The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 19, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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s Apple Big Enough for Horses Breakfast
Dr.'. John Eoaclf Straton
Draws Strong Picture of
V . Mistaken Alliances.1
and Boy s'f GlotKing
tVf" ' a -, . i
AnDt to Replace) Spiritual lif
J With World' PrlrolltlM or With
. , Science and Philosophy Leads Only
to Crushing Disappointment
o'nzrtnnviiEXini-niffinv'!;-' a n'-'rc
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' Dr. John Roach Straton preache pa.
, tnrdav morning and evening the
white Templa At the evening eefvloe
ha look for his text the tf ntitli versa
of the twenty-eighth chapter or. isaiaa.
Tor tba bad is ahortar 'ftnan that
T man oan stretch himself on It and tha
covering ' narrower than that, ha o
. . i ' r
. wrap nimseu m : a .
;. Zn discussing tha historical Bitting of
tha text, Rr. Btraton ahowad that Israel
' ' was thraatsnad at tha time by a great
' Assyrian invasion from tha north, Tba
'country naa lost us """i1.",,"' -wm-derlng
away from Ood and falling Into
tha iaoi worsnip piwrnow ,bj . u
t..Kjn natlona around it.
fl their weakness and desperation
' they finally resorted t the Idea or an
alliance with Egypt on tha south, hop
ing through such an alliance to gain tha
' ' atrengta neoessary to meet tha Assyrian
invasion. But the ringing .words of tha
old prophet sounded out telling them
that such an alliance between God's
' chosen people and a heathen nation
' would work for them only veiatlon and
n,T,here are soma in every age," con
tinued Dr. Btratao, "who endeavor to
make their alliance for Intellectual and
spiritual peace, with philosophy. They
endeavor to substitute science and. phi
losophy for religion, but this always
leads to disappointment ana sorrow In
the end. But another man seeks hap-
Slnsss- without Ood by making his al
anoe with . pleasure. .
. "Pleasure Is a good thing, but when
we beoorne Immersed In it. It separates
us . from .that .spiritual atmosphere
which Is the very breath and life of the
souL Another, man makes an alliance
with morality, but wa need something
mora than our weak resolution and our
fee:e moral might. ' Thank Ood that we
have the sufficiency of Jesus Christ.
"Man-Is made ta be a religious being
Men's Threes
Piece Suits :
Men's Outing
$25.00 Thrce-Picce
$20.00 Three-Piece
HI" v
:$2.50 Outincr ' -
1 Trousers . . ............ J
5.50 Dutlnir ; "i fla Wv
, Trousers. v. . . v.;V,'..-wU7
$5.00 Outing ; ; . : ( J 'JC
Trousers.;.,. . . . . . )t)00
An apple measuring nearly la-tnchss
la elronmf erence, one of , tl almllsr
specimens grown on a tree by K. W,
Myera,'vof Douglas county, has been
brought to the Portland Chamber of
Commerce and will be preserved - by
Custodian Miller. The apple belongs to
the variety known as the Twenty-Ounce
Pippin. . Its, weight is 11 ounce It Is
not an annsoal specimen of this vari
ety. - Tha Umpqua valley, where these
apples are , common, la proving to be
one of tha best fruit growing sections
01 uo state.
and until ha gets Into his life tha Joys,
comforts and peace of religion he can
never- attain his highest possible self
nor will be reach , the highest possible
happiness, usefulness and joy."
Advanced Religion Views Are
Accord With the Gospel.
regatlon last night
relation of religion and science
Before a large
Everett M.
reached on the
t the
Taylor Street .Methodist - church. . Rev.
Dr. Hill stated that both work In har
mony one with the other and that ad
vanced , religious views are in . accord
free Scholarships for Boys and Girls in
Leading Educational Institutions. '
-"' MSMBjBasMBasjsaasBiBBBaMeBnssMbBBaBJessaaBsBBBBsBBBBasBBBaa
"',1..' . , , :
Sums of Cash Also to Be Distributed Among Industrious
. . and Meritorious Students Who Participate in
, , The Journal Educational Contest
with the teachings of tha Bible. He
said in part:
"I havs rsad the syllabua of
Plus X In which he publicly declares that
the church, meaning, of course, the Ro
man Catholic church, Is tha enemy of
natural and tneoiogicai science.- or
course, remembering the history of this
great church and how Galileo was
forced to recant from his declaration
that the sun did not stand still when
Joshua commanded It we are not aur-
rtsed at this utterance. But as for
the Infallible pope uttered It That Oed
has given us a book that Is the wonder
of the ages and will continue to be. Is
one of the great and blessed facts of
our uvea
. "Soma time ago I saw the announce
ments of how an antl-lnfldel lecturer
was going to lecture against the higher
critics and evolutionists and other ras
cals who attack the authority of the
Bible.- Think for a moment of calling
manop rnuups prooss an innaei De
cause ha had advanced religious views!
Think ' of olasslna Professor Hanrv
Drummond with the Infidels because he
a devout oaiiever in evolution!"
the great universal church of Ood belni
opposed to natural and the
science, I deny It as readily as
STUDENT! mat are you going to do during vacation t Have 4-ott decided wtiai
. school or college yon win attend next year! if not, how would a scholarship
in one of the following excellent scnoois suit tout
J!, - -
Km Kllltary Aeadsmy fog boys, Fort-
. Oregon.
tuition, laundry and
Two scholarships;
with board, room, tl
other Items, amounting to $560. Another
scholarship a a separata prise for tui
tion, value $120.'
at, Vary's Institute, Beaverton, Ore
gon. One scholarship In academlo de
partment, Including leasons on any in
strument; also board, room, etc value
St. Helen's XalL day and boarding
school for girls and young ladles. Port
land, Oregon. Vwo scholarships. Includ
ing noon meal-
Whitman Collage, Walla Valla, Wash.
Scholarship '.in the : Conservatory of
Music, value iioo.
' Willamette Tnlreralty, Salem, Oregon,
i wo scnoiarsnips. una in anner coiiei
or nreDaratorv denartment. value 26
'. the other . In the mualo department
vaiue 9100.
Sanaa Collage, Dallas, Oregon. Schol-
, arship In olther academlo or college, de
partment, vaiue to oo.
Portland Aoadamy, rortlaad, Oregon.
Day scholarship in ' either college or
aoaaemie aepanment, . gooa lor one
: year, value 1120. .
i ' ltn. Walter Bead, Portland, Oregon,
. -j earner or voice ana singing, wessons
to tne vaiue oi iue.
Koifflnnvllie Oollasra, KoaOanvtUa,
' Oregon, two . scuoiarsnips. una in
either academlo or college aenartmen
- value 60: one in . the department o;
mualo, value 1(0.
Faoirla muvarslty. rorest Orors, Ore-
scholarship in the same to the value
260. i
Znternatlonal Oonssrratorr of in-
Of ends, manager, Faclle aoaat dl
vision, rortlana, Oregon. Three schol
arships; 'he wlnmrs to have their
cnoice or -any - or tne rive different
courses taught by this conservatory;
namely, piano, organ, violin, mandolin
and r itar; scholarships Include sheet
music, all ' (ructions and the stringed
ii.iiuiuoni ii siriagea instrument
cvui-Bea are aeiectea.
Oregon Bxpert Oolli
O.ia scho
goa. on scliolasrhlp
typewriting, value 272.
. rea, ' Two scholarships. One day) schol
warship In the academv or college; value
u. une acnoiarsnip .or a gin with iw
I months' - instruction In music; - board.
. i room, etc, in nemca nail. iou.
raotfie College, Sewner. Oregon. One
in elm
epartment for on
S. Max 2Cyer, 843 Alder street, lort-
; department
ler oolleae or acade -
for one school year.
land, Oregon.
One acholarshin rnati tor
19 nour instruction in drawing, oil -r
j water. color "aintlng or sastal.
Kolmas' Bnslaess OoUega, Vortlaad,
vregva. rj.:r ecnomrsnips; one oom-
bined scholarship one year, value .100:
one academlo or civil service scholar-
Ship, .one year, Jioo: choice of either
- S commercial or snortnand scnoiarahips.
.,. six mooui, ov, nignt course, any ct
. partment one "ear, 220.
Bennxe-waixer nsinsss college,
Portland, Oregon. Four scholarships
' for 12 months' combined course, value
I loo: one scnoiarsnip Tor months' com
bined course, value 185; one scholar-
snip lor montns' -course, value 270
- one scholarship for months, either
- snortnana or Dusineas course, value 260.
r Baker City Bnslaess College, Baker
7ny, yregon. ucnoiarsnip ood .for- one
rear in snortnana, commercial, Kng
Ish, cdvertlslng and penmanshin
courses, value luu.
Znternatlonal Oorresnoadanee Sohools
of Scranton, Pa- Portland agsaoy 814
' Moray Bide H . Bead, manager. Two
scholarshirs; choke of 2100 tuition in
any of the numerous -or helpful
-courses except language course or I
. courses In locomotive running; another
age, Portland, pre.
in teiegrapny and
mrmnip m leiegrapny, typewriting and
station f 'e work, value 2100.
Portland Bnslnsss CoUsgs, Portland.
Oregon, A. P. Anritrocg, principal.
Four acholarshlps. us follows: One for
iiJ0""1"' J" comDinea course, value
2100; one for months in combined
course, value 2S5; one for months in
combined course. val-:s 270: ons for t
i snonnana or business cours
Temlllw S60.
Boae City Bnslnsss College,' Portland,
Jlned course for one school' year, value
i0; one C mon' is' co'irss In shorthand
Father O'llara's Discourse Given Be
fore Many Protestants.
The Papal Syllabus," that important
edict recently Issued from Rome deal
ing with the . attitude of the Catholic
Church toward (Scientific nroareaa. we
tne subject preached upon by Father
Edwin O'Hara at the 11 o'clock mass at
the Catholic cathedral yesterday morn
ing. Careful research snd knovMn
ox vne auojcci eioog out in tne sermon.
In view of tho fact that the subject
naa ram announcea ma cnurcn wa
tilled yesterday with many not of the
Catholic faith.. Father O'Hara. baIA In
"It will be said that the church binds
wKiuuiica o Deueve 'Tnat tne HlDle Is a
vent a Die text dook or science, notwith
standing tne obvious fact that any of
u.e scientino conceptions of the Bible
are antiquated. 8uch a criticism I can
only characterise as unmltlpatil him.
combe. The church has never commit
ted herself to such a wooden theory of
inspiration. The Inspired writer is not
wriiina a text dook or scienro. Ha alma
at reugioue ana moral instruction and
makes use of the crude scientific con
ceptions of his time as a vehicle of his
thought He is teaching religion, not
science, and tho Catholic church de
clares that tha teaching is true. The
inspired ' writer mav claaa that ptaa.
and Crustacea among the fishes and bats
among birds to the great scandal of the
Charter Open to Those Who
Can Tell of Kecord
Breaking Crops.
Men's Outing Suits
Boys' Wash Suits
Men's and Boys? Straw Hats
All Panama Hits
One-Htalf 5ff Regular
When You Sec It in Our Ad, Ifs So
Judge Em and MJbn" Kyle Describe
Some Wonderful Yields Banning I
Close to Seventy Bushejg-to the
1 I r UU I
v uvuimovuijiir, Dv.
capital snsiness College, Salem. Ore.
good for 10
ron. One
months' tuition
valus 1100.
Ores-oa Conservatory of Knato, Port-
wnn, course in piano with in
struction unaer H. Hurlburt-Bd
waraa, wciudln- use,pf music, value
Zo0. ti
Bngens Bnslnsss Collesa. n.
gon.. One scholarship in commercial or
iciivB repute course, vaiue tioo.
western AiMmn ' of amh
ua iinsaoo n w. M. Xasmns.
principal, Portland, Oregon. One schol-
araniu m cnuico OI VOCai. DlSnO. vlnlln
atle art value 1200.
Xolmes-Plandara Wrlwmta Mnimi a
1.-4 iz - ' v . tt fni
v.iwi, viiv acnuiaranip good I or
yv tt a inwui university prepare
tion. one year's normal course, or prt
tlcal English course -for one and one
half years, valued nt 1150.
- Oregon Lav Oollan. nmnmAMA.i
""VSt rvxvmw, wregoa, Scholar
shin in the first two vaara nt tli,
...i:.. Visa 7 - ' -
(miasms acnooi or znmaiiim m-
rrivsm na class instruc
tion to the value. of 1226.
Albany CoUegs, Albany, Oregon. Tui
tion for one school vear In aithr n..
aemio or-college oepartment.
Fenaieton Business CoUegs, Pendleton.
Oretron. Value of scholarship Iioo.
miwi - - ami l ira niir. amm., m
reaaer, seacn or -eiocnuon. oratory naa
dramatlo art. -Portland. Ortma. .
""nip Kmmnir leasons to, value of 200.
ywuaina- umrinuj, - jTOruana, a
scholarshlo nrovldlnar for fnltinn
dinners on school days during - the
-cnooi year, commencing in September,
Value 1100; i" '
Pacifle VnlvsMltv.' flmumim t
"" 1 vnvwm, urairpa, Frank
Thomas Chanman. d rMnr. Tvn whni
arshlps, one valued at ISO. one valued t
ivi.zo. in eimer vocaj nr
a '
Rev. House Says Modern Life Is Too
' Much Opposed to Symphony.
An exhortation to avoid rag-time In
favor of the symphony was the bur
den of the Rev. E. L. House's sermon at
the First Congregational church last
night He declared that modern life Is
too apt to consist of the "ta ra ra de airs, tne product and vo-
cuun ax ui moral ourroon.
"When Ood said that Erekial was
very lively sonar ha naM him v,iv.
" tl . i . . a
vviMituuoMk, Miu iwv. or, nouse. sLv
ry iiuwb nie is some Kind of a song
and the song he sings gives him his
rating oeiore tne world. It Is tru that
a man must go through a atruare-U tn
sing a lively sons. So minor atralnm
Part of Ufe7e oratorio. But the
'"' must give way to light, de
spair to . hope and the minor to the
luajur m urn uasters teacning." .
nn I na.r wnan fhAiiaan. m.
have no more serious numnu in lira
man iu uaan lor jl race tragic nr a hall
and scanty gown the highest object of
iu iT i7iuce "nmoriai . souis live aa
l"5" o were . a aeoauch and the
nui.u ruuen ana juav imw.
wheat crops that run anywhere from SO
to 100 bushels to the acre is eligible
to the Oregon Wheat club started by
Judge W. R. Kills and "Jim Kyle at
the Imperial hotel thlstnornlng.
The congressman started off with
story about the wonderful yield of more
than t bushels to the acre raised by
Thomas J. Kirk on his 10-acre tract
near Athena.
"What do you think of that Jim.'
asked Judge" Ellis. "Some of that wheat
ran more than 70 bushels to the acre,
and part of it warehouse measure
"That Is pretty good," said the Mr.
Kyle, who will harvest a record-break
ing crop of "spuds ' on his place near
Echo next month. "I haven t a story
that will beat that, put Lioweu Korere
and Louis Rothrock, raised 65 bushels
to the acre on their place near East
land this year."
After Jonathan Bourne's former man
ager for eastern Oregon finished, Fred
Walters, commissioner "for Umatilla
county, told about the crop of Hugh
Walters near Helix.
"Hugh raised 48 H bushels to the acre
for a whole crop on a half-section. That
will help soma
Judge Ellis nronosed the election of
Mr. Walters to the wheat club and he
waa taken In unanimously.
'men xonowea stones by tne cnarter
members about wheat crops, potatoes
and other produca
The old Prospect ranch of I.E00 acres
between Echo jmd Cold Springs, oper-
Third and Oal$
ated by MV Cameron, will return not
lass than S bushels to the acre, which
is considered a remarkable crop. Otbftr
wheat crops running from 19 to to
bushels to tha acre were recounted by
the trio. Then Mr. Kyle told of Thorns,
the bee man. who secured as much as
three caaea of honey to the stand front
his place on Butter creek near below
"Well, Jim." said Judge Ellis, ws
will eat this winter if we can't do any.
thing else, ehT"
"Eatf" mused the political manager.
"Eat?" Why we will feel sorry for you
when you are back In Washington this
year running the government while we
are eating wheat cakes and honey."
This Will Help Lot.
(Special Dispatch to The Jtaraal.)
North Powder Or, Aug. 19. The
North Powder Lumber company paid
its emnloves In town Saturday tie. 000.
The estimate for next months payroll
is izz.uuu.
Dyspepsia Is America's curse. Bur
dock Blood Bitters conquers dyspepsia
every time. It drives out Impurities,
tones the stomach, restores perfect di
gestion, normal weight and. good health.
I Ii
is sot dirt cult-matter when yon.
combination of most durahU Var
nish and Stains for Interior Wood
Work, Floors, Furniture, eta. v
fisher Jfaorseo & Co.
X. O. Seed Vow With Os
Prsaoh piano Comoanv.
Ml. Bert Reed, for mora thn nn
years associated with the Allen-Gilbert
Piano company this citv. haa hMn an.
EPln.lJiL Dy tne executive board of 'the
Reed-French Comnanv their wnatam
reUry. The Reed-French- Piano com-
THE OREGON JOURNAL, Portland, Oregon:
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Scholsrship by subscribing to the. . .
Indicate here
whether NEW or
OLD subscription
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JOURNAL lor the
period of .months beeinnlnf . .... ;. . ., . 1907.T
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DIRECTIONS-Point. not credited to Contestant nnlesi CASH accom
panies the order.,
points, remit direct to The Journal r give the, money to the'con'teUnt yon
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vu litw 9-.iuimvu ivi muj jfmj imm viis inoniQ,
. I.
pany within One short vear haa limnn
strated a first-class piano can be sold
jyr a. uomparauvei v smau amount. -Un
til recently retailers aaked lion an
over for a good- piano; Reed-French
company sell the same grade piano for
800 and make no bnnaa ahnnt anwi.i
discounta Their fall atyle Reed-French
is a marvel of beauty and they ask 1280
for It 110 down and 8 a month. .
(Special Dispatch to The JooraaLl -
K LaGrands, Or., Aug. 19. In tha an
I nasi county teachers' -examination tht
following teachers paased:
First grade E. W. Allen. Claude 8.
Rice. Constance R. Shaw Rail am.
John F. . Frost, Mrs. Essie Oreen, Delia
Penning, Gertrude Biever, Mollis Min
nlck. Willis Wright Leia Ollflllen. m-
iie xtuungs. Mra M.
U Maworth. Eff
Second gradeIda Heath, Ida Huntei
us&Deui nwaniii, nmi 1.
Edith U Bork, Helen McHugh.
Third grade Mollle- Snyder. Anna Tt
uraco. -nv wvua. n u, fWl Woods,
Ira Krlnglea Pora Denning, Margaret
Tuesday, the 20th. will be tha
day to- receive discount on east side
gas bills..-;' , ; - , . ,v
r Preferred Stock Oaaned Ooeia. '"'
Alien Lewis' Best Brand, , -
All our high grade summer skirts will
go at decided reductions this week. Read
I these specials:
' Skirts'; that, sold up to $25, fine Taffeta'
Altmahs and French Voiles, at
I Skirts : that. sold, up to $10, Panamas,
blues, grays and blacks, at
. $3.98
We invite you to look at the new dress
t skirts now being shown. AH the smartest
' new materials', and style features for the
corning season. . ' t
i All f slimmer ..apparel must go. ' Shirt
waist Suits, worth up to $15
iiShirtwaist and Princess Dresses, worth
up to $37.50 , : r
$9.75 .
See the largest and most complete as
sortment of new Fall Suits.
' We've grouped many odd lots and
broken styles' of elegant waists in desir
able patterns. Have been selling in reg
ular way, up to $5.00, on bargain table for
Long Fall Coats
New fall coats, samples; lvalues up to
Bathing Suits .
$10.00 Values r. . .,$3.75
$ 7.50 Value $2.75
$ 6.50 Values . ... .$2.25
$ 5.00 Values .$1.75
Select YdnfiNciv Fall and Winter (at From the Largest
and Retail