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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1907)
1 r s ilTKIIISOIj STANDS f :RV OlinnDniHATC Ul UUUUIUIIIIIL THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; ' MONDAY . EVENING. AUGUST 28, ; 1007. Ific XlTestock ! Associa tion: Must Pay ' ther ,v ; Shot, He "'- - & CAN'T FALL BACK? ON fey ITS P0LICY,n0IiDE3RS "i. ' ; "' - K-'" ' ,v vi :' I Trusteet Baring' Adopted Non-A .' aestment By-Law and Incorporated .; It In Policy Form, Pollcy-lloldert Are Absolutely Immune. i a (Special Dlapaich to Toe . Journal.) , . Olympla, Wasi. AUir. l.-Attornsy General Atkinson on navlng hi atten tlon called to an interview o the of. Ulcere of the Faclflo Livestock assocla . tlon of Spokane, made the following statement: "All mattera relating to the lnsur- ance department have generally been aeslrnj to my assistant, A. 3. Falknor. hare no Intention of modifying r reversing' any opinion given by him relative to an assessment attempted to be made upon the policyholders of the Pacific Livestock association. I have Independently looked Into the law rela tive to such assessment and the by-laws " of such association Incorporated In the policy. "In the policies Issued by the associa tion Is an express provision that ths policy holder, after payment of the stip ulated premium, should not be under any further obligations whatever. The law provides that the trustees may by by-laws so limit the liability, of Its policy holders. Too Xte to fores a Dig Vow. "The trustees having passed such a by-law and the same having been sol-i raruy Incorporated In their policy. It would be little short of fraud for the company, thereafter In violation of such express provision of the policy to at tempt to levy against the policy hold ers an assessment to meet the unpaid losses of the company. ' "It Is unfortunate If the premiums collected by the company have not been carefully preserved so as to meet the losses. But having failed so to pre serve them the company ought not now to be permitted, in violation of the ex press provisions of its policies, to com pel the poller holders to dig up for unpaid losses." ' As to the question of ths appointment of the. receiver, the . attorney-general stated that In view of the cancellation of the certificate by the insurance com? mlssloner on the . ground of lnsol vescy, he sees no reason why any creditor of ths concern oould not, or nis own mo tion, bring about ths appointment of a receiver, ,: , , J ;'-!. , RATI CIVIC FEDE . TO HOLD WALK PHILADELPHIA!!! IN NORTH IDAHO Governor . Mead Names Bail- way. Commissioners as . Delegates. 't (Special Dispatch to' Tne JoaraaL) Olympla, Aug. J 6. Governor Uead has appointed H. A. Falrchild, J. C. Lawrence and Jesse B. Jones, members of ths stats railroad commission, as three of ths delegates to represent ths state of Washington at ths conference on combinations and trusts of ths Na tlonal Clvlo Federation, to ba held in Chicago. October it. Several matters of Importance to the memDers or tne railroad commission win be discussed at this conference, notably the subject of railroad Doollnv. maxi mum rates and the relations between state railroad commissions and the in terstate commerce commission. Men of national reputation will attend the con ference and take oart In the discus sions, delegates - being appointed by President Rooaevelt, the governors of the various states and territories, and by commercial organisations, through out tne country. The members of ths Washington stste railroad commission will be in attend ance at the meetlnr of ths National As sociation of Railway Commissioners at Washinrton the second week in October. and will probably remain over for the conference on combinations and trusts at Chicago before returning home. Tear for Young Horaethlef. (Special DltpMcfc to The Jonrsal.) Lewiston. Ida.. - Aus. 26. Melvln Lahar. the young man who was arrested on a charge of horse, stealing by the of ficers at Peck a sh'ort time ago, must serve one year in the penitentiary for his crime. He was sentenced by Dis trict Judge Steele. He claims that hs naa worked in tne laxiraa country but, leaving there, hlrsd the horse at Troy to go into the Burnt Ridge district and roae to reck on tne animal, where he soia u. lAnar is it years old and as Twenty-Two Capitalists Pass Through Lewiston Incognito: ; LOOKING INTO POWEB, ; TIMBER AND RAILWAY En Route West Stop -Blade at St. Paul to Confer With Elliott as to Branch Line to Timber Making Investigation Generally. orphan. Water Famine Relieved. (Special Dltpatch to Tba Journal.) Aberdeen, Wash., Aug. 18. The water situation has been much relieved. The mills have been notified that they can have water so that they could run full time. Borne of the mills have orders on hand which require them to run five quarters time. Get your five "senses" to gether, then all aboard for the grocer s for ; the ginger snap that has broken all records. (Special Dispatch te The JosraaL) Lswiston. Ids,, Aug. 'S.-rA party of 11 Philadelphia capitalists reached Lew Iston Saturday in their prt ts car at tached to the Owl train-and went on to the town of Forest, where they will make headquarters while investigating ths Craig mountain timber, ths electrlo power project on Salmon river and the Lswiston & Southeastern road from Lewiston to Orangevllle. The party was brought to Lewiston through the efforts of Dominica Cam eron, a widely known tlmberman who Is largely Interested In the development of the pine industry In the Craig moun tains. In this project Mr. Cameron is associated VI th W. C Hammer of Phil adelphia and George B. Hummer of Elk Grove. Pennsylvania, and these men are directing the party from the eaat - The Identity of the members of ths Sarty is being carefully guarded and urlng their entire stop in Lswiston no name was mentioned, sven wniie ar ranging for their departure by carriage. The only information vouchsafed was that on their return, in a week, ths names of ths party and results of the trip will be announced. The car stopped a day at St. Paul and wniie tnere tne members or the party took up a proposition with President Howard Elliott of the Northern Pacific to construct a branch line from Vollmer to the Forest timber land a To see the practicability of this Construction Engineer T. H. Croswell of the railway is now with the party. The party stopped for lunch at Lake Waha and while there visited the Waha springs, from which the Waha-Lwiston company Intends to supply the city with drinking water. The party will make a general Investigation of the resources of the country. ROAD TO OPEN UP NEW MINING GROUND Eastern Capitalists Thin Well of line From Helena to Kalis pell Through Wilderness. (8pedsl Dispatch to Tne Journal.) Helena, Mont., Aug. 19. A railroad from Helena to Kallspell Is the plan nearly perfected by Marcus L. Hewitt, who is now at the Broadwater hotel with a number of Boston and New York capitalists. Interested in the new enterprise. Surveys have demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed route. b. ju ruiier, or tne banking nrm of Ktssle, Klnlcut & company, t? -Wail street, and Barlett Hays of Tucker. Hays & Company, of Boston, are now in Helena arter an exhaustive Investiga tion of the proposed road and ita dosbI- Dumes. , "This road." said Mr. Hewitt, "will be an immediate factor In what Is to the greatest mining region of Montana between Helena and Kallspell. By the route which we favor there lies the richest and least developed mlnina; area In Montana, perhaps in the world. We will touch Basin. Rlmlr.l and the nor. phyry dyke, thence to Elllston in the vicinity or Avon ana upnlr, thence to Clearwater and up that waterway to the divide. Our road will later skirt the edges of Flathead lake to Its north ern end and from that point on to Kallspell The route is already made by nature. "The new road will open up the new est and perhaps the richest mining re gion of Montana." MONTANA TOWN HAS COLD STORAGE WELLS a BETTER THAN A SAVINGS BANK Invest your money in diamonds. They are stead ily advancing in price. Banks may fail, real es tate may depreciate in value not so with dia monds. Buy them from us on v EASY PAYMENTS Pay for them a little each week or month, the same as you deposit your money in a bank. You get possession when making first payment. We cnargo nouung extra tor credit accommodations. WATCHES On Equally Liberal Terms 'n (Special Diapatca to Tit Journal.) Spokane, Wash., Aug. 26. One of the most wonderful phenomena of Its class is to be found at the little town of Thompson. Falls, Just over the Idaho line in Montana. The people of that town have no refigeratora and dig holes in the ground to get their ice. Cold currents of air are found at a dis tance of 40 feet below the surface and the merchants have it piped into their stores and the residents into ineir houses. Behind the stores are little chicken coop sort of buildings, in which are the wells that yield the cold air. These wells are wejl padded the year round, so the residents assert, lest the pumps freese. Those too poor to dig wells have but to put in pipes and buy cold air from those who have it. Naturalists can give no reason for the unusual phenomenon. Some claim that deposits of ammonia come in contact with water, while others say the prox imity of the falls is the cause. IS" . . . . tV .. a. tmzr:-.,irt . . 1 L. . .. .... it t ?. a,i,il XH.uT) rTlm EQUALIZATION DATES STATE OF WASHINGTON (Special Plspatcb to Tba Journal.) Olympla, Aug. 26. The state board of equalisation has arranged the following soneauie 01 aaiei on wjmku in yriuu counties are to appear before the state board In oiympia: September 3. Asotin, Garfield, Walla Walla, Adams, Douglas, KiicKitat, wnn man, Columbia, Franklin, Lincoln and Benton. , September t. Spokane, Ferry, Okano ran, Yakima, Stevens, Chelan and .Kit September 6. Clallam, Jefferson, Clarke, Wahkiakum, Island, Kitsap, Cowllts ana cnenaus. September 8. Skamania. Snohomish, Whatcom, King, Ska-it and San Juan. September f. Pierce, Thurston, Pa cific, Lewis and Mason. September 1. The various railroad companies, and such counties as are not able to complete their presentation on ( the other dates In the list. BOY HUNTER SHOT WITH HIS OWN GUN (Sftetsf Dispatch to The Journal.) Lewiston, Ida,, Aug. 2 Ths first fatality of the hunting season occurred when 14-vear-old Charles Saae of Aso tin, Washington, was killed by the ac-1 cldental discharge of a ! J-cailbre rifle. His gun was found lying by a wire fenee, where be -had received his in juries, and a trail of blood led the searchers to "Where he had crawled. It was the father who found the body.- The small bullet had pierced the throat, sev ering the jugular vein, and the position of 4he 1oy's hand and his saturated sleeve showed the desperate effort he had made to staunch the flow of Mood. mm WW .4" Cooks better, quicker, tastier and sends the food to the table with an added dasli of appetiter. The "Edipsc"--the best range at any price Cheaper than inferior ranges of higher price. Warranted for fifteen years, and proves IS problems of better fitness. When you order "More of the Same' your order is on the "Eclipse. IN CLOSE RELATION TO PERFECTION: "Eclipse" S THE RANGE OF REASON. "Eclipse" Figures $35.00, $40,00, "$45.00, $50.00 and $55.00 All alike but the size. The real immediate price of the "Eclipse" need only be $1. That transfers the owner ship from us to you. Then $1 a week completes a mo;st pleasant and eco nomical transaction. : 10 " t i ; . OTHER . ' RANGE BUILDERS ADMIT THE SUPERIOR ITY OF THE V Eclipse Contrived and construe- ted to do the same work ; better, all work quicker, : and consume fuel lighter; ' the one smiling feature of the kitchen, the brightest ; shine on the cooking hor- ' izon "Eclipse." ..siu-l. ONLY $1.00 DOWN-THEN $1.00 A WEEK Newly Arrived "Eclipse" Heaters Better looking, better wearing, and better heating; the original from which many imitations are attempted, but not perfected in the secret parts, as is "Eclipse." Take for instance the lining which really is the life of the stove "Eclipse" linings are of three-piece, sectional cast iron (fluted); top and bottom also of cast iron; sides of best sheet steel; trimmings heavy nickeled. The "Eclipse" is most economical in its con sumption of fuel ; heats more room in quicker time, and lasts three times as long as or dinary stoves and all are ordinary with the exception of "Eclipse." This we guarantee and offer to prove. You will be in better patience and be surrounded with more com fort if you insist upon "Eclipse." $10.00 and Upwards ALL STYLES. $1.00 Down and $1.00 a Week Better Furniture I. GEVURTZ C& SONS FIRST YAMHILL SECOND For Less Money- When Yoti Travel, Enjoy the Superior DINING CAE SEWIGE of through Northern Pacific trains. A dainty breakfast, tasty lunch, or delightful dinner pre pared by a skilled chef and thoroughly well served, will round out and vary the pleasure of your trip. The bill-of-fare is varied and attrac tive the viands appetizing the car attractive and easy riding. "Get Your Meal on the Train 99 Dining cars on all transcontinental and important local trains. For full information call on or write A. D. CHARLTON Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, 255 Mor rison Street, Portland, Oregon. Northern Pacific mrtRal took CatnasA Qoola.' MUn A LwU' Cost Brand. . t " ! ' - flave You a BaiBfc Account A large majority of people never enjoy the bene fits of a bank account, yet nearly all have some money. Either through carelessness or neglect they fail to provide for the future. They are aimlessly throwing away the results of their labors. It is our purpose to induce the improvident to become thrifty; the reckless to become methodical. Call and it will be a pleasure to talk it over with you and aid you in making the start. Merchants Savings and Trust Company 847 WASHINGTON STREET. Railway j New Lodge at Aberdeen. , V (Special Dlapatch to its Jooraal) Aberdeen, Wash., Aus. r JJ.W; W. McCord of SnatUe. asslstsd br Joserti B-kFurman,' has orninlted a council of th Knlrhli mna lAdlM or BmuH Phere with 40 member. Temporary of ficers chosen were; A. J. 8twrt, pres ident; Mrs. Lalia McDonald, financier: Mrs. C S. Black, secretary. ;. CAPITAL FULLY PAID $150,000.00 M. B. A. social. Alt members and their friends are Invited to attend tne Ice cream, social and dance at W. O. W. haiL 1 1th street, Saturday, August J 1. XJotft forest the data. J. Frank Watson.... President R. L. Durham. , . .Vice-President W. H. Fear... .Secretary S. C. Catching, Assistant Secretary O. W. T. Muellhaupt. . . Ca&icr 1 Mb