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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY ' EVENING. 'AUGUST ' 23. 1807. w. r- 13 .. ur: GRANTS PASS GIRL FINE EXHIBIT 1 r I ) ; M 'I PASSES BY MEDFORD OF GREAT FUTURE FOR DMOUU ... V.' ."; y , lilts, Mayor Lackey Tells of Heavy Excellent Variation of Pro ToTrns of Southern Oregon Support Favorites In The Journal's Educational Contest With Grants Pass Crops This Year in Eastern Oregon. ducts Will Be Shown At Salem Fair. - - . - , . . , ; . - IB S Mi and ; ; Candidate In The Lead. r. Oranta fax etand ahead of Medford In the nineteenth count of ballota In Tha , Jmjroal'a educational conteat. Audrey. Roaeell of Oranta Paaa haa made a remarkable eoore In a few daye. She la tha bright and graceful daughter ' ' :v j : ' Audrey Russel Grants Pass Orrl, Who .Heads District No. I. Oranta Paaa,' and hla frtanda ara (lad of tha chanca to compliment hla daugh tar. with nawapapar aubacrlptiona. If Audrey Rueaell had gone Into tha coo teat on tha atart aha might now be a formidable rival of Altre P. Grant, tha daughter of tha aherlfrof Polk county. It would be a pretty race to aee two capable young ladle from famlliea of bucjj prominence leading their respect ive dlatrlcte. . Mine Grant la now canvmaaing In Til lamook county. Her father la with her. She la a conuuerlna heroine, and wher ever aha goea aha establishes The Jour nal In every home. ' Medford Candidate Advaaoee. Helen Cose, the Med ford candidate, la coming along nicely. But the people of her town will have to give her voluntary aubacrlptiona in order to keep her name even with or ahead of that of Audrey Russell of Oranta Pass. The Med ford girl secured 20.000 votes In two days, which shows her capacity for work, and Droves, too, that the peo ple of Medford are In sympathy with her In her contest venture. Mlsa Coea entered the contest when there remained only three weeks, and by good, hard rustling now stands higher In tha contest acore than some whose names have been on the score Hat for two montha She Is in tha contest to win tha scholarship In vocal muslo un der Professor R. A. Heritage In the Willamette university. The young ladv haa a remarkable contralto voice, which haa drawn -favAntbte comment from many vocal teachers. Two weeka aaro Medford had aulte a large carnival. One of tha main feat urea of the carnival waa a cantata, "Queen E"ther,7 Professor Heritage took one or me leading parte, seconded k. U.I... - Ual,.1. 1. - - I. COUNTY TO BE HEARD AT IRRIGATION MEET District la Wondcrf ul Producer With Deep Soli of Hlghret FVrtflltjr Thousands of ProductlTO Acre Are Waiting To Be Reclaimed. SUPERINTENDENT IS . BUSY COLLECTING On the way to tha Sacramento meat lngf the National Irrigation congreaa, Mayor J. A. I-ackey. of Ontario. Ore gon, atopped for a day in Portland yea tarda y. He says Malheur county make an exhibit and take an active part In the congress. "We ara especially proud of our el falfa and our augar beeta. We also pro duca fine applea. peaches, pears, prunea. pluma and vegetables," he said. "Tha exhibit will Include all theaa producta. It will be a amall exhibit, because ax press charges from Ontario to Sacra men to absorb a lot of money, and wa havo no great mm to apena In thin project. by Helen Cos a Helen a voice haa euch range tnai ana can carry a note near y as low aa a man. Prof eaaor Heritage waa very enthusiastic in his praise or her voice, and he ia Intereated In her ambition to win a scholarsnlp in the conservatory of muslo of Willamette unlveralty. of Sheriff Russell of Jeeep'nlne county. Sheriff ' Ruaaell la a popular man la - ..";;', ' District V amber 4. :' Contest district tfo. 4 comprlaea all of aaatern Oregon and eastern Wash ington. Conteatanta In this dlatrlc compete with ona another aad alao agalnat all other conteatanta 1 Beaaia Oaylord. North Powder, Oregon 102.265 J 3Opal Callleon, Olex, Oregon a,290 S Adam Murray, Dayvllle, Oregon ,.. 42.000 4 Mattla Fenley. Mayvllle. Oregon S2.S20 . C Lillian Cochran. Monument, Oregon 14.100 Curtis L. Co rum, Waplnltla, Oregon. M0 Cecil Irving, Harney City, Oregon.. , 1,710 District Vajaber 1. This contest district la made up of Multnomah county, and Includes Portland. Conteatanta in thla district compete with one another and at tha same time with all contestants In other parta of tha north weat 1 Alice jC. Price, Lenta, Oregon ,1J5 - I Hilda" Brant, 721 Willamette Boulevard. Portland, Oregon 85,820 t William Russell 234 Dupont street, Portland, Oregon 65.835 ' ' 4 Alta M Wilcox, Cleone, Oregon 47.050 5 David G. Mullen, 333 San Rafael at reel, Portland, Oregon 34.925 4 Ulna A. Jones, Olda, Wortman A King, Portland. Oregon 23.830 v 7 Cecil Splcer, 525. Clay atreet, Portland, Oregon 17.675 (John Kan no, 1609 Flake atreet, Portland, Oregon 13.275 9 Ray H. Moore, Troutdale, Oregon 11,420 10 Olivia Reeder, Sauvlea Island, Portland. Oregon 11,409 11 Oscar Hauaen, (70 Tillamook atreet, Portland, Oregon 10.925 II J. A. Guy, 491 East Twenty-eighth atreet, Portland, Oregon 8,126 15 May Pendergraaa, (18 Savier atreet, Portland, Oregon 7,925 14 Herbert Muenser, 115 Spencer atreet, Portland. Oregon' 7,665 . 15 Raymond Howell,' Holbrook. Oregon 2,400 16 Willie Stepp, 111 Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet, Portland, Oregon 2,395 . 17 Sophie Olson, 29( Ivy atreet, Portland, Oregon . 1,925 18 Edward McMahon, 800 Twelfth atreet,- Portland, Oregon 1,820 19 Douglas McKay, 347 Taylor atreet, Portland, Oregon 1.690 ; 20 Cecil A- Jamea, 366 Seventh atreet.Portland, Oregon 1,225 District ST amber 9. Contest district No. . J comprlaea the Willamette valley except Multnomah county (which forma a diatrlct by itaclf) as far aouth aa Eugene. Conteatanta , -, In this diatrlct compete with one another and at tha same time with all conteatanta in all parta of Oregon. X . : 1 Alice D. Grant. Dallas, Oregon 82,080 , t Ea:! Heckart, Corvallis, Oregon 87.245 I Harlln Talbert, Albany, Oregon 36290 4 Blanche Belahaw, Eugene, Oregon 26i245 , 5 Peter Seltice, Chemawa, Oregon..,.. , 26,086 6 Wlnema OgdenStorest) Grove, Oregon.. 24,270 7 Jennie BowersyTa. F. D. No. 2, Corvallis. Oregon 18,350 8 Glenn iiW1'ke, Albany, Oregon is.o ' 9 t,uiu Smith, Clatskanle, Oregon. 16,075 10 Maud Holllnger. Forest Grove, Oregon. . ie!oi5 11 J. Percy Read, 806 Walnut atreet Albany. Oregon 10605 It Francis Rlverman, R. F. D. No. 1, Corn el lu a, Oregon 7,860 ..13 C A. Schram, Oregon City,' Oregon.". . 7,745 , 14 Meda Caldwell, R. F. D. No. 3, Albany, Oregon 5340 ; 15 John EL Cooter, Cottage Grove, Oregon . . '. 3.895 ' 16 Harry Chaae. Eugene, Oregon 2,230 17 Earl Lee, Waterloo, Oregon .'. . . ' 2130 18 Emma Mohr, Hlllsboro, Oregon ,, 1,440 Dlatrlot Womber 9. Conteat diatrlct No. t Includea all that part of Oregon south of Eugene id" tha counties f; Oregon bordering on the Paclflo ocean. Conteatanta in thla diatrlct compete agalnat one another and at' tha' same time agalnat contestants In all other parte of the northwest. ( 1 Audrey Russeir. " Oranta Pass, Oregon 35,675 S Helen Coss, Medford, Oregon... .'..'. .". .'.'.' 18,870 8 Cecilia "Weasels, Gardiner. . Oregon . , nisoo CONDUCTOR AND PASSENGERS TURN THEMSELVES INTO A LOCOMOTIVE The committee haa issued aeveral thoussnd copies of a special leaflet glv Ing an sccount of Malheur county'a re sources and development. The county is 180 miles long, with an average width of 60 milea, and Is larger than many eaafrn atatea. Ita area la 9,784 aquare miles, and its altitude in tne unake and lower valleys or the Malheur and Owy hee rivers ia about z.100 reet. The ao is u sandy loam composed of volcan ash and decomposed rock, poaaeaal the wonderful fertility of all easte Oreaon lands that are now awaiting rlgatlon to make them produce 1: meiiae cropa. It ia a e-reat atock country, and many large ranches. From aeven to tone of alfalfa bay to tne acre la d duced annually, cost of production ranging from 1 to 11.26 per ton and selling at 85 to $8 per ton. Iaat winter in tha vicinity of Ontario 6.000 head of beef cattle were fattened on alfalfa hay for the market, and without use of any other feed averaged in weight from 1.400 to 1.700 sounds each. "The O. R. N. company la building a 8100.000' depot in Ontario, and there are mtu other fine Improvements un der way," said Mayor Lackey. "Opera tors ara nusy arming ror natural gaa and oil. There la one drill now down aeveral hundred feet, and a aecond corn- tan y is loaslng lands under a contract o begin boring within 60 days. Ground has been purchased and arrangements made for erection of a hospital and Sisters' school to coat 126,000." Fruit Wanted. The Weber-Buaaell Canning company have an office and warehouse on dock at foot of Yamhill at.. Portland, Or., where they ara buying peaches, pears and plums. Multnomah county bid fair to have ane of tha beat and moat lntereetlng exhibits thla year In Its hlatory at tha Salem atate fair to be held September 14 to II inclusive. A. T. Miller of Sell- wood, who la superintending tha gather ing together of tha Multnomah county dlaplaya. la highly pleased with the manner In which exhlblta ara being offered. When appointed eome time ago by tha county court to assume charge Mr. MUler waa Informed that an appropria tion of 31.000 waa at hla command and ha loat no time In collecting everything he Donalblv oould which would not alone advertise the rarmera ana producers or the county of Multnomah and the city of Portland. sjlut also lend as much If I not more laterest to the attractions at the big felraa any other- exhlblta I which will be on display. Mr. Miliar atlll desires several ex hlblta and dlaplaya but ha announces that ha haa secured all tha grasses and grains from this- section desired. More vegetables and fruits . ara needed and those desiring to exhibit can aend In SDeclmens aa late aa Sentember 12. ad dressed to Mr. Miller, care of the Fort land Reed company, at the foot of Yam hill atreet. city. Soma of the decidedly lntereetlng ex hlblta and dlaplaya from Multnomah county will be alfalfa aeven feet high raised within the city limits of Port land. Thla latter waa grown In tha back yard of H. A, Henneman at 190 Tillamook atreet Albera Broe. Intend displaying one of the largest assortments of breokfaat fooda aver gathered together for aa ex hibit at a atate fair on tha Pacific coast Kerr Bros, are oreiarlng a large as sortment of fruits and meat a In Jars for exhibit Another large exhlDlt will be that of the Haaelwood creamery, while the Colombo fast -company will do Itself proud in the matter of display of ita many products. Among some or tne different varletlee of graina that wlU be exhibited will be aix collections or oariey, ao or wneat 16 of oata. an eaual number of rye. three of millet food for birds and aix of vetchea, an excellent 1000: for cows. Another of Sydney H. Rlesenberg'a famoua western paintings. "Cowboye Shooting Ud a Town." reproduced In colors in September racinc Monthly. Buy Midland acre tracta. Knann A Macke". room J, Chamber of Commerce, Chaplin A Herlow, 332 Chamber of Com merce. Phone Main 1662. Free Scholarships for Boys and Girls in leading Educational Institutions. Sums of Cash Also to Be Distributed Among Industrious ix and Meritorious Students Who Participate in gJCll The Journal Educational Contest . STUDENT! What are you going to do during vacation? Have -rtm decided what school or college you will attend next yar? If not how would a scholarship In one of the following excellent schools ault youT , i Traffic on Eaat Morrlaon street was j cut off completely for several mlnutea - Iaat night by a atrlng of freight care left standing at the Second street cross t lng, and the same condition would prob .... ably have existed this morning had not a tactful streetcar -conductor induced ' severar passengers of hie car to put their shoulders with hla to the obstruc tion and shove the cars out of the way. Ibis waa accomplished by uncoupling ' n5ar" and moving one at a time. ', The switch engine hauling the cars left the track on , the Second street trestle between East Morrlaon and East Alder just as the cars it was juggling reached the Intersection of Morrison street It ran on the ties for a distance of a few feet and narrowly escaped going through the structure.. The train crew was busy looking of tcr the locomtive and evidently forgot all about the cars left to blockade the uusy inorougnrare. xne derailed en glo waa ralaed thla morning. The blockade occurred at 11 o'clock juat aa larsre crowds were returning from the circus. COS E OPTIONS ASSOCIA Til GROUNDS Livestock. Fair Stockholders Beady, to Begin Construc ; tion of Buildings. Action taken yesterday' afternoon at a atockholdera', meeting, of the Portland C"ntry Club. &, Livestock aaeoclatlon .1 be followed by closing of optiona on lands adjoining Jtoaa City Park for club . grounds, and the construction of build ings, grand atand and race track. The subscription list now aggregates mora than 1100,000, all of which money , la available for the uses of tha club. , The officers ft the organization are: President, 8. Q. Heed; vice-president, H i Campbell; secretary) J. A, Weafgetej tors: T. B. Wilcox. H. C. Campbell, J. U. Meier, Adolpha Wolfe, E. M. Bran- nick. F. E. Alley, (Roseburg). W. A. Laidlaw, J. W. Bailey, M. D. Wisdom, O. A. Westgate (Albany), E. L. Thomp son, J. C. Alnsworth. O. W. Taylor, Tom Richardson. F. O. Downing, & O. Reed. Dr. H. W. Cos, Dr. Emmet Drake, Joseph Simon, George Lawrence Jr., W. F. Matlock (Pendleton), Dr. T. W. Har. Egene. H. Hlrehberg (Independ ence) W. P. Olda. Richard Wilson, W. ii" "uug tniiisDoro;, tr. j. Mann. (j. M. Brown, A. C. Lohmlre, Paul Dick. Executive committee S. Q; Reed H. C,amb-eU.a A- Weetgate. J. C. Alna ?Tth ?r- -W- 3. U Meier, M." wJ",l0". E. li. Thonipaon, W. P. Olds Dr.. Emmet Drake, -d. -M.-Brown. W, A. Laldlaw. O. W. Taylor. chlW ' SfJS?. r Pneumonia or other pul RnJwi'. at- ''P aupplled with Sf foJ eSy.hounL fiy"P poaltlve cure ror cold a, cough a, whooping couch Fall. 80nD "it.. Mn,7, Hall Pof ' Toal tana, s. p., , writea: "I have used your wonderful BalUrda Hohoun46y? on i my children for live years. Its i re? TUl Military Aoademy for boys, Fort land, Oregon. Two scholarships; one acholarahlp with board, room, tuition, laundry and other Items, amounting to 3660. Another scholarship as a eeparate prise for tui tion, value lizo. at. Mary's Institute, Beaverton, Ore gon. One acholarahlp In academic de partment,. Including leaaona on any In strument; alao board, room, etc. value 1210. St Helen'a KalL day and boarding acnool ror glria ana young isaies. x-ori land. Oregon, '. wo echolarshlps, lnclud Ing noon meal- Whitman OoUaga, WaUa Walla, Wash. Scholarship .In the Conservatory of Music, value SH0. Willamette University, Salem, Oregon. Two scholarships. Ono in either college or preparatory department, vaiue ou; the other in the music department value J100. "9 flAii.. n.n. i-tt..i a.k.i arshlp in Mther achdemio or college de partment value 135 to bu. Portland Academy, Portland, Oregon. Day acholarahlp in either college or academic department, gooa ror one year, valuj $120. ,, Mrs. Walter Beed, Portland, Oregon. Teacher of voice and singing. Leaaona to the value or 1100. KoMtaarllla College, . KoMlnnvlile, Oregon, two aci.oiarsnips. one in either academic or college denartment, value $60; one In the department of music, value $60. Paclflo Unlveralty, Porest Qrova, Ore gon, i wo acnoiarsnipa. une day schol arship in the academv or college, value $60. One scholarship .or a girl with iu months' instruction in music; board, room, etc.. In Herrlck Hall. $160. Paclflo College, Vewber". Oregon. One scholarship In elthor callege or acade -.y department for one school year, $60. B. Max Kyer, 343 Alder street, Port land, Oregon. One scholarship good for 72 hour' instruction in drawing, oil -r water color 'alntlag or pastel. Holmes' Business College, Portland, Oregon. Fo.-.r scholarships; one com bined scholarship one year, value 100; one academic or civil aervice scholar- snip, one year, iou: choice of either commercial or shorthand scholarships, aix months, $60; night course, any de partment, one "ear. $60. Sehnke-Walker Bnslnaaa College. vimmua, vntvu r our scnoiaranips for 12 months' combined course, value $100; one scholarship for 9 months' com bined course, value $86: one acholar ahlp for months' course, value $70; one acholarahlp for montha. either shorthand or business course, value $60 - Baker City Business College. Baker City, Oregon. Scholarship good for one ?'ear In shorthand, commercial, Bng Ish. rivertiaing and penmanShio courses, value loo. international Correspondence Schools of Seranton, Pa- Portland agency 814 KoKay Bldg, M T. Beed, manager' Two scholarships; cuoke of $100 tuition in any of the numerous or helpful courses except language course or couraes i locomotive running; another acholarahlp In the same to tha value : $60. International Conaervatory of Ht;!-, C. B. Saada, maaager, Paclflo ooaat di vision, Portland, oregom. Three schol arships; 'he wlnnars to have their choice of any of the five different courses taucht bv thla coneervatorv: .namely, piano, organ, violin, mandolin and r.itar; scholarships Include sheet mualc, all ' tructions and the stringed instrument if stringed Instrument courses are selected. Oregon Expert College, Portland, Ore gon. O ie scholaarhlp in telegraphy and typewriting, value $76. Another schol arship In telegraphy, typewriting and station ev -ice wort, value $100. Portland Business College,1 Portland. Oregon, A. p. Arrritrotg, principal. Four acholarahips, as follows: One for 12 months In combined course, value $100; one for 9 montha in combined course, value $86; one for 6 montha in combined course, vafce $70; ona for ( montha in shorthand or buaineaa course, value $60. Boas City Bnalneas College, Portland, Oregon. wo scholarships, ona Mm. blned courae for one achool yearTvalue $90; one 6 men' i' co'irae In ahorthand or bookkeeping, $50. Capital Buaineaa Collage, Salem, Ore gon. One scholarship, good for 10 months' tuition in either department value $100. Oreroa Conaervatory of Muslo, Port land, Oregon. Course in piano with in struction under D. H. Hurlburt-Ed-wards, includln- use of music, value $250. Bogene Boalnesa College, Sugene Ore. gon.. One acholarahlp lr. commercial or stenographic courae. value $100. Western Academy of Mnslo, Bloou tlon and Bramatlo Art. W. M iimin. prlnolpai, Portland, Oregon. One schol arship in cnoice or vocal, piano, violin, mandolin, elocution, oratorv and dram atic art. value $200. ' Kolmea-Plandera Private School, Port land. Oregon. One acholarahlp good xor one year's enecial unlveralty oreuara- tlon, one year's normal course, or pm- ucai fjngiian course ior one ana one half years, valued at $160.- Oregon Law College. Commonweal tli building, Portland, Oregon. Scholar ship in the rirat two years of the oourae, value' $160. ' Olllesnle School of Broressloii. Port land, Oregon.' Private and7 class, lnstruo tlon to the value of $226.' Albany College, Albany, Oregon. Tui tion for one school year In either aca demic or college department Pendleton Business College, Pendleton, Oregon. Value of scholarship $100. Marlon Wards Zarnham. ftramatte reader, teach of elooution, oratory aad dramatic art. Portland, Oregon. Schol arship good for leaaona . to value of $200. Columbia University. Portland, a acholarahlp providing for tuition and dlnnera on achool days during . the school year, commencing In September. Value $100. Paclflo University, Conservatory of aiusio, i-ores u-rove, ureron, rranic Thomaa Chapman, director, Two schol arships, one valued at $50. ona valued at $101.26, In either vocal or Instrumental departments. . , aiH AWARDS SUPPLEMENT SCH0URSHIPS 1. Cash, with firet choice of acholarahlp.. .;....x.....L.i,...;.i..I200 I. Cash, with second choice of scholarahlp. .................... 150 I. Cash, with third choice of acholarahlp.....,;...;. 100 :&fcwM I : a wKvce . 6. Cash, with eighth choice of Bcholarshln V aa 1 Cash, with ninth choice of scholarship , 26 i V? .T- 5un,,1?i.e?ll.wUi.lw'P,iW contestants-at the end. of the con test In the order of their standing as to votea Cash commissions ara 1 filo.w?k 0n "fw t,5scr,.br"' ln-edition to the cash awards here noted, ao- , ' 7:' v", z 1 ulm, waT'1 every oay pr tne contest, . nellered That Display of Atrlcultura And Food : Stnffi 'Front Thla County Will Be -Most Complete Ever Gathered Together. In the most approved styles for FALL 1907 AT NOW READY You'll pay from $2.50 to $5.00 more for these ", same garments in the high-rent district WHEN YOU SEX IT IN OUR AD, IT'S SO Two Stores Thirds-Oak MBYl When Yon Travel, Enjoy the Superior DINING CM SERVICE of through Northern Pacific trains. A dainty 1 -' breakfast, tasty lunch, or delightful dinner pre pared by a skilled chef and thoroughly well served, will round out and vary the pleasure of your trip. The bUl-of-fare is varied and attrac tivethe viands appetizing the car attractive 'and easy riding. "Get Your Meal on the Train" Dining cars on all transcontinental and important local trains. For full information call on or write A. D. CHARLTON Asst. Gen- Pass. Agent, 255 Mor rison Street, Portland, Oregon. Northern Pacific KPT) TEETH EXTRACTED FREE When Plates or Bridges Are Ordered AO Work at Half Price for a short time to introduce the "Electro Painless System" Full Set, that fit ...S5.00 Gold Crowns, 22-k 83.50 Bridge Teeth, 22-k.. ..,.83.50 Gold Fillings 81.00 SUver Fillings ........ 50 Guaranteed for 10 Years. Open Evenings. THE ELECTRO DENTAL PARL0 30354 Washington St., cor. 5th, Opposite Olds & King's. Railway YOU DON TNffl) MONEY DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY SILVERWARE ,1J0 A TOr DO ON THE . EASY PAYMENT PCAN DIAMONDS FROM $5 TO $1000 STANDARD JEWELRY STORE : Between Yamhill and Taylor Streets Opposite Baker Theatre IMPORTANT C1AR1GE POTTEE SCHEDULE Don't r.Iiss Your BoattoihcCeach wmm win C xsatxs roimis, , ABB TMT SOOX Thnradar. Ang: 29. ,...1:80 a. m. ' Saturday, Ant. SI.. .1:00 -p. m. h'.. Tickets at city ticket .of flea, Third t and Waablnrton atraata. -C. W. Stinger, Agent ft i . . . ,..' . .