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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL," PORTLAND. V FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 80. 1907. if FllGFISII FOR: KFAST FOOD n un Han Steamer Transit Brings Strange Talc From Indian Ocean. ;IS HERE WITH CARGO ' ? ' OF HIGH CLASS COAL .' ' ' Completes Una 'From Krtxn, , Japan, to Columbia River In 20 Days, Vhich Is Remarkable Tlmo for Vessel of. Her Size. tw teeverar larire iteainers wars com pelled to fro north for bunker coal to take them across ths Faclno after bar ins beet supplied wrltn freight at this port. , . ... . -. . MORE VESSELS FIXED. Flying; fish ars fins sating say ths of ficers and crew of ths Norwegian steamer Transit and they ought to 'know because they had them served .for breakfast for more than a week while plowing the billows of the Indian t ocean. The Transit arrived hers laat ' night from Karatsu, Japan, with a cargo of cojt consigned to tne Pacific coast a y. Her officers and sailors are Dpeans while tne nremen are umnese una JsDanese. "We had Just come out of the Sues canal," said one of the officers, "and were Droceeaina siona at a nice raie of speed, bound for New Chwangv ' China, with a cargo of narafflne from .New York, when suddenly we ran Into '. r a swarm of flying fish Hundreds of ,'. them leaped or soared across the deck of the steamer and they came with such force that those that collided with the . stack or masts fell to the deck stunned. They averaged about nine Inches in 'length and were In the beat of condi tion. "Kor the sake of satisfying his cur- ; ioslty the cook prepared a couple as he would have prepared mackerel and " he discovered that thsy were fine eat ing. After that we had flying fish fried broiled and boiled every morning until we passed out of what appeared to ue , their sone. The meat had an excellent flavor, and I believe It would pay to start an expedition to catch end can flying- fish. Any amount of them are to be had in the Indian ocean and the beauty of it is that all you have to do . is to sail up in the swarm with your vessel, heave to, and let them come on board. It wouldn't take long to - fill several hundred barrels, and Inci dentally a cargo. "No It would not do to Shoot them. They fly too fast for an ordinary marksman. In fact they are so speedy . that .one can hardly see them going through the air. Owing to tHs fact . several of our crew were hit unex pectedly by fish as they came shooting through space like arrows from a mon- Ster bow. The Transit made the run from Japan - to the Columbia river in exactly 20 days which is considered remarkable time for a vessel of her size. In this connection Is might be said that she Is the smallest ' tramp steamer ever to cross tne ocean for this port, her net register being but 1,057 tons. She was built In Fred rikstad, Norway, and launched 19 months ago, so this Is her first voyage around the earth. Although young, the little tramps has been through many and varied experiences and at the name - time proved a good investment for her owners. From Fredrlkstad the steamer went to Nowport, England, and loaded coal for Havana. Sue wao held five months at Havana as a result of the revolu tion there after having made three trips to Vensuel in the cattle trade. Tne charter came to a close when the char terer escaped from Havana in order to save his life which was being sought by the revolutionists. - Later the Transit was engaged to oarry horses from New Orleans to Havana and then she was chartered by the Panama Lumber company of New Orleans to take a cargo of lumber- to Colon for the construction contractors. While at Colon she- dipped the colors to President Roosevelt's party. That was in March of this year and then she ironed netween uuDa and the states for some time until sent to New York with a cargo of sugar. From New York the course led to China, Japan and this port. The Pacific Coast company Is not certain whether the cargo will be de livered here or at Seattle, and the ques tion will not be settled until the com- rmny's Seattle representative arrives here this afternoon. The cargo was originally Intended for Portland but before the steamer arrived orders are said to have been left with the pilots off the mouth of ths river to notify the captain- to proceed to Puget sound. Captain Thomasen says he did not re ceive any sucn orders and hence came up the river last night. The vessel Is at anchor in the stream awaiting fur ther instructions. It was stated this afternoon that the cargo will probably be discharged here althongh it consists of steam coal, for which there is said to be comparatively a small demand here, although last wln- Exporters of Grain Pick Up Carriers a' tArtij Rate. ' AnofMsr bunch of carriers were chsr tsred yesterday ' afternoon and this morning to load products of the fields and forests at this port during ths nest two sr three months. Prominent among them Is ths British steamer Inveran, taken by Frank Watarhouse Co. to carry a full cargo of general freight to north China ports. 8bs will bs hers in October after ths Tymerlo, which was chartered some time ago. Ths Inveran is now bound for Port Los Angeles from Newcastle, Australia. Other vessels-taken were ths French barks Sully and General da RnUriafrra ana mo British snips St. Mlrren, Dum friesshire and Brabfocb. The last men tioned will probably be loaded on Pugef sound. These vessels ars all bound for this coast with cargoes, so they will net their owners V nrft wnnA profl ' ! At the rate vsssels are being picked up for grain loading it will not bs long before every vessel bound this way will be engaged for a return cargo. Several of ths vessels now fixed are booked to bring cargo to ports in California and then to come north for wheat. Among these la the British ship Dumfriesshire, reported chsrtered this morning. She Is bringing a general cargo from New-castle-on-Tyne, . The Portland A Aalatlo Steamship uuwpaiir received wora last nignt irom San Francisco to the effect that the British steamer Kalomo, of J. 208 tons net register, will bs here next month to assist the regular liner in handling the immense orders for wheat and flour for me orient. Tne Dig freighter reached San Franclsoo yesterday from Australia. MARINE INTELLIGENCE Xsgula liners Bus Breakwater, Coos Bay Arrive. Aug.. City of Panama. San Francisco. Aua 10 Si tteaonao, Seattle Kent 1 Arabia, orient Rant l O. W. Elder, San Pedro and way. .Sept t Johan Poulsen, San Francisco. .Sept II Alliance. Coos Bay Rente vuaia nici. Han p'rannscn Men xvuanuse, oan rearo ano way ..Kept. 10 R, D. Inman. San Francisco. .. .Sept. 16 Alesla, Oer. as Sept 16 Nicomedia. orient October! Numantia. orient Oct. 29 I BsgaU ZJasrs to Depart. Numantia orient Aug. II Alliance, uoos Htv Ana XI Breakwater. Coos Bay Sept. 1 K. D. Inman. San Francisco Sept t city or ranama, Ban Francisco, .oept I Redondo, Seattle and way Sept. I O. W. Elder, San Pedro and way. Sept ( Costa Rica, San Francisco Sept. 8 Johan Poulsen, San Francisco. .. 8ept 10 Roanoke, San Pedro and way... Sept 11 Arabia, orient Sept. If Alesla. orient Sept tt Nicomedia, orient Oct 10 Tola Br. Ifalgoiiar, Br. sb. Important fhanop har a ai ww a siwba in Potter Schedule Don't miss your boat to the beach. Potter leaves Portland, Ash street dock, Saturday, August 31, 1 p. m. Tickets at City Ticket Office, Third and Washington- streets. - I "THS SWT ORAOK go QUIOK I I I HTt "Liaooarf" eyelet buttonhole, ., I Baty to button, e trout to bold. M II Tesssls la Port, ah Elevator dock . . .Columhla No 1 Bee. Am. sch Wlllamatta I A H. Wka Conway Castle, Br. bk Greenwich Slam, Gr. sh Portland Lumber Co. Alliance. Am. str Drydock King Cyrus, Am. sch. .Standard Box Co. Beulah, Am. sch Astoria Vlncennea, Fr. bk Columbia No. 1 North King, Am. tug Astoria Antelope, Am. sch Foot of Lincoln Churchill. Am. sch Astoria Numantia. Oer. str Alaska Queen Alexandra, Br. str Llnntan St. Nicholas, Am. sh Astoria Alverna, Am. s"h St. Johns St. Louis. Fr. bk.. Pacific Coast bunker Lakme, Am. str Westport Compeer, Am. sch Astoria Strathness, Br. ma. .Portland Lumber Co. North Star. Am. tug Astoria Americana, Am. sch Vancouver Gardiner City, Am. bktn. Drydock Alice McDonald, Am sch Astoria Aurelia, Am. sa Westport Col. de Villebols Muriel, Ft. bk.. Astoria Daisy Freeman. Am. ss. . .East ft West Honoinu, Am. sch Astoria R. D. Inman. Am. str Oceanic dock Transit, Nor. str Stream Oliver J. Olsen, Am. sch Astoria Asuncion, Am. ss Portsmouth Lumber Carriers Sb Boat. Thomas L. Wand, Am. str.San Francisco Coaster, Am. str San Francisco Suite M. Plumraer. Am. sch. . .Guaymas Wasp, Am. str San Francisco Lettltla, Am. sch San Francisco Berlin, Am. sh Nushagak Wrestler, Am. bktn San Pedro Annie M. Campbell, Am. sch San Francisco , Glendale, Am. sch. ....San Francisco Mabel Gale. Am. sch San Francisco' Andy Mahoney. Am. sch. .San Francisco i cascade. Am. sir Ban Francisco Salvador. Am. sch San Francisco W. F. Garms, Am. sch. ...San Pedro Virginia. Am. sch. ...Port Los Angeles Bn Boats With Cement and General. Buccleuch, Br. sh Hamburg Brenn, Fr. bk Hull Europe, ifr. dk Antwerp Gonevleve Mollnos, Fr. bk. London Rene Kervller. Fr. sh Hamburg Laennec Fr. sh Swansea ie oilier, ft. dk London Martha Roux, Fr. bk. Hamburg Mozambique. Br. ah Newcastle. E. Samoa, Br. bk Shields xniers, r. an Newcastle. B. Marechael Turrene, Fr. bk. .. .Hamburg vine ae MuinouBe, t. dk Antwerp Guethary, Fr. bk Antwerp t-ierri L.011, r r. d Antwerp Walden Abbey. Br. sh Antwerp Olenesslin, Br. sh Antwerp Versailles. Fr. bk Leith General de Bolsdeffre, Fr. bk ..London General de Negrler. Fr. bk London wayard. r. dk Antwerp VIMe de Dijon. Fr. bk ....Antwerp Allc- Marie, Fr. bk Antwerp Eugene Rergatene, Fr. bk Antwerp n. uarKiimu, ur. dk Honolulu Arctic Strenm. Br. sh Rotterdam Crown of India, Br. bk Antwerp Cornll Bart. Fr. bk Antwern Jules Gommes. Fr. bk Rotterdam Edward Detalll. Fr. bk. Antwerp Coal BUps Bn Boats. Belen. Fr. bk Newcastle, A Claverdon, Br. sh Newcastle, A Willscott. Am. bk Newcastle, A. Port Patrick, Br. sh Newcastle, A St. Mirren, Br. sh Newcastle, A. Crlllon. Fr. bk Newcastle, A. aroencraig, ur. dk. Newcastle, A Eugene Schneider, Fr, bk. Newcastle, A. Buffon, Fr. bk Newcastle, A. Castle Rock Br. sh Rviinev a Redhill, Br. ss Newcastle, A Knight Templar, Br. sa. .Newcastle, a Tymerlc, Br. str Newcastle, A. Henry Villard, Am. str. .. Newcastle. A. Thordls. Nor. tr Morovan. .Tannn Homeward Bound. Am. bk. Newcastle. A. Tramp Steamers En Bonto. ' Eva, Ger. ss .Hakodate, Japan Elsa, Nor. ss San Francisco African Monarch. Br. ss...... Jinan Jethou. Nor. ss San Francisco Inveran, Br. ss Port Los Angeles Oil Steamers Bus. Atlas, Am. str San Francisco Maverick, Am. ss San Francisco Bn JRonts to Xoa4 drain. Gael. Fr. bk.. Puget Sound Turgot. Fr. bk Puget Sound Miltonburn, Br. bk Santa Rosalia Dumfireshire, Br. sh..Port Los Angeles Sully, Fr. bk San Francisco OTM ANOTHER DAY OF WEU M0E SHARP REDUCTIOtI SATURDAY IN Women's Hosiery PAY 35c 23 FOR THE GRADE. A magnet lure to draw hun dreds of Hosiery buyers who . appreciate great values . to this store tomorrow. Come and share in this offering Ladies' fancy lisle thread, full fashioned Hose, with double heels and toes, charm ingly embroidered in pretty silk materials; all sixes to choose from; best regular 35c values in the dry. Special, Saturday at, 2Zc Yonr Shopping Done FREE GOLDEN EAGLE ADOPTS UNIQUE PLAN FOR BENEFIT OF OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS. We have organized an expert corps of ex perienced shoppers who are under the di rection and supervision of the store adver tising department and have placed it at the FREE disposal of all who cannot come to the store and are obliged to order by phone or through the mail. By this means out-of-town folks will be enabled to share in all special sales the same as our thousands of home patrons. Whatever your need, be it either among the staple goods and standard priced things, or in lots specialty pncea on the bargain tables, write or phone to the GOLDEN EAGLE MAIL ORDER DEPT. and your shopping will be done absolutely FREE bv store shoppers trained to tne work. SENSATIONAL BARGAINS - FEATURED. M ALL DEPARTMENTS EVERYTHING IN TDE DOUSE SHARPLY REDUCED A STIRRING SATURDAY SALE OF Domestics and Damasks See how you save. We especially urge housekeepers' attention to these very un usual special values for Saturday buyers: 90c TABLE DAMASK, 59e. 58-inch Table Dajnask, in 2, 2 and 3-yard lengths; big value at 90c the yard; CQ special at .77C 75c "SILENCE" CLOTH, 50. Good, heavy Table Felt, for use under the tablecloth, as above; a fine value CQ , at 75c; special at $1.00 BATTING, SIZE, 98c COMFORTER 89. A fine, pure white Batting, in full comforter size, all in one piece, dollar value; OA. special at .U7C $1.25 BLANKETS, 89. Splendid heavy gray Blankets, extra large, as above. $1.25 COMFORTERS, 98. Warm, but not of a burdensome weight, good patterns and soft, warm filling, dur able covering, nicely quilted. Splendid for camping, tor tne nop yard or tne home. An unusual value at $1.25; special at 10c MUSLIN, 8 1-3. 36-inch Unbleached Muslin, as above. 20c PILLOW SLIPS, 16 2-3. Size 42-36-inch Pillow Slips, nicely hem stitched; special, as above, the 1 2 20c values for 1U3C 50c LINEN TOWELS. 19. Here's something that should bring' hosts of thrifty housewives to the Towel sale to morrow. We offer for our patrons an extra large,tall linen Towel, with colored borders, hemstitched and with fringed ends plenty for all day selling; splendid 50c values, special at , Everything for Everybody. AO the Time, at a Little Less Than Anybody Can Boy Anywhere Else at Any Time THE SHOES ARE GOMG FAST uwse, a $1.98 19c SPECIAL SALE OF DomesficWines SATURDAY IN THE FAMILY LIQUOR SUPPLY STORE. On Saturday we shall offer choice of any quart bottle of Cali- Va fornia Wine in the house; ylVa AVQT regular 35c value, special for Saturday Shoe buyers will read these newsy bargain items with avidity. Such savings as these paragraphs contain should bring hundreds to the store to be shod, before fall rains set in. Read: WOMEN'S OR MEN'S $5.00 SHOES AT fl.98. A big choosing to pick from of the famous "White House" Shoes, all sizes and all leathers, dress or street shapes, new lasts, swagger styles for men or women; reg ular $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 values, special for ."i. . . . $2.25 SHOES FOR BOYS, f 1.38. A collection of odds and endments of lots, containing nearly every size, in patent leather, box calf and guaranteed vici kid stock; a sweeping: clean-up in the (M OO boys' lines; regular $2.25 value f or. ) l.JO WONDERFUL SALE OF MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. Every wanted style in girls' and boys' foot wear is included in this sale, It is a foot wear event of wonderful scope and em braces most extraordinary values. A chance to shoe the youngsters for school at the biggest sale of genuine bargains in shoes ever known to Portland fathers and moth ers. Be sure to see these items: $1.75 VALUES MISSES' AND CHIL DREN'S SHOES, f 1.05. Misses' Kid Shoes, lace or button styles, low or spring heels, light or heavy soles, over 40 lines, embracing that number of new and popular styles; extraordinary value at $1.75; extra special Q( $1.50 VALUES CHILDREN'S SHOES, 69. We've rounded up all the endments and oddments of tne $1.25 and $1.50 grades now remaining, several styles of patent leather shoes, lace or button styles, sizes up to 8s. Every wanted leather; values to 0M $1.50, all go at, pair .....UHC MANUFACTURER'S SPECIAL OF SAMPLE Back Combs SALE VALUES TO $1.25, SPECIAL SATUR DAY AT 48. Our eastern buyer met opportunity face to face the other day when he was offered and scooped in the entire sample line of a fa mous maker of Ladies' Back Combs at about 50c on the dollar. Every quality and popular style, all newest designs, in shell and amber, plain and with beautiful settings of brilliants and rare atone imitations; values from 75c to $1.25, special A Q Saturday at ...TfOC IMPORTANT SALE TABLE CUTLERY SPECIAL SATURDAY 90c SET KNIVES AND FORKS, 59. A line of Knives and Forks, polished tem pered steel blades, triple pinned cocobolo handles; worth 90c; special, CQ , .aJW dozen CAKE 25c "AETNA" BREAD OR KNIVES, 19. A line of Bread, Cake or Meat Knives, 10 inch blade, polished buck handles, will cut hot or cold bread without tearing or break ing the loaf; made of the very best refined and polished tempered steel; regular J Q value 25c, special, each 1C GOOD KITCHEN KNIVES FOR 40. "Landers, Frary A Clark's" Kitchen Slicer, made of the very best tempered steel; will hold an edge; 954 inches long, narrow taper ing blade.boxwood handle, curved to fit the hand; heavy brass rivets; special at, each 40c A SENSATIONAL SALE OF ' Men's Sample Underwear $2,000 WORTH OF "DRUMMERS" FACTORY ' SAMPLES AND Supply your every need for Sunday and Labor Day Closed all day Monday. Yfliat's the use spending a dollar elsewhere for goods we sell, when absolutely every article in this store is sold at a cut price on Saturday? Isn't it foolish to go to other stores and pay more money for your merchandise than we ask? Think it over And we'll meet you at the "GOLDEN EAGLE" TOMORROW. At Half Price VALUES 50c TO $ZJ0V Our New York buyer, ever on the alert for u n a a u a 1 bargains for "Golden Eagle" patrons, has struck a rich find at the under wear mill of a famous maker in "York State He has secured and hipped to us the entire factory and road line of samples of fall and winter Underwear for men, paying iust half price for the lot. We hand our good luck over to our patrons tc share. In the immense convention of undergarments is numbered. Undershirts and Drawers in separate pieces, and "Union" or combination suits in cotton, fleeced garments, both wool and cotton fleece, cotton and wool or "merino gar-' ments, silk and wool, etc, in "flat." ribbed ' and plain weaves. Black, white, blues and ' tans, assorted weights and styles. Here's an exceptional chance to save in buying ' the fall and winter underwear, for on Sat urday we shall offer choice IIlf DnlaA of the lot at just Mail triCC Extraordinary Undermuslin Value Women's 25c and 35c Chemisettes 12 Jc Dainty Chemisettes, of Swiss and lawn ma terials, in styles with and without collar,1 prettily and tastefully trimmed in exquisite laces and chic embroideries; best regular 25c and 35c values. (Some stores calf 'em "50c goods.") Special, for Saturday only, for I2C B00KLOVERS' SALE OF late, Standard Boolis BIG VALUES FOR SATURDAY BUY ERS. Books for hoy, girls and grownups. Among , the tempting bargains are splendid 25c BOOKS FOR IS. The "Henty" series of boys' books, the , "Forward" series for boys, all by best an-' thors, such as Cooper, Ingraham, Ramsden. Fenn and others; also the "Gilt Edge'' series which embraces the works of Holmes, Read, Goldsmith, Collins, Rowson, Curtis -and others; 25c books in the 1 1? - sale for ,....ltC 75c BOOKS FOR 35. Among the offerings in this collection you 11 find "Ivanhoe," "Tom Jones,1 lice," "Old Squire," "St. Ives," Island," and others; regular 75c values in the sale for Fe- "Peter 35c THE $1.50 BOOK OF BOOK STORES, Here the booklover will find standard and popular writings of such noted writers of fiction as Anna Katherine Greene, Hyne, Friedman, A. Conan Doyle, Mallock, King and others. Titles embracing The Crisis," "Monks' Treasure," "Medal of Honor "Sherlock Holmes," "Green Shutters,"-"The Circular Study," and hundreds of others; regular $1.50 copyright books, sold by the stores in the "book trust" at $L08: AG. here in this sale for ...TllvC SEE YAMHILL STREET WINDOW. $1.25 Colonial CQ a Glass Tea Sets wvL 4-piece Glass Table or Tea Sets, con sisting of 1 covered butter dish, 1 cov ered sugar dowi, l cream pitcher, 1 spoonnoiaer, clear, pertect polished glass; full size, fancy shapes, regular value I1.Z5; special, set pticner, 50c ALONG THE WATERFRONT castle. New South Wales, for this port vftsterday with a cargo of coal. She n,m hrlna- about 5.000 tons. With large fleet of coal earners coming tnis way from Newcastle, It is said that thre seems little danger now of a coal farolno the coming winter. The new steamer Bailey Gatzert will be given a trial trip next Tuesday and the intention is to have her start on her tirst trip to The Dalles ths following day. The schooner King Cyrus will prob ably leave down this evening bound for Kedondo with 900,000 feet of railroad Ltlea She has been loading at tne mills of the Standard box ractory lor several days. Tli lie steamship Roanoke, Captain Dun ham, sailed for san rearo ana way ports laat night, and she crossed out this morning. The steamer Asuncion street dock last night and then shifted j arrived at Portsmouth this afternoon The steam schooner R. D.finman din charged a lot of general freight at Oak! this morning. The steamer to Oceanic dock to load wheat for Snn Francisco. - " The Norwegian steamer Transit which arrived from Japan last night was in company . with the liner Minnesota for several hours on August 21 off the Aleutian islands. The Minnesota had a hard time to pass the small tramp, so the officers report: The sohooner Oliver X Olson, whlnh arrived at Astoria yesterday, is under nharter to E.- T. Williams & Co. of this city., to load a cargo of lumber for Quay mas, Mexico,. She will receive her cargo at mills onthe lower Columbia. - There are twice as many vessels bound for this port at the present time ss for Puget sound, the total tonnare of vessels oouna ror Portland from forei g tonnage bound for Puget sound is with a cargo of oil. E ports being 89,201, while ths correspond ing- lonnag 40.208 tons. Ths British steamer RsdhUl lsxtNsw CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children, Tba Kind Yen Have Always Bought Bears the Signature pf 7 MARINE NOTES Astoria, Aug. 30. Arrived at MS a. m. and left up, steamer Asuncion, from San Francisco. Sailed at 7:05 a. m., steamer Roanoke, for San Pedro and way ports. Yokohama, Aug. 29. Sailed, German steamer Arabia, for Portland, Astoria, Aug. 29. Left up at 1:20 p. m., Norwegian steamer Transit Ar rived down at 1 and sailed at 3:15 p. m.. schooner Roderick Dhu in tow of tgig Defiance, for San Francisco. Arrived at 3:30 p. m., schooner Oliver J. Olsen, from San Francisco. vt....u xt a nr av ftA jeuit a British steamer Redhill, for Portland. Runycorn. Aug. za. Arrivea, Tencn hln Ar1 from Portland. . Hobart. Tasmania, Aug. 29. Arrived. French bark Europe. Astoria. Aug. 80 condition or ths bar at 8 a. m.. smooth: wind northwest, 8 miles; weather, cloudy. Tides at Astoria toaay mgn water. 8:07 a. m.. 6.1 feet: 6:09 p. m., 7.1. feet Low water. 0:10 a. m., 1.6 feet; 11:67 p. to., 2.9 feet SICtMlEnOACHE CARTER'S CASEY AVEjL HUEKY STREET IMPROVEMENT (Journal Special Serrlea.) San Francisco. Aug. 80. Ths newlv appointed president of ths board of public works, Michael .Casey, presented Dona tnis morning or tne American Bonding company. : He will take office lata this afternoon. After a eonfennna with ilajror Taylor be sUtsd that work! PosltlrelT enred by these MjUUc ruis. They also rollers Dis tress trom Dyspepsia, In digestloa and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem edy for Dtalaess, Nansea. Drowsiness. Bad Taste in the Month, Coated Tongue, Pain in the Bide, TORPID LTVEK. Taey regulate uo Bowels. Foray Vegetable, SMALL PILL SHALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. QlTTLE m CARTERS iflVER jJplLLS. Genuina Must Bear FaSimi!a Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. HOTBLi AUDUBON say nAvcisoo xuaorsAH tlam omit. Slnale 'reams n anit ruvatnr. ataaia t, electric lights and til modern eooTal , Strictly tlnt-elaM. CoDxnlmt to abop. plug cantera. On dirtct Ua from ferry tat Third ad Vewaaead depot Rates 61 ap. B3S Ulla St.. scar Vtn Noaa iihh, OS. GANTBK. Mar.1 on the streets vUl fee rushed through at once. r .- YOU DOIWI10) MONEY DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY SILVERWARE, ON THE ' . PAYMENT PLAN . $1.00 A WEEK - WILL DO DIAMONDS FROM SS TO Si 000 STANDARD JEVVELRV S " - c ; 189 THIRD STREET Between Yamhill and Taylor Streets Orrcr.': 3 V.Ur 71