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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1907)
Iff "' THE OREGON' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING,. AUGUST 23, 1907. Popular Wants San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 MarkctSt., bet. 3d & 4th A9TZBTIIB1CSWTI An caxrTxovi uouna Oregonlans whtn In San FTanolsoo can hare their mail sent In car of The Journal offloe. ARTHUR 1 FI8H. Representative. Popular Wants Popular Wants REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Classified Advertise ments received too late for insertion in these pages will be found on Page II. NEW TODAY. Save That Rent And Buy a Lot for $5 IN RAILWAY ADDITION, Montavilla Improved Streets, 5c Carfare Easy Terms $10 Down, $5 Per Month Ida M. and Anna E. Hargrove to xrnara Mageaorn. 101 8, pluck 148. East Portland. W. n a -run Charles C. and Cornelia M. ' Htroufa tn Mnirh VI Uhvfuui lota 27. 18, 89, block 21. Moun( Tabor Villa. W. D 400 Rothchlld Brother! to Joseph Weber, lota 6 to 10, block 'F," lota t, 8 4. 6. 8, . 10, U 12. U, 14. 16 block "J- lota 1 to i block "K," and lota 15, 1, block 104. Fulton Park w l 1 son Emery J. Hughey to Mrs. M. J.' Thornton, lot 18. block 1. Heau- volr Heights, W. D Emma and Alfred Wlltahire to Hattle 1 Veil, lot 1. block 8, Park View Extension, W. D... Mlrt C. Grover at al. to Oregon Realty company, beginning at point in north line of Holladuy avenue 100 feet west of went line of Eat Twenty-eighth street, thence west 100 feel thence north to south line of O. R. A- N. right of way, thence northeast 100 feet, thence south to Dlace of begin ning. W. D J.600 The J. E. Martin company to Oregon Realty company, begin ning at point In north line of Hona 400 4,000 A MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON l-ODOKNO. 4. A. F. A A M. Special communication this (Friday) evening . o'clock. Ilurkhard building. M M. degree. Visit ors cordially Inv ited, liy order W. M. I H KICHMOND. Sec. AM. MKMItKRS OK MULT your tickets for trolley rlle nt 13th nd Washington Ht. Cnr atnrt nt X i. m ; no meeting of camp tonight. K. L. MINAR, C C. J M WOODWOHTII, Clerk HEADQUARTERS Popular Wants HELP WANTED MALE WANTED THREE TEAMSTERS AND tnree extra men ror general a-radlna Chaa. K. Pottage, 489 Commercial at. WANTED 16 FlRSf-CLASfl 66LICT Itors. Address P. O. box 660. city. WANTED A riRST-CLA88 8f ICkER man. Apply Portland Mill at Flstura t o., 44i k. Morrison. ... w - , j.. r ' .ii noniHh Camp No. 77. get V ANTED CEMENT FT?7TsTF2Jf sieaay worn, fnone e. 4063. CaHPKNTEHS' corner E. Pine and Urand sve. meets every Tuesdanlgnt. Phone East 6279. M-W A. EVERGREEN CAMP, 6.4si meets Wednesday evening. Allsky bldg.. 8d and Morrison sts U W a. OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. 6,75 Mondays. 17th and MarshslL Visitors welrome. HELP WANTED FEMALE t -WANTED. ' f 15 EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE AND bon-bon dlppera; also packer. Apply i-niiur urym micrii x-acilio COS St UlSCUlt co.. inn ana uavis. Come out and see these lots. Take Montavilla Car. Get off at Hibbard St., corner of Villa, or call at office. Lambert-Whitmcr Co. Real Estate Department. JOT Sherlock Bldg, Oor. ad sad Oak Its. 160 75 200 10 1.960 Some Good Inter Bear-est ing Property ll.OOO A 60x100 foot lot on Thur man at. with building on rent ing for $115 per month; must ell quick; act if you want this snap. SI 5,000 A 20-room modern flat; will rent for $126 per month. S12500 A very fine 14-room modern flat; fine location. S22,000 A new S6-room apartment house well- located, renting in come 16 per cent on purchase price. We have some other bargains on our books. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. comtek beoobto ajtd waghto tow sts. 360 Warehouse Site 184)00 Will take a fine quarter block In the warehouse district If taken immediately; will sell lor iz,uoo advance before Xmas Come and see it TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. OOJUTEB SECOXTD AtTD WASXnrG- TOW STS. Grand Avenue PRICE $18,500 60x5 and store buildings, southeast corner urand ave. and E. Ankeny sr.; has a very good Income. Call us up and we will tell you about It. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Seooad St. and 398 East Burnaide. WEATHER REPORT The pressure has fallen along the coast of Washington and risen over eastern Washington and Oregon, indicat ing that the nigh area overlying the north Pacific coast yesterday morning is passing eastward over British Co lumbia. Clear skies are reported from all parts of this forecast district, ex cepting along the Washington coast, where dense fogs prevailed this morn ing, i ne depression noted over north ern Montana yesterday morning has moved eastward and is now central over Moorhead. Minnesota. This disturbance remains, however, rather feeble, and no rain has occurred over the district under its Influence excepting moderate amounts at St. Louis and Cincinnati, where rain was stUl falling at time of morning report, and traces at a few other points. The pressure continues low over the southwest, but no rain has fallen except a moderate amount at Flagstaff, Arizona. Fair weather is expected over this forecast district tonight and Saturday with no marked changes In temnerature' Temp . . May Vf I n r 1 Cincinnati, Ohio... 78 Denver, Col 88 aday avenue at Intersec tion with west line of East Twenty-eighth street, thence west $60 feet, thence north to south line of O. R. & N. right of way, thence northeast 250 feet, thence south to place of beginning, W D ,000 Ida M. and E. C. Warren to Michael Hoffman, lot 7, block 23, Hansons Second addition, W. D O00 Mercantile Trust & Investment company to R. E. Bchloth, lot 13, block 1. lot 11. block 2, York, W. D M00 Henrietta and Stephen T. Adams to M. Ella Pomeroy, lot 4, block 6, Severance addition to St. Johns, W. I) Pacific Realty ft Investment company to John E. Larson, lot 1, block 2, Stewart Park, 8. W I) F. S. Fields to William Bchofleld, lot 1, block 1, Sussex addition, Q. C. D Arleta Land company to Anton Kosovac, lots 6 and 7, block IK, Elberta. 8. W. D 1S Title Ou irantee 4 Trust company to 1 heth Ollbaugh, lot 3. blo Sunnyslde Third art ditl. . el 0 Thomas Tonseth to Myrtle Ol sen, lots 2 and 3, block 2, Par adlse Springs tract, W. D 1,850 W. A. Morlan and wife to Au-g-usta E. Van Vranken, lots $, 1 Rummlt addition. W. D ' Moore Investment company to I.. E. Fortune, lot 1. block 39, Vernon, W. D Warren L and Lulu T. Oaiaam to Victor Land company, lot 8. block 2, Howltt, Q C. P.. .. M. C. and M. P. Sedlak to Kath erlne E. Hulme. north half of lot . block 31. Caruthers addi tion to Caruthers addition, w n ..... Hattle and Albert Vail to Alfred W. and Emma Wiltshire, land commencing at point 1.5d5 feet east of southwest corner of D. ti Dmtfvmin donation land claim, w: D O00 Title Guarantee ft Trust company to Mrs. V. W. Jower, lot 19. block 1, McDougalls addition, deed .... Herman and Mary Elchenberger to Edward Bishop, lot 4. sub division block C, Alblna Home stead, W. D Whitney L. Boise et al. to Re becca A. Rolfsen. lot 7 block 287; Hawthorne Park. W. D... J. H. Bruce and A. J. Good to Susan M. Hyatt, lots 3, 4, 5. block $, Bruce's addition. W. P. 00 E. E. and Alice Redfleld to N. B O'Donnell, lot 5, block 118, eltv W. D 100 Hilda and Ludwlg Wiihelm to : Peter WIedman, lot 10. block 6. Columbia Heights, W. D. .. 150 1 United States National bank to I rr r ifoirW lots a. 4. block ' 44. Sullivan's addition. W. D. . . 1.100 United States National bank to William G. Healer, lot 4. blork 44 Sullivan's addition, W. I)... 600, William Travis et al. to William J. and Florence B. Rlceland, lota 8, 4, block 62, Woodstock, W. D 1.S00 1 B H. and Aurora W. Bowman to W. J. Owens, lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 6, block 10. Klnzel Park, W. D. 600 J. J. and E. E. Morgan to Fred A. and Louisa Sllvernall, lot ! 3, block 4, Garrison's subdivi sion. W. D George and Nellie Anderson to Godfrey and Dora Berry, lot 27, block 8, Capltan addition, W. D. Arleta Land company to W'llllnm R Burke, lot 6, block 10. El berta. S. W. D J. C. P. and R. Westengard to John M. Plttenger, lot 6. block 7. subdivision Rlvervlew ad dition to Alblna, bond for deed Anita C. and S. C. Soenrer to Lillian R. Gray, beginning at a point in north line of blork 15, Goldsmith's addition. 150 feet east from northwest cor ner, thence so th 100 feot, thence east 50 feet, thence north 100 fet, thence west 60 feet. W. D 3,500 Hlbernla Savings bank to Ore gon & California Railroad com pany, land In section 21, town ship 1 south, range 1 east, at Capitol Hill 10,000 W. F. and Anna Fliedner to C. A. Samaln, 168x60 feet beginning at point 488. 7 feet west and 856 feet south of stone at cor ner of sections 7. 8. 17, 1. township 1 south, range 2 east, W. D 300 Moore Realty company to W. O. Carlisle, lots 5. 6. block 6, Lorrlngton. agreement 475 C. W. and Belle Willis Sherman to W. F. nendrlekson, lot 7. block 11, Kern Park, S. W. P.. Susan M. Oppenhoff and Otto William Oppenhoff to Fred Teuscher. lots 3, 4. block 12, Bertha. W D 10o ; W. A. and Janet MacRae to Al bert and Asmus Brlx. lots 6. 7, block 77. Couch addition 25,000 IIISINK8H NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND BOLD. Covenant Contract Co.. 417 Fliedner bldg Main J8l "A GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO work on sniris ana overalls. Lessons given to inexperienced. Apply at Stand, ard factory No. 1, Grand sve. and East Taylor et. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, $4$H lTc Washington at. corner Seventh. ur ralra lhnna Ualn 0 CP -1 WT HENRICHSKN CO., JEWELERS. wanted. v and opticians. 24 Washington st ntwf a wiMTffn apdi.t ai'iMiich N OW FICTION LIBRARY. 131 10TH factory No. J. Grand sve, end East st.: hooks loaned at 8 cents the day. Tsylor St. SkfTLLY CO.. 14TH AND FLANKERS; WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE FTF2 flour, feed. hay. grain. Phones A-ltll. I Well shirts snd Boss of All overalls Pacific 611. I at 75 1st St. MATURE WOMAN AS ASSISTANT TO NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING. The undersigned Incorporators of the Portland Country Club ft Live Stock association, designated ny a majority take management Sept. 1. Apply at once. Address A.-418, Journal. WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO learn telephone operating; good salary short hours, pay while learning, luncheon served free or charge and lounging and of such Incorporators to open books and rc rooms In connection. Apply chief receive subscriptions to the capital I operator. 1 elephone building, est Parjt stock of the corporation and to fix i kiwi nm Popular Wants WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -HOUSES, COT ....... i , .inrai. orncaa. ruumini. houses, etc. 'Landlords will do wall to PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF UKisuun. Phons Ex. T$. 8. E. Cor. Id n WANTED AGENTS. WE WANT $0 LADIES TO INTRO duce some new goods, perfumes, eta piKmin.r rimr m gd ana Aiaoiaon. AGENTS WAN TED -CAN YOU SELL a-ondaf If so we need yOM! complete outfit free: cash weekly. . Write, for oholea of territory. Capital City Nur- arv pom nan v. Salem. Or. ArtkWTA. male 6r FEMALE. TO sell household article; sells on sight: used in every family; good profit 73 Front st. . WANTEt) Lady agents: good, rapid-selling article; desired ny every wrnwnan- m rnmm II nn. 1 411 E. Ash.' upstairs; 9 to 11 a. m and 1, i WANTED HEA. ESTATE. THERE IS BIO DEMAND FOR THOR oughly modern houses, worth $8,000 to $4,000. We have more than a doien customers ready with the money ior qe slrable homes. 8end in descriptions. We can get top prices. THE DrAWTUW warABii 270 Stark st. We Make Homes Our Specialty. PopularWants FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. 11.(0 WEEK UP LARGE, CLEAN e,m,i.k imiiaakaenlna-rooms. iaun W. UI.IIVU . . . v . dry and bath. l( Bnsrrnan Pnllil THfal WElLElt. 280, UilAND AVB.1 flrstlass furnished housekeeping rooms, electric light and gas; free tele- none end bath. . UftlJIskfib ll6uSEKEEPlN(J HOOM8 Popular tents BUSINESS CHANCES 9 also furnished rooms: SOlhk let It Pacino 1T1T. THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS TO rent 108' nth. near Washington. fm. RENf-tHREE Ft'RMIfiilEB housekeeping rooms, steel range, gas vmiiit nun BIIU Wl n.w. 0 1st st Phone A-4208. J.06 WEElt' 2 FURNISHED HOUSED keeping front rooms. 431 6th. FINE SUITE FURNISHED HOUSE- keening rooms, also sleeoln rooms; modern conveniences. The Yale, 291 Grand sve. ONE NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for one or two gentlemen. $8. modern. 88$ 13th et. THE NEWCASTLE. 402 Vs 5T ST- f urnished housekeeping rooms; also Ingle rooms, reasonable. Main 800. ROOMS AND BOARD. OSBORN HOTEL, CORNER GRAND sve. snd E. Ash; furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with or without board. East 661. , unon a time for a meetlne- of the sub 400 ! sorlbers to the stock of said corpora i tlon. herebv call a meeting of the sub scribers of the stork of the Portland Country Club & Live Stock association, to be held at Commercial club rooms In the cltv of Portland. Oregon, on Tues day, the 27th day of August. 1907, at the hour of four o'clock p. ni , for the purpose of electing not less than three BUSINESS WOMAN WITH STRONG personality, good health and selling powers required. One who can leave the city preferred. N-462, Journal A GOOD GIRL WANTED FOR GEN eral housework; new house; small family. 230 N. 24th st WANTE D CO MPET ENT" GIRL FOR lay properly come before the meetlnr. Portland. Oregon. Julv 26th. 1807. if. A. WE8TGATE. JULIUS L. MEIER, TOM RICHARPSON, Incorporators. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Pacific Electric company has this day filed supplementary articles of In corporation with tho secretary of state or the state of Oregon, with the clerk 400 of Multnomah county and with the sec retary or the company Increasing Its capital stock from J 10,000 to $20,000, also changing Its name from Pacific Electric company to Pacific Electric Engineering company; and also adding to Its powers the right to carry on and conduct a general electrical engineering business. E. V. ESTEY, Secretary. Portland, Or.. Aug 22. 1307. BIPS WANTED FOR IMMEPIATE erection of a 2-story brick building. 75x70; plans and specifications. Ad dress Anderson Bros., Dayton, Or. LOST AND FXKJND. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned ' same day. 228 Front st. Main 474. I Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Mets- 900 1 ger, proprietor. I LOST A general housework. directors of said corporation, as the 181 E. Ifith. stocknoiners present snail determine, the adoption of by-laws, and for the transaction of such other ouslness as ma Phone East 1693. WANTED ELDERLY LADY WHO wants good home and small wages to care for sick lady. M. C. Grover. cor. 25th st. N. and Holladay aye LADIES. IF YOU CAN SELL GOODS will pay best wages you ever earned. Call at 203 Fliedner bldg. WANTED SKIRT AND WAISTMAK ers; also helpers. Mrs. Zeltfuchs, 386 Washington st. LADY TEACHERS FOR CHINESE mission, 286 Taylor st, night school, from 7:30 to 9:80 p. rn. Apply at 141 6th st. J. M. Kan, Bupt WANTED A GIRL TO WORK IN kitchen In a restaurant at 84 Russell. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Phone Pacific 39. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALES ladles. Apply at Roberts Bros., 3d and Morrison. MALE AND FEMALE HELP 1,000 return to circulation department, Jour I nal office. WANTED 1.00.0 HOP-PICKERS TO pick 424 acres' of hops; big crop; larg est and best equipped hopyard In Ore gon; all on trellis wire; perfect accom modations; grocery store, bakery, butch er shop, barber shop, dancing pavilion, 50x150 feet; telephone, physician, beau tiful camping ground. 3 acres bathing pool, restaurant, provisions sold at Port land prices; we . pay $1.10 per 100 pounds. Reduced excursion rates on our JOURNAL ROUTE BOOK near 3d and Salmon. Kinder please , special train. For further particulars POINTER FEMALE, ABOUT 4 YEARS old, mostly liver color, some white, name Is Nellie; reward; name on col i lar Is P. Mlsner, Lyons. Or. HELP WANTED MALE I Stave Bolt CMers Wanted $1.50 per cord, timber yel low fir, apply R. 306 Stearns bids., Portland, Oregon, j npplv to Krebs Bros., 272 Stark st. Portland, Or., on or after August 17. Phone Main 1320. Home A-3153. HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED. male or female. R. G. Drake, 206 Washington st. Psclflc 1870. WANTED HOP PICKERS FOR large yards; long season; fine picking; fine camping ground, etc.; groceries at city prices. Apply Andrew Kan & Co., 287 Morrison St. 1. L . ' WE HAVE CASH DUYERS FOK ALL, kinds of city property, wnat nave you for sale? Come and list It at once, for we have the purchaser; we are mak ing specialty of city property. WASHINGTON A OREGON REALTY COMPANY. 108 Second St.. Portland, Or. FOR RENT HOUSES WANTED TO INVEST $1,250 IN real estate, vacant lots; must be a snap. Address 1143 E Taylor st. WANTED FINANCIAL. $3,000, 3 YEARS. 6 PER CENT, FAC tory Yamhill county, worth $8,000. Address 327 Marguerite st, Montavilla. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE WILL BUT YOUR HOU8EHOLD goods and guarantee best prices. Call, phone or write. 8. J. A L. Rubeneteln. 176 Front st. opposite National hotel Paciflo 1401. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS 8AV age ft Pennell. 346-347 1st at Phone Pacific 860. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. Main 6655. Ill 1st st. VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE and pianos moved, stored or shipped. Phone Main 1618. ' SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, 5 ROdMS TO rent; part furnished, modern: phone and water free; porcelain bath, ess or wood stove; 8 blocks from Fifth at. car. 355 Lincoln St. LIST YOUR HOUSE FOR RENT WITH us. We have calls every day. Com monwealth Trust Co., 6th snd Ankeny. rnones. Mam 884. A-Z46I FOR RENT NINE-ROOM MODERN house, 805 E. 31st St., Kenllworth; key t 804 E. 32nd st; phone East 716 and B1736. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, 6 'ROOMS TO rent; part furnished, modern; phone and water free; porcelain bath, gas or wood stove; 3 blocks from 6th it car. 366 Lincoln St. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE TTJ rear No. 487 V4 W. Davis st. $14 month. Inquire J. M. Luther, 306 4 1st St.. or phone Main 7810. . WE RENT AND SELL PIANOS. 8HER man. Clay ft Co. FURNISHED HOUSES NEW 7-ROOM. FURNISHED: Mill iard ave.. Nashville; $25. Call 21 Allsky bldg. if you Want to sell, see us. fWnnrt Hand Palace. Highest prices paid for second-hand goods. 27 Flan- j ders. Phone Main S61 8. I HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE FURNITURE FOR SALE OF A COM pletelv furnished 6-room cottage, very HIGHGEST PRICES PA11J FUK ALL. , conveniently arranged and clean, mod kinds of second-hend goods. Union ern. west side, rents for 821 ner month Exchange, 262 Front st. Pacific 1481. very reasonable. George J. Schaefer, DEFORMITY APPLIAKCES MADE TO 317 Chamber of Commerce. order. K. El Karlson co., tl An keny St.. Main 6250. WANTED FURNITURE AND HOU8E- hold goods of every description bought, sold and exchanged. The $. 222 1st. Main 6874. Home A-2S27 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU 33 H N. 6TH ST. Elegantly furnished; steam heat and baths. THE BUTLER, MODERN HOTEL. furnished up-to-date; gas ana elec tric lighted. 409 H Washington. THE CURTIS, CORNER llfH AND" FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM house, used only few months, clean and nice; 8 beds; everything complet for housekeeping; large rooms, fine hall, paved street, walking distance $350: no agents. 267 McMIIlen st. posite Cherry; "U" car, op HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE for sale: furniture of a 7-room house close in; west side. Inquire 208 Seventh or Phone Main Z14. TWO FLATS, NEAR i ,. WELL equipped and new throughout. Ar ranged Into four housekeeping suites profitable investment Address B-469 Journal. Commercial; 'over Danxlger's clothing FURNITURE 5? 6-ROOM HOUSE store; good rooms; central location; transient trade solicited. Astoria. Or. THE AVALON HOTEL. FURNISHED rooms, modern throughout cor. nth and Washington. STENOGRAPHERS, BOTH MALE AND female, good positions open with best firms; no charge. Underwood Type writer Co., 68 6th st 2.000 WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MAKE $100 to $160 per month; some even . more; stock clean, grown on reserva ' tlon. far from old orchards; cash ad 400 l vanced weekly; choice of territory. Ad i dress Washington Nursery Co.. Top- penlsh, Washington. WANTED HOPPICKERS; WE PAY 50o per box; camp shacks free. Will be at the 8t. Charles hotel August 25 till September 3 to sell round trip tickets to Brooks. Or. P. P. Gouley, grower. WANTED HOPPICKERS FOR MY yard at Brooks, Or.: pay 60c per box. Will be at St. Charles hotel. August 25 till September 1. Homer Gouley. WANTED 1,000 HOP PICKERS TO buy 1,000 camp stoves at 97c each. 271 1st st. 160 WANTED 50 OR 60 HOPPICKERS; good camp grounds, stove; pay 60c per box. J. A E. Schlndler, Salem, Or. 2,072i Free employment to all: boarders' rates Oregon city i ransportation oock, root ii.du per week; room, sso and up; spe- ; "r i nyior m. Union Hotel 81 N. SIXTH ST., PORTLAND. OR. MAN AND WIFE FOR HOTEL WORK; good pay. Union Hotel, 81 N. 6th st. HOTEL OAK FIRST-CLASS FUR nlshed rooms, electric light, gas, bath and phones; situated next to City park. 347 Oak st. family leaving; rent $15. st. between 19th and 20th. 687 E. Oak FOR RENT FLATS JUST COMPLLTED MODERN FLATS of 7. 6 and 4 rooms: walking distance, 200 feet south of 28d and Washington sts.. Green ave,. Cedar Hill, THE GRAND, 46 N. 3D ST. ROOMS for gentlemen, tl 26 per week and up. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES rooms, single and en suite; good, clean beds, electric lights; $1.26 to $3.60 per ween, oiiq ibi. nmni mum iniw CLEAN AND NICELY FURNISHED rooms and transient. 96 11th at, cor. Stark. FOR RENT TWO GROUND FLOOR offices, Front and Ankeny sts. Apply K t. cox. Telephone Main 4i. A NICE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT, Madison bldg., 8d and Madison sts. CORNER STORE. 24x44; LARGE front and good show windows; choice BEAUTIFUL FRONT ROOM. TWO I location for drugs and Jewelry corn- blocks P. O. and theatres. 353H Yam- nineo; long lease it aemrea ui nn- bill; new management. slsslppl ave.. cor. Tremont St. FOR RENT A FURNISHED ROOM In private family, suitable for one or two gentlemen. 427 3d st ' cial monthly rates given. Anderson. proprietor. WIDE AWAKE, ENERGETIC ME?? wanted on good salary and commis sion for city and traveling. References required. 207 Couch bldg. U. S. GOVERNMENT SERVICE MEN wanted at once to qualify for fall examinations. Call today. Information free. West Coast schools, 315 Oregon ianhldg. Open tonight. WANTED 1,000 HOP-PICKERS To buy LOOS' camp stoves at 97c each. 271 1st st. 1,000 HOPPICKERS WANTED TO BUY a thousand camp stoves at 97c each. 271 1st st SITUATION'S WANTED MALE. STENOGRAPHER. CAPABLE HAND llnir rorrpsnonrlpnce And irftnerfll nfflr-e EXPERIENCED FRAME MAKER AND! work" wants position; can sell 'goods. bench hand. Portland Sash & Door I Address n-109 Journal Co., E. Taylor and Union ave. ! yoUNO MAN-'' WANTS"! WANTED -AN OFFICE MAN COM- ! draftsman In architect' POSITION A3 s or civil en- petent to nanoio a large business in fleer's office; good at lettering and ''.'7UM" buhl- i i"u: . iuij, an- tracing. B-108. Journal cl swer; give phone. C-465. Journal SOBER INDUSTRIOUS MEN WANTED best of wages. Apply at L. E. Kern's brickyard, E. 34th and Tillamook sts. A NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room. 196 14th. Phone Main 1193. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 809 1st. FOR RENT FARMS. WILL LEASE 70-ACRE FARM FOR cltliBr a or fi vears: irnod community good house and barn; only 12 miles from Vancouver, inquire at 446 Man zanlta St., Woodlawn; take Woodlawn CLEAN, QUIET HOUSE. ONE OR TWO ' cnr- Dleasant front rooms, reasonable. 460 i FOR RENT FIVE-ACRE CHICKEN Yamhill. Phone Pacific 346. j ranch, 4 blocks from car. Call 126 TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING 1st st. cigar store. rooms, $10. 288 13th st. NEWHALL. NEW BUILDING. JUST OU BiXl NlBCD.liljAWE.wi.n. opened, running water In all rooms; - z. 1 - steam heat; rooms $2 60 and up; central. HALL AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH "phone" East 6913, 402 East Washing-1 modern conveniences. Phone Main 1869. ton st. I TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL CON- venlences 188 W. Park st. SUMMER RESORTS FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUIT- SHELBUKN HOTEL NlCJfiL, X V U. able for two. $12; single room, $9. . nlshed rooms; everything first-class; 267 McMIIlen st, opposite Cherry; "U" I home ?okJnfI' Mr"' P- Hoar. Sen ear. "" MEN AND BOYS WANTED. TO learn plumbing, plastering, brlcklay 250 , Ing. Pay and night classes. Free cat. Positions secured. No book learning. : Coyne Trade School. 230-240 8th St., San rrunclsco and New York. ' SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. YOUNO LADY WISHES POSITION as cashier; Al references given. Ad dress B-106, Journal. M. A. apt. E. H. McCraken to Charles Hough, lots 15. IB, block 1. Bralnard tract. W. P. Robert and Bessie M Livingstone to Stella Nvlander. lots 2, 3. 4, block 1; lot 1. block 8, Fairview addition, W. D. WANTED GOOD LIVE MEN, SAL ary or commission. Address Interna tional Hospital association. Room 12, ponegnn bldg., Vancouver, Wash. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOR MEN. 26 N 2d st. Phone Main 1526. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 206 Morrison st Phone Paciflo 239 550 SEVERAL MORE MEN NEEDED j 27 n! 2d st Phone Pacific 1300 vwiuuui iiKiny ui quitlliy ior U. O. Railway Mall Clerks and Postal Letter 600 , ''oust Schools, 315 Oregonlan est ! bldg. FOR ABSTRACT8, TITLE INS PR- "I'en nay and evening. ance or mortgage loans, call on Pacific 1 SHOWCASE AND CABINET MAKERS Title ft Trust Co., 204-5-6-7 Falling bldg. wanted. James I. Marshall Manufac- 5ST YOUR INSURANCE AND AR- turi"g company, 289 Couch st streets to real estate f rem the Title i MEN AT ONCE FOR RAILWAY MAIL clerk position; salary $70 a month to RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Carrier Big salaries; life positions: . Vln,5 2?nlf, "?a t!Lr T,?." .ViV ...,.iiiv--.i ,i -.i nr,; Ciaity. zu iN. ta ou mono juaui o. Guarantee & Trust Co., 240 Washington st. cor. 2d UNDERTAKERS Detroit Mich. . . Los Angeles, Bal... 82 New York, N. Y.. . 78 Philadelphia. Pa. . . 76 ," Portland, Or 76 SU Louis, Mo 72 Ft. Paul Minn- ... 74 San Frn Cisco, CaL 64 Washington. P. C. T4 64 64 66 60 62 68 62 62 66 60 68 66 0 .64 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 23 .0 .0 .0 BEAT ESTATE TRANSFERS. y John F. and Atslant M. Kerrt- i gaa to Bernard Hasedorn. lot j Woe ...111, Et Portland, MAX M. SMITH, FLORIST, 160 6TH st. opposite Meier fc rank s. Mala 7216. j; P. FINLEY ft SONS. 8D AND MADI son sts. Office of county coroner. Phone Main 9. DUNNING. M'ENTEE ft GILBAUGH, undertakers end embalmers: modern In every detail. Seventh and Pin. Jdain l.n I it latant start; letter-carriers and postal clerks; preparo now. Pacific States Schools, pis Mcivay Ding. We pay all telegraph charges. CO., 6NE DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM. nicely furnished; 1 or 2 gentlemen. 609 Davis st. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 8-ROOM FLAT, $10. 4-ROOM FLAT, $18. 188 Market, 4 AND 6-ROOM SUITES; GAS, ELEC- trlc lights. 497 Columbia st. Phone Pacific 2464. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms, reasonable. 7th end KTanders sts. $1.26 WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED laundry, furnace heat, yard. 303 H Stan ton st u car. ACME EMP. CO.. FARMERS' AND loggers' help especially. 34 and 29H FURNISHED HOUSEKE EPING N. 2d. 230 Burnslde; Main 6437. rooms. 229 13th st. WANTED LOT SELLER8; GOOD commission to rustlers; also men for valley towns; call or write me. L. A. Patterson, room 11. 268 Stark st. TWO SOLICITORS, HOUSEHOLD SPE clalties; good pay for few hours each day. Call 2B2 3d st. A. B. HEM STOCK. FUNERAL Di rector. East 13th and Umatilla. Phone Bel I wood 71. Lady assistan t 2ELLER-BYRNE6 CO.. FUNERAL DI rectors. embalmers, 273 Russell. East 1088. Lady assistant EDWARD HOLMAN. UNDERTAKER. 220 Id st ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO- AND embalming. 409 Alder st Main 6123, Lady assistant WANTED NO. 1 SALESMEN AND solicitors for. best proposition ever made to both agent and publia Call after 7 p. m., New Occidental hotel, Room 212. P. Kramer. WANTED BOY OVER 16 YEARS OF age to learn some trade. 271 1st TAILOR.1, COATMAKERS, PANTS makers and vestmakers. Call on M. well Tailoring Co.. 142 2d st., near Alder. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE wagon, nwenano, zri Morrison. CEMETERIES RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVES, $10: family lots. 10x16, for $100, and upwards, according to else; the only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains and cares for lote. For uiunnauon. apply to W. R. Mackenzie, Worcester block. W. M. Ladd, president 1TV x." ra li c-S ii n. ww. z to . euperinlend .?ra,tery. corner of Fremont st. snd Cully road. Phone Tabor 208. For BARBER TO BUY OR TAKBCHARQE or rqy snop. pirn Washington st OTHERS ARE MAKING FROM $10 TO $30 dally- In the motion picture busi ness; experience unnecessary; easy work; only reoulres small amount of money, particulars room 2, 145 H 6th, near Alder. TO insure insertion under proper classification on the Want Pages of the big Sunday issue of The Journal IB B B A HALF INTEREST IN A BUSINESS for a few hundred dollars; a pay ment down, the balance can be paid out of the business; no money required until proved satisfactory; can clear $26 per day; no great amount of experi ence required; must be honest, for you have to help manage the business; If you are looking for a business don't overlook this. 88 N. 6th St. Tfte Coast Realty Company 166 H MORRISON ST. Headquarters tor real estate, hus!j -v I chances, rooming-houses, sawmin,-freto. I rnones, uain loos; a-iu, jmt few special. $1,600 buys I new six-room houses, strictly modern, close In, can rent for $20 each; food Income property. lahed, $200 cash, balance lit par month Others of all descriptions and prices. $1,260 buys small house, with lot 100 xlOti: St Johns. See my exclusive agents. $1,800 burs 4-room house, lot 100x125 $300 down, balance lit per month. How Goes it iook i you i Head these money-makers: 1,260 buye 65-room hotel, close In. bar averaging $40 dally, large dining room; must sell Immediately; others) at ail prices, oue my exclusive agents the Coast Realty Co.. 221ft Morrison st. $2,600 gives you the beet saloon buy In the city. ' Maybe you would like one of theee: $2,800: part cash, buys 40-room houaa new furniture, good corner, brick build ing: will trade ior real estate, cheap rent and lease. $1.600 11,000 cash, balance 6 per cent, 17 rooms, east side, oloee In, lease six months with privilege of extension, bathrooms, closets, strictly modern, clearing 1100 per month. $2,200 buys new transient rooming house, 111 daily; half cash; the beet buy In the city. We have rooming-houses until you can't rest, running all thavway from eight to 80 rooms. Come anJW;a ua; It will cost you nothing. Here Ismtmore that has just oome In: 85.000 Half cash, alea-ant furnltu clears $260 per month; strictest InvestD gation. Here Is something different: $2.800 Half cash, buys fish, fruit and vegetable market: doing $76 per ay; inona an curried away. Grocery. Invoicing from $1,$00 to 11.600; doing $40 dally; living rooms; will take rot ee part payment. $6,600 buys fine mercantile business; established 10 years; good buy. turtner wanted ror restaurant; 1500 takes It; guarantees $160 per month and board; no experience necessary; all you need to do is take cnarge or the money. $500 buys relinquishment, with 000,000 feet mixed timber; mostly cedar; some Improvements; one day's drive rrom Vancouver; nearly level; running $800 buys homestead relinquishment; all level; near food live town where land brings from $50 to $76 per acre. Four timber claims adjoining, with from 2,600,000 to 6.000,000 feet mixed timber on each claim; other clalma Of various kinds. $600 buys into well-paying real ee tate business with property owner; es tablished 6 vesrs: big profits: refer ences required. Other business oppor tunities of all kinds. $3u0 buys a light business clearing from 8 to I0 per day: no experience neceesary. This Is "straight goods." We have the following clients who wisli to purchase: 2 want employment agencies. 1 wants cigar store. x 8 want small restaurants. 6 want homesteads. 7 want timber claims. 2 want ll;ht office business. 4 want confectionery stores. Wo have a purchaser for home of I or 7 rooms, costing from $4,000 to $5,000. Must be good terms. It pays to see us. Coast Realty Co., 226 ft Morrison st., Phonee, Main 1668; A-4160. ROGUE RIVER APPLE ORCHARD. 10 Acres. Cost of orchard and planting (1907), 12,750. Value. 1908 $3,000 Value. 1909 4,000 Value. 1910 6.000 Value, 1911 6,000 Value. 1912 7,000 Value 1912 7.600 Value of Land. 1914 $10,000 Profits from fruit 1913 1.000 Profile from fruit, 1914 2,600 Profits from fruit. 1915 6,000 Profits from fruit. 1916 6.000 Profits from fruit, 1917 6.300 Total value In 10 years. Original cost .$28,530 . 2,750 Gain In 10 years $25,750 $1,000 CASH BALANCE ON EASY TERMS. The above table is based on existing conditions. For further particulars, address. ROGUE RIVER ORCHARD INVEST MENT COMPANY. Medford, Oregon. BLACKSMITH TOOLS AND STOCK shop, can be rented: good location; doing good Dustness; oargain. n. ta. Warole. Carlton, Oregon. PLACER GOLD MINE A GILT-EDGHS orooosltlon for Investment W. N. Ruble. Welppe. Idaho. BUST THE WOOD TRUST CHEAPER wood; now ready for business. Co operative Wood Co. Call 319 Abington mng. GENERAL STORE LIVE TOWN 8.000, center of logging camps and saw mills; clean stock, modern fixtures, w. C. Winks. South Bend, Wssh. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonds bought and sold. Corre spondence invited. H. W. Donahue & Co., 612 Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 63. - I HAVE A 35-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE worth $3,000: 4 year lease, at $95; will sacrifice for $2,650. Phone Main 7311. SWELL FURNITURE OF 10-ROOM modern house, corner; an ideal home; sickness Is cause of sale. 242 Madison. FOR SALE A BAKERY IN ASTORIA; owner called to California, only rea son for selling; price $760, and stock at invoice value; a bargain. Address B-110, Journal. FOR SALE 300 PIGEONS; PLY mouth Rock: high-grade; 100 runts and crosses; also restaurant. Call 496 E. 12th st. Phone Sellwood 442. r,0 BUYS ONE OF THE BEST-PAY lna- confectionery and ice cream par ors in Oregon, me cniy one in one i ih best towns. My entire time ocm pled with other business, so nmsp'Bell t a sacrince. i. j. DiuimuanMji no 'peek. Or. BARGAIN FOR A FEW DAYS I MU&V sell furniture and fixtures of Spring field hotel, with lease on Duuaing; gooa location and paying business; good ?rivnte reason for selling. Address box 75, Springfield, Or., for prices and par- tlculars. FOR SALE SAWMILL. 25,000 FEET capacity; new machinery; 200,000 feet of timber in sight; half million logs in ond; 440 acres lana; a oargain. or D( Lumber Co, ROOMING HOUSE 28 ROOMS, RENT $65, cheap, ror ii.nuu, zt rwaniBu.i. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE GROCERY; SOME HARD ware; good business; small capital. Phone Tabor 819. FOR SALE ROOMING HOUSE; NINE rooms, nicely furnished, all full, pay- ing wen. Appiy zia in. inn st. GOOD PAYING CONFECTIONERY store, good location, 6 living rooms, low rent; must sell on account of sick ness. For further particulars call at 268 Stark st, room 80. MAN WANTED TO WORK In SHIP-ping-room; one who understands han dling, .furniture; good place, D-100, Jour nal BOY ABOUT 16 TO LEARN THbWr: nituro trade: good place in retail store for the rignt noy, u-ioo. Journal WANTED BOOK AND STAIONERY1 A-lv6. Jour- advertisejnents should be presented at the business office before 9 o'Clock Saturday Evening Office open until 10:30 Saturday evening Phone your ad if you cannot bring it to the office. Phones: Main 7173, A1510. Sksxxsii B II s i . 1 FOR SALE HALF OR WHOLE IN terest in restaurant and saloon, 809 and 311 Washington st, Vancouver, Wash.; business well established, big stock of only first-class goods, best of locations; sickness of one partner the reason for selling, NEW 2-TON EXPRESS WAGON, TEAM and harness; doing good business. Phone E. 6066, or call at 365 30th st. COUNTRY HOTEL AND SALOON AND 1 sores of land, 25 miles from Port land, clearing about $8,000 a year and living, ror iu,vuu; win take 6,000 in good income bringing property; balance cash; no agents. A. Barber, 244 Alberta st HOTEL AND ROADHOUSE T6 LEASH Old-established, with or without sa loon; furnished; newly remodeled: $36; also 7-room house and orchard. $10; and 4 flats, 18 rooms. $26; all on west side. C. H. Piggott, owner, lawyer, 4. I and SPECIAL DRUGS AND FIXTURES. etc., for sale cheap; will rent build ing to party buying; good opportunity: -otner Dusiness necessitates sale. Everest, Cornelius, Or. LOTS $90 TO $126, NEAR ROSE CITY Park; installments of $6 a month; buy a bunch and double your money n one year. L. A. Patterson, room 11, 268 Btark. . , , OWNER, MUST SELL. NEW 7-ROOM, house, near Hawthorne ave.. Just completed, built for a home; furnace, fireplace, laundry, cement walks ana cement basement; gas and e'e(lr,1(!,tvA worth $4,000; will sell for $3,600, If taken soon. Phone Main 1942. A BEAUTY NEW HOUSE OF 6 mCE sised rooms, reception hall, b8")6"' built-in pantry and bins; tinted, flber plastered; oak ataln Interior finish, en ameled Kltcnen, massive uuii..., roof, rood lot; must be sold; only $1,1 60. See Thomason &, Co., 223 Chamber of Commerce. Large new modern bungalow. $4,600; $500. $80 monthly. New 7 room colonial house, $3,000; $300. $25 monthly. Phone East 676. TERMS OR CASH" FOR 6-ROOM house; modern Improvements; lot 60X 100; near, carllnes; must sell at once. Owner, 866 Weldler. L6TS 100x290 ALL IN CULTIVA- tlon, close to 10-room school at Lents; extra bargain 1400; terms; 6c fare. O. R. Addition, Lents, Or. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE, INXhOLLA day's addition, close to car aiT&walk Ing distance; for quick sale only $Vt50. J. W. Rutherford, 617 Commercial IVak 0 11RA for saL 4 LotS a Wo6bst6dK 6 blocks from carllne, with . barn; fenced; $60T). Inquire at 187 Hood cltv , FOR SALE, $2.800 IRVINGTON.BUN- aralow: swell location: a shao: owner' leaving city. 327 19th at. Phone East 1171. ' . rt. .1