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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 23. I HARRIMAWLlFEiw i XT'1 vt-w sir - -ww-: - f . . - - " v.- -Jmfc,ii mi' i'i 8 rniti. ilfl .-,-iktii ,irna , ' , . 1 : i;? i 'ill irM PELICAN BAT LODGE. WHERE HARRIMAN AND HIS PARTY WERE HOUSED. Photo by Baldwin Studio. (8pcUl Dkpatck to Th JonrnL) Odessa, Or.. Aug. 18. Odessa Is four miles, either by land or water, from Pelican Bay, famous now by reason of th Ylslt of E. H. Harrlman and party. During the Visit of the Harrlman party, guests at the Odessa hotel, or campers, looked curiously across coun try where the buildings at Pelican Bay showed white against the timbered mountain. Some more bold than thu rest ventured over to the bay, although It was well known that no visitors were allowed. A boat had been tunk In the clear waters of Pelican creek, and sev eral launch owners, who contemplated a visit to the railroad magnate, had the propellers of their boats broken. A party from Odessa walked over to "The Lodre." as the hot at Pal Iran Bay has always been called. Among in party was me -acnooi ma am. at Odessa. She was temporarily out of a lob, for her two pupils came from "The Lodge," and their horses were In use by the Harrlman party, so the children could not com the four miles to the school house. xne waix uirougn toe umDer was beautiful. Nearlng "The Lodge," signs warning posaioie visitors to Keep out were In evidence, but the party were oblivious, and calmly climbed fences when gates were locked. No one was visible except the two negro cooks. In white aprons and caps, loafing on the lawn in iront 01 "ice iooge." The Caretaker CHves X&formatloa. On Inquiry for Mrs. Rice, who former ly kept the hotel, but is now caretaker or the property, the young people we oireciea aown a snaay path, where In a dellrhtfullv cool SDOt. underneath wll lows and near one of the springs, thst have made Pelican Bay famtfbs, she was Ironing. The bulk of the Ironing con sisted of napkins, with the monogram rH" in the corner. As she was an old friend of most of the young people, ' . . a "You'll Put Your Foot Into It," s One of our Oxford Shoes, if you come in here. You can't help it because we are selling $4.00 Oxfords for only she answered cheerfully all questions about the great man and party then so journing in this section. - They had that morning departed early for the moun tains, on a bear hunt.' leaving only the two cooks and the -valet behind. They were enjoying the mountains, the fishing and everything. In fact, she said, and their appetites were growing every day. Every evening a course din ner was served, and the private tele- fraph line was kwpt busy with orders or the delicacies nt tha uuon. On their return from their bear hunt, how ever, dinner was to be served at 1 o clock, as Mr, Harrlman was very par ticular about his young, sons, of It and 11 respectively, and does not wish them to eat meat at night. Soon after their arrfv.l tha ) found that their ahnaa aura nnt aiittuhl for mountain cllmblna- and an order sent to Klamath Falls for outing shjoes. The Klamath Falls merchant evidently iiaa n in neaa turnea oy tne greatness of his customer, for he sent shoes and no shoestrings. Among other things sent to the party, were bear dogs, guaranteed to look at nothing but grlixlie. FeUcan Bay's rimo Folata. Pelican Bay has great natural beauty and can be made into one of the finest resorts In the northwest. Beautiful springs of clear. Ice-cold water come ng are ntalns bubbling forth, never falling In any sea son, ana rorrn tne source or a half a mile out to the open bay. The water or the creek Is just as clear, and out In the bay great fish can be seen darting to and fro. The trout fishing is excellent, aucx ana snipe snooting very good, and back in tha mount deer, and bear are found. Mt Pitt Is almost back of the bay and offers the opportunity or mountain climbing. Crater lake and many other points of interest are near, and the Harrlman fiarty have surely not been disappointed n a country so beautiful, and a count rr that offers so many oDDortunltles to tha sportsman. At present accommodations at Pelican Bay are of the rudest sort The build ings consist of the mala building. 'The Lodge," and several cabins, all of logs, colonel iialabrid, the owner of tne property, put up large tents, and In every way, made things comfortable for ms aistinguisnea visitors. Xarrlma Fl easts People Next year a bungalow will bo built, the site having already been selected. I Colonel Halabad's aim was to Interest 1 Mr. .Harrlman and party In this country, and by reason of his extending to them the courtesies that he did. the whole country reera inaebteo to him. Mr. Harrlman has been found hv mose wno nave met mm. a verv ciaaa- ant, agreeable gentleman, personally. SALEM THROWS OUT UNFRANCHISED WIRES On Mayor Rodger'g Order Lineman Disconnects The Northwestern Telephone Company, ("pedal Dispatch Ealem, Or, Aug. t Tbe Josrsal.) 38. The wlrss be- LEWISTON COMMERCIAL CLUB FOR ROOSEVELT Admits Rigid Anti-Third Tern Tra dition Bat Believes Public Opin ion Has Set It Aside. (Bpedl DUpatcb to Tbe TearaaL) Lewlston, Ida, Aug. 28. The Com- longlng to the Northwestern Telephone j merclaj club of Lewlston has taken the Company Were last nla-ht itluioinUAtuI I Initial atan InnVlna- n tha rr,AAm ounthafth'nmn'' m Theodore Roosevelt for a third term as grouna tnat the company was operating I , . . , a telephone system In the olty without Pree,d,ent J t.n,a Un.Lted-B,u? 1)7 unan a franchise imously adopting tho following resolu- thl.' NoVthwesdte TetanhS!- ""Whereas. The administration of KVTaf'i'" h? . "Whereas, His vigorous politics and "A, "J" uo? reariess rerorms have resulted in the trl Una has passed through awakening of a national conscience that 1.hLI2t Ji?m tlne'ut iat.e,y na demands the completion of the mc ;h"-TO-"-..i" ES. P"'"' '?bor nM courageously r IV. S, . -"i"vi uuict, iaua oegun ana ?f- u S 9Vntm- 'Svhereaa. Millions of American eltl- he heard that tho company was oper&t the successful Issue of his vital reform ing in the city he wrote to Mr. Craig of I policies would be Jeopardized by an im- nent change or administration; and wnereas, The traditions or our gov- III j rorttana. the manaaer of the Nnrth. western Telephone company, asking him by what authority the wires were being strung over the streets of Salem, and receiving no satisfaction he notified him that the wires would be removed until such time as the company should obtain a franchise from the cltv. On raceiv- lng this the officials nrnmlwd that a franchise ordinance would be nrea-ntort at a meeting of the council which was held over a week ago, and Mayor Rodgers promised to withhold action looking to the removal of the wires un til the, council acted on the promised ordinance. When the promise was nnt kant Mnvnr Rodcrers again wrote the North Telephone company and received an evasive reply. Upon this he noting h Page, local manager of the Portland General Electric company, over the poles of which the wires were stretched. tnat they must come down. Manager Page consented and the wirea vera at once disconnected by one of the linemen In the employ of the company, under the direction of the chief of police. I. SHOE AND LEATHER SHOW AT CHICAGO (Joorstl Special Service.) unicaro. ill.. Aur. is Tha a annual national shoe and leather fair, for which preparations have been go ing forward for nearly a year, opened In the Coliseum todav under moat fa vorable auspices. The exhibition, as Its name Implies is devoted to a display Of Shoes and Other lnnthar The present exhibition is bv rr th mlnent change ernment forbid acceptance by the chief executive of tha United States of the candidacy for a third term In office; now. therefore, be it "Resolved, That it is tne sense or the governing board of the Lewlston Commercial club of Lewlston. Idaho, that the aforesaid traditional obstacle has been obliterated in the present In' stance by publlo opinion; and that this board instruct its secretary to forward these resolutions to the press. In the hope that other non-partisan organiza tions may be led to similar public expression. The Lewlston Commercial club la a non-political organization, which has quite as many Democrats as Repub licans In Its membership. THREE KILLED BY PREMATURE BLAST (Special DUpttck to The JrarmL) Butte, Mont, Aug. 28. Three men were killed and many injured by a pre mature explosion or blasting powder at the Milwaukee railroad camp near Eighteen Mile house yesterday. One of the men, Pero Janik, aged 22, died from his injuries when ho was brought to town. The men who rescued him after the blast were obliged to dig him out of the debris. The other two men who were kitted were Henry Makl, a Finlander, aged 88. and Dick Matthews, foreman of the gang, aged 30. The fourth - man was only slightly Injured. E&!U&Su!2& CENTRAL OREGON STAGE LINE) SOLD MM turers of the United States, Canada and Europe I are represented. The manufacture of ahoaa anA th leather products is shown In all its stages. A special exhibit consists of a great variety of shoes, ranging in price Prlneville. Or. from the simplest and cheapest to the ,ha" bought the most expensive and exclusive in styles. I llne of - M- 04 l ine use or leather In (h ininmnhii. I industry is also shown. (Special Dispatch Great value for little . v money Perfect Styles EEVES ; .,313 Washington .Near Sixth DENVER WILL GIVE TAFT WARM WELCOME I (Journal Special Bervlce.) Denver. Colo.. Ausr. ts Tho nr,nhii. can leaders of Denver uiit of Cnfnntn in foaenu are preparing a rousing wel- i ,1 u oooreiary 01 war Tart. Mr. Taft Is to bo here but one dav and it present plans Are carried out it will b a vusy aay zor mm. Among the fea tures of tho program as ararnged will m uuuiid I Mf 'fn f I nn a r rna Konnm nan I Liuu. a. xiurriHn a rnmnn Trin r ev. Logan and return and a publlo address delivered on the capitol grounds. I ter leaving Denver the secretary of war Will aro into Yellnwstona nark rr I iow oji. rest ana recreation before pruveecung on nis journey to Seattle, -- ; 1 " 1 .. Convicts to Publish Paper. (Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.) " walla walla. wh im : t a weekly newspaper, published by convicts at tno penitentiary will soon be issued. t R"y. m a. Mathews and a number of imiueaum ministerj or the.tate have made arrangements tn raiaW a rim to I purchase a small plant Warden Kin caid is heartily in favor of a newspaper! to The Joaraal. ) Prlneville. Or., Aug. 28. W. H. Prose ie snaniKO-jHitcneii stage Cornett of this place and will take Possession September 1. This Is a daily stage line that carries the mall from the railroad to Mitchell, a distance of 6 miles. It Is a part of the Cornett system of mall lines that coyer more than 600 miles of central Oregbn roads and supplies about 30 postoffices with mail. The line requires three rig with equipment and necessary reserves'. frose is a veteran stage man who baa been in the Cornett service for a long time and will no doubt make an ex. oellent route of the -fihaniko-Mltchell line. , With nerves in POISE3 Tho world is . YOURS EOSTUM FOOD COFFEB makes steady norves. rTh9f a R.eotoa1 v THE CLOTHES YOU MOST ADMIRE $15.00 TO $35.09 $1.00. A WEEK fa wwmbmtm tel. - mm md I pM . Art the tame would be most admired on you. Every man owes a certain duty to himself, hla frienda and the community In general a duty respecting hla own personal appearance A city Is Judged largely from the impression by Iti people. Peo ple are judged by their appearance appearance la generally controlled by dress. Dress right Boost yourselfyour frfc" and your community. Cause a little of the admiration you bestow upon others to fall upon yourself. Dresa with more care and you will enjoy a satisfying growth of self-respect an inspiration of interest in the world at large. t The New Fall Suits Show a generous amount of careful tailoring, are built from the best woolens, silk stitched and hand-made buttonholes, The inner parts: Hair cloth padding, canvas lining, etc, are just what you would select for a suit if you were buying them from over the counter. Suits are very shapely about the shoulders and chest and built to retain that shapeliness. $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.50 and ta $35.00 The Difference When you pay from $7.50 to $10.00 for an All Wool Suit you might better have thrown your money In the ocean, for you have made a very dangerous investment, one that is apt to nettle your disposition. When you try to buy all woolen suitings by the yard and then figure on putting them into $10 suits, you will be compelled to stop figuring. Our $15.00 Suits are strictly reliable. We invite your inspection. The suits will invite more. Our liberal credit plan will appeal to your best interest A LITTLE DOWN $1.00 A WEEK ON YAMHILL FIRST AND SECOND L GE VURTZ i SONS GOOD CLOTHZ8 MERCHANT! CLOTHING SECTION YAMHILL ST. ENTRANCE. f NO STUDENTS NO GAS NO COCAINE, E CHAI E THE We will forfeit $1,000 to any charitable institution for any dentist who can com pete with us in crown and bridgework or teeth without plates. Pay no fancy fees un til ou have consulted us. Our continued success in our many offices is due to the uniform high grade work done by years of experienced operators. The prices quoted below are absolutely the best opportunity to get your money's worth which has ever been offered. We use nothing but the best materials. PRICES UNTIL SOTLMBLR 15th Silver Fillings 50 Platinum Fillings . . ..$1.00 Gold and Platinum Alloy Fillings $1.25 Gold Fillings $2.00 to $5.00 S. S. White Logan Crown $5.00 Gold Crowns, best 22k. extra heavy. ... .$5.00 TEETR Bridgework, per tooth, best gold .$5.00 Best Rubber Plate, S. S. White teeth.. $8.00 Aluminum-lined Plate. $10 to $15 A binding guarantee given with all , work for 10 years. VEGETABLE, VAPOR ' Used only by us for PAINLESS EXTRACTION of teeth : 50s , Rcad What Mrs. Jessie Level Says: I had 12 teeth extracted by the use of Vegetable Vapor, absolutely painless the most pleasing teffect and highly recommend the method. ,Yours truly, , Lafett, Oregon. MRS. JESSIE LEVEI1 ; i NERVOUS PEOPLE And those afflicted with heart weakness can now have their teeth extracted and filled without the least pain whatever. , - ' . UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ' " " . . Northwest Corner of Sixth and Washington Streets ;" -; fV' i-,JteJVf.&iL in the Northwest. Seventeen offices in the United Staff s.. LADY IN ATTENDANCE ( . See are in the right office. Open Sunday 0 to 2.