The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 24, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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    0" t F
Fine Structures Being Com
pleted and Many New
Ones Planned.
LarReat Office Edifices In the City
Will Be Radv for Occupancy Soon
After First of Year Many Houses
Under Way.
Nothing seem to affct tha remark
able progress which is being made in
the upbuilding of Portland. In other
western and Pacific coast cities, a tight
money market, prolonged to any extent,
will Immediately curtail building en
, terprisea. The Los Angeles papers are
using quantities ' of space in explaining
why, comparatively speaking, there la so
little building going on there now. The
same thing may be said of Seattle;
there, too, the papers and the real es
tate operators are busy explaining away
the too apparent slump In building de
' velopment.
But with Portland the situation is
altogether different. There are no less
than 26 huge business structures under
construction, while scarcely a week
asses that the contract for some large
rick or concrete building is not let.
Pin i limit mem Vearinf Completion.
Portland now has five magnificent
Office structures in different stages of
completion. Of these probably the big
"Multnomah" at Fifth and Morrison is
tha nearest to being finished. The con
tractors expect to get this structure
ready for occupancy by January 1.
When completed the Multnomah, next to
the Wells-Fargo, wUl have cost more
money than any other building in Port
land. The estimated cost of this struc
ture has never been given out, although
It is believed that not less than 1500,000
will be expended In Its construction. ,
Tha Commercial club structure "at
fifth and Oak streets is rapidly assum
ing shape, and, unless some unforeseen
delay occurs, will be ready for the wait
ing tenants soon after the opening of
the next year. This and the new
11-story Board of Trade building, going
up at Fourth and Oak streets, are lit
that portion of the city where the most
extensive development in class "A"
building haa taken place.
Structures Slow la Completion.
The Board of Trade building, owing to
tha nature of Its construction, will prob
ably not be finished until several
months after January 1. Tl enforced
concrete structures are much slower of
construction than either steel frame or
brick buildings.
- Baldwin A Downinga medical-dental
Office building, at Park and Alder
streets, is beginning to assume the pro
portions of a completed structure. This
will be one of the handsomest office
buildings In the city. i-The Interior ar
rangement is designed especially to i
meet the requirements of physicians and
dentists, snd is said to nave been leased
almost entirely to members of these
- professions.
Laying me Dries, wans or tn Koms-
11 . ' ' i ni i ill ii , 11 1 11 1 "
l : t. y L '.; 'f A ' ' "
,.r M JL--s - 4l f Uw-.4- 1 i
! ;!'
t i" r-
. ,; .
Outside Influences Hare a
Strong Bearing on Lum
ber Conditions Here.
I If New Freight Bate East Becomes
Effectlre Further Falling Off in
Prices Expected San Francisco
Shots Off Her Demand.
D. S. Stearns' Buslri039 House, Fourth Street, Between Yamhill and Taylor.
An Enormous Demand for
Building Plans Keep
Designers Busy.
Portland architects are overrun with
business. Practically every architect In
tha olty has mora commissions than he
can execute. Prospective builders in
ether Oregon cities, and even from
Washington cities come to Portland ar
chitects for their plans.
The following will give some Idea of
the Amount And rhxs.rtr nf the work
w n m nnnv w la r w nr n - -
K ..av . Twtum v v.. w whuv I . ....
child building at Fourth and Washing- I ln done by the architects of this city.
ton streets is wen under way. The
steel frame and the concrete floors of
ably short time, which would indicate
that the house will be finished ahead of
contraot time or well In advance of the
first of the year.
Tha hotel accommodations of Port
land, which have been lamentably de-
flclent for the past few years, are to
be largely Increased by January, when
three new first-class hostelrles will be
finished and ready for occupancy. The
six-story Holbrook-Lamson hotel at
jKleventh and Stark streets Is well along
toward completion. . This building cov
ers a quarter-block, will be modern and
up-to-date in every particular, and - is
being built at an expenditure of $lt0,
000. Dr. Wetherbee's six-story family
hotel on Ella street, near Washington,
Is nearing completion. The walls are
up and the roof on, and tha workmen are
now engaged on the Interior.,
Dr. C W. Cornelius Is putting up a
Six-story hot1 at Park and Alder
streets, just west of the Baldwin-Downing
building. Dr. Cornelius has . leased
the hotel to a well-known Paclfio coast
hotel man.
David S. Steams' new four-story busi
ness djocm on r-ounn street, Detween
YamhUI -and Taylor, will be finished
within 60 or 90 daya. The entire struc
ture has been leased to a Front atreet
wholesale rubber company, which will
occupy it soon after the first of the
SCany Houses Being Built.
The steel frame of the Beck building,
on the northwest corner of Seventh and
Oak streets. Is up and work of laying
the conorete floors is under way. This
will be a very expensive structure and
will probably require nearly a year to
Two, three and four-story brick busi
ness houses are going up alt over the
business district, on both sides of the
This construction movement haa been
the most significant and far-reaching
activity in Portland for the past- year
and a half, and promises to continue so
for at least a year to come.
Richard Martin Jr. Plans belnc pre
pared for two-story residence for A. ii.
Long to be erected at College and Six
teenth streets: cost. 110.000.
W. t. Morgan Plans are being drawn
for a five-story brick apartment house
to be erected at far and MadlBOn
streets. The building will be 60x100
feet and will cost about $66,000.
Bennes, Hendricks St Tobey Plans
completed for a detention-home for the
wards of the juvenile ootfrt, to be erect
ed near Montavllla and to cost $11,000.
This firm Is also preparing plans and
specifications for a barn and a granary
for the Oregon Agricultural college at
Cor vail Is.
riaa ITe-w rut Building. .,
A. H. Faber Plans are being' pre
pared for a six-story flat building to go
up on Orand avenue, near Halsey street,
to cost $8,000.
The firm is also preparing plans for
a four-series apartment house, each to
have six rooms. The building Is to be
built at Twenty-second and Davis
Plans are also being prepared for a
church for St. Francis parish, to be
erected at East Twelfth and East Oak
streets. It will" be or the German
pointed Gothic style, and of stone con
Joseph Jacobberger Plans are under
way lor a building to -be used as a
nurses'- home at St. Vincent a hospital.
The building will be 40x160 and will
cost $16,00.
Plans are also being prepared for a
frame Catholic school building to be
erected at university Park. The same
architect la preparing the plans for
John Manning's residence, to be erected
at Twentieth and Marshall streets at a
cost of $6,000. .
Drawings for the schoolhouse of the
Redemptorlst Fathers at Piedmont are
being made. The building of frame
construction resting on a stone founda
tion and will cost approximately $10,.
T, X. O, A. Design Complete.
MacNaughton, Raymon A Laurence
Plans for the Y. M. C. A.-T. W. C. A.
structure at Seventh and Taylor streets
are being prepared. 1 Work on the foun
dation, of this building will begin next
Plans are also being prepared for the
buildings to be erected by the Columbia
Steel company at Llnnton.
w. . Jimgmon runi are Deing
Plumbing Inspector Sends
Notices for Over 500
Sewer Connections.
Expect to Complete Struc
ture on Morris Street by
Great Increase Is Shown Over Last
Year Only Two Thirds of These
Houses Are Located In District
Provided With Mains.
Hawthorne avenue, between the river I
and Grand avenue, is rapidly developing drawn for a two-story brick bank build-
nio a retail Dusiness district, h. ah- ing. 60x70 feet, to be erected by M. J
gran! has begun the construction of a Thompson at Mississippi avenue and
three-story brick building on the north Shaver street.
side of Hawthorne avenue, between East p. Chapell Browne Plans are being
Second and East Third streets. The prepared for a sanltorium. 88x66 feet,
foundation and basement walls 'are to to be built at " Haines, ; Oregon. The
be of cencrete. It Is estimated that the building wilt cost about $20,000.
total cost of the structure will be about The Oibson-Brendt company Plans
$15,000. have been completed for a one-story
It Is announced that two other build- brick building for Charles K. Herlry, to
lngs will be built on this thoroughfare be erected at Front and Columbia
as soon as the preliminary arrangements streets ' '
can be made. - n.
C. C. Robblns Plans are being pre
nurail fnr new bulldlnc for. thvCantral
Christian . church, to be, etectedT at East
x wenwein anu jicubi oaiiuuji w.
bulldlnar will be 80x120 and will be
iih nf ton or nressed brick.
Pugh A Legg Plans are being1, drawn
for a two-atory sanitarium to be erected
at Stevenson. Washington. . The ap
proximate cost of the structure is $10,-
000. - . ,
Ernest Kroner-Is preparing the plans
for a two-story frame residence of eight
rooms for Mrs. Lucy Murphy. The
house will be built In Holladay's ad'
dltlon and will cost about $6,000.
Another sure Indication of Portland's
phenomenal building development 1
shown in the records of the office of
Plumbing Inspector Hey. For the first
seven months of this year that official
sent out 669 written notices to rest
dents of tha city to make sewer con
necllons. For the whole of last year
only 69$ of these notices were sent out
from the plumbing inspectors ornce
while for the year before but 439 o
these notices were mailed.
The indications are that nearly 1,000
of these notices will be mailed from
that office. This will mean that durln
1907 1,000 new residences will have
been completed and ready for occu
pancy. This Is more than double the
number of new dwellings built In 1905
and more than a 60 per cent Increase
over the record of 1906. This is a won
derful record for a city of this size. I
must not be understood that every
house built In the city this year has
a sewer connection. Probably not more
than two thirds of tnem are in dls
tricts provided with sewers, making It a
safe assertion to say tnat at least l.
600 new houses will be completed in
Portland during the year 1907.-
The concrete foundation and basement
for the Catholic Toung Men's club of
Alblna has been completed and Architect
Jacobberger has announced that work
Although prices remain fairly firm
the lumber market Is in a peculiar con
dition at present owing to several
causes. The demoralised California
market has shown very Uttle improve
ment during the past week and while
the eastern market remains good it Is
generally conoeded that there will be a
decided falling off should the proposed
new freight rate go into effect October
1. Whether this would have a tendency
to stimulate building or not remains to
be seen.
The California market is said to be
affectlnsr conditions locally In that
leaves larsrer Quantities of the total
output for home consumption, whereas
when vessel upon vessel was aispaicnea
from the mills along the harbor front.
local buyers cut comparatively little
flrure with some of the mills, in some
cases the local market is now the main
outlet for some of the mills. Since
San Francisco discovered It had enough
lumber on hand to last awhile, the ma
jority of the few coastwise lumber
droshers still in oberatlon. have re
ceived their cargoes at mills down the
Columbia, leaving the output of the
mills here to either go east by rail or
remain In the home market.
Mlllmen say there Is good local de
mand, however, considering the season
of the year, and wnne most oi tne mius
have now followed the cut of $2 per
thousand feet, niacins rough lumber at
IIS, made some time ago Dy tne inman
Poulsen company, they are not going
beactna- for business by any means, ma
ture market conditions will be governed
to a great extent by the outcome of the
fight that is about to be inaugurated by
the mlllmen aaralnst the Increased
freight rate proposed by the roads
hauling to points east of Denver, for
should tms rate become eirective, men
local prices are expected to take
another drop unless the output is lim
ited by the shut down of some of the
mills, as, has been threatened among the
Closely related to the lumber Indus
try is logging and according to reports
now coming In from the camps, the
sawmills will have no trouble getting
material for their plants If the river
towboats are not overtaxed with busi
ness as was narrowly avoided a few
weeks ago when there was an extra
heavy demand for logs.
H. C Clair, secretary and treasurer
of the Twin Falls Logging company.
The. making of Chandeliers is much mors than throwing to
gether so much material It requires the personality of Insight and '
artistic taste in creating designs, shapes and finish to mould a beau-
tuul and appropriate article. :
Our customers will b sore to s hers only the latest finishes
and newest istyles.
Each year improves all we. do.
Let our artist submit sketches or designs from your ideas or
your architect's ideas on the subject of installing your gas and
electric Chandeliers.
will hteirln At nnn nn th thrM unnMr
- - f tr i vi k i l d a niii a ii i 8) n ft vwiiL-ii.ij ,
stories of the structure. The building I states that their camps at Tacolt. about
which Is going up on Morris street, near I 80 miles to the north of Vancouver, are
Williams avenue, will cost about $10,000 employing all the hands desired for the
Lack of Desirable Location
Compels Abandonment
of Local Project.
i, . . .A liquid preparation for
Faoe, Neck, Arms and
Hands. Makes tha akin
Ilka yon want H. Does It
. la a snosnont. H is naltk
- or stloky nor greasy.
, If a harmless, eleaa and
'rafraanlnf. Oamwt ha
, detected. "Twa solera,
' Pink and White. Use It
piomln0 ae and algat,
Winter, Spring, ommer
V'." - LYON VTO CO,1' T'
1 .. f " 44 S-FifUi St., Brookljra,fCT, , '. ;;y ;
. ' . ' . ' " ' ' ' , . - , ,
(Bpedal Dispatch to Tilt ' Joonul.)
Kelso, Wash., Aug. 24 Tha - Inman-
Paulsen Logging company haa finished
the grading of tne roadbed and la lay
ing the rails on the line to the mine
of the Coal Creek Coal and Mining com
pany. This mine is now , taking orders
for coal to be deUrered In Kelso Ins
' F"t,,f ih "onth at $9 a ton. After
all Kelso orders have been filled they
will begin shipping- by barge to P6rt
land, where they have orders for, all the
cou jaey can.-muMJti-itv-: v v,1
Portland stands a good chance to lose
out in tha establishment of a very large
and to this community , a very valuable
manufacturing plant, and all because
of the fact that the promoters o the
enterprise are unable, or at least nave
so far been unable, to secure a desirable
site for the plant. The Western Cooper
age company, the largest concern of the
kind on the Pacific coast, operating at
airrerent points in uaiirorma ana wasn
ington, have for some 'time . sought to
erect a plant near Portland. Tne man
ager of the company selected a site on
the Willamette near the dry dock. The
Port of Portland is willing to give a
25-acre lease on this property,' but abso
lutely refuses to sell, now or at any
tlmo in the future. The owners of the
cooperage company are unwilling to put
up a plant costing a vast sum of money
on' leased ground. It is understood that
the company would have Invested about
$200,000 in a Portland plant had It been
able, to secure a suitable site. It Is
probable that the effort to locate the
concern here will not be abandoned and
that'the Commercial club and kindred
bodies will take the matter up with
Watson Eastman, president of the com
pany, and endeavor to find an available
piece of river frontage on which to lo
cate the factory.
rTh .iulnn.rA.fl fnmnanv haaa
acres of timber land near Astoria, wnich
contains enougn raw material to kee
a $zoo,ooo
plant in operation for 61
and will be completed by November IB.
Construction work is now In progress
on tne annex to the convent of the Holy
Names, at East Oak and Bast Twelfth
streets. The estimated cost of the Im
provement Is about $7,000.
The contract was let during the past
week for the construction of the Deten
tion home for the wards of the Juvenile
court, which will be erected in Center
addition, near Montavllla, at an esti
mated cost of about $10,000.
Contractors Langford and Walker
have been, awarded the contract, by the
authorities at Washington, for the al
terations to the first floor of the Dost-
offlce bunding. . The plans of the gov
ernment architects provide for radical
changes In the arrangement of this
building, which will prove of great con
venience, both to the public and the
postal authorities.
present, nearly 400 men having been
put to work since operations were re
sumed on the fifteenth of this month.
Other camps, too, report better suc
cess In getting men than was anticipated.
l.ors are ouotea at rrom is to iio
per thousand feet, and it la understood I
that no effort will be made to advance :
this price during the fall and winter
unless something entirely unlooked for
occurs to affect the market, nor do
the loggers expect having to reduce
Is the man whose hardware
buying is accomplished here.
The variety, quality and
price that prevails affords
greatest returns for least ex
penditure and we invite
your inspection to prove It
AVERY & CO. Bet. Pine tad Ash
Matchless Steel Plate
Simple In construction.
Guaranteed perfectly smoke, dust aad
gas proof.
Extra large fire pot. ash pit and grate
.The tlle-ltned fire Dot insures great
durability and economy in repairs.
More direct and indirect radiating
surface than contained In furnaces of
any other style of construction.
AH surfaces are ourved. which Bra-
vents the buckling of the steeL or the
ftre cracking of the castings.
The heating surfaces throughout are
perpendicular and unbroken, presenting
no obstruction to the free circulation of
the heated air.
Both the body and the radiator are
constructed of extra heavy steel state,
closely riveted and caulked and war
ranted not to crack.
Extra large casings provide aaapls
free air space, preventing the ere re
heating of the furnace and insuring a
volume of perfectly wanned air.
The feed door and ash pit doors ars
uua proportions ana closely nttea.
chain and rjullevs fnr num.
i a ting me ure rrom ue hall or living
room, and are easily managed by tha
average person.
Such were the points briefly stated
for consideration by J. J. Kadderiy,
when seen In his salesrooms this morn
ing at ISO First street, next to tha
O. W. P. waiting rooms.
Mean fatnies s of
St. Mary's Church In Alblna Will
Hold Special Exercises To-
Twenty years of progressive and In
fluential existence will be commemo
rated by St. Mary's church In upper
Alblna tomorrow. The day which In
Rental Agencies Besieged SSiSS?? J? MhaF wft be' 1!
ebrated by the presence of Archbishop
Christie and Rev. Father J. H. Black
Manufacturers Far Behind
in Filling Orders.
"Men, men give us more men I"
This is the wail of hundreds of em
ployers all over the city, and especially
of manufacturers.
Portlnnd Is handicapped on account of
the lack of workmen In nearly all trades
and the city has more of them now
than at any former period. The great
piriaes tne city is mamng is taxing an
lines of trade and industry to such an
extent that the supply of men is en
tirely inadequate.
The manufacturers of bulldlnar sud-
pues are in a qtianaary. xney are be
nlnd in their work and thev see little
possibility of catching up with the
enormous volume of orders ahead. In
fact, manufacturers are refusing orders
lor so ana even o days.
Mr. Glvoni, manager of the Portland
Basn & pa ny, n.ast Taylor and
Union avenue. Informed a Journal reD-
resentative that the firm has no stock
on hand and has no hope of preparing
any. i ne raciory is reiusing orders,
and. although working to full capacity.
it will take months to fill the orders
Already booked. They would work
hree shifts If men were available. They
are willing to pay the highest wages
to machine hands on sash and door
work, but cannot get the help.
The firm ordered 14,000 worth of ma
chinery in the east last February, and
it has not arrived yet. On its arrival
they are wlllinir to duplicate the order
and lose all Interest when help is within
reach, tierpine wui maae that liver
perform ,lts duties properly. j. b.
Wushn. Elba. Ala., writes: "Bein
ffAtiatant sufferer from constitution mH
a disordered liver, I have found Herblne
to OS tne oi roeuicine, lor tneseT trou
bles, on the market I have used It
constantly. I believe It to be. the best
medicine of Ita kind, and 1 i wish all
sufferers from these troubles to know
the rood Herblne has dons ma Sold by
au aruggists.. - 4
for quick delivery,-so sanguine are they
of the bright prospects of the city.
Asked if theirs was an exception, the
manager mentioned another firm In the
same line that has been refusing orders
for some time and that will refuse
them for . "90 days more, adding that
there will be no cessation in the build
ing line for a long time to come.
Portland needs double- the nnmher nr
double the capacity of its present ex
tensive manufactories and men to run
them. Portland needs twice the num.
ber of mechanics and 10 times the num
ber of progressive moneyed men who
are manifesting faith in the lty's great
future and who are relieving the con
gestion by -building homes and Inci
dentally reaping good profits by their
Another crying need is houses. Real
estate men are oesiegea witn Househunt
ers daily and could find tenants for
hundreds or mooern nouses within 24
hours. People are willing to pay good
rental, but are forced to crowd into
flats and rooming-houses where they
get .very little freedom and Jess fresh
air. There are golden opportunities for
local capitalists la the house problem.
Sore and Tender Test Oared by
Druggists refund money if DR. PORTER'S-
fall 1
T. '
of St. Francis church- will deliver the
sermon at the 10:30 high mass.
St. Mary s was founded June 5, 1887,
Archbishop W. H. Gross officiating at
the dedicatory services. In July of the
following year Rev. Q. B. Van Lin was
appointed the first resident pastor. Mrs.
Mary Montgomery aonatea tne lots upon
which the church was built, in 1889
the congregation outgrew the flrt
church and the present structure was
begun and dedicated In 1898.
In 1888 the Dominican sisters were
Introduced and the parochial school was
established by Father Van Lin. Last
j jar a new high school was erected
and a four-year high school course
started. A later enterprise connected
with the parish Is the organisation of
the Catholic Young Men s club and the
construction of their club house.
Rev. rather vvuiiam uaiy is tne pros
ent pastor.
Bank and Store Fixtures
Hoyt and Sixth gts.
fobtxabtp, oMooir.
BBAJTD" (halr-flbered).
FINISHING PLA8TER (nnfibered).
Offloe, Worcester Building. Phone lCaln 718.
" factory, Foot of 14th St. Plume stain fios.
Roche Harbor Lime, Alsen's Portland Cement; Nephi Building Casting and
Dental Plaster, Imported FlreBrlck, Imported and Domestlo Fire Clay Halr
Fibered Hardwall Plaster, Plastering Hair and Fiber. Allunlted Steel ftinMn
Expanded Steel Lath. Boston Sheet Metal X,ath.
931-038 PrtTB STJUiET,
Phone Main 870.
pomraajTB, omaaosT.
' (SnecUl DUnstcB to Tb Journal.)
Salem, Or., Aug. 24. The new report
blanks which are to be used for the re
ports of teachers to the superintendent
of education arrivea at tne education
office today. They do not differ ma
terially from tne blanks usea ror tne
reports to the county superintendents.
but they have more space for detaijs.
The average attendance oi tne pupus
must be given in tne new reports, ana
they must be classified according to
their ages. These were prepared as i
result of 1907 legislation, which pro
vldes that the teachers mutt report dl
rectlv to the stato superintendent In
stead of only to the county superintend
ent, as heretofore, at the close of every
month. The new arrangement will go
into effect at the opening of the schools
after vacation.
Low Rates East.
On September 11, 12 and IS the Ca
nadian .Paclfio will sell round trip ex
cursion tickets to St. Paul, Chicago and
eastern points at very low rates. This
will be the last excursion of the season.
Make your sleeping car reservations
now. For full particulars regarding
rates, etc, call on or auaress t. K.
Johnson, G. A. P. D., Portland, Oregon.
(8peehtl tHspatcb to The loarosfj
' Chehalis, Wash., Aug. 4. Mrs. L. XV.
Tloe of this city has received a letter
from a man giving the name of Tom
Anderson,, confessing the theft of a'
watch from- Mr. Tlce several veara am
in this city. Anderson is ' evidently
Portland Asbestos Mfg. Co.
Office and Salesroom, 272 Clisar
Phone nalii 4711.
Tanks, Sawdust, Conveyers, Hydraulic Pipe, Grating, Iron Doors. Fire Escapas.
. General Repairing.
Repair Work Given Prompt Attention Founders, Machinists and Boilermakers,
jsuiiaing ana structural worK.
Offloe and Works.
Hawthorne Avenne and East
Third Street.
Phone East .
Phones: Main 81; Home A-S881.
A cargo of J. B. White & Bros. English Cement
Chamber of Commerce and other well-known buildings In Portland.
isa Madlsori St. Portland, Oregon.
The Electrical Appliance CjoS'
490 Washington St
Phones M 4884 and A 3881
doing tha salvation army stunt In Cali
fornia. He Is willing to be brought
hitlr Mid sent to orison for hl prim
A few days after the watch was taken
here Anderson was arrested for robbing
a Centralla saloon and was sent up
for three years for that crime. Ha
states in his letter that ha was Inno
cent of robbing the saloon, but admits
that he stole the watch. As the of
fense occurred nine years aaro and Mm
haa healed the wound it Is unlikely that
any thing will be dona with him. ,
Chehalia School's Opening d
(Special Dlspstea to The Joe rut)
Chehalis, Wash.. Aug. Ji.Tha Che
halls publio schools will open Septem
ber St. There is a total ofl,006 pupils
In the district and added room la being
made for more classes in the west side
building. - All- the teachers have bean
employed except two grade teachers.,; .
' Preferred Stock Oaanea'Crooda. ' '
Allen Lewis' est Brand. ,
u 1
- i
I( 1