THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND," v ) MONDAY v EVENING. ' AUGUST ' 28, 1907', an Topi cs XHB lOUIUTAL AT RESORTS I K?utoribra oan hava The Journal fls- I v JiTra at tha regular rates at the rol I ", lowi ftk. resorts b notifying tha agents at thetarloua nlafaa mentioned.. Sub scriptions by mail ara payable U aa- ,: - - 1 OREOON RESORTS. r' Oaarhart Park P... Struck noi Laka Hot Lax Sanitarium g?;l.., ...Lewis Co. WUholt Spring F. W. Mcferaa WASHINGTON RESORTS. Carson Springs..., ' Boyd A Bon mnA if lnral HnrlnrS 8fda Spring, Thomas goffett olllne Springer......... .C. T. Belcher I lwaco , . , . , .... .... ..Louis Cohan wi ueaoa ,..,..,.,.. MarahaU A Pottangar and O. A. Smith . Nahootta " H. J. Brown pcaan Park Matthawe Thedfprd Beavlew Frank B. Btraubal ma Breakers....... The Breakers now "'"aesasBesafcesasssaaaaa"""""" Crews of both trolley cara, 180 and 1(3, which wara conoerned la tha smaah up at Corbln and Olbba atraata Satur day, ara at work today and no formal Investigation of tha aooldant haa been made by t)a atreat railroad officials. Juat what tha nature of tha trouble with tha air pump on car S6S hai not yat baan determined. Motorman Bplvey who waa on car 281 and not 180 says that hla automatlo pump waa not working properly. Ha saya that ha waa JustlflecUdn removing hla trolley be- oaupepri was nocejry ior nirn o gei tueaVlneath hla oar In searching out the 'juroe of tha trouble. He also say that ha doea not think hla 20 pounds of air would have carried him down tha hill In safety, although official! of tha company thought that It would have been enough. NOTED SALVATION ARMY LEADER ! rVjslSPENDING DAY 5lN PORTLAND Mrs." BalUngton Booth,' commander of tha Volunteers of America, active, alert, full of energy, la In Portland, accom panied by her son, Charlea B. Booth, on a tour Of prlaon Inspection In the United States." Sba arrived last night She wanted to leave for New York last night, and would bars dona ao had aha beea able ' to . gat away, but Instead missed her train. Bha will leave to night Instead, i Mrs. Booth and her aon have visited alght large penitentiaries since leaving New York several weeks ago, and hava bean at Salem tha paat few days visit ing tha Oregon prison, where a branch of the famous organisation of whlsh Mrs. Booth la tha head la maintained. Whan aeen this morning Mrs. Booth waa In a hurry, which la said to bo not unusual for her. Sha gava a few dl rectlona. talked another few, minutes, and then hurried away with fear son to procure her railway tlckete. Sha talks fast, walks , fast almost ' nine and works faster. Sha Uvea tha strenuous Ufa and la tha ploture of health. Mrs. Booth. wae favorably Impressed with her vlelt at Salem and regretted very much that aha oould not stay In Portland mora than day, adding that engagements In New York City com pelled her Immediate return. Today she will receive Adjutant J. T. Foulkes, who is In charge of the local band of Vol unteers, and other Portland workers, at tha Oregon hotel, where aha la staying. Mr. Booth la a pleasing young man of hmit is'veara of ace. who la as devoted to tha Salvation Army work as his mother. He has a kindly persona -lty and accompanies his mother on all her trips. AmrsaioBVTs. TODAY and TOMORROW AUGUST 26 & 27 Twice Sally at and I p, a, sThoW Orounds Twenty-fifth and aUlelffc. RINGLING BROS, CIRCUS FOaWXAJTO WXTHm llW A SXOW un Txza.BxroxB. laftfl Vnitl. AJM Wamam. 9a 1mI Artists, ioo Cages, 40 Elephants, a Feed- uy i winuies, avo jrajopea aiars. DAD. AND THE CHILDREN THIRTY THOUSAND STRONG VIEW PARADE H. B. Campbell, Mrs. Congdon, F. Coulter, Prof. Taylor and E. DeYoung wera the five speakers participating in tha symposium on spiritualism at the meeting of the First Spiritual society In Artisans' hall last night. Spiritualism was discussed In all Its phases. Mr. Campbell showed the difference between modern and ancient spiritualism. Mrs. Congdon presented the phenomenal side, Mr. Coulter developed the mental side. Prof. Tyler the scientific side and Mrs. DeYoung presented the spiritual side of spiritualism. A good-slied audlenop was In attendance on the symposium.! J. E. filsson. a local real estate broker, died In the office of Dr. d.H. Wheeler. In the Marauam building, at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon of heart failure. Mr. Hlsson waa in the office of E. J. McKeltrlck, In the Marquam, when he was seised with a severe pain over the heart He waa taken to the office of Dr. Wheeler and treatment ad ministered, but he expired in a few min utes after reaching Dr. Wheeler's office. Mr. Slsson left no family or relatives In this city. He was well And favor ably known In Portland business circles. The reddest wagons, h wildest-eyed tigers, the hairiest and roarlest lions, the biggest elephanta, the bumpiest camels, the ahlniest horaea, the fattest doga, the aportleat monkles, tha prettleat ladles, the cleanest cagea, the tuneful- est ban da. the funniest clowns, the ugliest plug-uglies and the nolslesU calliope that waa tne dictum alter tne arade when some 0,000 people scat tered from the sidewaus wnicn tney nad lined ten deep for an hour or two. and the smaller element ran four or five blocks to overtake .the tall-end and aee It again. At the scheduled hour this morning the huge line of circus attractions be longing to the Rlngllng Brothers' show went through Its preliminary parade be fore a vast throng of delighted children Land parents. The latter, of course, had come out to oring uie cuuaren. im parade, it la claimed, fa three miles long and It waa a noticeable fact that the three miles were not attained by inter vening a block between each animal or ohariot or cage. The features were run close together In an unwonted businesslike way to get It over and to ahow the people that there waa no need to cheat their credul lty. Toe bands were close together and played much. The horses were In fine condition and glowed even In the un aunshlny rain. The cages, which ara cleaned every day, did not have the battered, worn appearance so common in constantly traveling organisations. The animals were Interesting and varied In assort ments and tempted many to go out early to study the varieties before the circus begins. The crowd that watched waa pleased and satisfied with the pa rade and straightway turned away to attend en masse at 4he tenta. nounced to be held In the Church of the Nasarene, 428 Burnslde street. Tuesday. August 27, has been changed and will be held with the Trinity M. E. tent meeting, East Tenth and Lincoln streets. Take W. W. or Sellwood car. Services 10:20. 1:30 and 7:80. Dr. Andrew C. Smith, who with his wife, haa been on a visit to a ranch in Crook county, returned to Portland Bat nrday night and Is no hospital at St Vincent's ipltal, suffering from a aisiocatea ankle. At the time of the accident he and Mrs. Smith were getting ready to start for a horseback ride. Just aa the doctor started to mount and had placed his foot In tha stirrup, the horse Jumped and threw him heavily to the ground. The dislocation was set by A. L. Macin tosh, his host, but Dr. Smith decided to coma to Portland, where he could get better surgical treatment Learn to swim at Ringlet's Natatorl urn, 288 East Morrison. Fresh water, heated; enamelled tank 20x60 feet. Priv ate lessons for ladles and gents, SO cents; swim, 26 cents. For liquors phone the Family Liquor Store. J. E. Kelly, successor to Caswell A Kelly, 264 Morrison street corner Park. Both phones Pacific, Main 28, and Home, A-2802. With the completion of repair work now being done by the men of hose company 4 on the Sellwood engine house the city will convert the hose company Into an engine company for the better protection of the factories recently constructed In Sellwood. The bouse Is being painted Inside and out nd stalls for four horses hive been erected. The old volunteer fire depart ment of Fleetwood waa recently taken over by the city of Portland and a hose wagon stationed In Its station house. . Real' estate dealers of Sellwood are Jubilant over their prospeota for this fall and declare that East Portland froperty never looked better. During be past week seversl new houses have been sold, inoiuding tne sale or a resi dence at Tacdma and Seventh streets by tha Sellwood Townstte company to William Morehouse for f 1,060, a new house on Clackamas street to R. O. Chase for $1,700. and lots on East Eleventh street to W. J. Reed from David E. Swank for $450. The Weber-Bussell Canning company have an office and ws rehouse on dock at foot of Yamhill street, Portland. Or., where they are buying peaches, pears and plums. On account of the .circus in Portland the Vancouver cars 'will leave Second and Washington at 8:26, 10:86 and 11:45 on Monday night Auguat 28, 1907. Steamer Jesse Hsrklns, for Camas, Washougal and way landings, daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. Navajo Indian blankets. Ill Sixth st Alaaka Indian baskets. Ill Sixth st Eastman kodaks, 111 Sixth street Woman's Exchange, 112 Tenth street lunch 11:20 to 2; business men's lunch. Acme Oil Co. sell safety coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 789; B-1007. Diamonds, Watches Beck's, 205 Alder D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh, Berger signs 284 Yamhill phone. Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. Art Postal company. FOOD C0I1ISSB inn TO EXAMINE DAIRIES Owners of Plants Running in Violation of Laws Will Be Prosecuted. Commissioner J. W. Bailey of the Oregon dairy and food commission Is attending the state fair at Tillamook. After the event Is concluded be will visit all the dairies In that vicinity and If any are not operated according to state laws prosecutions will follow. It Is expected at the office of Commis sioner Bailey that he will be in Port land, at the latest, Wednesday of this week, as a number of Important matters await his arrival. One or two cases against local dairymen are on his books, and It Is also unofficially reported that a number of Portland bakers are still using coloring matter in products In violation of state laws. The next month will be a very busy one with Commissioner Bailey, aa he has the entire state to cover in connection with several important dairy institutes which will be held. Mr. Bailey has been absent from Portland on the present trip for about one week. Business is accumulating to such an extent that the chemist in charge bemoans tha fact tnat ne may nave to abandon his yearly vacation this summer. I he Whole World kan aiadcad for It Wondara Rlccobono s "Good Night Horse," Patty, the Man Who Walks on His Head; the Mlrta-Oolemns from Persia, the Hallo way Troupe, the 10 Flying Jordans, the De Kocks and Dog Acrobat AMERICA'S MAGIC CITY OF MARVELS 02131 60-CEJTT TICKET ADMITS TO EVUJtYTHHf 0. Children under 12 years half price. Tickets now on sale at Graves A Co.'l muslo store st same price charged on tne snow grounds. MARQUAM GRAND (Phone Main 8.) Tonight and All Week. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. "The Carnival of Love" The Most Delightful Comedy Ever Written. Prioes BOo, 25c, l5o. Bargain mati nee Wednesday, all seats BSo. MARQUAM GRAND (Phone Main 8.) Opening Opera Season, XOirDAY MATUTEE. SEPTEMBER g, "The Callfornlans" Opera Company In Victor Herbert's Beautiful Comic ' Opera. "THE SERE WADE." Prices 25c, 60c, 76c; matinee, 26c, 60c. Seats can be reserved for entire opeTa season of 18 weeks. THE STAR Phones M. 6498 (Home) A1496. ALL TXZS WEEK, The K. E. French Stock Co. present "A DIUOKTEB OP TSTB SOUTX." Matinees Tuesdays. Thursdays. Satur days and Sundays at 2:30; prices, 10 and ZO cents. n;very evenmg ai :io; prices. 10. 20 and 80 cents. Reserve seats by either phone. The Grand VAUDEVILLE DE LUXB WEEK OP AUGUST 89. A Special Bill of Headllners, Headed by XTXEH 2f CAB TUT 8b CO., The Big Eastern Btaxa. Three shows dally, at 2:30, 7:4B and 9:80. Prices remain the same. Funeral services of the late Mrs. Car oline Vantlne were held at the family residence at I o'clock yesterday after noon. Mrs. Vantlne, who died last Fri day night, bad been a resident of Port land for the past 80 years. She Is survived by Ashley Vantlne of this city, a son, two sisters. Miss Susan -Cosgrove and Mrs. Emma Wagner, and a brother, Hugh Cosgrove, the latter two residing in the east AT THE THEATRES The Portland Commercial club has ; been advised by Secretary Taft that he will reach this city Thursday night September 5. In his party will be Mrs. Taft and their son Charles, 10 years old. General C. R. Edwards, and Mr. Taft's private secretary, W. W. Mlsch ler. Mr. Taft and family will, during their stay In Portland, be guests at the home of T. B. Wilcox. Amusement Council Crest park every evening. Take car ride to this most t.mU, U . W. U1U,UII aires. Illustrated songs, etc. Vocal anTfcstrumental muslo by the Ha walIan"Viusiclans. Hear tha famous Oregon male quartet. Baker Box Office Now Open. The Baker theatre box office opened today for the sale of season seats, and one or tne longest lines tnat ever stood in front of a theatre In this city waa there early this morning. They were securing seats for all performances, and it is stated good seats can still De se cured for nearly any weekly perform ance. The opening play will be Henry Arthur Jones' great comedy success, "The Liars," next Sunday matinee. "That Girl Prom Texas." This week a play full of life and go, with a Dream rrom tne plains and hearty laugh at the good American humor through it all, greets the patrons at the Lyric. Never seen before here, It is well worth seeing. It gives to n good company of players just the kind or lines tney can matte tne most oi. "A Daughter of the South." The French stock company opened Its season at tne star theatre yesterday and at once made a ravoranie impres slon. The attraction Is "A Daughter of the South." This is a civil war play with all the elements which go to make a successful drama. There will be mat inees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, water through hose for jprinkling yards or sidewalks or washing porches or windows must be paid for in advance and used only between tne hours of 2 and ft a. m., and C and 9 p. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to these rules, or waste fully, it will be shut off. If you have a troublesome cough or cold that other remedies fall to relieve, get a bottle of Kenyon's Cough Cure from Albert Bernl, the druggist. 233 Washington street and get cured. It gives results that are satisfactory, Graduates and students of the depart ment of law tf the University of Oregon are requested to meet in Judge Oanten beln's chambers at 1:90 tomorrow after noon for the purpose of attending the funeral of Judge Sears. The all-day meeting of the Oregon Holiness association, which was an- F.W. Baltes and Company invite your inquiries for EINTING C I - Phones Main 165 Home A1165 Eirst and Oak. "A Race Tout's Dream." At the Orand the firm of Sullivan A Considlne is giving a big vaudeville show this week. Miles MoCarthy and company head the list with "A Race Tout's Dream," a sketch which has met with success wherever It has been seen. John Walsh, "the man with the hod," is a monologlst who has nothing but the latest Jokes. Redwood and Harvey pre sent a nign-ciass European musioai act. "Carnival of Love." Tonight begins the last week of the Stockwell-MacGresror company's en gagement at the Marquam. The cjoslng attraction Is "The Carnrval of Love," a farce taken from the French and con sidered one of the best that has been turned Into English. IThe play had a Ion and nrosDerous run In London vnd Paris and met with favor in the east for several seasons. It will be see In Portland for the nrst time tonignt. Wednesday and Saturday.- Seats aro now selling for all week. PERSONAL Architect Ernest Kroner left thlis morning for a four months' visit to his old home In southern Germany. Mr. Kroner did not expect to make this trip abroad for some months yet. but dlsaul- eting news as to the health of his moth r, whom he has not seen for 20 years, Induced him to start at once. Building Permit. W. P. Lindley, bam, Alblha between Prescott and Blandlna, 176; E. Q. La Follette, two-story dwelling. "East Twenty-seventh between Francis- snd Gladstone, 21,600; J. D. R. Brown, one and a half story dwelling, Montana be tween, Church and Jessup, $800. . . . Time, the Physician. , From the Cincinnati Enquirer.' The Vdebt of nature" will some day cause the removal of the only man for whom the Democrats can now vote for president - By' that time, though, there mav be a complete set of new voters who will be wtlllns- to "take chances" on soma other leader than Mf. Bryan. INDUSTRIES ACTIVE Only Men Bngwged la Pore Bpeonlatloa Obliged to Call a Bait J. Shemanskl returned yesterday from New Tork accompanied by his brother. Both look the picture of health and apeak in the most optimistic terms of business conditions in the middle and western states. "I am rejoiced to find on my return that my store, the Eastern Outfitting Co., has done as the boys say In this country, 'A land office business,' " said Mr. Shemanskl this morning. "I found no grumbling anywhere in the produc tive lines of work. All the factories were busy and those engaged In the In dustries of the country appear to have more than they can do. The same It true In Portland today. In some of the far eastern cities a few men engaged In speculation and that alone have been obliged to cll a halt But the areat re. sources of this country were never being ueveiopeu quite so rapidly as now. S0L0NS PLANNING TO INCREASE ARMY PAT LYRIC T H UATRB Both Phones: Main 4686. Home A1026. Week Commencing Monday, August 26, The Allen Stock Co.. Presenting "THE aiB I. TBOM TEXAS.' Matinees Tuesday, Thursday, Satur day and Sunday. Prices 10c and 20c. Every evening at 8:16. Prices 10c. 20c and 30c; boxes 60c. Order Beats by Both Flumes. Box office open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. PHI '" ELECTRIC FLAT-IRONS ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL Save Her Tim Save Her Health 'Stye Her Weary Steps Save Her Temper Save Her Complexion THE aZIL. 0NLY a-wvjL FLATIRON f yBfe THAT M;V P WOMAN J ' tpT (fjp' Fill in coupon and mail to us the Iron will be delivered, with all necessary equipment, absolutely free of charge. OTTT OUT OOtTPOBT AJTD 2CAXX. TO XTB TODAY PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT ft POWER COMPANY, First and Alder St, Portland, Or. Gentlemen: You may ddiver to me one Electric Flatiron, which I agree to try, and if unsatisfactory to me, to return to you withing 30 dayi from date of delivery. If I do not return it at that time you may charge same to my account at $4.00. It is understood that no charge will be made for the iron if I return it within - 30 days. Name Address DEPARTMENT J, The thirty days' trial offer applies only to con sumers of our Current. ELECTRIC HEATINO AND COOKING APPLIANCES ON EXHIBITION AT THE COMPANY'S SUPPLY DEPT., 147-149 SEVENTH STREET Telephone Main 6688 for Information DRES3SR3 DaMseiiii Plums ' The hundred of ladies who wait for these yearly before putting down their tarns 'and Jellies will be (lad to know that we have large and select quan tity of them now and are pre pared to fill orders of all sixes. Peaches In unlimited quanti ties also and all chosen with scrupulous care. , Our big, new, roomy market givea us room we never enjoyed before for displaying our pre serving fruits, and patrons will be acting wisely by taking our suggestion to fill their require ments now, ... v"' -3 Whether bent on buying or not, you will find much to in terest you in the new Dressers. ' We are receiving hundreds of strangers daily. DRESSERS Everything for tha Table. Fifth and Stark; Also Fifteenth and Broadway, Gearhart and Seaside. q) ASTORIA I n nVEfiATTM U U Est 64 inl I tTU President and Legislators Argue Upon Improvement of Conditions. (Journal SpecUl Service.) Washington, Aug. 26. Increase in the pay of the army, but no Increase In Its size, Is the compromise which has been reached between the president and the loaders or congress who control eglalation. The president had srlven his hearty approval to the plans at the general staff of the army which Included both increases, but after consultations nl conferences it has been decided that It will be impossible to do more at the next session of congress than to secure an increase in the pay of the army. Immediately upon convening bills will be Introduced in the senate by Dick of Ohio, and In the house of representa tives by Capron of Rhode Island. carrying out the agreement which has een reached. These bills will provide for an in crease of 10 per cent In the salary of lleutenant-zeheral. 15 per cent increase for major and brigadier-generals. 20 per cent for colonels, lieutenant-colonels and majors. 25 per cent increase for captains and lieutenants and SO per cent increase for non-commissioned officers and privates. It is thought that such a measure win Deeome a . law. It was also desired to increase the size of the army but this was defeated. Tbii thirteenth annua sqnano event will be to most spectacular ever held in the Northwest SEPTEMBER 2. 3 & 4 Stiliac Race. Land Bporta, Country Fair, Viking Pmantr7. Nora. man will mtIv tiiirmnt ancient i trndltiona la met none and heroio daada of valor. I 16.000.00 la sash priam. Tan Thousand onrelaa I will preaant taair world faaooa ! SJENGERFEST AUO. 81 AMD SETT. 18 Low rata on all rail and steamboat linaa I ASTORIA, OREGON I BVERVBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT 5 The Following Leading Grocers Sell Golden Grain Granules The 100 PerCent PURE Cereal Health Coffee In Rosebur?, Or., a Bright City AT THE STOCK ifaEATKES "A Daughter of the South," the pre mier attraction of the R. E. French stock company filled the Star theatre to Its capacity and more yesterday aft ernoon when the flrsjp opening bill of the aggregation was presented to the Port land theatre-going puDilc. The new company was given a hearty greeting by Its Portland audience and it selected a rood vehicle upon which to staufker & co. h. marks co. rochdale co. McClelland bros. J. F. BARKER A CO. PARKS at JOHNSON MRS. A. C. KIDD A SON B. A. HUN8AKER In Euzene, Or. The z arrst City la Southern Oregon Tact orlaa, Stat traivaralt. B. A. ALLEN & SON C. B. DANIEL HAMILTON AND VAN STRAND J. A. 8CHERKINOER W. H. DEMPSTER NICKLIN A NEAL PEDER JOHNSON W. A. BELL ORDE- W. H. OREEN. H. B. DAVIDSON J. W. WHITE E. D. MATLOCK J. F. STERNER ride into favor with its auditors. The story of the "Daughter of the South" is similar perhaps to many other stories dealing with the stirring days of the civil war. It is interesting, however, and its martial setting and its love in-' terest holds the attention of the audi ence and every part of it. The story deals with the adventures of two army officers, one wearing tlfe blue and the other the gray. Both are bound by the graces of the same south ern girl. The circumstances or war throw the wearer of the blue into a southern prison and leave both him and the girl at the mercy of the men who know of and decry their love. The southern lover, however, rises to the oc casion at the critical time and frees the northern prisoner. Throughout the play there Is action Land plenty of it. Ther is the glamor of me unuunns aim iuu eiiiitsii ui jjuwuer. Tha audience took the company Into the family at the first performance yes terdayand It has already been assured by its Initial performance of a good place in the Portland heart. The 'Daughter of the South" will be the attraction at the Star throughout the week with the usual matinees. nr srxrtranxu), om. C. H. PICKETT VU PAUL BETTELHEIM CO. XV aXJOTDAXB, OM. h. o. 8aunemann , Lapp a olsqn nr xjrsxjun, oa. WILSON MERCANTILE CO. nr, ob. MERLIN MERCANTILE CO. aUJUUSBITBO. OS. J. D. BENNETT A CO. J. H. CANTER SON MAT A SENDERS JTJBTCTIOH CUT 7, OB. MILLIORN BROS. JACKSON & CO. J. T. WHITING BABER & SPENCER A. J. KAISER HAXJULM, W. R. HOWE BOTD A SON OB. M. V. KOONTZ McCULLT BROS. VAN! f OB. 8TURTE- AUilT, OB. W. T. WORLEY UrBXJPXB DM Of, OB. IRVTN'S OROCERT MESSNER CONKBT WALKER F. 8. WILSON KOBKOUTK, OB. LINDSAY & CO. T. A. RIOOS " JTO ITUSBSTS. BO OAS. BO COO Am. We Set the Pace Specialists in Painless Dentistry TEETR . mfttC Nervous people and those afflicted with heart weakness can now have their teeth 'filled and extracted without the least pain or danger. To introduce our painless meth od until August 31 we will do all kind of dentistry at one-half our regular prices. A protective guar antee given with all work done by us. Lady in attendance. Open eve nings. Chicago Dentists Suite 3-4-5 Raleigh Bldg. Sixth and Washington St. Phone Main 388a MILITARY ACADEMY', PORTLAND ORtV ' A Boarding- and Cay School tor Young Man and Boys. Preparation ' for col leges, U. a Military and Naval Academies. Ac credited to Stanford. Berkeley. Cornell, Am herst and all State Uni versities and Agricultural Collages. Manual train ing. Business course. Tha principal has had ii ? rears' experience la Portt and. Comfortable quar ters. Bast environments. . Make reservations now. For illustrated catalog and other literature ad dress A-,-., h W. HILL, M.D., Principal and Vnprtaiatv OB. MILLER. ALCORN A CO. SIMPSON BROS. TAXJm OTTT, OB. WALTER L TOOZE BLACK BOOB, 01 WALTER L. TOOZE WXUUi F. Oh 03 J. A. CARTER aiiaairtt Ruv 1 , tin Wfazr Collars aSCZBSB full Shrunk. Tutv domv eaaoR so quick Hit"LINOCORD" eyelet battoaholee Isiy to button. Strong to bold. aiO. t. IBS A CO., Stofcw TMOV, SJ. T. Rodney PORTLAND R. L. & P. CO. Portland Bailway Division. Commencing Wednesday. August 2$. 1907. and until further notice, during track repairs on Union avenue. Van couver, Woodlawn. Alberta, Russell Shaver and Broadway cars will cross the river coming in over the Steel bridge, then- around the Alder street loop and return, over the Burnslde bridge. The East Burnslde cars will run from East Eighteenth and Stark streets to Sixteenth and Washington streets over Burnslde bridge. Low Rates ast "H On September 11. 12 and 18 the Ca nadian Racine win aeu rouno trip ex cursion ticketf to St Paul, Chicago and eastern points at very low rates. This be the last excursion OT tha season. your sleeping car reservations now. For full particulars regarding rates, etc., call on of address F. R. Johnson, O. A. P. D., Portland, Oregon. 8MEEDH HOTEL, EUGENE, OR., IS O. K. 5 HARRISBURO COMMERCIAL HOTEL. HARRISBURO, OR., ALSO H 8ERVES . i Golden Grain Granules iHziessiKEXS3zsz:s:szaczzzzizzEXEXBiszizacxs::r3 i afl zazizg izgEZiiissss grntimnnni m inuaxnua will b Make Ice. For toe call Main St4 or A-SI4S, Delivery company, 111 Stark at loe if " HomeDecoratino la not a difficult matter whea you use HOR-E-LAC THE ORIENTAL WOOD FINISH A combination of most durable Var nish and Stains for Interior Wood Work. Floors, Furniture, eta, ; ; THE BIG PAINT STORE Fisher, Thorsen & Co; FRONT AND MORRISON 0TS. FRUIT WANTED Pears, Peaches, Blackberries, Green Gage Plums and Yel low Egg Plums, also Rhu barb. We want this fruit in any quantity boxes fur nished. Prompt payment on delivery. We are tempo rarily located on dock at foot of Yamhill st, .Portland, Or. Telephone . Main 4219. ' Weber-Bussell Canning Co. , , , , , ,,,.,.., . ... f oa Vfonui cm; r. Sanderson's "". - f ' 1 and Cotton Hoot 1 ? ' ' andonlrrcltHtl'--"'''7f"f ' - LATi.ii rKHioi-- . most lseinis !' in $ tt I days. Sttrm II per boc. '., i tn i Ad T. J- PlLUCi i " f 1 ortiand, Oregun. 0