The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 24, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Liner Brings Ira-
mense Quantity of New
Crop Tea. ,
Inquisitive Monkey From SJam Cro
ak's Excitement by Falling From
Rigging In Light Storm Fogs
From Port to Port.
'With aDProxtmatelv 8,000 tona of
freight In her hold, the Portland Asiatic
Steamship company's oriental liner Nu-
tnantla. Captain Felrlmann, arrived from
Hongkong via Yokohama and other way
ports early thin morning. Included in
the Immense cargo Is 30,000 cases of new-
crop tea from Japan. Most of the tea
will be lushed east at once. A "constd-
ratffuantlty of silk Is also shown on
Jarfvrnanlfest, so that the cargo Is con
sidered one of the most valuable ever
brought here, Captain Peldmann placing
i uiBiimwMwM.-ywwjiil'r"'y"iij''w j'aft'ig.yie
v . v -vM v.-;:, 7, ;
, ; vyfon U ihn V
Castle Rock, Br. ah.. .8y4nr, A.
Redhlll, Br. sa. ......... .Newcastle, X
Knight Templar, Br. sa. . . NewcastU, A.
Trmerlc, Br. str. Newcastle. A.
Henry VUlard. Am. gtr.. .Newcastle, A.
Transit, Nor. str Morovan, Japan
Thordls, Nor. str Morovan, Japan
Trajap teaman Mm Bto
Queen Alexandra, Br. str Madras
trathness, Br. str.... Port horn Angelea
Kva. Oar. as Hakodate, Japan
Elsa, Nor. ss.. San Francisco
African Monarch, Br. mm... Japan
Jethou, Nor. as Ban Francisco
Oil Steamers So.
Atlas, Am. str San Francisco
Col. E. T. Drake, Am. str
San Francisco
Santa Maria, Am. ss. ...Port Hartford
Old Boat Is Practically Rebuilt.
The fitffiimer Ttnllev HittCArt wu
?ii,.n'tllf!e,at. ,:i,00lf001' th,".Ke? launched at 11:30 o'clock this forenoon
alone Doing valued at two thirds of that I ..
amount. I from the ways of the Portland Ship
The Numantia not only brought a val- Building company, In .South Portland.
uable cargo but also earned the disllnc- and is now pructlcally ready to go Into
uun or making an exceptionally quick commission on the run between Portland
run acrong tne ocean by covering the I and The Dalles.
distance between Yokohama and the Co
lumbia river in 16 days and three hours.
This Ik considered all the more remark
able, xlnco uhe had to keep her fog siren
working nearly all the lime after get
ting out of range of the Japanese coast.
Mot a vesHel or any kind wus sighted
even during the few days of clear
weatht r encountered about mldocean.
and not a for Klicnal was heard until
the Mteamer tell In with some coasters
In the vicinity of the mouth of the Co
lumbia. The sea was comparatively
smooth during the entire voyage, and
this helped much In reducing the run
ning time.
Seveial monkcysrere brought over In
the menHgerle. and cne of them, the big
The Bailey Oataert Is the flagship of
Hie Resulator line and will replace the
steamer Telephone, now operated under
charter. The Kailey (iaiscri nas oeen
rebuilt, all of the woodwork being new
excepting the deck house. The picture
shows the steamer on the ways just be
fore the slide Into the water.
ble and Kalama on the Columbia river.
The TllHe K. Starbuck came to the
const on her maiden voyage In com
mand of Captain William Rogers. On
the outward voyage she carried over
300 tons of grain and held the record
for that year. Iater Captain Kben Cur
tis succeeded to the command, and re
mained with the famous old ship until
he entered the service of the American
Hawaiian company. Captain Curtis is
now superintendent of that company,
with offices in San Francisco.
gesi tn nie iui. created conmuerauip ... . A .i .J
cltement one day and nearly fell over- All Vessel Must Be Fumigated tpon
board Into the sea. He had been al
lowed to roam at will on deck and
among the coolie sailors and stokers In
the forecastle, and soon thought he
knew how to go aloft in the derrick
masts with which the freighter Is
equipped. Having climbed one of the
Arrival Here.
(Special IMnpatch to Tbt Journal.)
ABtorla. Or.. Aug. 24. Acting under
Instructions of the Lnited State sur
veyor-general, every vessel arriving at
ARtorla from coastwise ports will be
.i.v. 1,0,. i a nt ..r -,.n fumlsrated once each month, the pur-
mAni'i.t im hi hold nn th xhir. ve pose being to destroy the rats that may
nrnh and All If ma. Ihnnirhl De on Hie veBBeis. I m III. HIUL-B ail
a sudden lurch, and fell. It was
by those who him, to death. But
M experience In the jungles of Slam
camo handy, for Just as ho was about
to pitoh Into the seething water to lee
ward be caught hold of the rail and
saved himself. The Incident cost the
monkey his freedom, and he will re
main a prisoner until either sold here
or returned to his native home as an
undesirable acquisition to the United
The officers of the Numantia are the
same as last trip, with the exception of
Third Officer Wendt. who Joined the
vessel in Japan. Mr. Wendt lived a
year In Portland five years ago, when
he came here on the German uhlp Eil
bek, and spent the last four years In
Kobe, Japan, superintending stevedor
ing there. The liner berthed at Mont
gomery dock.
sailing vessels as well as steamers. As
little delay as possible will be caused
San Francisco, Coos Bay and Puget
sound liners will be fumigated at Port
land after their cargoes have been re
moved, but sailing vessels and steam
schooners will be fumigated here, un
less they have a certificate that they
have been fumigated within - montn.
The process of killing the rats consists
of burning sulphur in the hold after the
naicnes nave oeen ciubcu.
Crew of Tillie E. Starbuck Picked
Up by Vessel.
Word was received hero last night of
the American ship Tlllle E. Starbuck
having been abandoned at sea some time
ago. while bound from New York for
Honolulu with a general cargo. The
news came to San Francisco from Lon
don, but gave no details excepting that
the crew had been picked up and was
The Tlllle E. Starbuck was the first
American sailing ship built of Iron and
for that reason her name has often been
mentioned In connection with American
marine history For years she has
piled between Atlantic and Pacific
coast ports and up till a few years ago
was a frequent visitor here. At one
time she laid here fully a year waiting
for a cargo, when gralnfreights were
decidedly dull. She was berthed at one
of thf east side docks
She was built at the Roach yards, at
Chester, Pennsylvania, and was the only
sailing vessel ever constructed by the
famous builder. On her maiden voyage
she reached Astoria January 10. 1884.
She had on that trip a cargo valued at
$1,000,000, consisting of 22 locomotives
for the Northern Pacific railroad nnd
the parts of the steam ferry Tacoma,
which Is still In operation between Go-
Thelma Will Carry Passengers on
Iiower Columbia.
(Special Dlapatch to Ttt Journal.)
Astoria, Or.. Aug. 24. The new gaso
line launch Thelma. built by Wilson
Bros, for W. A. Anderson of Stella,
Washington, was documented at the
custom house today. Her dimensions
are: Length, 35.6 feet; beam, 9.7 feet;
depth, 3 feet; tonnage, 7 tons net. She
will be used In carrying passengers and
freight between Stella and Maygers.
Keg-alar Liners 9m to Arrlvo.
Alliance, Coos Bay Uncertain
Numantia, orient Aug. 24
Costa Rica, San Francisco Aug. 24
Roanoke. San Pedro and way .Aug. 27
rt. u. inman, nan r rancisco. . . .Aug. 21
Breakwater, Coos Bay Aug. 80
City of Panama. San Francisco. Aug. ll
Redondo. Seattle Sept. 1
Arabia, orient.. Sept 1
O. W. Elder, San Pedro and way . .Sept J
Johan Poulsen, San Francisco. .Sept. 3
Alesia, Oer. ss 8ept 16
Nlcomedla, orient October 1
Regular Liners to Depart.
Alliance, Coos Bay Uncertain
City of Panama, San Francisco. .Sept. 3
Redondo. Seattle and way Aug. Z4
Johan Poulsen, San Francisco. . .Aug. 25
Breakwater, Coos Bay Aug. 26
Numantia, orient Aug. 28
Costa Rica, San Francisco Aug. 28
Roanoke, San Pedro and way... Aug. 29
R. P. Inman, San Francisco Sept. 3
O. W. Elder, San Pedro and way. Sept. 6
Arabia, orient Sept. 1R
Aleala. orient Sept. 2ft
Nlcomedla, orient Oct. 10
Tesisls la Port.
Tola. Br. h Elevator dock
Dal noimr. Br. sh Columbia No. 2
Bee, Am. sen Willamette I. & S. Wks
Lyra. Am. str Portland Co
Conway Castle, Br. bk Greenwich
Slam, Or. sh Portland Lumber Co.
Alliance, Am. str Supple's yard
King Cyrus, Am. sen. .Standard Box Co.
Beulah. Am. sch Astoria
Cascades, Am. str Tongue Point
Vincennes, Fr. bk Columbia No. 1
North King, Am. tug Astoria
Antelope, Am. sch root or Lincoln
Churchill. Am. sch Astoria
Johan Poulsen, Am. sch Oceanic
Redondo, Am. sch Couch
Yosemlte, Am. str Llnnton
Breakwater. Am. str Oak street
Numantia, Ger. str Montgomery
Queen Alexandra, Br. str Llnnton
St. Nicholas, Am. sh Astoria
Catania, Am. str Portsmouth
Lumber Carriers En Boat.
Thomas L. Wand. Am. str. San Francisco
Coaster, Am. str San Francisco
Surle M. Plummer. Am. sch. . .Guaymaa
Wasp, Am. str San Francisco
Alice McDonald, Am. sch Kanuhul
Lettltla. Am. sch San Francisco
Berlin, Am. sh Nushagak
Compeer. Am. sch. ; San Francisco
Wrestler. Am. bktn San Pedro
Annie M. Campbell, Am. sch
Ban Francisco
Glendale, Am. sch San Francisco
Honolpu. Am. sch Redondo
Oliver J. Olson, Am. sch.. San Francisco
Americana, Am. sch. ...San Francisco
En Boat With Cement ant General.
Buccleuch, Br. sh Hamburg
Brenn, Fr. bk Hull
Europe, Br. bk Antwerp
Genevieve Mollnos. Fr. bk. London
Rene Kervller. Fr. sh Hamnurg
Laennec. Fr. sh Swansea
Le Piller. Fr. bk London
Martha Roux. Fr. bk. Hamburg
t -V, X? A I, ....... 1 T.T
HI V'fcU uiuiijuc. ilk. an iisni,.aii,, u.
Samoa, Br. bk Shields
Thiers, Fr. sh Newcastle. E.
Marechael Turrene, Fr. bk. .. .Hamburg
V'ille de Mulhouse. Fr. bk Antwerp
Guethary, Fr. bk Antwerp
Pierrl Lotl, Fr. bk Antwerp
Walden Abbey. Br. sh Antwerp
Glenesslln. Br. sh Antwerp
Versailles. Fr. bk Lelth
General de Bolsdeffre. Fr. bk ..London
General de Negrler. Fr. bk London
Bayard. Fr. bK Antwerp
Vllle de DIJon. Fr. bk Antwerp
Alic- Marie, Fr. bk Antwerp
Eugene Rergatene, Fr. bk Antwerp
H. Haekfield, Gr. bk Honolulu
Arctic Stream. Br. sh Rotterdam
Crown of India. Br. bk Antwerp
Cornil Bart. Fr. bk Antwerp
Jules Gommes. Fr. bk Rotterdam
Coal Kilps En Konte.
Belen, Fr. bk Newcastle. A.
Col. da Vlllebols Marenll, Fr. bk
Newcastle. A.
Claverdon, Br. sh Newcastle. A.
Wlllscott. Am. bk Newcastle, A.
Port Patrick, Br. sh Newcastle, A.
St. Mlrren, fir. sh Newcastle, A.
Crlllon, Fr. bk Newcastle. A.
Ardencralg, Br. bk Newcastle. A.
Eugene Schneider. Fr. bk . Newcastle, A.
St. Louis, Fr. sh Newcastle, A.
Bu'ffon, Fr. bk Newcastle. A.
The Harrtman liner Costa Rica will
be In the harbor late tonight. She
reached Astoria at noon today from San
The vesael reported off the mouth of
the Columbia river yesterday proved to
be the American ship St. Nicholas as
predicted bv The Journal, She brought
30,000 casea of salmon from Nushagak.
it being the season's pack of the Colum
bia River Packers' association. The St.
Nicholan was In company with the lost
ship John Qurrler th night before she
strucg tne rocg. t ne vessels were run
ning close to shore In a fog but the
breeze was light. The St. Nicholas
stood out to sea as noon as possible.
The ateamer Breakwater. Captain
Macgenn, arrived from Coos Bay early
this morning bringing a full cargo and
a large list of passengers. She sails
Monday night.
Charles P. Doe, manager of the North
Pacific Steamship company, has pur
chased the wreck of the steamship Cor
ona which lies partly Imbedded In the
sand off Eureka. He believe he can
float the vessel, basing his opinion
mainly on the success in floating the
steamer Georre W. Elder, which after
having been floated and repaired was
pur.hatied by Mr. Hoe's company. The
machinery of the Corona Is said to be" In
good condition. The Corona was lost
several months ago by drifting onto
the )etty and tearing a large hole In her
The British steamer Queen Alexandra
arrived at I.Innton this morning to load
a cargo of lumber for China. She came
Irom Vancouver, llrltlnh Columbia, un
der charter to the Pacific Export Lum
ber companv. The ilarman ship Slam
shifted to the mills of the Portland
Lumber company last night to load lum
ber for Australia and the French bark
Vlncer.m-K took her place at Columbia
dock No. 1.
terey. Arrived at 1:40 p. m., ship at
Nicholas, from Nushagak. Arrived at
1:10 and left up at 0 p. m., steamer
Breakwater, from Coos bay.
AstOrla. - Or... Aug. 24. Condition of
the bar at 8 a. m., obscured; wind, south
east, if miles; weather, foggy.
Tides at Astoria High water, 0:64 a.
ni., 1:50 p. m. ,8.4 feet; low water,
7:40 a. m., 1.10 feet; 7:61 p. m., 1.6 feet
(Joqrtul Special Serrlce.)
Indianapolis. Aug. 14. Stating that
he U willing to stand trial, If given a
fair show, William fl. Taylor, former
fovernor of Kentucky, stated last night
hat ho would testify in the case of
Caleb Powers, who Is also Indicted In
connection with the slaying of Gov
ernor Goebel.
Taylor states that ho will return to
Kentucky voluntarily and stand trial If
the prosecutor will promise him a fair
jury, fair witnesses and will return the
corruption rund to th. state, placing nis
case on tha same footing with any crim
inal trial.
The Girl From Albany."
A fine show that evervbodv likes and
which sends all away with the sons
mm tney nave naa a inorougniy t'
lovable evnnlnr la "Tha (llrl From Al
bany." that merry farce-comedy which
the Allen stock company is presenting
at me i.yric tnis week, ll is one cou
tlnuous laugh.
"Second in Command."
Tonight and tomorrow, Sunday even
Ins:, will be the last performances of
xne oecona in i:ommana, at tne Mar
auam. This British military comedy
drama Is one of the strongest attrac
tions that the Stockwell-McOregor com
pany has presented and It has been an
unqualified success.
Astoria, Or.. Aug. C4 Arrived down
during the night, steamer Northland.
Arrived In lant nlKht, ateamer F. H.
Ieggett, from Eureka. Arrived at noon
today. Htcamer Coata Rica, from San
San Francisco, Aiif;. 24. Sailed last
night, steamer Aurella for Portland.
Astoria, Or., Aug. 24. Arrived at
12:05 p. m. and left up at ! p. m., brlt
lsh steamer Queen Alexander, from Vic
toria. Arrived at 12:10 and left up at
1:30 p. m., steamer Catania, from Mon-
(Speelal Plapatrb to The Journal )
Chehalls, Wash.. Aug. 24. Charles B.
Brockway. who Jumped a 13.000 cash
bond at Los Angeles Wednesday, was
a former Chehalls boy. Brockway has
for years been following the business
of a spiritualist medium and It was
while In this business that he Is al
leged to have defrauded a North Da
kota man out of $1,000. He was ar
rested at Los Angeles a few days ago
and was to have been taken to Dakota
for trial.
Portland Hallway Division.
Commencing Wednesday. August 28,
1907, and until further notice, during
trark repairs on 1'nlon avenue. Rus
Vnncouver, Woocllawn, Alberta. Huh-sell-Shaver
and Broadway cara will
cross the river coming In over the Steel
bridge then around the Alder street
loop and return over the Burnslde
The East Burnslde rnrs will rur from
Eaat Eighteenth nnd Stark streets to
Sixteenth and Washington streets over
BurnslUr bridge.
(Journal Rjierlnl SfrTlr.l
New York. Aug. 24. The Chicago A
Alton railroad has been pructlcally aold
to the Toledo, St. Louis & WeaVrn.
.dual transfer of tlie rond will not
be mnde, however, until It Is deter
mined whether the government Intends
to asesa a fine against It of 12,00(1.000
In connection with tne Standard Oil rebates.
Last Time Tonight.
The last performance of the popular
comedian Ezra Kendall and his excel
lent company of players In the delight
ful comedy "Swell Elegant Jones,'' will
be given at the Helllg theatre, Four
teenth and Washington streets, tonicht
at 8:15 o'clock. If you want to enjoy
a good laugh be sure and see "Our
Ezra" In his best effort. Seats are
selling at theatre boxofflce.
Strong Rill at the Grand.
One of the strongest vaudeville bills
ever seen in Portland Is offered at the
Grand this week. Among tho big acta
are the Fremont Zouaves, Alice Mortlock
In "How the Fixes ixes It. and the
Smiths present a comedy sketch en
titled "Is Marriage a Failure."
At the Star.
Tonleht will be the last opportunity
to see the Star Stock company In Hal
Held s beautiful melodrama "The Tie
That Binds." This is one of the best
melodramas ever produced by the local
favorites and has been drawing big
houses all week. Remember the new
show starts Sunday matinee Instead of
Monday evening.
c.f dq nr i urn ,
CllfilPill STREET
Two Days Already, and the
Wait Must Continue'
' Till Monday. v
(SpeeUl Diapitch te The Joeraal.)
La Grands, Or, Aug. 24. Tha Una at
people waiting in front of tha land af
flee to file on timber claims la tha
Uklah is steadily growing and now
reaches nearly half a block. It Is ex
pected there will still be more on tha
evening trains and tha lino will soon
be beyond the corner of the block. A
light shower at t:lt this morning dis
turbed a few of them, but nearly alL
and especially the women, were quits
well provided witn cots ana covering.
It M. Rosrers officiated last night as
a special police officer to see that tha
visitors were not disturbed during tha
night, and It Is the aim of tha cltlsens
generally to see that they are mads ss
comfortable as is possible under tha Olr-cumstances.
Washington Aug. J4. Tha boyeolt
uestlon Is to be threshed out In a suit
lied In Washington by tha Bunk Stove
A Range company against tha American
Federation of Labor. The company
seeks to enjoin the federation from
maintaining a boycott against Its nrod-
ChlafN-relli's Musical Offering.
At the Oaks tomorrow evening Chl-
afrerellt'a Italian band will offer the
storm scene from the opera Rlgoletto.
It will be accompanied by wonderful
electrical effects and will be one of thl
most spectacular and weird musical of
ferings ever heard in this city. The
baton manipulator of this band was for
years leader of Ellery's Royal Italian
band and achieved great prominence In
his profession.
Olympia's Directory Population.
Special Plapatrb to Hia Journal )
Olvrnniu. Wash.. Aug. 24. A new
directory Just Issued by R. L. Polk
gives Olympla and its suburb of Turn
water a population of more than 16,000.
The multiple of 2 H Is used in making
the natures, ami it is claimed oy tne
publishers that Inasmuch as Olympla Is
essentially a city ol homes, this ratio Is
very conservative
on tha steamer Beaver, to Lewis river,
under the auspices of St. Joseph's Aid
society, Sunday, August 2R, 1907. Steam
er leaves Couch street dock at 1:10 a.
m. sharp. Adult tickets, 75 cents.
Your Shirts
291i Stark St., Near 4th-
Pleasant to taKe and does not gripe or nauseate
Cures Chronic Constipation. Stomach and Liver Trouble
Stimulation Without Irritation.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is a new
laxative syrup combined with the de
licious flavor of fruits, and is very
pleasant to take. It will not gripe or
sicken. It is much more pleasant and
effective than Pills, Tablets or Saline
Waters, as it does not derange the
Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver
or Bowels.
ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup will
positively cure Chronic Constipation,
as it restores the natural action of the
intestinal tract.
If you are constipated
If your tongue is coated
If your breath is bad
If your eyes are dull
If your head feels heavy
If you have heart-burn
If you are troubled with belching
If you have indigestion
If your food does not assimilate
If you are too thin
If your complexion is bad
Your stomach, liver and bowel3
need stimulating, and you should take
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup.
Clears the Complexion.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup stimu
lates the liver and thoroughly cleanses
the system and clears the complexion
of pimples and blotches. It is the best
laxative for women and children as it
is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe
or sicken.
Thin People TaKe Notice.
De Teu Assimilate Tear Feed?
Orino makes you assimilate your
food so you will get the full benefit of
what you eat.
Take ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and if you
are not satisfied your money will be refunded.
Prepared only by FOLEY tt CO., Chicago, III.
An Outing for You Tomorrow at "Heidelberg"
Tons of Fruit on Display
Take the Alberta car and get off at 25th street, thence free carriage to the gates of Heidleberg.
It's a pleasant ride, a trip you will always remember for its pleasures alone; a ride you will take
each day once you see the great level lawn, with its fruit laden orchards, its grand view of the
mountains and the rivers; and breathe the pure ozone of its breezes. Once you taste its delicious
fruits, actually grown on Heidleberg soil, always will you declare it to be the one ideal place for
your home.
It's fruit harvest time at Heidleberg; take your lunch, enjoy a real outing, visit the fruit
orchards, breathe the pure air, feast your eyes on the mountains, hills and rivers and best of all
see the grandest old spot in Portland to build a home.
YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS are invited to see Heidleberg SUNDAY in all her glory. Go,
see, enjoy, learn and live for one day
At America's Only Heidelberg
rMtiWs..ili, i. , IJ, 111.
JPLa &s& vm -M. ...
OP .'''' '