13 . - r-:-. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 20, 1907, C 1 - I ' t . ,, ' 1 II '. I- , 1 11 I FYJDO HALL: THE PRMF fiF 0: A I FISH '"""I't".' . ..;-f 5 :- ; , a , , , , t 1 t i w '"i .. ' i .. , New IormItory, to B . the School Home of Hundreds of Girl Stadentt. " 8pdl DUpatck to X1i JTowmL ; Corrallii, , Aug. ll."Wldo Hll," tb fcudaome 180,000 gtrla dormitory at th Orefoa AcrloultunU collets : U a rapidly nearlnr outward completion. It la a magnificent atructure and a credit not only t ttae city of CorvaUle and to Benton county, but to the entire . atate. Ita dlmenalone are 10z2St feet, .and It contains a total of 191 , rooms : and closeta There are 1ST bedrooms of an arerare six of about ltxiO feet; these roomi - hare lt-foot ceiling's and each Is fitted with a lavatory and provided with hot and cold water. The building1 Is fur nished with steam heat throughout and , each room is lighted with electricity. There are 14 bathrooms, each fitted with a ' tOO-nound castlron, eorcelain- lined tub and there are it wash toilets. The dining room Is located In the basement and la 48x67 feet There are tw reception rooms, one 81x66 and another 26x80. mall Cost of ZJvlng There. The buildlne- Is orovlded with eook lng, sewing and laundry laboratories brick Is used In this bulldina. the main body being In buff with trimmings of chocolate brlcka The O. will furnish the entire building for use of the girl students, except tnat each gin win rurnish ner own bedding. The board will cost 88.60 per weeic Tne south half or the build ing will be completed by the end of eepiomoer, wnen school opens, and stu- I dents will then be admitted. By. Christ mas. Mr. Snook, the contractor, will have the handsome srtucture completed. The cost of the building will be between 878,000 and 880,000. MURDERERS START "HAPPY FAMI LY" IN CELL IN THE COUNTY JAIL Murderer George L, Blodgett, who hot and killed Alice Mlnthorn. alias Gordon, a ' variety actress, at the' Van Noy hotel In this city In March of last - year, and whose execution Is stayed pending decision on an appeal to tne state supreme court, erstwhile author and would-be philanthropist, has added another occupation to his necessarily limited Hat at the Multnomah county Jail. For months past Blodgett has di vided his time alternately between writ ing, reading and training - canary. The bird In question has reached the height of Its owner's ambitions and so Blod gett set about to find another pet. One day last week he succeeded In catching; a mouse running about his cell In murderers' row. . The guards fur nished a box and cage, which Blodgett rigged up as a safe keeping place for his new acquisition. . j In fact the mouse Is not altogether owned by Blodgett, but equal posses sion Is divided between Blodgett and Albert Oleman, the youthful slayer of his foster mother, Mrs. Ayers. Had It not been for the timely sssistance of the latter, Blodgett admits that the mouse would still probably be at lib erty. Blodgett and Oleman occupy adjoin ing ceiis in muraerers row, wnicn open Into a Joint court. They are at liberty during day hours to uss the court and they chat as they see fit or go from one cell to the other. The day the mouse was spied by Blodgett, Oleman hap pened to be talking with him and be tween the two the little rodent was made a prisoner. "I shall trr and tame the little fellow." said Blodgett "Oleman la Interested, too. ana ne says ne win neip me." SPHID FUIIOS ON PMKIWIBM coiirnojios !" Judge Webster and Commis- sioners Determining the Needs of Highways. New Entrance Way Being Cut to Prevent Crush at Turnstile. ' WILL SPEND THBEE DAYS IN COUNTRY Visitors to the pure food exhibition which the Grocerymen's association will give In the Exhibition hall need not fear a dangerous crush at the old en trance steps to the hall, which In the past havs resulted In frequent minor accidents and some more serious onea Caroenters are now at work cutting a large new entrance from the street Into the hall, 4 n which the steps both -outside and within the building are done away Fonda to Carry on New Work, to wlihH?lt,05ethep nd i"1 wcltne Supervisors - Through to Take Officials I District Plenty of Be Completed Before Winter. County Judge Webster, accompanied by. County Commissioners Barnes and Llghtner. left yesterday for a gen eral inspection of all roads throughout Multnomah county, with the end In view to determining Just what is needed in road work reconstruction and repairing of bridges. The trio left Portland over the O. W. P. line early and the first stop was made at Estacada, Where one of the 14 county road super visors met the officials with a horse and buggy and took them over road ' sections under his Jurisdiction. The Inspection will take three days' time and when the party returns to Portland It Is expected that a number of things will be ordered which will greatly benefit road and bridge con ations urougnout tne county. The decorations in the new booths and the arrangement of the exhibits for. me snow is Doing supennienaea oy j. N. Snyder, who has had charge of many similar shows In the east and who is regarded as an authority on exhibition arrangements and decoration. The big bulldins Is filled with workmen today and the extensive alterations are being rushed so tnat there win oe no oeiay in receiving tne exnioits. WASHINGTON SCHOOLS DEBATE EEFEBENDUM (Special Dtipatch to The Joonul.) OlymDla. Auir. 20. State School Superintendent R. B. Bryan has ad dressed a circular letter to the Drlncl pals of all the accredited schools in tho state or wasningion, aavising uiem that a second series or joint aeoatea would be held during tne coming winter, be ginning; on November 15. The winning team will be awarded a nrize of 8150 ri..an inn inn mains- ream in rn rinsi JTor weeks paat comnlalnta have been I dohata will receive a nrize of ISO. Th jnaas nai repairs to roads and bridges debate this winter will be on the sub- wers necessary in various carts of I lest: Multnomah county, but little action has "Resolved. That the state of Wash been taken because the commlaalnnara Inrtnn should adoot the avstem nf In I. xiave oeen unaoie personally to inspect I native and rererenoum as set rorth in . u .a m i i j a . . ... I . i 4 . j i - nr . i . . . .1 um 1 uwio. xniw im me nrsi. lime mis I seciion n, iltlivi at. ui ma uunBiuuuon summer inai judge weoster has found or tne state 01 Oregon. it possiDie to "accompany the commis sioners and a thorough inantinn will result. After flnlshlnar lnsnectlon about WIT rBBV AMD WOUT Estacada- the party will proceed under J whew your child has a severe cold. You uiuanc. 01 aniniwr supervisor in Due- need not rear pneumonia or other nui. gles over additional territorv. Thna. mnntrr Alaeasea. Keen sunnllaM m-tk according to present arrangements, trips I Ballard's Horehound Syrup a positive will be made with each one of the 11 1 cure for colds, coughs, whooping cough supervisors throughout the county, and bronchltla Mrs. Hall of Sioux wuuge vveDster oeiore departing an-1 Falls, S. D., writes: "i have used your nounced he expected to be home in time to hold court again Thurs day morning. If possible he will be in - chambers at the courthouse some time late Wednesday afternoon, as a number 01 important matters must come before tne county court tnis week, one in par ticular being the hearing of a lunacy wonderful Ballard's Horehound Svrun on my cnuaren mr nve years, its re sults have been wonderful. Sold by all aruMists. 1 - The present trtp was made especially Makes the skin . ) - u. ' fSS, now beclU18? 01 like Too want it Doe, H ln moment that, the fund for repair work on I v J w" """' "-i HAGAFS bridges and reconstruction of county roads has been arowina- stearin ,t,i county commissioners feel that atten - tlon should be given to such work u i .necessary before the winter season sets ,nr,wJu2,.Webter..,"Jn Perfect accord witntba vlewaof the commUsioners and residents throughout the count? will be more than pleased to know that their requests will shortly be complied With at least in a majority of Instances. No definite plans have been formu lated inus oany in tne inspection, but i i -j -o u tiie county commissioners went on A "qtiid preparation for the Face, Neck, recora Deiortn start to the effect I Arms ana 11 ands, uirrw mm. .uiutioiib uvnoj in sight to make any and all - needed repairs -all over -the county. That -means that county roads should be in pretty good hape to withstand . winter travel next 3 ear. -'. y. . ;. i - - Magnolia Balm petroit unions are following "the ex- mrle of their Chicago and St Louis brethren ln tho matter of arranging to roorerate wiiU farmers to secure prod tu'. without the Intervention of the Cannot be detected. It is neither sticky nor greasy. It's harmless, clean and refreshing. Two colors, Pink and White. . Vat it morning, noon and night. Spring, owner, jrail,Winter. SAMPLE FREE, 44 th Fifth st BaooaLn, M.T. ; BITE Oil ELECTRIC BULB Mysterious Chubs Caught In r : Crook County Lake in" " -.f NbTel Manner. In i a deep lake on Paulina mountain In southern Crook county is a species of pea green colored chub that Is so timid no' one haa been able to snare them with a fly or spoon and they will not touch bait of anv kind on a hook. The j-ecord has Just been broken In this rearard by Judae J. W. Robinson nf Olympia, who, by the use of an electrlq fly end tackle, caught a largs baskst of these rare fish. Judge Robinson, accompanied or O. P. Burrows of Hoqsrainvdamea Bur rows of Nebraska and W. I Adams of Hoausitn. haa Just returned from a wa gon tour of central Oregon, the object of which trtp was health and recreation. The Judge and O. P. Burrows are ex- part fishermen and after years of pis catorial contest In Washington lakes and streams, had not been able to reach definite settlement as to superiority of skill and ingenuity. When they en countered tne sny ana sreen sea onuo of Paulina lake, the question was for ever aettled and the medal awarded to Judge Robinson. Judge Kooinsons metnoa was novel and probably never has been tried be fore in Oregon water a He deslamed and perfected it a year ago while trolling n a iaae in tne uirmpio mountain ai- ter much eorreanondeace with a firm of tackle makers he succeeded In hav ing made a long silken-bound line con taining two thread-like copper wires and a nllant that It could be handled on an ordinary copper reel. At the end of the line he fastened a small spoon about six inches above which he attached to the leader a miniature Incandescent eleo With a small storage battery tacked away In hia fish basket the Judge waa thus equipped to search the depths, like a nautical Diogenes, and go after. the fish in their dark rock caves. When he went to central Oregon he earried one of these outfits,- unknown to his rivsl, Burrowa They heard about the wonderful pea green chubs of Pau lina laka long after they arlved at the mountain, and both had secretly deter mined to take a few nice specimens from the depths of the lake. The better part of a day, morning and evening, was SDOnt y DO 111, Ult mr, duiiuwa wmi sway without having a nibble or The Judge caught some large speci mens, which proved to oe pi rinest tex ture and flavor when fried with baoon grease and flour. - It Is said the strsnge chubs floe from everything except their own kind, but wnen tney. saw the slowly recurring flashes of the little electrical bulb their curiosity led them to investigate closer, whereupon they lnvarlaoly took the epoon sus pended under It. POWDER TO BEING UP WAnTS BODY tttoariMl Slinateh to The Joomel.V Lewlston, Ida, Aujr. 10. The search for the mUslng Edward WahL tK Oen eaee farmer who is supposed to-have committed suicide in- the Clearwater river last Monday, is continued, many of the hands on his farm aiding the officials and bis brother, Sherman WahL preparations are complete to drag tne river at the point where the hounde tracked Wahl to a deep pool, and in this place powder will be used, to raise the body if It Is there. Orappllns books have been procured and the work will go on until tome trace of the mis sing man has been found. Metsrer sells diamonds at 10 ner eenl profit. 141 Wash, at aa t ai J sTa 1- r Thrce-Piccc Summer arid Outing Suits 30 Discount $18.00 Suits $20;00 Suits $25.0Q Suits $30.00 Suits $12.50 $14.00 H $17. SO . . v $21,00 zuvo uii Dines ana jDiacKs SALE ENDS SLPT. 1st IniilillS 311 MORRISON Opp. PotoffIoes kfZZZ 3E :zssssar: DAILY. Transcontinental Train Service BLTWLLN Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane and intermediate points and Missoula, Hel ena, Butte, Anaconda, Billings, Miles City, Bismarck, Fargo, Grand Forks, Winnipeg, Superior, Duluth, Minneapo lis and St Paul, with connections for all points in the east. For fall information call on or writ . " A. D. CHARLTON 'Aast Gen. Pin. Agent 2S5 Morrison Street Portland, Or. ( Fast Service Via - Northern Pacific Railway "K 7 E have been telling you of the exceeding rich vv ness of HEIDELBERG soil. We are going to show you what HEIDELBERG will grow, what it is growing now. We are going to make the fact, sthat HEIDEL BERG soil will grow anything, so evident thaUthe most skeptical can not doubt. We are going to give away tons of fruit plucked from HEIDELBERG trees. We will convince you that anything that will grow in the Northwest will flourish in this beautiful spot. ' i . , ' ' ' . J WE WILL GIVE YQIJ THE GREAT OPPOR TUNITY OF SEEING ALL THIS FOR YOUR SELF. WATCH THE PAPERS FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS. .I'V , r PHONE MAIN 6744 N ; ; 305-67.8 BUCHANAN BUILDING, PORTLAND, ORE. ; HAVE YOU MONEY TO INVEST? READ THIS 1 Ths J. M. Aehoson Company's big store and factory plant. Fifth and Alder streets. Is ooneeded to be ths best equipped and practical la the West. Lighting system unexcelled. The company Is seven ysars eld started with a cspltal stock of ti.60 spltalised now at I1S0.000. Has a paid-up capital of about 1 1 0.000, and additional subscribed stock of $24,000. Assets about 1 1(0,000. not Including unsubscribed stock. Lla- - btllties less thsn ons third the asseta Doing a business of ever IH0, 00 a year. Unsubscribed eapltsl stock Is for sale la amounts of 1100 up 10 per cent Interest or dividend guaranteed also trade discount al lowed stockholders on all goods purchased by them In the store. Ia connection with the department store Is men's tailoring and woolens; also a grocery Store, Ton can save enough on your grocery bills te elothe yourself. The company owns the flve-story brick. Ita ladles gar- , ment factory, men s clothing and grocery departments sre located In. Very good esset Isn't Itt Subscriptions eaa be msde for weekly or menthly saving payments. Call, drop as a card, or All tn the following subscription for the amount you desire and how you wish to pay the same and msll It to as and we will call and complete your connection with the company. X, the aaderslffaed, Teereby smbscrlbe tn .shares of tho Capital Meek ef The 3. M. Aeaeaoa Company, no prtee of said Capital stock la the pas yalas of Oas Delia ($1.00) et share, yayAblo as fellows i , ..' Tko laeorporated Capital Itoek ef Ths J. r. Aeheeea Oosapaay tr One Xnadred Tlfty Taoasaad (180,000) shares, aea-asseisatle. mg.. Addroag... SBIOTOBIi as. PEAKS A. 3. FARMER J. M. ACHESON . . M. E. TUOMPSOK . H. ACZZIOV, rresldsaft. T. x. mosi, s Beerstary and Attorney. Facmc Coast fOC WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Com Miint a.vin and Cotton Root Pllla The bst and only reliable remedy for bid LATl5 PKRIODS. Cure the most obstinate eases In 1 ta is dsya - Price S3 per box. mailed In plain wrapper. Sold by druagiats everywhera Address T. J. PIERCE, 111 First street. Portland. Orejron. ' m m j i- n f JUkjmmm i.afe t. isrwMisa.-fcrtm m , ..J ! I! II !l II 'I I H II H u 3 JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY BEST t i