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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1907)
tim OREGON- DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAYS EVENING. ' AUGUST 19. 1S07. People of .South. Portland : Declare That Operation of Rock Crusher Is Nuisance and Will Ask County Au - Take Action. o. i t n. tun UTE AS USUAL Important ilail From the East for ? Merchants. Is I Delayed for Hours. v Ths Southern Pacific train from San Francisco tu on tin a rain this morn ing- and business man have almost for- gottsn their troubles with the Southern Paolflo, but havs directed their atten tion and kicks to the O. R. A N. ovar ian train from tha east, which baa re sumed Its formar, (alt of arriving- In Portland anywhere from ona to six hours lata after succeeding In rolling Into , tha depot oa , time twice In one week, v 'r.;;'V' -,- PLAN TO RID COLUMBIA . OF ABANDONED FISHTRAPS i Cblonel Eoessler, United States Enjneer, -Proposes to .Require Bond of Builders to Remove Piling When Sites Are Deserted Safeguard for Future. 5 Residents 1 the vicinity of Marquam gulch, South Portland, Juat Inalda and iut ouUide the city limits, are up la rma acainst me "" (),, .-a - i. Tm company. As a result of work carried Mt fc,. to offlotali both Tha O. R. A N. train it due at :S Today 4t arrived at 1:15 .p. m.; on,ty we sompany iw-. .T!letate and federal famines! men and banks free as possible from am -v Applicants for permission to drive flint re pi in the Columbia river muat henceforth give aorae aort of a guaran tee that they will remove the neceaaary piling when abandoning the location. Tula haa been decided by Colonel 8. W Roeeeler. United Statea engineer, who ' haa given the matter a great deal Of thought of late. Hla attention waa flrat called to the subject when he made hla flrat vlalt to the mouth of the Columbia where weed-covered piling line the river banka for mllea and mile. Some of the old trapa have been abandoned, for yeare. "My intention la to keep tha river a Mnr unl action althef la tha I rullita AIA ..... K.a l tU. i!.! fl.Kfran. " ,a . . r county or circuit court , Thla morning 1 1 or return correspondence on the mall this morning, '-and have about decided . .... -j,n-,al rt , xt ' :.. Idlaman I nr na -m or morn i-acin inu w uv cr; applicant rue a bond . ex-Attorney-Qenera. C at I0la,n I much time waa loat in aendlna mall guaranteelna the rimov.l VTh- TiZ called at tha courthouse , to , oonauit I and ordera of arooda back to buyen- whenever the tran la ihanr. Tku Countr Judge Webater with a view to So poor haa become the aervloe on the plan la a very good one except that It finding out Juat what would be beat to eaatern branch of the Harrlman aya- might poaalbly work a hardship on the do in th matter. Aa Judge Webater tema that bualneaa men have almpat poorer trapmen who borrow money to waa absent on aa tnapectlon trip of given up j despair of ever ttainlng jUrt with, but not being certain oS county roada with the county commla- anything like regular tralna. That the thla point. I have written to Prealdent alonere. tee matter will not be taken up r"road company haa bult little oonfl- J. R. Burke, of the Pound Net Flaher- unW late Wedneaday afternoon or aarly Jenoe -la tha operating department being i7im declines to dlacuai thalie.ehown by the fact that the Q. R. A N, .,?.Y. f deferenca to the ludgea to . advertise through the news rirJL -v... . in ha brought. I pepere the statement tna it aavea rni.Vnt his bMn made br M. Mar- travelers 17 houro from PortUnd to S?rmPwhJ i55?derrt"be headofSev- Chicago, Thla statement, however, la tASZ Krquai rulcito Sh.V Ucn placed. .which are, liberally feet that Nlckum Kaliy prosecun ""I""rt' "TT "tY. it hn,r. itZ aTdt,mlynntSnita, rS..' City andh 'iMthZSS men' association at Cathlamat, Wash. Ington, for further Information. If he thUike the bond plan will prove accept able to the great majority of trapmen then It will probably be decided upon. In that event a bond will have to be filed through, aomo bonding company when the trap la built and remain in force until the piling la removed. ' "The Columbia river la lined with old piling that-waa driven many years ago and it not only makes the river bank. unnlKhtlv but alao interferes with tha operation of amaller craft and tha use of seines for a considerable dlatanee rrom snore. Mllea or old Tshtrapa line Bakera bav and In tha vlelnltv of Tnrt Btevena ana a stop muat he put to thla practice. The fresh water preserves me wooa.aao mere is nine nnna or tnam dlaappearlRg very aoon from decay and the toredo doea not leave the aalt water, or .those insecta would aoon do quick worn os mi aiiCKB. Colonel Roessler axnacta It wilt ha a difficult task to compel owners of trapa now abandoned to remove the same. bej cause few of the partlea are to be found, but the new regulation will prove a aafetruard against an Increase of the number of dead trapa. II0IBI0U PIM M EYES (fK UPfjl miTO iin liiiirn nr nurin nine "H "." uu ruio ur mmn ur dlihu, muo jn Sharp Advance Is Caused by Dispensers of Sunday Throat y. J yUI I III , Change In Canadian s; ; .Washes Nabbed byTiffi-1- Z&tiv father. - V . .Jant'Officerf-; 'hm--O:, EARLY RISERS HAVE CHANCE TO SEE INTERESTING COMET rminr"rh4 tireen River, Wyoming. In time to con- . , M J "fruTa thi ect with the eaat-bound train at that Tnelcitlaea k fond of aatronom- Snlnln tha COuntv rOad I vvvn nnri nruming, in warn M ran- 1?J- ffi, wwiral.t'2nd Take. th2 with the t-bound train at that . " -..i worn than P"1"1- auure m connect at ureen . w t.r.,rt; auad 1 that one "'.. cai observation haa aa opportunity to i - . . i n i v nr mun. wna rm m rm r. ir n. i . t in fitrthar aiieaea uu one l . . .. - ,t r - .-' maae acauaintanca with a ntaiai -"rT. vV."k.- .a t-vnt. hla or monme nave tne traina Dean w- " " property win to damage and Incon venience resulting from operations ei the company. ';'.... Mr. Maroovich appealed to Attorney f .."S'ln, rStVini to whether mk th Proper connection that little above the eaatern horlaon about lTLZ1 SLSSSKSf tK r-Vto ?. be experienced to. ahow o'clock In tha morning. vent that anr action can be taken agalnat the sand company, ths fact re- able to connect and a ahort time ago ltor which ls entirely new and which slower schedule waa adooted to er- haa awant Intn imp n!a feet the connection, but even the chanaa ... 1. . .... did not improve obndltlona. I ina viauor is a comet. so regularly aoea tha train fall to viaiDie witn good glasses Juat that tha railroad waa fraudulently ae curing money through the malls if It were to advertise in newspapers about Tne COmet haa tiaan linear fcM.... tion from Waahlnrton tar anma llm. Ti'tbiV'iVtV, " hour, between th. t eltt Daniel J. of the "trbnomlcal depTrfmen' " . wtrfc rmint. Jnrire Webster. Mr. Marco vie h contends that the Nlckum & Kelly Sand company has ab- aolutely no rlghta on tha premises. He , asserts that the concern U tearing down ,' country fencea along the roadway, de mollahlng aide walks and patting streets in an Impaasable condition, to aay noth : Ing of breaking wlndowa and ahaklng . house foundatlona through the use of dynamite la blaating operations. nnnirno Dnuncno I i II of Princeton, who flrat became aware of !i! slatanes through photography. That It la not one of the cometa which visits ua regularly la known bv its course, which la parabolic, so that lt cornea but this time within the .view of mortala and then vanishes forever. Some few early birds are heard from who have aeen tne phenomenon, but to me general puDlio it la unfamiliar. Th top of Council Crest would be an- Ideal spot for observation, but ao far no amoiuoua persons nave been admit ted at the early morning hour to the ooservaiory tor thla purpose. Unlike the great comet of 1S11. which rainy rivaled the aun In Its splendor n niiea in neavena witn Ugnt, caus ing timid., folk to nradlrt all anrra a aire calamities ana to repent of their sins, the" Danlela comet Is of modest appearance and resembles a star of the fourth magnitude. It la headed toward the horlion and will be visible about two weeks longer. -. ' .' fJoarasl Boeclal Service.) Chicago, Aug. It.-A heavy snowfall waa reported today In the Canadian Northwest, causing the world's wheat prices to advance sharply. There waa a chanalnr of opinion everywhere regarding wneat , values, Liverpool traders for the first time In many sessions being of the same opin ion aa tnoaa in unicaro. Tnia caused that market to rain fin a buaheL or aid. The opening of the- Liverpool market Waa quiet, the report of unfavorable weather In Canada not oomlna untlL lata In the aesalon. : , . . Newa of the ' snowfall atunned the bears in the wheat Dit and the bulls ao compllshed the advttnce ere they re covered from their frlaht. All through the north portion of the uiiuuio west aiaiea mere were reports oi rrosca ana coia weather ror tonignt. Interior millers and exporters were lib eral buyers at the advanced fig-urea. At Minneapolis there waa an advance today of 114 c a bushel and at Kansae City the ,ri'e waa H to lc. From sea- ooara a number of vessels were re ported chartered today to take grain to NEW ARLETA SCHOOL OPEfS ftEXT FilONTH That tinder tha guise of soda water i dispensaries "blind pigs" ' are running openly oa Sunday despite the orders or ths dlstriot attorney was evidenced yes terday In - the case of. Ernest , Speck, proprietor of a ."soft drink" emporium at ISO Burnslde street, who was ar rested by Fatrolmin Wellbrook . - and Larfleld In the afternoon, and again last night by Patrolmen Burka and Veasey, on chargea of soiling liquor on the Sab bath, w . I.-., '.-. , ..j -.m The flrat named policemen, who re cently passed the civil service eiamlna tlon and have been detailed in plain Clothes, In passing the place yesterday afternoon noticed a man leave the counter with a bottle tucked anugly under hla coat'" Aoorbachlna- - Speck. Wellbrook Inquired if he could purchnae any liquor and waa promptly jiccom- Bpeck'B rret promptly followed rfld Mother Informs Officers of v Whereabouts ; of Youth ,V TVanted for Theft of Bicy- cle Sundries-Boy Arrest , ed in Washington. - , '; . Judge Fraser of the ; juvenile court was notified today that two youngsters. Earl Hlgley . and Thomas . McDonald, both 16 year bid, wanted hers for ths theft last; week of over 1200 worth of bicycle sundries from the establishment of a man named Wyett, on Stark street, were under arrest for highway robbery at Quuin uena, wasnington. Majority of Eooms in Hand some Building Will Be Beady for Students. CHARGE FRAUD STRIKERS STRIKING KEYMEN jubilant UVtK I YFOS - RESOLUTIONS i MB OFFICE Seattle Chamber of Com merce Indignant Oyer ; Postmaster's Wark Once more ths Seattle spirit has mani fested Itself in the desire of the Seattle chamber of commerce to press t the charges against Postmaster George M. ' Stewart of the Bound city for ahowlng . favoritism, violating civil aervlce rules and generally mismanaging hla bfflce. Mr. Btewart Is the man who succeeded in raising Seattle into a postqffloa of the 18.000 claas by peddling stamps to the busineas men of neighboring towns and cities, and considers the attitude of f the chamber of . commerce ungrateful and unrrienaiy. : While employee of the Portland post- office refuae to talk for publication thev discuss privately their knowledge of : conditions In Seattle. For months the mall aervlce in the Klondike boom town haa been the snbject of ridicule by mail clerks and officials of ths postoffloe : department? v - The moat glaring preacn or rules ana ,' etiquette waa the action of the Seattle ites in going to Georgetown and other . nearby towns and Inducing merchants and cltiaens to purchase their stamps from Mr. Stewart In order to swell the Seattle receipts that a- good showing might be made before the postoffloe de partment officials at Washington, and Incidentally to .swell Postmaster Stew art's salary. i.-v-. Althouah 4h- Seattle office has more clerks than are usually- allowed to a city of lta else, Postmaster Stewart re- Fifteen Firms in Chicago Lose Their Telegra phers Today. (Special Dwpatek to Tbe JoaraaL) Chicago, Aug. All bat six broker- age offices In this city have signed the anion agreement with the telegraph operators. ' " rT (Josrnal Special Berrlee.) Chicago. Aug. It. The first strike against brokers was declared at 1 o'clock this afternoon, against Love Co. Fifteen firms are expected to be affected. , It is estimated that ISO men will Walk out ' These houses refused to sign the union agreement Ten of the IS rooms of the new Arleta school house will be ready for occupa tion by September It. This school houaa will be tha finest aonearln ona in tha dlatrfrt when mm nl atari. Tha real. Pned to Call on Wise and without trpu Immedlatalv after tha lnral theft of- ". he was compelled to produce $26 caso i fleers of the Juvenile court learned that -ball to secure hla releaee. ' I tha youngsters were the guilty pair and , EvIdSfulv Socck Wild not anticipate the mother of tha Hlalav lad fcs com- ' any further visits of the police and in munleated with, aha promised Iwsafiirn consequence landed at police headqusr-l her son over to the authorities as lA.-'V ; tera in the . evenlna? for the. aame Of-las She locate htm. Nallhar lad'raJnV fense. Patrolmen Burka and Vessey, turned home after the robbery and thlaTrStr alao recent aoqutsUions to the force, morning Mrs. Hlgley called upon Judge did not encounter any 'mors difficulty Fraser and Informed the court that both. ; In aecuring a bottle of beer than their lads were under arrest In the Wash-. brother offlcera. Speck was once more Ington city on the char re of robberv. compelled to hand over 126 to guarantee Officers from tha Juvenile court will ; his appearance in court. I to aner tna taw oreaaers aa aoon A Tn tha nnllna court thla tnornlnr the I the WsshlnrtOn autaoritlaa ara thrnna.T ., I soaa, waier purverur wiiiurwu piva v i wi.u . - anlltv hut Infnrnuul Jilrlra Cameron that! "' he Was under the Impression that two arreata lor tne soma oiienae couio not be made In one day so he thought he was entirely within hla rights in con tinuing hla Illegal practicea Judge Cameron, promptlylmpoaed a fine of $26 and Speck left the courtroom a wiser if aadder man. - M. Wise, who conducts a saioon at Park and Gllsan streets, thought he would pick uo a "little eeay money" by keeping his rear door open and selling joy juice ' to uie inirsiy norm en a wayfarera Patrolmen wellbrook and Larfleld in making their rounds hap-, AGED DISPLAYS IDMI u" purcnnvva pun U wmaacj. tsyej i ance of the average school house, think- P UP.Z 1D11 ,et ponce neaaquariers lira. I lu .TU1U VOIHH WVkai U)f ill 1.117 dents of Arleta object to the are too plain ins Wh they en they decided to erect they well as and barn-Ilk. I a building GREAT PUGNACITY Attorney Who Scratched W. T. Linn's Nose Discharged by Judge Cameron. 1 prison, judge Cameron was inclined to wanted something ornamental as b lenient with the defendant inasmuch usefuL as ne pieaa guilty, so wise waa aiiowea .... .... . - I . I.I (, I . W .1 k. Good cheer was brought to the strik ing operators-, today by the receipt of the hews from Hot Sprinaa, Arkansas, that the national convention of the In ternational Typographical convention In seaslon In that city had unanimously adopted a resolution pledging the aym- Samy ana support or ma organisation the atiiklng key men. The action taken last Monday, but owing to was the Strike -conditions the news did not reach the Portland strikers until today In the mall. , The resolution as adopted is as follows: "Whereas. The members of tbe Com mercial Telegraphers' union of North America In various parte of ihe United Statea are on strike against conditions Imposed by the Western Union and Pos tal Telegraph coynpanles, conditions that are the highest exemplification of the theory of the open shop and the doctrine of individual contract, and aa auch opposed to the beet interests of trade unionism; therefore be it "Resolved. By the International Tr- pographlcal union In convention assem bled, that we do hereby extend to the airi King teiegrapnera our earnest sym pathy and cordial support In their ef forts to secure for themselves work ing conditions that will better them In their Uvea" it 1 nace and the fana uaed in ventilatlne- the rooms will be run by electrlolty. Beside the 18 rooms there will be an assembly hall with a seating capacity of 00. M. K. Freeman haa the contract for the ouuaing, wmch win cost ABERDEEN-HOQUIAK . LABOR DAY FESTIVAL ("pedal Dispatch t The Jooraat) Aberdeen. Wash., Aug. II. Ex-State Labor Commissioner William Blackraan wilt probably deliver the principal ad dress here at the celebration of Labor day. Hla subject will be "Evolution of Unionism Down to 107." The celebra tion of the day will be a Joint affair between this place and Hoouiam. There win pe a Pig parade in the morning, and prises will be given for the union to ao after depositing $20 with Clerk I Hennessy. :..,." ST. MARY'S ACADEMY 'II ADDS IPROVEiilEI Extensiyc Preparations Are Being JIade for Fall Opening Next Month. DBEADFUL WRONGS OF A SISTER TO AVENGE TWO STARRS CROSS EACH OTHER'S PATHS HEADED BY DAN CUPID Brothers Xamed SaUsbnry Invoke Lw on John W.. Roberts In f Lewis County, Wash. Deputy Dan Cupid caused Just a little excitement . this morning In the county clerk's office when a marriage license waa requested for James H. Hamilton and Nellie F. Starr. At first no particular attention was paid to the witness appearing for alias Starr and In view of the fact that one of the most prof iclent stenographers In the office Is a Miss Starr the clerk about to Issue tbe license exclaimed: "Why, It can't be poasioie that our "I don't know anything about that.' replied the witness, "but I do know that Miss Nellie F. Starr Is old enough to cently succeeded in aecurinr 26 addl . tlonal clerks from the department The - chamber of commerce doea not believe .,- that new. clerks are needed, to improve , me service ana nasasaea xor an in vestigation whleh Is expected will re veal conditions warranting the .pressing of cnarges against me posimastar. One of the leading spirits la the move ment Is Rev. M. A. Matthews. Whose v. man has been subject to delay ever , since his connection with' the-- fight against uie postmaster. Sevessfr Jot ters regarding matters connected wlth ' his ministerial duties have been held zrom tne iraie pastor, including one In which hi waa una to oinciate at a . funeral. The letter was not received until after the funeral "had been held. Another latter to the minister was a call to attend a meeting of the com mittee Investigating Postmaster Stew , art' and did . not reach him until the oay: azter taw meeting. . ONE KILLED, DOZEN SHOCKED BY WIRE h-Ji : . a oaraa Special aerrkw.) Salt Lake, Utah, Aug. One death and dozens of bad shocks followed cross at ths Bingham Junction power house When a live wire came into con- w witn tna guy cnains of an electric f.,Rft JLharln8l..ali telephone and light wires In the business district. Ed ward McDermott. a lineman, attempted to cut the wire leading to a biasing - -.. ... ..,? . "on ana was ln- - atantly killed. The telephone exchange girls were knocked senseless. A num- PROSECUTION'S PAPERS : , SWALLOWED BY DOG i rlnernal Spcelal Servlee.) Butte,: Mont Aug. IS. While a ten. dollar confederate bill was beiner In fpected in the sheriffs office today tha pitper was accidentally dropped on the floor and before it could be recovered the bill was snapped up and swallowed l v Jack, a black water spaniel, belona- ! p r to Deputy Sheriff Jack Wyman. The 1 . 1 1 1 wan the chief reliance of the proae f i tion In a case against a county Jail j li-oiwi- fur" passing counterfeit money i. i that it will no longer be pos- : to froduce the bill as an exhibit in cmiii. td fi'ue will probably have to J-.a tiiMlUHSt'-.l (Special Dispatch te Tbe Joamal.) Chehalls, Aug. II.- Deputy Sheriff a- . . k I II lir. a V arfjaia . uwmti ' UOOrgO JB. JUng nag gone to tne Big Ul,. Kt.rr la ahont lo nt marrlMl'- iiotiom country, to miles away, to ar rest John W. Roberts, charged with criminal assault, his alleged victim be ing Dana Salisbury, 16 years old, the dausrhter Of a Well known rancher at Cora, It Is alleged that Saturday night. August 10, under pretense that bis wife would accompany them to a dance, Rob erts enticed the airl to hla home. Mn. Roberta, as a matter of fact, had gono to spend tha nlaht with her mother. Roberts, It Is claimed, threatened the. gin witn - aeatn in case sne told her story ana warned ner that just as soon as the harvesting: was over ahe would have to leave the country with Tlm or ne wouia Kill ner. it la also alleged that he told his wife what tranenlred and that under threats of killing her he nopea to compel ner to Beep auent. Miss Salisbury and Mrs. Roberts wrote to tne Drotners or tne lormer, who are employed in a mm on tbe sound Bend branch' near Chehalls, The brothers came to town and laid the matter before County Attorney Langhorne, who filed an Information direct in the superior court against Roberta There are various reports as to the character of Roberts, . ft being alleged that he is a bad man who left his old home In West Vlrainla between two daya ' a HAIL TOOK GROUSE AWAY FROM HUNTERS (Ssedal Dispatch t Tha Journal.) Lewlston, Idaho, Aug. II. Hunting parties returning- yesterday, after pass ing tbe first two days of the open sea son for grouse In the fields, report very f oor shooting In all parts of the coun ry. The heavy hailstorm of a few weeks aaro is said to have killed manv of this year's brood, and this appears to be substantiated by the hunters, who know what ahe desires to do and she declares to me that she wishes to marry Mr. Hamilton." i Then It was that the blushlns- maiden who desired to end single blessedness J Extensive improvements sra being made at, St Mary's academy and college having the beat representation In line In preparation for ths opening of the ?nnV.mEch. Unre .M? be given the poaltlon of honor at the J, better equipment than at head of the line, as this is alwava ac any time In lta htatorvl Tha ranldfv .r?f? Aberdeen when the day la cele- increasing- attendanoa has made some The Oravs Harbor Railway A T.trht changes necessary and a new istudy ball went to Melvln's office to demand an Luuiyniiy uu siren ine osa oi niiectriG i and several new recitation rooms navei a,""vu ,iia us uaui vnaueo. been furnished with subject libraries, , v lecture chairs and other modern equip- PA SSKR OF HAD TITTXS menta SENT TO ROCKPILE park and the grand stand for the occa sion. The days pleasures will close with a bail at tbe pavilion. Frank Melvln. an attorney with of fices, In the Chamber Of Commerce building, who waSarrested Friday on a charge of assault and battery preferred by W. T. Linn, was. tried In the police court this morning and acquitted. The complaining witness, who la 71 fears of age and suffering from defec Ive vision, declared on the stand that If he had oeen a younger man he would ' have soundly thrashed bis assailant. "Why. I'U lick him now " aaid the aged man wnn a great display -or noatuity. "I'm sorry I didn't have heavy ahoes on or I would have kicked him In the stom ach, tio man can . call me a liar." Linn's testimony cauied much merri ment In court and Judge Cameron was compelled- to havethe room cleared ow ing 10 the laughter. - Attorney Melvln testified that Linn abused and attempted to strike him and he consequently defended himself. According to the defendant he did not punch the old-man but In making a swing at him scratched him nose. As It was evident that Linn waa quarrel some, Judge Cameron quickly dis charged Melvln from custody. , The trouble between the two -men,, arose over an attachment levlad oh 160 . cords of wood belonging to- Linn at Barton aUtion on the O. W, P. Linn - N't CORNERSTONE LAID BY Chehalls, Aug. , 19. A number of prominent people from over the state The authorities expect a larger at tendance this fall than at any previous time and are becinnlna to feel sorely MEAT) AT (TrTEtTATJS th Beed ot tn MW college, which is JJlUlXXU ill UJaXillAJjlO bai-a built onnoslte Oswero on tha banks of ths Wlllametta (Bpeelal .Dispatch te The JoaraaL) pe new eouea la to pa an eianorate . . . i muu OAjnuaiTf iruviurvf .wuiu win t ... "u""' i two years in tne ouuaing, ana win men be one of the finest educational institu- declared between blushes that she never 1 and a large, number of tbe cltlsens of tlon OI tn coast. It is to be in con knew that .ahe was employed 'in taTrn.afcaiia Junction with the present academy, un county clerk's office. -IlZ -'""" der the Sisters of the Holy Names, "No, I m no relation to any Miss Starr that works here," she said, "but I should be delighted to meet the young lady." The laugh was on the deputy and the license was promptly issued. "Thanks,' said Miss Starr, aa she took the coveted license and departed from the court house with her friend. and the college work will be all done .there, leaving the elementary and academic work only for the Portland school. The fall term opens Monday. Septem ber 9, 1907, and the spring; term Mon day, February i, iu. STREETCAR COMPANY BLOCKS MANY STREETS BY DILATORY TACTICS "The people of Portland expect the Portland Railway, Light dt Power com pany to follow out the provisions of its franchise as provided by the ordinance under which it was granted," said Mayor Lane this morning. "If the franchise Is not drawn up to tbe full requirements of the ordinance under which it was secured it seems to me but two things remain to the company. One of these is to permit the council to read the full provisions of the old charter clause In the franchise or else admit that Its omission Invalidates the ordinance. , "If there is any power to compel the streetcar company to ruah along the street work It should rightfully do, then we want to know what it is and we want to enforce it. Thousands of feet of street work are being held up by the uiimluij actions or tne streetcar com pany. In Justice to the citizens, who take pride In their city this ought to be noon at tha ceremony of laying the cor nerstone ot the handsome new brick. stone and concrete dormitory and behoof building at- the state tralnina- achooL The ceremony was conducted by the Masonic lodge, with Orand Master Mc Alllatar ne ffoattlA iMrfnrmtnv tha The principal address wss deltvored hv I TTQPQ "RrnTWW TYi Oovernor Mead at the close of tha oara. WkJXJM MXiwuii av mony. A box containing tha names of tne state oriicers, tns orncera -of the school, the number of the children in iua Knwi. in uvtb ana ao nria. ai - . . .. . . .. . . copy of the two Chehalia oanaVa 'thi While in an insane aennurn airs, jo- nams of the building architects, the banna Anderson, an Inmate of the Crys name of the contractor, and a picture tal Springs sanltorlum, ender her life of the school as it appears at present. a A..lnrft. ,,ht h HUNTINGTON IS HELD : m mTT-r, . I mmea awij upon tne uiacovery oi 'I'll ' liKAIVII . KV the Dody, out tne woman was oeyona vu.a.,a v ua mj m aM Tkanntv Cnmnmr Yin STRANGLE HERSELF medical aid. Deputy waa apprised of the suicide .and removed to Coroner Finley Finley's undertaking stopped, and stopped at once.1 City Attorney Kavanaugh was unable to finish hia opinion as to whether or not the charter provisions under which the franchise was granted could be enJ and did not seem to be greatly per forced, but expects (o ba able to in mn tomorrow morning. RETURNS say that few young birds were flushed. being frequently seen, and the supply of Prairie chicken appear to be ttlentl ful In sections, flocks of six and eight auall is large. ttenUy awaltlBg tneae piras. The. hunters are Imoa tna open season " ror SCHOOL OFFICE TO OPEN TOMORROW Hi!, ! a Proud Father.' A!lrv. v v !.( il ' 1 Sr"lI firrTlce.) ' i . Aur. IS A daughter - wife - of; tJovunorj Superintendent Rtaler ' of - the "city schools announced this morning that his office in the city hall woifld open up for the next term of school tomorrow morning. There Is so much to do in the way of preliminary work that It Is felt the office should be opened earlier than the flrat of September, the previous date set. ' .- --, ,. 'v;:.-vj2' . Harncssmakers' 4 Conventioo. J (Joaraal Rpeelal Atrrtee.) ' 'A-f ; : Columbus. Ohio, Aug. 19-The -'annual convention of the National ? Har ness Manufacturers' association began ,n i&lSt. cU? tocay and will continue until Thursday. The attendance is large and representative and the proceedings Kist tg to? gd" than r"nry . Tuesday tha' ihtu - ,m : t,a i. dav to receive . iiin.t . .... t i- jgasWlHv - " KIND THIEF DIAMOND HE STOLE Wedding Ring, Missed for Week, Is Replaced in Strange Manner. V After breaking Into the residence of Guy Holsman at 691 Davis Street and stealing a valuable diamond ring be longing to Mrs. Holsman, -thieves broke Into the house again .and returned the atone. At least that Is the story which Mr. and Mrs, rtotaman nave.toia tne ae tectlveS at police headquarters. What Induced the thief to return, the diamond is a mystery, but -Mrs.fHolsman, who preferred the charge when the stone dis appeared " Wednesday night, says that aha la satisfied to let the- matter drop now thax her ring is again sparxiing on her own hand.' . ' . According- to Mrs.'- Holsman s. story aha and ner nnsoana were away rrom their home at 69 Davis street Wednes day evening. . When they returned they found the iront aoor open ana tne dia mond, which- had been Mrs. Holsman's engagement ring, missing. Mrs. Hols man has only been married four months and she felt her loss keenly so she resorted it to the police. Two detec- tlver have been wonting on tbe case for several days. - : i , . Last night Mrs. Holsman was again away from home and when she returned she and Mr. Holsman found both front and back doors open And finger marks on the front windows. It was dark, but Miv Holsman bbldly entered the hall and stumbled over,, sdmethlnsr. Un. Hnla. man screamed and her husband wanted to. wosn uey aaauy. old set soma light In the hall they found that Hols man had stumbled over the dlmand ring. Another version of tha ilauw. the stone which a seeond detective says was told him was that Mr. Holsman was making his way down the cellar aiepo wnen ne inppea over tne diamond. At any rate both Mr. and Mrs. Holsman were so thankful over recovering a dla- v"u."' n maxe a man stumble in a dark hall that they al lowed Special Officer Fltaslmmohs' re- K"' "t "? BlIO '"at Je touna Keys in oth the front and rear doors when he made his investigation to go ungues- J.. B. Huntington, the attorney and real estate dealer, who was arrested last Saturday by 'Detective Hellyer on a warrant charging blm with obtaining money tinder falae pretenses, waived a preliminary neanng in tne ponce court :"'X:i...t lZZ. tZ -l.i.j this morning and was bound over to ths "J?!!"11? Tiih1 iilniJW hi rand Jury .it, the sum of 760. gottj Jd?J"d '-5rUT!?.JZ the remains carlors. Mrs. Anderson was It years of age and had been suffering from dementia for several - years, having at one time been confined in tne state hospital for Insane at Rochester. New York. The Huntington acted as his own attorney William Johnson, the "frensled finan cier" of the north enjd, who passed sev eral worthless bills of the defunct Planters' Bank of Georgia, on unsus pecting saloonmen and inmates of dis orderly houses, was sentenced to 90 days on the rock pile this morning by Judge Cameron. The only charge against ' Johnson was that of drunkenness but the matter will be laid before the fed eral authorities and the prisoner may have to answer to Uncle Sam for bis offense. -..I QUILT THIEF OWNS UP ' AND IS SENTENCED R. C. Schmidt, the "quilt thief," who waa arrested Saturdnv t Pitmiam West and Detective Price for the theft 1 of bed clothing from a number of lodg- ' In houses,' was before Judge Cameron this mornlna. fiWhmidt enteriM . nia. of guilty, and Threw himself on the mercy of the court Aa the prisoner ad- st mltted carrying away 18 xiullte. the oourt sentenced; him, to six 'months 'on V the rock pile, " ; RESPECTED SECTION FOREMAN A SUICIDE BANQUET TO-NAVAL CHIEFS AT TALLEJ0 Vallaln P.I ' 1... . . J 1 aA-j . -oocretary Met calf. Rear Admiral Canna Cowles, the chief of the naval bureau an? lhe CaIi,ornUJ. congressional dele gation will be tendered a banquet by the ValleJo chamber of .comma this eveninavSlxty 'guests will be pres ent. Hon. Frank B. Devlin will act as turbed over his predicament. He asked for a reduction of the ball, but Denutv District Attorney Haney 4pportl . the motion on the ground that five worth less checks, alleged to have 'Seen passed by Huntington, are now In the possession or tne district attorney. The specina charge against the ac cused attorney is that he passed check for $100 on F. Dresser, the gro cer, upon wnicn ne secured vzo In-cash. MANY WILL ATTEND s SACRAMEN0 MEET Many checks are being received at the office of Secretary Tom Richardson, oi tne uregon development league, ror oaa;es to oe worn oy aeiegates to the Sacramento meeting of the National Ir rigation congress to be held September z to i inclusive, -rne panares or tha Oregon delegation are handsome sou ve nire that cost 76 cents apiece, and the number ordered indicates that . Oregon will send a areat deleaatlon-to the meet. ing. The round trip Tate from Portland is only $20 and a proportionately low rate ruies net ween foruana and a ah. land. The rate into Portland from other parts or tne state wii , be a. rare and a intra, ior rouna trip. have been notified and the remains will be shipped to Cottonwood ror interment. QUARREL RESULTS IN ATTEMPT TO END LIFE '" Despondency following a quarrel with her husband caused Mrs. Willis Kelly to attempt to end-her life yesterday afternoon. , in room 117, Cosmopolitan hotel, by swallowing a large auantlty of tansy tea. - The woman's convulsions attracted the attention . of roomers in the house and Patrolman Golts was no tlned. The Officer showed his resource fulness by administering soap and water as an emetic and Mrs. Kelly was Out of danger by the time Acting City Physi cian Short arrived. The husband of ths despondent woman la employed In the ; Northern Pacific freight sheds and the couple came to Portland a month ago from Oklahoma. According, to the lodgers "In the house the domestic relations between Kellv and bis wife have been unpleasant (Speela! Plapatcb to Tbe Journal. noise, Ida., Aug. 19. At an-aWVUrly hour today W. H. BufflngtoiTsectlon foreman for the Oregon Short Line be tween in am pa, ana Meridian, committed suicide at Nampa by shooting himself "...". rigm temple witn a revolver, which-he took from the trunk of a room mate. Bufflngton was highly respected and -no reason is known whjT he com mitted the deed. He leave a widow and four children, who reside at Meridian, 10 miles west of here, on the Boise ' branch of the Short Line. BENS0N-PEEKIN CASE P&Ef SHOWS. GOES TO THE-JUKI San Francisco. Anr 11 Th n,.... Perrin land fraud case goes to the lury late this afternoons United Statea At torney Devlin Is making the closing """-h v. uiv urijuiiBub mis axter noon, " -t "' Assessor Named In Union. ISprelal Dlapateb 1 te Is Jorhxal.) T a ilMnit. . fm A .. - ill rri . . . , Aufi, a m. i coun ty court of Union county has appointed R. A. Ho who resides about four miles east of Elgin to the position of county assessor to. fill the vacancy caused by the .death of Assessor J. H. Morton. Mr. Hue will file his bond of as onn Bnlldlng Permits., Christian ' Missionary alliance, one- etorv church. Bast Ninth between Kb at Clay and East Market, $1,800;. Mary E. Ryder, repairs shop. East Washington between East Sixth and East Seventh. $200: Jacob Sorensen, story and a halt dwelling, Multnomah between East iuiiuiiuva ...... , . . v v v . 1U lUCIII' ahmitt. one-story dwelllna. MllwauiHa and Bldwell. $1,600; A. T. Smith, repairs dwelling, Twentieth between Carter and Remunerative values of Portland real estate ara well Shown in the order nf court instructing snother distribution of Jackson, $200. pronts rrom tne jonn ureen estate. Al though the original estate amounted to but $543,000, a total of $609,000 haa been distributed among- the 60 beneficiaries under the will of Mr. Green. The pres ent settlement will be for $18,73 .and nas accumulated since tne ( last prevl PERSONAL, ous settlement made in May, l08, from rentals and small sales.- The estate Is tne owner ox vaiuaoie property in Port land including a buildina on the corner of Second and Washington atreets. - Tuesday, the- SOth.V'wlll : be tha laat da v to ' receive '. discount an - eaat mui sas bins, :v ... , :T- ,..iy; .. .... . ,., Mra. M. M. Potter and daflahter: Vflaa Mina Jones of , Los Angeles. . are at the Portland hotel, v Mra Potter's husband Is the owner of the-Van Nuva hotel at Los Angeles and of the Potter hotel at Santa Barbara. :- Fred E. Sharksy. ths mining man, has returned from a visit at Pendleton and Walla Walla. -'-- s-., -vy,i.f William Wursweller,' m large sheep owner of Prlnevlils, Is at tha Imperial iwu t:;.v .-.if". REFORM SCHOOL BOY ESCAPES ; RECAPTURED J (Special Dispatch te Tbe Jooraat) 8alem. Or.. Aua. 18. Oharlaa Rreck. enrldge of Portland, who was commit ted to the reform school over- a week - ago for Inducing a girl of 17 to leave , her home and ro with him tn Tcnm.t - escaped at 4 o'clock Saturday after noon. Bloodhounds were immediately put on his trail and followed It toward - the railway Statlon.v Ha waa arratat . ' at Woodburn yesterday ' evening. t5 CHICKEN RODE FROM v CHICAGO TO SPOKANE , ; v.v'v; -". , , i- ' ir;-;.:....---, v 'iV-:''; ' (Bpecial Dlapatcb to Tha Jonrnal.) . ' j Spokane,, Wash Aug-. l. While load- t Ing a car of chickens In Chicago a Um'Cffi days ago, one got loose and wis not " . f captured, nor could it .be found. When u the passenaer train raioliu h.ra trut.v ' - and the Great Northera yardmen went ,f ' to looking under the cars for hoboes, they foundthechtcken perched on a " rod, where It had rode from the eastern city. It. was named Maud and is now i ' propsrtr-.of rtha Great Northern em ployes at thetlepot, where she receives wv: great honors.. . --;-?. - - ,-j;- n , .v Bank. iVfi C I St '.. ' 15 '. Engene to Hare New 4BpeHal Mapateh te The ioaraal. Eugene, Aug. It. Euaene is' to bank. - A .number of prominent men of this city have formed a r.n.J ation called the Merchants' bank, with- vi'f a capital Of $80,000. It is uhdenttnmt I that they were compelled to pen .tha 't bank at ths date Set, OctoberHl, in or-' der to keep other partlea from starting w similar Concern. The names" of the a promoters have not been "given out. but U tbey are said to be experienced buaihess men, . -, - . . , v.; -- - -- . . -; r ,v"-.;'k: vo I