'4 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, : PORTLAND, THURSDAY f EVENING, AUGUST 22, ; 1907. Scrim Curtains $1.25 i 4 " ?.J'.' . An exceedingly, attractive Curtain for boudoir or cottage use,1 they're very ser viceable, vtocC:' long wear and attractive ppearance: to, be had for little motaey.' Come in "the regular ruffled or iBonne Femme t $2.00 val-, (1 or i, choice tnday h"W lies :sv..: J Tapestry Couch Covers, fringed all round, . in oriental colorings and designs ; size 60x108 inches regularly M 7 C $35, .special, Friday . . . , f O VEIL PINS'. New -Vys'W;; gold t WHUi ruuics, IIUClUV3l uu cm 1! ) .A..t:.t. It.--. Mart , eralds; attractive, stylish novelties; OC pedal values at, each . .'. . . .. .. ... . aWv fr vJ 1: ' ' i kv . V '.,......;': mm m w m m m m c ttv "V r Si. m TM i i W -i MAIL ORDERS HAVE: PROMPT ATTENTION riFTHVASHlN!GT0N"SiyTH STREETS AM IMl I 1 ' jj ii HDICr Rl! They're in various colors and leathers, nnWI DnwJ and mmy rood styles to choose from; they are In leathers nnd quail t leg .that regularly frog bring 21.60 each; very, special Friday fl,Q7 RFIT RIlfKIFG Clever oonoelta In mart Belt Buckles DELI DUCALO n oia 0r silver finish; regular S6o values; a strong apacUl In tha Jewelry, Department; OT Friday, chotea Smart Sailor Hats, Each, 50c 50c These Sailors- me in rough- or smooth braids, and the latest shapes, mostly black straws, with smart ribbon band; a goodly assortment, VV up from ,..:...... Embroidered Duck Hats, in new , mush-, room shapes, in three different styles J regular $1.25 values, special, A A 1 Friday, while they last ltC f ... Street Hats and untrimmed shapes, tutv bans and flat shapes, in horsehair and' Tuscan braids, worth from $1.25 Of to $6.00 each, choice, Friday ....) C JLt 1 I 1 1 ID AY SALE A bie sale involving a magnificent as- sortment. Cool, charming house gar ments in figured lawn or crape; colors . are scarlet, blue, pink and lavender. Come a-buying Friday, and on any one you purchase you. Save a Third Women! Silk Jackets, in Eton or Pony styles ; come in black taffeta or pongee silk; coats for street or evening wear; charming conceits from clever creators. Your choice of JLfUff Dwr about 80 Friday... flail WiiVC Women's Percale Wrappers, made of good weight material, neatly trimmed; good full sizes ; regularly worth 7(n to $2.00 each, special, Friday .... C Decorated China Half Price A Friday closing out sale of three open stock patterns in deco rated semi-porcelain at just half regular figures, and mind you, this is a sale on the sort of pretty chinaware you admire most. Good qualities and attractive designs and in pieces that you j)ave constant use for. Read this list: Dinner Plates, regularly $1.13 for set of i six, special, C7 Friday Breakfast Plates, regularly 83c for pet of six, special, AH- Friday ....tAC Tea Plates, regularly 72c fot set of six, special, Friday Ot Pia Plates, regularly 59c for set of six, special, 9Qr Friday Individual Vegetable Dishes, regu larly 46c for set of six, OO- special, Friday WA Berry Saucers, regularly 50c for set of six, special, 9t Friday Open Vegetable Dishes, regularly 22c each, special, 1 1 Friday Covered Butter Dishes, regularly 90c each, special, Qn Fridav OUC Gravy Boats, regularly 35c each. soeciaL Friday Covered Vegetable Dishes, regu larly $1.20 each, Cfl- special, Friday '. JUl Cream Pitchers, regularly 1 A 20c each, special, Friday.... 1UC Covered Sugar Bowls, regularly 60c each, special, OA Frdav vv Meat Dishes, regularly 60c each, soecial.' Friday ...... Meat Dishes, regularly 75c OQn each, special, Friday ....... OOl 18c 30c Meat Dishes, regularly $1.05 COr each, special, Friday JJt A large assortment of other articles at the same bargain prices. One-half usual prices or less. A large assortment of odd pieces of French, China at one-half usual price or less. QUICK MEAL STEEL RANGES AT BARGAIN PRICES Blue Enameled Steel Range, with high closet, regularly sold at $80 Fry8Pe.d?!'.... $40.00 Blue Enameled Steel Range, with high closet, regularly sold at $74 Friday ... . $55.00 Blue Enameled Steel Range, with high closet, regularly sold at $70, & ...$50.00 Blue Enameled Steel Range, with high closet, regularly sold at $32, & $24.00 Blue Enameled Steel Range, with high closet, regularly sold at $28.50, special, dJOO CA Friday QLL4J Bargains in Blue Flame and Coal Oil Stoves f 4f. Cfisis nAnmAnj: Another or me via in fffc kjffic iczaiimciff Fashoned Rousing fi!IMY HOI f ismMm tar PI 3 EJ $1.00 FROltf 8 To 8 A. M. Worn enB White Can vas Oxfords, come in two good styles, one a Blucher cut with tip, and in a straight last, the other a plain lace with plain toe, both have medium heels; regular $L75 values, special FROM 9 TO 10 A. M. Women's Oxfords, in 18 styles, kid, calf and patent leathers, button or lace styles and light or heavy soles; splendid styles and, you are sure of a good fit, worth $3.50 and $4.00, special, r0 OA orfe hour 0O FROM 10 TO 11 A. M. Women's High Grade Oxfords and Shoes, made in 30 different styles, light hand-turn and welt sewed soles; straight or swing lasts and heels of every height; $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 grades, rfQ OA one hour 1) FROM 11 TO 12 A. M. Women's Canvas Oxfords, in white or colors, made in many styles, button or lace; light or heavy soles; Grecian, Garden and Gibson ties. A splendid assortment, taking in any canvas Oxford in the store, worth to 1 J A $3.00, one hour, choice Mfr FROM 12 TO 1 P. M. Shoe Finding Specials Gilbert's Shoe Trees, for men and women, regular $1.00 values f OC Footease, regular 25c package 15 Arch Supporters, $2.50 values $1.75 Felt Polishing Outfits, regular 25c A values, special IOC White Canvas Cleaner, in bottles, reg. r 25c size 12 ; 10c size DC Paste Polishes, in black, tan or brown, the 10c size for OC i, MM SUES leather, FROM 1 To 2 P. M. ' Women's Dress Shoes, in patent with hand-turned $3.29 soles; also in soft vici kid, in fine assortment of lasts and heels; button or lace, worth to $3.50 and $4.00 the pair; special FROM 2 TO 3 P. M. For Narrow Feet, Women's tan or brown shoes, in nar row widths, any high cut worth to $6.00, (Jo A for one hour PUJ Women's Oxfords, 108 styles in Ox fords and high cuts, all different leathers and styles, button and lace, worth to $5.00, J0 OA one hour wLfOU FROM 3 TO 4 P. M. Women's Shoes and Oxfords, about 40 styles, heavy or light soles, but ton or lace, all popular leathers; regularly worth $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 the pair, (f0 AQ special y47 FROM 4 TO 5 P. M. Girls' Shoes, in button or lace styles, box calf and kid leathers. Sizes 5 to 8, worth $1.57, special ?1'29 Sizes 8y3 to 11, a $2.00 value $1.49 Sizes lV2 to 2, a $2.50 value $1.70 Sizes 2y2 to 7, a $3.00 value $2.19 FROM 5 TO 6 P. M. Boys' School Shoes, of goat, kangaroo and plain or box calf leathers, with heavy rock oak soles. Sizes SyZ to 134, regularly worth J J A $1.95, one hour $lllV Sizes 1 to byi, regularly worth $2.50, special, one hour Extra Special From li to 12 Women's Du Barry High Shoes, Regular $3.50 Value FOV ONE HOUR $1.89 A. M. $1 98 $2 White Petticoats $1.19 Women's Cambric Petticoats, with deep lawn flounce, finished with tucks, lace insertion and deep embroidery edging; lingerie of the daintiest sort; well made and in good designs; regu larly worth over $2.00; 1Q special ty X 17 Infants' Tight Fitting Bonnets, in many jaunty, catchy styles, made of white lawn or mull, and daintily trimmed with ribbon, lace, chiffon and flowers ; bonnets that sell regularly for from 30c to $6.00; Ult DmiA choice, Friday ... 11311 r llVX Art Department Special Finished Cushion Slips, all ready for fitting; come in tinted designs anu flags of different nations; regular 50c values, special 29c Men's $1.25 Underwear 75c A Friday's sale of splendid summer weight garments in white or cream lace lisle ; shirt and drawers well made and trimmed, and regularly worth $1.25 the garment, Friday Men's Soft Collars, neat collars in white, tan, blue or gray; splendid neckwear for sum mer; regular 25c value; spe cial Friday, 75c Two for 25c Men's Leather Belts, in all sizes, ranging in price 50c, 75c, $1.00. $1.25 and $1.50; your day'at jutfsf PffCC Men's Summer Underwear, with knee length drawers and shirts with quarter length sleeves. About six splendid lots; regularly priced at 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25; a chance to save on the very best sorts of men's underwear, for Friday T'll Half Price Toilet Soap Glycerine Soap; a cljar, transpar- t touet soap in long uars, m spcmi, tne oar Toilet Paper, large rolls,, reg- ular value 9c, special Bay Rum, large size bottle, regu lar value 50c, special, QQ Friday . Oifl Bathasweet Bath and Rice Powder, regular value 25c, 1 J- special .; Hi. Pond's Extract Cold Cream, for tan and sunburn, antiseptic; regular value 50c, special, Kt the jar .-JJl. Writing Paper, white linen, regu lar price 15c the box, A special, Friday 1UC 10c a Cake Writing Paper, Holland fabric, linen cloth finish, regular price the box 25c, special, 1 C Friday ...: WC Playing cards, enamel backs, regu lar value 15c the package, Q special, Friday Writing Tablets, note size, ruled, regular value, each 10c, special, Friday UL Writing Ink, best black ink, regu lar value 5c, special, Friday, thebottle Skirt Binding Braid, 5-yard pieces, in black and colors, mercerized silk finish, regular value 1rt 15c, special Friday UL T Gloves Worth $1.75 a Pair for $1.18 Sixteen-button length fine long Gloves, in a very good grade of smooth, shining, real silk. Come in black and white ; all new gloves. A recent shipment bought at a price which enables us to offer an unusual value. They are full elbow length; made by a famous (J A (PlslU house. Splendid wearing and very dressy. Women's Silk Gloves, in 16-button length. An extra good quality that sells regularly at $2.00 a pair. These, too, are bargainized for today's sale and cost you, d J A the pair apJLfrO Regular $1.75 values; special. Women's 12-button and 16-button length in the very best quality made. Fownes and Kayser makes ; regular $2.25 and $2.50. Special, pair $1.89 Extraordinary Ribbon Sale 25c Yard Miles and miles of pretty, bright-hued Ribbon, in a thrilling Friday sale. For hat trimmings and like uses you'll find these ribbons are unusually appropriate. These are new messaline ribbons, in 5-inch widths, and without question one of the best ribbon values you've QC been offered in many a day, the yard jC Boys' Waists Special 29c Several styles in Boys' Blouse Waists, white embroidered and plain white materials, in very good styles ; for little fellows from 2 to 6 years of age. They're waists that sell regularly for $2.50, $2.25, $2.00, $1.75, $1.50, $1.25, $1.00, 75c and 65c; OA your choice of a superb assortment, Friday &C SEE WINDOW Women's Hose, fast color black lace lisle, in boot effects, excellent quality and assorted patterns, regularly $3.00 for box of half dozen, special Friday price, f1 7C box D1 I D We sell the Famous "Nazareth Waist," for boys and girls. Women's Vests, high neck and long sleeves, in light weight cotton, full sized and very elas tic; just right for changeable weather, special OKn value mvC 300 Pieces WashGoodsSc Come early Friday for a Wash Goods bargain that is sure to attract thousands. Thousands of yards of smart wash goods, hi figured organdies, dimities, batiste, dotted mulls, and pretty, thin goods in flowery designs; regular 10c r Vaif and 15c qualities, your choice Friday for . ' ? U ' J-. . . """ , -nrar ' n - " : B!2E- : . . I I I HEW TRAIN OIL Hill BTOtl RUH ;0. K. & N. Will Accommodate i- r Passengers From Or-; , goa Short Line. Jit (Special -iMpatCb to Th JonraaL) Pendleton. Or., Aug:. 22. Reports nave wreaobed Pendleton from I Granda that TanentB are being made there or rtbtfiT. paseenger train from Huntlng- JTtn Portland, which Will be put On by J the O. R. A N. by the flrat of Septem- ' , It ia authentically reported that extra T tran crewa have been ordered from L Grande run between Huntington ana Portland, new nlforma have been or 4 ered, and all necessary preparations r"ara now under tway -- - a , . '. Thia la In spite of the fact that the Portland morning- paper of Monday con tained an Interview from General Man ager J. P. O'Brien denying that an extra train would be pu on and saying that there was no demand or need to make connections with the Idaho train at Huntington. The Oregon Short Line Is now running a local train from Salt Lake City to Huntington, and passengers are required to w.H several hours in Huntington to get the O. R. & N. train out. which is causing much complaint, and next month when the rush of homeseekers comes In it will be almost Impossible to handle the traffic under present conditions. Trains from the east are now crowded to their utmost capacity. y Assurance of this additional train means much to eastern Oregon, especi ally when the colonist influx begins. Pendleton has made a hard fight with this end In view, but the officials say that the train over the O. 8. L ia di rectly responsible. V il I -v : Exclusive Scotch and English novelties. Holbrook & Levaen. tailors. Couch bldg. Boys' S3 Steal ShoA Shoe, SLTS. at Rosenthal's great housecleanlng sale. Mainsprings, 11. Uetsger, Ul Waah. TEACHERS WILL STUDY F Pedagogues Will Attend the Session at Corvallis In stitution Next Week. (Special Dbpateh to THe Journal.) Corvallis, Or., Aug. 11. The eumme school in agriculture begins at the Ore gon Agricultural college- next Monday and continues six days. Specialists in the various branches of agriculture will give lectures of special Interest to public school teachers, who will bo the one primarily benefited by the course in thia line. - The lectures will be supplemented by demonstrations and exercises of a prac tical nature In tlelds, orchards and lab oratories to Illustrate the principles taught. The principal object of the summer school is to assist the public school teachers of the state in preparing themselves for teaching agriculture in the seventh and eighth grades of the publio school, as by law now required. Text Book Xaadequate. The text book on agriculture which has been adopted for use in Oregon schools was prepared for general use throughout the country and as agricul tural practices vary greatly In different sections it Is impossible for the book to coyer the requirements of all states. The Instructors will therefore indicate where modifications may be made ad vantageously in the text, having in view the needs of the teachers and pupils of the public schools of the state. The following Is a list of subjects to be treated oy the argleultural faculty of O. A. C: "Animal Husbandry and Forage Crops," Dr. James Wlthycombe; "Insect Pests and Plant Diseases," Pro fessor A. BCordley; "The Plant and School Gardens," Professor E. R. Lake; "Soils and Plant Food." Professor A, L. Knlsely; "Flowers," Pro feasor George Coate; "Horticulture." Professor C i. Lewis r "Farm Dairying," Professor F. L. Kent; "Bacteriology 'T Professor EL F. Pernot; "Poultry," Professor Jamea Dryden. In addition to "the- above there will be special lecturea as follows: "Domestic Science la the Public Schools,'.' Mrs. Clara H. Waldo; 'The Outlook for In dustrial Work in the Publio Schools." Superintendent J. H. Ackerman; "The Place of Agriculture in the Commer cial School,'T President W. J. Kerr of O. A. C. In addition to the forerolnr. addranaH will also be delivered under the auspices of the County Teachers' Institute by Governor Chamberlain, Senator Fulton ana outers, 'mere is no tuition for the summer scnoot work. "you cant lose If Ton Buy rairriewOrruit Farm &, Ton Tl Have Seonrtty and Profit. , Tour Investment la secure If you buy a tract of Fairview Fruit Farms land. It la. better than a savings bank deposit, better than Ufa Insurance, better than any class of securities. Tour land la constantly Increasing In value. Tour crops have" a steaav market, and no financial disaster can deprive you of your property. Get an acre of this land and live on U. Fruit of every kind, berries, cereals, lettuce, peas, string beans, every variety of market-garden' produce flourish in this highly favorable locality. The soil Is a rich loam, peculiarly dapted to the growing of choice produce and fruit. Development "work IS unnecessary. Deep rich aoil and aa abundance of water. ... mt . i-lll nnv for the land. and the terms of sa e are easy. A soecial excursion train will leave First ?nd Alder streets next Saturday August 24 at 1:46 P- m. for Fairview Fruit Farms tracts, situated on tha now tor the excursion can be purchased of and information, prioes, etc, concern fni Fairview Fruit Farms obtained from W B Keady or W. EL Wke. room 15 MalioTV buU-ing. 28 Stark street Telephone yaln 4626. SO CLEW IS FOUND ; i TO ELGIN R0BBEE Elgin. Or., Aug. 22. No due has yet w in tfm mhhar whn nlimrlv worked the combination to th vault In c.ir1s nlcrht. tnrl sTOt 1W&V with 1 1 40 an1 t7ftA irt hnksi tit nn vaklii am r v alai nur t risk nnmnainT' iiaunr. i nam matter la In ther bands of the offioera. v Children l School Shoea Bednoed at Rosenthal's big sale. Investigate. i- 11 Hi . U J .... .... J Sea tha . 9 So Bargains , at Boaenthal'a Ms shoe sale, now on. BEIGGS TO BE HEAD , OF PENDLETON SCHOOL Former President of Drain Normal Will ' Accept Eastern Ore gon Position. '. (Special Otapatek ts. Tas JooraaL) Pendleton, Or., Aug. 12. At a meeting of tfaa school board. Professor A. U Brlgrs.? lata presidents of tha Drain normal school, was chosen as principal of the Pendleton High school for liio coming year. He was elected at a smI ary of 11.300 per year, which is an ( vance Of J00 over ths salary fonnTty paid, and the selection was made Xrom a number of applicants, When Professor Harrison 1 reigirl several weeks ago, it was fearu.l t t board would have difficulty in r-tu a- competent, -capable man so I . ' decided to resign at the Drain i ; owing to the uncertainty of t i tutlon's future. At this r r i alimtail to fill a lcancv. vvl.! . . , pletsa the faculty.