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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1907)
1 USE THE JOURNAL WANT Journal Circulation Columns tl you want to get the flEST results. ; -, The) v Weather -n Fair . tonight; J Thursday fair and warmer,; v Yesterday Was VOL. VI. . NO. 150. "'?! PORTLAND,- OREGON, -WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 28, 10O7.-IXTEEN PAGES. nntnn rrtirA t3XTTC - OW THIJI iWD Fr MEMBERS OF BROOKLYN, ilDW YORK, CIVIC LEAGUE ON VIStTJO PORTLAND. 1 lOieis t Jt'Ji UJiipiiwypn V ' i 4 " "'. r :v V 4 28,20! Si WILL BREAK ALL RECORDS GuvJJ. Moore Drowns In &ke Michigan While Per forming1 Heroic Work of J Rescuing Friends from Death Boat Capsized. Wheat Cargoes Out of Port land During Neit Few Months Will Be Enormous Millions of Bushels Will Leave Local Docks. Swam Twice to Shore From Craft Each Time Bearing Unconscious . Burden Home in Portland For merly Lived in Prineville. Grainhandlers Yesterday Granted Hours and Wages for Which They Struck Last Year Eight Hun dred Will Be Employed. i i r 11 ...I 11 I DDflD iu Lots Valued at Fifty Thou sand in Addition to Eight , Thmiiflnr1 Aoroo. nf WriAfifl Land Deeded by President TAKING CAKd AT SIXTH AND WASHINGTON THIS MORNING FOR TOUR OF CITY. Exporters of train at this port look F CD SIGH 0 CHECK BY THUG (Journal SpacUl Serrlc.) Chicago, Aug. It. At the acriflc forward thli year to a bualer eon of hii own life. Ouy H. Moore, 23 yean than ever. In view of the fact prepara- . old, a ftudent at the National Medical tlone for handling an Immense volume unlvemity, saved two young men from of bueineea are being made, and In a death in Lake Michigan after a moit few weeks the harbor will present herolo struggle against wind and waves, scenes seldom equaled anywhere, espe Moore died this morning from hem- dally from, a wheat shipping point of nrrhm tt tVi limn r.iiKiul hr th too view. An irmT of men will be encased great task which he performed. Twice In the work ana millions of dollars will J, J. Kelly Declares Himself . ne swam irom a capaisea. crui ud uie u. lake to shore, each time bearing as a At a meeting held late yesterday : burden the bodv of one of his friends, afternooa between representatives of 1 Then he sank to the ground exhausted the various grain exporting firms and a and was taken to the hospital where I committee from the Oralnhandlera' un- he died. I Ion a contract was entered into regulat Moore's nne was at Z Eugene lng nourlg of iabor and wages from Sep mother. Mrs. 8. fe. Moora. resides. " tember 1 this year to April 1, 1J08. or Victim of Remarkable nold-Up Last Night. matlon. He leaves a mother and sister, Gladys, the latter a stuaent at (jorvauis Agri cultural college. LAKE STEAMERS SINK EACH OTHER Held up and robbed of a watch and $4 In cash and then compelled by the in other words for the time covering Wshwayman to sign a cheek for-$20 Touns Moore was a native Oregonlan. Uie grain shipping season. 4 payaDie to tne tnurs oraer. is ine re- and an nnlw man at Mra Badla R. Moore. I The contract recognises the employes I markable exDerlence J. J. Kelly says 24 Eugene street, who received a tele- worth, of more money, in that it gives ns Und8rwent at the hands of Lynn Wll- :' gram this morning announcing bis tnem an increase or o cenis per nour i uams alias '"Red Uog " a notorious death. He was born at Prineville, where! and overtime over and above nine hours. negro ex-convlct, last night Williams nil tamer w uruujmoin. moramu i a uisbuii " -v w js now locked UP In th City prison and up to the time of liis death sU years straight Unwind 66 cents for overtime. wln have to fac a charge of highway . " whereas on and after the first of the robbery on a complaint sworn to by For the past three years the- young month they will be 49 and 60 cents an Kelly, man had been a medical student In Chi- hour. About 12:10 o'clock this morning caso. and would nave graduated next I mm auia iot iihiihium. i r.u, h mi(iiiii nnint .tn .t ,v.1- Tuna llnrlntf tha rmui vkn h. mimm I r-m t I ry-1 .1 11. ..4.klini..- v. . I 1 a ikt.i.laa. a-. a 1 1 " ---o , i , Z71 7 - j ini yfwtw.f imutwufi t.u i.w vo Jbusi training (.un BtrcvL, loif mill r li assistant at Dr. Llndlahrs naturopath asked for a year aico when the grain to headauarters that a negro footpad sanatorium. 08 Ashland boulevard. He handlers went on strike to enforce their had halted him on the Burnslde bridge was a graduate of the Oregon Agrlcul- demands. The strike resulted in a com- and after relieving him of his valuables ism wuh. vi nio hvi wmo, , wuers i promise arrangement, out uiis year ue roroea nim to go to his store ana nil WOn the -XOId meeral and 125 in JTOld -In I n.mMt. Hi raarhnt without evan I nut a xhnnlr nn tha IT nl tort Hrntoa Ma. the oratorical contest or lios, later rep- talk of a strike on either side. tlonal bank for 120. The victim of resenting tne uregon Agricultural coi-i m conneotlon therewith exporters nere the alleged footpad subsequently came lea-e In the State COlleglate Oratorical I hl nrnti,ollv nnntrol th Situation All In lh. ilntlnn' anrf Infnrm.n rJntnln contest at Eugene. He expected to re- pUget sound say that wages have been Bailey that he thought he would be able turn to Portland after graduating and I raised there from SO to 85 cents an hour I to locate the thur. practice ils chosen profession. straight time and from 60 to 66 cents Soon after 8 o'clock Kelly notified the , Mr. Moore was president of a physical an hour for overtime. It Is generally police officials that he had found the culture ciuo in nii-agu, khu waa a i oonceaea uiat-tne worn is worm o cents i crooK asleep In his store and Patrol' member of Frlendshin lodge. No. 14. a bushel more to handle the grain here. I mn -A.-Or tfWv, at jorvauis. because or tne raot tnat it is taaen care patched to the scene In the patrol Arrangements nave oeen maae to i or witn more aispatcn ana sometimes I wagon Williams was found peacefully bring the remains to Portland for ere- plied much higher than in the ware- iumberina- in the naint store, the watch houses on Puget sound. . . I claimed to havn hn atolnn waa lvinff ' kn.K. r rhMt win VlAl " " ? on the floor beside him. Upon being searched at the station a check for zo, signed McCalla & Don aldson." and made payable to "Leni' Williams, was found on the prisoner. Kelly explained he had -bought out the firm of McCalla Sc Donaldson, but was unable to give a good explanation why he had signed their name to the check. As Kelly appeared to be intox icated, Captain Bailey locked htm up on a charge of drunkenness. Williams declares that Kelly gave him the check to commit a zeiony and denies commit ting the alleged holdup. Kelly swore to a complaint this morn ing charging Williams with highway robDery and the case has been set for healing next Friday. According to the paint dealer's story the ex-convlct after robbing him seised one of his arms and marched him to the East Washing ton street store. After filllns- out the check Kelly declares he hastened to his home at 722 East Ankeny street and notified his brother. Returning to the store Kellv savs he was surprised to nnd the highwayman still In the place and then hastened to headquarters to notify the police. Kel ly's statement of his movements does not tally with the report of Captain Bailey. When locked un for drunken ness $2.80 was found on Kelly, which is regarded as peculiar in view of his claim of being robbed. Upon investl- atlon It was found that the check was ated 1908 and the com Dial nant ex plains that the reason he signed Mc Calla . and Donaldson's names was to convince Williams that he was not lead ing him into a trap. as the letterheads in the office bore that name. Williams bears a most unsavory rep utation. He was arrested on Novem ber 6. 1908, by Detective Hartman for the larceny of $30 from Jacob Hick man. While on the way to the station he felled the officer to the. ground and drew a revolver. Hartman also- pulled his gun and finally forced Williams to accompany him. OfJanuary 25, 1904, the negro was sentenced to five years in the Salem penitentiary and was recent ly released. ' BROOKLYN EYES VIEW CITY Hundred Members From New York Civic League Here To Study Municipal Conditions Commercial Club Escorts Visitors To Points of Interest (Journal Bpeclal Sarrlca.) Toledo, Ohio, Aug. 28. The freight steamers Isaac El wood and Brower col lided off Bar Point. Lake Erie, last night Both were sunk. Both ships are in deep water but their decks are clear. Both crews are safe. PRINCE WIMilAM IS PRESIDENT'S GUEST (Joaraal Special Barrlet.) Oyster Eay, Aug. 28. Prince Wil liam of Sweden came today to be the guest of President Roosevelt at lunch eon. The Bwedisn minister, guvern- jt officials, army and navy orncers andUDiomats were aiso guests. Millions of shipped from this port this fall and win ter, and between 700 and 800 men are required to truck the grain in the ware houses, which constitutes the work of tha arralnhandlers. From this it will be seen that the money set into circulation for wages alone in handling the cereal at the wharf is no small item, in aoaition to mis ex pense there are the wages of the liners and stevedores, Dotn or wnom work in dependently of the grainhandlers' union. Engage Foreign Ships. Another indication of the excellent outlook for a big season is found in the fact that vessels to load ror Europe and the orient are engaged about as quickly as they can be found available. Sev eral new charters were reported this morning, among them being the French barks Martha Roux and Marechael de Turenne, the British ship Buccleuch and the British ship Miltonburn. The British ship Claverdon was chartered yesterday afternoon after the charter of the Freneh bark Eduoard Detallle had been announced. All of these windjammers will carry wheat and barley to Queenstown or Fal mouth for orders. They were taken at (Continued on Page Two.) WESTERN UNION COMPANY .DELINQUENT IN TAXES Postal Company Has P-aid Part of Its Small Tax, But Re fuses to Pay MoreBoth Companies are Assessed on a Very Low Valuation. Manarlnar officials of the Western -Union an of the. Postal Telegraph companies say that the- business of their companies will not allow any In crease in wages to be paid to operators employed by them and are giving this as one of the reasons why the demands ' of the striking operators, are not met by the companies. Taxpayers of Mult nomah county may conclude that per haps this business conditfbn is also the reason why the western union com pany has paid' none of Its taxes .for last year, now . delinquent, while' the Postal company has paid only B6, out of a total of $240. According to the records at the court house and in the office of Assessor 8lg- " ler the total valuation of the Western Union property in Multnomah county, "including the franchise, is 848,896. The valuation" placed upon the franchise is tl6.0jMr The valuation piaoea upon tne ty of the postal ueiegrapn com- y is $18,600, out or wmcn tne as ed value of .the franchise, amount ing to $15,000. must be taken. , v rostal ray Only Part. : From these 1 valuations the - tax de partment lixed the taxes due; the coun ty, under the 16-mll) lev of last year, at $570.17 for the Western Union and $296 for the Postal company. - Although the taxes for the past year are now de linquent the Western Union has paid prasei ffeai no part of the $670.17 charged against its property, while the Postal company has patd $68 on its account, but refuses to nay the remaining $240 due on its franchise of $16,000. The property valuation of the West ern Union, aside from the $16,000 for the franchise, is $28,395. The property valuation of the Postal company, aside from its $16,000 franchise, is $3,600. It will be seen therefore that the West ern -Union refuses, apparently to pay any of its taxes not alone upon the rranchise, but upon the $28,395 valua tion of its personal and real property, while the Postal company refuses to pay the larger part of its assessment, or the $240 tax uponjts $15,000 fran chise, and onlv nrihi tha rountv with $56 or the tax upon the $3,500 of reai: and personal DroDertv. - Sate of Taxation. .? The rate of taxation under which the computation was madeJis given by the tax department as 1 bills. Thlri ap plies to the total hnldinra of tha Postal office, : but In the case of the Western Union, which has holdings throughout the - county outside of Portland, the varying rates" of school district levies make a -'somewhat varying rate charged. 4 . - r The dereliction Of tha tan nnmnanlM In paying their taxes Is nothing new in their history, as aaaaaanra1 and ta-r onl. lectors reports from practically every state tell the same story of trouble in collecting charges " made - against th companies' properties. . THROWS DIAMONDS IN SEWER BEFORE DYING More than 100 members of the Brook lyn Clvlo league are In Portland tqday sightseeing and studying clvlo condi tions in the Rose City with a view of adopting whatever methods of city gov ernment may be best suited to the iast ern city in a scheme to improve civic conditions there. The party arrived on special train this morning and were met by committees from the Commer cial club and the New York State so ciety, who piloted the vis tors about on a sightseeing trip. John R Crelghton is in charge or tne party which Is making a tour of the country for the purpose of gaining in formation as well as for pleasure. The members are composed of some of the wealthiest and most influential citizens of the city of churches. The visitors stopped at the Portland hotel upon their arrival this morning and left on a streetcar ride at 10 o'clock. All places of interest In Port land, including a trip to Council Crest, were visited. After a ride of several hours the party returned to the hotel for luncheon and then split up in grouDS to visit about the city. Tom Richardson of the Commercial club was in charge of the trolley ride and explained the advantages of the city to the tourists. Other members of the Commercial club committee were: President C. W. Hodaon. W. B, Olafke. J. L. Hartman and Ed- I ward jfinrmin. The committee irore rthe New York State soolety was composed ot the following: Mrs. Llda M. O Bryan, Judge D. J. Haynes, Mrs. James W. Tifft, Charles C. Fisher, Mrs. Mary Chapel and Arthur P. Tifft Many former residents of New York now. residing in Portland visited the tourists at the hotel this morning and renewed acquaintances of earlier days. The visitors will leave for California tonight to complete their coast Journey and then, after a few days In the south ern state, will leave for New York. THAW TRIM TO - BE 1EJFF1 Leaves Everything to Attor ney and will Plead Tem & porary Insanity. (Joaraal flpaela Berrlca.) New Tork, Aug. 28. A plea of tem porary insanity, from which his client has now recovered and the complete elimination, as far as possible, of the sensational features which marked the last trial, will be the method of Martin W. Littleton, attorney for the defense, in the next trial of Harry Thaw. Long confinement has" made Hairy Thaw less headstrong and more amen able to reason. His attorney declares that no other man could have stood the strain as Thaw has and claims that his client has never been despondent. Thaw states that everything has been placed at the discretion of Littleton and that he will trust to him implicitly. He declares that he will not repeat his former performance of discharging law yers every, few days. BRAVE GIRL SAVES PASSENGERS' LIVES Trainmen Offer Heroine a Purse But She Refuses to Accept Reward. DESCRIPTION OF . TEETHOHLY CLEW Dead 3Ian. Found at Sea view Believed to be Missing Dr. J. M. Smith. MOULEY HAFfD SLAYS SULTAN Reported That Pretender Has Assassinated Moroc can Ruler at tfez. (Joaraal Special Berrlca.) Webster City, Pa., Aug. 28. la sight of an astonished crowd. Carl Pressley, an actor, made a bonfire in the street of $2,600 in paper money, threw his diamond rings and stud in a sewer and then announced to a group of friends in the Park hotel lobby that he was going to Kin nimseir. He took a revolver, walked across the street to a park and calling to passers bv to watch him die, fired a bullet into his brain. He fell dead Instantly. ' S.X Pressley, who was well known inrougnout this and neignrtoring states, had been drinking heavily for tw.o weeks. LACK OF FUNDS IS CAUSE OF SUICIDE (Joaraal SpecUl Service.) New' York, Aug. SS. With: his bag gage on board the steamer Coronia. which sailed - yesterday for-England, - a in . r.i.. W.I Itll nuilllllKll, ILSU 1U) v. uau aaRV, oommltted suicide by shooting himself in tne neaa-at tne international norei here. He had made all plans for the trio but had only 11 la him sockets when found. .-. . (Joaraal Special Scrrica.) Stockton, Cal., Aug. 28. The presence Of mind and grit of Miss Jennie Fassier. who resides at Fassler's spur on the Sierra railway in Tuolmno county, saved several lines and kept a long train from plunging into a chasm, where it would undoubtedly have been destroyed by fire. A grass fire which started alongside the track spread to a bridge and burned out five bent It was only a few mlnuta after she noticed that the brldie was almost destroyed that a train, which consisted of a number of boxcars with passenger coaches, was due. Miss Fassier ran down the track and waving a danger signal brought the train to a stop. Passengers and trainmen heartily thanked her and wanted to make up a purse as a reward, but she declined it - PARLIAMENT ENDS IN ANCIENT MUMMERY i (Journal Special Service.) ' ftondon, Aur- 28. Parliament was pro rogued today with the picturesque old fashioned ceremonial. The king's speech was' nerfunctary. One of the loosest and most arduous sessions fn history is o4M407 tne prosogauon. Should a description of her husband's teeth forwarded to Ilwaco by Mrs. James Marion Smith, widow of the Portland physician who was drowned at Long Beach three weeks ago, tally with the description of the body of a man washed ashore at Ilwaco yesterday, the faith heleV;by Mrs. Smith that the sea would ultimately give up its dead and that the body of her husband would be returned to her will have been strangely justified. Ever since the tragic death of her husband Mrs. Smith, who was almost erased by her bereavement, has stead fastly held that sometime Dr. Smith's body would be restored to her. She has waited and watched dally for reports of the finding of a body in the vicinity of Long Beach. Yesterday her vigil ' was rewarded by a dispatch in The Journal from Ilwaco announcing that the badly decomposed body of a man had been washed ashore nt Seavlew, two miles north of Ilwaco. The telegram stated that there were no means of identification and that the clothing had been washed ; from the body, leaving it absolutely nude. But with every other means of Identi fication gone Mrs. Smith is relying upon the accurate description of her - hus band's teeth furnished by his dentist, Dr. D. Howard Miller of tha Mohawk building. Here is the slender thread of evidence on which Mrs. Smith hopes to establish the identity of the body: Gold filling on lingual surface of the upper right Incisor a good-sized filling. Two upper left bicuspids gold crowned. . , On upper right side back of the cus pids, one or two teeth missing. Biignt as mis evidence is Dr. Miller says that tnere should be no difficulty in determining whether the body washed ashore at Seavlew is that of Dr. Miller or not Mrs. Smith has forwarded the description of the teeth to the coroner at iiwaco, and rirmly believes the mys tery of the dead body will be explained wnen me teem are pxaminea. Dr. Smith was an osteopathic phy sician of Portland and the first part of ausubi was spending nts vacation at Long Beach. On August 8 he and his lS-Vear-old son were ha thin a- when the Doy got Deyona nis aeptn in a deep crab hole between the beach and the bar wnicn nad rormed beyond It Dr. Smith. Who was attired in a bathing suit, swam niter nis ooy, out tne two were separ ated by t,he dangerous undertow and me lamer was camea Deyona nis depth and where he could make no headway against the current . Bystanders managed to save the boy's me. out vr. gmiu sank before help could reach him. - On the afternoon of the dav that the nysician was drowned people on the each sighted Dr. Smith's body In the surf off Tioga but It disappeared before they. could secure it, and nothing has been-heard of It since then. k - JJUY Smith was 85 vears old and lived at 288 Vi Washington street with his wife and two sons. Mrs. Smith ahd her sons returned to Portland on the even ing following the tragedy. (Journal Special Barries.) Tangier, August 28. It is rumored here that the sultan has been assassin ated by Mouley Hafld in his palace at Fes. According to the report Which reached here, a column of the sultan's troops were attacked and 20 killed be fore the assassins reached the ruler and out him to death. it was believed tnat Mouiey Hand. pretender to the throne, had started for casa Ulanca to take charge of the na tive troops. Aodul Asia, the dead sul tan, had diminished his bodyruard. be lieving nimseir safe rrom attack ror the time. The descent of the pretender upon the capital was unexpected and the flgnt for the protection of the' sultan was oner. When the pretender proclaimed him self sultan more than a week ago. many or the ehiertans or the strongest hill tribes recognized his claim and Joined his army. It was predicted that there would be a fierce struggle for the throne, but it was believed that the at tack against the foreigners at Casa BJanca would come first The wily Mouley Hafld dispatched re inforcements to the attacking tribes men at Casa Blanca, but remained be hind himself with a considerable bodv of troops to slay the sultan. As soon as the death of the sultan became known general satisfaction was expressed by most of the people and Mouley Hafkl hailed as ruler. According to the reDort received barn ttfe pretender will proceed to Casa Blanca Immediately to take personal command of the troops there. ROOT IS GOING TO CALL ON PRESIDENT Portland Tract Sacrificed; For Benefit of Depositors in Defunct Savings Bank " Lies at Montgomery and Water Streets. V (Joaraal Special Service.) White Plains. Aug. 28. It is reported Secretary Root will make a flying trip to confer with the president at Oyster Bay Saturday. MARTINIQUE FEELS EARTHQUAKE SHOCK (Joaraal Special Service.) Fort de France, Martinique. Aug. 28. An earthquake of great, severity was felt here last night at 10:60. No dam age has yet been reported. Warehouse property In Portland worth $50,000, and approximately 7,109 acres of Oregon and Washington wheat lands will go in to swell the resource back of the suspended Oregon Trust Savings bank, to guarantee payment of dollar for dollar to the depositors. These properties President W. H. Mooraj has cheerfully volunteered to the cause and today Instructed his attorney, A. B. Reames, to draw up the papers trans-, ferrlng them to Receiver T. O. Devlin. "I have full Instructions from Mr. Moore, and will proceed with all rea sonable dispatch to prepare the descrip tions and deeds," said Mr. Reames. 'The Sropertles will be listed, and deeds rawn to Receiver Devlin, and the transfer will be made as soon as tha clerical work can be accomplished. " -XAnOs AU Yaluable. , Mr. Moore said the lands are averasa eastern Oregon wheat lands He de clined to place specific values oa the property, but said most of It had 40 bushels of wheat to the acre- this year, -About 4,450 acres are in Sherman. Gil liam, Morrow and Benton counties and, the value Of all wheat landa -In theaa counties has long been established at irom zo to iou .per acre. : -. --: 4, Aboat 1.40U acres of similar lands re cently purchased In the Walla Wall wheat belt by Mr. Moore also go Into the list turned over to the receiver, making a total of more than 7,800 acres. The warehouse nrottertv in Portland to be turned over consists of lots at Montgomery and Waten streets. These were purchased by Mr. Moore only few weeks ago, and are regarded aa i valuable for manufacturing or ware house purposes, as they are accessible) to the river and railroads. Receiver Devlin sad today: . -"Mr. Moore is takrke action to reim- burse depositors to tm fullest extent possible, and has given instructions that a large acreage of what lands and other property be turned over to the receiver to assist if necessary in paying deposl ors dollar for dollar. The work of mak ing out descriptions and deeds will re quire considerable time. 1 Begin Checking Securities Tomorrow. The securities that were shipped b express from New York arrived hero yesterday afternoon, and have been checked over. The total amounts agree with the several statements that have) been made by the bank's officers. There was no written record of the amounts of securities sent so far as I know of. , It will take a long time to list and check out the commercial paper.- This task win he begun tomorrow morning ana there will be no unnecessary delay." - J The song of the adding machine la heard at the bank- from morning till night and a force of half a- dosen clerks . is busily ferreting out papers and check lng books and accounts. The officers of the bank are devoting their entire) ' time to assisting the receiver in hand ling accounts and collections and ex plaining the multitudinous business " transactions that occur in the everyday; life of a banking and trust company.-- It is believed the receiver will be in a position within a few days to mako a complete report of the bank's-assets and liabilities, after which a reasonably; close estimate can be made by deposit- (Continued on Page Two.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS MAYASK FORSABBATH LID ' Front Street Dealers In Produce Somewhat Divided Rc- garding Sunday Closing District Attorney Man ning will Take no Action Unless Requested. . Commission merchants of Portland are also beginning to long for the peace ful Sabbath quiet now being enjoyed by the saloonmen, the grocers and the blacksmiths, thanks to the humane ex tension by , District , Attorney Manning of the law of the land over these crafts and trades. The commission men have been dis cussing the matter since first :the . sa loons refused to open their doors "In defiance of the law and when the , gro cers asked to be released from the task of taking In money Sunday, and ; later the blacksmiths . Joined in the chorus with the result that the ' smithies of Multnomah count belched forth jio smoke August 25 or any Sunday there after; then the men who vend produce for a portion of, the profits thereof grew audible in their longings for free dom. v . --,f : ;'.;,( - . : As yet however, no - surcease ; has come-to them because of the fact that the farmer holds tha whin, the firm.. add the commiaison men who do not long for Sunday quiet, Practically all of the commission men, or a large ma jority of them, at least, have expressed themselves as destrina- t places oa Sunday and thus be allowed i wholly to Join the happy caravan t Caaadero and -wayside points. District Attorney Manning up to this time has heard no more than occasional muttertngs of discontent but nothing of an official nature. He states, too, that he will not take action in the matter unless the commission men come to hint and ask that, such action be taken. That attitude therefore is the stum bling block standing in the path to pleasure sought by, the commission mer chant a. As long as a few out of ths list are of . greedy nature and maintain their. places. open Sunday the others of more le,isure!y Intent, must go and do likewise, or else run the risk of Joeing the patronage of certain of their fammr friends. On the other hand ths com mission men who desire to close are disinclined to - make a request -of the district .attorney for fear that by od. lng they would cross the teeUn-s of tut producers and thus turn thair btiain"- into' tba channala which hail ba-n Jng to do business oa Sunday as s I The aueatlon Is reeelWna- verv " ous - consideration limwf, ;! cmr'.-'-sion men and It la poai-iM thi c .,-y may brave the tne prod... - r and ask that thev be f,u ' J ' to 4oo business on the i..ti h. 1 less they do thl howaver, ttiy t..i compelled to labor un Hr h rr. r., . ditkma aa now prevail. W4i i,.-.r rtfirtnv will take no atiun In t -a t i on liia own initiative.