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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1907)
- , - . . . . : .; . . v , THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY . EVENING, AUGUST 28," 1007. s 1 I Town Topics ? TOOK 12 DAYS THE JOURNAL AT RESORT Subscribers eu havs Ths Journal le wrod at th regular rates at the feU iqwtsx resorts by notirylng th agents at tkerarious plaoaa mentioned. Sub scriptions by mall ara payable ia ad- O RE GO If RESORTS. Park F. J. Struck " k Hot Lake Santtartant t8?". .777. Lawla i Ca. WUholt Springs W. MoLsraa TO SEI MESSAGE Western Union Nearly Two Weeks Getting: Wire To . Chehalis. TIIBEE MESSENGERS RETURN TO WORK WASHINGTON RESORTS. Pspbam a fiord Son and Minor! fiprinf Hot! Caapftda Sprints. Thomas Moffstt Coll In si flni... n T Y" aa a Wt . "T,"t" I J""- iouis I ir,rn v ........... . ..... . i wiuihwii men in rear -a oeacn ..................... Marshall A and O. A. Smith nooiia. ............ tx. 4. rrvwi Of Ocean Park Matthews Thsdford gviw ..Frank BL StrauhaJ Breakers Tne ureaaers neiej TONIGHTS AMUSEMENTS. Losing Jobs Seattle Offering Big Bonn In Attempt to Get New Operator. Three of th striking messenger boys JUI UUUD UrBJHli AXIS UIUTH VI AJVT I . . A . . . . Grand ,. Vaudevlll ur"a 10 wor ln western Union Lvrio ...."Tha Otrl From Teiaa" I morning ana th blih-orlced mea eiar a uaugnier or me eoutn ThaOake O. W. P. Carllne U-w Ctroua Qrounda 26th and Raleigh p,,n " 10 n"P Dr" mim ai wimnini 10 snaxe wiw Depositors of tha Oregon Truat A Ssvlngkbank ara ascertaining- the exact atalarof tha bank'a aaaeta and thoie rear or losing their alneourea. The company aaya that aa faat aa tha boya ooms back they will be taken on and tha expenalva messengers will be dl SErestcd may look for Interesting de- , JJpInri ;'m'e.tlng of "the depoaltora will Uk. X&:bJ?:Wt&Blu western 1 nion aa vert nod that It would place In tha early part of next wek. Over 100 new roembera have enrolled at Meuier at co. a atore. 14 Washlnaton and the officer of the organisation urge every depoaltor to algn tha roater ana become members of the organiza tion ana oy meir comDlned efforts the ay men It, a day to deliver messages. ccee elg 60 years nld, who were attracted by the Pi They succeeded oeven or eight men, In .rotting together most of them over money offered. tor several reasona, however, results will not onlT he dollar for dollar . "f renaons. However, prm- At the Hutchlnaon horn S.l Jack- KJXrJ!Kl son atreet. Erneat B. McNaughton and have returned to work. As fast as they Miss Gertrude Hutchinson were mar- do they will be given the places now rled last night by Dr. EA U House. The 116,(1 bv th '3 men. though at their old groom Is a member of the firm of Mao- P- oX course. Naughton. Raymond A Lawrenoe, archl- A "ample of how the telegraph tects. The bride Is a sister of the late companies are tied up In this section of Reno Hutchinson, a prominent T. M. C. f ountry the telegraphers are ex- A. worker. The wedding waa a quiet hJb,tl,n at. ,the,r heajquartera this one, only the near relatives of the fl001" a, teI";ram, J'!.non "a-uat 15 bride and groom being present. After , .TSil.if""., r"X7 a short wedding tour they will return w",i11..dJr 'ter tne n"u would haT' to Portland and make their home here. fr ckrrled it. A bulletin received at heitilnuartara Alleslna that ha waa nravantad hv from Seattle this morning brought the Alleging mat he waa prevented hy ewa that three check clerks walked out the insulting language used by his wife from selling tickets to passengers and aeuvering the united states mall, J elevens, a storekeeper at Hoi brook Oregon, filed a suit for divorce from his wife, Mrs. Nettle Stevens, In the circuit court yesterday afternoon. They were married in folk county in May 1882, and hare Ave children. Stevens charges that his wife ordered his part ner, J. w. lewia, out 01 rooms in th rear of tha atore that he occupied with his family. The funeral of John E. 8 It ton, who died at the Marquam building last Sun day, waa held from Flnley's undertak Ing parlors at 4 o'clock yesterday after noon. The remains were shipped to Rochester. New York, where Mr. Hltton was bom and where relatives still live. He had been a resident of Portland for 25 years and was formerly In the furnl tufe business with F. 8. Chadbourne A Co. and later In the real estate business for himself. Dr. Anna MacLean of Adelphl col lege, Brooklyn, will Inaugurate a aclen tlflo sociological Investigation aa to woman s work and economic conditions on the Paclflo coast. She is coming to Portland. In connection with work In Oregon. Miss Wilbelmlna Joehnke of Oregon City and Miss Jean Gray of Oregon university, notn wen Known in similar work, will aid Dr. MacLean The latter will lecture at the northwest conference at Seaside, J. F. Hutchason, at one time assistant manager of tha Oregon Mercantile com pany, a department store on Seventh street, and until reoently with Pease & (JO. 01 The Dalles, Oregon, has engaged In business for himself at Medford. the firm name being Baker-Hutchason Co. The stock of this new store is being connneu to laaies wear. Mr. Hutcha son has a host of business acquaint ances In Portland who wish him well In his new undertaking. C. Carlson, the Llnnton saloon keeper, who was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Sam Wagner for selling liquor on Sun day to patrons whom he admitted through a trap door in the celling, appeared be fore Judge Cleland In tha circuit court this morning to answer to the charge. He pleaded guilty and was fined 125, which Is the severest penalty that can be Imposed. Carlson paid the fine and returned to Llnnton. Arthur Freeman, charged with a felony by 16-year-old Mabel Van Fleet appeared before Judge Cleland in the circuit court tni" morning and entered a plea of not guilty. He will be tried on September 18. The crime is said to nave lauen pmce at the Oroce,ra" picnic at Bonneville In July. Freeman la be ing held in the county Jail In default of l,OUV DtUl, of the Western Union offices there vea terday and that Uw company Is offering its messengers $5 a head for any opera tor wiey can unng 10 tne ornce. J hey nve amo inmanea a range in tne operat lng rooms and have a chef who Dre- pare meals for the strike-breakers so aa to forestall danger of their being appruacnea DV union picsets. MEETS DEATH UNDER WHEELS OF STREETCAR Fred J. Rooney Struck Down And Killed On Third Street. THIS Fred J. Rooney, a veteran of the Span lah-Amerioan war, waa struck by north-bound "S" ear at Third and Main atreets at 1:10 o'olock last night and so seriously Injured that ha died at St Vincent's hospital several hours later, The body haa been removed to the morgue, and It la expected that Coroner Flnley will hold an tnqueat to fix the responsibility for tha tragedy, The unfortunate man, who was under the lnfluenoe of liquor, according to Mrs. Hetty Salisbury or inira ana wain streets, at wnoae piace na aia supper, after dlnlna started to orosa Third street, when "S" car No. 26, In charge of Motorman O. B. Uplvey and Con ductor J. M. Klttreii bove in sight. Noting the faat approaching car, Roontv stODoed and the motorman be lieved the man Intended to wait until the coach passed. Just as the car waa within a few feet or him. Rooney, ap parently not realising the danger, start ed aorosa tha tracka. He waa atruck and hurled a distance of eight feet. Patrolman li. C. Wllaon, who serves with Rooney In company O. Second regi ment, O. N. O., in the Philippines, hap. nened to ba near the scene or tne acol dent at the time and summoned the pa- trol wagon. The Injured man was re moved to St. Vincent's hospital, where an examination snowea mat ma sauu was fractured. In addition to internal nlurlea. Surgeons held out no nope ror his recovery. He remained in an un conscious condition until his death. Rooney was 35 yeara of age and ra ided at 6tt Third street. During the Spanish-American war Rooney was ny In which Detetclve Sergeant Charles E. Baty was member of the com pa first sergeant, and had a record for bravery. He was employed on the Ha- selwood creamery building, now In Sulft course of construction at Third and Hoyt streets. Rooney waa unmarried. nd his parents reside at Marshfleld, Oregon. The Whine of the Wheels," a short Story of life on a brake-beam by one who has "traveled the route." Jack unrmeyer. Is one of the best short torlei of the season. September Pa- Iflc Monthly, now on sale. morning filed suit In the clmult court for a divorce from Sverre Chrlstensen. Mney were married In this city In July, 1894. and have one child, Robert, aged 7 years, wnose cusioay the mother asks. Chrlstensen is now at San Bruno California, Suit to collect $1,098 from the City of St. John waa filed In the circuit court this morning by T. C. Thronson. The money is alleged to be due Youngfer dorf 8on and F. Engevoldson, the con tractors who did the tinnlnc and a-al vanixeo iron worn on St. John s new city hall. Articles of Incorporation of the Earle- Smlfh Timber company were filed in the office of the county clerk this morn ing by Zera Snow. Howard H. Holland ind Charles G. Brlggs of Portland, and Edward C. Smith of St. Joseph, Mis souri. Capital stock $10,000. Water through hose for sprinkling yards or sidewalks or washing porches or windows must be paid for In advance and used only between tne hours of I mnA Sam nwJ F A n T not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to these rules, or waste fully. It will be shut off. Let us clean our backyards and al- eys. let us bury emDtv tin cans and Durn ruDOisn. Let us also drink Golden Grain Granules, so we all can become strong and enjoy life. You will live longer snd you will bless the dav vou start on the new road. Articles were rouna on streetcars yes- terday as follows: Eleven umbrellas. wo purses, two satchels, one small bucket, two packages. Owners call at room 4, o. w, Alder streets. P. building. First and !h Examinations for teachers in the city schools began In room 1 of the High school building at 11 o'clock this morn ing and will continue through Thursday and Friday. The new teachers were icsiea toaay in arithmetic, reading and ttmmr. Tomorrow they will be ex- anfeaied In aeoe-raDhv. arlllnv an1 phyragy, and on Friday In the theory '"B, apeiiing ana nistory. The s vernon Presbyterian church, wnicn is nearly completed, will be dedi ca ted September 2S. Some funds to be used in finishing the building had been deposited in the Oregon Trust & Sav ing ine- aay ceiore that Institu tion suspended operations. The build ing when completed will represent a total cost of 15,000. Suit for divorce was begun In the cir cuit court this morning against Charles Cole, who had ; school for barbers on Flanders street for some time. The suit was brought by Mrs. Susie Cole, who says she married Cole at Vancouver Washington, In July, 1898, and charges' that he deserted her In June, 1906. Charging that her husband beat her ana generally aDusen her during the two years they lived at Dawson Alaska, so much that she was compelled to leave him and return to her home In Oregon, Mrs. Rosa Christensen this The Weber-BusseU Canning company ave an office and warehouse on dock at foot of Yamhill street, Portland, Or., where they are buying peaches, pears na piums. Excursion to Astbrla Regatta Steam. er Telegraph leaves 7 a. m. Tickets, round trip. 13.011.4 uooa rrom Aug. 30th 10 Dept. 1 in. Aiaer street aocic. Steamer Jesse Ha r kins, for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street aoca 11 1 p. D. Navajo Indian blankets 111 Sixth st. Alaska Indian baskets, ill Sixth at. Eastman kodaks. 111 Sixth street. Woman's Exchange. 1SS Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to 2; business men's lunch. Acme Oil Co. sell safety coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 789; B-1007, No boiling, no rubbing, no hard work, no wear on clothes gasene. Diamonds, Watches Beck's, 105 Alder D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh. Berger signs 284 Yamhill phone. Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. Art Postal company. F.W. Baltes and Company inyite your inquiries for MINTING Phones jg,n I??,,,, Pjrst and Oak, 'SERENADE" OPENING BILL OF NEW COMPANY The Serenade," which contains stronger and more Inspirational music than anv other American lla-ht oners will be the first offering fef The CaM- roroians at toe Marquam Grand, open ing next Monday night, September S. It was originally Intended to open with Kooin jiooa, nut arter consultation with many music-loving patrons it was tnougnt advisable to substitute Victor iieroert a most tunerui work instead. "Rcbin Hood" will follow later in the engagement. 'The Serenade" was one or tne greatest mts or the famous Bos tonlans, and was quite as successful as "Robin Hood." Harry Cashman. tha comedian of the company, assumes Mr. Barnaby's role of the Duke of Santa Crux, and is most happy In the part. Miss Lucille Saunders, the contralto, is delightfully cast as Dolores, and her rich voice la heard to the best advant age. Richie. Ling's Lopes Is moat excel lent. His splendid physique, his ad mirable virility In acting and his superb tenor voice serve him well In every scene. Mr. Robert Hosea, the baritone, is well placed aa Carlo Alvarado, sing ing with spirit and force, and acting with vigor. Tha chorus Is promised to be the best that Portland has heard in DRESSER'S; Cleanliness Cleanliness in foodstuffs is not so common aa you may fancy. When we say cleanliness we mean not only swept floors and clean windows. We mean dust-proof bins for the storage of everything eat able. Dust-proof canisters, cans and bottles for everything drinkable. Yes, not alone dust-proof, but germ and microbe-proofthat ' what we mean by cleanliness. Selected fresh meats, our own cured hams, bacon and smoked mests; we make our own sau sages, baked goods and candies and specially prepare fish, sal ads, relishes and all manner of high-grade delicatessen. You should see the new store. DRESSER'S Everything good for the table. Main store, Fifth and Stark; also East 15th and Broadway, Gearhart and Seaside. DEii PEOPLE WILL THIRD TERM 11 Dr. Coe Addresses East Side Republican Club on Rooseveltlsm. Roosevelt , a s the Republican standard 90S and la his election by Backers snd boosters of the second elective term Idea had a most enthusi astic love feaat over at ths Logus build ing on the east side last night when ths East Side Roosevelt RepuMloan club met and listened to Dr. Henry Waldo Coe deliver a long address on why Presi dent Roosevelt should be a candidate for re-election. -.".'.I' Newhall presided snd Intro duced Dr. Coe aa a friend of tha presi dent and a man well qualified to speak of Roosevelt and hla desirability aa a candidate for re-electlnn itr r. .in tended that throughout the country the people had taken President Roosevelt at his word and that they had therefore practically ceaaod to consider him as a candidate for the nomination. The speaker arrued that thla Just what the Standard Oil and the other corporate Interests of the coun try hoped for aa the Roosevelt policy was hamnerlna- them in thatr r,n,,.f of the people and the earth. It was also what the Democrats desired be cause of simple jealousy and a desire for party gain. Dr. Coe said, however, that the plain peoplo had begun to think and that when the time came thalr voir wnnM ring through the land with such an in. slstent sound that President Roosevelt and the national convention would be compelled to heed. This heedlns would tilt in the renomlnatlon of President bairtr tha paople of tha oountry for a second elective term. Buy Midland acre tracts. Knapp A Mackey, room 2, Chamber of Com m roe, Chaplin Harlow, 131 Chamber of Com. marcs. Phone Main 1652. H0 PtATES n",1. Ws can extract ens or all your teeth without hurting a bit, and put In new teeth the same day If vou deetre. Our system of crown and bridge work Is simple, quick and patnlesa When desired yon can have T. P, Wise or my personal servloa ralaless Bsrtraetlnr Tree Wkea rlalee are Ordered. 0 YZABS MBMM and doing dental work all the time. That Is the record of Dr. W. A. Wise. Tbst's on reason our business has grown our pa trons come back, and they send their friend a W. A. WISE, Oentist radar Ulf, d and Wasalaxtoa a. aa. to S p. so. Baadays f to la. rainless Bs tlo BOoj JFlatos ftS T. P. Wise, H. A, Stardcvint ind H. A. Huffman ABSOCXATXS. BOn lM0sTX8, ABTD KATJI aoas. " TOM MAXM T sJ.SIMOlV & BRO. sxaxxxs nr au xtfPf or BUT AIA ' 10 tons ef pips, slsas from to 12 Inohea, all fixed In Al snap ready for use; orders taken for evtttnf and threading all slses of plpa. . 100 tons of oorrugsted Iron, painted and galvanised, all gauges of Iron. 100 000 feet of cable, all sisea, lengths from 60 to 1,000 feat. ISO tons of T and girder rails. 60 tons of new and second-hand1 rope, good for calking and general use. 60 tons of wedges snd sledges, practically new, guaranteed. 1.000 blacksmith and benoh vises. 60 tons of barb wire, poultry net ting nails and staples, all prac tically new. We alao carry the largest stock of pulleys, shafting, boxes, hangers and Miscellaneous machinery on tha Pa clflo ooast Call or writ a aJ. SIMOIN & BRO. 344046050 Front St. AjnrtxirrxTS. MARQUAM GRAND (phona Msln ) Farewell week Stockwell-Maerrsgor Ox Bargain' Matinee Today SKo to all . - parts of ths house. .. i oiffet sad BUiaalades of Weak .' TUB GRKAT COMEDT SUCCESS "Th Carnival of Ldvs" Evening prices 6 2 60 and lis. MARQUAM O RAND ; , ' (Phon VsJa 1 ' Sale Opens Today Season Mete Opera Season GRAND HOTEL II Taylor St. Near Market. SAN fRANCISCO Two blocks from railroad offices, mint, postofflo and city halL The most modern and handsomely fur nished hotel In th city. European plan. Rates 1.60 up. Our 'bus meats all trains. AUrt. E. DRTJCKER. Mgr. THE STAR Phones M. 1 fsa a I fJV (Home) Aim iu ras wtxx, Tk B. . rreaakt Steak Co. present "A DAUOKTXB OT TO SOTXTBL" , Matinees Tuesdays, Thursdays, 8stur 20 centa Every evenln 10, 10 ana 10 cents, either phone. days and Sundays at 2:10; prices, IS and ng at l:l; prices. Reserve seats by The Grand v eaTKs". wee- or Avovrr ml A Special BUI of Headllners. Headed by bctxjbs BroAmTarr oo. Tha Bis; Xsstera Stan, Three shows dally., at 2:10, T:4I and 9:10. Prices remain the same. st f I SK ) w I ft V) WE, CARRY ALL THE BEST MAKES OF TALKING MACHINES COLUMBIA. VICTOR, STAR ALL STYLES, ALL' PRICES. YOU ARE NOT LIMITED HERE TO ANY ONE MAKE. OUR SMALL PAYMENT PLAN MAKES BUYING EASY. si si I 1 IS LARGER BY MANY THOUSANDS THAN ANY OTHER IN THE CITY. WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST SELECTIONS OF EACH MAKE AS QUICKLY AS IS SUEDFRESH, CLEAN, NEW A FULL LINE Of THE, MARVELOUS MARCONI VELVET TONE RECORDS OUR STOCK Of RECORDS I w I sal 353 WASHINGTON, CORNER OF PARK THE HOUSE Of HIGHEST QUALITY LYRIC T M Bal ATRB Both Phones: Main 4IS6. Horns AlOls. ; Week Commencing Monday, August 26, The Allen Stock Co., Presenting; "Til OZBX r2a01C TSXA& Matinees Tuesday, Thursday, Satur day and Sunday. Prices lOo and 20c Every evening at 1:16. Prices lOo, 20c and 10c; boxes 60c. , Order Seats By Both rkoassa Box office open from 10 a. m. ts) 19 p. m. MULTNOMAH FII3L.D Chapman and Morrison Streets. , Labor Day, Mon. Spt SI ; A. TUm TOM BX.OOS, Two Modern Gladiators. Astride Blooded) Steeds, In a Sensational BROADSWORD CONTEST Carl NELSON vs. R EI D Major R. F. rom to caTABcrxonaTxr or xxn WOBXJ). ITnder the Auspices of Co. F, Third Regiment O. N. O. General admission 60 oenta Grand stand 26 cents. Tickets on sal at Hchiller's cigar store and Woodard. " Clarke & Co. s. Contest starts promptly; at 2:20 p. m. ' 1 moth Buatial aqnatie event will be the Tbis thirteenth annual aonatli swat spectacular ever held la the Korthwesa. SEPTEMBER 2, 3 &, 4 aiiina mom. uu Banna, uoaaur salt1, vines 'amaatrr. Nonraaaiml rarlvalaalraMiataaalM.1 trariltioaa la swaat Maa aaa haroi aaada offvaln. to.0U0.0O la Ma cHml Tea Taoaaeae Him .! ill prweat (Wi world fianaa SENGERFEGT AUO. Ml AMO SETT. A Low Mm oa all rati aaa ateaiboal Uaes ' ' ASTORIA, OREGON PIANO AND ORGAN HEADQUARTERS BIGGEST BUSIEST AND BEST OF ALL CHIAFFARELLI And his band. Sic. CeccottL tenor soloist, Wednesday and Friday nights. i? FreeSouvenirPlates Beautiful presents for every lady visitor Thursday after noon, August 29. trasp s orchestra in Danes I Pavilion every night. Free Instruction In Dig Roller Rink a, every morning. Deares' Mani- -kins. Figure 8, Chutes and 60 a, wui.r ajnuitni.nil. SAN FRANCISCO, OAKLAND, SEATTLE, TACOMA, SPOKANE AND ALL OTHER IMPORTANT PACIFIC NORTHWEST CITIES. TOM1MW Hals OUR GREAT OPENING OP Fall and Winter Dnnlap This, the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the great firm of Dunlap & Co., brings forcibly to mind the fact that American men ap preciate and demand quality in their clothes; that year-by-year persist ence in producing the best article that skill and art can turn out, secures for that article a foothold among men of ability and worth as immovable as the eternal hills. HI Grand Prlae Masquerade ta anTM, Sept. mink Mondav Bla-hi - a, j "A man is known by the hat he keeps" a man who has once worn a Dunlap will never be satisfied without one. All Dunlap wearers and others who are interested in seeing the new block for the fall and winter season are invited on a trip of inspection to our store tomorrow. The new Dunlap will appeal most strongly to the man who dresses well; it is the newest and best expression of style and at the same time it has that con servative, high class appearance demanded by men of taste. Come any time all day tomorrow our salesmen will be pleased to show you. Ice Ice. For les call Main 224 or A-2245. "'"r company, 3i stark at. .After a heavy meal take a couple of Doan S ReguletS. and a-lvm vnur atnma-h Hver and bowels ths help they will need, of ?hi bowels" M,i Mgl,lar Pae .Bertha GalWnd and Annie Russell are tO SDDear thla aaaann . I. . -I.... 209 WAftHINQTON 5T FRUIT WANTED ' i I' i aasBaaagaaggaai Pears, Peaches, Blackberries, Green Gage Plums and Yel low Egg Plums, also Rhu barb. We want this fruit in any quantity, boxes fur nished. Prompt payment on delivery. We are tempo rarily located on dock at loot of Yamhill st, Portland, Or, Telephone Main 4219. Wcbcr-Bussell Canning Co. fllLIL. MILITARY" ACADEMY- P ORTtAN0;ORE: 'm t ,Biri,n nd School for Young Men snd reparation for ' col.', leges. U. a Military and Naval Academies. Ac credited , t Stanford. Berkeley, Cornell, Am herst and all State Unl versitles and Agrleultural CoUeges. Manual train ing. Business ; eoursa. Ths principal has had 2 years' experience In Port land. - Comfortable ouar "i ters. ' Best envlronmsnts. Make reservations now. For Illustrated catalog and other literature , sd dress -v J. 17. HILL, II. D., rrlaotpal and rroyrfetof. c i rltUttbyPaulKisUr: . v' 1 ft . "I J -I. 1