The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 27, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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Li'.1 I -J !JH 1 J... Jff I IUI Ll.aiMM-l 1 ... iil,jp III. X- 11 LXi-J.-ill L.L-L-J Illl
a qmv nAinrun iun d Arm in m dact ad pnrcpiMT
,n ufiuu linwiiiJ 4ivr a riiiriijiiljlj III llllj l aji va a iuujuiij.
The great "Reorganization Sale," now in full swing at our establishment, embraces every department in the store. It is pri original
MiMkivuitjr unu WYUiiw "vtwi Hpwauwu ill lilt wuuuuiiiu vcaawsw , fc "w " f-v-a ivva.
1'.; - , ...:.., .., ... J, f V- ':
rs, , .: -.. V. &
During this sale our object is to unload at once every dollars' worth of present stocks, whether seasonable or staple. To dear the decks in order to carry out our extensive plans for the fall season
under, the new store management. In order to accomplish this we've inaugurated a selling period which utterly annihilates all previous cut-price events and creates a bargain epoch which no other, ;
Portland house would dare attempt or could successfully carry out.
Caps the climax of bargain-giving. Read the values and
'IdDirfly Sales"
8 to 9 a.m. Special
$1.25 Semi-Porcelain Slop Jars,
Covered Slop Jan. of white seml-porce-
lain, in etnboased pattern, and with
metal bail handle; a food value at $1.25,
Special from 8 to 9 o clock a. m. OQ
Only one to a customer, for OeC
15c Cobalt Blue English Ware,
7c Piece.
Great picking Select what you want,
limit six pieces to any one customer
English1 Cobalt blue ware, choice em-
traclnr sauce-plates, dessert platen, bread
and .patter plates, oatmeal bowl, etc in
rich cobalt blue coloring and fancy de
signs traced in gray; exceptional value
at 15c Wednesday, from 8 to 9 7
a. m. only at. each .... ;v
Women's ShlrtWaist Suits, 79c
One hour will be amply sufficient time to
effect a clean aweep of what's left of
these. Materials are lawns and percales,
in neat checks, dotted effects, figured
and striped patterns, trimmings of lace
and insertions adding to their attractive
ness. Skirts are cut in ample widths;
values to $2.25. You may choose for one
hour tomorrow in the Suit section from
the lot; splendid for wear as
house dresses, at
Women's 50c Undervests, 25c.
Ladies' fine Jersey Ribbed Vests, of
French lisle thread; low neck and sleeve
less styles, silk taped and lace finished;
splendid 50c value. Special for or
the hour only, at ....... WC
9 to 10 a. m. Special
monos, Values to $1.75, $1.29
Xadies' Long Kimonos, of pretty fancy
flannelettes and plain . Crepe material,
handsomely trimmed in fancy flowered
edgings of brown, green, blue, red, etc.,
to ' match materials; " great values to
$1.75. Special, for one hour 20
Men's $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes,
The famous "White. House" Shoes, in
all wanted leathers and newest swagger
lasts;: not every sue, but your's probably,
in the lot A. great bargain, M QA
from 9 to 10 a. m. only, for ...PJ.eeV
HAH io uumiLu iu
E. N. Jenkins of Rockville,
! Idaho, Loses Life in
Hotel Fire.
Boise, IJa Aug. T. One Is dead,' one
mlsslns, ani four Injured a result-of
ftr wMMi AMtravad thu Commercial
hotel at -Caldwell yesterday. R. N,
JenWp's Of Rockville. Iflaho, was burned
to death U hla 8 room. Many suesta
jumped from -the seooad storj windows
9 to 10 a. m. Special
Children's 25c Chain Purses for
Rare picking nice, all leather Chain
Purses, plain and fancy colored styles;
zsc values; special tor one
hour only at half
Worth 5c Yard, Special at,
Dozen Yards for 15c.
Here's a flurry in Laces sure to bring
throngs 'round the lace counter for this
advertised hour; 500 pieces of pretty
Torchon Insertions, in all widths; regu
lar values are 3c to 5c the yard. 1 r
Special for the hour at 12 yds. for. . lJC
Pay 654c for the 8 l-3c Towel
ing. Hundreds of housewives will appreciate
this offer and will be out in force to
Shafe in the bargain; 19-inch white Huck
Toweling, best 8 l-3c value, for f I
one hour only at, the yard U4C
10 to 11a.m. Special
Women's $1.50 and $2.00 Shoes
70c Pair.
Just 400 pairs resdy for lively selling
White Canvas Blucher Oxfords, choice
of light or heavy soles, canvas or leather
covered heels, plain or tip toes; values to
$2.00; from 10 to 11 only, "?A
your choice for, pair I UC
Pretty 25c Pieces at 10c.
Beautiful, glistening crystal glass, in
unique fancy shapes, fine cuttings from
choice cut glass designs, full size pieces
and splendid 25c value. Special A
for one hour at, each ,1UC
10c Writing Tablets, 5c.
1.000 New arrivals, good paper, ruled or
unruled, splendid quality tablet and extra
size; a dime's the price. Special f
for one hour only at : DC
39c Batiste Corset Girdles, 19c.
Splendid fitting, well made Batiste
Girdles, in all sizes, plain white; an un
usual value at our regular price of 39c;
(50c is trie price in most stores). 1 ft
Special for one hour only at, pair. . 17C
Handsome 20c Embroideries,
7c Yard.
Beautiful Swiss and Cambric Embroider-
es with edgings and insertions to match:
excellent value at from 12Uc to 20c 7
yard. Special for the hour at, yard. . I C
clad In their night clothes. After hours
of fighting volunteer firemen put the
oiase under control, xne loss is tiu.vuv.
(Joeraal Bpcdal Service.)
Ban Francisco, Aug. 27. Cross-examined
by Delphln Deimaa yesterday aft
ernoon in the Glass trial. President
Bcott of the telephone company became
badly mixed ana contradicted himself
many times. Scott testified that he
knew nothing about the bribe-money al
leged to have been paid the supervisors
by Olaaav and his evidence tended to
show that the defendant had sole con
trol of the funds alleged to have been
used for Illegal purposes,
. BesemS, akin Diseases, Oared by
' Druprelsts refund monev if Tin. POR
There are no
For a month the
hunting for boys who want work but
has been unable to find them. For this
reason the plan of ' having Industrial
camps at the hop yards for the boys of
Portland has been abandoned.
Early in the year the court officials
decided to replace the customary camps
at the beach by the industrial camps in
the hopyards, thereby giving the boys
the double advantage of an outing In the
freeh elr end earning money at the same
time. . . f .
Some time ago Probation Officer, Ma
rion B. Johnson began to make, prepara
tions for sending two or three parties
TER'S antiseptic: healing oii.
fails. ISe.' . . . -i ,
be on ha hd at the advertised hour. The Golden Eagle will be a profitable p lace in which to spend the
t . , . . . "w c s
The Same Goods for a Little
11 to 12. a. m. Special
Men's Fine 35c Cashmere Sox,
15c Pair.
Just the needed Socks for coming cooler
weather; fine black cashmere Half Hose,
with double heels and toes, colors fast;
great value at 35c; 3 pairs for $1.00, but
here in the sale, for one hour 1 r
at. pair IDC
Dollar Back Combs, 48c.
Choose from handsome shell and amber,
set with beautiful brilliants and rare imi
tation stones; best $1.00 value. 40
Special for one hour at TrOC
Skirt Binding, 5c Grade, 24c
' Yard.
"Curvette" Skirt Binding, in all colors
and best quality broad; a standard 5c
grade. Special for the hour O'.
only, at, yard 42 C
Men's $1.00 and $1.25 Straw
Hats, 50c.
That Straw Hat is getting yellow,
soiled and shabby isn't it? Why not
get a new one to finish out the season?
You'll need it next summer, too. Take
any of the $1.00 or $1.25 straws now, all
sizes and smart styles in the Cfl
picking, for one hour at OUC
12 to 1 p. m. Special
Toilet Soap, 10c a Qake Is the
Price, Special, for the Hour,
3 Cakes for 12Uc.
Swift ft Co.'s "Hearts of Flowers" brand
exquisite Toilet Soap. Highly scented in
all favorite odors. The standard 10c per
cake value. Special, for one hour only
stirring soap sale at. 1 0 1
Ladies' 25c and 3.5c Waist Sets,
Pretty three-piece Waist Sets, in pearl,
silver and plated styles; "two-bit" and
35c values. Special, for one 111.
hour only at, set ' 1&2C
$1.25 Couch Covers, 98c.
Select from big values at the $1.25 price.
handsome - Roman striped designs in
beautiful Couch Covers. Special AO-
for the hour at iOC
Women's 25c Belts, 12l2c.
Neat, pretty, chic styles in Wash Belts,
handsomely embroidered in silk, all
sizes, and you choose from our entire
line of "two-bit" Belts, for one 111-
hour at Just half, viz IL2C
Idle boys In Portland.
Juvenile court has been
of boys to the hopyards to camp and
filck hops. After three or four weeks of
nvestlgation the plan has been aban
doned for this year because all the boys
in the city are at work and, it is not
deemed wise to take them from the
positions where they are regularly em
ployed and send them to the hop yards
for the short time that Intervenes be
tween now and the time for school to
It wu planned that the juvenile court
should provide the boys with, transpor
tation, camping outfit and provisions
and let them pay from their earnings
merely the cost of their food, keeping
the Balance for themselves. This
method was followed very successfully
last year.
rROM 2ND TO 3RD. vj
Less Money Than Elsewhere
1 to 2 p. m. Special
Pretty 35c Wash Goods, 8 l-3c.
Wash Goods are staple- as wheat. They're
the "bread and butter" fabrics, so to
speak. And wash stuffs will cost more
next season than you paid for them this
year. That's what makes this offer the
more important Every wanted sort is
here. You'd better get a full supply to
morrow while we sell, for an hoar, all
values up to and Including the C'
35c quality at, the yard 03C
7l2c Outing Flannel, 6c Yd.
These much-wanted fabrics for making
up into gowns and undergarments,
Kimonos, etc, are bargainized tomorrow
to a worth-while degree. They're pretty
tempting, soft and fluffy stuffs, well
knapped, 7 c values. Special, for Cl
one hour only at, yard U4C
6J4c Burmah Challies, 5c.
A rare bargain in these pretty and much
wanted fabrics. Special, for one hour
only, as above, the 6c values
for, yard DC
Buy the 24c Curtain Madras
for 17c.
And buy enough for all needs. It's a
worth-while bargain, 36 inches wide.
Special for the hour only, 24c 1 7'
value for, yard If 2C
2 to 3 p. m. Special
See the $2.00 and $2.50 Shoes
for $1.00.
About 300 pairs of Women's $2.00 and
$2.50 Shoes and Oxfords; fine vici kid
leather and in about every size to fit
any normal foot. Wonderful value; thft
greatest ever; 2 to 3 p. m. only, your
full and free choice of the lot f A A
for, pair tJU.VU
$2.00 and $2.50 Muslin Gowns,
An odd lot to close; about enough for
one hour's spirited selling; splendid
values at the regular price; good full
size and exquisitely made, trimmed in
dainty lace and embroideries. Special,
for the hour; $2.00 and $2.50 QC
values for UOC
At Least Bert Wright, at The Dalles,
Says So Says One of His
Companions In 21 Years.
(Special Dlapatcfc te The Joornil.)
The Dalles. Or.i Aug. 2 T. Bert
Wright, who escaped from the Insane
asylum at Salem, was arrested on the
streets here yesterday. He said he left
there five days ago in company with
two! others, and arrived in this city
Sunday night He does not appear in
sane and answers all questions intelli
gently. Wright would not give any
reason for leaving. He said he had
been them enlv three months but that
one ef the others had . been
2 to 3 p. m. Special
Women's 20c Black Cotton
Hose, 8c Pair.
Ladies' full fashioned cotton Hose, fast
black colors, double soles, heels snd
toes; best regular 20c quality. Special,
for the hour only at, Q
$1.25 Serges, 98c
Handsome new staple and fall Serges, a
much wanted fabric for autumn suits, in
52-inch width snd regular $1.25 value
Special, tomorrow for one hour QP
only, at VOC
3 to 4 p. in. Special
Women's Shirtwaist Suits Half
Handsome Wash Suits of linen, lawn
and percales, in blues, grays, tans, white
and dotted and checked patterns, splen
did for home wear or outings, or for
street wear on warm days; values $4.00
to $5.00, all go during Uff Drro
this one hour at exactly.! lull I I Itt,
$1.25 Black Taffetas, 79c.
Here's an event that's sure to draw hun
dreds of eager buyers of Dress Silks for
autumn wear to the "ailk shoo." For
one hour, tomorrow, we'll sell 27-inch
black guaranteed Taffetas,
worth $1-25 at, the yard ......
40c Table Linens, 25c.
Splendid wearing, handsome linens.
Products of a famous Irish factory; best
40c value ever offered in our city, 58
inches wide, for one hour tomor- OC
row, special at, the yard ttDC
Women's $1.75 Elbow Gloves,
.. 98c
Ladies' Taffeta Silk Gloves, 16-button
lengths, in white, black and tan shades,
mosquetaire finish; best $1.75 quality,
special, for the hour only Qfi
at, pair VOC
60c Sheets, 49c.
Another bargain for the thrifty house
wivesSheets, nicely made, size 72x90;
great value at the regular 60c price.
pecial, for one hour only AQt
for 21 years and the other but a few
months. Wright said they weYe both
around town and If the authorities
wanted them thev could easily be cap
tured.. Wright is about 86 years old,
rather short, with stubby beard.
(Special Dispatch to The 7oaraaL) -Taooma.
Wash., Aug. J 7. Taooma and
Pierce County find themselves richer
this year than ever before. The board
of equalization, which has Just finished
Its sessions, gives the county an as
sessed valuation of 169, 000.00 i as
against 150,880,000 for last year. On
account of the sharp rise, in valuations
there is a possibility that the tax levy
may be cut from SS mills to 10, and it
may even be cut to at mills. With a
tax levy of tO mills this year's .taxes
will amount to fl,t70,000, or 1217.000
mora than last year, when the taxes
amounted to $1,163,000, A. considerable i
an inmate
day tomorrow. Read:
4 to 5 p. m. Special
Children's $1.25 Shoes, 69c.
Get the bairns well shod for school.
Shoe the feet so the children will hold
up their heads. Here's a lot of value for
a little of your shoe money; best $1.25
value in town ; lace or button styles with
spring heels. For one hour, 4 to CQ
5 p. m. only, pair OUC
19-inch Jap Silks, 25c Yard.
Here's opportunity to share in a wonder
ful saving in dainty Jap Silks. For the
advertised hour only, tomorrow, we will
offer the 19-inch width Jap Silk, in black,
white and all the pretty color- l Cl
ings for, yard mDC
$1.50 Black Broadcloth, 98c '
52-inch width, rich, handsome black
Broadcloth; the best regular $1.50 value
ever sold in Portland. For one Q0
hour only at, the yard .rOC
Children's $5.00 Coats, $3.50.
A choice selection from new arrivals in
Fall Coats for girls, ages 6 to 14 years;
all the latest colors and smart mixtures,
embracing swagger checks and plaids in
handsome woolens, smartly trimmed in
rich, beautiful velvets and pretty braids.
The best regular $5.00 value m Chil
dren's Coats that will be offered by any
Portland house. For one hour do CA '
tomorrow, special at $DD)
5 to 6 p. m. Special
Children's 50c Caps, 19cVff';
Pretty School Caps and Tams, In at- "
tractive percales, shiny patent leathers. I
ducks, etc. Some handsome mixtures in i
Um Inf nlai'rt ffr an4 ni nh mwitm
v. m... niu V MU. m
and trimmed in neat braids, buttons and
stitchings;' white and colors in plain
in jlain
goods; best 50c values. Special
for one hour only at, choice for
Boys' 75c Sweaters, 39c.
A fine selection, heavy Wool Sweaters.
in all wanted colorings and sizes; best
75c values in town. For one OA "
hour only at .jOUC
25c Box Shell Hair Pins, Half
Shell Hair Pin Cabinet, containing; full
assortment of sixes in best quality pins;
regular "two-bit" value. Special 1 0 1
for the hour only at, box ImSC
98c Swiss Curtains, 69c.
Handsome Ruffled Swiss Curtains, a
great value at 98c; right now in need
time, just as fall home renovating sea
son is at hand. We offer them CQ
special for one hour tomorrow at, ,.UC
chunk nt tha tnMi..J .i...n.. i. t
county is found In the boosting of tin.-
ue, wmca increase amn
amounted to about $2,000,000, The
county has never before had so. big a
raise In tax valuations in one year. ..
l 5 Death pf Civil War Veterai.;;
Albany; Or., Aug. ST. -Thomas T.
Reed, aged H, of Crescent Cityv Cali
fornia, died in this city Sunday of e
eer and will be burled In the City ro-
tery. The deceased was a veteran t
the-civil war, a member of romvmnr V
First Delaware cavalry.; lie la sur
vived by him wife and four children.
Low Kates East.
On Bentember II. 1? and'JJ the Ct.
nadlan Paciie will r?" ' ;
eurslon tickets to t. 1 . i, tj '
eastern points at very low '". 1
will be t?e last eseursl'm of t .
Make Tymir l4plf trr. ,
now. For parthul-re t.
rates, elo.. callow V'''.""?
ieliasoiu d. A. XT ! Tort-it-J. .