The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 19, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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    OP THE
r V
rrurn TiTTD XT AT I protection of the habeas eorpua and to to about it?
Answering Its own strike order. ' , Undar these eircnm
trials by Jury Impartially. felected. uuesUdiir and the Question of inil- stances trouble wae threatened, and
a iKDapKDi!tT 'waPArB. -- I These prlnclplea should be the creed lions as to how to reduce the coat i Governor jonnson went to the mines i
.............. .Pobitobw of oar political faith,. the text of dvio of Urine without reducing wages or ana investigated, serving; notice at
a. jickKtt.
- 1 a. a a aa im. . v a ' I . a . . a . ItTnMi A I f h a eiitts..a.r rhaf , 'WiAlaaaa 1 . was
rauiis wniD (cpt Bnr insimcwou. ; -ijioidm,., jeiierton, to returns or tne xarmw, u- .-- .v.v Mw
.. mrr randar owrolnf, ( IB 4oarnu p';'-
nrr andr atorolof, at The Journal BOiio- I w.-.v j IBAI
ST Wft and lamlull two, fotlUDA, Or. Mrcn ., IB01.
Bat-iaa at the poitofflo at Pertlaad, Of
MMnlaalaa tanraca ma asaue aa inn
Afl sDartaiit raecbad hr thla wmbar.
. tli th epentar tt AturtHKnt roe waat.
,.i.a.n.,t.mta Snarl! AdmrtUlna Aaaeey.
Brnwwlck Balldlnf. 825 Fifth tTtnaa, Ww
, York; Trlbaaa BulldUs. CbUW.
Babaerlnttoa Trm or mill to ear address
fel u Daltaa State. Canada ar Mazlea,
v . I1AII.T.
' Oat year jOn moots. ...... 4 M
) Sunday. -
. Oaa raar..,.,...3.80 I Ona nvwrtL,,....B JB
VERT;' BDiTOR? writes about
breaking would be tolerated; and
that everybody would be protected
by the etate In either working or
Six Hour- fair ; Monlcv; Twelve Houri for CkJ
iL1 up aiaiaii 11 i i n y 'p,,' '' " ffl ' " T""'1'W" l ' ' 'ates!!s!EBmmmWmmTT77TTS
Hun Isn't Anything- Unoroal Aloot Thatj MoaWa Am Intaraatuig,
ClaIrAra Dull ; i& Z ;Y Ul.
Small CL&nge
(Copyrlgfat, 10T, by Amarioan-Journal-
Out In Nabraalc the Humana sootaty
la netted about monkeys.
It aema that monkeys employed an
1. By lowering the tariff;
I. By further development of
ohlne prodsotlon and farmlna sotenoe;
k mAnmA IflflOmi taX M.I
MaM mhaHtanee tn t shift l A email poltticltn would have kept
. Rockefeller, of OOuraei He lajpart of the burden of taxation from still and Bileat ior fear Of Offendldgl the surface of hand organs, with ntue
a perennial topio, and will be weaa snouwers to siron v' aomeboay, ana then. theM might haTt I coats,-and cocaea nais. ana onams
for IS year. yet. If big pbyai- l V. ""." been much damage and lawtessneae, l",
clan a prediction cornea true. He Is monODOiiitio trusts. when he might bare interfered; but k th. i- Ths hand
Indeed an Interesting character. The I. By economical government, espe- Oorernor Jobnion did not wait for I organ monkey doesn't know the joys
richest man la the world is bound c1" ,I clUe: la crisla: he prerented it by noUfylng r the eight-hour day, and the good hu-
One yaaf .
S3.S0 I On mnara,,.,,,
DAILY AND SUNDAY, im moat......
4 M
. Whatever your oocnpatloa,
may be, and however crowded
your hours with affairs, do
not fall to secure at least a'
few minutes every day for
refreshment of your inner
life with a bit of poetry.
Charles Eliot Norton. 1
iasjaaasaiaeaapasj aaaa aaaiaajaaaa,. eJaSsstjSa,i aai fj
to be so. Occasionally, along with
verbal floods of criticism and cen
sure, comes a note of commendation.
And forgetting nothing of bis career
of crime, both legal and moral, we
are disposed to listen to what is said roads;
la his favor.
Aa we remarked recently,. Rocke
feller baa good streaks in him. He
may not be very well understood.
The Ideal that most of us think bad
he perhaps honestly thinks good. He
is monstrously perverted, ethically,
but he may mean well, and honestly
t. By waging relentless war oni ... I mane DeoDle are excited.
"graft" In politics; , ' la Omaha. a ; kind-hearted, deeply
T. By enforcing honest measure upon mind their own bUSlneAS and letm0Vea gentleman appeared before the
retailor; I other Deoole do the aamt: that thaldty council representing the "cruelty
r ana aemanaoa jus-
I have seen some mon-
I. By a broad and Intelligent forestry t( a .,,. hm MtQrMA S-SLW
policy; I .11 .iiu. v . . I keys working for as many as 10 and II
V. uy enforcing ins laws upon raii-i - 1 noun amir, nix nours is long enuuin
tne miutia oemg reaay at can ii
for the little oreatures to be on duty."
jb. by Better ana oneaper rapia needed. The COnaeauence was that I us this ellDDlns-. and have asked what
transit in cities. i. . I we thought about it.
-". -"""f -i The ouerles are based upon the raot
MV. immm lv,ii tin nnfiAilf waalthat nn t In tha fait lanif arhara the
AITTOmObTle "MANIACa.1 . . ' . " . . ' . I monkev finds a defender there are lots
The sad thing about this monkey af-
'ANT COMPLAINTS are made demagogue would have done dl i7oS.Ve SJS?re!St
by people living along conn- enuy; uovernor jonnson is eviaenwy i occupations.
trv roads, esneciallv thosa not I no demagogue. '
far from a large city, both
believe that be is serving God and east and west, of automobile racing The interstate commerce law, as
humanity. Hla system of acquiring along these rural blghwaya. Among I amended in' 188V, provided that an
CI A I IS a JJemOCraiT nasi uuuva uuuara ib rcuuuf 1,1 inn- uiun wiuyuiui uiau vuii uicn viiivm u,tovw, -w. rv
been worked until it has but his intent may be Innocent, heavy, swiftly moving machines wear convicted of a violation of the law
women, lame, and worl
with very
fair and the Indifference to the children
Is the fact that it is not at all unusual
Every year we hear a doleful howling
because people move to the country and
leave cats unprovided for.
But when some husband runs away
leaves destitute a woman about to be
come a mother, It Is pretty hard for her
to arouse any Interest In her affairs.
TflV St St gA 1 a A VlAraa I aasaAt wABiklaia))
done overtime. It has (Ten benevolent out roads very rapidly, aa wagons could be imprisoned, in addition to 0n the street, with a sore spot on his
reached the borderland of It la not easy for ua to nut our- M Macadam roads, it is said, imposing a fine on the corporation, fftj- lhJS Sut.Uhi.te?t'him!
the eilly. It never waa a brilliant I selves In one-another'a places, men- re adapted either to swiftly-moving As amended by the Elkina act of and punish ie yPJ"" .
conception. Those who have most tally and morally. Rockefeller aeema "fht vehicles or to heavy onea that los tne penalty or imprisonment the street you can see old men and old
.nt.u.j m av - t v a.' a a- At. , lmn ilnwlr hn nnl.VW ,nl4 ahnllahad. and thai minimum I woman, lama, ana wording,
VAViiitisu i. luviuuiuK iiio new lorxiiaieiy u warn a Diaxats iuq wuriu, i - - ---w """vn -
World, have no concern aa to "what not because he haa done anything by heavy vehicles that run faat' But limit of fines waa eliminated. The
la a Democrat- If they had, the wrong, but because the people in '" more frequent and loud are the rate law of 190 reestablished the
answer would be easy. About one their ignorance and blindness cannot complalnta of recklessness, and of imprisonment penalty, but contained
, half the voters of thla country have appreciate or understand him. He disregard of everybody else's com- the "immunity bath" Joker. After
beenanswerlng it to their own per- is kindly, gracloua, tolerant and be- "rt. convenience, safety or rlghta. a few more years it may be possiDie
feet satisfaction)' for over. 100 yeara. nignant in speech and demeanor, and w "uppose that aome of theae repre- to send a big thief to jail.
Six. and a half milliona answered it this may not be affectation. sentations are exaggerations; a few
nnltedlylri 1896 and a similar nunj- RMvfeiier is a aublimated Pick- of tbem mT eTa be Prompted , by Perhapa cheaper concrete, mate- y0ur letter from vinnipeg und ve vas
ber in 100. Lniff- hie hvivwriav is an colossal eTir'' Dut tner doubtless a good rials for which appear to be plentl- alat to hear it dot your bealf oonUnuos
On both .occa.lon. the New York th t 'th. lt ;Mume. a shape ' h in them, and aome ful, will grow In favor aa building -e una epena.n g , j
World, which arrogates to itself a of monumental virtue. He bellevea ntomobllIsts. not by any meana all, material, and help to break up tne 8trlpM
special dispensation for determining he ia a prodigy that Is enUtled to rise arf desving of severe censure in lumber trust but we suppose that Tour mother und me va remem
The Tart boom aeema to be the only
If In a hurrr. don't wire, vrllt
Buy a good milch cow, anawfet rich,
.feuy. dashes to the pole are alow
BXfalrSi . J. t"
sore apota oa their p?l - Nobody ebeota teiaful and awes
body In uniform or out of uniform Wlaary noises, ,.; r V ,
Concerning tha little nonUr I Bverythlng la as quiet at Oyster Bar
red Jacket and the sympathetic psoplj I aa aa oyster. , . ; , ' " mj
th.t ' tn .Mun tha alx-hour day for 1 v ' .
mm. we can onjy aay r i ntawi nn a vaoauoa trip on a
them. : boswr a bors prioe. , ' . . .
Kinaness te monseys may sr,".r
i i. -1 1 a.avm. Linn... (a nn M n ran - I
. . .v,nnht I Ttn noom seem
There was a time when man Vl one left In sight
only of himself. If be can begin now
WOT w mm L AaJ formed .
providing the monkey's master be fairly wUl soon b ready to pick.
kind hearted. The monkey at least , e ;
works in the opetv ad he doesn t work But we suppose the talked-of soul
very hard. He need only show his teeth kiss haa no microbes la It.
and stretch out his hand occasionally. ,... A , e- . -
2" ..L"ra' Sr.'n'-t . H think a greatly needed re.
iuuti ii uw v- i ,r iwffl a more neer arinamg.
...k .iv r.iMrn in mines and fao-1 " vwm urlul,1S' ,
torlea have a very different sort ar a
life, a:
rested monkey Is lueky--lf bjs owner
PUUS On BIS IIIUS onain wm i'ru,
treats him too rougnir, ne.soon aiesoi i ; .. e e
consumption, and his trouoies eno. i It wasn't much ef a Job,
more rugged child endures rough treat-1 to make m Portland lid that
ment and still lives. . I ,.,,.,... ,
a arrav aor. an oia rmci nurn mui ' ml . .A . . - . . . w
A rirriM nlaeon weak with U in,r- rej ,ig,oo jonnsona in uaicagc
to a pedler.s ; carrisr Di.son weaa wim . now milll ot th.m TonsoM 1
lUU.i; ,.u T? I tin " . "
)V-I vww
It looks aa if the' big would-be paaio
( aeai
! luuay-i ftsasa v w wsuwaa wutitjr, aiurw WDVUIUi 1B n
ullv on hU little ohaia too nura, or i soon uuct (old to our a roll of it. '
st of It Is that even the vilest op- makars got
islon is slow la killing him. An iu-1 ; - .
f a.s vkaal aaaawaa awanwaaa.
fraava .vwai sjaa-aaaay ' ,
e e , .. .,
Oolden butter, sure enougb; it will
cold and fatigue,
pacing up and d
own all these excite
''Sain'a1 "jSd children ntft tn&"JM"
anT d a. and nobodT CTS much. That "Y"""" Bva wax mm private
I. tiMiuu tha ala-ht la SO oommon.
tt wa aaw around us a million monkeys
In red coats, we ahould soon beoome In
different to them. T . a ;
Time will come when Increasing Intel
ligence and wider distribution of na
tional waalth will make poverty and
wratrhadnaaa much rarer.. Perhaps wa I .. "T . r
.k.M w.n ,.Va lnar..t In tha auffar I luumppj.
ing chfldren. ss we are Interested In
the overworked monkeys now.
If the government breaks up the cor
set trust, lt will only be by a tight
e e
Wall street Is about the only part of
the country that is discouraged and
DinkeLpiel oaLooey e
By George V. Robert
(Ooprricht, JS0T, by aMrfcaaoaraal-Ezamfaier)
Home, Dls Veek.
Meln Lleber Looey Ve baf reoelfed
e e .
Dr. Hill Is says there are 44 roads to
halL He Is a young maa to have trav
eled so much.
Perhaps Uncle lam will get that f tt,
tou.ouo in time to nnisa tns ranama
canal with It
a a
Mr. Rockefeller aavs be works for tha
people. But he - slipped In 'the word
r'for" by mistake.
e e
A lot of men have made a good
deal of money in consequence of the
strike, or saved it because they couldn't
buy by wire. '
a a v
Count that day lost whose low da-
Ifl a. ' wa. . . . a a . ...
wnai is a uemocrai - inougnt air- ftboT0 mere hman laWB; that he ia
ferently. It, and the handful of not t0 De g0verned like common,
so-called Democrata who went Re- mefli wnom n, pltleg for not being
puMican witft it. thought themselves .bl. to comnrehend his great mis
orthodox, and the aeveral millions .inn n. h reailv be a bad
wrong. With "majority rule- as a man at neartt He sleeps well, he tomobUe seems to give some peo-
runaamentai in Democratic doctrine, ,. Kenlai and , forbearing, be hates P18 m1a maDIB unaer 108 In
A at . a a. . . I a I M . k - a. a .t At ... I.. ..
their use ot the country as well as aa soon as concrete becomes popular branced dot last Tuestay vas your birt'
the city highways, and their disre- as a building material there will be Lor. und ve vaa mlt you ia der
gard of others' convenience and In
a concrete trust, if there isn't one
already. The hobo is the only man
Ownership and chauffeurshlp ot an who isn't robbed.
Your Uncle Rudolph dropped la und
he vas also mlt you tn der spirits
mosuy visicey una lemons.
If you ret all der healt' dot your Un
cle Rudolph drunk? to you. Iooey. den
vlll make olt Metooselum's record
ook like der vork of a dyspeotlcated
Efery ttme dare vas a recess la der
oonwersatlonlng your Undo Rudolph
bowl und alter
mentarles of der
pmerge himself IA
OCratS to worry over the query Ot a,,nn nt Ufa and ha has ponfldenml0K.lll M a9 Wlln man ln noT Ba'- FiOT 9 n" leu UB wa"M Und ven der shades ot efening fell
. a. a. . - i i - y -a iu . i-.- iut'eni . a
A Buffalo preacher raya that hell
what a fantastic proposition now for km. -d rvhodv h fluence of which they lose their com- Is full of pcek-a-boo waists, but why
the World to name the test what la, Lmlles and jokeB Be mildly dls- mon VUM and good character and the Innocent, insensate things should vould tm jer fiowin.
or what I. not. a Democrat It M ,.. fld.v ,rhftn, h J become reckless and utterly selfish, be sent there, or bow, they escape viahing you der empn
would be equally grotesque for Dem- lovei aU th, innocent and pretty A wllw l1 th Satnrday Evening destruction by the flames he doe. tWX&J!r VlCh y0U'
roat.teua OI a riae wun a man in noi say. nor uuw u uu u u und ven der shades ot efening fell
hia WtofaVtitlir whom he had known their former wearers are wearing 2tj"0,$,
lor many yeara as a ainaiy-aiaposea, i nownia we otoer pinco. rorunya l perea py your motner, "Katnna. it any
.. what they are. merely because the
New York "paper Insists it can't find
out ' . - -
Neither a Democrat nor his pollti
- cat opponent are created or classified
by man-made recipes. Each Is the
product , of fixed sociological laws
for the working out ot human des
tiny. Both are the result of an in
evttable and never-ending struggle
i between ? human forces. Passing
events, more than at any time in halt
a century, fix the creed ot a Demo
crat The parallel between the drift
of events now and when Jefferson
with Infinite trust ' in the people
; pleaded for larger powers for them
. in governing themselves, Is, so vivid
- ,a to be almost startling. It was a
struggle against an over-atrong gov
ernment, and lt is the struggle that
baa been the history ot every nation
since the dawn of nations. It began
with the . birth of thla nation, and
will continue to Its death. It is on
. 'now. in Oregon, it is on in every
state, and it is forever on in , the
nation. A Democrat now is what
: 'a Democrat was when be opposed
r the patricians ln Rome. He is exactly
what a Democrat was 100 years ago.
; and in the words of the father of
'American Democracy, here Is his
, t, "Equal and exact Justice to all
'men. of whatever state or persua
elon, religions or political; peace,
. commerce and honest friendship with
i all nations, entangling alliances with
none; the support of the state gov
.. ernments ln all their rights, and the
most competent administrations for
our domestic concerns, and the sur
est bulwarks against anti-rep ubll-
- can tendencies; the preservation of
the general government In its whole
. constitutional vigor as the sheet an
, chor of our peace at home and safety
, abroad; a Jealous care of the right
of election by the people and a
, mild, safe corrective of abuses, which
are lopped by the sword of revplu-
tion, where peaceable remedies are
1 unprovided; absolute acquiescence ln
the decision of the majority the
vital principle of republics, from
which Is po appeal but to force, the
Vital principle and immediate parent
Of despotism; a well disciplined mili
tia -our best reliance ln peace and
for the first moments of war, till'
in future felicity.
Is all thla hypocrisy? We can't
believe lt. Such a degree of Pharisa
ism could not be persisted in success
fully. John D. is the victim of a
monstrous distortion of ethical truth
or else nearly all other men are
egreglously mistaken; he acts under
the Influence of a colossal and bril
liant delusion, and the wrongs he
has done to million, be cannot see,
d der date
or regards them aa the merest trifles, I Crossing" had no significance for us
Perhaps I pered ny your mother. "Katrl
. . i , ... , . i. . .a, a 4 i , t. miiiui riM eeen tinaae aoouia
considerate gentleman, oui wno on a- cau i 501 o iwa-.u 1 f0 Looeva first day- send me qvick vord
- 1 nnA J a m tiara a aa In mlt Imirta viahaa
frti hla Kaalt' nnA a lniivr t'lratt
formed Into a rushing demon ot the Farmers of New Tork state want Den he roiled off der front steps and
road, a "speed maniac" ot the most help. No further away than Tioga S..0 Uwn mltoula 1Uin
reckless troe. Of the trio alone a 11.60 a day and "found" awaits the . unovs. iooeyi una you vas now
. .... . 1 tventy-rour years or oiai
road through a thickly populated laborer tn the fields. New Tork chee vis! how Time has got files on
a. I tf a a v. it.l .11 a .JT ata.l a I It?
country ne says: worm, is wai am a it seems like It vas only yesterday
Sla-ns of "Blow Down" or of "Danger! hours a day work. too. Come to ?ot you vas yust a iseaie oaoy, una nere
,,. . w... n m.A.... ! . . . is lt you vas now ouia earning your own
Bharp Curve Ahead, or of Tteduce Oregon, young man, and get from llftng und alvays-i goot son to your olt
H.AAA A I"1.. II I I A. ' ax. "IIAHMMn. . L- . . . J . V. .
aa.w t - 1 ve ain't got any presents to gtt you,
worthy of no more consideration
than the earthworms that are cut
in two by the gardener's spade.
John D. Rockefeller is in reality
a criminal, with the injuries of mil
lions on his soul; be is a law-breaker,
Looey, mlt der
mother has bought
: you a bo
lars vorth of neckties, vlch vlll send a
dot your
uia eigne aoi
and were absolutely no brake upon our fields.
speed. We rushed over crossroads at
the rate of 40 miles an hour without
a, orn. uCn .-. . ... ffh W,A 0,... dr Colors.
down; we swirled around corners where "" I vas sending you yust a copy of dsr
jout waiier duo 11 aaw 1 ieeaie worses aot I maa xor you ven
A Chicago university VtfounM
the road narrowed, trusting to blind grammar.
luck that no other maniac was coming more, and could tell lt
a. . tou vii onjT vun Tear nirc
lOOUBana Xf-hha It ! dot von ouM 1IVa tn mi
from the OPDOSlte direction at the samel a, v-. v. . Ulln. I dam airaln Immii aa T Ml It dan T ai
a puoiio enemy, a lowering menace 1 pace: we whirled cast pedestrians. r .. . . I it now, Looey, und I hope it is dot some
1 read
I say
to the republic; but he cannot see I smothering them in the dust cloud
this at all; he feels no guilt; he waien xouowea us so imciuy mat you
smiles, and chatters, and charitably
forgives his persecutors, saying
fellows aa this professor rolled into day you vlll say der same idea to your
own ieeaie vun-year-oiaer,
could not see tea feet Into lt; and when
we plunged Into the dust cloud of
passing ear we could not see 30 feet
Dog Day Inventions.
Forgive them, for they know not ahead of us; but we sped on. Just the W hvr?0l?eUrCl,"ed WOnderfld
what they do."
same, and the only reason we did not
Min atAejaraa avtmaAtia was. tAaa 1 1 aiak fna w I fluA ra sit trt srl O vA NfiV lintlslA ski OflA
. m a . a, a . . I - UWnu viMWH WW sasj aVaa. U SS-3. UJt IUO I - v mm r ' " 1 .
any r"e- nocsieieiier is worxn , of Providenc no one chanced to
studying. He is Interesting psycho- be there.
That barks in the dead of night;
to ruard any house alo
And send thieves away ln flight
"What can be done about the
cost of living? Are present
conditions to continue? Will
they grow worse? Can government
help solve the problems of the house
wife? If high prices have come to
stay, how can plain people best meet
These are pertinent and pressing
This writer tells of other incidents
and Instances, and saya the citizen
who Isn't ln an automobile "has all
the worst of lt"; that "Mb rights are
We have also a curious cat-o-graph
For scaring the mice ana rats.
A patented thing that would make you
But avjewel for catleas flats.
We've a new breese-e-ola for dusting
A warranted thlna. Af Mtirae.
not even thought of by the average That does away with our rags and
man in a car," and that therefore m wavne mirtt call perforce.
strict laws are necessary and should We've an autoshaker for mixing drinks, j yen leedle eyes vas closed ln sleeb.
Ttaaa I. da. laaH). w...aa T nnaw M.d
I nai maae aem orer tn my own nana
writings like dls, yet:
Yen I come home py night times, yet
Und sit down py a chair,
Und small, vee, leedle hants dey make
Some pulllngs mit my hair; .
Und ven a wolce mltould some vords
To my wolcs has replied,
X vunder vy my face It makes
A smile yust fempf feets vldst
Ven vee, small, leedle hants dsy grasp
My vedder-beaden nose.
Und dare is klckings from a lot
-Of leedle plnk-vlte toes;
Und leedle eyes dey blink at me
Und say, "Achl I know youl"
X vunder vy I get some smiles
Dot breaks my face ln two?
be enforced regarding automobiles.
What the automobile Interest needs.
And a cracker machine for Ice:
A scrub-o-motor for cleaning- sinks
But these oy no means suirioe.
Und his vee, chuppy hant
questions, ln spite of "unexampled fT?8 RSa,Mt utomol" "
he says, "is a more rational, cautious We're in need of a psycho-electrlo chef
. . . . . ,. And a plant for consuming noise,
and considerate spirit among those For the dally racket would make- one
who drive cars"; and he thinks the jt does not share our joys,
bitter spirit In the country and small We could use a galvano-faradlo maid
in tne Klionen, ana once a waea
Xt holts my finger tight so he
Feels safe ln falrylant
X vunder vy from ouid my eyes
I brush avay der tears,
Und auk der goot Lord, "If Tou please,
Be kina tnrougn an aer years '
Yours mlt luff,
per George V. Hobart
WLat Do You Laupi At?
Tell me what Amuses yoa and 111
tell you what you are." Victor Hugo,
By Arthur Brisbane.
(Oaprrlgbt 1807. by Asiaiicaa-Joarnal-Xiamtivar)
Man Is the only animal that laughs
at least, maa says so, and we are la-
ollned to think that be tejls the truth.
' Dogs, monkeys and othsr animals
look happy, they show their teeth and
let their lips hang dowa la a funny I scendlng sun seee not a complete vlotory
h.litM. T)..t tha do not laua-h. "X won.
Man laughs, and bis laughter betrays A - . 0kltJlon,a
his character. ' stumbled over her husband's feet as he
Victor Hugo says: "Tell ma what waa kneeling In prayer la their dark
amuse you and I'll tell you what you ened room and broke her neck. The
Are. other night the husband fell backward
Laughter Indicates amusement, la one In his chair off a veranda and broke his
of Its phases. neck. What we would like some psycho-
The ordinary laughter simply Indl- logtst to consider Is the proposition
catea enlovmenL combined wlta sur-l tnai ana came paoa ana upp-a mm ever
prise. The laugh Is caused by some to get even.. Or, perhaps, because she
kind of explosion that occurs in tne longea zor me company.
brain when things turn out strangely.
When events follow the natural
course there may be amusement and
pleasure, but there Is no laughter.
There are all kinds of mirth and all
kinds of laughter ln the world. Just
as there are alt kinds of human beings.
The primitive mind of the child
laugha boisterously when a friend falls
on tha Ice or falls downstairs.
Ninety-nine men out or a nunareq are
nil " - -. . . . . .
artist buries a hatchet In the oork wig oia pigs cor sss.iv.
Oregon Sidelignti
thoroughly delighted when the comedy
artlat burlaa a hatchet In the oork wig
of his vaudeville associate, or squirts
seltser water In bis faqe la the barber
shop scene.
The higher form of intellect enjoys
ths higher wit of a Jdollere or a Swift-
wit without meaning ror tne gentleman I .rood orona
who la most violently pleased when he wm y,eia ooa 0"";
A.-AV-a..a. ..-aW Ala. Hr..A11aa SI - I af SS I 9
Vale will have a new bank, hotel and
hardware store, j;
Hop plotting wliy begin la some local
ities next week.'
.. e e
A FrSewater man sold four T-monthS-
a a !..(-.
There la aa unusual demand for
houses in Ashland.
a e
All tha bop yards around Corvalll
hatchet enters
cork skull.
Laughter Is only a mode or ex
pression. It can express brutality or
gentle kindness. ...
Ton mar see aa .ignorant stupid face
cracked with laughter at the trarlo
sight of a drunken woman. How far
removed that Is from the beautiful,
mirthful smile of an old man answer-
the lasenuous Questions ot some
a child.
sal laughter, one-hair is orutai.
noisy and meaningless, one-quarter is
A Harvey county womaa gave birth
last week to triplets.
e e
A haystacker used in" Grant county
will put up 40 tons an hour.
of trout bas
mi no
ing t
malliMoua onr nonrlv developed cbarac
ters are betrayed by our laughing at the gene dally occasionally one on time.
beea found In Meacham Creek.
Eugene's population will double with
in three years, predicts the Guard,
a a
Sixteen regular trains arrive at Eu-
A large number of families have set-
misfortunes of others. One-quartsr, per
hapsi ts the Intellectual mirth called
I0Sn Z?rAlJlZUZ. fid ia.ia4.ta. tied In northern Lake county within the
The most depressing kind of laughter I t.w m0ntha.
la not that of tha fool, as described by P"1 "w montns.
Di,MfAMA .,, . ttiat a tha hmtal man I
who laua-hs at suffering. - , Extensive preparations., are being
In the sreat Chicago slaughter bouses! n?456.'1 th Malheur oil field, and tha
uabwv mmjm. uuic.B ait. .1, 11 . AMI.,
the world will hear from the Vale oil
fields before many months pass by.'1
Leroy Bullla, a little Corvallis boy, la ,
still bedfast and suffering from - a
Fourth of July accident. In whioh his
clothing caught fire. Nearly all the
skin on his back waa burned off, and lt
is only very slowly and with difficulty
that nature la supplying new- skin. .
Woodburn Independent: It Is a dead
certainty that there win be a lara-a
number of hopyards plowed up If the
ta nira to he butchered nanr ln rows Gasette' says: "Unless all signs fall,
suspenaea oy one nina leg. moy .r,
passed along, squealing, struggling con
vulsively, to the man who cuts their
thmate and many of the spectators
laugh at those wretched animals. f,
More brutal than he who laughs at a
bleeding animal, however, Is tha man
wno laugns at a arunaea man. :. - jsj
Wath vanr friends, observe their
laughter and its causes, and yoil-wtll
soon know more about them. . r
The cynlo Is betrayed by his laugh
ter. The sycophant and flatterer laughs
The "speed maniacs" and lncar-
prosperity;' The prosperity of the
xr a cra-toa mar and small nrnnnrtv.
I nutUna st nnlltnVn.. . J
ownr Is absorbed by these con- """""" '"i"
stantly rising prices. And to high P0 fo,r ,eeIln' and "tomobll
prices are added, in a multitude of
cases, short weights and measures
The trusts control the price of
bo many necessaries that the increase
ln their cost is far beyond what it
ought to be and would be under fair
competition. Attempts are being
made to break up some trusts, but
the task is a stupendous one, and
but a small degree of success is prob
able. Farmers are comparatively
prosperouB, because they are to some
extent independent of the trusts.
They too are robbed, but since they
get good prices can stand it. But
regulars may, relieve them; the au-ithe average city man is robbed pn
every hand with no chance of get
lsts of common sense and who are
really gentlemen and have due con-
A chance at an anti-trust laundry brig
ade 4
Is a thing that our souls bespeak.
A wireless mall would make less to do.
And an aeroDlanlo bed
Would let us our hot boudlors eschew
And sleep in tns air wsieaa.
in xact we a consider
.Prince Henry of Prussia.
Prince Henry of Prussia, brothsr of
Emperor William, was born on August
14, ISO, ln Potsdam. He wss at once
destined for the naval career, to follow
in the fodtstena of his Uncle, the first
copyright oerman admiral, Prince Adalbert, to
whom tne organisation ana spirit oz tne
German navy are in a large measure
Vnr a heatleas July .today.
.. . . I - . - - . - . . - - I VK .
Blderatlon for Others ought to Join Or Indulge tn a non-cnemico me cream, aue. Prince Henry'a love for the sea
w I OUa.iIiI I a, at nnan (a ma wi a. Sti mmrmv I a a a. . . . . . in . . 1 aw
In in, niion..vt, ...,t ouuum . ;vi.. . land nil aaventurous spirit were nor
in any reasonable movement for the L. s. Waterhouse, Uuihiv e-ratifiad. when a youth, by sev-
real long cruises around the world. It
a. a. . w - ,1 .I. I w.. Im 1 1B1 Ih.l ka avaa annnSBtad t4
uihcb. vyunaiuoas aronna rortiana . .. . a T . - I the rank or lieutenant-captain. ana in
are not narlv .r. had with fanM Trom the Ladles Plctorjal. 1?92 b, attained to the -rank of captain
premacy of the civil over the mili
tary authority; economy in the pub
lic expense; that labor may be lightly
luirdcned; the! honest payment ot
vsr debts and sacred preservation of
i no yv.hUc faith;: encouragement of
f.grlruHure "and commerce as Its
r.andmaid; the diffusion of informa
tion and arraignment of . nil ykbuses
et the bur cf . public reason
Aom cf rt:.';lon: freedom fel tae
t;rc:s: frcc '.n of. the rcrsonpd
ting even by robbing his neighbors.
Wages have increased, but the cost
of living has increased more, so that
4e wage-earner is worse off . than
he was during the hard times. If he
then had a steady Job. A portion
of "the Increase la the cost of living
la... normal, proper,, yel&aonaMe, ;nt
hrsl and righU but a large portion
of it Is abnormal, factitious, wrong.
The Swiss passes are gradually being I t sea, and on September 15, 1898, that
Ui I .si avuiiiira,, . A u wan t ..u, vu
t ft k ,,(, A. T).lM..n . T .49
, . . , I - ... . . , . , I -J una a, iaoo, iu A I niuw.'. ai ana vm,
, dui mere are too many aDanaon prejuaicea wy im mmpwn, Hesse, a grsnddaughter
lready who make auto- but coupled with thls ooBcesslon , to Queen Vlcforia nd a sis-
progress tne auinonuas ox tne vvaiiis
Canton make certain ".stipulations, 1 in
eluding the by no means agreeable one
that when meeting pedestrians, .cattle
or horse drawn vehicles the man at the
wheel must steer toward the outer edge
of the road away from . the pro
tection of the inner curve toward tha
OVBRNOR JOHNSON of Minne- uua"y unprotected side bordering on
sota ia getting some apparently! Considering the dangerous 'nature of
to automobile racing as .around larare nnnad to motor traffic. The latest to 2f &e,was married,, on
!- ww - , , 1 11 n ak V at 1 Has
eastern cities
hereabouts already who make auto-
mobiling a nuisance to everybody but
deserved credit for his action
in the case of the recent Me-
saba range miners' strike, which was
ended , in short order, perhapa
through the early and firm stand he
took. The strike was promoted by
the Western Fede-ation cf Miners,
but "from- all accounts was f ore
dooraed to' failure, aa there .was no
serious complaint of conditions' on
the" part f the miners,, who I were
crtoiiiu jm-t art tie peos.l tot&f jxiot ' really. In' f jmsaUi; srith the
mountain motoring at Its best, one may
well be excused If this rule does not
of the i late
sister of the pres
ent Csarina of Russia. In 1901 Prlnoe
Henry made an extended tour of tha
unnea titates ana was everywnere ac
corded a most enthusiastic reception.
S00 francs on the first conviction and
double that amount afterward. The per
mit of ( francs (thrifty Swiss), can
be obtained at ths Gendarmerie at Brig
and at Grondo, oa either side of the
pass. . . ' ''fr1 .V -iT--'
, ' A Watermelon., , ,-
" 'The directors are cutting a melon
- Ah, Indeed? -Surplus earnings, 2 sup
pose." .. v,--- ' s .
-"No: the proceeds of a ' new : stock
lSSUe." '- '?'-n,';?S,-iV';f; AjlT'--?--
Dh, a jratanaatoa..... ' , - i
Not So Bad.
V From the Astoria Budget. ,
' The cry bas beea heard that this has
been a poor fishing season and so it
haa from many points of view, but so
far .as. Its effect on . the city at large
in a commercial way Is concerned It
bids fair to be a good one. In the
first place the great majority of tha
catch has been taken by the glllnet
ters and fully 75 per cent- of the salmon
caught have ' been large fish whioh
brought not less thaiv 7 cents per pound.
Thla means the distribution of a large
sum of money among ths working clas
ses, the men who purchase their sup
plies at home and patronise the local
people whenever they buy anything.
They are the bomebullders and ' as
the money which goes to the glllnet
ters Is distributed among a large num
ber, much Of It Is certain to finally
find its way Into the vommsrcial chan
nels. :;;-;::,i:v;-iX.v..T:
n his own oily way. The man of evil
mind betrays himself ln his mirth.
The human laugh spells out ths hu
man characsfr.
Laughter and tears are close together,
and each in a way Is a sign of weakness,
of intellect unable to control the passing
emotion. '
It Is probable that the greatest men
laue-h the least and weeD the least
There was certainly a hundred times as
much laughter In any negro slave's
cabin as tn the home of John Brown.
Good health, of course, stimulates
lauarhter: childhood Is sad without lt.
earth would be dull without lt. The
man who makes others laugh does good,
for In laughter man forgets himself,
and we need to forget ourselves at
times. ,
On the whole, it is safe to say, the
more laughter the less thought. The
loud, harsh laugh "speaks tne vacant
After vou read this, notiea the next
few laughs that you hear, and see what
you make out oz tnem.
Anybody can tell a fool by his laugh:
It takes a little closer observation to
tell the hypocrite, the cruel man, the
sycophant and tha thoughtless.
Her Letters.
Yearly by the lake or mountain,
Yearly by stream or shore,
She hies away for the summer.
Till the redhot days are o'eri
And daily by mall her letter, ,
uomes wiw its wan or care:
"Oh, look In the dresser, lovey,
And send me that 'rat' of hair!"
Fond la br beautiful patience
When resting by lake or ses.
She turns from her latest novel
With ever a thought for me:
And so. In the morning early,
wer postal - is nanaea in:
"Look on the bureau, darling,
And send me that green hatpin r
Ever from where she jwanders, r
Lake, or -valley, or Kill,
She shows in her dreamful daUlanoe
She knows X am Jiving still -
For, morning, and noon, and evening
Faithful her letters pour;
"Now don't you forget to water
That rubber plant by tne door!"-
' Baltimore Sun.
This Date la History. . '
HSiiFlve persons executed ' for
Witchcraft at Salem, Massachusetts,
, m capitulation ox et, Sebastian.
1782 British wsrshln Royal Geora-e
sunk near Spithead, ' r ;
11 Steamship Tsutpnlo broke the
trans-Atlantlo record. - Time. S dava is
hours and SI minutes." a -
l9t-i-Boller explosion la a hotel at
Ueaver, Colorado, killed 29 persona. ,
growers do not receive a fair pries lor
tnis season's crop, it is stmpiy busi
ness with them. If hop - raising doe,
not pay, there are other crops that igUsf
a a
8eavey's Point, on theaS2Kensie
river, has long been famous as the
home of reptiles, the people living near
there claiming It is tha greatest rattle
snake producing community ln the Wil
lamette valley. It la also said that ths
Gila monsters ars there, the llsard-llka
creature whose very breath is said to
ne poisonous.
a a
Burns Times-Herald: The steady In
flux of new people hunting homes In
the Harney country continues and there
is no falling off. New people come
every day and but few leave. They sea
at once Its possibilities and the question
of a market no longer has any weight,
as all are convinced that by the time
they have the land properly prepared
and ready for a crop the railroad will
be here to take the products to market..
"An East Side Bank for East Side
Commercial Savings
' Corporations and individuals de
siring reliable banking connect
compounded semi-annually $1.00 -only
is reaMlred to start a Sav
ings Account " '
George W. Bates.?, ...President
- 7. S. Birrel. .Cashier.
-. .