THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENINO. AUGUST .. 87. 1807. Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants ar Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Want , K-i. Popul FOR ALB REAL ESTATE . r REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS nrANTUN JRECOM MENDS. Two story 6-room modern residence, . Mimon at., petween 23d and 24tn. 40x121, 13.800, one half cash. ..000 ft. C.rnAm hmtaa almnat nmm CorurtloL SOxlOO. One block from oar. Iffninutes out A snap. A noma of & rooma, Alblna homestead, ne block from Union ava car. Lot 0x100. 12,100, half caah. Balance to ult Cottags S rooma on 28d at., north. De liable neighborhood. Lot 40x100. Price, 18700. Can arrange termi. Wa also have a number of cholca homes, Irvlngton, Holladay and Nob HU1. Portland homes our specialty. THE BPANTON CO., 270 Stark st. FOR SALE 8 LOT8 AT WOODSTOCK ( blocks from carllne. with barn; fenced; 1600. Inquire at (67 Hood at., city. FOR BALK. 12.800 1KVINOTON BUN galow; swell location; a snap; owner leaving city. 827 19th st. Phone East 17. BUCHTEL KERNS MAKE A 6PK- elslty of east side realty, rentals. loans, etc. 30Z . Morrison st. FOR SALE -REAL ESTATE. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 11,81)0 buys this new 6-room modern, full cement basement, oement steps and .walks. $400 cash. $1,760, new -room modern, fine lo cation, near two carllnes, large lot; $460 caah. , $1,200 for this new 4-room houso, 2 Iota; corner, $100 caah, balance $1( month. See this. $1,100 will buy thla C-roore house, lot $0x100: H cash. DIAMOND REALTT CO., 263 Alder. Room 10. McKINLEY PARK. Lota and acres for aale on good terma; Lota from $100 to $160 each. Acres from $460 to $760 each. Mount Scott line runs tnrouah tract. Call on Gunderson & Williams, rooma zoo ana zo Monawn mag. $2.100 Six-room house. In South Portland, near Hamilton ave. Owner. room zun, aionawK Ding. For .balkijte8Tock FRE8H COW i FOR SALE, JERSEY and Durham mixed. 741 K. 18th st. For aLe Cheap, i fuesii cows. Raster's place, Lents. I PlNti F'RKSH c6w8 FOR SALE AT 248 Front st. GOOD FRESH COW. 1 MILK EAST OF Mt. Tabor, reservoir. Dell Elliott FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WILL SELL MY BEAUTIFUL RE8I- sTAItilal n 4 7 enum at . m !-. W .l.l modern, for $300 less If taken this week, for reason of a business opportunity. Six months' rent at 330 Der month uaranteed, phone Wood lawn 8 $7. 1C C. R. Douncll & Co. REAL ESTATE. loom 12, 268 Stark st. FINE- 30 4 TTAOE8 LOWEST PRICES. 4 rooms, plenty of fruit. 600 to $1.900 6-room modern, full limHIrto mam a ml .Lot pl llvht.. f lh. plaster; 8-minute car service; all new. inrpjlre 208 4th. Tel. Main 8990. ACRES. CLOSE IN AND NEAR CAR Hne; might take part trade. J. W. Rutherford. 617 Commercial bk. ANTHONY HARDY, LINNTON. OR.. residence and business lots, water front and factory sites; farms and tim ber lands. , KILLINGS WORTH AVE. For sale. 4 lots. St. Johns car line. Address C-466, Journal. $650 FINE CORNER, 60x100; SMALL house; Sellwood cht. 714 Tacoma ave. 1 ACRES IN FRUIT. BERRIES AND grapes; 7-room house with basement new, not finished; near carllne in city; terms. O-109, Journal. t-ROOM COTTAGE AND" CORNER lot, corner 22d and Taggart, $1,600. Owner on premises. NEW MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE. ONE block from car line; about $600 caah, balance easy terms. A Urge, strictly modern 4-room cot tage, electric light, gas. wood hoist, laundry in basement, cement floor. About $500 cash, balance easy terms. Northeast cor. Borlhwlck and Kllllng- worth. Phone E. 6404. GOOD 8-ROOM HOUSE, LAWN, FLOW ers, ten minutes' walk from center of city. 13,200. half cash. See owner, 289 Halsey st. E. 1994 Plans andwexictflcatlons free. Re liable estimates given; money furnished when required. Office 427 Lumber Ex. bldg Phone Main 6864. FiUey Park Two 6-room and one 6-room cottage; $300 to $400 down; easy monthly pay ments. Office 427 Lumber Ex. bldg. Phone Main 5864. BIO SNAP FULL BLOCK. 8 LOTS, near carllne; $1,600; good terms. Commonwealth Trust Co., 6th and An keny. TWO LOTS, BLOCK 20, CITY VIEW Park, very sightly; $1,600, half cash, balance on easy terms at 7 per cent. Aaurews n-ioi, journal. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$S$$$$l$t$$S$$$ For new or second-hand furniture go to THE DOLLAR; largest stock In the city. Square dealing. Prices always right. The Dollar, zaz lsi si. $$l$$$$$$$$$$$$$$t$$$$$$$l$Mm$ HOLDENS RHEUMATIC CURE SURE cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. . FREE F6R EVERYBODY RtNO f Main 4890 or call 218 Front st We buy and sell furniture, clothing or any old thing. Bti6W CASES AND FIXTURES. NEW and second-han. J as. x. Marsnau Mfg. Co.. 28 Couch at. , FOR SALE ONE HOTEL, RANGE. Inquire 171 1st st FINE EDISON MACHINE AND GOOD feature Sim for sale cheap. Room 2. 146H th. near Alder, FOR " SALE T'-HORSEPOWER OLD'S runabout, good as new. Price, $260. 3S5 Eugene at. Phone, East 1872. CANARY BIRDS FINE SINGERS. carefully bred birds; fine stock. 1171 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 96. 3 HORSEPOWER GASOLINE DRAG- saw suitable for sawing 4-foot wood In- timber; will cut 80 to 40 cords per day; good condition. Inquire at 416 E. i Morrison. 2 FULL AND 1 HALF TICKETS TO Denver, Colorado Springs or t'ueDio. A. C, Journal. iiijjii$Jii$m$ummmmmm AUTOMOBILES HOWARD M. COVET, Aewnt Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobiles, Cadlllao and Knox. Temporary location Club Garage. 16th and Alder sts. BLANK-ROOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM. 10-111 2D t. Blank books manufactured; agents for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf, the best on the market EDUCATIONAL BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES 8. BIRKENWALD A CO., 204-801 Ev erett st, largest butcher supply bouse on the coast. Write for catalogue. BATCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH" A. Dekvm, 131-183 1st St., carries a full line and c irlete assortment at lowest market prlcei. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. FreeS FOR ONE WEEK MORE. BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE, . One of my CONS! ' STATION READ INGS. The above CONSULTATION READING will be Given Free to every person who comes prepared to take one of my celebrated ($5 00 Psy chopalmo Readings for only $1.00) to all who bring this paper ad. BEHNKE-WALKEK BUSINESS COL LEGE, Elks' Building. Portland, Oregon. Chsrtier shorthand and Blise book keeping as taught In the Behnke-Walker will lead you to success. Facts 737 roll a for halo and placed $11 slnoe Aug. 1, 110$. Will place you when compe tent Enroll now. -RD&K WTf BUSINESS COLLEGE. Elegant new quarters on 6th street nesr postofflce. Pitman shorthand by court reporter; 10 to 40 per cent asved on expenses. W. W. Williams, M. B., Prln. II BRON86N" saLm6N'S studio of shorthand and typewriting; full course 'In 12 weeks; open all summer; established 1888. Mllner Diag, i r ana Morrison. Send your boy to hill military academy, I'ortlana, i.. write ior ci alogue. a prIVate! Secretary! : nUllllVa nuainr.1 vuilCBi', ' -- ton and 10th sts.. Portland, Oregon, has raised Its commercial courses to the standard of a university training. The r vita secretary course may imj iiu 'either day or night lw not decide upon a school until you nave written lor in formation. Open every day and evening. BAIfKS. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES M. J. WALSH CO.. 311 STARK ST., Electric, and Gas Fixtures and Supplies, Mantels, Tiling, Grates and Doglrons. PXCIFIC-eEecTrTC CO. EtfOl neers, contractors, repslrers, electrlo wiring, supplies. 94 1st cor. Stark. Msln $9. R.TH.Tate, Mgr. We want both vacant and Improved roporty for sale In all parts of city, all on us. JACK4HN A DEERING, Phone Main 846. 246 Stark st. H. P. PALMER. M. VAN ALSTINE. PALMER-VAN ALSTINE CO., REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE, 222 Failing Bldg. Main 5661. A-2663. LOTS 100x290 ALL Ts CULTIVA tion, close to 10-room school at Lents; extra bargain $400; terms; 6c fare. O. R. Addlton. Lents. Or. NEW. MODERN. UP-TO-DATE 6-ROOM hou!e by owner. 116 K. 84tn at. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE, IN HOLLA- day's addition, close to car snd walk ing distance; for quick sale only $3,250. J. W. Rutherford, 617 Commercial bk.; M. 61?0. A SIGHTLY RESI DENCE, LOT 60x100, Bull Run water, cement walks curbs all paid for. and less than FOR SALE $2,600. LARGE. WELL- Dullt new house: store. 8 rooms and bath. Pretty home, good business. Will pay 14 per cent Owner, 192 East 86th st. 60x100 LOT ON SELLWOOD ST.. NEAR Union ave. Will take $S00 for quick sale. Don't miss this If you Intend to build. See Dement & King, 242 Madi son. Main 6202. For Bale 16 Iron frame school desks; rood as new. The Dollar. l222828$28$$$22$$882t$l$88$$UIII?l FOR SALE CHEAP VIOLIN. ROOM 3. 23 N. 26th s t. FOR SALE, CHEAP ENGLISH SET ter dog, 6 months old. 765 E. Everett. PERSONAL. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN? 43 acres rich bottom land. 6 acres of beaver dam, 1,600 cords wood, 1 mile to HUlsboro. $2,250 If sold tn next 10 days. Q-106, Journal. FOR SALE GOOD INCOME BUSINESS property, by owner. G-485, Journal. FOR SALE FARMS 'uuiOf good saw timber that c f na logged, on the balance. 90 (WO I T.1 , l 1 .11 . , , - , . , . m . i uiimiiu. 1 1 (H.. o well i 1 1 V t- i j puu i i r n tlIl?,m ,CViV6' Ha JLm Urn lanced. There are two houses, thre 1, mw. Tnf rn yolth ' h , Co" barns, outbuilding.,, orchard, spring. lumbla Trust Co.. Couch bldg. and ,evera, runnin creeks on th SIGHTLY CORNER For sale, 100 feet on Kllllngsworth ave. Northeast frontage. Address L-4 56, Journal. $10,600 CORNER, GRAND AVE., ONE of the best buys on Grand ave.; a good Investment. J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand Ave, and E. Ankeny. $800. HOUSE AND 2 IXT8. On improved St., nice location, In Woodstock; terms. J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. BENTON COUNTY STOCK FARM. 480 acres, 100 acres under cultiva tion. 130 acres in pasture; 6.000.000 feet can be easily miles from fenced and cross ree s g creeks on the place; noli Is first-class. This is a fine stock and dairy farm. The timber alone in almost worth the money asked for the place. The price is $20 per acre. DEVLIN FIREBAUGH, 608-609 Swetland bldg. . THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY Br. Mary lame Formerly with the X-Rsdlum Medical Institute, has severed all connection with that Institution and can now be found with the Dr. Mary Lane Institute Where she will be pleased to aee any of her old patients. DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHIL dren a specialty; suffering women will do well to consult me; consultation free; correspondence solicited. Rooms 6 to 14. Grand Theatre bldg. Phone Main 3928. Correspondence confidential. ; wTcsTWiiJ ELECT RTc W6flKfl. 8th st Contractors, electrlo supplies, motors snd dynamos; we Install light and nower plants. This la strictly a matter of business I Xa r,na iSK1kf .fetfcif"! M. i4i E on your part to call at my office and Morrison st Fixtures, wiring, re- ToniiV.i,,!,r, w,ln my Bl "1 iJAi- I pairing. East 3128, and SCIENTIFIC work. A hint to the j foTRfiANKH MOHHF Wise Is sufficient. rAIRUANKS, MORSE- dynamos. Stork sts A. C. -MOTORS AND and D. C 1st and HARDWARE Because there Is no person In life thai I'ftn. " wuiwvo does not meet with trouble. In the path TTwrPwTnBnrT of life, which they cannot overcome PO,RTAISP.W,Ri? M.RVno7 without help. And you now have the ; id-'n1gy-,rf " "Jj-ZH0" Min 200( aolden nnnortnnlt v wiTllniTT PRiri" l 1 to consult one of the most SCIEN TIFIC OCCULT PHILOSOPHERS IN AMERICA this week. I know when I ' WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS have demonstrated to you that I am made to order. Portland Hardware en rapport with the MOST POWERFUL Co.. 74 tth. SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE that can sd- 1 vise and help you. When you are in need of such advice and helo vou will call and see Tim ipt i pimp DTDnDviu xi am 4th snd Salmon i HOTEL Portland. Am. plan, $1, 5 day. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREOOK. - Northwest Corner Third anl Ok Wtreeta. . , Transset. - OeneraT Banking Bualnee. DRAITS ISSOTCD Awflrtlt) AllCltles of the United States and Europe, Honjkons and Manila. Collectton "-'J-AWSWOKTH ICshfer....... ti wHOL? Vlce-Presidtnt. r. lea BARNES Awlatant cah er. ...... .W. X OUS . Assistant Cashier A. M. W-.IGHT ' ' , T AI)D TH-TON, BANKERS Portland. Ore$jon. . I5tuJ,!"n?? 1Mfc- i Havings books issued on savings deposits. Interest paid on time dposte. M'IOT- NATIONAL BANK Port Is nd, Oregon. , --.M--t 1 "ANK WATSON.. President I R. L DURHAM. ...... .yice-PMeldeni R- W. hoyt Cashier I OEOROH W. HOTT. .AiiJttant Caahlef T -,... S. C. CATCHING. .. .Seoond Assistant Cashier t..,l ' iransocts a General Banking Business. Drafts and Letters of Crefl1 MUa Available to All parts of the World. Collectlona Wneolalty. THf; RANK OF CALIFORNIA EstnbllHhed 1884. Head Offloo, San Rr?l"f?i ' tapltal paid up $4,000,000 I Surplus nt undivided profit J10.Is8.i7I General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. lntereitTOB Time Deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts msy be opened f $1 WP .,, ward Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Bulldtag. . ' 1 WM. R. MACREA Manager J. T. BURTCH AELL Aae't Manage FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland. Or. Oldest National Bank on PaclflO Coe.$ CAPITAL AND SITRPI.ITfl li Rnn nnn nn nrpnuiT". 114 000.000.t0 " . .' 1 W. r. ALVOTID Assistant JJ ' 1! V STEVEN? .Second Ass ttCasMet , A. L. MILLS J. W. NKWKIRK. . . , .President Cashier TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $2 200 oco General Banking. TWO per jent Interest on check accounts (even hundreds) on dally balances of I60Q or over Letters of credit snd exchange on nil parts of the world. 8,'n.?: counts. Time certificates. 8 to 4 per cent; short-call -rectal certificates, ISO" or over. 2U to 4 per cent Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS" Southeast Corner Third and Onk Sts Phone Private Exchange Tl. BENJ I. COHEN President I II. L PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary I J O C.OLTRA Assistant Secretary SECURITY SAVINOS TRUST CO. 288 Morrison Street. Portland. Oregon. Transacts a General Banking Ruslness. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Inter, est allowed on Time and Havings Aocoiints. Acts as Trustee for Estate Drafts snd Letters of Credit Available on All Parts of the World. C F. ADAM8 President I L. A. LEWIS First Vice-President A. L. MILLS. . .Second Vice-President R. C. JUBITZ Secretary . GEO. E RUSSELL Assistant Secretary ITLE OTTARANTEE TRUST COMPANY 14') Washington Street MORTGAGE IOANS ON Portland Real Estate at Lowest Katea. Title Insured Ahntrmntn Furnished. J. THORBURN ROSS President I JNO. E A ITCH I SON Secretary GEORGE H. HILL. . . .Vice-President I T T. PURKH ART Treasurer HOTELS IB BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerce Building. D Municipal. Railroad snd Public Service Corporation Bonda. OWNINO-HOPK1NS COMPANY Established 1 82 BROKERS. DON'V BUY A FARM. WHEAT OR stock ranch, until you talk with Turner, he knowj where to find them. Office. 303 H Washington st. ACREAGE NEAR ESTACADA CAR line; good county road; best of soil; mostly under cultivation, on creek; $126 to $225 per acre; best of terms. Com monwealth Trust Co., 6th and Ankeny. TIMEER, $1,200. LOT 50x100. Near "E-A" carllne, not for out; aewer, water, gas; It's cheap. J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand ave. und E. Ankeny. rein oat i. (Mir a T- ti nu-v-CD Mpw LOOKING FOR TIMBER? well-built. finely rinlshed 7-room ""f -'7 ......ub.. house, thoroughly modern. 82 E. 28th ' 0UJ", VB,?m ot fVer examlnatlone et near Stark which enables you to determine the ault- - nn'Tt-p'Tiilv mvuTTvn ability of a tract without spending time BETTER THAN BANKING. or money. If our general report lndl- 3 new cottagea. modern, will pay 10 per ih.t hv ht vnu want our cent net on investment Inquire Gor- i estimates by two and a half acres are don, owner, 208 4th. 'Phone Main 3990. M.iv verified TRY "THE LACEY WAY." JAMES D. LACEY tk CO., 828 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, 607 Lumber Exchange. Seattle. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD to timber buyers only; we have a few choice tracts for sale which we own. Have detailed estimates by forties. G. F. Sanbourn & Co., 401-2-3 Buchanan hldg The original and only Dr. Mary Lane Lady phvslclan, with the old established X Ra'dlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium For years Is still at the old stand. Dr. Mary Lane sunerlntendent of Chicago Wo men's Hospital, treats diseases of wo- ; men and children exclusively; ladles needing Immediate assistance will oon sult their best Interests by communicat ing with me; no fee for consultation; correspondence absolutely confidential; maternity cases given special atten tion. Respectable arrangements made for the adoption of infants. The finest equipped sanitarium In the northwest. Office, 253 Alder, corner 3d. Portland, Or. Phones Main 2796. Home A-Z7&" INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE, FIRE INSURANCE, 84 4 Sherlock bldg. Greatest living astral dead trance clalr- : BELVEDERE. European; 4 fh and Alder, voyant of the age; ADVISER OF Bl'81- i ISH-aa AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE; whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though mll-s away; reunites the separated; gives se cret powers to oontrol others; no dif ference how close or how far away, you can always obtain your desired results. Tells you just how, where and when to Invest your money to obtain the best possible results. If you are sick, mel ancholy, disheartened or discouraged, IX) NOT GIVE UP IN DESPAIR; come and receive spiritual advice that will help you to receive HEALTH. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS I will do all others advertise to do. and a great deal more. JAB. Mel. WOOD, EMPLOYERS' LlA blllty and Individual accident security bonds of all kinds. Phone 47. 802 Mo-Kajldg. LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds. Including approved forest re servo scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed. .nice, xnus. o ana , Li ra na 1 neatre wmDer snu prairiw Kuvenniinn mnu. ii. STOCKS. BOND8. GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. Private Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main tt. Overbeck & Cooke Companyl Couch bldir, 4th St.. near Washington. GRAIN. PROVISIONS. COTTON. STOCKS A N D BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. . t GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. houtliern I'acinc. ARRIVING PORTLAND. 8:16 a. m. II Oregon Express 7:25 a. m. 1 ( ottage Grove Passenger. . 11 :00 a. rn. ! ShHsta Express 7:30 p. m. I Portland Express 11:30 p. nu WEST SIDE. I Corvallls Passenger 8:65 p. m. i Sheridan Passenger 10:20 a. m, Forest Grove Passenger 8:08 a. m. I Forest Grove Passenger . . . 2:60 p. m. LEAVING PORTLAND. Shasta. ExDress Cottage Grove Passenger . 4.15 p. m. California Express 7:45 p. m. San Francisco Express ....11:30 p. m. WEST SIDE. Corvallls Passenger 7:00 a. m. Sheridan Passenger 4:10 p. m. Forest Grove Passenger ...11.00 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger ... 6:20 p. m. Northern Pacific. bldg. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Bexlne Pills cure all weakness ; $1 a box, 6 for $5; full guarantee. Address or call J. G. Clemenson, druggist Port land, Or. 352 1-2 WasMnton Phone Main 1267. M. Hamilton, "The Portland," Portland LEATHER AND FINDINGS SEER SEER SEER SEER SEER SEER SEER SEER Prophetess THE EMINENT SEER AND HEALER, VIOLA MARSHF1ELD BEST KNOWN CLAIRVOYANT IN THE WEST. 268 14 MORRISON ST. THE COSMOS SEER SEER SEER SEER SEER SEER SEER SEER CHARLE8 L. MASTICK & CO., FRONT and Oak pi., leather ami sklna of every description for sll purposes; sole and tap cutters; findings. MONIMENT8 NEU A KINGSLEY. 268 1ST ST. Portland's leading marble and granite works. $1,600 CASH 10-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 60x125, block from car, Montavllla. Main 4511. Call 335 Clay. CLIFFS, WASHINGTON, LAUNCHED, many buildings under way, hundreds visiting town to Invest. Don't miss it. Office on ground. Go via O. R. & N. to Rufus, Or., and ferry. City office J. J. Reld ft Co., 266 Stark st. CLIFFS, WASHINGTON, LAUNCHED, many buildings under way, hundreds visiting town to invest. Don't miss it. Office on ground. Go via O. R. A N. to Rufus, Or., and ferry. City office J. J. Reld A Co.. 266 Stark St. Large new modern bungalow. $4,500; $500. $30 monthly. New 7 room colonial house. $3,000; $300. $25 monthly. Phone Eawt 675. A. REINER. PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealskin garments redyed and re modeled; expert fitter: estimates given; lowest prices. 663 Washington. Phone Main 7808. MOLES, WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. No charge to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 830 Flled ner bldg. Phone Pacific 136. Balm of figs for all female diseases. f26 E. Belmont Phone East 4034. PRIVATE HOSPITAL. HOME FOR MAY ANDREWS. CARD READER, AT 325 Main St., 25c. Phone Main 7548. ! MOXEY TO LOAN Tacoma and Seattle Exp 8:30 a. m. North Coast tt Chicago Llm. 2:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 4:30 p. m. Overland Express 11:45 p. m. i North Const Limited : Portland Express ... Overland Express .... i Puget Sound Limit.! . 7:00 a. m. . 4:18 p. m. . 8:11 p. ro, .10:88 p. m. Oregon Railroad Navigation Company Local Passenger 8:00 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8 30 a. m. Spokane Flyer 7:00 p. m. Kan. City A Chi. Exp 7:40 p. m. I Spokane Fiver 8:00 a. m. 1 Chi.. Kan Cttv A Port. Ex.. 8:46 a, m. I Chicago-Port land Special .. 8:20 p. m, 1 Local Passenger 8:45 p. n. Astoria & Columbia River. Astoria & Port. Ilj!etjger.1f4:10 p. m Portland Express ......... .10:00 p. m. Astoria and Seaside Exp 8:00 a. m. Astoria A Seaside Express. 6:00 p. m. o..i. on-f.i.1 3:10 P. m. Dally except Sunday. "Saturday only.AII other tralnsdaly. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS JOHN A. MELTON, 204 4TH ST. OF flce and store fixtures built and re modeled; showcases and counters. Phone Main 1787. E. MELTON OFFICE. STORE F1X tures; general Jobbing. 67 1st st Phone Msln 3190 MONEY MONEY MONEY unfortunate girls; good care. ner bldg. 8 Mil- LADY'S BARBER SHOP NOW OPEN at 64 4th St.; will teach 2 respectable ladies the trade. DR. BING CHOONO. IMPORtER CHI nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea. certain cure for all diseases. 191 2d at. between Yamhill and Taylor. TERMS OR CASH FOR 6-ROOM house; modern improvements; lot 60x 100; near carllnes; must sell at once. Owner. 866 Weldler. TIMBER LANDS. Intending purchasers desiring to be located upon lands with heavy timber in the land grant of the Oregon A California railroad In southern Oregon can secure the same by acting quickly. Locatl- foes including all necessary at torney's fees are reasonable. Address J. E. Verdin. Grants Pass. Or. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT, 60a Ladles' aklrte pressed, 60c. Gil bert. 106 H Sixth at, next to Quelle. Phone Main 2088. DR. MARY KRAMER. MIDWIFE; home for patients; treatment for all blood diseases; examination free. 861 Mississippi ave. East 6643. ACRE HOME WITH ORCHARD. Colonial house, well built. 8 rooms, nicely situated, on W.-W. carllne. 25 minutes out, a full acre with young or chard of selected fruit; this place af- WILL TRADE SUBURBAN LOTS FOR house nnd lot or your Interest. Room fords comforts of farm with advantages I 1 L 268 Stark st RELINQUISHMENT IN county, house and barn from railroad; will sell cheap. W. J. Cook, 501 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Main 4977. CHRONIC, NERVOUS AND SPECIAL diseases of men and women cured by modern scientific methods; electric treat ment for diseases of the prostate; con- DOUGLAS ; sulfation free. Dr. W. I. Howard. Corn three miles monwoalth bldg.. 6th St.. cor. Pine. CARPET CLEANING STANDARD CARPET CLEANINO CO. Largest plant on coast; Lorlng and Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpets WKD AND SATURDAY TILL 8 P. M. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. GET J10 TO $100. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." LOWEST RATES EASIESTPA YMENTS A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU. REMEMBER, IF ITOIJ WORK, WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. STATE SECURITY CO., 704 DEKt'M BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. MACHINERY THE H. C. ALBEE CO. SECOND manhlnerv. sawmills, etc 248 Grand ave. ATT PAUL 100 1ST ST. A COM plete line sawmill machinery; also engines and noners. cleaned, refitted, sawed and laid: steam and compressed air process; renovating mattresses sn1 feathers a specialty. JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THE i Electric Cleaning works; carpets c.eaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning;, carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main 2t2 and A-2672 270 Grant st MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONE MONEY OSTEOPATHIC PHY8IC1ANL lillebelleTa -i.n.f nn nervous acute and chronic diseases. Office 217 Fenton bldg. Phone Pacific 1190 DR. kum Phone "rTB. NORTHRUP. 416-16-17 DE im bldg., 8d and Washington sts, is Main 349. Examination free. PRINTING CHIROPRACTORS L. M GORDON. D. C. SrTRNTTFTP pinal adjustment, acute and chronic I MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, diseases, hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. I chattel mortgages or personal e-86-87 Raleigh bldg. curlty; notes bought C. W. Paliett 804 Fenton bldg. . MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for build- qGILBEE BROS., PRINTERS CARDS, Ing purposes, for from a to 10 years' j billheads, etc. Phone Main 1858. time, with privilege to repay all or part 145i Bt Bt l l lUItll U1ICI l V. I ' Ill o . " tJ proved from plans and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED H STRONG, Financial Agent 242 Stark st. MODERN PRINTERY, PHONE PA ciflo 1626. R. 26, Russel bldg.. 4th and Morrison sts. PLUMBERS COAL AND WOOD FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE L7 be I cI7B$aX. old now at a sacrifice; only $2,000 pur- balance on terms to milt For information ownerHMwood 4fi or 167. $2,200 6-RDOM MODERN HOUSE ON Marguerite near Hawthorne; corner; plenty room for another house; 8 flno cherry trees; improved street; nice lo cation. Can give good terms. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO. 6th and Ankeny. WILL inADR IN A LOT IN GOLD smlth addition for house and lot, east or west side, nnrt rtav dlffrenre I.. A telephone j Patterson, room if. 268 Stark St. TO EXCHANGE HOME8EEKERS. HAVE YOU SEEN Hancock street addition? If not. take a Rose City park car and get off at 8S2 Sandy road, corner of E. 29th. and ask for agent. If you are looking Tor a good invemmeni now is tne time. HAVE FOUR QUARTER AND SIX half acres at K. 26th st, one block from car. one from church, excellent soil. Bull Run water, easy payments. R. V. Belford, owner. Phone East 4788. LOTS $90 TO $125. NEAR ROSE CITY Park; installments of $5 a month; buy a bunch and double your money in one year. L. A. Patterson, room 11, 268 Stark. 8 lots with nice 5-room house, fruits, woodhouse, etc; nice corner property; 6 minute car service; 20 minutes' ride to 2d ard Washington; will exchange for Improved acreage and pay difference. AddreaH 410 SuTinnn St. TURKISH BATHS, 800 OREGONIAN bldg.; ladles days, gentlemen nights. Main 1968. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOV els. etc.; German, English. French. Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all kinds. Schmale Co.. 228 First st DON'T WORRY $10 TO $100 LOANED salaried neonle with or without se- i-UKii,ANO dawuubj & HLAHWOOD ' curlty. Crescent Loan Co.. zs aio- ' ! www . . -, . im .... ..... f. v j r ur . nn nn ijiuk- ton wood co. fir. oak, slab wood. coal. Tel. Main 1986. FORPROMPT" DELIVERY OF SLAB wood call Main 4875. Oak. ash. fir and coal. Portlpnd Wood & Coal Co, 16th and Savler sts. ELECTRIC VAPOR BATHS MAS sage. electricity. 145 6th, room 25. MADAM VASHTI VAPOR AND TUB baths, massage, alcohol rubs. 201 H 3d st: MANICURING, BATH AND MASSAGE, competent attendants. 110H 4th, cor ner Washington. FOR SALE NICE. NEW, MODERN u room cottage; large attic; will be fin ished in two weeks. East Main, near 42d. 1229 East Main. BY OWNER NEW. MODERN. 7-ROOM and 9-roorn houses, Holladay Park ad dition. Lots for sale. Phone East 2482. R B. Rice, 890 Wasco St. HORSES, Y EHICLliS, HARNESS 60 EASTERN OREGON HORSES 60. At auction at the Union Stockyards. Portland, Or., on Thursday, Aug. 29, 1 o'clock p. m.. sharp. In this lot are some broken saddlers, some broke to work and a fine lot of unbroken horses, some fine one and two-year-old colts will grow Into money and should not he overlooked by farmers that want to make money; also two fine saddle horses, well gaited and gentle, for a lady to ride. At the close of the sale we "will sell a hlRh-going, fivo-year-old imported Coach stallion. Come to the sale, and remember the date. TWADDLE & RICHARDS. MRS. O. BROCK. GRADUATE MA8 seuse; cabinet both, salt glow, alcohol rub. cream massage; references. 282 Park st. Pacific 2611. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. SNAP TWO-ROOM HOUSE, WOOD fiber plaster; fine lot 50x100 on 798 East 84th St. Woodstock car. Only $700, owner. ONE ACRE OF GROUND AND BUILD lngs. 109 Maxwell ave., Stewarts sta tion, Mount Scott. HOUSE AND 2 LOTS, ALL PLANTED. and fruit, tool, crop, wood, etc., for $850. Take W. W. car up to Hellman station, walk y, blocks to the left; see owner and save commission. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN, block from car line. Easy terms. Ap- ply 428' Grove et., Montavllla. CLIFFS, WASHINGTON, LAUNCHED. many buildings under way, hundreds own to invest. Don t miss It. ground. Go via O. R. A N. Or., and -ferry. City office J. Reld A Co., 268 Stark st. . HOR8E8 AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rates to business bouses, tth and Hawthorne. East 72. LADIES! ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Chlchesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 years known as test, safest. Always reliable. Take no other. Chl chesters Diamond Brand Tills are sold by druggists everywhere. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coals, coke, charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. B. JONES A CO-., Wood and Coal. 181 East Water st FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONE Oregon Fuel Co.. 334 Alder- CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. Room 830 Fleldner bldg. Both phones. CLEANING AND DYEING CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co, 309 Stark st. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ON 8AL arles. Insurance policies, pianos, fur niture, warehouse receipts, etc.: any de serving ptrson may secure a liberal ad vance, repaying Dy easy weekly or monthly installments. NEW ERA LOAN A MORTGAGE COM PANY. 206 Abington Bldg FOX A CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS. 281 2d. bet Main and Salmon. Oregon phone Main 2001. Conner b erg a rademacher kk- moved to No. 803 Burnslde st PAINTING AND PAPERING. SAFES PORTLAND BAFE CO.. SOLE AGENTS for Herrlng-Hall-Marvln safes and Manganese Steel Safe Co.'s bank safes: 20 second-hand fireproof safes and bank safes, very cheap. See them or write us. 82 7th st. DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Large lines carried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, jsils, metal furniture. Both phones. J. E. Davis, 86 3d. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP tlon; bank, bar .and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Manufao turlng Co, Portland. R. H. BIRD8ALL. DESIGNER; AGT M. . Winter Lumber Co. 7 Hamilton bid. TRANSFER AND HAULING C. O. PICK OFFICE 88 1ST ST.. Be tween Star!: and Oak sts.: phone 699. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping: commodious brick ware. house with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. Henry Roe. W. A. CI eland. F. P. Shea screen. General transfer and storare: safea. pianos and furniture moved, packed and shipped. 209 Oak St. Both phonea P. A, DOANE GIVES BEST ESTIMATE for satisfactory work. 286 Yamhill. PAINTS, OIL ANP GLASS F E. BEACH A CO, THE PIONEER Paint Co. Window glass and glaxing. 135 1st st. Phone 1334. UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE, 148 3d St., near Alder, established 1870; old and rename; any amount loanea on watches, diamonds, jewelry and sealskins. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO ple and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 60 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN, 223 Abington Bldg. 10M 3d St. H. W. TURNER, DYER CARPETS dyed a specialty. 05 Jefferson st Main 2518. LADIES! DR. LA FRANCO'S COM-V pound; safe, speedy regulator; 25 rents, druggists or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco, rmianeipnia. f. GENTLEMAN. IN BUSINESS. AGE 82, desires respectable lady acquaintance. Address C-lOfi, care Journal HARNESS AND SADDLERY. KELLER Harness Co.. 49 N. 6th St. FOR SALE EXTRA FINE DRIVING horse, also buggy, harness and cart Acme Lumber Co., p hone East 1846 . ONE DRAFT TEAM, WEIGHT 3,200 lbs.; one team, weight 2,700. lbs. 248 Front st. I vieitlnjaVt I vOffjiTon I toirrlufus LOTS 100x290 ALL IN CULTIVA- tlon. close to 10-room school at Lents: extra bargain $400; terms; So fare. O. R. Addition, Lt;nts, Or. 6-ROOM" HOUSE, LOT SSxlOO. ON E. 9th St., near Clay, $2,600; good buy. See Dement A King,' i i Madison st DRIVING MARE, WEIGHT BOO, WILL work any place, safe for any lady; good life. A snap. $65. 689 E. 10th. Phone East 1661, after 7 p. m. FOR SALE GOOD TEAM. SUITABLE for express or delivery purposes, wagon and harness. 354 Stephens st. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE. ELECTRIC al, alcoholic, medicated and genuine tub baths. 41 Raleigh bldg, 6th and Washington. Ladies dr. Sanderson's co. Savin and Cotton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for delayed periods; by mall $2 per box. Dr. Pierce. 181 1st. DANCING. DANCING LESSONS, 25c DURING summer months: school open all year; social, fancy and stage dancing taught dally. Wilson's Dancing school, Alls ky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. PROF. RINGLER.T)A N IN" "M ASTER : private lessons dally. Rlngler Hall. Grand and E. Morrison. East 6670. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEO ple Just on your own name; don't borrow until you see me; my system Is the best for railroad men. clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other emploves; business strictly confidential. F. A. 'Newton. 511 Buchanan bldg, Hi Washington. CASH UN HAND FOR PURCHASE money, mortgages, bonds for deeds or eontr.'icts of sale on real estate, either country or city property. H. E. Noble. Commercial hlk.. 2d and Washington. WI I.kTi.OAN" $3.n007"6 PER CENT. ON real estate. Farrlngton. 313 Fenton bldg. . rUHLIC STENOGRAPHERS MIPS L. B. MAY. 602 SWETLAND Copying deeds and abstracts spec lty. PENINSULAR EXPRESS & BAGGAGE Transfer. 247 Alder st Phone Main 21T1. OREGON TRANSFER CO, 134 N. 6TH. Main 69. Heavy hauling and storage., INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANbX fer Co. Storage. 324 8tark. Main 40T. TOWEL SUPPLT RUBBER STAMPS P C STAMP WORKS, 249 ALDER ST. Phone Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils; baggage, trade checks; brass signs and plates. REAL ESTATE THOMPSON & OGDEN REAL Es tate, insurance, loans. See us before buying. 84 x Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn zoz. j" wTgTlbee. REAL ESTATE AND loins- established 1883. 145H t. loans: room 11. TN" TifvTV a nL-Vl'V I I KjA IjH. I0 real Estate" and rental.. 806 Stark et' Main 614 DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. MONEY TO LOAN: LARGE LOAlfg specialty: also building loans; lowest rates; fire insurance. William G. Beck. 812 Falling bldg. DR. C F RROWN. D. C. M. DOGS QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES and horse hospital. 108 N. 6th sL 8. W. King, 45 Washington bldg. (Main 4086). Main cioo. tlon. W. w. - bldg. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB, brush, soap. $l ple month. Portland Laundry A Towel Supply Co, th and Couch sts. Phone 410L, , ', WHOLESALE J OIJB1? R3 M. A. GUNST A CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS.' PORTLAND, OREGON. EVERDINO & FARRELL, PRODUClj and commission merchants. 140 Front st, Portland. Or. Phone Main 17$. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turlng Co. Manufacturers of furnU ture for the trade. Portland. Or. WADHAM- A CO, WHOLESALE GRO cers, manufacturers and commission mercha-ts. 4th and Oak sts. RESTAURANTS. GO TO THE BUSY BEE FOR DELI cateHsena. Home cooking. 434 Wash ington st. ARCHITECTS ERNST KRONER. ARCHITECT Plans and specifications; also building superintendence FOR SALE YOUNG, SOUND HORSES, good workers; also mares to breed; give time to pay. 1004 Mllwaukle ave. Take Sell wood ear to Gratton's Grove. FOR SALE GENTLE TEAM. WEIGHT about 2,800, or will trade for smaller team; also bicycle for sale. 691 Clln ton st Phone Sellwood 666. MTJSIOAIi XSTRUMENTS VICTOR TLNiAta5nra "and records; Stelnway (and ether) pianos. Sherman, .Clay A Co, tth and Morrison ts., opp. postolYloc ATTORNEYS PIGGOTT. FINCH A BIGGER, ATTOR neys st law, 4 Mulkey bldg, corner 2d and Morrison sts. ART FRJB LES80NS IN Embi ldery Every Day. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP. 882 Washington St. ROOFING ft TT T"T TTT T Win V) TT. W. M. MILLAR. V. S.. VETERINARIAN. I MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS,' TI(Hn nd eeneral lobbing.f 3. Losll. or security. vvuiiam won. room .; ,,n-.,,",r,,, Pacific 1424. - : . , 327 Flanders. 26 N. 8th st. Office Phone Main 7846. CARNEY'S VBiTERINARY HOSPITAL for horses and dogs. 288 Gllsan st. Phone Main 1484. - a F. VETERINARY COLLEGE OPENS October 1. For catalogue apply to Dr. Charles Keane. president, 1818 Market st, San Francisco. ' DRESSMAKING MME. HOFMAISTER. TEACHER OF Storey's ladles' tailor system of mak Ing and designing dresses. 64 V, N. 15th, MADAME ANGELES 242 FIFTH. PA clflc 982. WashlnEton bldg. A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY1 ! or chattel The Loan Co, 410 Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN IN $500 TO $5,000. Charleson A Co, Commercial. Phone Pacific J 198. DC5N'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY until yn see Button Credit Co. 612 Dekum bldg. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER A KLEISER SIGNS. We have built up the largest sign business In the city by first-class work and keeping our promises. Our prices are right 6th and Everett sts. Phone Exchange oo. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" POR f land Sign Co, 287 Btark. Pacific ltt. ASSAYERS WELLS A PROEBSTEU MiNING EN- flneers, metallurgists and asaayers, V, Washington st GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Assay Office. 186' Mor rison aU rs GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary and marine; electric equip ments; launches; accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co, 182-4-6 Morrison st SHEFFIELD MARINE ENGINES. ANY fropeller. Falrbaj ka,' Mors A Co., and BUrk sts, MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city property or for building pur poses. Columbia Life A Trust Co, 214 Lumber Exchange bid g. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE or other good security at lowest rates. Mortgages and contracts bought. 616 Commercial Bldg. STREET PAVING MUSICAL PIANO. VIOLIN, CORNET. TROM bone, clarinet Professor E. A. Smith, 254 l$to at Mala 4703, WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross- Ings. 314 Lumber Exchange. ; THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. of PorUand. Office 656. Worcester hlk. TYPEWRITERS. NEW AND 2ND HAND, ALL MAKES, rented, repaired, sold, f D. C Co.. 231 Stark. Tel. 1401. - - FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND special orders. L. Ruvensky's furnt ture factory. 807 Front st. ALLEN A LEWIS, COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davla sis, t-ortiana. ur. WHOLESALE CROCKERY A'B -glajsware. Prael, Hegele A Co.. Port - land. Or. ' . , LEWIS-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY Co, Barbers' Supplies, Barbers Fur nlture. Barbers' Chairs. 10th A Morrison. WORKERS FOR BLIND CONVENE AT BOSTON, (Jo 'sal Special $erv!ee.t Boston, Mass, Aug. 27.- The first, convention ever held in this section of the country by the American Asso- elation of Workers for the Blind be gan today at the Kindergarten for the Blind in Jamaica Plain. The as socle- tlon includes representative - men and women in all parts of the United. BtatM and Canada who are trying to help the blind to become useful, nappy eltlsens. . During the several day lbs conven tion will bo in session the work of t' association In nurserte scb"i. f"1"-": shops, libraries and homee tor the biin $ , will b discussed by ' ,J',il,wltS," lex. Dr. C F. Eraser of Halt', Is, w, j! 8. Bledsoe. hupri"."7h ) AtZi ? Maryland JnsHfutk-a J'itr'y H. Burrett of I """ftroSnrSneV ,J ,yy,