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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1907)
THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, ' MONDAY- EVENING. AUGUST 26, 1007. - 13 vl NEWS OF THE SPORTING WORLD rsL- . ., . .. r ' . . . . i AiiwrM I r iiiivii nnpiiiA HUH m l MTZ12TZL unflvfl n HKMRd Vvl I - ion Is Pitching Great Ball Lately. T ' r iimE ALL THE GO NOW Lightweights Form Only Live Weight Division in the Country. INACTIVITY IN OTHER EIGHT TUG DIVISIONS Fight Erperta Predict Victory of Gans Over Britt When Two Bloct on 'Admission Day Johnson Not Aggressive Enough for Chanipion I By C. K. Van Loan. Loa Angeles, Aug. 26. Ever since big Jim Jeffries tossed the gloves Into the corner, put the punching bag In the attlo end announced his retirement from the ring, there has been but one live weight division in this country the lightweights. Fully three years ago the little fel lows bogan to shoulder their beefy brother out ot the limelight and the welters, middles and heavies have been In the shadow ever since, with a fine, fat prospect of remaining' there for Sev ern) months to come. The lightweights are the hardliners of the Queensberry show and the other fellows are meekly accepting the small purses and trying to be thankful for a chance to play to window privileges for a meal ticket. The trouble stsrted in the feather weight division, for in Young? Corbett' time everv man who could make any weight under 133 pounds called himself a featherweight. Brltt boat uorDeii ana growing Heavier, graduated Twlrler Patterson of the White Sox j ' in a Characteristic Pose. Patter ion Is Pitching Great Ball Lately. TMh vr" basilar &oA Into the lightweight class and Abe Attell. "who came along about that lime, proceeoea to oo 122 ringside ana asx ror cus tomers. He got the title' without a struggle. The 130-pound feathers quietly slid into the Ughtweignt ciass wnere they belonged and the squad was full io oveniowing. xninn uvcr iw ibw purses and big splits of the past three years! Who got the money T Why. Toung Corbett. Brltt, Nelson. (Jans and a few more of the little fellows. Other Eight Divisions. Just at tho present time there Is a remarkable lack of activity in all the other eight divisions. It is true that Abe Attell Is trying to get anoTTler crack at Hrooklyn Tommy Sullivan, the man who beat him In St. Louis several yenrs uo. Freddy Weeks, the Cripple Creek phenomenon, Is crying for a chanc at Attell. and Harry Haker, the western featherweight, who has been campaigning in the Sleep City, says that he would like n-thlrd crack at the cham pion 1 22-poumler. Outside of these matches there Is nothing stirring with the gilt-edge grade of the featherweight fighter. There la a faint whisper from Boston which may mean a little activity In the ' welter class. Mike Twin Sullivan hav ing survived Old Home week, would like to fight Joe Thomas. Mike now trails himself the welterweight cbam ?lon. He has distinguished company, or both Mellody and Thomas claim the , -distinction. Kid Ketchell may drop in and make It a foursome. He is the ! unknown who gave Thomas such a lacing last Fourth of July. He has not, as vot, claimed a title, for the ; referee decided that a draw was about all for him. The middleweight division Is ossified, . the light heavyweight class has prac tically ceased to exist with Jeff out of the same there is no longer reason for Its existence and the heavies are floundering around trying to attract . bit of" the kind attention and secure few matches. Three Vlotlms for Barns, Tii ere are three men for Bums to flKht. First comes Jack Johnson, whose middle ' name Is Gamboge, or anything else that means yellow. Then comes Mike Schreck, who has been challenging Burns until ne was threatened wun writer's cramp, and last of all don't lauKh now Jawn Twin Sullivan of Bos ton. There's only one reason why Burns should fight Sullivan. The Twin holds a 20-round decision over him. Tho public has little Interest in match between Burns and Schreck or Burns and Sullivan, but there is crowing desire to see the husky Canuck step into the ring with J. Gamboge Johnson. Tommy Burns was in Los Angeles few days ago. He lingered long enough to nail the canard that he was again challenging; Jeffries and expressed him self as very well pleased to have the Dig renow remain in retirement. "How about Johnson?" be was asked. Tommy lit ud at once. "Show me the coin," said he. "Let me see the money and there won't be any trouble about making the match. I don't bar Johnson or any other man. All I want to see is the money. This sounds well enough, but It re- Burns and Johnson which took Dlacslalast December in Los Angeles. Burnjr ana crimen were flickering with several clubs in an attempt to get some big money ror their return match J. Gamboge, accompanied by his mana ger, blew into town while the stately negotiations .were Deing carried on. Johnson was on his way to Australia, but he was only too willing to be talked out of his long trip if shown any chance of a match with Burns or O Brian. MoOarey wont Staff It. Burns knew that Johnson was in town and due to put In his appearance. Tommy questioned McCarey and asked the manager if there was any chance to put Johnson on in Los Angeles. "Not on your life," said McCarey. "I never want to use him again in this town." A little later Johnson entered the room, flashed his plate glass exhibit, showed his teeth, shook hands all around and sat down to nurse his cane. If ever a black man was anxious to please, it was the big smudge from Gal veston. " 'Souse me, gen'lemen" he said, "ah deslah to say a few wuhds to Mlstah OBrien. men turning to the Fhlla- delphlan, Johnson asked for a battle in case O'Brien defeated Burns. O'Brien sidestepped very neatly and after Johnson hsd swung a few conversa tional hooks and failed to connect with anything but windy persiflage, he tried Burns. "Mlstah Buhns. ah'd lttt to ask you the same question. In case yo' win, kin I git a fight?" "Surely said Burns. "Any time Mc Carey here will give us a date!" Johnson was overjoyed. Me gnnnea from ear to ear and extended a huge sable paw in ratification of the verbal contract. "If McCarey will stage it," said Tommy, as he shook. Of course McCarey vetoed the propo sition as soon as Johnson submitted it, but for a few minutes Johnson really thought be had a match In sight. Johnson Xiaoka Games. The chances sre that no fight pro moter will make a bid for a mill lf tween Burns and Johnson until after the Oans-Brltt fight in San Francisco. Then there may be a revival in trn heavyweight brigade, brought about by a match between Burns and Johnson. The negro has thousands of admirers' who have evidently never seen him In an Important battle. Johnson belongs to tne class or ngnters oest aescrioea as "birds wno can sing Dut no not iikb music." He has every physical quali fication, but unless he has experienced a change of heart In the last three years he lacks gameness and aggres siveness. Time after time I have seen I him give ground before an inferior fighter and a man whom he could hav beaten in three rounds. Give Johnson the spirit of a Terrv McGovern and there would be an upheaval in tho heavyweight class and a smoked cham pion to boot. Once more the eastern sport turns his eyes toward the setting sun. With the sidetracking of the Gans-Memslc matcVi In Ios Angeles, laterest centers In the approaching Gans-Brltt contest In Snn Francisco, September 9. That is a bad date for Britt. Two years ago on Sep tember a tne native son received his first knockout at Colma. That night it was predicted that Brltt was done and would never again figure in a top-notch right. The McGovern battle In New York strengthened this opinion. Resurrection of James WEEK'S SPORT CALENDAR "I hsve saffered with pile for thlrty-tlx yean, i ( M reki (bay did noi trouoie ma at an. I'aacarau Anna wondara tar ma. f am antlralvanrad and feel ltka new man." Qaort a Kryder, Napoleon, a One year ao laal April ror the haaan aakln f',i..,.u for eoaaiipetlon. In tha eonrae of a weak I noticed lie pnea Dasao to uiaappaar ana tarn ana or til j(fFC Best For f l Bowels Pleeasofc'FalataMa, Pon, Taita Good. Do flood, Haver Slokan, Waakao or Orlpa. M, le. Me. Kavajft old la balk. Tha (attain tablet atampod OOO. Avra&s n akj4 tA mm Bast a nmp MMawhaitk. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.T. sgj 1 mUl SALE, TEN VMUM BOXES Edward, When Brltt went into training, over six months ago, the sports took It as a Joke. They regarded James as alnaudy sealed up In his little sarcophagus and ticketed "Died, Colma, Sept. , 105." Now, such a strange thing is public opinion, the same men who said Britt would never come back are talking about the punch which they say he has developed and wondering whether he will be able to land It on Gans. Britt is now a public Idol. Never a popular fighter in the past, he Is now on the crest of the wave. They point him out as the man who licked Nelson and they sre trying to twist the dope around to make him win from Joe Gans. It is claimed that Gans suffered a great loss of vitality In the Nelson right. This is undoubtedly true, for Joe left the ring weighing 128 pounds. He was a very tired man after the flsrht and he lost a great deal of blood from the mouth and nose, but he did not re ceive a dosen clean punches in the whole afternoon. Gans says that he has trained once since that fight without noticing any ill effects of the Goldfleld affair and he certainly looked right and ready when he was in Los Angeles last week training for Memslc. Britt's only chance to win lies In Gaqs' physical condition. Unless the negro has de teriorated remarkably he should hold the native son safe from bell to count, winning just as he pleases. C03IEAU ENGAGED AS PHYSICAL DIRECTOR (Special DUpatoh to Tha Journal.) Aberdeen, Wash., Aug. 26. The place of Professor J. L. Randal aa physical director in the publio schools of' this city will be filled this year by H. A. Comeau, who comes highly recommended rrom successful work m the east. Be sides having had much experience In all lines of physical training and athletic I worK, ne toon a special course in phys ical training at Harvard university. He was also amateur fenolna ehamnlon for Connecticut for two years. The Introduction of athletic and rvm. nasium work Into the Dubllc schools nf in is city was regarded as an experiment, but has now developed Into one of the most useful branches of the curriculum. The Interest taken by the pupils in rais ing the money to build and equip the gymnasium, and the enthusiasm with which they have entered into athletic sports and games have done much to create' and foster a school and class spirit which has proved a valuable fao tor in all lines of school work. Monday Western Women's Golf association championship tournament begins at Chicago. Missouri valley tennis champion ship tournament begins at Kan sas City. Missouri. Canadian and International tennis champion ship begins at Nlagara-on-the-Lake. National rifle champion ships begin at Camp Perry, Port Clinton, Ohio. Opening of Grand circuit race meeting at Trovldence, Rhode Island. Tuesday Trotting and pacing races begin at Toronto, Ontario. Great Western circuit race meet ing opens at Dubuque. Iowa. Minnesota state golf tourna ment opens at St. Paul. Wednesday National rifle shoot of the United States army begins at Camp Perry, Ohio. Friday Twenty-round fight between Mike Schreck and Al Kaufman at San Francisco. Saturday Fall meeting of the Coney Island Jockey club opens with the Futurity. Central A. A. U. track and field champion ships at 'Chicago. Tri-State ten nis championships (Ohio. Indi ana and Kentucky) at Cincinnati Ohio. Opening of fall meeting of Montreal Jockey club at Mon treal. Rhode Island state ten nis championship tournament at Providence. Women's Western Golf association team champion ship at Midlothian club, Chicago. little practical value to the man who wants to know what the car that he buys will do on a hill. Every one who has had any experience knows that it Is possible to gear a car up so that it especially suits some particular hill and also that the same car on another hill where the grade varies may fall down" badly. The best test of the all-around utility of a car is to get it out on the country roads with Its full complement of pas sengers. ROLLER AND KLANK TO WRESTLE IX SEATTLE LITTLE SPARKS FROM M0T0RD0M STATE SHOOT WILL BE HELD AT SPOKANE (Special DUpatoh to The Journal.) Spokane, Wash,. Aug. J6. f he Wash, tnrton state tranahnnt has been rhtnMt from Walla Walla to Spokane, by mu- iuu cunonni or xne waiia nana sports men. The reason la that the Vnr-tln coast shoot, which will be held In Spo kane on, the ISth. 14th and 15th of Sep tember. wouM hv s.11 th arnrwt ahnta and there would be none at Walla Walla f r m y Prseni arrangement all can at tend DOth BhOfitM wtthmit tnnnnvnlAn(4 as tha state shoot will follow the coast nanaioap ana oe neid n the 13 th. About 12S snort sman in itvnaotaul here to attend tha mHti tmm tha shoots at Ogden, Denver and Boise. "'''a.aaaaajejaasapi NORTHWEST LEAGUE. At Seattle Tacoms, J: Vancouver, 4. At BPOkanS iiIImhIim 11.S Snakana 1-4, . . Following the decision of the city's corporation counsel that njutomoblles may be taxed as personal property the board of assessors of Buffalo, New York, will take up the question as soon as the real estate assessments are ad justed. a a In the course of his motor tour through England, General Balllngton Booth, of the Salvation Army recently found the road lined with 3,500 babies, held In arms and in all sorts of vehicles, and all waiting to be kissed by him. a a Motor beauty bags have appeared In London. They resemble a small dressing case In pink leather and contain divi sions for bandages and medicines, nee dles, pins, tape and thread and brush, comb, powder puff, mirror and hair pins. a a In return for the promise of Spokane motorists to do all in their power to enforce observance of the speed laws the chief of police has agreed to arrest fedestrlans who obstruct street oross ngs and streetcar motormen who run recklessly. Fifty residents and summer visitors of Centre Moriches, Long Island, are 111 from what doctors call Automobile fever." The disease Is said to be due to the inhalation of dust from oil sprayed roads, and the local authorities have decided to stop using oil. a a "Jack" a dog owned by Dr. M. W. Everson, of Pittsburg, has a mania for automobiles. So fond is he of riding In them that he will leap into machines as they pass In the street and he spends the greater part of his time, when not riding, in garages. a a Motorists of Bakersfield. California, have organised a Good Roads' club, to which will be admitted any person in terested in the construction and main tenance of Improved highways, whether they town automobiles or not. a a "Doping" motors by the addition of Eure axygen to the mixture in the car urettor, nas become so prevalent at the great English track at Brooklands as to raise a howl of protest from the British press and all lovers of clean sport In King Edward's domain. (Special Dlxpatrb to Tha Journal.) Seattle. Aug. 26. Kinil Klank. tho Denver wrestler, has accepted the propo sition to wrtstle Dr. Holler In private in Seattle for $1,000 9 side. He wires that he will be ready to go on the mat In about four weeks from this date and will leave Denver for Seattle Septem ber 1. Klank has been after Roller ever since the big doctor stood off Champion Frank Ootch. but Roller said before that match that he would never wrestle In public again, and he put It up to Klank by offering to meet him In pri vate for $1,000 a side. If the men meet In private there will be no occasion to howl about fake wrestling matches, for they will be put ting up their own money and there will bo no chanoe to bilk the public. Every one here knows that Roller Is on the square and that he Is out to win no matter what ha undertakes, but the wrestling- game is so rotten, made so by crooked professionals, that a match In private is about the only way to con vince the skeptical ones that everything Is on the level. Roller Is always In con dition and will be ready to meet Klank any time. Women's National Golf Tourney. (Journal Special Bfrrica. Chicago. 111.. Aug. 26. Auspicious conditions attended the opening today of the annual championship tournament of the Western Women's Golf associa tion. The contests, which will continue until Saturday, are being played on the links of the Midlothlon club. The entries are numerous and of a standing to in sure some excellent play. The winner of the championship will receive the Women's Western Golf as sociation gold medal, and the club to which she belongs will have the cus tody of the W. A. Alexander cup for one year. The runner-up will receive the Western Women's Golf association stiver medal and the two defeated seml finallsts will receive the association's bronze medals. IIP II SLY PlAYi Slaps Ball Away From Jlott While Umpire's Asleep and Wins Game. (Journal Special Bervlre.) Los Angeles. Cal Aug. 26. A sly j play which failed lost yesterday's game , to Portland, after the northerners had a laad of 3 to 1 aa late as the eighth Inning. There were two Angels out in the last half of the eighth inning. Cravat h was on third and Brashear on second, when the ball was sneaked to Mott in i the hotie that he would catch the big rlKht fielder napping. Even the um pire was fooled, and like the fans, he watched Groom Intently as ne wounu up his arm. But Cravath was not fooled and. tak ing advantage of the situation, he slapped the ball out of Mott's hand. The sphere rolled 60 feet to the grand stand, while Cravath and Brashear ran home and tied the score. i Of courae the Beavers howled, but the busher umpire, Kelley, did not see airty play the he allowed the play and runs. The Pomanders went on the field and wanted to quit the game and' It was all Met redle could do to line them up for a finish. L.os An are es made the winning run In the ninth on a double by Gray and ray s murr or an lnrieid ny. une orn clal score: LOS ANGELES. AB. R. IB. PO. A. Bernard, cf 5 0 1 0 0 Carlisle, If. 4 1 2 t 0 Be WWertMkn With No Back Pains No Ntrvous ntss No Waste off PovvcrNo Loss of Ambition But With Plen ty of Life and Energy and the Vigor of Youth. To be strong and manly is the aim of avary young man, and yet how many we find who are wasting the 'vitality and strength which nature gives them. Instead of developing Into the strong, vigorous, manly young fel lows that nature Intended them to ba, they find themselves weak, stunted and despondent no ambition to do anything. They struggle almletisly along, sooner or later to become victims of that dread disease, nervous debili ty; their finer sensibilities blunted and their nerves shattered. I Cure Men's Diseases I have treated hundreds of men who have long suffered a gradual derllne of physical ana mental energy as a result of private ail ments, and have been Interested In nntlno- tha marked general Improvement that follows a thorough cure of tha chief disorder. My success In curing difficult cases of long standing has made me the foremost specialist treating men's diseases. This success . Is due to several things. It Is due to the study I have given my specialty; to m v havlnr ascertained the exact nature nf men's ailments, and to tha original, distinctive and thoroughly scientific methods of treatment I employ. To those In doubt aa to their true condition who wish to avoid tha serious results that may roilow neglect, i orrer free consultation and advice. Miner at my office or through correspondence. If your rase is on of tha few that has reached an Incurable stage, I will not accept It for treatment, nor will I urge my services upon anyone. I treat curable cases, only, and cure ail cases I treat. In Uncomplicated Cases My Fee Is Only SB. TJ.TX.OB. Tha leading- Specialist. i 1111 $10.00 Dillon, lb. t ravath, rf. Bran hear, lb. Nagle. lb. . . Hogan, c. Gray, p Delmas. ss. . Total E 0 V 0 I 0 1 0 ..$$ 4 '2 11 2 Atherton out. hit by own batted ball. PORTLAND. AB. R. IB. PO. A. E I Casey, lb 6 1 1 3 2 0 Burdette, cf 4 1 2 4 1 0 Hassey. If 4 1 0 6 1 0 Donahue, c 4 0 2 2 0 01 Atherton, lb 1 0 0 5 3 0 , McCredle. cf 4 0 3 2 0 0; Kay, ss 8 0 0 2 0 2 I Mott, 2b 4 0 0 2 0 0 Groom, p 4 0 01 3 0 i Total IS 3 t28 12 2 j YouPayWhenCured Bpsczrxo blood rozsov. No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the Interior, but harmless. blood-cleansing remedies that remove the last poisonous taint. YAJUOOCZUI. Absolutely painless treatment that cures completely In one week. In vestigate my method. It Is the only thoroughly scientific treatment for this disease being employed. FREE Two out when winning run was made SCORE BT INNIGS. Los Angeles 000100 02 1 4 i Hits 10 12 11111 9 Portland 10000002 0 3 Hits 21020103 0 SUMMARY. Two-base hits Burdette 2. Gray Brashear. Sacrifice hits Fay. Delraas. ! Left on bases Los Angeles 7, Portland Bases on bans urr Gray l, orr i Groom 1. Struck out By Gray 7, by Groom 1. Double plays Burdette to Atherton. Gray, unassisted. First base on errors Portland 2, Los Angeles 2. Hit by pitched ball Burdette. Time of game I hours 5 minutes. Umpire Kelley. Stolen bases Carlisle, Cravath, Brashear. My colored chart, showing the male anatomy and affording an Interest ing study In men's diseases will be given free upon application. Tou've probably been treated : for so-called weakness and helped tem porarily or not at all, and tha reason Is very apparent when causa of losa of power in men Is understood. Weakness is merely a symptom Of chronic Inflammation of the prostata gland, which my treatment re moves, thereby permanently restor ing strength and vigor. . OOarxmAOTZD BXaOSSaOUa. Tou can depend upon a qulok sad thorough cure by my treatment. A quick cure la desirable because a slow eure Is apt to be no cure at sIL and a chronic development will coma later. I cure you beyond tha possi bility of a relapse and in half tha usual time required. i xzrux AXLicEsm. Often the condition appearing to ba the chief disorder is only a reflex ailment resulting from soma other disease. Weakness sometimes cornea from varicocele or stricture; skin and bone diseases result from blood poison taint, and physical and mental decline follow long-standing func tional disorder. My long experience In treating ' men enables me to de termine the exact conditions that exist and to treat accordingly, thus removing every damaging cause and Us effects. Consultation and Advice FREE. Call or Write Today Hoars t a. m. to I p. m. Sundays 10 to 1. Local and Otherwise. me DOCTOR TAYLOR co. 834 H VOW-BOW BTBXIT, COBWEB SSOOSTD, POBTUUTD, OB. ratlenta living out of the city aad coming to Portland for treatment will ba innusoea warn ziae room xree ox ojiarg-e. cueoK your crnaaa direct to 834H Morrison Street. sporting w ores 11 MEN r 1 1 Even Break at Frisco. (Journal Special (Servlca.) San JVanclsco, Aug. 26. The Oak and the Seals each took a game yes terday, scores: First tame r.h.K. Oakland 0 00000000 0 4 J San Francisco ..00020000 0 2 8 0 Batteries Carnes, Wright and Bliss; Henley and Street. Second game R.H.E. Oakland 00000003 0 3 4 San Francisco ..00110000 0 2 7 1 Batteries Wright and Hogan; Joy ana street. Not the least of the gflod points gained by having the automobile shows coma early is that the manufacturers have been forced to start in earlier on their 1808 models. Many prominent companies have already their 1208 models for sale. At the present time there is much controversy over the relative merits of lour ana six cynnaers. ine xouowing comment on the sublect rrom J. l. Max. well, vice-president of the Maxwell- Brlscoe Motor company, is of more than passing interest, since it shows what one authority thinks on the subject. In speaking . of the matter, Mr. Maxwell saia : "The question seems to be largely one of power desired. If 30 to 40 H P. ia enough, then four cylinders wllr fulfill all requirements. If. on tha other .hand, a' 60 to 70 H.P. motor Is desired, then six cylinders will be found generally more aatlsfaotory. "The question resolves itself entirely into keeping each unit or cylinder with in practical limits. This has been tha policy of the Maxwell company, and the 2-cvllnder car of - 20 H.P. seems lust as popular today as when wa Intro duced it back in 1908.'- . Hill climbing contests with cars as. pecUily feared for the purpose are of Miss Sutton in Canada. (Journal Special Service.) ' Nlagara-On-The-Lake. Ont., Aug. 26. Much or tne Dest tennis talent on botn sides of the border has gathered here to take part In the Canadian and inter national championships. The contests began today at the Queen s royal grass courts and will continue through the greater part of the week. Added In terest is to be given to the Canadian championships by the participation of miss ftiay Burton, tne woman tennis champion . of the world. Claim Junior Championship. The Stevens ball nine beat the Stars 7 to 8 yesterday. They also boat the Teddy Bears 18 to 2. The Stevens' claim the junior championship of Ore gon and Washington. The Stevens have won 86 eames- and lost but 2. The line up is as follows: C. Nelson, catcher; W. Nelson, pitch er; I. Voss, pitcher: C. Thurkelson, shortstop; I. Harris, first base; H. Landpair, second base; F. Schmidt, third base; H. Martlen, left field; O. Lovell, , center field; J. O'Ncil, right field. AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Detroit Detroit, 7; Boston, 1. At Chicago Chicago, 8; New York 2. At St. Louis St. Louis, 8-0; Phila delphia, 1-1. Fruit Wanted. The Weber-Bussell Canning company have an office and warehouse on dock at foot of Yamhill st., Portland, Or., where they are buying peaches, pears and plums. After a heavy meal take a couple of Doan's Regulets, and give your stomach, liver and bowels the help they will need. Regulets bring easy, regular passages of the bowels. Rain prevented the playing of any Trl-Clty league games yesterday. The result will be the lengthening of the minor league season for another week. The final game will probably be played the last week In September. a a One victory In five games. That's the record the Portland team made last week in Los Angeles. a a The ball game which Jt was proposed to play for the benefit of the striking telegraph operators Is off. as a large majority of the operators nave gone to work or left town. a a The records show that JoeFay, the) Portland shortstop, has made about as many errors during the past week as i all of his team-mates put together. I Superintendent Woodard of the Mult- nomah club has returned from a week's j vacation to Long Beach. I Nothing doing In the Irvlngton tennis 1 tournament today. The first matches ! will-probably not be played before Wed nesday. a a The Spanton-Gresham ball game was postponed on account of rain. Nor dean, the Spanton left fielder, is sick with typhoid fever at Good Samaritan hospital and will be unable to play any more this season. Nordean has played 16 games, has made a fielding average of .800 and a batting average of .380. Next Sunday the Spantons will play at Eugene. a a The racing season will open at Emery ville. November 9. The stakes will be similar to those of last year, but several stakes will be added and there will be a semi-futurity for two-year- olds In the spring. a a Matt McGrath, the hammer-thrower. defeated John Flannlgan. the former j title holder, In the athletic games at Travors Island last Saturday. He hurled ' the nammer ie reet. wane m was tho best Flannlgan could do. a a Jesse Stovall, the old Seattle nltcher. i who Is now playing second base for . Tacoma, leads the Northwest league in i ut.i.i.n, " - -' 1 o '-'--'- . v w.n. linn VUl 1 of 20 times at bat. Eddie Householder, I Aberdeen's right fielder leads the men i who nave piayea in any consldnrahla I number of games. His average Is .361. ' Benny Myers of Seattle, is next with I .821. Bell of Butte, Hyatt of Van couver and Ross of Seattle, are. tha only I otheruthree who are above the .300 mara. Preferred Stock Canned woods. Allen Lewis' Best Brand. P.sJ 11 I I N YOU CAN DO IT BY CONSULTING THE St Louis Physicians and Surgeons Doctors That Can Cure SICK MEN IT Beally iiini strange that men who are SXBIOVBIT W1AX will go to the charlatan, whan they might just aa easily AJTD TAM XOBB BATZSrAOTOBXXiT, spend the time consulting; physicians of- knows merit. To the weak, rundown and nervous man no better advloe oaa be given than thlsi 8SEX ICEUP WKXBB IT XS CEBTAZST TO BE TOWt. ' ir Ton persist In going to those who have no steading professionally.' " HOW CAST TOU EXPECT TO TO 8B CUBED? This Institution, has built up Its splendid practice more by the free advertising siren It by its FEBPE OTLT BATISPIEO PATTEHTS, who have received tne ben efit of Its modern, scientific and legitimate methods, than In aay other way. If you are not a. perfect man- ooma to us. lent it worth- tha little time It will take when you are CEBTAIW that you will have tha benefit of XOMXST, SIBCBBB physicians who never attempt to deceive you in any way? A consultation costs you nothing EXCEPT your own OUR FEE $10,00, Established 87 Tears in Portland. Consultation Free Wa Will Treat Any Single UnoompU oated Ailment for 1 10.00. Absolute Guarantee No Pay Unless Cured ii; r Cure safely and promptly WEAKMTESS, LOST MA1THOOS). BPEB tltjttATORRHOEA, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON I Iff ALL STAGES VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE, OOMOBBKOEA, 0LEET. OJ AOT Of THE DISEASES COMMOIC TO MEN. Our fees are fair. Personal at tentlon given all patients. Write If yon cannot call. Our system of home treatment la always) CERTAIN and most sacoessfuL All correspondence sacredly confidential HOURS 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays. a. m. to 12 noon. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL COBWEB SECOBD AND TAUBXC.L STREETS, POBTLAND, OBBaOV 97 Tears' Experience. ST. LOUIS DISPENSARY t 14 'la, I ' ' ' -- -HI . . ,J J rsas"ssS3XBSBassBajava aSSBBBlllllMBBllllllHBllllHBBHBBlBBBaBBBBaBaBBBBBSBBaaiMBSBBBBlBBBBaBaBsaBBSaK JsBMi,BfBfB(Bfl(BaBBnSBBBaBl BATH POWDER 1 a RICE POWDER A Perfumed Luxury for die Bath. I Best Toad powder. AoiiepbcaDy pure, Kelievet sunburn and aaMN? CWt.ATAU. ST0RT bby. -V A CAN - rm maii rn nv iia. . 7w a cam Diseasem$Ifomen I A 11 1 FEMALE WEAKNESS, GENERAL .DKHTL. LrtUILJ ITY, NERVOUS TROUBLES, UNHEALTHY1 DISCHARGES, PAINFUL OR IRREGULAR JHONTHLJ' SCK NESS, safely and speedily relieved. If in trouble call cr wnie, DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Medicine sent everywhere by mail or express in plain wrapper, free from exposure. Dr. TaiJ. Pierce 181 FIKST ST.." COK. YAfUUU OKTLAiND, Q