The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 19, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Unh Contestants in Every Dirislon ,WIU Select Them.;
. Ballots In Journal Subscription Contest Develops a
New Leader District No. 4 Takes First Place.
V Sr Strang cotoddanc th fifteenth
' wouat f ballots happen U b for an
' ubscrlptlona taken by ontatanta p
to Anguat II. Thoe who lad thlr r
1 pctlv divisions on tb count of th
" '-fetes, M wu announoed, hav th right
(to invite Mr on friend to go oa a trip
to Alaska, all th expenses of th trip
to b paid br Th Journal
" Th toordlng of subscriptions and
; the counting of ballot waa oarrlod oa
. -all day yetrday, and too roault Indi
, tcated below waa arrived at last night
Tho winner, as Indicated in th acora,
-wro lmmdlatlr notified br latter and
.telephone to report the name Of their
appointeaa who are to hav the Uoketj
rto Alaska, " -
The tourtnr narty wCQ a' aa arnaatt
,f The Journal, and the newspaper will
ail aotuai traveling expenses iron
time . the part
'. . , - , .
ntn tho return. , -
Tho ladle and gentlemen ao forto
nate aa to be invited br the leading
raninuinif to Decom memoer ox inn
party are requested to meet the man
ager fTb Journal at hla office oa
Saturday, August 14. '
The steamship Jefferson, which will
vm.TTj me excursionists ta aoneauiea to
aail from 8rttle Aucuit IS.
The eonteat for the acholarahlpe and
for th bar of gold continue, and will
Dot and until' early la September.
There i etlll room 'for new oontest.
ant to enter th ooaUat and to ahare
In the awarda of the contest Every
town In Ore iron, no matter how mall.
snouia rarnian at leasi one csmiiaste.
There are worthy boya and girls in the
oountry, who, through thla oonteet, can
gala the advantage which' -they long
hiT wished for. Anrone Interested
should call on or addreee The Conteat
Manager, Th Journal, Portland. Ore-ion.
ht ""U' as
Beailo Gaylord Ooea to Lead of Tha
Journal Subscription Contest.
oaf Parlor Xoada Afl Comteatantai . Ttlatrlot yaanbet a,
' Conteat dlatrlet No. 4 eompriae aQ af aaatant Oregon, and aaatera Waahtng
' foa, Conteatanta la thla dlatrlot ootnpata with one another and alao agaiaat
'. all other oonteataata.
I Beesie Gaylord of North Powder, haying attained the hlgheat etandlng In
; tthja dlatrlet for all aubeoriptlona reported up to August It, earna the right to
Appoint, for a free trip to Alaska, any friend of education of her own ohooetng,
1. Bessie oayioro, norm
........ . . . . .s.ovv
Powder. Ore ron. .
1 I. Opal Caiimon, oiez. Oregon...
' a. Adam Murray. Dayville. Oresron
4. Mattla Fanley. hiayyille, Oregon , 11,810
, t. Lilian Cochran. Monument Oregon 16.100
. Curtis L. Comm. Waplnltia, Oregon.... 7.660
I. Cecil Irving. Harney City, Oregon.. 1.710
' ' ( Alio X. Prto Lttti AH to ataltaemaa Ooaatr Olatrlo sTamber X.
Thia contest dlatrlet is mad ap of Multnomah ounty and Includes Portland.
, tonteataaU la thla dlatrlet compete with on another, and at th same time
f with all conteatanta ta other parts of th northwest '
Alice BL Prlo entered the oonteat but three weeks ago to earn a acholar
t ship In alnging. Bhe has made a daah to the lead In thla dlatrlet and - has
aaptured one of the ticket! to Alaska. She is now high among the caah prlaes.
.1. Alio E. Prto. Lenta. Or...... 91.116
I. Hilda vrant, 7ii wuiaraeii aouieyara. roruana, ur...... ts.iro
I, William Kusaeit XI4 Lmponi street, roruana, ur...
f 4." Alta M, Wilcox. CI eon. Or
Marl Bmnn, til Chapman street Portland, Or........
.11 -. i mmm rm . -. n. . i mtM r
Kay h. Moore, Troutaaie. ur....
Olivia Reeder. Pauvles Island. Portland. Or....
John Kan no. 1601 Flake street Portland, Or...........
May Pendergrass, Bis Barter a treat Portland, or. .
Oscar Haugen. 670 Tillamook street Portland. Or..
Herbert Muenger. lis Bpencer etreet Portland, or.
J. A. Guy. 4U Eaat Twenty-eighth street, Portland. Or.
Kaymono HoweiL HOiorooa, or
a Li. ri mmm T . . T. . 1 A
Edward McManon, oo Tweiftn street rortund. or.
Cecil A. Jamea, 1(6 Bevanth atreet Portland. Or...
IVraglaa McKay. 147 Taylor street Portland, Or...
Chrlatla Burkholder. Latourelle Palla, Or.
:5 s.
: .
', 16.;
I ft
' Alloa 9. Cfnurt fcaada Orar AH la WUlamett Yalley District Vtunbet a. .
f Contest dlatrlot No. I comprises the Willamette valley except Ifaltnomah
s aouaty (which forma a district by lteelf) aa far south aa Eugene. Conteatanta
. la thla district veompat with on another and at the a me time with all
conteatanta la, all parts tof Oregon.
;'Alle D. Grant, as yerybody hsa predicted, has won th call on th Alaska
. aicuraion In District No. f. Her present standing gives her a strong lead on
. the scholarships and cash awarda in that district
f. t. Alice I. Grant Dallas. Or. n non
Earl Heckurt CorvaJlla Or. u IK 198
Harlin Talbert Albany, Or...... 16,600
reter tseuice, cnemawa, ur. 16.036
winona Ogden. Forest Oror. Or. 11,770
aienmo nowenwx, k. m. u, no. a, corvauis, ur.
Glean K. Walker. Albany, Or.,
Lulu Smith, Clatskanla, Or. , . . . .
jy... j, reroy ea, ava wainut atreet, Aioany, ur.. , jo.BOS
Jl. Blanche ' Belshaw,-Eugene, Or...,. ,. 9,760
.., tm Ki. ja, ocnrira, uregon tJity, r. ............ .
i It. i PTaajIa Rlrerman, Rr F. D."No. 1, Cornellua
Meda Caldwell. R. r. J), No. t, Albany. Or.,..
Herry Chaav Eugene, Or... ...
laan Waterloo, or.........
' Leona Pinckney, Bt Helens, Or....... .......
x-.iiiiiiA jnunr, xuiinmro, vr .. ......... .
Halbert Hawken. Lebanon. Or. , . .
H.A. Wood, Uarrlaburg, Or.
"ji v Oeellla Weesela fcea4a for Soutbera Oisgou Plstrlot sTnmber a.
; Contest district No. t Includes all that part of Oregon south of Eugene and
i th ooaatlea of Oregon bordering oa th Paclfio ocean. Contestants In this
j district compete agalnat one another, and at the aam time agalnat oonteataata
la all other parts of the northwest
Caeflla Wessela. leafllnr this district In all votes caat tin ta Annie IK
f aarna the right to name a friend of education to become a guest of The Jour
w in n excursion id Aiasaa.
Cecilia wessela, Oardl-r. Or.......... , 16,100
Auurtj niMNu, urann rail, Ur. ..... ... W.5IS
Aniae Hewitt Roaebura. Or. .150
Lewis F. Herbage, Mdford. Or. 640
j Hiss Daisy Wilcox In behalf of her
i alster, Alta M. Wilcox, last week made
an excursion over the, 'Narrow Gauge"
i P. for subscrlptiona Bhe won over
t to The Journal many new patrons.
y Misa Wilcox la on of the girls who
lean carry on. publlo work with that
; fine tact and ' diaeretlon which com
; tnanda the admiration of people with
i the most exacting Idea of eonventlon-
allty. 8he la enterprising and vigorous.
earnest and sincere la purpose and
(truthful In atatement - ,
(, Mart Plnd rrteada.
Cecil Splcer of SIB Clay etreet who
' Is earning his own aeholarship because
tl mother baa aix other children ' to
, eiducate. has lust returned from a cam
. 'ga!gn for subscriptions In tho eastern
; nd of Clark county. Bpioar'a efforts
aw. mmmI&jI 11- . rt. . -.-.A
eMighbors and acquaintances - of his
will win a scholarship and cash prise
If he oontinuea to make frlenda.
Teat of Xioraltr.
Miaa Mattla Fenley who started out
aa one of the leaders of the conteat has
not been giving much time to gather
Ing subscriptions sine ah moved to
eastern Oregon. If ah bad worked
every day one of th Alaskan toura
would have been hers. In the begin
nlng while aha was la Portland ah
demonetrated her ability to gat votes.
Meanwhile, her champion. Ralph Aim
Allot) ' E. Priea,
meteoric flight
who hai made
through contest
tr, keeps up her standing by taking
subscriptions for her in Portland. A
rouns man who will canvass for a rlrl
certainly atanda the teat or loyalty.
Hiking for aubaorlptlona.
Harlin Talbert, one of the Albany
conteatanta, haa made a record "hike"
for aubacrlptions and he la atill on th
march. He Is now In Coos county.
When lsst heard from Talbert was
beginning the canvass of Coquille City
ana n preaioia mat ne win ao wen,
A . Progressive Step ; In Greater Value Giying
' - ' V , '.-.''- - . 1 ' ss ' ' V . ' a. 6 '' ! r aa '"' " 41 . ' ' ' " a J. - t at
lumping into an awful rapid atride. ; rrofiti ,are left at the post, vaiuea nave we mount on aii our tnorougnorea
Jow we are off rounding the first quarter curve and pounding down the price turf at every , step.' We arc going
ime- and after our own record the, furniture record of the northwest and we will win are bound to win. For
the backing of the citizens of Portland and of Oregon for a place, and that place first The store of highest qu
S)t price and best treatment the furniture house of I. Gevurtx & Sons, on Yamhill. s-v,:--''-::,vv. y-.'V
ity, loweSt price
Elaborate Brass Beds at Most Ordinary Prices
Finest showing of these in the northwest Beds that are model productions', by masters of the bid school, offering in their
own beautiful design and pattern the grandest ideas of metal bed craft . . ' i f , ' r - V : -;
$85.00 Bed $49.50
$1.00 Week
$60.00 Bed $39.50
$1.00 Week
.Don't Delay
Every bed is bound to go. , More1 were
sold today than we expected. Don't wait
until Wednesday but come early Tuesday.
$77.50 Bed. $49.00
$70.00 Bed $41.00
'il$L00 a Week
$45.00 Bed $29.00
: ....... .'$1.10. Week '':v
$27.50 Bed $16.50
l: , ttll a Week; ' ' .'
'j " i Bal in 'n t k i n ' 1
Are bwer than were ever placed on aticU
furniture. It means an absolute money
loss to the house on every bed. No other
store would attempt to name such prices.
i 1 1 ' 1
Bel,er 1 1. GEVURTZ i SOFsJSl m m
Fnrailure on Yomhin Money
JliJaS Ji-.,T4e Albany, boy haa selected a fine
.4a flfiSrenfieldrfor vtherlng aubacrlptions to The
- 1M75 I Journal. The Portland evening newn-
B,7tS -Nr
81! . ,Jl
too ?f " ptfmi-tf
,400 '"
" . J
1 V'f fKv.V.'M VI
I I f mil nl i" mm' fitiriWSilriin'ii -f'
1 VVIii
, :vII
.... ::;:;;"::;:;:;';:i':j;::::':
fc i,JSaAXawWAsKiiawrtCwLv -a '-.ft-iati
Here they arc.
Last call on Straws.
If yours is soiled,
faded or worn you can
get a brand new one at
half price, to finish out
the season in style.
$10.00 Panama Hats
$7.50 Panama Hats
$5.00 Panama Hats
: All Straw Hats at
half price.
1C5 ar.d 168 Third St,'
. J'chawk Bldj,.
AIlc D. Orant, Persistent Leader ot
Oonteat District No. t.
family about Camas and Waahongal
gave him mors oonteat votea in leaa
than a weak than ha previously had e
peoted to secure during the whole con
ITeedx Help STow.
Cecil Splcer I th son of Mrs. Dr. I
V, Wright of as, Washington. Ho Is
17 years of aa. After finlahing th
common aohoola of Camas th boy cam
to the Portland nigh scnooi and ne naa
been maklna hla way there. Through
The Journal contest he 1 striving for
the means to continue me education.
Naturally, a poor boy going to school
in such a large eity as Portland haa
not had the ODDortunltv to buUd UD an
acquaintance with people or means, eucn
an acquaintance in a campaign for year
ly aubscriDtiona. nald In advance, would
be very valuable. But Juflt as he malcea
his way In school. Splcer must now
make hla war in the conteat He must
find the frlenda with funda to advance
tneir suDeeripwons Tor mm just as n
neeas inem. Ana ne neeas inera now.
oor Peopi Ax Oenerou.
Strange as It may aam It is nv-
ertheleee true that th most -of th
money which la belna contributed aa
subscriptions in aid of th contestants
comes rrom intelligent people or very
limited meana. The wage' earners are
ready in tfee support of their candidates.
The farmers are especially generous in
sJdlng the young people. ' ,
Ther - have been several notable a
eeptlona to thla rule. One wealthy Port
lander who haa don much In aid of
yOUng Deonla mntrlhitA tnnr
subacrlptton to HUda Brant Several
Other people of meana have shown an
actual Interest in other candidates.
Splcer entered the conteat after It had
got well under nut h i h..
wUkjspur;a aa itttrmlsaUOB and toaj.
Alta M. Wilcox, gaining votes rapid
ly in Toe Journal contest. Photo
by Browning.
paper enjoya th advantage of one day
In time over the mornlna Danera of
Fortiand and other cities and the peo
pi ox vjoob county want xne journal.
The Coos bay aettlements are diffi
cult to reach by land or by water. But
now mm. ne is on in ground xaiDert
will nave no trouble. The towns are
close together on the navigable rivers
and bays and the farms are all within
psaeaaBj--psaajP-(iiij y l ypeaj-i TfWffrP
mmf iiipfcfip
Harlan Talbert Made Record March
for Contest Votes.
a few minutes of launch transporta
tion from the town a
By th time thia notice Is published
Talbert will have canvassed all the
towns and will be concluding hla ean
vaea of the farms by rowboat Tho
letter In which he tells of bis ride of
1ZI miles over the Coast Ranee of
mountalna, from th railroad at Bos?
burg to Coquille City, Is aa folio we:
"1 and a cousin of mine left Rosa.
burg At 7 o'clock the morning of the
11th. we naa one wheel between s
and took turna riding and walking. We
' Tax Iniattta and CUldren,
Tfc j K!:. j Yrj Hava Always Bougtt
; 8aar tt '
.eignatort of
kept ahead of the Roeeburg-Myrtle
Point stage acroaa the mountalna for
4 mues when we atoppea ror tne nigni
at 7:10. I took three yearly aeml-
weekly aubaorlptlona that day. Can
anv of -the conteatanta beat this hla
IngT We got through to near Coquille
at 1:10 the next day. about 80 miles.
I do not feel as X notice any difference
over this long wane.
I will write more In regard to this
county and my experiences later."
Hallo Bos Votes.
Peter Seltlce Is making a wide repn
tatlon among th United States Indian
Uraining achoola of the country-y hla
r , j.. . . .
prominenoe. in 1111 juuriwi oumv.
Bubscrlptioce are coming to him from
a distance. One arrived yesterday from
Oeorg J. Fanning, Crow agency, Mon
, Adam Murray has written one sub
scription for the Mlssea M. A. Noble,
1TJ High street, Elgin. Scotland. A
number of. aubacrlptions have been
taken br contestant for foreign post
oflcea. People In the United States
cannot choose a better present for
friends Irving abroad than to aend the
Semi-Weekly Journal.
Mlna A. Jones while keeping up her
work at the ator. manage to file one
or more aubacrlptions every day. Thia
Haws that she is dolnr her best to
better her condition and that she Is
finding people who enow tne rignt ama
of appreciation for her noble efforts.
Miss Lilian A. Cochran of Monument
haa been retarded In her conteat work
by sickness.
Sari Heckert of Corvallls haa made
a conaiderable advance In his score.
Every day he proves Ms ability as a
solicitor and the generosity of the good
people of Corvallls. The Corvallls
people have a lesson every day in the
year of the beneflta of education from
the work which th Oregon State Ag
ricultural college la doing there.
Winona Ogden of Forest Grove has
been doing splendidly at Troutdale. It
Is marvelous what a great number of
subscriptions ean be secured In a small
town by a clever contestant Moral:
No town In Oregon but what Is large
enough to afford enough aubacrlptiona
by which a young person can win one
of The Journal's scholarships. And
there la time enough yet before the
contest eloses.
(Joans! Special Berrtae.l
Colorado Sprlnga, Colo., Aug. II.
Every arriving train is bringing large
delegations to the national convention
of the Knights of Khorasaan, which I
to begin its aesalon hers tomorrow. The
Khorasaan form the social and fra
ternal adjunct to Pythlanlsm In tho
same manner that tne Mvatle Shrlnera
are the spectacular branch of Masonry.
The organization has nearly 150
temples In various parta of th United
States and an aggregate membership
of 22.000.
The social and entertainment fea
tures form an Important part of the
convention program. Tomorrow even
ing there la to a grand ball and recep.
tlon In honor of delegates and their la
dles. The big parade and prise drill
will ha held Thursday. Other features
of entertainment arranged for the vlst-
'ITH one ribbon and its new
three-color device
is virtually three typewriters in
one. It produces indelible black,
purple copying or red type
writing at the will of the ope
rator. One ribbon and a small:
easily operated lever do it all.
This machine permits not only
th oa of a three-color ribbon,
bat also of a two-color oralor
color ribbon. No extra cost
for this 1906 model. ,
I4T Stark St, Portland, Or.
tors Include trips to th Garden of th
Gods, Manltou, Pike' a Peak, Cripple
Creek and other place of Interest In
ims vicinity.
(Special Dispatch to Tb JooraaLi
Rainier. Or.. Aug. It. The naat week
haa aeen the operations of the mills
and campa resumed and big veaaels are
now onarierea to iana at Maimer aooK
ror cargoes. :
Th Rainier at earn laundrv la now
In full operation, being tho first Indus
try of its kind in Columbia county. It
la meeting with much auccess.
At the schoojhou, which t being
greatly enlarged, ther 1 now being In
stalled a new heating system.
Preferred Stock Canned- ffooda.
Alien ft juewis- eesx jsrana
A trifle of tea in a dainty
cup has in it, a world of
rest or of stimulant wha
is the rime o'day ?
A Schilling & Company San Frandsoo
The J. M. Acheson Company's big store and factory plant. Fifth and
Alder streets, la conoeded to be the beat equipped and practical in th
West Lighting system unexcelled. Th company 1 aeven years old
started with a capital stock of 12,000 capitalised now at tltO.OOO. Haa
a paid-up capital of about $80,000, and additional subscribed stock of
124.000. Assets about $160,000. not including unsubscribed stock. LI
bllltiea leaa than one third the aaaeta. Doing a business of over S1B0,
000 a year. Unsubscribed capital stock is for sale in amounts of 1100
up no per cent Interest or dividend guaranteed alao trad dlacount al
lowed stockholders on all gooda purchased by them In the ator. In
connection wita in. uepanment store i men's tailoring and woolens:
alao a grooery store. You can save enough on- your grocery bills to
cloth yourself. The company owns the flva-story brick, Its ladiea' gar
xiiwi. Mv.vif, wnuiig aiiu Krooery aeparcmsniB nr
Vary good asset Isn't It? Subscriptions can be mad fo
monthly aaving payment. Call, drop us a card, or Ml In
ar located In.
for weekly or
In th. 1 ntlAfi
.llh...lnH.M f.. n imAIIM rni AAmlim L A . . . I I . .1 T
same and malt it to us and we will call and complete your connection
with th company. .
X, th -mderatgr-ed, "hereby subs crib for. ... ,. , . . , ,'. .share
of th Capital Ptook of The 9. x. AahesOa Company. Ta prise of
said. Capital (took la th par-rain of Oa Dollar (91.00) per shar,
payibl as follows 1
Th Inoorporated Capital Stock of Th 9. Tm Aches on Company la
Ob ataaared Fifty Thonaaad (150,000) shar, noa-asaeaaabla.
- glgaaA i
. C. R, PEA KB
t . A. J. FARMER ; ;
t. as. ACxxiQar,
- Prealdemt.
T. X. BTB09X, - -
cretary aad Attorney.
Success Through
The saving of money is the secret of suc
cess for the rich and poor alike Fortunes
are built and distress averted by the adop
tion of this principal.
Start a Savings Account with us at once.
You owe it to yourself and those dependent
upon you. Get one of our neat leather-cov-
crcu x-utitci oavings joaiucs xo aia you. we
will assist you by furnishing the bank and by
paying you 4 per cent interest on your
money. Call or send for our new booklet,
Merchants Savings and
Trust Company
CAPITAL FULLY PAID. , , . , . .$150,000
J, Frank Watson....,.,.;... ......President
R. L. Durham. , .Vice-President . '
, W;'U-Far. ...,......,.., , .Secretary v
8.. C. Catchlngf, , ........... .Assistant Secretary
O. W. T. Muellhaupt. .....Cashier ' .
" Si r- iiKUti I Pw Geneves: miDiwni and ?,
XZImZ " "r?" f tnmmmVL'- OC'f JCf &
23 Ad canla.' avail Wna-T '- k.uJ I . ---"m
A CAN OR MAILED BY U5. -Zy0- i r am
r. .