The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 30, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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fSL ; . - ' ' 1
5lball Tactics of Mr. Dus
enbery KGives Ills Wife
Grounds for Divorce. .
.'Disparity of Age Bring tTnhappl
V ' oea to Barkmoa Marriage "Four
v' Dlrorcec Granted Thl "-Morning
: : Three on Account of Crtteitf, .
Four dlToroea wr granted by JuJr
Tom Karl ha com to Portland. At
flnit blush thl may not iem to bo
large item of news, but It la, for tha
laat Urn a' Tom Karl was hera aoroa 17
years a-o ha brought with him tha
Bostonlana, that old-tiro organisation
of melody and aong ilrhlch mada "Robin
Hood' permanent In Ita nlcha of fame.
Thla time ha baa brought with him
newer company. Tha Callfornlana,
'Gantenbein In tha circuit court thla
morning, threa on tha ground of cruelty
" and ona because of desertion. AU of
'the applicants war women.
Kicked out of .bed on tha first night
or her marriace. mada the taraet of
lighted lamp,' and forced twice to call
a pouceman on toe street zor protection
. irom ir nuaoana a tnreata to am. Mrs.
IUaCuaenbery appealed to Judge
.enDein lor a seoarauon rrom will
uaenbery. They were married at Van
couver, Waahlnglon, In September, 1901,
v an saia, ana cruei treatment waa ner
' lot from tha Aral.
i Duaenbery burned up all her clothe
except a kimono, aha testified, broke up
i tha dishes and household furniture,
' t threw tha waahln aha bad lust An
"'. laiied Into the mud. and choked and
kicked her. He would order- ber out of
. bed and back again, and not being sat
tailed then would vent his anger by
. Jumping up and down on tha bed springs
until they broke, said Mrs. Duaenbery.
, Lha mrmm ....... ji.,..
, Mrs. May D. Barkmaa. who married th-ed together on th weatern ahora
'.Ammon W. Barkman, a man 16 yeara the other waa on the eastern and
uiuor man nerseti, waa granted her consequently run or tna vigor and
i Second divorce thla morning. Judge Qan- awing of the Pacific elope. With thla
tenbeln hesitated In announcing hla de- he hopes to build again a muaical
ciaion. saying mat aa Mra. Barkman had I aggregation to rival In name and
been divorced once before alia ahould achievement that old one and to win In
have profited bv her experience and ax- the hearts of opera lovers as firm a
wcisoa mo wisaom in cnoosinc me I piace aa did ine nrac
cunu nuapana. But n la not ao much In tha new
airs, oarxman leaunea mat not omy company that the interest of Portland
did her husband cures and abuse her, peopU Is centered aa It la In the gray
but her stepchildren, nearly aa old aa haired and whole-hearted tenor who la
uerii, conmaniiy annoyea ner, ana leading it. They are upon trial and
were encouraged in their actions by can. if their wort la creditable aa It Is
tneir father. 8h said she left Bark- claimed to be by Its leader, make good
Marc. but returned to him in the ay mpathy of Portland1 amuaement
f nJL1" J,roml" t0 be good. But within lovers. Tom Karl, however, has-made
u" . '.m.""1 aiven ner good not only In Portland but throuah
Zvi5 w.5e.Vnan K naa De,.n Pror out the length and bieadth of thla and
. wuijwiiim mgmia iu i other lands. PeoDle here remember him
leava nim. aa he came to the Marquam In the daya
. ir. rst husband had been divorced when that veteran nlifhouu hA flr.t
in Colorado bees use he waa a gambler, opened lta doora
Ei M.T,'k? Bh," "JL JiV-1 Then he was not gray of Read or ao
iiiii " vu, I wme or grtn as tie la at the present
u tt. ... . . . I time, but the new Tom Karl is still
. "UV" 'XZ'l wA'rl mora lovable than the old. Jle I. not a
carrier at the GranS theTtrV. VfEr A1?? ?Hn. hi. tenor aong;
taatirvlna- h i t.i i uv raiwirw mm 10 xne nearts ot
III i&t,: PPl. He I. not a
DiacK eye and other brulaea. She said
Day kicked her In 1906. They were
married in ucioDer. IVU3.
Anna el Swarthout waa granted a di
vorce from R. V. Swarthout because
ne aeaertea her at Ketchikan, Alaska, In
September, 1905. They were married in
roruana in Marcn, 1S06. Mrs. Swsrth
out wss allowed to reaum her maiden
name, uarreti
".:'.'; J "
. : '
rlo iJila week and seen the Allen atock
SP7 ,n "" present offering, "That
OIH FroravTexaa." declares tt to ba all
" in every respect. It 1 certainly I
r.."' wr l" masses ana no on who
t... f?Ktlrrln; play can afford
tO ml It',.,.-
V MJe .' of the Bar-Z." 7
Next week Will mark tha nlnaa n th
enguemnet or tna Allen stock mm.
Viay. th Lyrto and tha many frland
oitnat popular organisation will ba
oenain to attend , tha Derformanaaa.
The play will ba of frontier imtri.
on me m which all th breeslnea
ana snap of tha plain and mountain
""T Pnn at the Grand.
Fun rune Tint mi th. (ln.j hia w
where Miles McCarthy and company
"iffl a J big vaudeville entertainment
with 'The Race Tout Dream." It la
cnaracier sxstcn such a la aeldora
..Ww1! vaudeville house. John
W"MN. man wlth hod." lngs
and tells Irish songs and stories and 1
a general lavorite.
Store tloed 11
"Driven From Home.''
.TH atrusrlaa nf & Minntn i wl ln
Dig city are shown In "Driven Ktom
I Mome. tne new attrartlnn whirh ttw
French company will play next week at
!?. f-. ' Tne nr8t performance of thl
Hal Bald drama will be Sunday after-
ii wo. inur win do a special Labor
uay maune xnonaay.
Star Matinee Tomorrow.
ThIast mttinee of "A Daughter of
on la
Men's Snits
cuvs' Snits
I tha South" will be given by tae Ft
atock company at the Star theatre
morrow afternoon. This attmntinr
la mllltarjr drama, with shooting, flght
I Ing, love, hate and comedy. These are the
Tom Karl of the Calif ornlan.
master alone, though hi ' hand ha
moulded many a raw vocalist Into a
finished soloist nd ha shaped many a
ragged choroue Into form and trim.
He 1 a man. a philosopher and)
friend, ona who not alone teaches the
young men and women with him how to
max tna moat or tneir musical gins.
but sruldes them In shanlna their
Into right patha. He la a singer, first
enthualastlo In hi art, but at the aam
time and coequal with hla muaio ha
stands as a gentleman. In all that tha
term implies.
Over at tha Portland hotel thl morn
Ins Mr. Karl talked of hia nast suc
cesses and of those which he hopes will
come to tha Callfornlans. He told .of
the old daya when he served with the
Boatonlans, of the rise of that com
pany from it inception ny mmaeir,
MacDonald and Barnabee and of hla
Ion retirement until dragged forth to
do mlmlo battl once more by frlenda In
uom Angelea, where his present com
pany was organised.
Monday nignt tna I'aiirornians win
open a six weeks' engagement at the
arquam with tha "Serenadera" and
then the people can aee whether or not
all the good thlnga oome from tha east.
Included In tha list of soloists are many
who Mr. Karl savs hold nromlss of
future greatneoa. and he ought to be (there,
ble to tell. But be that aa it may.
the people of Portland, especially those
who have years enough to remember
the infancy of the Marquam In that
time when the peetofnee waa a vacant
lot and tha Portland hotel had hardly
cleared the plaster off Its floor, win
welcome Tom Karl, the old-time favo
rite, to their heart again, Just a they
did 17 year ago.
element wnicn matte an attractive nlav
. A MA 1- a a . . M ..... " . " I
I ana m. iaugnur or tne oouin is such.
Marquam Matinee.
Tomorrow afternoon there will tut
matinee performance of 'The Carnival
of Uov. by the Stockwell-MacOregor I
company at me Marquam. This attrac- I
tion cloaea the long engagement of the
company In this city. Nothing funnier
oaa una eeco nere mis year.
Brewer Hats'.;'::.
Ladies' Coats
Opera Season Coming.
At tha Monday matinee the Callforn
lans will Inaugurate the new operatic
season at the Marquam with 'The Sere-
naaa - rnia is a catchy, bright and
tuneful opera which la familiar and
dear to all theatregoera and music lov
ers. The Callfornlans have a large and
weu-anned, company, with noted princi
pal ana a gooa ainging cnorua.
Two Carnivals at the Oak.
There will be a big mssquerade car
nival at the skating rink at the Oaks
next Monday night which will be the
rink real fun-making event of the sea
son. Prises will be offered and some
Sueer skaters are expected to appear,
n nt Friday evening a dancing car
nival win De neia ar me dancing pa
vilion and prises will also be given
for Fall 1907 Now Ready
Made Right
Tit Right
(Jooroal Special Service.)
Chicago, Aug. 39. Federal Judge
&unuui ioaay grantea an injunction
temporarily restraining 14 railroads and
nva express companies from adopting
vu oryiemDer i certain rates on cream
ery producta to and from western and
normwestern points. Fourteen cream
ries made the application
Yesterday's Heavy Transfers
Includes Only Sales of
City Residences.
Jtealty transfers filed for record yes
terday aggregated 142.828. Every ln-
The principal roada made defendant strument flied during th day recorded
are the Alton, Burlington, Illinois Cen
tral, Chicago ft Northwestern, Rock
island, santa Fe, Wabash and othera
The Adams, American, United State
and Wella-Fargo express companies,
which are alleged to be In collusion with
the railroads, are Included. The cream
eries win also appeal to the interstate
commerce commission to Investigate.
ine court aet wctoDer z ror me hearing.
(Special Blips tea te The Toaraal.) I
Centralis, Wash., Aug. 80. The con
tract for Installing a trunk sewer sys
tem In this city has been let to the
mortnwest Hriage company of Tacoma.
a transaction In residence property.
The largest deal reported waa the sale
by Andrew Kan to Homer H. Smith
of a number of residence sites in
"Sunny Slope." an addition near Mount
Tabor for 10.600. The property ia de-
scriDea ss an or 'Bunny mope, excel
lots "E." and "B." and the aouth I
feet of lot "a." and of lot "H."
Schuyler C. Klllen haa aoid to Paulina
M. Chapman a house and lot on falsa
beth street between Sixteenth and
Seventeenth streets, Portland Height
for $4,800. John H. James has pur
chased irom the roruana Trust com
pany a house and lot at the southeast
corner Of East Taylor and East Fir
teenth streets -for 14.150.
Mail & von Borstei, representing C. N.
Kankln. has sola to Henry Kelmans
half lot on the east side of Grand
omrtDBSH rjr pax
never cry a do children who are suf
fering from hunger. Such la the cause
of all bablea who cry and are treated for
alckneaa, when they really are suffering
rrom nunger. -rms is caused rrom their
food not being assimilated, but devoured
by worm a. a few doses of White's
Cream Vermifuge will cause them to
cease crying and begin to thrive at
once. Ulve it a trial. Sold by all drug-
Priced Right
Seats Selling for Minstrel.
Seat are veiling at the Hefiig for
the colored Georgia minstrels- which
Come to tha Bhmt thMtr EnnHov I
SiMff a .Vtafer9 than anything: else of your
uwuun wiu ds given saonaay. r
Tea has more to do with
your thoughts at table
Vt& ZXllitil ut th.,bld avenue, between East Burn.ide andSSt
tLmSS .Wa6 ,2"R?r h.H Couch 'street. . for. $5,600! . ThlaVop-
city engineer s estimate. The speciflca- u.nvin tnr tl koo a nn-.nA,
tlona call for J.970 feet of 18-inch pipe,
'1,440 feet of 16-inch pipe and 6,160 feet
of 14-inch plba The work will be com
menced In 10 days and the eystem will
be entirely completed before the end of
tne year, as soon aa me work on the
trunk sewer Is .completed the city will
be divided Into sewer districts and; the
laterals installed at once, which will
give tha central part sewer accommoda
tion at once. Other part of th city
y" um vowerra at any time tne popuia-
occupies the lot
Time now
s to see what a good "staying" break
fast can be made without high-priced
Young Woman Poses in Al
together and Attracts
Crowd at Wichita.
A Little Fruit,
A Disb of Crape-Nuts and Cream,
y A Soft-Boiled Egg,
Some Nice, Crisp Toast,
Cup of Postum Food Coffee.
That's all, and H very easy of diges
tion and full to the brim with nour
ishment and strength.
; m w avi vaaawvil V V
r -
are a meat and vegetable din
ither at noon or evening, as
you prefer. - .
We predict for you , an increase in
i physical and mental powers )
4There, a Reison." . (
rncr eitl
. ' J VJU yi c
Read tha 'little health classic,"
,-Boad to Wellvllle," In pkg.
(Jooraal Spselsl Service.)
Wichita, Kan., Aug. SO. The fashion
able North Riverside park district here
wa thrown Into a turmoil yesterday
when the residents saw a young woman
posing In the altogether In a lily pond,
while a man with a large camera mada
several exposures. xwenty-rive tele
Dhone calls were received at police head
niiAitrn nnA thA riAOnln rushed nut nf
staying" break- their houses to tne spot.
ay tue unin nicy repurimi ini matter
to tne police a crowa or curious persons
had assembled - and the photographer
was forced to leave nis camera ana sua
Ject to drive the intruders away.
The girl, Miss Mona Payton, 19 year
old. waa sent home and the Photo
grapher, 3. 3. Todd of thla city, waa ar
Todd said he wanted a, picture to enter
In a photograph contest. He said he
wanted to take the nlctura of the girl's
head and shouldera and convert It Into
the picture of a mermaid basking in
nond nf lilies.
women wno aiscoverea ine pneto
eher at work declare tne girt was nude.
Thev found her clothing on a nark
bench. The police have taken charge of
Todd's camera and tne piates ne maae.
They have not yet been developed, but
it is expected that when tnis is done.
conclusive evidence will he obtained.
Mies Payton declared tearfully at home
that she was not entirely nude when tha
pictures were taken.
(Social PtaMtek to The Journal.)
Chehalia. Wash.. Aug. SO. Mrs. Hope
Grant, through her attorneys, Mlllett
& Harmon naa filed a 120,000 damage
auit assist . the Walworth & Neville
Sawmill comnanv of Walvllle. Wash
ington. Her husband, Herbert Grant,
who was - engineer on - tha - company's
logging road, waa killed last October
while at hla post, and It I alleged that
the accident waa caused by tha com
pany negligence In falling to keep
track In nroner, condition. -. Tm suit
ia ror th widow and a minor son.
"The Prince Chap" Coming.
Just laughter and tears inri Uiirhtor
again. With a tUimniH nf atnrir that
holds the attention from the moment
the play commence to the final curtain.
la claimed to be half the acerttt at th
splendid success of "The Prince Chap"
which comes to the Helllar next Wrln-
day evening, September 4, when It open
a four night engagement
"The Liar" Open Sunday,
Sunday matinee and evenlnr will ha
the two opening performance of the
Baker stock enmnanv fnr th I
and the event Is eagerly looked forward
to oy tneatregoera In Portland. The
first play Is Henry Arthur Jones' noted
comedy, "l ne juara," Beats are now on
A ScMitng ft Company San Frandsc)
That Girl From Texa."
Everybody who has attended the Ivy-
Tis of
CoaS for
Congestive Chilis
are the result of thin blood, bad
circulation and a run-down anae
mic condition. They occur more
especially during the warm
fafomprif 'f a coa' comPanv owns a mine a"d
Solution :
the engineer of
that mine reports that the company has 8,250,000 tons
of coal that can be mined, how many tons of coal will
there be to secure each share of stock, providing there is
a capitalization of $250,000, consisting of 25,000 shares
at $10.00 par value?
Divide the total number of tons of coal by the total
number of shares of stock and the dividend will give
the number of tons of coal that secures each share of
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
is distilled wholly from malted
grain, and its softness, palatabil-
ity and freedom from injurious
substances make it acceptable to
the most sensitive stomach.
If you wish to keep strong and
vigorous and fiave on your cheeks
the glow of perfect health, take
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey reg
ularly, according to directions,
and take no other medicine. It
is dangerous to fill your svstern
with drugs ; they poison the body
and depress the heart, while
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskev
tones and strengthens the heart
action and purifies the entire
system. It is recognized as , a
family medicine everywhere.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskev has
stood severe tests for fifty vears
and has always been found abso
lutely pure and to contain great
medicinal properties.
t AH druggists, grocers and -deal
ers, or direct, $1 per bottle. Illus
trated medical booklet contain
ing some of the many convincing
testimonials received frorn grate
ful men and women who have
beea cured, , and doctor s advice
; sent free. Duffy j Malt .Whiskey
Rochester, N. Y
Answer: Three Hundred and Thirty Tons
SHARE. Tuesday morning the price will
BE $18.00 A SHARE. It will be raised one
dollar a share every week. This company is
not at all concerned whether you wish to
buy or not That is up to you.
, Commonwed$h Trasft C
Fiscal Agents of
, Consumers Coal Cokpdey
Commonwealth Building'. Sinth and Anllcr :