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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1907)
Tin: OREGON " SUNDAY JOUKNAE, PORTLAND, SUNDAY -MORNING, : 'AUGUST 25. " 1007. s .Were ; Being J Quietly Sliuffled at Washington; Street Tlace. ; -: i " Biz prisoner war secured by ths po- He In a, raid on a aoker sun at (20 . . Washington tret lat last night John poe warrants for th players wn ls- ' aued early la th vnlng -nod ight nor warrants art out that had . not been served at an arty hour thla morn ing. Those caught la th gams at 2Q ' Washington strt wr -Giving Marks, suuus , Kuicninsay, oe Ginsberg, XI Boseocrants and Jt U. XOWe, ; ' ' ' v ! The raid, which Is tha first affort n tha part of tha polloa to atop poaor iia: and Patrolmen JLarfleld ana Nwell. ,yln in Captain Brain. several months, .was mad Deteotlv Tlchener Tha man could not giro ball and warn looked up for tha night. . r STRIKEES' FIGHT (Continued from Fag On a) defy tha Waatarn . Union or oftloiala to nama any union man ever violated hla truat bvleeklna on a confidential maaaaga which paaaad through hla hands. Wa can prove that piay ar employing man aa vtrlkebreak- rs wno neve aoia inrorraauon wnica nama to them oyer tha wires," The Great Waatarn railway, which handles Weatera. . Union - meaaagea In Canada, and tha Canadian Pacific rail pounced that they will not foroa thalr operators to handle nonunion commer cial messages. w 1 y 111 i ATTEMPT ARBITRATION. Wcsldent Small Will Present Grlsr- aacea to New York Official lre.) smant (TTntttd Frees by 8rr1l Um4 Wire, New York. Aut. 14. Announcernen was made at tha haadquartara of tha Striking telegraphers here tonight that National President B. J. Bmall will aurely be here tomorrow. On hla ar rival It la aald steps wiU be taken to ward bringing about arbitration of tha fTlevancee which cauaaa tha oparators o Inaugurate a general strike orer tha country. '. A report was circulated today that v Labor Commlaaloner Nelll. who haa been trying to aettle tha dispute, haa gone to Oyster Bay to confer with President Rooaevelt.. Tha rumor great ly pleased tha operators, wno declared It meant that Prealdent Rooaevelt la going to interest himself .In securing a , settlement. Inquiry at Oyster Bay, however, developed tha fact that Nelll had not .been at -Sagamore Hill up to a Jate hohr. t ' Preparations are being made to turn the Labor day celebrations a week from Monday Into rrand demonstrations fa voring the striking oparators in every city and town in the country If tha ' Jetrlke has not ended by that time. Tha New York telegraphers are plan- f fritnir an iinnejirnnnA. in the nnuMilnn wnicn win nring to tna attention or ail citizens the fact that a great strlka la for New Tork this afternoon and whila hla mlaalon la oatenaibly to addraaa a monatar masting of striking telegraph era Sunday night, It la said that tha real purpose of file trip la to confer With Samuel Compere , and John Mitchell -, - - - - The trlA will ha Joined In New Tork by United Statea Labor Commlaaloner Nelll and thara la a atrong probability that tha four will have a confirenoa early next weak with Prealdent dowry of tha Weatern Union and other ffloere, of tha telegraph companlaa. , '-V:,- SEATTLE! MEK FIRiC Bound Oprator Have Abundanco of , . Financial Aulstaaee; ,Vonlt4 Pms' by JpaeUl Ixtaaad Wire.)' Beattla, .Waah.. Aug. 14. Finn aa adamant stand tha operators of; the foetal and Waatarn Unran who ' left uwir keys two weeks ago Monday night. atrlkara la a, found of tha unlona affUlat i,ud par week ir neceaaai teea oy tna unit Central Labor council of Beattla. reo-a- iary, guaran tad 'with tha aanting i,000 union workman. An aa aaasmant on thaae mambara of 1ft oenta per week would raise a sum three tlmea mat required to auatain tha atriklng operators Many af tha latter have al ready aecurad work In other lines, and a ieeung oi good cheer and confidence in tha OUtooma of tha strike la haard on larery slda. PTETLL Df WASHLyOTOX. Throwg, Cold, Water oa Onoratora Doc lining to Dlacnaa Btrfko. . fJMtod PraM by SoeUI Laaaad Wtra.) Washington, inr . 11 Ihor Com. mlsalonar Nelll did not go to Oyster Bay today to conault with Prealdent Rooaevelt regarding tha telegraphers' Strike as -was renortad in New Tork. Ha le In Waehlngton tonight and haa bean here all day.., Aakad If tha strlk lng operatora are .hoping for Imme diate assistance from Nelll In sattUng tha trouble with thalr era poly are, be replied that they probably ax doomed to disappointment 1 Tha commlaaloner declared that ha haa no Intention of going either to New Tork or Oyster Bay for . tha present a aecnnea to aiaouaa tna atruta. HE FI TAII DetectiTCS Arrest Chinese J - GamblersFortyFive Is Week's Eccord. v. '''f i REDMOND SAYS HOUSE OF LORDS IS DOOMED Irish Leader Predicts Vic tory for His Countrymen in Parliament . Oambllng gamaa ar few and far be tween la tha Chlnaea quarter according to Chief of Polloa' OrlUmachsrv yet tha officers detailed for duty la that aeo tlon, spurred to tardy aotloa by , Tha Journal's atartllng axpoaa, continue to conduot successful raids oa fan tan es tablishments. Following oloaely upon their raid on 16 Second street yeaterday afternoon In which Jue Sua, ona of tha boaa gam blara and four patrons of the place wera - taken into cuatoay, jDetecuvea Kay and Klanlln. assisted by Patrol man . Endloott and Graves, swooped dowa upon (I Becond street at t:0 p. m. with tha raault that eight mora celeatial names wera added to tha al ready , lengthy list of tnoee arrested during tha past week for gambling. In the raid at No. (t, which hereto fora has bean unmolested by the China town sou ad for many montha. Ah Mow and Fong Mo Hlng war charged with conducting tha reaort - and Ah Dock, Mock Lea, Ah Wong. Ah Lin. Ah Jim and Ah Yen will have to answer for gambling and yialtlng a gambling place. Ail war reieaaaa oa lie ball anlece. Evan Detective Jonas and Tlchanorl hava auddenly become Inoculated with tha "raid fever" and aa tha raault of their activity Tung Ten and Mr. Due Chlng landed In tha tolls last night on charges of conducting a lottery agency at 142 Ankeny atreeL whlla Paul Vetch and Anton Rich, two Datrona of tha filace, came to grief for having lottery lekets In thalr poaaesslon. - The plaoa raided, haa been under ' i: :.A; . r'. ' T, ;'' ' . f" ; A " ": 1 ;. , ' : -1 mm - ,. - " . H " .,: aw Wi rr mm m Limited Means Can look just as well as the man, who pays a good price for his clothes. You can get elegant patterns in the most approved styles for cltlxans on. OR LEADERS TO MEET. Gompers and Mitchell Will Join In ' Eastern Conference. ', (Tjnltad Press by Bpeolsl Laaaed Wira.) i Chicago, Aug. 2 4. National Prealdent mall of the national telegrapher left (Bearat Haws by Laagatt Lsassd Wire.) Dublin, Aug. 1 4. John B. Redmond, tha Irish parliament leader, was aakad today for his views tn the future of the Irish moyetnent In view of tha fact that tha government had failed to meat tha demands of Ireland. He replied: I think the government will intro duce a measure followed by the spirit of the resolution naased by a great ma jority a little while ago that the house of lorda should be abolished. Tha gov ernment will. I believe, translate tha resolution Into a bill. This bill win be rejected by tha house of lords. . There will be a general election by tha begin g of 190S at the lateat. If the lib erals win the election by a aubetantlal nlng of 1909 majority the vote of the house of lords. SUITS . $20 to $40 TROUSERS $4 to $10 : fNext V- -.1 i '. Saturday Night At 10 o'clock the free trous ers offer wUl , expire. ' Re member, an extra pair ab solutely without cost with every suit at $22.50 or more. Think of it! Why, it ac tually makes 'Sm splendidly tailored, mad&br-you suit less expensive thjan the ordi nary every day ready-made clothihe. The high character of Co lumbia tailoring; needs little emphasizing with the critical Portland dressers. It tops the mark for. careful work manship, excellence of fit,, fine quality of fabrics and' all-round satisfaction. And It saves you money. I believe, will be limited or abrogated altogether, and in that way tna real ob stacle to the passage oi tna run meaa- YESTERDAY'S RACES AT SABATO0A TRACK Hant Newa by toogsst Leeeed Wire.) . Saratoga. N. T., Aug. 14. First raea, alx furlongs Sir Toddlngtoa (Henry), t to 1, won; Botanist (Notter) second; Clara Russell (Low) third. Time, 1:15. Second race, 2 mllea, steeplechase McKlttredg VO'Brlen), It to C, won; Commodore Fontaine (Stone) second; Palm (Archibald) third. Tima. 6:26. Third race, six furlonirs Restiiroucha (Miner), a to l, aurvelllanc for soma time upon order! or japtam wruin. out it waa not untu last night that it waa dsamed advis able to make tha arrests of tha keepers or in reaort. uetecuvea jonas ana Tlcbenor waited until Vetch and Rich left tha place and 'then seised the two men. A search brought to light sev eral lottery tickets and tha prlaonera wera xoroea to give the customary sig- nals at tha door so th officers oould gain admittance. Aa aoon aa Rich and Vetch reentered the place at tha behest of Jonea and Tlchenor, tha detectlv rushed In through th open door and th rst was $11 asy. TlM ba Chinas maa and woman wara taken Into cuatody'and a large bundle or tottery tickets, marking pots ana rubber stamps were seised aa evidence. Upon deposit of $60 oaah ball aplao all of thoaa arrested were given thalr liberty to appear In tha polio court tomorrow mornlna. Sine Th Journal's expose last Eat-1 urday night s arrests nave been made for Chines gambling, despite Chief Oiitzmachera contention that but few games ar running. Fall 1907 Models Now Ready WHLN YOHvSLL IT IN OUR AD, IT'S SO Vw.Aatn aaMAnJ third. Time, 1:15. won; Fair Jim Play uarrney (Notter) itto miles Running o. won: Nealon Oill (Notter) Fourth race. (KnappV aecond; Frank third. Time. 2:051-5. Fifth race, on mile Arlmo (Burns) 8 to 1. won: Zinaanso (Garner) annnd: Vendor touran) third. Time, 1:42 1-5. Sixth race, six furlonre Fort John son (Knapp), even, won; Peter Quince i Miner i aaoona: Han Hiaa. - (irmmi iniru. Aimsk 1:11 s-o. W00DBURN FARMERS WANT CREAMERY (Special Dtmatoh to The Joornal) woodburn. Or., Aug. 24. At a well- pri attended meeting, principally of farm ers, held In this city this afternoon, it was decided to build a creamery at this point and also endeavor to put in an lea cream factory, cheese factory and cold atoraga plant. A committee waa appointed by Chairman Altnow to make a canvass oi tha farmers of this local Ity to learn what support would ba given a creamery hera. Thar can be obtained fully 1,000 cows, and tho money for tha oreamery can ba easily raiasa. 1 fi Grant Phegley, Mtnif er , ELKS'. BLDO. 7th ft STARK; MAN REMOVED WITH NO NOTICE GETS BACK (Special Dispatch ta Tht JoarasL) Moscow, Ida.. Aug. 14. Judge Steele haa decided th case of Richard Con well vs. the village of Culdesac in favor of thplalntlff. Conwell was marshal and street commissioner, appointed by the council. Th council passed an order removing; him and appointing 8. L. Rus sell. Conwell applied to the district court for an order of reinstatement, claiming ha had been removed without notice , and without a hearing, oontrary to law. MISSISSIPPI ELECTS NOEL ASlEXECUTIVE (TAitted Prase by Special Leased Wire.) Jackson, Miss., Aug. 34. Hon. B. F. Noel has bean elected governor of Miss issippi by a majority of from 1,000 to t.OQO aocordlng to unofficial returns. Tha official count will ba naoeSaary to determine the exact figures. , Bain Spoils Circus Day. "(Special Dispatch to Tba Journal.) of people from Chehalla and the sur rounding country went to Centralis to day to aea th Rlngllng show. The at tendance was muoh reduced by a heavy rsumati, wnion uenn at an aany nour and continued moat of tha day. If tha rainfall continues much damage win result 10 grain. -Dairying is becoming tba laadina- In. dtiatry around Umatilla. CROSSED PLAINS 111 FIFTY-THREE Erhard Wolfard Dies at His Home Near Silverton Bom France. (Special DIspatek ta Tba Joeraal) Bllverton, Ore,, Aug. 14. Erhard Wolfard, ona of tha oldeat and bast re spected ploneera of Oregon, died at his homo near this city early thla morning after an Illness of several montha. Dur ing tha last three weeks ha lingered near death and momentarily the end has been looked for by members of tha fam ily who have been constantly watohlng over him. The funeral will ba held at ? o clock tomorrow afternoon, Rev. R. u. Hamsoy or i'ortiana orriciatlna. Erhard Wolfard was born In Franca. December 22. 181 8, and cam to th united states with hla parents when 10 years of age, settling In Stark coun ty, Ohio, where he lived between the years 1828 and 18S3. His next hom was in Scioto county, Ohio. He learned the blacksmith trade, which he fol lowed for several yeara In the east. September 14, 1888, he waa married to Aramatha Shopp. Mr. and Mra. Wolf ard crossed the plains In 1863. They wera six months on the road. In tha fall of th sam year they settled on a farm five miles south of this city. At this time Mr. Wolfard bought a squat ter's right, which he afterwards Droved up and Improved. In 1887 he moved to Bllverton and was ror some time in the general merchandise business with his son, J. M. wolfard. After disposing of hla Interests In the store he pur- cnasea iea acres oi iana near tne city, where he spent his remaining years. He has been a member of th Masonic oraar sinoa ibis. MO TWO STORES THIRD and OAK ROUTE OF WARSHIPS IS HOT SETTLED YE Lfcnffth of Time Armada c? Remains in Western Wa ters to Be Determined. TROUBLE IS EXPECTED IN TEAMSTERS' STRIKE Non-Union Men Will Go Armed Monday and Out breaks Looked For. (United Pnaa by Special leases wire.) Washington, Aug. 14 Upon th r turn of Acting Secretary of tha Navy Newberry this month . th department will begin to prepare for tha transfer of th battleship Armada to tha Paclflo coast. In accordance with th announce ment from Oyater Bay. Communication will ba had In ad vance with ail tne noutn American points whloh ar to be touched and ar rangements mad for the neoessary coal' lng and Supplies en route. Tha view congress may take of th movement Is a matter of speculation and it la believed arrangementa will be made to hava the fleet sail before that body convenea The only Important points with ref rence to th movement that hava not yet been settled are how long the fleet will remain on the western coast and what route It will take to return. CHAMPIONSHIP WON BY MATT M'GRATH CXXXBBEaT XV VAXST ' never cry, as do children who are nf. faring from hunger. Such la tha carina of all babies who cry and are treated for sicicneaa, wnen tney really are suffering from hunger. Thla Is caused from thai food not being, assimilated, but devoured by worm a. A few - rinse f Whit-. Cream ; Vermifuge will cause them to eeaae crying and begin to thrive at once. Give it a trial. Sold by all drug, arista. (United Press by Special Leased Wire.) New Tork, Aug. 14. Sarloua trouble la expected Monday In tha strike of drivers of packing houses If tha dispute is not settled by that time, .owing to the dlacovery that many of th atrike breakers employed by th companlea are preparing to start out on their routes armed. The beatings aaminiaterea by aeveral drivers la aald to hava determined a large number of the atrlkebreakers to arm ror tneir own protection, xne strikebreakers complain tnat tney hava not been given adequate polloa protec tion. . . .. . Serious aisturDanoes meraea tne clos ing hours today. In the waat aid nacklnr district several wagons were attacked by mobs, the breakers beaten and tha meat thrown into tha mud. Minor outbreaks marxea tne entire day. in almost every incident th aaaallants cut th harneas pf tearaa, thua crippling the service. . WILLIAM S0ULES IS VICTIM OF MURDJERER . mnlteA Press br Special Leased Wtra.) Milwaukee, Aug. t.- William It Soules. general agent for th Northwest ern Mutual Life Insurance company. who was reported to have died from apoplexy in front or tne Hotel roister, is believed to have been murdered. ) 'o llce say physicians who attended him admlued - tonight that joules waa slugged In a lonely part of tha olty. Mra Soules and family were away at a summer resort when Soules died. ' Captain England Resigns. milted Press by Special . Laaeed Wire.) Washington. Aug. J4. -President ftnnanvrlt haa accented tha resignation of Captain Lloyd England of the coast artillery corps. H leaves th army to engage in business with his father, who la a leading banker of Little Rook, Arkansas. . Fnr two veer ba haa heen (ThiMed Press by Special Lsased Wire.) T ravers Island. N. T.. Aua. 24. The world has now a new champion hammar thrrvwer He is Matt McOrath. who won his title In the athletic games here to day by defeating John Flannagan, for mer title-holder. The field was a quagmire and th rlanta aliDDed and tottered aa they struggled with the heavy weight, mo Gratn waa the ateadier on his feet. He hurled the hammer 168 feet, while 144 was tha best Flannagan could do. This Is nearly 80 feet ahort of his best reo erd. which still stands as'' the world's figures despite his dereat today. Your Eyes Are your best friends. If taken proper care of will last a life time. If they give you trouble patronize reliable optician and have them tested... PROFESSIONAL . OPTICIAN ; Grinding plant in window i . 173 Fccrlli ' T.U.C.A.6Ifjg Combination and "v All the LATEST DESIGNS Qt One Half '0 CM We make this offer because the building we occupy at Fifth and Yamhill Streets is soon to be torn down. - i Ee: GA 1 on duty at th war department. , 6 : m