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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1907)
12 i. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 30. 1907. Popular Wants San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 MarltciSt, bet 3di 4 th fcC&UrTlOSS KBCSZTX9. Oregonlans when In 8m Francis coo have their mall nt to ear of The Journal offlca. ARTHUR l FISH, Representative. I ' WEATHER REPORT , ', A high ara developed oyer th Orpn roast. Uie pressure having risen as 'cldediy Wovr Washington ndOwg during the 12 hour. '"ding jrith iu report The Canadian dl"'ur"w "tral to the southward and I w. . cental suoui rocateuu, ""'"y " n at Raker foil at Spokane and light rain thiSi rESSmt T district no preclpta- out this fOWCin "'""f.-.j..;,. wu tion occurred. "f " many local prevalent this morning J" "'""!, prevalent inis m"" . U?ouIheastern Idaho; and this .r?.!fJL7;rdeolded'y below the sea -An.i v.rttr. Th depression over m onsl ayerag"- Ynnnrv. but clear Obtain rover that region except ,. .nuthern California connwij months ana 18 iays; Jti i-mmi xoi h,re cloudiness prevails. . Light rains re cioHu.w-- K--, -znA Ohio i occurred over wie V. n.7il to. .valley. Fair ther 1. ThcE. "idea, but east of the 1I'nuihtbn" Ihowers, are indicated. It will probably e wanrter tonight over western " Inrton and southwestern and Urn , Oregon. Tomn - Max. Mln. Preclp. 74 .6 Abilene, Texas .... Chicago, III 79 Denver, Colo. ... Fresno, Cal. Los Angeles CaU.. 72 , New York. N. Y. . . J Thoenlx. Arts, .... Portland, Or. ;f Roseburg. Or. .... J Pacrsmento, Cal. . 78 Fait Lake, tTtah .. Fan Diego, CaL ... Fan Francisco, Cal. 9 Fpokane, Wash. . . ; Tacoma, Wash. .... Tonopah.1 Nev .... 70 Washington. D. C. 7? Yuma. Arls C ik 6 Eg SI 40 (4 0 tl 46 44 60 66 68 .42 .0 .6 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 , . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Pchuyler C and Anna J. Killete to Pauline Miller Chapman lot v., w 114 nrmtr'i addition. ' . w d ".r...::$ .2oo Portland Trust Company of Ore- gon to John H. James, west M. of lots 1 and 2. block 327, 1 r . Tr K W 11 'lS0 (Anna Gudden to George Zweife, lots 1, 2 and 2. block 1: lots 3 and 4, block 2, Shinn's addl- 1.000 . tion, W. D i ,W. H. . Watt to Nettie Monroe Hains. lota 2 and 8. block 2, J.. Watt's addition. S. W. D ... . . . CDanlel and Bernie Calbreath to . George and Margaret E. Webb, , lots 6 and 7, block 2. Columbia Heights addition, W. D..J... Oeorge W. and Irona Stout to 7 Clara M. Slover. lota 13 and 14. block 10, Columbia Heights addition, W. D INord by Lumber company to Re becca E. Gray, lots 8. 4 and 6, block 2, Serena Park. W. D. . . . William Frssler (sheriff) to - George E. Cole, land commenc ing at point 160 feet south of northeast corper of section 24. T. township 1 north, range 1 east, -deed .Investment company to Henry . Lemke, loU 4, 8 and 6, block 4, Beverly, S. W. D Investment company to Henry 490 326 2,050 120 600 Beverly, S. W. D...... ....... 160 Lemke. lots 8 ana diock s. George 1C and Emma H. Taylor to ri. taiuinorn, iois it, oioca - 12, Fokohase addition, W. D. . Kate B. and H. E. Fronk to Nora Stumpff, lot 17, block 12. Kern i Park, V?. D. ' X)exsey A. and James H. Baylor ' to Robert John and Violet t' HtlU lot 6. block , 2, Barretts addition, 8. W. D ,'aritle. Guarantee & Trust com ' pany to Emma 8. B. Shahan. ' tract "A," Skyland, deed Nord by Lumber company to El den Link, lots 1 and 2, block 2, - Serene Park, W. D. Investment company to Frances - C. Harrington, lot 14. block 16. Piedmont S. W. D , James Surman to Maria A. Gun- 100 760 660 600 1,100 700 iner, z,ot square icci vuiu- mencing at point in north Una nnnt atraat IKS feat weat 2. of west line of Seventh. W. D. 1 "Andrew and Minnie Kan to Homer ' H, Smith, land in section 81 ... township 1 north, range 2 eaat, known as Sunny Slope, except . ing lots 'E' and "B" and south r 60 feet of lot "G" and south 60 feet of lot ' "H", W. D. . . "'Arl eta Land company to Charles Rtngler, lot 13, block 11, Ina Park. S. W. D "8. H. Cox to Matthew u White lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, block 8. Syn- - ' dicate addition; also lot 8, .' block . 2, Arleta Park No. 2, deed JW. A. Cummlng to J. 8. For . dyoe, lot 12, block 4. Willam ette Heights addition, W. D. . . Mt" Tabor Investment company ' to James and Minnie Normandy 1 lots 17. 18. 19 and 20, block II, Kensington, W. D "JT." S. and Lulu McDaniel to William F. Marshall, lot 2, De i Lnshmutt & Oatmans Little Homes 4. W. D ; M. L. ami Mary W. Holbrook to M. E. Kilkenny, lot 22. block 6, St Johns Park addition to St. - Johns, W, D 1 5U A. Sham to W. J. Sharp, lota '. , 11 and 12, block 28, North Irv- . ington, w. D. Illnhard Williams to Mrs. A. M. Vore, 1.37 acres beginning at point in center of Porell Valley i road 1622 feet east from west , line of southeast of Clinton Kelly D. L. C W. D .Daniel H. Harnett to Fred Grab. 1,000 10,600 260 B00 1,460 370 600 200 1,000 760 lot 4, block 17, Albina Home stead, bond for deed 1,600 r Security Savings & Trust com , pany to Charles G. Keers, west , " H of lot 4 and east of lot - 6. block 8. John Irvlnas First addition, S. W. D 'J. J. McGowan & Sons to O. R. & N.. track over land of grant ors. R. of W. deed fiarah C. and Charles F. Berg gren to Agnes E. Naylor, west v ft of lots 1 and 2, block 2, Albina Heights. W. D : Rudolph and Harry Hellberg to - Aurilla E. Robblns. south 48 v, 2-8 feet of lot 1, block "L" Ta- ber Heights. W. D. . . . rr-.-. 860 600 400 660 3 FOR ABSTRACTS. TITLE INSUR- t . ance or mortgage loans, csll on Pacific J . ' Title Trust Co., 204-6-6-7 Falllnr b!d GET YOUR INSURANCE AND Apu stracts to real estate from the Title "Guarantee & Trust Co.. 240 Washington t. cor. id. MARRIAGE LICENSES Arthur M. OHdner, 206 Grand ave. N J3: Graca K. Phillip, 19. - Julius Pincus, Salem, Oregon, 87 Alry E. White. 28. Otis H. Wright 125 Fourteenth st. 27; ,Iiein'A, Beauchene, 21v Wedding Cards. W. G. Smith St Co., Washington bldg, corner 4th and Waah Ington sts. rrWeddlr.g cards the best. 108 for St. 'Alvin 8. Hawk. 144 ?d st. T Ttnseih & Co., florist for flowers ot ell Kinds. 123 6th st ' " Clarke Broa., Florists Fins flowers snd. floral designs.- 289' Morrison st .Full J reus suits for rent all . slses. tTnlqu Tailoring Co., 309 Stark St - JlIIiTilS JiPLLAMT July 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Hen A. . jjeuaiuy, basi iwsoneia gt, a son. v Popular Wants BIRTHSj Btjm-T August 24, to Mr. and Mrs, James George Scott, East Thirty seventh and Ellsworth t., a eon. THOMPSON -August 8, to Mr. and Mra. . C M. Thompson, East Forty-first and Holgsta eta., a daughter. RUDEEN August 6, to Mr. and Mra. John Rudeen, 101 Fourteenth at, a daua-hter. - GARRISON August 29 to Mr. and Mra. Frank A. Garrison. 444 East Eleventh t.. a a on. WILSON August SI, to Mr. and Mra. Walter W. Wilson, 641 East Seven teenth st, a ion. August 14, to Mr. and Mra. Charlea A. GorrelLrJS Eaat Fifteenth lit 8., a son. BARR August 1(, to Mr. and Mra Robert H. Barr, i4 Eaat Thirty-fifth at., a aon. DEATIIS DORNEY In this city. August 29, at residence, 846 E. Pa vis at. Jack Dor ney, aged 26 years. Funeral notice here, after GIBBONS August 23, Slater Mary of St Zepherlne Gibbons, aged 41 years and 2 months; East Twentieth and Irv- and a months; East T nmti.!inama. - I1ARMS August 24, Donald Gilbert Harms, ared 8 months and 14 days; M. Harms, ared 6 months and 14 32 Fremont, st; cerebral congestion ral rnna-eatlon. - aged S days; 486 Umatilla ave.; cere oral nemorrnsges. RUTHERFORD Aurust 29. Miss Eu - 1 phemla M. Rutherford, aged 63 years mont St.; pulmonary tuberculosis FUNERAL NOTICES. DORNEY The funeral of Jack Dorney ... ,ap froro thts residence at 646 E. Davis st.. near 12th, at 9 a. m. Saturday. Interment Mt. Calvary Friends respectfully invited. UNDERTAKERS DUNNING. M'ENTEE A GILBAUOH. undertakers and embalmers: modern In every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 480. Iaoy assistant. ERIC 80 N UNDERTAKING CO.. AND embalming. 40 Alder st Main 6138. Lady assistsnt. MAX M. SMITH, FLORIST, 16a 6TM L opposite Meier A Frank' a Main TX18. 44 r P. FINLEY A B6N8. D AND MaDI- on sts. OfQce ot county coroner. Phone Main . ; B. HEM STOCK, FUNERAL Di rector. East 12th snd Umatilla. Pbons Sell wood 71. Lady assistant 2eIXER-BYRNES CO.. FUNERAL DI rectors. embalmers, 271 RuaselL East 1088. Lady assistant EDWARD HOLM AN. UNDERTAKkR. 220 3d st CEMETERIES RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVES, 310: fatnlly lots. 10x16. for $100, snd upwaras, according io u vmj cemetery In PorUand which perpetually maintains and cares for lots. For. Information, apply to W. R. Mackenile, Worcester block. W. M. Ladd. president R68E CITY SINGLfe GRAVES. $16; I limit j iuib, - m"?v" ent at cemetery, corner of Jrempnt st and Cullv road. Phone, Tabor 206. For io full Information apply to Frank Bchlegel. 10 603 Commercial blk. Phone Main 223. MEETING NOTICES. MULTNOMAH CAMR No. 77, Woodmen of the World, meets every Friday night at 112 East Sixth; big class initiation to ' night; visitors cordially Invited. Drawing" for door prlxe tonight K. L. MILIAR, C. C. J. M. WOODWORTH. Clerk. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 6.466 meets Wednesday evening. Ausxy bids.. 3d and Morrison sts. I a W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. 6.876. Mondays. 17th and MarshalL i Visitors welcome. BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co.. 427 Flleaner bldg. Main 2891. L C. HENRICHSEN CO., JEWELERS. and opticians, 284 Wsshlngton st NEW FICTION LIBRARY, 181 10TH st.; books loaned at 3 cents the day. NOTICES. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Oregon In the matter of the estate of J. Kosencrantz, bankrupt. The undersigned will receive sealed bids for the following property belong ing to this estate, to wit: One stock of general merchandise of the inventory valuation of 33,118.41, to gether with fixtures amounting to 3818.66, up to Tuesday, September 3, 1907, at 12 o'clock noon. A certified check or cash deDOslt of 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. sale subject to confirmation by the court. inventory may be seen on aDDllca- tion and property may be examined at 983 Belmont street. R. L. SABIN, Trustee. No. 7 First St., Portland, Or. Dated August 28. 1907. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Pacific Electric comDunt has this day filed supplementary articles of ln corooratlon with the Mcnlarv nf ntatn W the state of Oresron. with the clerk of Multnomah county and with the sec retary or the company. Increasing Its capital stock from 310,000 to $20,000, also changing, its name from Paclflo Electrlo company to Pacific Electric Engineering company; and also adding to its powers the right to carry on and conduct a general electrical enirlneerlnn- business. E. V. ESTEY, Secretary. Portland, Or., Aug. 22. 1907. SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED bythe county clerk of Multnomah county up to 12 o'clock noon, September 18. 1907, for the erection of a two-story freme detention home at Center addition ror the boys ana gins of the juvenile court. Bids will be received either separately for each branch of work or complete for the entire building. Plans can be viewed at the office of the county clerk at the courthouse. Th county reserves the right to reject any and all bids. County Clerk. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated ana returned same day. 228 Front st Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Me ti ger, proprietor. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED TAILORS TO WORK ON coats; steady work; good wages. ; Ap- piy 45 Washington st, WANTED 16-YEAR-OLD BOY FOR errands and to make himself gener ally useful. Turner's Dye Works, 645 jetrergon." WANTED BOYS, DRIVER AND SHIP- ping room helpers. Modern coniec- tionery kjo, BUSHELMAN APPLY SUPERIN tendent Eastern Outfitting Co., 10th ana wasninfton sts. wanted-U;lothing and fur- nlshlng goods salesman, for Satur day's work. Aoply Supt. Eastern Out- nmng uo., lotn ana Washington sts. 310 WEEKLY MAILING EVENINGS', absolutely fakeless; Ss.c sliver for out fit. E. Wil'iams. 1222 H, Northwest, Washington, DC. - AN EXPERIENCED INVESTMENT salesman; no other need apsjy. Ad- -tfv. journal. WANTED A COMPETENT CLEANER and dyer at East Portland Cleaning tt Dye Works, 148 Grand ave.. cltv. WdN.IE.DMEM ' EXPERIENCE TO ; work in country; good salary gtiaran. i WonKii"an to ach. county. Call at u .. Wii Pti. room is. WANTEDALL AROUNTn HiRVC tureman; one who can do ttnish Ing. 166 1st st c . r i . ... t - . Popular Wants HELP WANTED MALE Stare Bolt Cutters $1.50 per cord, timber yel ' low fir, apply R. 306 Stearns bid?., Portland, Oregon. Waited h.irr in taffv and ear met department; also 18-year-old boys to learn csndy trade. Aldon canay -o., iOth and Gllsan sta w.r,H.L tri.M.,N. MANY MAKa. WANTfcD 8ALESMLN. MAN 100 1V Pr monm, mvmw more; stock ciesn. grown on rni t- tlon. far from old orchards; casn aa- varoed vuklT' choice of KrritOry. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co, Top- penlah, Washington. ycier At Paclflo Art Glass Works, 111 Front st. WANTED MAN TO DRlVfi 15 Dress rlr on shares: must furnish reierences. x-ioi, journar. Union Hotel . .r rrvtt arm DnDTT.ftWTl Att Free employment to all: boarders' ratsa 11.50 ter week: room, zoo ana up: ape- ciai .mommy raiea given. anaanon, proprietor. WIDE AWAKE. ENERGETIC MEN wanted on rood salary and commls slon for city and traveling. References reaulred. 207 Couch bldg. V. S. GOVERNMENT SERVICE MEN wanted at once to Qualify for rail examinations. Call today. Information free. West Coaat schools, 316 Oregon' Ian bldg. Open tonight. EXPERIENCED FRAME MAKER AND bench hand. Portland Bash V Door Co.. E. Taylor snd Union ave. MEN AND BOYS WANTED, TO learn plumbing, plastering, brlcklay ng. Day and night classes. Free cat Positions secured. No book learning. Coyne Trade School. 230-240 8th st, San Francisco and New York. IF YOU HAVE SMALL AMOUNT OF money, you can make from 310 to 330 dally. Particulars room 2, 146 Vi 6th, near Alder. CLERKS FOR RAILWAY MAIL Dl- vlsion to auallfv at once: must be at least 6 ft 6 in. In height; several letter carriers snd clerks for Portland. Call to day, Pacific States school. McKay bldg. WANTED BOY OVER 16 TEAR8 OF age to learn some trade. 271 1st CABINET MAKER AND BOY WANT ed. Call 106 N. 11th st. WANTED A COMPETENT CLEANER and dyer at East Portland Cleaning A Dye works, 14 urana ave., city. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED AX handle man. one that thoroughly un derstands the business and can make patterns, etc.; also a No. 1 finisher of handles; also man ror Doner. Chas. Hoff, Mgr., Dallas, Or. Wanted Experienced hard candy worker steady work, good wages. Aldon Candy (jo., lutn ana uiisan sis. WANTED BOYS FOR GOOD Posi tions In departments. Pac Coast Bis cult Co., 12th and Davis. WANTED FlRSf -CLASS SILT quired. Bridal veil Lumber Co., Couch bldg., city. WANTED BU8HELMAN AND SALES man. Holbrook & Leveen, 403 Couch blk., 4th bet. Stark and Washington. BOY WANTED. t PER WEEK TO begin. 65 N. front, cor. Davis. 20 BOYS. 16 TO 18 YEARS OF AGE Apply at once to OLDS, WORTMAN A KING. WANTED NO. 1 SALESMEN AND solicitors for best proposition ever made to both agent and public Call after 7 p. m.. New Occidental hotel, Koom ziz. r. Kramer. STABLEMAN WANTED. HUBERT & Hall, 266 4th st., near Morrison. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Wanted Experienced chocolate dippers- and girls to learn to dip; steady work, good wages. Aldon Candy Co., 10th and Uiisan sts. WANTED 26 CHOCOLATE AND BON bon dippers; also packers. Apply canay department fae. coast .Biscuit (jo., izin ana Davis. MATURE WOMAN A8 ASSISTANT TO take management Sept 1. Apply at once. Address 31,-413, Journal. WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO learn telephone operating; good salary short hours, pay while learning, luncheon served free o charge and lounging and rest rooms In connection. Apply chief operator, Telephone building. West Park and Alder sts. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL 233 N. 24th. Phone Main housework. 2717. BUST USINESS WOMAN WITH STRONG personality, good health mnd . selling powers required. One who' can leave the city preferred. N-462, Journal. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL,.. FOR general housework. Phone East 1693. 181 E. 16 t h. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD factory No. 2, Grand ave, and East Taylor st WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE FITZ Well shirts and Boss of All overalls at 76 1st st. WANTED TEACHERS: GRADES? Jeo'; rural 60 to $76. The Flak Teachers' Agency, 1200 Willians ave., Woodlawn 1118. " GIRLS WANTED TO WORK In" 73 tailor shop. N. 6th st. Union Tailoring Co. IRONERS. BODY IRONERS AND mangle hands. American laundry, 12th and Flanders. A WILLING GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED woman to help with light housework. at 460 5th. STENOGRAPHER; STATE AGE, EX perlence if any and salary wanted. A-601. Journal. YOUNG, STRONG WOMAN TO MAKE a month. A. C. Coffee House, 267 Burn- side st. WANTED AN1 EXPERIENCED TELE- phone exchange operator; one accus tomed to long-distance preferred. Ad. Bsfss hot tsti, cuy. 2 EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESSES; A girl to do housework snd learn sew ing. Apartment 2, Sheffield. 7th and Jefferson. " WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; can mornings or after ( p. m. 321 6th, corner Clay. GOOD GIRL OR WOMAN FOR KITCH- en work In Drivate boardlnr-houae. C-U -el iia MU . Popular Wants HELP WANTED FEMALE . GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO work on shirts and overalls. Lessons si van to inexperienced. Apply at Stand ard factory No. 2, Grand ave, and Eaat Taylor at. HANSEN LadLES' AGENCf, $43 W Washington St., eomer Seventh, u stairs. Phone Main. v J 493. Fmal ha' wanted. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Phone Pacific 1. Experienced lady mArKer aND sorter who can halo In office and on books. ' oooa wages ana stoaay position. Write Wallace Laundry Co., Wallace, Ida. WANTED WAITRESS. APPLY SWET land's 178 Morrison. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN GEN eral housekeeping for small -family GIRLS WlTlt taLent f6r draw lnr. painting and designing: good do. sltlon to right party. D. M. AvsrIU & Co.. 101 n, 6tn st WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED TO work In fruit cannery. Apply at itoimes- canning co, iu. tn ana l)l vision streets. GIRLS WANTED AT G. P. RUMME- lln & sons, 18 ka st, near Washing- ion. GIRLS FOR SuTfiNG, PASTlNd XWb burning. D. M. Averlll A Co., 102 6th Bl. 4 WESTER EMPLOYMENT ' AGENCY. for ladles: female helo wanted. Main czvT, a-141. iu tiuonanan oiug., zmi wasnington. WANTED TWO GIRLS OR TWO Japanese for first snd second work in family. Apply 634 Clifton st, Portland Heights. 'Phone Main 2698 WANTED FIRST-CLASS WOMAN stenosrraDher and tvoewriter. 207 uoucn Diag. V6UNG LAD BETWEEN 11 AD 20 for fine sewing; respectsble position; good wages. Call at once, 133 H st st. room 4a. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: small family. 712 Schuy ler St. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: rood wares. 722 Main st Phone Main 2882. WANTED STRONG MIDDLE-AGED woman who is a ro d cook., to take charge of boardlnr house at Felida. Wash. Crew of about 6 men and some transients. Lake River Boom Co.. 330 Mohawk bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED 8LERVB maksr on ladles' Jsckets. also exper ienced girl to help on ladles' Jackets: steady work: good pay; none but ex perienced. J. K. Stern, Ladles' Tailor, z wasnington st. GOOD WAGES FOR GIRL8 AND women at cannerv of Oreron Pack ing company. East tth and Belmont Apply at once. TEACHERS FOR CHINESE MISSION. 286 Taylor street: nlrht school, from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Apply at 141 6th st. WANTED EXPERIENCED TAILOR- ess. 206 Goodnough bldg. WANTED NEAT WOMAN UNDER 40 as housekeeoer for widower: eastern Oregon. 2.10 H Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED TWO FIR8T-CLASS SEAM- stresses; also rlrl to learn sewing; and Sfu111!1 ThiV8work- Apply 2 Sheffield, . ... mm .cummin. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED PAN- try woman; alao an experienced waitress. Hobart-Curtls, 266 14th st. WANTED 2 FIRST-CLASS MAKERS apply Art Mlllinary, 409 Stearns bldg. Open Monday. WAITRESS; G06D WAGES. STEADY place, room. Enterprise hotel. Phone Pacific 2316. EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES IN cloaks, suits and notion departments. Apply Saturday. Bannon & Co., 888,- 890 E. Morrison, near Grand. YOUNG GIRL WHO UNDERSTANDS plain sewing. Lennon's Glove and Umbrella tSore, 309 Morrison st. WAIST, SKIRT AND TAILOR FINISH- ers; good wages. Room 405 Flledner. MALE AND FEMALE HELP WANTED 1.000 HOP-PICKERS TO ?ick 624 acres of hops; big crop; larg and best equipped hopyard in Ore gon: all on trellis wire; perfect accom modations; grocery store, bakery, butch er shop barber shop, dancing pavilion, 50x150 feet; telephone, physician, beau tiful camping ground. 3 acres bathing pool, restaurant provisions sold at Port land prices; we pay $1.10 per 100 pounds. Reduced excursion rates on our special train. For further particulars apply to Krebs Bros.,n 272 Stark st, PorUand. Or., on or after August 17. Phone Main 1320. Home A-8163. COOKS. DISHWASHERS, WAITERS and waitresses. Apply G. H. Shaffer, secretary. Cooks' and .Walters' hall, 128 6th st. STENOGRAPHERS. BOTH MALE AND female, good positions ODen with best firms; no charge. Underwood Type writer Co.. 68 6th st WANTED HOP PICKERS FOR large yards: long season: fine nicklnar: fine camping ground, etc.; groceries nt city prices. Apply Andrew Kan A Co., 287 Morrison st. WANTED HOPPICKERS ; WE PAY 60c per box; camp shacks free. Will be at the St. Charles hotel August 25 till September 3 to sell round trip tickets to Brooks, Or. P. P. Gouley. grower: WANTED 50 OR 60 HOPPICKERS: good camp grounds, stove; pay 60c per box. J. & E. Schindler, Salem, Or. Oregon City Transportation dock, foot of Taylor st. WANTED HOPPICKERS FOR MY yard at Brooks. Or.: oav 6 On ner box. Will be at St. Charles hotel. August 25 mi Beptemner i. nomer (jouiey. KELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED," male or female R. G. Drake, 206H vvaaningion st I'acirio 1370. WANTED 60 HOPPICKERS; FiNE clean yard, few leaves, nice camr. spring water; particulars. Call 4 N. 6th st. Berry WANTED4-1.000 HOPPICKERS; ALSO for sale 1.000 eamo stoves at 97c each. 271 1st sfa Open 6 a. m. to 7 p. m. POSITIONS OPEN FOR CAPABLE salesman and saleslady: permanent and good salary, 203 Flledner bldg, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED LABOR FOR 40 OR MORE Greeks. Call at 48 N. 4th or Dhone A5209. WANTED PAINTING, PAPERHANG- ing and kalaomlning done at reaaon- able prices. Address L-500, Journal. YOUNG MAN WISHES A POSITION as elevator operator. B-505, Journal. BAKER WANTS POSITION; WELL on bread and pastry. Address M-604, Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ALL KINDS OF PLAIN SEWING done, comforters made and repaired. mending and repairing gents' clothing a specialty. Phone Main 1074. 76 w. Park st. CAPABLE NURSE DESIRES 6UITUA tlon; care aged, lnva'ld or sick. Phone Mam 6i9. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. 26 N. 2d st ' Phone Main. 1626. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT ' OFFICE. 206U Morrison St.... Phone Paclflo 239 27 N. 2d St ..Phone Pacific 4800 RED CROSS" EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging Camp and farm help a spe cialty. 20 N. 2d st. Phone Main 6296. We pay all telegraph charges. ACME EMP. CO., FARMERS' AND loggers' help especially. 34 and 29 H N. 2d, 230 Burnslde; Main 6487. WANTED TO RENT AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL goods? If so we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly, v Writs for choice of territory; Capital City Nur sery compsny, Salem, Or. . , AGENTS - WANTED FOR A NEW ' Dronositlon: aalnrv and ; c.ommlBaion. Call after 4 p. 'to, room 66 Labbe bldx. Popular Wants l : , 1 WAyTEPoia.; WANTED TO RENTHOUSES. COT- Uges, riatS. Stores, ox now, , nwin up houses ata Landlords will do wall (a mil on ! 1 PORTLAND TRUBT COMPANT . OF OREGON. ; - Phone E. It. S. E Cor. 3d and Oak HOPPICKERS CArf MAKE GOOD SIDE money selling gooas. eee. m. Plummer. st drug store. 360 Thlra. Rave" aHOuSETO RENT ? WE will rent it for you. or you. uommonweaitn 6th and Anktny; phones TrustVompany, Main 894; A-24BS WANTED REAL ESTATE. WustHaYe Homes t Customers waiting for homes. I for homes around $1,800; 2 for homes around $3,000. For results list your property with us. E. II. Mamnam Co., 209-210 Commrclal blk. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE WILL BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD soods and guarantee pest prices, call. phone or write. S. J. At L. Rubensteln,' 176 Front st. opposite National hotel. Pacific 1401. CASH F6R HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 8AV age & PennelL 146-347 1st st Phone Pacific 860. WE PAi MORE FOR FURNITURE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, Main 6t. 311 ist st. IF YOU WANT TO SELL. SEE US. Second Hand Palace. Hltteat prioes paid for second-hand roods. 2(7 Flan ders. Phone Msln 8618. HIGHGEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of second-hr.nd goods. Union Exchange. 263 Front st Psclflc 1431. Wanted furniture and housb- hold goods of every description a. .1 .1 an4 ...tianMil Th 1 233 lsi Main 6374. Home A-2327 LADY WOULD LIKE CHILDREN f5 board and care for: good home, con venient to school, suburbs. Phona Scott 6661. DEFORMITY APPLIANCES MADE TO order. K. E. Karlson X- Co 351 An- keny st. Main 6260. WISH TO PURCHASE ROOMING house of 30 to 60 rooms, direct from owner. Address O.-104, Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU, 33 N. 6TH ST. Elegantly rurnianea; steam neat ana bstns. HOTEL OAK "FIRST-CLASS FUR- nlshed rooms, electrlo light, gas, bath and phones; situated next to City park. 47 uak st THE GRAND, iS N. 3D ST. ROOMS ror gentlemen, ii.zs per week sna up. THE NEWLAND HOUSE GOOD rooms, single and en suite; good, clean beds, electric lights; $1.26 to $8.60 psr eek. sothj let, fnone Main 7810. TWO LOVELY, QUIET ROOMSTl and io eacn. I4d Harrison. VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS FOR GEN- tlemen deslrlnr home comforts. Phone Main 7862. CLEAN. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS and transient. 96 llth st., cor Stark. THE KING ROOMS WITH ALL MOD- em con veniences ; eieciric ngni, nam and heat; reasonable. 209 Jefferson. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT able for two gentlemen; private fam ily; good home: close In. 284 Crosby, near Steel brldgw. 181tf" 1ST ST.. CORNER YAMHILL, nicely furnished rooms, en suite or single. Reasonable. Tranclents so- 1 lotted. SPLENDID CHANCE NICELY FUR nlshed, clean front room; reasonable. 450 Yamhill st. THE ELLSWORTH, 166 LOWNSDALE neas Morrison; newly furnished rooms; steam heat electric lights, free baths. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms, reasonable. 7th and Flanders sts. fltt WEEK! UP LARGE, CLEAN furnished housekeeping-rooms, laun dry and bath. 1(4 Bherman st. south. fort land, THE HEILER. 280 GRAND AVE.; first-class furnished housekeeping rooms, electric light and gas; free tele phone and bath. $1.26 WEEK UPCLEAN. FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, parlor, bath, laundry, furnace heat yard. 203 ft Stan ton st u oar, TWO FRONT' ROOMS TO RENT FOR light housekeeping with all conven iences; no children. Apply to N, Kal- nigsDerg, im carutners st THREE NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms for man and wife; no children. 482 8th, cor. Washington. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gas stove, bath. Telephone Main 1031. 275 N. 12th st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: LOWEST rates; electric lights and phone In cluded. 301 H Water st. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeping, in suites of two, $7 per suits. 681 Hood st Phones Pacific 1422, A4422. FOUR OR FIVE. HOUSEKEEPING rooma with bathroom. C4A V. nk at near 12th. "a ELEGANTLY" FURNl SriElS.. "llOtfE- keeping suite of rooms for rent In- quire 204 Park st. . TWO OUTSIDE ROOMS FURNSHED complete ror housekeeping; gas and pain. m Hi. . wasnington, cor tn, 613, NICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF housekeeping rooms; $12 per month, 246 N. 17th, corner Marshall. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT NICE UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Inquire 394 6th, ROOMS AND BOARD. OSBORN HOTEL, CORNER GRAND ave. and E. Ash; furnished rooms, sin gle: or en suite, with or without board. East 6619. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD, private family, home cooking. 381 E. Davis, cor. Union ave. ' ROOM AND BOARD $5 PER WEEK. Between 10th and llth. 610 E. Wash ington. FOR RENT HOUSES VAN HORN TRAN8FER FURNITURE and pianos moved, stored or shipped. Phone Main 1618. WE RENT AND 8ELL PIANOS. 8HER man, Clay A Co. ; NEAT 4-ROOM HOUSE, LOW RENT, furniture for sale; all In good con- dltlon. Phone Tabor 883. TO LET 6-ROOM HOUSE, OLD, FAIR condition, west.slde, close in, $22.60; and 4-room flat ,E. 20th st;l block to car: $12 248 Stark at. SNAP 8-ROOM HOTJlET BATH. pnone: walking - aistance; z Diocks Sunnyslde car; good condition; new lm- f roved street; . cement walks. 184 E. Sd. Phone East 6889. FOR RENT FLATS JUST COMPLETED MODERN FLATS of 7, 8 and 4 rooms; walking distance, 200 feet south of 23d and Washington sts., Green ave.. Cedar HilL . $10 3-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT, close in, fine view. 632 7h st "Phone Eaat 1657. SIX-ROOM FLAT, MODERN CONVEN lences. Call 426 6th st. 8. - ' FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES offices. Front and Ankeny sts, Apply R. T. Cox. Telephone Main 422. ' A NICE OFFICE SUlTEi FOR RENT. Msdlson bldg., 3d and Madison , sts. 242 FRONT, WITH FIXTURES, Ex cellent for grocery and produce. Main 6864. . FURNISHED OFFICE ROOMS OR desk room, or will sell furniture and rent offices. 202 Lumber Excttanbe bldg. Popular Wants FURMSIIED HOUSES. FOR RENT NEWLY. FUKNISmkd 1.uo-.wvkki AND BALE BARNS - 3-room flat, good neighborhood, $2.76 good location; good business. Alex t.. women . emDloysd. I anner Ind Co., 6214 6th at ne in Call 222ti 16th. cor. Lovejoy; e...... i i i ,Mi. Iiiaa.fe. - HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE M, . v.Bruiiu TrrtTTnai , iron RENT. FUR- nlture for sale; $369 If taken ty Sep tember l. io 7tn sc ' i BfG bMAp - i-H66U FLAT. coM: nlatelv fnrtilahedj does In on 16th St.! t rnnma now rentinsr Days rent of flat Prln 14S0i must be sold this weak. Commonwealth Trust Co.. 6th and Ankenv. yiT6-7-R66 mVte PART LIT EUR; nished: cheap rent Alexander Land Co., 63 4 6th St., near Pine. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 825-ACRB FARM IN Pnik county, is miles west or eaiem. mllea from IndeDendence: all under motivation: 11 acres bddIs orchard: 50 acres -clover: balance grain land; good house and I barns; win lease xor ' years: cash rent. 70 psr year, in quire of owner, Charles O'Brien, 40 Capital st, Salem, Or. ' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH modern conveniences. Phona Main i. BUSINESS CHANCES. 226U Morrison st, phones Main 1568, A-4160. fi,vv uuj. w.m come $60 per month. Lots better than a huated hank. a a .A. v..w. . m.m i.mam mi m m m in. ssoo cash buvs 4 -room nouse, paiancs tls np month. $3,000 buys 7-room house, lot 100x1(0, near station, fine location zor siore. near $86(1 vl,6i Nl.2i o puys rooming nouse, s rooms. 600 buys 27 rooms, terms. 260 buys 33 rooms. R lift -hnli,. Il.rnnm hnuu. 13.000. so rodms. some transient $800, clean bakery, con fee., ice cream. $1,300 buys fine grocery. All kinds of good bargains. Several choice homestead and timber claims ust listed, all near g"d town. COAST REALTY CO., 216 V. Morrison st Phones Main 1558, SEE THIS ROOMING HOUSE OF 37 rooms; new iurnuun, Bringing in $300 per month net; quick sals at $3.(00 ' Phones' "u.c"an"n ,a"' "" A-Illl. Min OIWI. 5 - OR SALE COMBINED NEWSPAPER kans and 8alt Lake City combined, of and Job office, consisting of 18x19 f.ra a sure road to DrosneritvT Wa have peerless joooer. ireaaie ana steam nx- tures on press to print s-coiumn quarto paper, body type, display type and com- piete outni except paper r"' sell cheap. Investigate. Address for tun wmi-ui. xmm. .v, v.iuv w'"- . RESTAURANT. 14.600: CHEAP RENT: dally receipts 390; lease 3ft years'; seating capacity so; location very cen - tral; best Wslnesa proposition In Port- land for money asked: win Dear the , . . . . f . , v . . iricivsi ,iitvbi.iiii.iuu, vt-r .V fortune and wishes to retire; act quickly if you want a good business. 324 Lum- un i Jt.v;iita4iB o uiuk, HOTEL AND ROADHOUSE TO LEASE Old-established, with or without sa- 1.-.. . I 1 . . 1 .amaaIa. . E . also 7-room house snd orchard. $10; and A f lr.i 1ft rnnmi 12K All nn wea aid. C H. Plggott, owner, lawyer, . 4, S and Mulkey bldg. SPECIAL DRUGS AND FIXTURES, etc.. for sale cheap: win rent build- ng to party buying; good opportunity; other business necessitates sale, is. Everest, Cornelius, Or. BUST THE WOOD TRUST CHEAPER wood; now ready for business. Co- Operative Wood Co. Call 319 Ablngton Bldg. - MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonda bonrht and sold. Corre- spondence invited. H. W. Donahue Co., 613 Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 7353. BARGAIN FOR A FEW DAYS I MUBl ' sell furniture and fixtures of Spring- field hotel, with lease on Duiiamg; gooa location and paying business; good private reason for selling. Address box 175, Springfield, Ui Jr., for prices and par- ticulars. MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT. CON- inuuiiK new up-i"-uaio '" chine. Mission furniture; very reasonable, illio, eiwuii; iwui a,puM.uo0, " 1 811 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. COME IN AND SEE US IF YOU call j If 'MarquamT telrrcy FURNISHED NEW (i-ROOM HOUSB estl'te bSsfness caces "nvwtments tor sale In Irvlngton: Axmlnster car Western Realty Company. Room 610. Pts and Inlaid linoleum, $4,800. Phona Tj , . u - v,l 4gaiZ w..hln.tA . 1 FOR SALE - HALF INTEREST ll4 1 undertaking business: all furnishings new and ud to date: doing a good busi- nd up ti ness. H-103. journal. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST bakery. H-102. Journal. nr IN IF YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING AN Investment, write for the Investment Herald; it may save you money; sample codv free. 216 Tlirora Diag. $5 TO $700 TO INVEST IN firefiT A ttR. 1 ant: no arents. Address A-604. Jour- nal. ; THE ECLECTIC BUSINESS UN"F verslty will move into its large new tton rntTg'thl. , nonth. Now"in session. Room a 4S6-8 Worcester block. 68 3d st 12 ROOMS, ON WASHINGTON ST., -- Z, ' , ' 1 1580 14 rooms, well furnished, $1,260. 14-room - -hotel, clearing $200 month, well furnished; $850. l)er I 72-room hotel, all new; $9,000. Any else, any class, any price, house you want at C. 8. Arnold iCo.'i, the original hotel brokers. ZSlW Morrison st. Phone Main 7811. HENRY MENSOR 324 and 325 Lumber Exchange bldg. Confectionery and Clears $650. rent I $26. lease, 3 furnished rooms, located t'"B i t. , 'i - iS" . -Ti sacrince. out Lumwr excimnge oiag. U - I mt nn t . m " . . . i Lrrx-L - v niaitvD iu aca, v vi-r vbudo vs. i SOTHINO AND GENTS' FURNISH- ingS $1,100, rent $80; lease; flntf 10- o "uniuci uj.uuuiso uua. i CONFECTIONERY. ICE CREAM, clrars and tobacco, grocery 32.700. rent $25. dally receipts $30, lease; all cash trade, no delivery! da you want a gooa business 7 it so, see- this, uniy with 3Z5 liumper n;xcnange wag. GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET $3,000 or invoice; rent $40; 3 years' lease, doing a business of $3,000 month ly; 2 horses, 2 wagons, party Is crip- pied up with rheumatism cause of sale, Investigate this at once. 324 and 326 number Jfixcnange Diag. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS 22.260: rent 326: doing good business, elaborately fitted up: nice clean stock. must be scon to be appreciated; best location in Portland: full value in slant if you want good, reliable business: will not last long. Henry Mensor, 326 Lum- ber Exchange bldg. SALOON $6,000; CHEAP RENT. 8 years' lease; best corner In Portland; centrally located: daily receipts $60: never oerore orrerea ror saie; eianorate. ly lllinj HVi M". v t't'nfl uiiuyi lull- ity; will not last long. Henry Mensor, 824 and 8za iiumner mxenange Diag. FOR SALE GROCERY? SOME HARD w a rei good business; small capital. Phone, Tabor 819, A FINE CHICKEN 11ANCH NEARtjAR line at bargain if taken at once; will trade or rent to party buying the im- plements s ARNOLD & CO., 261 MOrrtson. Phone 7311. BIG BARGAIN GROCERY STORE and living rooms; good corner; cheap rent; worth $1,000; on aocount of sick ness; $860 takes it Address A-600, journal. LADIES' AND GENTS'; FURNISHINGS and men s ciotninz at invoice and good will of the business; cheapest rent in Portland; good corner; 6-year lease; daily receipts, : $200; established 16 years; will bear strictest Investigation; bona fide proposition; don't answer this unless . you mean business; reason of sale,, larger interest to attend to. See my agent. 824-325 Lumber Ex. bldg. GOOD PAYING CIGAR, CONFECTIorJ: , ery.a Ice cream parlon pool room and restaurant, $3,600. , C-604, Journal, .v.. ' Popular Wants BUSINESS CHANCES. l SALOON $8,600 REN;rTT7lrKriiia ss . gk Besasi SS1 A ( Siau I m. ft t A. ...T .MW j centrally located, 324) Change Didg. ,. , . . FOR SALE REAL ESTilE. s 'ljl'asTsSWisjsSiyiSas, sssSSHSSaiStiiiSSsSaa, , ,mmmm1$ ' ... ..SNAPS IN LOTS. - 256 68x100, 22d and KUIIngsworth. SSSrrJi1". Vi?r Mly unction. 80041x100, Wasco near 14th st 96060x100. comer E. Flanders. 1.20060x100, E. . 12th near Tills. mook, PaVli $1.600 100100, ;.;4jolnln , Walnut' $1,66060x100. i corner. 24th and waaco. $1.800 60x100 corner. Itit ml ti TamhllU , ' . " 81. 800 t lots, Irvlngton Park. $3.200 (0x100, corner, 22d snd Wasco. Terms arranged to suit. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO.. Sixth snd Ankeny. . - . gjjjpg; -r $$0050x100 corner. 2 rooms. 81 Vl Everett- 82,600 100x100. rooms, E. 18th st $2.65(160x118. 7-room eottssa. Unr. rls near Rodney. 81,80060x100, Soorhs, E. Everett 83,0006$ 1-3x100, 7 rooms. Unlvsr. . Sltv 1 2.2 13.4 park.. 250 COxlOO, rooms, E. Flanders. 40060x100. - 6 rooms, near Haw. thorns ave. - We can make terms to suit. COMMONWEALTH TRU8TwCO.. Hixtn ana Ankeny. L. 11. FREELAND CO. i nr. j . . i & l i . tt w n in i inn wuniuif . io ujm homes, $1,300 and up: also 1 to 5-acre I tracts neap rltv! annd na full lurtlmi. nav i lars at ones or call; list your bronertv with us for oUlcK sals. U 11, , HbKLiANL) CO., Room 7, 141 H 1st st. i CilEAP HOllE FOR Y6U FOUR- room house, IV, acres bottom land. mnninr water verv deslrabls Diane for chickens, half mile from carline; price u, terms. Maaison. Main 620.. LOOK! RARE SNAP! Wood no ere. on Mount Scott car line. $300. beautiful residence site. 100x100. close to car line: the lots are . selllnr cteof Th m ,lck up a chanc 6th and Washington sts. Main 660. v.. fc-w ... .., ..... .-.j luii , J , b6N'T YOU THlNk 10 ACRES 6tt' ths edre of Klamath Falls, which has I -v ..PBl ntvintun nt tlan. Inn. the land, trriratea dv the rovernment OREGON REALTI TRUST CO. I (01 Kenton, bldg. 84 (th st. I FOR SALE THREE NICE BUNGA- ,0WfJ on portiand Heights: modern and excellent homea one $3,600: one 33,(60, and one $4,000. Small cash payment; ( balance easy terms. Call ouleV CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of 1 commerce. haWTH6RNE ADDITION BARGAIN! I ti ms .nun- mnat !! nr.ttv s. I ... r - - j - room house, punt xor nome. cioss to Hawthorne C8r une, l0t 60x100; terms can De arranged. See H. W. Lemcke company, 6th and Wsshlngton sta STRANGE S SNAPS. 81.700 1U acres, all set In fruit. (room house, 2 blocks from car. 31,300 1 acre, same location, $1,200. $2.260 6-room new house, nice, on Morrison-Tabor car. i -m t DfD 1 XT(1 T7 TT, 14. airuinuu. Rooms 10 and 13. 268 Stark st. WHY DO YOU PAY RENT t $2,000 Buys this new bungalow, mod ern, i-roomi snd hall, porcelain win. i.hina .tna.t full MmMt naaement: ner lot. 50x100; near to car; $600 cash and $20 per month. $1,800 For this nsw 6-room modern house, cement basement: $300 cash and lf """"J1 5 m1,n'-ftI,,a. i. 6-room cottage, lot 60JJ0.: 81.350 New (-room, plastered; 100x100: 8400 cash $1.100 Nice s-room cottage, lot 1 60x100; cash. AMOND REALTY CO., 253 Alder, room 10. A RARGAIN FOR (2.260. A $2,250. 7-room house,, cement Dasement, lot 60x100, two blocks from two carllnes. il in.t,k.' r4,l . ...Mt f it 11 w Imnrnvi'l i',. trees and berries: a good buy. 934 Rodney ave. Bee owner, azo Biark st Phone r Phone Pacific 200. A SNAP, NEW, MODERN. i.unntl . Oil A&l C T. , AlUVU"i W-AWM K407O. SEE THIS; THREE FULL LOJ8; If food chicken, house and yard; , 6-room cottage, wood-fibre fnlsh; all In good . . . . . ., .a.. .Mr. ,11 . , conaiuon tor, i.ouu, tiov win nanui. this: also 5-room modern cottare. 2 blocks from car, new and nicely fln- Ished, with cupboards, etc., price with terms. Il.z&o. see us ror oargams in houses and lots; also one and five-acre tracts, ciose in. vnsmoers a rama- wortn, iwiiiarq are- an. OCo nn., SOME BARGAINS. $900 Four-room -lastered house, f o.l . .ch.lcken ysrd, , trees, large o. xi. near car, nvv aown, i "WS-f"- ?,0Rae!"'- L. J& 100x100; $200 down, $16 and Interest w. 4-V. n w modern houses. 5 room a on easy terms. 4, 5, 6 and 7 rooms, on easy terms. I have several nice modern nouses, Borne nice iois, ii aown, b per month. "Acre tracts on easy terms. J. H. DORM AN, Flrland Station, Mount Scott Car, TWO DESIRABLE LOTS ON WIL, Hams ave.. either for residence business, very reasonapie; also &jmin i rn-ioe i fruit. a """Pi ana other desirable property vnii W - l AS- uvuvn. j I s.'(iuaa -i mn v WAS- 'all 'A I -f uannnnir tt Tinnn si '.a sir u rj - tWrg iiMg. imTTgc op 6 unouo k.. iXiaa -,.. Urlni' ntreetn imnrnv-d- a-w.r I'l ot 073 m. luth at . ivortn. phone Woodlawn 877. NOR in ALBINA LOT. Business Property on KUIIngsworth ave.. close lo car-barns; 50x100: about 100 feet from "L" carline. Hartman & Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. SOUTH ST. JOHNS LOTS. Two fine sightly river view lots; only 6 blocks from carline; handsome resi dence site; price $600 each; worth more but owner must sell. Hartman & Thompson. Chamber of Commerce.' FOR SALE OR RENT FIVE-ACRE: chicken ranch on car line. Call 128 1st st., cigar store. FOR SALE CHOICE BUILDING LOT on Catlin ave., near Hawthorne; 50x112; Bull Run water; sewer, price $700; no agents; 20 minutes from city; apply to owner. Z-504, Journal. I HAVE A 6-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST" 6th and Salmon, on leased ground; rents for $20; will let go for $460. De- ment, 242 Madison. 28-ROOM HOUSE, CLOSE IN; RENT? $65; lease. Price $1.600. 242 Madison. 60x125 LOT ON SELLWOOD ST., NEAR Union ave.; will take $800 for quick sale. Don't miss this if you intend to build. See Dement & King, 242 Madl son; Main 6202. ' APARTMENT HOUSE SITE, 64x100. Kinr street, only, 50 feet from wasn ington ; vwlll make special price - for au ck sale.; C U. snay, aos ADingxon NEW -ROOM HOtSE TW6 BLOCKS" fr line:-nice lot 50x100: fruit trees and flowers; a neat home for only 3)900; - ,4flA A k.l.M.,:l11 4. MAttth . w Lrfirra v-room nouse, new. ihtmookh car line: 'ahsda trees.' roses; large nial porch; neat fence; only $1.6o terms. - f W. J. Day & Co. ' ' 268 Stark St.. Room" 2 4. -'' ', I BARGAIN SIX-ROOM HOUSE, CLOSE ! In. on . Halser and . Williams ave, $3,200. half cash. See owner, 289 Hal sey St. Phone East 1994 $1.700 rTHIS WEEK ONLY, SMALL house and lot, Sunnyslde. 264 E. 37tb.