 value, at ? 91.89 . --- -..v., .uvii Awa, laniriuiiaiicu Brains. beautiful floral designs; at 19- $1.25 long Kimonos; fanclly trimmed In Japanese designs; at 48 H a?d. ,18 Novelty Skirts, In checks and "stripes and plaids; choice at 14 ou 340 anil IRA Blllr ,,(.. ,11 .,.!.. . .11 T'aTT'SX $26 Ladies-' VoYie Suits t. . 7.'.". . V.TltTf g $10 Silk Petticoats at ...'...'.'. 4 $6 Silk Petticoats at $2.5 W flthll nnv ai1na1aa 4-41. aH L. 1 1 money than the Boston Store paid In bulk. HATS Men's $2 soft latest style Hats at 954, Men's $3 soft and stiff fall style Hats at 91.35 Men's $4 and $5 Stetson, Knox and Dunlap styles mactii b uvu tt ui sk 011 1 r in ni . Hfidv And Here's Where Yon Save Some More-Read Every Item FABASOI.S lABASOS PABASOX.S tlO, tajM and. ta.50 PABASOI3 75. BOSTOB STORE'S PBICB T7 TO tXJUK SALTAOB CO.'s 8AXB FBICB 75c. $3.50 Children's Embroidery and Silk Hats Salvage price, each . 25 25c Children's Hose Supporters Salvage price.. IO 31.00 Ladles' lack Sateen Petticoats 25aV $2.00 Ladies' black Sateen Petticoats 58 $1.60 Bates Bed Spreads, the best known and favored brand in the country i Oft $3.60 Marseilles Bed Spreads 91 95 $5.00 Marseilles Bed Spreads 93 45 60c Towels, also the 26c and 35c lines, at the Salvage price of j 5" 8AXTAQB PBICE8 Or ULDEES' TESTS. 50c Ladies lisle thread colored sleeveless Vests..2K 75c Ladle' silk lisle Vests Sft5 II lin T .H(a .lib 11. V... "'V7W v . . w v uu. T gal. . . . , , . , ..,..,.... J. t .t $2.00 Ladles pure silk Vests Salvage price.... 85 . t KEWS WOBX 8B3BT8. f.?"1 taU scrimmage for a share of these Working Shirts tomorrow morning. Think of It a staple article, such as plain blue, strong, well, sewn. 60c to 60c Working Shirt for ,254 MSB'S TIES AT SAXTACW TiaUBEa. ' 60e Men s Silk Ties, in all the new andadcopted t1 r" o' f yr; atrlng. bows or rour-m-nanda ..... i.i.i lKa WMazedaV,irihlrVhw 25e Men's Suspenders, strong elastic strap e'nds 'VMS .?nBo.?"' Suspenders, never tea? or breik & gS 16o Mens HandkerehlVfaJ Salvige prioa ' " 2?S Men s Belts, all prices, all rtzerc;:'::':! Mv.aeTnHce1eHtrn,? U UW.-U prtceV ton 8toSWlbSltfrr; Don't allow yourself to be mis led by fake or Imitation sales. The Boston Store Be sure you're on the corner of nrst and Salmon: Look for the Boston Store si rns. v DA VID LION, mnazcr First and Salmon Sts. j