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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1907)
THE: OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING AUGUST 20. 1907. 12 TODAY'S MARKETS Aurora Ilopgfiwcrs Say They Would He Willing to Let Present Crop Rot If All Others Would So Agree. ALASKA TRADE IS CURTAILED NEW HOPS SELLING AT VERY LOW PRICE Inability of Local Men to Get Cars for Potatoes Mops Most of Business. Latest market stores: Spud trade hurt by railroads. Cheese market ! duller Eggs and poultry holding. Tomatoes selling down -ft'n-u rb t verv uncertain. Run of nalmon shorter than a year Peach market (rood tor beat itock. h WnnA Trade Hart by Kail road. necausa of the nondelivery of ex- ..r which have been ordere.1 fn, northern shipment for over a week. potato dealers are wondering where they Stand The northern business Is the tnr nntatoes at mis time, wihtah prl ire obtained for ship i.nTJ Hirctlon. While the con tract to supply the government with i po tatoes this season wem - -sound house, a large number of orders wWr-laced In this city, but on account of the nonarrlval or tne cars w.e u nasi may be entirely ruined for this -"-" " I 1 in .. E. .!... tt CAM. Tr -1.4...-. hl amount of tne present. i - v "i ii ucn ynmia, n .B i.u , .Li. .rira ir unmatured tier rivals l . .... iu II VirnVTint.rB Tnrnlna nav lft.ff '"i . i i k.nir that I II 11(1 gunk: carrots. 75erfI100 ner rk (Special Dispatch to Journal.) Salem, Aug. 26. The hop mar ket has become very quiet. In fact there are very few accepted, as the buyers wish to know whether they will be damaged by the heavy rain which fell last night and the ahowera to day. There are a few purchases of the new crop at from 8 to 9 centa and one la reported as low aa 7 centa. Old hops remain at S and 6 cents, with a little higher for first quality. Several growers had a small part of their hop vines blown over In the storm the other night, but this was not general and Is un important. Vermin are reported In a few yards, but the hops are generally clean. Loral buyers believe that If the storm con tinues long enough to nerlously Injure the crop large parts of It will be allowed to remain on the vines, ss they will not pay picking expenses. ricking of the early varieties Is now gen eral and picking the hops will he well under way In the first week of September. HOG MARKET A QUARTER DOWN Price Loses 25c Today on Small Arrivals Heavy Run of Sheep. Pl.yenPthan 10 Tnercen of the ar- beets. 11.60 per sack; parsnips. $1.004 not more than iu .per ,r;'n tured pr. n .25; cabbie. lc; tomatoes. Ore- &. Ill alow ae'lerV arj I are general- gon 4(t r,c; beans. 2 3c; green. fSi.n? tn th. Front Street markets f3r per lb; cauliflower. $T.25 dox; poas, . i ac ; nnrseramsn. c id arucnones. .' . arouna . - 75c. dol; ,reen onions. 15c per doz ObMM Market o aw mau bfI1 p.ppar. g.gc pr b; npjl(j Iet. The local Cheeae market la not mar j tuce ( ) dos; cucumbers, hothouse, 16 ' ao firm Prices axe way up In the air, I 26c doe; radishes, 15c docen bunches; and the retail trade reports that con- eggplant. 12c lb; green corn. $1.26 aumers are not buying so rreeiy as sack; celery. 75c$1.25 doren. w-k. HfOTT- . Orooerlaa, Hnts. Etc f tha nrTca holds well and la hard- 8TTOAR Cube, $6.22 ; powdered. iw?ed to inaie a downward move $8.07; berry. $5.87 ; dry. granulate f?fJt $5.7; Star. $6.77; conf. A, $5 87 ; . atJh',..t1. ii r. firm, but .. R- !-?TH: " P. "H:.n BUiier " rr:',' ', , laj-eer ellow, 16.17: teet granulated, J5 77 H; tha ralna are expected to causa larger barrel ,0c; half barr.,, 26c; bo,88 arrivals oi crm. . r "':: 71. tOc advance on sack rasie. ' reduction In tha price temporarily. (Above prices are 30 daya net cash Srra and htckena are nrm. ri". quotationa.) Aetnand being about equal at pre- HONEY $S. 60 per crate. vailing figures COFFEE Package branda. $15,88 9 aurun sown Araia. I 16.63. Portland t'nlon Stockyards, Aug. 26. Official run: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Today 150 $,300 Week ago iuo J,0U Year Hiro 26 . . . . 1'rovlous year 111 36 141 As predicted In this report of late there was a decline of about 26c In hog fir Ices In th local yards today. Of iors there were no arrivals In the local over Hcinilny. The top of the mar ket today whs $6.7.1. At the new price the market Is not overflrm and preaent prospects aro for, a still lower range when shipments from the east ara re sumed. Cattle Market Holding;. Tho trade believes that the cattle market should do better but today's price Is merely steady and unchanged. Over Sunday 150 head arrived In the yards, compared with 106 head a week ago, and a nominal number both a year and two years ago this date. The cat tle market is now so high in the east that shipments are being diverted from here and this Is expected to force the coast market higher. Sheep Trade Xa Dull. Trade In the sheep market Is of small caliber out supplies are very heavy. Ii on ii iiiiiriT a LliUflL HUM I I CENTJOpED Higher Values Elsewhere Cause Buyers to Offer More Here. 1 v Heidfcber 0, IN SPITE OF THE RAIN YESTERDAY, HUNDREDS OF ENTHU ASTIC PEOPLE VISITED HEIDLEBERG ORCHARDS. . THE RE SULTS ARE EVERYBODY IS TELLING HIS FRIEND TODAY ABOUT THE WONDERFULLY RESOURCEFUL SOIL OF HEIDLE BERG THE HANDSOME IfRUIT, THE GRAINS, THE VEGE TABLES, ALL ARE SILENT BUT ELOQUENT WITNESSES OF THE PRODUCTIVENESS OF THE SUPERIOR SOIL AT HEIDLE BERG. II aTorthweet Crop Wsatlier. Western Oregon Fair tonight Tuesday fair ,nd warmer; weat arly winds. Western Washington Proba bly fair tonight and Tuesday; westerly winds. Eastern Oregon, eastern Wash ington and Idaho Fair tonight and Tuesday. Higher wheat values abroad have tended to affect the local market to a considerable extent of late and today millers here are offering an advance of lo a bushel over Saturday's offerings. For club they are today offering on a basis of 81c track Portland, or 8So for bluestem. Growers are not disposed to sell free ly although It la thought by the trade that today's advance will bring out quite a bunch of wheat At the recent ahort rises in volume by tha Liverpool and other markets volume to allow them to charter ships. SALT Coarse Half ground, 100s pay "u w-ln. murie bOH, II. bV. 1UI lower, saiea oi u ?;"T " Imported Liver down to 40o today, while fanc.lea are ,19;oo. 4 ' . .7 7... ii.,. s.tnr.l sajlt coarse MSII whu pkwf" A. ,nTn nirkit $12.50 per ton; 60s, $13 00; table, dairy, ly and yesterday Aa Jomto 'market! s J? j rurwi Miween on ...u . . rt 6s and 10s, $4 505.50; Liverpool Peacnea are nrm jur .-..w 7 " lump rock. $20.60 per ton; 60-lb rock, y-rota nd over-ripe fruit la selling mo0. 100s ,io.B0. pool. 60s. $20.00: 100s. 8.(10: extra tine barrels. 6s and 10s, $4.605.50; Liverpool drv at a sacrifice. and a Loci t Pil"L" iiir i.,r arrival tADove prices apply to sales or less urean peppi - tnan car iot Car iot, mt pclal prl ara selling lower, TvaJ "cants are ! hen. Prices bold aboa '....i- in hatter subject to fluctuations.) 'SK rvlTr. XVe In demand around ,.00',:iew.,Vrlean" neaa- ,c , wiv ;-- - - I A jb x, lie: v reoie, oc. $1.60 and $1.76 box. DEANS Small white, $J.8n; large almon Bun H SmaXltr. white, $3.50; pink. $3.60; bayou. $3.0; t a aneclal dispatch from Astoria says: Limas. 64c; Mexican reds. 4Hc if -h salmon season closed on the Colum- NUTS Peanuts. Jumbo. 9Uc per lb; I iii It noon yesterday. Tha season's Virginia. 7c per lb; roasted. 10c per .hont 30 per cent short or last id: Japanese. Sfflsc; roasted. 737Hc STaaon It la estimated as follows. In per lb; walnuts. California, 10c per lb; 5?,,,.,,. pine nuts, 14 15c per lb: hlckorv nuts, run cases. Cases. 10c per lb; Brazil nuts. 18c per lb; fll- Hanborn-Cuttlna- company 17,000 berts 16c per lb; fancy pecans. 1820c :n..vnr.nt PRirklna: comD&ny. . is.uuu per id; aimonas. lswjiHe. Mcoowan 4 Bon. ( two rt..) J MM rlrt Mfl r,,. 2 itna Packlna- company 9.000 FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs. M-fyj. .. i 7.000 fancy. 8c per lb; large, 78c per : Warren Packing Co. (2 canneries) 22.000 in; veal extra. Fl-herme?. CooVrative ,-J22 5f.Pfr ia?"r'. 6,7 Krt110 company. HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland pack. 5i.,.-xi '-o'lvar' Wckers (I can- (local) hams. 10 to 12 lbs, 16c per lb: Co b RIV" POCke". 62.600 14 to 19 lbs. 15V4C per lb; 18 to 20 lbs. ner,"B' 1614c: breakfast bacon. 15Hi22c per ta, 196,600 lb; picnics, 11V4C per lb; cottage roll, i, nt tiarces of HHc per lb; regular short clears, un- ' .1J.elltl5Qat,et1.,rm- Jlch ot "tha lndl- nioked 12c per lb: smoked. 12c per lb; pickled fish WJ?,U..follow" cks, unsmoked, 12c: smoked. 13c , Yldual cold storage plants is as follows. per b. bvn t n lb, -un. ' . T1rc.A smoked, per lb; smoked, 9c pr lb; Fishermen's Cooperative Co l.swo c)ear beiHaS, unsmoked, HHo per lb; Tallant-Grant Packing cbm parry .. . 600 moked 13c per lb; shoulders. 12ftc 9c per lb; ordlnsry. c per lb; mutton. n..w. Ciltln ..J...... SO a ar.v,rrAt l'n a 426 per lb; pickled tongues. 60c each. LOCAL, L.ARO- Kettle leaf. IOC, 13c per id; os, 13 hc per id; tt-in tins, izhc a Schmidt & Co t I.J.nh.,ff ' I .1111. Oil w p,', . Warren Packing company Sen Per lb; "team rendered. 10s, 1114c per -Columbia Kiver x-nm lD; 8Si nc per id; compound, los, loc Klevennusen et to """ per id. f VUUD J r - - I j . . wu, f 1 ' J ' iiuuiiunia. 6c per lb; halibut. 6c per lb; striped bass. 16c ter lb: catfish, lie ner lb: sal- wn wrWrtwt Za "Very trnoarcain. I rnoni. fresh Columbia chlnook. 11c per A most .v. i,n. market nn innllnatlon among the dealera to con tract the coming crop, jura Total 7''10 bass, 16c uncertain tona la ruling In lb: fiteelheads lOo per lb; herrings, 6c irkit it this time. There Is P9r lD: oles- c per lb; shrimps. 12c per VJUth. deSer. ?o con- i Preh. 6c per lb; tomcod. 7c per lb; picking money i Ion. $2.60; per 100-lb sack, $4.60; Olym- bopb wuui ... Pla, per gallon. $2.25: per 116-lb sack. Pickers are cajcf; """""yfl" 6.606.2; Eable. canned. 10c can; $7.00 lobsters. 16c ner lb: fresh mackprel. Hp. v c rnn null iruwDis hid .. ' ' ' ' i-.min.trn.t rs If riven a chance. P?r id; crawrisn. z:.c per aox; sturgeon, ' ' .v.n iTitn uttc per id dibck Dass, iuo per id Th? B,r;haW. short ver smelt 7c per lb; frozen shad. 6c pnaic "V.,V Vrwrs P-r lp: black cod. 7 n alln. growers , , per io. TCZ T"T .C. OTBTER8 Bhoalwater bav. D I'laaLtiaw a w . m j "- J I V. . 1 a Over Sunday the run was 2.300 head as 1 oruano. pricea are now favorable for onmpnred with 1.660 head a week ago. 'umi ,"Porl ousinesa, providing farm noiie a year ago and 342 head two years er could be Induced to sell In sufficient a ko. A year ago today the markets ware quoted nrm mit unonangea. Official vard prices : Hoc Best eastern Oregon, $6.76; stockers and feeders, $6.256.60; China fats. $8.60Wfi.76. Cattle Best eastern Oregon steara. $3.76 8 4.00: best cows and helfera, $2.76 (S3. 00: bulls. $1.762T2.00. Sheep Best wethers, $4.00; mixad. $4.00; lambs, $4.6096.00. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET COLLEGE PROFESSOR IN HARVEST FIELD Farm Labor Very Scarce and Various Methods Used to Get Hoppickers. Early Rear Movement Start With Report of Bank Failure. New York. Aug. 16. A bear raid in tha early aesslon due to tha report that a formerly strong bank in Amsterdam had closed its doors coat tha market soma of it Saturday's price, but the latter market was firm and due to strong support London waa ateadler for Americana, values belna- u ta . points up. : oo exooo ? xoaq -jsao q seat-id JOi aajj I0;jo DKSClUTTIOr. :op. Am. C. A F. C, c Am. Cot Oil. c Am. Loco., com . Am. Sugar, c. . . . Am. Smelt, com. do preferred . . . Anaconda M. Co.. (Special DUpttch to Tht Jonrnl.) Forest Grove. Or.. Aug. 26. While Atchison, com many growers from other sections are weeping and wailing because of shortage Brook. Rap. Tr. in the crops the growers of this section Canadian Fac, c. ... ..ini.i. ..iu tin i.m nrfv. central xeain., c. "-J""'" r.---" - do preferred. ductlon and excellent quality or mis c. & G. W com vear's cron. Tha only thing that seems I C. M. A St. F tr hnth.r them ta the dearth In labor. Nj VV.. com. . . .-- - - . chM & Ohio. . . many of the growers lacking a big por- Coi F A j com tion of their crews as yet. Col. Southern, o. . This dearth in men Is due to the do 2d pfd nresslnar demand ror men in oiner ao ist pra lines of activity. Men. women and chll- Del. & Hudson. dren have been called upon to shoulder D. & R. (., com.. the pitchfork and go to the ruecue of do preferred the rrons. and only ast week a farmer Erie, com searched the city highland low for a I do 2d pfd harvest hand and at last ha had to get do 1st pfd down on his Knees to a college professor Gt Nor., pfd.. and plead with mm to neip nusoana Illinois central his croDi. Ij. & N. But aside from this scarcity or laoor Aiiuin. Kan way the hoD BTOwere are in the height of Mex. Cent Ry glee. J. C. Buchanan, who ha a yard I M. K. A T., com. of 66 acres between this city and Cor- Distillers nellus. states that he has an excellent Ore Lands crop, very clean and heavy. He to- Virginia Chera i i iMiwt or the growers of M., K. & T., p Washington countv will begin picking Missouri "ao. between September 1 and 10. Nell John- National Lead T . I- 1 1 I I ii ir. . , i XT v -.. BOII, JOIlll URlBirr, 1 1 Eli I y ii. lien, n . l.. vcim . , . . Russell. Mote Johnson and others all N. T., Ont. & W. rerjort canlLal erona Norfolk A W.. C nonn American V mi XflVTVn BTnnra rxorxnern JM., c. i x-4 v ta'ia inai' j m. m.j 1121 41 16$U Pennsylvania Ry People's G.L.&C. Official Bid Prices Current Today on P"" Stel Cr e 41 18H 19 80 0 46 47 119H 12014 133 104H 112 17S 8SH 47 4hi 27H the San Francisco Exchange. yards are already overripe and are snowing mouiu. Front street values: drain, Tloxa and Teed. ORAIN BAGS Calcutta, 9c, large lota; small lots, 9e. wrmtiT New Club. 81c: red Rus lan 78c bluestem. 82 83c; val- do. CLAMS Hardshell, per box. $2.40: rasor clams, $2.00 per box; loo per dox. Paints. Coal on. Etc ROPE Pure Manila. 18 fie; standard. 13ac: sisal. 11c. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral case 19c per gal: water white, iron bbls, dORN Whole, $29.00; craced, $S0.00 .' 175 de case' 2iuc rer gaL Peiton. ,nna,m,M GASOLINEJ 86 deg cases, 24o per 1 fBr5. ?;.'"'"." I ai; iron bbls, 18c per gal per ton; rolled, izs.du(B4.uu. Drewmg, BENZINE 63 deg.. cases, 26c per ili.evvii.Dv. I gal; iron ddis, vsc per gal. KJV ioo pej cwu TURPENTINE In cases. 96c per gal; riiTQ Nm Producers' rirlce No. 1 ,ki. ii. .... i white. $22.60 24.00 per ton; gray, $22.00 WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 7c per QI28.0O. lib; BOO-ID lots. 8c per id; less lots, 80 FLU UK tasiern uregon patents, WIRE MAILS present Das.s at J3.1S. 1410: it.20 exporx. .uv ner lb. Valley, l.u w.u; inumm, n a. bio, Whole wheat, .; rye, eus, .ou; oaies, cnnm 12.00. " MILLSTUFFS Bran, $17.00 per ton;! (SpecUl Dlspsteb to The JouraaL) 2!2u.?Ke.'ltW?5tfi aS"7' Aberdeen-Weatport. Wash.. Aug. 26.- HAY Producers' price Timothy, A clam cannery, to be known as the Willamette valley fancy, $16,00417.00; Ocean Beach Packing company, has been ordinary, $12.O014.OO, eastern Orerop. orKanlzed at this place, and will b open 118: mixed. $1010.60; clover, $7.60(gi8; fop business about the flrpt of next grain. Jiiu; cneav, o.auia-iu.ov. month. There will be some fish canned. Batter, Egga and Poultry. but the principal work done by the BUTTER FAT F. o. b. Portland company will do ine paoaing oi me a,.. -raom ifio- annr if razor ciams, ior wnicn mis juciuuy 13 1utlv famous. nnWc, 1 ' 'V, . The incorporator, of the company are S6o; seconds. 86c; store, Oregon, 22 He EUliS ii.xr.ra rancy, canuiea, ib'ss zee; eastern, Z4n,c. c. -Jitiat; ivew .run cream, flata all successful business men, and expect to do. a, good business irom tne start. 17ffll7Hc per lb.; Young Americans, I isBiec per id; t,asiern ijc. Liverpool Cotton Market. I.lverrool. Aug. 26. Cotton futures closed barely steady, 6 to 8 points POULTRY Mixed chickens. 13 if?) ISHclb; fancy hens, 13c lb; roosters, up' old. 10c lb: frvers. 15c lb: hrniiera 16c lb; old ducks. Ik lb; spring ducks,' UlTVYRft'lT' T, 'RTTT?TT 12o lb; geese, old, 8(310c lb.; turkeys, vii-iviu.u jjxj.. ' lll$o lb., for old: squabs. $2.60 per doxen; pigeons, $1.26 per dozen; dressed poultry, 101c per lb. higher. JOINS TWO FIK3IS : George L. Burtt, a well-known buyer of Oregon potatoes and onions, is in the city from San Francisco, and will remain here during the present potato sea- Hops, Wool and Hides. HOPS 1906 crop Prime to crolce, 4 654c; medium to prime, 444c; con. tracts, 1907 crop, ( ). WOOL 1907 clip Valley. 20 21c .:V"atern Oregon. 18 21c. lmT k IT. ion? itu. SHEEPSKINS Shearing. ir'?0p on- Mr- Burtt ,s now the reP' eachr ahort wool, 2640c; medium, wool 4 resentatlve of the "Big 2" potato ' uJ!f;f tJJ?: 4?JJ WOOi' ?5C?,!? each- flrmB of tne BaV City. Wolf & indease: tavir a Son9 and l. gcatena & Co. Form CHITTIM BARK 6c per lb. erly he represented Scatena ft - t rrulta aad TrUbUs. Co. exclusively, but the loss by ' POTATOEfl-Ftricy . J 1.26 1.50 aell- drowning of Wolf & Sona' rcp- s ing; bttyin;,wwniie, ii.z per sacK. 4, resentatlve on the steamer Co if ONIONS Jobbing: price New Walla . ,mKt , ,K. - Walla, $2.28 aack; Oregon, $2.50; buy- T ' , ' inar, $l.76&$l.6; irarlic, 6c per H. 1 a r f 1.1-w " . aa.vvv ..vw. KKi:SH FRUITS - OrangeJikr$4.:6J8 jfe4.Uj banana. 6e lb; lemons, Stf.00i7.60 rer boa; limes. Mexican, $4.00 per 100; t I-wVeapples. $3.256.00 docen,' grape fruit J $ 26; PtMiches, 80c; cantaloupe, ; $1 COff $1 60; rlums, 6075c; watermel i en. HMHc; culUvated -blackberries, " LJ9L7S ci-we; crabapjpl-,. i-.54J without a buyer and Mr. Burtt's affiliation will practically mean the consolidation of the two firms as far as Oregon potatoes are concerned. Mr. Burtt is at the Belvidere. a Si Reading, o .... 89 A A. H J. Tr, 1 1 IU Off.l.l KM I 'u V uoii a iaut.i3t.Vi a" t Pk . tt v . w i a. i w i&a wa 1 r n it P"ce: ReD. I. & UOL.1J11 IKLilJ 1J1BIK1U1. Sandstorm 44c, Monawk 1 1 s.zd, co- Rock Island, c lumbia Mountain 54cA, Jumbo Ext do p $176. Vernal 16c, Pennsylvania 8cA, St.L.&S.F., 2d p Kendall -23c. Booth 40c. Hlue Bull 8c. do 1st D ... Adams 14c, Silver Pick ,62c,. May Queen Southern Pac, c. luc, iNevaaa uoy ic, xs. a. uixt. kca, isouinern kjt., c Hiue Ken lie. uixie tc, Mioernia yc, ao p .... St. Ives 85c. Conqueror 12c, Lone Star Texas & Pac 21c, Great Wonder 2c, Potlatch 40cA, Oro T., St. L. & W., c 20c, Kendall JSxt. zc, Banastorm fc."xt. do p . . 6c A, Mayne 6c, Atlanta tic, ureat Bend union Pac, c 64c, Simerone ZbcA. limplre 10c. Red U. 8. Rubber, c Top Ext. 27c. Florence 14.20. Diamond- do P nem u. h. L:on. ztc. ureat uainv 11. 60. u. . Bteei Co.. c Laguna $1.65, Commonwealth 26o. Com- do P .. blned Fractions $2.12V4. Great Bend Ext. Wabash, c 14c. Millstorm 27c. B. II. Bonanza IcA. do v .. Esmeralda 10c, Portland 22c. Cracker- Western Cnlon.. 76 75 jacK ic, Tanci8 Monawk $1.06, Red Hill 6c. Mohawk Ext. 11c, Young Tiger Yellow Rose 7c, 'Columbia Mountain Boston Copper Market. Ext. 4c, Goldfield Con. $7.66. t,m COMSTOCK. Adventure .$ .26 Onhlr 9Sv Mailcan E7 ClnnlA A. Bingham .. 1.28 Curry 26c, Con. Virginia 77c, Savage Centennial sc, Jiaie c jNorcroas 80CA, Yellow I ft"u Jacket $1. Belcher 21n. Sierra Nevada Mas. 21c. Excheriuer 43c 1'nlon fln Mohawk RTTT.T.Trnnn nroTtiTfT rxev. ton. - " "'"""vi, I riWcrtnal n Unntfino T.,.i1-.A. J. XT. I . v..0...u. .uv...--,c xu-...i-k; iu, ..a.-i ievena ... tlonal Bank 20c, L. Harris 2c, Gold Bar Sup. & Pitta. r-nv.i r.uiiaio Annex acA, May- victoria 82 16H 61 24 24V4 87 66 46 102H 31 54H 118 1174 KB ihi 29 H llVi 1SS 104H 112 HZ 47 46 19 64 116H 116V4 86 Mi 115 78 FRUITS OF HEIDLEBERG JUST THINK OF IT YOU CAN OWN A LOT AT HEIDLEBERG 50x 100 feet, with ten or twelve fruit trees in full bearing. On the tract are over 100 best variety of cherry trees more than two hundred prune trees almost five hundred of the best apple trees, together with other fruit trees, making in all 1,000 first-class fruit trees in full bearing. It Will Pay You to See Hcidlebcrg at Once Phone, Main 6744 THE PACIFIC COAST REALTY CO. 305-6-7-8 Buchanan Bldg., Portland, Oregon 4, 11JH V '.ZVi it "V ii miy v i-' i v. 3 MAY WHEAT GAINED TWO CENTS TODAY Total sales for day, 623,900 shares. 60c, flower Con. 38c. Montv. Ohio Kit n nri.,..i.. vjuiutm oLcyim sn;, jvioniy. jviouniain c, B. Daisy lOcA. Homestnka Con 9Rf Tankee Girl 6cA, Tramp Con. 34c, North Diar oca. TONOPAH, Tonopah Nevada 10c, Mont. Tonopah Jan. $3. Tonopah Ext. J1.60A. MacNamara Feb. 22cA. Midway 70c, Tonopah Belmont March is.iuA. lonopan iNortn Htar 17c, Ohio April 'i. ci rnu i on. oic. rescue may opah & California 40c. Holdnn Iaii Anchor 12c. Jim Butler 86c. Tononah fint .21 .11 .04 .68 .10 .08 .01 H 16 06 .0 1.48 Osceola . . . Phoenix Tamarack . Wlnna. Royal U. 8. Mine., Greene Con. Butte C. Qulncy .... Shannon . . . Trinity , . . . Nlpplsslng , Bid. $1.05 .01A .80A .05 .16 .48 12 1.93 .93 .1Z .16 .08 Jfew York Cotton Market. 14c. Cash Boy 4Sc. Tononah Home c Rn. nt ton Tonopah llcA. Monarch Pittsburg Nov. a-, jiuiu. iviia. jixt. zc, uoiaen Dec. IIUWII DC. August. Open. High. Txw. 26 24 1241 1243 1238 1236 1229 1239 1232 i249 1260 1244 1246 1238 .... 1148 1241 1266 1268 1264 1263 1246 1146 1154 1147 1146 1135 1146 1146 1142 1150 1142 1216 1220 1209 1214 1206 1118 1219 1217 1110 1210 1226 1235 1124 1126 1219 mawiahah district. Portland Bank Statement fin! n n Won sm An CavIa. ti... e. I Dexter 10c, Little Joe 2c. Crescent So, Seflr'nB today Hlttl U Combination 2c. Grannv 24n. MnKtsn Clearings year ago 777,826.22 20c. Little Grey 16cA, Cowboy 6cA, Or iginal Manhattan ldc'pine Nut 6c, Bufl ga,ln todaf ?JH2H? falo 3c, Yellow Horse 2c. Balances today 176,606.44 CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. Aug. 26. Aug. 26. Gain. 1906. September. 91 90 1 71 December.. 97 95 1 74 May 103 101 2 78 Chicago, Aug. 26. Although the start in Liverpool was unchanged from Sat urday, great strength was displayed there later In the session, and a sharp advance In values resulted. The market here opened very firm on the better showing by the price abroad, initial values being to e above the bid of Saturday. Sharply advanced val ues were caused later in the day by the heavy ahort covering. May waa strona-est at the end of the day, the rvrtra helnsr 2c above Saturday. Septem ber and December closed 1 and lc higher, respectively. The strong cash markets everywhere is a feature tnat causeo. a targe per toh of today's advance here. At St. Louts demand waa atrong, and cash wheat ad vanced lc. Official Chicago prices by Overbeclk & Cooke company VA'-.IOUS DISTRICTS. Balances year ago. 72.937.65 $iT6A:iNeevanHn1s7.2 f.wJWALTET?, WTCLLMAN TS ourg Oliver j jha n.ou. iNorm star Won der 3c, Eagle's Nest 30c, Ruby Wonder ZbCA. Alice or wonaerina 3c. ON HIS WAY NORTH United States Government Bonds. New York, Aug. 26. Government Bid. .105 .105 (Journal Special Berrlra.) Chicago, Aug. 2t. Cablegram a re ceived last night from Walter Wellman Asked, sent via Spitsbergen and delayed two 106 days give rise to me penei mat ne la 106 already on his airship journey to the 103 V. I cole. The cablegrams announced that 103 4 I everything was In perfect condition and mat a trial trip ox ov nines waa io i made that day. 127 In the event that the trial was satls 127 factory the start was to be made the 105 next day. Saturday. Wellman cabled mat nis monster airsnip was noiaing I hydrogen wen ana Denaving perfectly. The manufacture of the gas to fill the balloon began tha last week In April rfiew zora, u. .. swiui, .. and It was loXlated without any trouble. bonda: Twos, registered do coupon . . . Threes, registered do coupon Threes, small nt Columbia. Fours, registered, new do coupon .... Twos, Panama . Philippine Fours Sept.. Dec. , May.. Sept. . Dec. . May.. Sept. . Dec . . May.. Sept. Oct.. Jan.. Sept. Oct.. Jan.. Sept. Oct.. Jan.. 69 68 69 WHEAT High. Low. 92 103 CORN. 60 69 90 96 101 ..1615 , .1625 ,.1587 .. 910 . 922 , . 887 .. 876 . 885 . 815 8 60 OATS. i 62 I 48 i 499i MESS PORK. 1625 1605 1635 A625 1600 1587 LARD. 915 907 927 920 895 997 SHORT RIB8. 885 872 892 885 826 815 59 68 69 61 47 49 Close. 91 97 103 60 89 69 61 48 49B 1620 1630 1600 915 920 892 885A 892 825 Liverpool Grain Market, Liverpool, Aug. 26.-;pfficial prices "WHEAT. Open. Hunt . .7 4 Dec 7s 7d March .7s 8d Close. Aug. 24. Gain. d 7s 4d 7s 4a a 7s 7d 7s 8d CORN. 7s 7d 7b 8d 6s 2d 6s 2d d d ci I "ss 102 bonds 101 i. 3-65s 113 .126 .126 104g .105 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR BALE SINGER MACHINE. AL most new, oak cabinet. Scott hotel, room S04. , Call between 6 and 8 evenings. A, SMAtt. ST6RE WITH A FINE corner show window for rent cheap. 374 First street. WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED TO work In fruit cannery. .Apply at Holmes' Canning Co- E. 8th ana Dl' vision Sstroots. ; . . STICK IS WATCHWORD OF STRIKING KEYMEN Not a Single Desertion Reported From the Local Union Here So as to Impress Situation 3ore Firmly, on Public )Ien Wear Badges, "We Stand Fat." "Stick" is the watchword of the strik ing telegraphers at the Esmond hatcl. The same word is being passed along the line all the way to the other Port land on the eastern coast and so far Is being lived up to. Not a desertion has been reported from the local here, while reports received this morning from all over the country state that ev erywhere the operators are staying by their first demands. So ar to impress the situation more firmly on the minds of the public and fellow members of their union the teleg raphers at headquiyters have had badges printed bearing the words, "We Stand Pat" and these are everywhere, in evidence .-.round union hoadquarteis. Warning Trom Small, A communication was received from President S. J. Small of the Telegraph ers' union, warning operators not to re turn to work for the Associated Press until they had been officially notified by letter to do so. It Is said that var ious reports have been circulated among striking Associated Press operators to the effect that they were not Included in tho general strike order and were ex pected to remain at work. The Teleg rapher's report on the Associated Press situation are that the tie-up In the west, th middle west and the south are still complete and that the companies are only working feeble wires In their strongest section the eastern states. Tn Chicago all the operators are still out, the situation there remaining un changed, while in Toledo, Pittsburg. Cincinnati, Columbus and Detroit there have been no back-sliders since the strike was called. . At the offices of the Associated Press In this City it was reponea tnat tne .itimtion was improving ana that the news 'reports were getting better each day: ' The single operator secured sev eral days after the atrike was called is still working at the Wires In Portland. Tha former' operators claim that thin la proof that the service is still verv ?oor as the operator la not fast enough o begin to cover the ordinary reports. journal's atrlka rand Orowa. - The .treasurer of the Portland local this morning. received a check for $20 from J. Noonan of Jacksonville, Oregon, to sddIv on the Journal's fund for the strikers. At the meeting of the freight handlers, held yesterday, $25 worth fit the telegraphers dance tickets ware pur- out n-fne ; I i' chased and promises of further flnanclal-rt One new operator from ou city is said to have beeta securi Western Union this mornlng.Offlclals of both the Postal and Western Union repeat their assurances of perfect con ditions prevailing In their offices and along their lines, although Manager Dumars of the latter company still gets warm when the question of wire inter ference comes up. He says the operator question has now reached the stage, however, where he does not give tne matter any more attention. He didn't even take the trouble to run upstairs this morning and see whether there were any more operators, he Says. Busi ness Is still light with both companies, however. According to dispatches received by the Portland local -of striking telegraph ers the report from Louisville to the offeot that members of the union there were returning to work Is untrue. Re ports from Louisville received Saturday night and confirmed by later reports received this morning declare that none of the union men have returned to work and declare that the report saying they had was false. TAFT ADDRESSES MISSOURI MINERS . Joplln, Ma, Aug. 26. Secretary of War Taft spoke here, at Webb City and at Carthage today. His audiences were largely composed of lead and zinc min ers. He talked on trusts and rate regu lation. He will be at Springfield, Mis souri, tonight Sweets and the Disposition. From What to EatA Nothing could be aald in greater praise of a people than that they like sweets. It shows a wholesome, vigorous, health ful condition an appetite not Jaded from excessive indulgence. The child whose appetite 'has not become-jiolluted or calloused by false relishes, gfrgirtrng I sauces and burning drinks loves awLtts:' I so does the girl of bright eyes and lis. 1 H tainted youth, aa is evidenced by helOvW Xiiv JvuiiB wuwiii lOVeS sweets nearly aa well as does the ohlld. But the barroom lounger, the "cigar ette fiend," the "dope fiend" and the de praved of all . other classes do not Ilka sweets. Long ago their minds and ap petites loat- the desire, for. everything pleasing to tho natural palate.. , -