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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1907)
a II " II II I MJMMIMMM ; .'if Ss r-v ; ji I ' ' 'ly til. : r.v'r. . .! i i. "v,r ; mr-i l-1 - r7 1:1 ' 1 H HI f ' J V " 11 r I U f V .. i ' - ..-....t.JLig.AAi - . THE ORfiGON , SUNDAY i 'JOURNAi; -PORTLAND, SUNDAY MPRNINO. . Al?ST S3, 10071 MS. STANFORD'S TERRIBLE CONDITIONS JEWELS ARE SOLD ' EXIST IN MACEDONIA Trustees of University Com ply With Provisions of Widow's Will. TIFFANY PURCHASEB OF LARGE NUMBER Harold Spender Tells of Dangers Which Confront Idle Enrope Disturbance Is Spreading Over Whole v V Balkan Territory.yand War May Result , ; $100,000,000 In Steinway Pianos ' By Harold Spender, London. Aug.' 11. It It th. moat amaslng thing In tb. world today. A T. Tn. TWinn. fiton. Wlrfh6.p,eC ' Europe Js int ..j- i primitive enarcny. while tne powers are Ingemlnatla peace at The Hague, a treat -A Net California University Half a Million Dollars Bulk of Them Already Disposed of. (Bnnt Ntwi by Longest Lea Wire.) . New Tork, Aug. Je.A" special com mittee of the trusties of Stanford uni versity, consisting of Timothy Hopkins, Joseph D. Grant, Cbsrles D. Lathrop and Whltelew Raid, United Statea am baasador to Great Britain, haa been nuletly aelllnar the dlamonda and thee Jewelry Mrs. Jana L. Stanford left for tne nenerit or tne canrornia matitution. The will of Mra. Stanford provided that the jewelry be aold and the cash ao uaed to Improve'" the unlvaraity. Moat of the Jewels bad been deposited for about two years In a New - York vault.'sOme of It had been kept in Ban Franclaoo. It la thoae In New Tork which hava been aold. while the committeemen are err ac cretive about the matter, It la undr- atood about $160,000 haa bean realiaed. country, at the other end, of. their ea tatea, U falling- back Into " utter . and horrible barbarlam. ' Over a territory of 4,000 square , milea maaaacre has be come a virtue and daeda . of nmiaa rerooity a rornt or comnetina natrint lam. Secure In her material oomforta. Europe looks on placidly at the murder and torture of Innocent peasants. Over me srreater part or JEurone the nniin oC national aalfiahneaa prevails, while giana, hampered by her record and arus-a-ea oy ner wealth, standa . Idly armed, afraid of her very atrena-th, and asnamaa oz ner ancient freatneaa. ' Th Inooeaa of Oreeoo, Meanwhile, the newa from Macedonia irowa. worse every- day. Last year iner were in ureex ana Jt)ulgrlan bands atruvglina; together la a warfare unspeakably appalling; to averyons in thla country - who lnherita Mr. Glad atone's feeling for the Christian of the near-east appalling- with a fratricidal horror that leavea one apeechleaa and Impotent Favored by Turkey, the Green bands, splendidly financed and stood about 1150,000 haa been realised, ureea nanaa, splendidly financed and The remainder will bring; it is expected, organised often amounting to over 200 ew ff vflsxsmn Uort there Is discussion lAf ,n Roman Cathollo circles of UU : the possibility of the appolhjU I I meat of another American oar . dlnal, the name of ArpDiaQop Farley of New. Tork . is always men uvnta, ana oven irom Aoai xnfraoam ooeaalonal mention of his name In that connection. Other American prelates have friends who urge their claims to the honor.-vut for more than one reason the New Tork archbishop is considered by many aa the logical aucceaaor of the late Cardinal McCloekev. The Roman ayetera oreatea diocesan rather than national leaders, and yet there are several men In the Cathollo church In America whoae inflaenoe ex tends far beyond dloceaan limits. One . of these la Archbishop Farley, and yet if one were to aeek the source of hla tnfluenoe it would be found to He in the success of hia administration of one of the largeat and most Important dlo- , ceaea in the world. ' Practically every nation In which Roman Catholics are '. found is represented in New Tork, and pome on has said that Archbishop Far- : ley haa aa many natlonalitiea in hla Jurisdiction as haa the pope himself, le la an accomplished, linguist and can converse with many of hla foreign peo ple In their own tongue. All of Archblshon Farter's ecclealaa- Ileal life haa been spent within the1 limits of the New Tork diocese, al though he was ordained in Rome, on Rcr. Jo tin M. Parley. HtriUafrir for his the completion of four years of study in the American college there. Pre 'viously he had attended St Marcartan'a I college, Fordbara, and St Joseph's sem inary, Troy. He la a native of County f Armagh, Ireland., and is now S years ' of age. No man could have had better position. In HTr two cu4At. tvr ii jsb yvaiiiuib a, ii a o t m. ewv rears eiter his ordination Father Farley Dceame atvnreiary lo jurnoisnop key, Brvjrlg ss such almost up to the time Of the Cardinal's death. During tna aamrnmra.tion or Arcnbienop cor- r8n raimr rariev Dscmme y mar uvn- erl of, the archdiocese, and later was ui.ue aujyary oisnop. mn Archbishop Corrlraa passed away, loose naving a voice in mo nomi nation of his successor recommended Bishop Farley to tne authorities In Roms and his appointment as arch-j blaboo was made In 1902. He haa achieved the aame auoceas as the bead of the archdiocese that be formerly had aa a parish rector and as assistant to the arohblshop. and he ranks undoubted- lyas on of ths most popular men in the catnono cnurcn in. America. Arcnbienop t-ariey is a man rather un dor the average stature and is a charm' Ing gentleman. When occasion arises he can make bis authority felt and is firm when he knows hs Is right and flrmneaa la necesaarr. He would not be oonita ered a great preacher or speaker, consid ering those qualities as indicating ora tory. But hla aermons and addresses are interesting and convincing. It Is as-a manager of men and monev that Archbishop Farley ranks highest Hie administrative quaiitlea are unsurpassed oy tnoae or any other American bishop though there may b found other blah a who are better creachera and speakerat The New Tork archbishop naa tna aamiraois xaeuitv or ouica oe- ciaion when confronted with adminis trative problems, and. hla enerrv In carrying out his plans Is remarkable. another 1100.000. Tiffany Is said to have purchased the bulk of the disposed portion of ths val uables, r An exaggerated idea as to the value of this collection has generally pre vailed ever since the death of Mrs. Stanford, It having been repeatedly as serted that it was worth 11,000,000. Two diamond and Jewelry ex pert a ap praiser it at naai a million aoiiars ana the oommlttee in Its sale negotiations will fail aomewhat below that amount SAVED FROM DEATH DY AUTO CURTAINS men have bribed and maasaored Mace donia into an acquiescent Hellenism. In two years they have "Hellenlsed" 110 vlllagea by methoda that have given a terrible new meaning to an ancient word. The Macedonians, Who have still clung to the Slav Interest and faith. have either been killed, imprisoned, or have fled. There are - some 100.003 Macedonian refugees in Bulgaria. There are Bulgarian nanaa still in Macedonia. sometimes breaking into activity, some times protecting the. raw recalcitrant Macedonians, sometimes merely In hid' lng to wait for a better Urn. But, on tha whole, Greece has) won If to do the work of Turkey can really be a lasting ."victory xor ureece. mtuM Dangers, - But now that Bulgaria has been beat en back by this weird an footing. a reed on Every attache at the magnificent Sofia is effloieney Car Party Collides With Trolley Coach. (Haarat Km by leases! leased Wire.) New Tork, Aug. 14-The fact that the canopies, wers tightly drawn over the seats Of ths big touring car of Frank Harrison Hlgglns, son of ths late Gov ernor Hlgglna, when it collided with a trolley car oa ,. Consy Island avenue early today was all that saved Dr. Hig- rina, Etnei ievy, tne vaudeville actress, irs. Mabel Thorn, her cousin, and Louis Bhufeld. the chaff eur. . from serious In- Tne aniomoou was completely wrecked. Mr. Hlgglns his chaffeur and bis women guests came to Manhattan on the trolley car their machine col- He is a delightful man to meet in either I ninm sales tl Mm rVIAm in thai tinfatl ILf sksVkkr , rsttif I Mts tia-annal MlaTtAnei .tAM IT" - m we ari rra. iiv- 1 a. iu v s risjvusw iieaiivii9 at ii u siiiuuiu i tftn ' Pops Plus X. as many exnect. bestow me- rea nai upon mm, .mere win be found in the whole country hardly a person to aay other than that the I ection la a wise one. and unholy com bination, new forces have entered the field. In March last the Turks made an agreement with Servla by which she tiAiiM Ka allAW tn aafiA ttatiHa IntA Containing Pleasure XZ&Jttr& frontier. Invading these wretched, har- juised villages of Macedonia, and cry ing to the villagers, "call yourselves Servians or . i is like an eieo- tlon into which a third eandldate has entered, unmasked and unannounced. The methods ol electioneering are nrlm ttlve. Bulgaria, the original patentee of patent invaded. Thar was a terrible outcry at Sofia: and six weeks ago, tha Bulgarians ana Servians were nearly nt war. Now Russia has interfered, and Servla Is being held back. But If noth lng else affects., the selfish calm of Europe, It may bo ''affected by the knowledge that the area of thla Mace- edonla anarchy may spread, and may sooner or later perhaps sooner rather than later reauit la open war.. Xositiosi of Bulgaria. For the dleturbanc is spreading ever the whole Balkan area. It Is not merely Greece and Bulgaria that are wholly ana nervia mat is partly involved. Roumanla Is also being drawn In. She nas also sent in nanas, ana Is alleged to be about to send more under a com- fact with Greece. Bulgaria, always hreatened with possible war, la weighed down by a universal and compulsory military service of from two to three 4f an army that must be a perpetual temptation to war. A awin attack could no doubt for a time, paralyse both Turkey and Greece, -it la only the calm and far-sighted prudence of rrmoe Ferdinand that prevents Bulga ria from immediately facing a war with a power of twenty-four milliona In pop ulation, and so risking the fate that befell Greece. In these troubled waters the sultan Is serenely rlahlnr. secure of hia Drey. Whatever haDDene. he standa to araln. Tha quarrela of the Infidels open out to mm vistas or bo do not merely nope Of retaining Macedonia, but ponslbly I or weakening the whole power of Chris tianity in the near east Russia la par alysed by revolution. Austria has her borne troubles and wishes only that the fruit tnay remain ripe for her picking when she has leisure. England la far off, and hs now knows ths value of her anathemas. Whatever happena plays In to me nanaa or adoui Hernia. Hia tute diplomatists peas from capital to capital from Athena to Belgrade and Belgrade to Ruatchuk-etirrlng up mu tual atrlfe and envy, playing upon the nervea of hot-headed, anxloua men,, of fering them prospects that will ssver be fulfilled. In all works to his pur- oees it all diminishes the Christians the world. Ha had to kill hla Ar- menlana himself. Not in his wildest dreams could the sultan have ever pos sibly hoped for such an easy vicarious method for the killing of his Macedo nians. - , The Shame of II mope. Such is the fate of one of the fairest provinces of, Europ. while the diploma tists stand aside and smile their sinis ter Blsmarklan smile. That smile does not always last Tou may laugh when ?-our neighbor's house is on fir, even f it be only a hovel; but what If the wind t hr r....L.ujj.wttut. 1 ' Ths f not that over a hundred minio dollars' worth of Steinway Pianos bar been sold without the aid of bargain store alliances or ' mechanical devices , proves oonolusively that Steinway pre- : emlnenoe is founded 80LELT . ON MERIT. The muslo-lovlng publlo rec ognises that the creative genius oxer, deed and the infinite pains expended la Steinway construction demand a some what higher prloe, 'but . that in propor tion to value received the Steinway Is the, most moderate-priced piano In ex istence, .For proof come direct to tha "House of Quality" and examine. Fn0 The Vertcgrand Crossing .Conor avenue the machine skidded on the wet asphalt pavement.! There was a streetcar in the way and But for the the automobile struck it HENEY GAMBLES WITH WITNESS Prosecutor loses Bet to Oak- . land Councilman Before Grand Jury. (Hearst Maws by locsest leased Wbe.) n San Francisco, Aug. It. "Tou voted t tar r the Home Telephone company I franchise in Oakland, did you notT" "I did not" v V "Well, I know that yon did." ;.' 1 know that X dldnTt Til bet you a twenty-doUar gold j. pisco that you did. . - TU take that bet" 1 - - U This was the interesting gambling episode before ths grand Jury today in ? which Assistant District Attorney Fran- a els J. Heney and Councilman George i Jltsgerald of Oakland were ths star ? performers. " Heney lost his bet and with creet- fallen oountenanc and amid laughter f of the Oliver grand jurymen, 'gave hia . twenty-dollar gold piece to the Oakland ' man. .v.-,, . " An anneal to the records of the Oak- land council was made in 'order to set tle the bet. The records showed that Councilman Fltsgorald . had ' voted to ; give the Home Telephone people a gee- ona near ing in mo matter or meir pe tition for a franchise, but on the final ; vote naa oppesea granting it a zran cbisa h It was while questioning Councilman '.. Fltxgerald that the gambling episode oo- r.curreo. - - j - FORTY PERSONS T III III I Mies Lrr ii the divorced wife f n.l three-quarter millions has to main- 11 'new III i.ULUU CUori do: sn is nnaer care suxxenng irom pain- lux nuns. tor re Cohan, the actor. She waa ro lled to be engaged to Robert Edeaon. tain an army of (75,000 men on ita war- rises and the flemea spread to youT What if you are also part land lord of the property f Thla Is not a mere out-of-the-way corner of Europe It is a country of three and a half mil lions of people, covering 44.000 square milea It Impinges on ths great Medi terraneui highway. Jt haa an ancient and glorious history. It might, become under good rule, one of the fairest gar dens of Europe. It would have become If England had not steDoed in in liTi. ana. or vetoing ths treaty of San Btefano, handed Macedonia back to Turkey. But there Ilea both our blame and our responsibility . Ws hand ed Macedonia back; but we handed her back under conditions of good govern ment which have never been carried out We have made many efforts. Our every effort has been paralysed and de-fled. At present it is not merely the eastern states mat are oeing made a mock oy xursey, it is tne western powers aiivav M.u.iay iirmai in I aa Macedonia, .officially accredited by their Q govemmenta, but reduced to the poal-1 S linn isf Mia luitiaolnn k, . ylil I SB macy of Turkey, military officers from four great powers. England, Italy, Aus tria ana ranee- are idly looking on. tnrougn me eyes or tneir appointed gendarmerie, at the chaos of Macedo nia. They are there to show the Mo hammedan world how vain Is tha strength of the Infidel, and how rldta- uloua his pretensions to authority. Ths present position, in a wora, nas the danger of publlo ridicule. We - have not stood aside, we have Intervened. But we have intervened in such a man ner as to make ourselves a laughing stocx to tne eastern wona. Surely. If the little eastern states ars to blame for their reckless rush-1 lng In. is not Europe much more to blame for her cowardly banging back? KSsiatare Oraad, 1800 A happy combination : of merit and prloe that Jbas mad it the shrlns of worship for the legloa of musld-lovere of refinement culture and Judgment whoso limited means have heretofore prevented the gratification of their de sires. We have on exhibition the larg est and most beautiful selection of Steinway and other reliable pianos over shown. When in the market for a piano, oome to see and hear the Stein way. . -.. v ' - Pianos of all makes taken fat exchange at full market value. Satisfactory pay ment may be arranged if desired. . Sherman. Clay & Co. atovn OP QUAXXTT" Sixth and Morrison Streets rzoroB taxxxbts isozirxs f H trs 9 in 9 hsssssszsksss: a SSSXaiiaau BVBRYBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT Tha Fallowing Leading Grocer Sell Golden Grain Granules .The100 Per Cent PURE Cereal Health Coffee In Roseburjr, Or., a Bright City BTATTFFER A Ca H. MARKS CO. ROCHDALE CO. McCUEULAND BROS. 3. T. BARKER A CO. PARKS A JOHNSON MRS. A. C. KIDD A SON B. A. HUNSAKER - In Eugene, Or. The largest Olty ta Soatksra Oregon .. factories, Stat tmiverslty. Mary Mannerlng, in "Glorious Betsy," ui open tne season at jvew jriainrieia New Jersey on October 14. Passenger Train on the Bio 1 Grande Leaves Track and Ditches Coaches. fOnited Press by Bpedal teased wire.) Denver, Aug. 24. Forty persons were seriously injured, two of them probably fatally late this afternoon when the westbound passenger train No. 6 on the Rio Grande loft the track at Femleaf, about SO miles east of Sallda. . Seven coaches. Including a dlnlna- car. a baggage car and the remainder Pull mans and coaches, left the track and all turned over, the diner and one Pull man turning bottom up, two englnea pulling the train remained on the traak. The wreck is believed ta hava h.,n due to spreading -of the rails. ' The two persons believed to have Dean xataiiy injured are Mrs. E. W. Dplly of WliltUer, California, (8 years vi. maa suiiering rrozn Tl SCHWAB CANNOT SEE HARD TIMES COMING ; t 4 y.. 7 .l.. Magnate Says Far-Eeaching Business 'Depression Is - Not Probable. r (Bearst Ifewi by Laagest Leases' Wire.) New Tork, ' Aug. 14. Discussing the business .outlook, Charles M. Schwab said today: - 1 do not think that hard times are imminent' I do believe, however, that a business contraction is at band ana that it is Imperative. I am naturally a bull on this great country, ana l can see nothing in the business situation to warrant the fear that a serious and far- reaching depression is to be expected. "Setbacks are natural from time to severe time after the- tremendous energy and . . . . - T ? .. a m tvt tiiv vmvuuvue oiioi sa T SnOCK. mjaa JL. A. Vain TfLBasMi Wt1tei arhUk Ki.sslMASisa ..t fMsk1t-s Denver, a cook on the diner, who was develops. These setbaoks, however, by w - ;bout .the head and back, by no means go far enough to destroy the Patterson, Seattle, internally "BAD DREAMS V 11 Frequently jrs to Cof f ee Srlaklng1. 0 f- One of the common symptoms of cof fee poisoning Is the bad dreams that .spoll what should be restful sleep. A I man who found the reason says: . "Formerly I was a Slavs to coffee. I -was like a morphine fiend, could not sieep at night, would roll and toss in my bed and when I did get to sleep was v disturbed, by dreams and hobgoblins. would wake up with headaches and feel bad all day, so nervous I could not at f tend 'to bualneaa. My writing looked like bird tracks,-1 bad eour belchlngs . from the stomach. Indigestion, neart ) burn and palpitation of the heart, con ' etipatlon, irregularity of the kidneys, , etc. .' j -Indeed, XJbegan to feel I bad all the troublea thai human flesh could Buffer bot when a friend advised me to leave off eoffe I felt as If he had Insulted nie. I could not bear the idea. It had Mich astold on me and 1 refused to be iieve it the. cause. v v ... "But It turned out that no advloe was over given at a more needed time, for I j nully consented - to try Postum - and with the going of coffee and the coming of i'oatum all my troubles have, gone find health has returned. I eat and ' 'ieep yell now, .nerves stsadied down .-.n l I write a fair hand (as you can i M'rl can ettt-nd to business again and rJofce that I am free from the mon tr -ofi'." " ' . I Ten Jva" trial of Postum in place Of nffa veni br'nir sound, restful, refreah- !r.c ali-p. '"'a a Reaaon."- Reads '"lb Bona to ellviUe," In pkgs,.Some ' r-hysicians) sll it "a UiU. health tlasalo.'" the fire from the galley range. In addition to a number of eastern touxista there were a number of far western dwdii unonr rn intur a partial list being aft follows: Mr. and Mrs. M. Skeen, Ogden, each suffering from, scalp wound. Miss Mary Deacon, Long Branch, Caf. vi iiio. uiuiu wo nx ill cut. W. H. injured. Mrs. W. H. Patterson, Seattle, chin and face cut. , - , C O. Lang, Ban Francisco, scalp wound and cut about the face. Mrs. K E. Wellaaffi. Ashol. CaJlfornla. knee crushed. ' Nons of this list was fatally Injured. VANC0TJVDB WINS PE0M TAC03IA AT SEATTLE (Special ZMspatcfe te The Journal.) Seattle, Wash . JLugv 14. Vancouver won the transferred ? game from- Ta coma today. It-, was marked by - sen sational fielding. Tacoma started out like a whirlwind but after the first In ning couia ao nothing with .Hall. The fielding of Hurley. Martonke. Rochon and Shea was worthy of note. Tacoma . 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A I S Vancouver . .0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 11 Batteries Butler and Shea: Hall and neniaer. . TAFT MOTHER MAY ? BEGAIN' HEE HEALTH a. said cat condition sh. (United Press fcr Special Leaaad Wlra.) vnurcn, wno naa been attending Mra Louisa Taft mother of Secretary TafL uunng ner long illness, said tonight ma wuiougn in a criuc tnav rarnvar . .A . Few Food and Civilization. From the London World. viarmlA ...ii.. A tne Stomach . Is the rreataar f iimXna man, will agency upon earth. A well-fed aauHmn i an- ki . . Bl7fwo! barbrt,,a wl n irresisti results of these periods of nrorress. "The great industrial corporations, in an effort to meet the demands of the enormous volume of business offered them, have sought to enlarge their equipment perhaps in some Instances unwisely. When confidenoe was at its height and credit abundant they were able to finance those undertaking. Un able to finance those undertaking Un which ha always shrinking at times, be gan tdf contract, and many of theae Cor porations found themselves unable to borrow the large sums needed to meet tneir extraordinary expenditures." . Fox Fond of Strawberries. Allentown Cor. Philadelphia Record, Harry Hobbs, a fruitgrower of Jack son township, had a most novel experi ence yesterday when he caught a thief at work in his strawberry natch. He bad engaged the services of a boy who waa to come that morning to plok nomes, ana later in tne aay when he went to see how the bov waa rat tin v along he, noticed something crouching wi ween iim rows, wmcn act seemed auite unlike that of a bov nlcklna- at raw. berries. ; AS he approached nearer he noticed that it was a red fox and that he 1ST the rows, and seeing a luscious berry very busy. He yelled at him, but the heed. between animal paid no The fox would creep alon would nip it off daintily. The fox was so Intent uoon the feaat of strawberries that he only leisurely loo a. io me- nwii vara tne xarmer was a few feet away. Conservatism and Strength . These are inseparable terms as applied to a Trust Company that will serve the public as it should and withstand any shock that adverse financial conditions may bring to bear against it. , Our company avoids the use of its funds in any speculative enterprise whatsoever. It treats its patrons as liberally as consistent with its conception of true banking, how-. ever, being' convinced that its efforts to pro tect the interests committed to its care will be supplemented by an ever increasing pat ronage. The above appeared In our regular ad vertisement about a year since. We are still pursuing the same course and-see no reason for altering it in the slightest particular. Merchants Savings and Mst Company . 247 .WASHINGTON STREET CAPITAL FULLY PAID $150,000 T. Frank, Watson President R. L. Durham r.i. ....... Vice-President . W. H. Fear . i Secretary S. C. Catching ...Assistant Secretary O. W. T.;Muellhaupt Cashier B. A. ALLEN ft SON C. B. DANIEL HAMILTON . AND VAN STRAND J. A. SCHERZTNOER W. H. DEMPSTER NICKLIN St NEAL P EIDER JOHNSON W. A. BELL ORDE- W. H. OREEN. H. B. DAVIDSON J. W. WHITE XL D. MATLOCK J. F. STERNER UT aTPXZNQTXJBLS, OB. C H. PICKETT --' PAUL BETTELHEXM CO. XV OUEsTSAXB, H. O. 8ATJNEMANN LADD at OLSON XV XJBX3aAJT1, OS. WTLSON MERCANTILE CO. xv xbmxjx, os. MERLIN MERCANTILE CO. VASBZSSVSO. OS. J. D. BENNETT te CO. . H. CANTER ft SON r MAT ft SENDERS . J uxHCTXOV OXTTt OS. MILLIORN BROS. x JACKSON A CO. J. T. WHITINO BARER ft SPENCER A. J. KAISER SAXXAS, W. R. HOWE BOTD ft SON , OB. M. V. KOONTZ McCULLT BROS. VANT OS, ft STTJRTB- ,W. T. AXlBAST, OS. WORLET rjrsznuf i je a un, os SIVHTS QROCERT ESSNER ' CONKET A . " WALKER V. B. WILSON XOVICOTTTV, OS. XjXNDSAT ft CO. T. A, RIGOS antT.m. os. MILLER. ALCORN ft CO. SIMPSON BROS. LL CXTT, OS. WALTER L. TOOZE BUCK SOOX. OS. WALTER I TOOZB VKUI V. On Ol 1. A, CARTER D 8MEEDB HOTEL, EUGENE, OR IS a K. 9 HARRISBURO COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HARRI8BURO, OR., ALSO J ' 8aZlVeS , ' b Golden Q rain Granules i Beloved of Spinster. , , -- From ths Gentlewoman. "Some time ago, Kef ore ever be wooed and won the fascinating Duchess Cecilia ; of Mecklenburg, an eccentrio spinster of mature years announced sn undying love for the Oerman crown prince. The f other day the poor lady 'died and left ' In her will a sum Of monev and all her ' jewelry (valued at il2,000, to the heir ' v....r iviiQi . wita found among her possessions in which d the Jewel nr to the lady's she made - him an Ths prince kept the letter, tn money of ki offer 'Of marriage. ' ', but has sent ) next strsnarsss oouubchb ? TUW BLDO PORTLAND, OREO I BEHNKE-WALKS R STUDENTS SUCCEEa WHY? , They are trained for business in a business-like wsy, ' flaoed 151 pupils into lucrative positions during last year. f f I V Why not enroll la a reputable school that places all of It gr4atsf Bt W. BEHNKE, Prea - - - X. !X. WAUEDR. Frta. - WESTS VOS OATAKXKTS. rra. , ; SBgafrngBBSPgaeeaaiH SEASIDE and CLATSOP BEACtfl Is Reached via A. & C R, K. Only four hours ride, paralleling the Colombia river. Two through trains daily, leaving Portland 8i,irt and 6 p.m. SPECIAL TRAIN SATURDAYS, 3:10 P. M. This is the' most attractive beach resort' north of California; thousands' go there to spend their summer outing; it has many at tractive features to please the viitor. , 1 .FSRIE.SDRF BATHR1G; Modern hotels, good fishing and boat tiding, dancing pavilions,, skating rinRs, bowling alleys, and many other attractive-amusementt, ; You should not miss this splendid oonortonitv to anend vor vaca tion at Clatsop Beach. - , ' Round :TriV Season Tickets :.....:44.0oJ Special Saturday to Monday Round Trip $2.50 CITY TICKET OFFICE, THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS. R. H. JENKINS, Genial Passenger Agent' ' .A ii all, ; I : . ', V ',5